26 what do?

>low energy
>incredibly low libido
>morning wood once in a blue moon
>shit mood
>scaly skin
>no fire in my belly even with lifting
>weak, water thin loads
>find it hard to gain muscle or lose weight even when somewhat young
>can’t stay hard.

Look, usually I hate resorting to baww threads and hypochondria but should I get blood done?
Is this low T? I figure it was a sign to worry when I stopped getting morning wood at just 24 but it’s only gotten worse. I’ve tried being more active but nothing.
Should I get my Free test levels checked

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  1. 7 months ago

    Yes. You obviously should get your t checked. I'd also bet that your b vitamins and vitamin d are low based on your list of issues. Get a full panel done.

  2. 7 months ago

    Yeah go let the israelites kill u

  3. 7 months ago

    yesterday was today and tomorrow is now.
    Sneed is forever.
    >*Two steps from Hell music starts playing*

  4. 7 months ago

    Check thyroid levels for Hashimoto’s or Hypothyroidism

    • 7 months ago

      Let me guess, you:

      drink caffeine every day

      Never drink electrolytes

      Don’t track your calories/macros

      Don’t lift with intensity or till failure

      Scroll your phone in gym

      Don’t take adequate rest

      Play your zoomer gamer console too often too late

      Have poor sleep hygiene

      Don’t go to church

      Dang I wonder why you’re a pussy it’s a real mystery

      Thanks for not being morons and acruslly answering me without gay zoomer homosexual memes & outdated lingo

      • 7 months ago

        The israelites will kill u

        • 7 months ago

          I outgrown my pol phase, my doctor isn’t even white. Kys

          Stop fapping and overeating for 3 days and most of your problems will disappear

          I eat 1650 cals a day, which is not a surplus for 5’11, and I jerk off once in a blue moon. Frick your nofap bs

          • 7 months ago

            Uou don't need blood woek you sound like a fucjing b***h
            Why don't u lift some actual weights and eat some food not counting calories like some teenage b***h
            I hope the israelites kill you

            • 7 months ago

              Learn to type you moronic ESL homosexual
              >the JOOOOZ
              Unironically take your meds

              • 7 months ago

                The israelites won't kill you, they let trannies like u live

          • 7 months ago

            You eat a 1000kcal deficit daily and are wondering why you're fatigued?

          • 7 months ago

            >1650 cals a day
            holy frick eat more food you absolute moron

            • 7 months ago

              Cope. Fatty ever heard of a cut

              Have you considered maybe you're just being punished by God for being a terrible person?

              no, because he’s not real

              Do you watch porn? Are you a coomer?

              I don’t watch porn but I fap

          • 7 months ago

            You def need to eat more. I'm also 5'11 and I eat 2,500 for cutting and I'm actively losing weight.

  5. 7 months ago

    Let me guess, you:

    drink caffeine every day

    Never drink electrolytes

    Don’t track your calories/macros

    Don’t lift with intensity or till failure

    Scroll your phone in gym

    Don’t take adequate rest

    Play your zoomer gamer console too often too late

    Have poor sleep hygiene

    Don’t go to church

    Dang I wonder why you’re a pussy it’s a real mystery

    • 7 months ago

      I am not OP but do you have any knowledge to share on electrolytes? How do i know if i am getting enough and where do you even get these from?

      • 7 months ago

        Bulk electrolyte powder and DYOR DYEL I’m not a fricking search engine moron

        • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      going to church increases test?
      like how, taking it in the ass from the lawd

    • 7 months ago

      jehovas witness from reddit with the holy spacing

    • 7 months ago

      >Reddit spacing

    • 7 months ago

      >reddit spacing

  6. 7 months ago

    Take tren, test and become the next sam sulek

  7. 7 months ago

    Its all rizz

  8. 7 months ago

    Imagine touching her legs

  9. 7 months ago

    Stop fapping and overeating for 3 days and most of your problems will disappear

    • 7 months ago

      Fake news, been doing this for 4 days already and still feel the same

  10. 7 months ago

    Imagine saying hi to her
    She seems bubly

  11. 7 months ago

    >scaly skin
    >weak loads

    You are of that age, you are becoming full reptile. Embrace it and shed your human exterior in the next full moon

