30 yrs old and up

how do you compare physically to those around you who are around the same age?

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  1. 7 months ago

    I'm 56 and physically look an order of magnitude better than those around me the same age, simply because I lift a little, and don't eat like crap. It's an easy win really.
    Facially..not so much so.

    • 7 months ago

      Can I ask how you found this site? I've been here since around '08 or so, and it seems as though the number of older people has increased over the years.

      • 7 months ago

        >the number of older people has increased over the years.

        Are you actually moronic?

      • 7 months ago

        Dunno really, just lurched into it mindlessly surfing, and stayed for the larfs over clueless young'uns.

      • 7 months ago

        >people get older over the years
        Thanks for the laugh broseph

    • 7 months ago

      >Facially..not so much so.
      >he didn't sunscreen max

    • 7 months ago

      comedically ahead of them
      that said, I have no kids, so I have a lot more time
      (wife can't have kids, sadly)

      most males my age just look like shit. If they ever tried, they've stopped trying - and not just lifting, they also look like shit all around, shitty grooming and the like.

      most females my age will make you shudder.

      >simply because I lift a little, and don't eat like crap.
      I tell ya, man, I'm only middle age, but anyone can see that the gap between people who exercise and people who don't only grows bigger with age.
      I could care less if fitness makes me live longer - I just know that it'll make me live better. My grandfather lived into his mid 90s and never used a walker or any of that shit. Two days before he died he drove himself to a restaurant for lunch. He was WWII infantry and never stopped doing the calisthenics. You'd think he was afraid he'd need to fight the Japs again.

      • 7 months ago

        >most females my age will make you shudder


  2. 7 months ago

    39. Leaner than almost anyone else my age. Actually was skelly most of my mid-thirties after I quit drinking. Now hanging at about 158 at about 14% bf. Don't really care about getting big, just bulking out my arms a bit, running about 9 miles almost every day. Most guys who look better than me at the same age are on gear. That's my blog post.

    • 7 months ago

      >running about 9 miles almost every day

      That's certainly killing your gains.

    • 7 months ago

      Auschwitz mode. Eat a burger, skeletor

    • 7 months ago

      Wimp. I’d give you a nuggie, check your oil, then push you into a locker, then smell my finger

  3. 7 months ago

    I'm 30, I mog all my friends who settled and now they complain because I'm still fricking early 20s chicks because I mog most zoomers too

  4. 7 months ago

    Poor diet/exercise and hair loss are starting to catch up with my peers.
    Shame there are no lifts to fix your face, though.

    • 7 months ago

      You look fine man, chill. Don't be so hard on yourself.

      • 7 months ago

        Pretty sure that's not the actual guy in the picture. People have been reposting his shit for weeks or months. I guess some resident schizos got tired of posting the same couple of images on /cbt/ over and over gain.

    • 7 months ago


      nice, keep it up!


      Pretty good for 50. I need one more cut to get me to the low teens body fat and I will become the worlds oldest male underwear model.
      I get mistaken for being 35-40 all the time.
      Consider that the Skipper, Archie Bunker and Boss Hogg were all about my age when they made those tv shows

      KEEP IT UP


      I look like this and can say confidently 99.999% of the people my age look like shit and have given up. unless you took fitness serious your whole life don't bet on getting a hot gf/wife you don't deserve it since you didn't work for it buddy.

      lookin good


      >36yr old
      Most people my age are working out consistently. Maybe it’s just my line of work.

      fit keeps winning


      36 and people always act shocked to learn that. I’m sure that is partially flattery but I do mog typicall mid 30s. Stay fit, keep your hair, live young, and dress somewhat fashionable without looking like you’re trying to dress like a teenager. You will mog and get young women if that’s what you wanna do

      these threads make me smile

    • 7 months ago

      You look like shit

  5. 7 months ago

    I am IST for 8 years straight by now, lift and eat better than anyone around me.

    I am also a kissless virgin though so I guess it cancels everything out h-haha

  6. 7 months ago

    Stronger both physically and mentally also, I look younger than most my age and still with full head of hair. Why the hell 90% of men start balding in their 30s? Does it have something to do with getting wife and starting family? Because I have neither of those.

    • 7 months ago

      Nah I have a wife and family and my hair is fine.

  7. 7 months ago

    They are weak. I am strong. Feels good.

    • 7 months ago

      This. I'm 32 and in the best shape of my life. Only one of my friends exercises with any consistency, but he can't keep it at a regular schedule because of the whole wife+kid+job with travel messing with his recovery.

    • 7 months ago

      Taking pleasure in other misfortune is weak person behavior

      • 7 months ago


  8. 7 months ago

    I'm in pretty much the exact same shape as in my 20s, just with less hair.
    Most people around me my age have gotten pudgy at the very least though.
    People just let themselves go at the first excuse that presents itself.

  9. 7 months ago

    Pretty good for 50. I need one more cut to get me to the low teens body fat and I will become the worlds oldest male underwear model.
    I get mistaken for being 35-40 all the time.
    Consider that the Skipper, Archie Bunker and Boss Hogg were all about my age when they made those tv shows

    • 7 months ago

      Sexy daddy

  10. 7 months ago

    not being fat 30+ puts you 90% ahead.

