>264 pounds, 510 with a lot of neck fat and a small pot belly

>264 pounds, 5’10 with a lot of neck fat and a small pot belly

>watch portions, swapped out iffy foods with vegetables and meat proteins

>don’t eat huge portions or ever eat out at fast food restaurants

>dont drink sugary drinks, only water and tea

Not losing any weight and still look bulbous especially in the face.

Over than the fact my work schedule makes it hard for me to work out, wtf am I doing wrong?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Describe what you typically eat in a day.

    • 7 months ago

      Mornings are usually green tea, I eat a peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich on potatoe bread

      Don’t typically eat. Lunch but I eat peanut butter pretzels, raisins and water as a small snack or tuna/chicken

      And dinners are usually chicken, stir fry with various peppers, sausage and mushrooms

      • 7 months ago

        >peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich on potatoe bread
        this is disgustingly unhealthy
        >peanut butter pretzels, raisins
        this is also disgustingly unhealthy. raisins are pretty much pure sugar. peanut butter is sugar combined with fat, in other words exactly what you should be avoiding. They are both extremely calorie dense as well so you probably are consuming way more calories than you think you are.

        Cut out the peanut butter and mayo, eat real foods instead.

        • 7 months ago

          Thanks anon, I greatly appreciate it, I always thought the peanut butter was good for protein

          Should I switch to peanuts instead?

          • 7 months ago

            Switch to fruits and vegetables. Grapes and water melon are probably the worst fruit and apples are the best. Try salads and chicken and pork dishes, just make sure they don't have too much butter lard or cream in them. Avoid fried foods. Eat lots of rice and beans and legumes and stuff too.

          • 7 months ago

            Peanuts have a decent amount of protein, but are high in fat. Store-bought peanut butter also has added sugar. Mayonnaise is pure fat.

            Your objective should be to replace calorie-dense foods with more satiating ones. Typically, this means high in protein and/or fiber.

            For breakfast specifically, good options can include:
            >Oatmeal with milk
            >Strained (Greek) yogurt
            >Cottage cheese
            >Whole wheat toast with low- or no-sugar-added jam

            In general, take a look at the ingredients label when you buy something. The shorter it is, the better it will tend to be. If there are a bunch of ultra-refined ingredients or things you can't pronounce, try to look for alternatives. For example, if you buy peanut butter, it should only have 2 ingredients: peanuts and salt. Added sugars and whatnot will add to the calorie load but won't make you feel any more full.

        • 7 months ago

          Any tips on facial workouts for my face, I’m really self conscious of it and have a beard just to hide how bad my face got

  2. 7 months ago

    Watch shotcaller. Imagine richard golden in an environment like that.

  3. 7 months ago

    reddit moment

  4. 7 months ago

    >small pot belly
    well first off anon, you should probably off being honest with yourself before lying to IST about your diet

    • 7 months ago

      I mean it’s noticeable, but it’s not a complete pot belly, my face definitely is pudgy two years ago I had a slim face

    • 7 months ago

      I would also love to say I’m down below 200 pounds but that’s not the case

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah that Black person is delusional.
      I'm one inch shorter and I've been 287lb+ down to 185lb and currently feeling like a fatass at 215lb. I had a fat fricking gut at 185lb and could never describe my fat as a small pot belly.

  5. 7 months ago

    if you actually wanted to find out you would count calories. there is no magic pill .. just eat less

    • 7 months ago

      Could I do runs or walks if I started counting calories to make sure I don’t get loose skin if my weight loss starts happening miraculously?

      • 7 months ago

        Just estimate cals. Walk sure but eh running is too hard when you're heavier than normal.

        It's oddly easy but...you have to mindfrick yourself and enjoy being hungry or ngmi. It's ok to be hungry in fact it makes you stronger. Like those who hunted their prey for 10 hours they did it while hungry it was the way. You're now a hungry man.

        • 7 months ago

          I was told being hungry isn’t too good and might develop seizures or gain if you keep starving yourself and skip meals

          • 7 months ago

            that only happens if you cut too many calories too abruptly, you cant lose weight without feeling somewhat hungry once in a while, being slightly hungry once in a while wont kill you

          • 7 months ago

            Nope, that's total bullshit. In fact, enduring hunger is one of the easiest and most surefire ways to lose weight and has zero negative health consequences unless taken to ridiculous extremes.

      • 7 months ago

        You are 260 at 5'10". You will have loose skin no matter what you do.

  6. 7 months ago

    >Over than the fact my work schedule makes it hard for me to work out

    Fatty cope. I work 7am-7pm at a physical job. I still go to the gym before work for 2 hours.

    You aren't losing weight because you're eating too many calories. Count them. Yes, get a scale and measure everything you put in your mouth. Dont forget sauces and drinks.
    If you're too much of a lazy fat to do that, then measure out 2 meals you can eat every day, make sure they add up to 1800 calories. Make a bunch of them. Eat only that.

    Only way to lose weight is to do it. Stop eating so much. Eat better. Lift. Its not hard.

  7. 7 months ago

    >small pot belly
    Don't lie to yourself but keep at it buddy.

    Be patient, watch the diet, make your reps & get some cardio in,

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