  12. 7 months ago

    How is your sleep quality, when I get good sleep, I get morning wood, have energy etc, shit sleep, the exact opposite, my deviated septum has gotten worse and my sleep has been BAD for 8 months, and I’ve put on a good 20 pounds. I never used to snore before, now my wife says I snore, gonna get surgery to fix the problem soon,

  13. 7 months ago

    Why are younworried about T when it's obvious you want to transition
    You're already half way there
    Imagine being in the prime of life, counting calories like some Karen on weight watchers
    Not lifting heavy
    Wondering why you're useless

    • 7 months ago

      T. Samegay
      Also nice fatty cope, zyzz, Sam and Seid all count cals. You’d know that if you weren’t a porker

      The israelites won't kill you, they let trannies like u live

      leave. You are a loser because of your own shortcomings, not the joooz

      Imagine her holding your hand
      You are walking through somewhere and
      You both pause she looks up at you and you kiss, she whispers i love you, as your eyes lock and she looks at you with those huge eyes, full of love, respect
      And you look back at her, with the shoulders stature and strength, and protection, of a 1.5pl8 ohp and 4pl8 deadlift for reps

      kys coomer.

      • 7 months ago

        kys moron, whiny homosexual b***h

        • 7 months ago

          >polcel calling anyone whiny
          Frick iff my thread, leave midget freak. No one will miss you ESL tourist

  14. 7 months ago

    Imagine her holding your hand
    You are walking through somewhere and
    You both pause she looks up at you and you kiss, she whispers i love you, as your eyes lock and she looks at you with those huge eyes, full of love, respect
    And you look back at her, with the shoulders stature and strength, and protection, of a 1.5pl8 ohp and 4pl8 deadlift for reps

  15. 7 months ago

    Are you looking for someone to tell you to hop on TRT? Cause, TRT would fix just about all those symptoms. If anything, getting your levels checked wouldn’t hurt (but let’s be honest, if you’re willing to go that far you might as well get TRT)

    >t. Somone who gave up their natty card a year and a half ago and has been running TRT. feeling my absolute best, great mood and energy levels, strong libido, and making my best gains. Stay mad and keep coping nattys, I’ve had the most productive year of my life for my gains, career, and social life.

    • 7 months ago

      A little bit yeah. I’m only 26 but if I have to go through life living like this I’d rather rope
      I tried really hard being “natty” and have a weird compulsion to stay natty but if my natural T is fricked I just don’t see a point
      Ig if I’m in the same position next year I might just inject.
      I’m not getting any younger

      • 7 months ago

        This is comedy

        • 7 months ago

          The polack is still here. Lmao

          Not gonna tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, all I can do is offer my knowledge.
          Here’s the difference between TRT and doing cycle levels of test.

          Trt is only meant to get your test levels to normal healthy amounts, maybe a little bit over. Contrary to popular belief, taking a medicinal amount won’t crash your natural test. Otherwise you’d have to keep injecting more and more amounts of test to get your levels back up, which hasn’t been the case for me or anyone else I know on it. You can pretty much stay on TRT indefinitely. If you wanna get off it and go back to your natural levels. You just simply ween off and you go back to where you are now.

          People who take test for competition are the ones who run all the risks people talk about. Those are the who are trying to put on as much muscle as they can. They are taking way more than the body is used to producing, so to compensate it’ll shut down test production to try to balance it out. These are dudes blasting 500+ mg weekly, sometimes way more. TRT is usually administered in 100-200 mg/week, to give you an idea.

          what made you want to take it

          • 7 months ago

            You're one of the most pathethic, Stupidest posters I've ever seen here
            You're not even aware of what you're saying
            Disaster bro. Beyond pathethic

            • 7 months ago

              >he keeps samegayging like no one will notice it’s just the one polack buttmad someone is going to take TRT
              Lmao not muh trt! Muh natty card! The jooz!
              Like why even live at that point lmao
              Enjoy the last you
              Muh calorie counts! XD

          • 7 months ago

            Honestly, I looked at it as more of a “quality of life investment”. I got checked and my levels were in the mid-low range. I workout 5 days a week, eat healthy, take vitamins, get sunlight, don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t really eat goyslop, get plenty rest. What more could I do to naturally increase my levels? It’s not like I’m not doing all the right things or I chose to poison our food supply with plastics and chemicals. Wasn’t even really about the gains, just felt the mood, energy abc confidence levels would help me feel my best and give me the courage to take risks and tackle the world. Sure enough, it did. I could give a shit less about a natty card (which was some dumb cope that made me not do it for so long) cause I’m living the best life I can now.