  11. 7 months ago

    I am 31 and my hair hangs past my nips
    The scale and my lifts are both going upward.
    My back account is quite large

    Life is good

    • 7 months ago

      >My back account is quite large
      Like big v-taper?
      You can do heavy rows and lots of pull-ups?

      Nobody accounts for the back until the back accountant bust in and flares his wings

      • 7 months ago

        [Laughs in healthy savings] you did catch my typo there. Thankfully v taper is beginning to show nicely. Good job lil homie

  12. 7 months ago

    I have no wealth, look kinda good but I'm balding fast, kinda chubby with a lot of self guilt while I shouldn't, I got divorced by a rich b***h when it lasted 4days

    • 7 months ago

      brendan fraser-esque

    • 7 months ago

      You look around 36 but could easily reduce it by fixing the hair and losing weight.

    • 7 months ago

      Lose the chub + fin & minox + new wardrobe

      Might be able to pull of the gopnik/eurotrash look if you get reasonably IST but I wouldn't bet on it.

    • 7 months ago

      dude you got a nice face, listen to the other anons and dont dress yourself like a dope
      you might look good and aggressive with a buzzcut, hard to say though.

    • 7 months ago

      yeah lose some weight. I had similar proportions as you but started to look much better when my cheeks got concave

    • 7 months ago

      Get a nose job and betray your tribe

    • 7 months ago

      seriously, what the frick do ~~*they*~~ inject white babies with that causes them baldness smol peens and weak genes??

  13. 7 months ago

    For the most part I'm better than people around my age, but that's because most everyone around my age is fat.

  14. 7 months ago

    45 here.
    Well,….never been fat nor super skinny. I lift consciously (no egolifting) and do a more than decent amount of cardio during the week (running, mountain biking and paddel-surfing). I have a family and working mostly from home helps to maintain this lifestyle.
    I keep long hair (…enter FIN) and barely have signs of gray hair.
    Of course, a big thing here is genetics but I’ve been able to take advantage out of it and improved a lot through the years.
    Yeah, all my friends look like shit.

  15. 7 months ago

    32, im in great shape, have 2-4 abs depending on the week

  16. 7 months ago

    I’m 34 in my first year of school and I mog zoomers left right and center both physically and intellectually.

    It’s weird how if you do your homework then you do well on tests.

    • 7 months ago

      >I'm 34 imy first year of school
      Anon I..

      • 7 months ago

        Might be former military. I didn't go back to college until I was 28. Had finished a year before I joined though, so I graduated by 31. Turns out higher education is way fricking easier when you have a bit of discipline and understand what you are there for.

    • 7 months ago

      Bro I didn’t go to university until I was 23 and I felt old…

      All I can say is don’t be that weird old guy in the class who asks too many questions and tries to show off how smart he is.

      • 7 months ago

        as a man you shouldn't care how you come off. if you can master not giving a frick women will notice and be attracted to it.

        • 7 months ago

          Trying to be a show off know it all is the opposite of coming across like you don’t give a frick

          • 7 months ago

            Sounds pretty bitter there anon. Did the old guys in your classes make you look like a dumbass? Were you jealous of them breezing through while you struggled?

            • 7 months ago

              Yea that’s exactly what happened

              Now post body

              • 7 months ago

                Why are you so mad? Is it really that easy to trigger you? Relax, take a breath. It'll be ok.

              • 7 months ago

                >getting mad someone who lived longer is better looking and smarter than you

            • 7 months ago

              I have a greentext that is kinda related and I feel like blogposting
              >be me 29
              >never finished school because I had no idea what I was doing and felt like it was a waste of money
              >grind for years but eventually land a cushy office job
              >get promoted internally and become like the number 2 in the office
              >grandma is getting old and always wanted me to get a degree, she agrees to pay for most of it because "I'd rather see you spend my money now when I'm alive than for you to spend it when I'm dead"
              >oof shit grandma fine, I'll go back to school
              >can pretty much do all classes online now which is great since I WFH anyway
              >took a dumb BIO 101 class because it's required and had to show up on campus for the exams
              >shit is so easy, learned all this stuff in high school, it's 101 but still
              >go in to take the final in a tank top and flip flops because idgaf
              >finish that shit in like 20 mins, first to finish
              >as I'm handing in the papers to the prof I notice a girl just absolutely eyefricking me across the lecture hall
              >take the mire and go home
              >a few days pass and I get a follow request on insta
              >it's that girl
              >she must've gotten my name from our online discussions or something and looked me up
              >we talk and I get her to my place eventually and I frick her barely legal brains out
              >was a good summer bros
              >got an 91% on the final btw

              • 7 months ago

                good story anon

                i was 29 in grad school and autistically didn't talk to young undergrads because i thought i'd be the "weird old guy". Now I'm mid 30s, bang undergrad aged girls somewhat regularly and regret not giving a frick back then.

              • 7 months ago
          • 7 months ago

            I never said that. you have an attitude problem if you want to project that kind of autism on others. If you have questions in class you should ask. it doesn't matter how you come off, you paid for your education.

            I was a stud in college I asked tons of questions, it comes off as not being a pussy zoomer.

            • 7 months ago

              > I was a stud in college

              Nobody said shit about asking normal questions. He was talking about guys who hold up class trying to look like le smartest guy in the room

              • 7 months ago

                post your pic. I wanna see what you look like nerd...you scream of LARPing beta male

              • 7 months ago

                i already posted in this thread

                also not the op who first mentioned asking questions in class

      • 7 months ago

        I ask questions when I don’t understand something and have 95-100% in four classes.. I overheard some this dipshit crying about how he didn’t have enough time to finish the same math test I just took (sitting waiting for my next class) and the teacher was a “fricking c**t” for not giving him extra time, sayjng how he did the homework but he cheated on it “like everybody does” talking tk his girlfriend or whatever and they concluded he should file a complaint with the administration.

        I was like “hey man, I just took that same test and I was done in 30 minutes. I’ll be shocked if I missed a single problem; I actually do the homework and go to class. Maybe you should try harder instead of crying to your girlfriend.”

        It was ridiculous.

        Might be former military. I didn't go back to college until I was 28. Had finished a year before I joined though, so I graduated by 31. Turns out higher education is way fricking easier when you have a bit of discipline and understand what you are there for.

        I worked various (actual) chef positions in multiple cities all over the US and needed to change careers.

        • 7 months ago

          >hey man, I just took that same test and I was done in 30 minutes. I’ll be shocked if I missed a single problem; I actually do the homework and go to class. Maybe you should try harder instead of crying to your girlfriend.
          based if real

        • 7 months ago

          I was surprised to learn that majority of my peers don't understand the concept of homework. If you cheat, you cheat yourself.

      • 7 months ago

        All the 30+ guys i knew in college absolutely slayed b***hes with daddy issues, which is all of them.

    • 7 months ago

      >have been doing combat sports for 13 yrs now - mma and K1 - never stopped training, never been out of shape ever since
      >80kg now, fight at 77kg welter weight
      >body is wiry ottermode. do a lot of sports specific lifting and combat sports training
      >best shape of my life
      >look better than everyone in my social circle.
      >people usually mistake me for 27 or 28. feelsgoodman

      I joined university at the age of 26, again for second degree. i have to say that going to uni when you are a bit more mature is one of the biggest powerplays that a man can do. if you have, at least, average social skills, there is nothing more fun than that.

  17. 7 months ago

    I look like this and can say confidently 99.999% of the people my age look like shit and have given up. unless you took fitness serious your whole life don't bet on getting a hot gf/wife you don't deserve it since you didn't work for it buddy.

    • 7 months ago

      Roid troony with troony gf

    • 7 months ago

      lookin' good, mate, good shape

      I'm bloatmaxing - hitting new PRs at 35, shit that's far beyond the goals I set when I started many years ago, that said, I'm at 20% BF, so my abs are very hidden.
      My FFMI puts me in the "likely roiding" category - but then again, I'm fat, so it's not that hard to carry a lot of lean mass under the fat.


      36 and people always act shocked to learn that. I’m sure that is partially flattery but I do mog typicall mid 30s. Stay fit, keep your hair, live young, and dress somewhat fashionable without looking like you’re trying to dress like a teenager. You will mog and get young women if that’s what you wanna do

      >and get young women if that’s what you wanna do
      married, so not really concerned with women, but it's alarming how many young women flirt with me shamelessly - despite the aforementioned guy.


      >Wife and son, 1Y
      >Peak fitness at 25 with low BF and 1,5/2/3/4 for 5 reps
      >Declined since then with injuries, health issues, family and work obligations
      >Still compete successfully, but rarely, in grappling and will hopefully do an amateur MMA fight next year
      >Still better than most my age at 6’2, 200lbs ~15% BF
      >pretty much no friends since having a kid though so don’t really measure up much

      I’ve been okay with other responsibilities taking their toll on me, but I want to reach a new high in fitness next year

      Just got my first "injury" last year - stressed my Lacertus - well, doc said "mild tear" and it would heal up if I took it east for 6 weeks. He was correct. I was being dumb and ego-lifting by trying to keep up with much leaner guys doing pullups.

      When I turned 25, I felt old.

      so did I, I felt older at 25 than I do at 35.

  18. 7 months ago

    >13% body fat and approaching 1/2/3/4
    >can run 5k in 23 min
    >still have my hair
    >$600K household income, going as high as $750K next year depending on promotions and bonuses
    >$1.8M net worth
    I’m thinking it’s pretty good.

    • 7 months ago

      Very nice but you still lose if you don’t have kids. Start breeding.

      • 7 months ago

        >13% body fat and approaching 1/2/3/4
        >can run 5k in 23 min
        >still have my hair
        >$600K household income, going as high as $750K next year depending on promotions and bonuses
        >$1.8M net worth
        I’m thinking it’s pretty good.

        Good catch. And I was about to give him the king of thread award.