            • 7 months ago

              nta but I have really been thinking about trt for quality of life reasons. I guess I should just get my levels checked and if it's low I might as well do it sick of being low energy all the time.

              • 7 months ago

                For me, the extra gains are more or less the frosting. I knew that would be a an extra perk since I lift and live a healthy lifestyle, but going into it I knew TRT would benefit my life even outside the gym. And all the things you do to optimize your health are only gonna make you feel that much better cause now you don’t have bad hormones working against you.

                It’s good to get your levels checked. I do it every 3 months. If your levels are fine, then don’t worry about it until you’re older ig. But I stand by my decision and say it was one of the best quality of life investments I’ve made.

            • 7 months ago

              What is the mid-low range? I got checked and had normal levels but never have energy no matter how much I sleep.

              • 7 months ago

                I think I tested at 535 ng/ml.

              • 7 months ago

                hmm ok I'm 560 so maybe I would benefit.

            • 7 months ago

              >protein based diet (paleo, I guess), no goyslop
              >don't smoke
              >don't drink alcohol
              >don't do drugs
              >work out 3 times a week (rarely ever get into that pumped up state, it's just going through the motions)
              >drink at least 2½-3 L water everyday


              >bad sleep
              >bad digestion/bowel movement
              >hair, body hair, facial hair thin and falling out
              >balls shrank to a size when I was a child
              >no random boners anymore
              >extremely rare and weak morning wood
              >sweat body odor changed, none of that musky stuff, just some onion smell
              >weaker and weaker erections, only occasionally get the insane level horniness and erections I used to get just a few years ago when I take about 30-40 mg of zinc on empty stomach in the morning

              I'm 30 and I was always an extreme hornball, it can't frickin be "just age" and "natural" or "stress"
              getting on the diet actually helped with sleep and digestion etc., but it didn't stop the decline in manliness
              went to doctor, told them all of this, did test, my values are close to the lowest acceptable values and they told me
              >that's fine, you're normal...no, we won't give you T...your problems' source? I don't know lmao must be all in your head

              any good sources/tips on getting TRT?

              • 7 months ago

                Avoid polyester clothing especially underwear, avoid cooking with plastic tools or storing food in plastic.
                Get a water filter, birth control is pissed into the water supply.

        • 7 months ago

          You're one of the most pathethic, Stupidest posters I've ever seen here
          You're not even aware of what you're saying
          Disaster bro. Beyond pathethic


      • 7 months ago

        Not gonna tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, all I can do is offer my knowledge.
        Here’s the difference between TRT and doing cycle levels of test.

        Trt is only meant to get your test levels to normal healthy amounts, maybe a little bit over. Contrary to popular belief, taking a medicinal amount won’t crash your natural test. Otherwise you’d have to keep injecting more and more amounts of test to get your levels back up, which hasn’t been the case for me or anyone else I know on it. You can pretty much stay on TRT indefinitely. If you wanna get off it and go back to your natural levels. You just simply ween off and you go back to where you are now.

        People who take test for competition are the ones who run all the risks people talk about. Those are the who are trying to put on as much muscle as they can. They are taking way more than the body is used to producing, so to compensate it’ll shut down test production to try to balance it out. These are dudes blasting 500+ mg weekly, sometimes way more. TRT is usually administered in 100-200 mg/week, to give you an idea.