  19. 7 months ago

    In the USA if you are NOT fat over 30 then you mog almost everyone. I am 36 and very muscular/fit. I’m able to get younger women pretty easily although my manletism makes it a bit more work

    • 7 months ago

      Manlet here (from a manlet country). What is your secret, fellow shortking?

  20. 7 months ago

    I turn 30 in 2 months and these days people regularly think I am 24 or 25. Instead of getting fat and going bald over the last 5 years I have gotten ripped and stopped my receding hairline which I credit to a low carb high protein diet, OMAD, and only shampooing my hair once a week

  21. 7 months ago

    Very favorably, I'm lean and strong and you can see my abs even when I'm not flexing.

  22. 7 months ago

    and they all had loving wives and children.... but then there's me................

  23. 7 months ago

    >36yr old
    Most people my age are working out consistently. Maybe it’s just my line of work.

  24. 7 months ago

    36 and people always act shocked to learn that. I’m sure that is partially flattery but I do mog typicall mid 30s. Stay fit, keep your hair, live young, and dress somewhat fashionable without looking like you’re trying to dress like a teenager. You will mog and get young women if that’s what you wanna do

    • 7 months ago

      What you do for hair?

      • 7 months ago

        cardio + have good genes

      • 7 months ago

        honestly i just got blessed with good hair genetics. i have a shaggy/curly grown out look rn that girls seem to like. sorry i cant give you any tips

        • 7 months ago

          what do you eat in a day?

    • 7 months ago

      Shoulder routine?

      • 7 months ago

        I built most my gains doing powerlifting, but always did plenty of accessories. Usually seated DB press and lateral raises.

        For the last year I have not really don't dedicated shoulder work aside from lateral raises and rear delt fly because I feel like they get hit enough on push day (incline bench, dips, etc).

    • 7 months ago

      wiener and rectum stats?

    • 7 months ago

      You look like a chewed up piece of gum.

    • 7 months ago

      You're not mogging anyone with those trout shoulders. Congrats on not being a fatass though.

  25. 7 months ago

    36. In significantly better shape than most people I see in their 30s, at least around here. 6'3", 195 lbs, 15-17% body fat. Time to cut again when I get to 200.

  26. 7 months ago

    Lot of 36 yo bros in here.

  27. 7 months ago

    More fit but spend a fair amount of time doing it at the home gym. Have far less time for projects than I used to.

  28. 7 months ago

    36 years old, 6’2 185 pounds. Most people my age are out of shape and look like shit. I’m also married and have a solid career so I’m doing quite well. I do get hair mogged by everyone though, went bald a decade ago. Can’t have it all bros.

  29. 7 months ago

    I'd say I look a lot younger - I had people think I was 23-25 more than once - but I'm a bald frick so it evens out. I'm not lean but from working out and watching what I eat/drink I'd say I look better than most of the people I know but I'm ugly as shit and a manlet so lmao.

    I generally feel fine when I compare myself to the marvel enjoyers, goyslop eaters that represent the average man my age but sure as shit I'm not mogging anyone.

  30. 7 months ago

    I’m not lean or strong (just hit 230 bench) but I look so much better than every guy I see outside the gym. Everyone is obese or skinnyfat.

  31. 7 months ago

    >Wife and son, 1Y
    >Peak fitness at 25 with low BF and 1,5/2/3/4 for 5 reps
    >Declined since then with injuries, health issues, family and work obligations
    >Still compete successfully, but rarely, in grappling and will hopefully do an amateur MMA fight next year
    >Still better than most my age at 6’2, 200lbs ~15% BF
    >pretty much no friends since having a kid though so don’t really measure up much

    I’ve been okay with other responsibilities taking their toll on me, but I want to reach a new high in fitness next year

    • 7 months ago

      I’m actually 31 btw, just moronic and tired

      Hope you’re all having a nice day

  32. 7 months ago

    I'm underweight and look 5-6 years younger than my actual age

  33. 7 months ago

    When I turned 25, I felt old.

  34. 7 months ago


    Haven't settled down because I literally don't age and can constantly get women who want to commit to me in the 18-25 bracket.

    • 7 months ago

      when people say you look young it's cuz of babyfat around the face that you generally lose around your late 20s
      yeah i guess you look young

    • 7 months ago

      Careful mate I was the exact same until I hit 26 and started aging FAST. I'm married now so I don't really care but at the time it was pretty crushing

  35. 7 months ago

    Aging will make you look like dog shit if you just let it happen. But on the other side of the coin, aging can be barely noticeable if you do simple things:
    Eat well, sleep well, groom well, work out consistently, and put a tiny amount of effort into your clothes.
    A lot of people forget about the basics, but you can be in your 50's and be "good looking" by consistently maintaining good habits.
    But regardless of age, we all die at some point. Seek Jesus Christ and His ways for that Chad Eternal body 😉

    • 7 months ago

      you forgot to mention TRT

      • 7 months ago

        who gives a shit?
        I wonder if people b***hed about people getting glasses back in the day
        Or b***hed about people with high cholesterol taking statins.
        The only roiders that I view with disdain are the fake natties that are fricking up "beauty standards" or whatever you call if for men.
        If everyone on TRT or gear just admitted it, I wouldn't give a shit. When I get old, you bet your ass I'll be on gear.

  36. 7 months ago

    Anyone here had a major break up with their 'oneitis' when they reached 30-32?

    I'm 31 and im signle after a long time and sometimes i feel some despair coming. I basically don't have the opportunities that i once had with my social circles and im wfh now. I'm reading the church father and lifting but sometimes i can't fill the void and i miss my ex constantly. I even hooked up with another girl but i dont even want her. its weird

    Reccomend me some tips

    • 7 months ago

      Keep getting out there and give it time. You can't expect to get over a long term relationship overnight.

      The fact that you held down a ltr is attractive to women if they're looking for a partner (if that's what you want)

      stay the course and WAGMI

      • 7 months ago

        >The fact that you held down a ltr is attractive to women if they're looking for a partner
        How would they know if I had ltr? My ex knew because she knew my ex ex and hated her but the new ones? I kinda feel out of the game now because of no leads-contact with women
        >stay on course WGMI
        thanks bro you too.

        Worst mistakes a man can make as he ages (other than the obvious IST stuff) is losing touch with your male friends. Hang out with the boys, go out for drinks, talk to girls, go on a trip to Oaxaca, black out with some smalltime drug dealers, hop on a shared taxi to the Guatemala border, fall in love with a girl who doesn't speak any English, fly out after two weeks with her and block her on everything. Its that easy to get back in the game after an LTR ending at 30+

        >Worst mistakes a man can make as he ages (other than the obvious IST stuff) is losing touch with your male friends
        Agree with this but ill pass on drugs and alcohol. After your 30's is easy to destroy your life and age like shit. I wonder if there is another way.

        Been there bro. A breakup after a long relationship with a oneitis hurts a lot. It takes a lot of time, re-living harsh memories, thinking of how you could have done better, comparing every girl to your ex, etc. etc. Once you've gotten through some grieving the relationship, forgive your ex, and forgive yourself. The relationship didn't work because neither of you knew any better. And remember, God has a plan over your life. He is teaching you lessons right now that you would never learn if the breakup hadn't happened. It's time to level up, Top G. And leveling up is painful sometimes. Just don't give up, and keep seeking the Kingdom of Heaven bro.

        >It takes a lot of time, re-living harsh memories
        There is not a single hour in my day where i don't remember her bro, and she wasn't my first LTR had a longer ltr with my ex ex. At some point you burn out there is no way out. I'm deeply depressed to the point of no motivation to go to work. I lift x2 per week now mentzer style but i've built a good physique over the years so i cant maintain that. Thanks for your words tho... hope i or we can get through this.


        There's no shortcuts, it's a grind ngl. Either enough time passes (time heals) and/or you improove your life to the point that the 'what could have been' thoughts seem meaningless.
        Finding another 'one' helps obviously, but as you realized you just can't force that shit. Beecome the best version of yourself and throw yourself out there. Eventually the right one will come.

        In my case it was clear we had little to no future together, so being honest with myself helped dispel the intrusive thoughts away.

        >Finding another 'one' helps obviously
        I tried with mid girl and i ended making her depressed because i didn't want to her birthday (i was thinking about the other girl) Im at a bad point tbh.

        >Beecome the best version of yourself and throw yourself out there
        where? i feel everything is online nowadays. where did you meet your gf?

        >In my case it was clear we had little to no future together
        you was the one breaking up?

        • 7 months ago

          I just meant if you start dating and mention you were in a ltr for X years or whatever. Sounds better than being mostly single w/ assorted 1 year relationships, flings, and frick buddies (i.e. me).

        • 7 months ago

          >where? i feel everything is online nowadays. where did you meet your gf?
          Online (lol). Could have met her at some gig or whatever since we shared a lot of interests though.
          And yes, everything happens online but the net is just a distorted mirror world of real life. People still go IST and do things.

          >you was the one breaking up?
          More or less, yeah. We had a fight and I was "oh you want me to frick off? okay bye".

        • 7 months ago

          that pictures so fricking true. I just want to be held and loved bros. Dont get me wrong I wanna ragdoll frick a b***h too but more so I want to be loved.

    • 7 months ago

      Worst mistakes a man can make as he ages (other than the obvious IST stuff) is losing touch with your male friends. Hang out with the boys, go out for drinks, talk to girls, go on a trip to Oaxaca, black out with some smalltime drug dealers, hop on a shared taxi to the Guatemala border, fall in love with a girl who doesn't speak any English, fly out after two weeks with her and block her on everything. Its that easy to get back in the game after an LTR ending at 30+

    • 7 months ago

      Been there bro. A breakup after a long relationship with a oneitis hurts a lot. It takes a lot of time, re-living harsh memories, thinking of how you could have done better, comparing every girl to your ex, etc. etc. Once you've gotten through some grieving the relationship, forgive your ex, and forgive yourself. The relationship didn't work because neither of you knew any better. And remember, God has a plan over your life. He is teaching you lessons right now that you would never learn if the breakup hadn't happened. It's time to level up, Top G. And leveling up is painful sometimes. Just don't give up, and keep seeking the Kingdom of Heaven bro.