  16. 7 months ago

    Wait are you supposed to feel a fire in your belly? Ive felt that maybe twice or so in my life. 25

  17. 7 months ago

    >on fit in 2023
    >buttmad someone is taking trt
    I shiggy diggy

  18. 7 months ago

    Overtraining, never set foot in a gym again, its poison

    • 7 months ago

      Stop transitioning


  19. 7 months ago

    Stop transitioning

  20. 7 months ago

    going through something similar
    get ready that doctors will try to gaslight you into
    >it's all in your head
    >it's psychosomatic stress, just take xanax
    >maybe you have gender disphoria?
    >just meditate and drink herbal tea
    >your levels are totally normal... what? why did you check on the internet? no, they're not way below average for your age... trust me, I'm a doctor... no I can't give you T, that's dangerous... well yeah I gave Jessica, age 9 some T but she has gender disphoria, you're just stressed and need xanax

    never act like a dumb b***h in front of doctors. be adamant that you certainly have problems while otherwise living a healthy lifestyle

    • 7 months ago

      Testosterone fixes a lot of stuff for men, I listened to a podcast Starting Strength about it, interesting stuff.

  21. 7 months ago

    Same exact problem. I'm 27 now and it's really bad. I feel so numb. I had made some improvements with diet and sleep. But not a lot. Sometimes I remember how energetic and excited I would get at 22 and younger and miss it so much
    I'll monitor this list. I also wanted to take fin to help my hair. But at this point I might completely break me

  22. 7 months ago

    Im bored....right now...

    >Let me guess, you:
    >drink caffeine every day
    Yes, sir.
    >Never drink electrolytes
    Is this the Geto Raid type shit ?
    >Don’t track your calories/macros
    Eyeballing at its best.
    >Don’t lift with intensity or till failure
    I don't even lift...
    >Scroll your phone in gym
    Nothing to scroll....like honestly...
    >Don’t take adequate rest
    I like to sleep.
    >Play your zoomer gamer console too often too late
    Sold it last year , I miss fifa...
    >Have poor sleep hygiene
    See above.
    >Don’t go to church

  23. 7 months ago

    honestly the landscape in which we live is designed to destroy testosterone levels, you can either wage an all out war and change every facet of your life or just pin test. I prefer to adjust the landscape because the test is in oil and I believe the most unhealthy part of injecting test is injecting the fricking carrier seed oil directly into your muscle.

    but you probably know all the memes:
    avoid plastic, drink spring water, eat grass fed beef, drink raw milk, sun your balls, sungaze, walk outside barefoot, circadian rhythm, no screens after dark, don't touch receipts, don't buy processed food, eat raw honey, have sex, wear natural fibers, be outdoors as much as possible, be outside the city as much as possible, sleep a lot, meditate

  24. 7 months ago

    I'm so tired of demoraLister.

    • 7 months ago

      >asking about trt is le demoralising
      Holy frick. Imagine being this much of a pussy, you need IST artificially tailored so your poor mental health doesn’t suffer for the injustice of someone not being natty
      If you’re this sensitive you’re not gonna make it in the real world and I recommend one roping. Jesus h. Christ bunch of soft wieners in here
      “Muh demoralizing”!

  25. 7 months ago

    Have you considered maybe you're just being punished by God for being a terrible person?

  26. 7 months ago

    I've literally always felt like this, am 20 now.
    Who do you talk to to get trt ? Is it possible outside of the USA ? yuropoor here

  27. 7 months ago

    Fix ur diet, eat red meat, avoid seed oils and fast food. Eat eggs and animal fats.
    Get sun or supplement vitamin D3.
    Supplement magnesium.
    Get 7 hours sleep every day.

    Are you stressed? Chronic stress kills libido.

  28. 7 months ago

    Do you watch porn? Are you a coomer?

  29. 7 months ago

    >day 26 NNN
    >day 26 /nocaffeine/
    >Lift religously x3 per week
    >Eat 160g + protein every signle day
    >Drink OJ every day

    Still depressed af and low energy WTF IS GOING ON

    • 7 months ago

      Do you get sun? Vitamin D?

      • 7 months ago

        >Avoid polyester clothing especially underwear
        yes i walk my dog for 30mins in the sun every morning. I supplement k2 aswell.

        • 7 months ago

          Could be a mental thing, like depression. Try a new hobby, meet some new people and switch something up.

          • 7 months ago

            Like what hobbies?

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