    • 7 months ago

      There's no shortcuts, it's a grind ngl. Either enough time passes (time heals) and/or you improove your life to the point that the 'what could have been' thoughts seem meaningless.
      Finding another 'one' helps obviously, but as you realized you just can't force that shit. Beecome the best version of yourself and throw yourself out there. Eventually the right one will come.

      In my case it was clear we had little to no future together, so being honest with myself helped dispel the intrusive thoughts away.

    • 7 months ago

      my homieh, I'm 31 and going trough seperation right now. 8 years of marriage, 7 yo son whom I have full costudy over. Almost zero free time. Only recently started trying to get fit again after all these years. Thought I immeaditaly need a new wife, not only for me but also a stepmom for my son. Was trying to date single moms mainly, but modern dating is fricked. Even single moms dont want to date a single dad. So I realized I've to stop trying and focus soley on myself and my son. Actually there is atleast one younger single mom I went on dates with recently, fell in love with her and her cute little daughter. Was totally ready to pledge to protect them both, but she said tehee lets be friends.

      Oh well such is life I guess
      >pic rel my short timed progress

      • 7 months ago

        >I went on dates with recently, fell in love with her and her cute little daughter. Was totally ready to pledge to protect them both, but she said tehee lets be friends.

        holy frickin shit (not you, but her)

        • 7 months ago

          ikr. Im actually coming from /diy casted her a double silver heart representing her own love towards her daughter, the kind of love I have for my son and one of the kinds of love I'm searching for my dream wife to have. Childless women just don't understand. Bound it with a makrameé. I mean we're still in contact but I doubt it will become more than a friendship.
          >inb4 simp
          I need atleast some social contact so bad, rather have her as friend than be even more alone and bitter

      • 7 months ago

        >full custody

        Is the mom a drug addict, batshit insane or both?

        Also good progress my Black. Give it a few months and b***hes will be throwing themselves at your feet. You don't need to settle for a single mom either.

        • 7 months ago

          insane ye. Didn't want to take her meds and german cps said lol no. I don't want any b***hes, I want a nice woman. I would prefer a single mother even, you'd have better understanding for each other. Infact it hits different, I not only fell in love with this particular woman but her daughter. We went on playground dates with both our kids, I pushed her daughter in her stroller. Played with her. The mom said she doesn't like to be read to, so I gifted her a children's book which my son liked very much at her age. I was able to fully read it to that cute little girl... man I still think of them both daily. It actually helps me to get over my stupid ex wife, her behaviour towards our son. Not all women are stupid bawds, some are struggling single moms with a big heart full of love

  37. 7 months ago

    >3×8 meme-tier fullbody workout every other day
    >No alcohol

    I mog unironically everyone, because the bar is set so incredibly low. Shit, all you need is consistency.

  38. 7 months ago

    >used to be
    >used to bes dont count
    >get promotion
    >job turns to shit
    >constant stress manifests itself as constant flu, fatique, eventually depression and now goddamn shingles and resulting neural pain
    >still in the shit job
    >probably lose my money in divorcr because I cant take my wife's BS anymore
    I know, dumb as frick and my own fault. Stay out of careers and far from marriage. I wonder if I can still make it at this point.

    • 7 months ago

      Lmao you still young Black person

      You can run away anytime and start a new, frick them all

      • 7 months ago

        >you still young
        is this a joke? i just turned 32 and feel life is over and im not even fat

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah, just imagine how it will be +80, there has to some diminishing return in feeling old/worse otherwise no clue how people this old do it. My grandfather was 89 and still pretty good+strong. I hope I'll be like him in that regard. Other one got to 91 too. Grandmother 91 also.

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks, I just recently came back here, trying to get back on track with things. I feel so weak and shit nowdays. I miss being in shape and having energy and time.
        Back in my 20s I took so many things for granted - now when Im almost 40, it's almost humiliating to start so small. Every step is an uphill battle. It's like now every lbs you lift, requires 7x amount of mental lift.

    • 7 months ago

      I’m 38 and got a 4.5 deadlift
      My wife is a complete c**t and she hates me. Not exaggerating.
      Job is commercial plumber. On a bad day we get covered in human shit for 40$ an hr,
      Have two kids.
      Couldn’t be happier.
      I love the the frick outa my wife and I’m actively trying to get another kid in her (this might kill her with her bullishit post pardom emotional crap so she is very not wanting another).
      Embrace the Scottish Catholic mindset bro. Life is great. Being a victim is optional unless you start going hungry.

    • 7 months ago

      >used to bes dont count
      I hate old guys who are like "back in my day I squatted 2000 lbs.
      That said, old guys that then show you an old photo where they are doing some crazy shit are instant heroes.
      Met an old guy, had to have been pushing 100. My wife and I were on motorcycles, and he commented on it and started talking about how he used to be a great rider
      > yeah, sure buddy
      then she is like, you can probably find me on your phone
      I'll be damned if searching the guy's name didn't turn up some wild-man videos of 1960s motorcycle racing. I know it was him because he had a distinctive birthmark on his face.

      Anyway, sorry about the stress and marriage issues, man. I was at the brink about a year ago - thank god I pulled through. Doing better now that I was 10 years ago, more or less living my dream.

      >1234 on lifts
      >ran a 3:43 marathon last spring
      >I use finasteride to keep my hair from falling off, currently NW2
      >dye hair because my grays look like shit
      >retinol every evening, sunscreen every morning, ceramides both evening and morning

      Compared to my friends I look literally 15 years younger. I love lifting and training so that's not hard for me at all, and to be honest the skincare routine is a real drag but it's worth it.

      >dye hair because my grays look like shit
      anyone with a weak beard needs to learn this fast.
      I've got medium-brown hair, but my beard is basically pure Nordic blonde. Been dying it since I was in college or else I'll get arrested near school zones.

  39. 7 months ago

    I’m strong and actually have excellent endurance and stamina and my doctor says I’m healthy, but I’ve gotten really fat over the last few years…

  40. 7 months ago

    Stu got the best physique

  41. 7 months ago

    40. Almost all of my friends are a mess: joints aching, can't run more than 2 minutes, chronic diseases. Not to mention most of em are bald and fat. I'm not a fitness model or anything but damn they make feel depressed/relieved whenever I see em

  42. 7 months ago

    Mid 30s been working out since teens and played sports as a kid. I look much better than most people my age.

  43. 7 months ago

    I am 34. just regular fit at 82kg 15% fat, rare to see someone lean with some size.
    apart from puffy normals or disgusting fat ones its always just these 2 types:
    >skinny cyclist runner climber types who wake up at 5 am every day and run marathons occasionally
    >big boys who obviously lift and used to before but now have let themselves go and gained fat

  44. 7 months ago

    >1234 on lifts
    >ran a 3:43 marathon last spring
    >I use finasteride to keep my hair from falling off, currently NW2
    >dye hair because my grays look like shit
    >retinol every evening, sunscreen every morning, ceramides both evening and morning

    Compared to my friends I look literally 15 years younger. I love lifting and training so that's not hard for me at all, and to be honest the skincare routine is a real drag but it's worth it.

  45. 7 months ago

    >every damn day have to hear people say im strong or muscular
    >literally the only thing i have going for me
    >hearing that daily makes me depressed

    my life is worthless because i work all the time and make shit money even though im a skilled tradesman. indiana is such a shithole. i dont have addictions, but you cant really thrive on 25 dollars an hour living alone.

    • 7 months ago

      same boat. I have some youth left I guess at 26, but other than that just being healthy and level headed is all I have. and like $200 in the bank

  46. 7 months ago

    I'm in better shape than 99% of the people I come across my age and probably like 90% of the people younger than me at 38. People my age tend to be wrecks or they tend to be skinny from dieting. Very few actually have meaningful muscle. People younger than me tend to be DYEL if they actually do lift and wrecks otherwise. The ones that are in better shape than me tend to be in another universe. I'm not even in a comparable league to them anymore.

    • 7 months ago

      >younger than me at 38
      I was told, as a kid, that men don't peak in raw strength until between 35 and 45 if they stick with it. At 35, I carry far more muscle and have far more strength, than at any point in my life.
      IST made such a big deal about 1 plate OHP, well I think I'll be at a 2 plate strict OHP ORM before I turn 36.


      my homieh, I'm 31 and going trough seperation right now. 8 years of marriage, 7 yo son whom I have full costudy over. Almost zero free time. Only recently started trying to get fit again after all these years. Thought I immeaditaly need a new wife, not only for me but also a stepmom for my son. Was trying to date single moms mainly, but modern dating is fricked. Even single moms dont want to date a single dad. So I realized I've to stop trying and focus soley on myself and my son. Actually there is atleast one younger single mom I went on dates with recently, fell in love with her and her cute little daughter. Was totally ready to pledge to protect them both, but she said tehee lets be friends.

      Oh well such is life I guess
      >pic rel my short timed progress

      >modern dating is fricked.
      not gonna lie, brother, that's the only reason my marriage has kept going.

      At work, literally the alpha by a mile. No, it's not a delusion or a LARP. It's just not a high bar to get over to be the baddest man at the walgreens.

      At the gym, stronger than all casuals, weaker than all the roiders or career lifters. I'm 5 years in an maintaining intermediate numbers while I focus on combat sports.

      At boxing class, I'm a competent casual who picks apart new people but gets lit up by any competitors.

      In jujitsu, I'm the best white belt. Contending with the hobbyist blue belts, even making the competitors work hard but definitely not as good as them.

      Socially a shut in. I'm 33 and not interested in new friends. The old ones either went to jail or started making decisions I'm not down with anymore. I have a wife to take care of.

      Could have been a lot worse bros.

      Don't burn out. I was there at your age, 2 years later I'm retired because I realized that half the money was perfectly acceptable to not deal with all the bullshit. (I just consult now, 100% via computer, took a vacation to Aruba a few weeks ago - didn't even take any vacation, taking calls on the beach.)



      >post a picture of a slob that never was able to fit in with any age group along with creepy actions
      aging gracefully is more than just your lifts. Old guys that try to live like they're still young are creepy as all shit.

      Zoomer chicks don't seem to mind getting nailed by 30+ dudes.

      gross, but true. Sorry young bloods, but your dating pool is just atrocious.

      70yos look good if they keep putting in effort
      most people just stop giving a frick, it's pretty simple
      does an obese woman/man really give a frick what they look like? not really

      I've seen 90 year olds, male and female, that still looked good - just because you aren't "hot" anymore doesn't mean you can't age with grace.

  47. 7 months ago


    Comparatively to my friends and work colleagues it's not even funny the difference. I don't drink and eat a better diet (though far from perfect), non-smoker.

    >Friends hairlines are thinning/are bald. I have a full head of hair.
    >They are going obviously grey, I have a few greys in my beard and that's it
    >Noticeable difference in posture and mobility - one guy I work with literally gets out of breath walking up a single flight of stairs and is the same age as me
    >My Skin is healthier looking and more elastic than theirs.
    >One friend whose a builder literally cannot stand up without pain, another has arthritis aged 33
    >Clothing a clear difference. I can wear most brands in a medium or large, a few friends have to order online from the big and tall retailers. The quality and styles they are able to wear is just not the same.
    >Capability and Recovery times are huge. We had a team building event that involved a range of activities from paintball, to kayaking, to indoor rock climbing. I did all three over the day and had energy to take part in kareoke and throwing shapes on the dancefloor till 2am. Some did one or two at most. By the evening the majority of them were seat bound, had to go to bed early or the next day couldn't move because of Doms and seized joints.
    >Female friends are all muffin topped or look like utter hags. One jokes about becoming a cougar but she smokes like a chimney and sounds like Dr.Girlfriend from venture brothers, and looks like Ursula from the little mermaid film.

    It's quite concerning how poor the health of these men and women is. It's crazy, they will literally find the time to go out and eat and drink themselves comatose but will say they have no time to pop into a gym. Their kids are fat too. One woman's daughter is literally shaped like a beach ball.

    • 7 months ago

      grim, but do not compare yourself to these people least they bring you down with them

  48. 7 months ago

    mog beyond belief. it has genuinely become embarrassing at this point when my peers feel and look a >decade older than me.

  49. 7 months ago

    >29, turning 30 soon
    >Hair going, I usually shave it off
    >"Depressed" my whole life, no money, no female contact for 6 years, low paid job, back living at home temporarily
    >Friends are all getting married, having kids, making money

    This is really the final throw of the dice. I'm trying hard but I have suicidal thoughts every day, several times a day. Giving it 100% effort for a year but if nothing's improved then I'm planning to check out. And to think I'd read posts like the one I'm writing now and think, nah, won't be me. Sorry to vent but I have no one to talk to

    • 7 months ago

      Keep going anon. Take it day by day, and keep moving in the right direction.

    • 7 months ago

      Men reach peak performance in their 40s. Stay. The. Course.

    • 7 months ago

      Sort of in a similar boat buddy.
      >Got a fixer upper house my dad and I work on.
      >No GF for 3 years
      >Low wage weekend job while finishing up AAS.
      >Got a meh tier lab job lined up with scholarship
      >also went through depression

      However, things are good and getting better all the time. I genuinely like my life and who I am becoming.

      We all go through life at different rates. Yours is far from over. Don't compare yourself with others as someone will always be more well off than you. Don't accrue emotional baggage. Drop the emotional baggage you already have. If you don't mind literature, look into "The Gold Coast" and "As a man thinketh". Only you can fix your circumstances and that starts with your mindset. You are the one who decides if you will make it.

  50. 7 months ago

    51,dabbling in masters track and field. Lost 20Kg in the last two years, quicker and more 'elastic', more toned, a lot less flab. I obviously look OK as certain younger female athletes (20s) have taken a shine to me. Ridiculous hairline hasn't put them off - probably helps I keep what's left short and have some OK facial structure (cheek bones visible for the first time in almost 20 years). If I was single...

    Most of my contemporaries locally fit into two main groups: mamils/ runners (a surprising number of those) and those going to seed. The latter gives the most passive aggressive aggro.
    As it's a semi-rural community, there's also a number of farmhands who look like shit, eat like shit and run on booze, but have absurd levels of strength and stamina.
    Walking soccer is a thing here but most of that lot are knackered out - better than doing nothing, though.

  51. 7 months ago

    To the average 30 year old? Great
    To my friends, one mogs my bench, the other mogs my squat, the next mogs my run time but I mog their pullups

  52. 7 months ago

    At work, literally the alpha by a mile. No, it's not a delusion or a LARP. It's just not a high bar to get over to be the baddest man at the walgreens.

    At the gym, stronger than all casuals, weaker than all the roiders or career lifters. I'm 5 years in an maintaining intermediate numbers while I focus on combat sports.

    At boxing class, I'm a competent casual who picks apart new people but gets lit up by any competitors.

    In jujitsu, I'm the best white belt. Contending with the hobbyist blue belts, even making the competitors work hard but definitely not as good as them.

    Socially a shut in. I'm 33 and not interested in new friends. The old ones either went to jail or started making decisions I'm not down with anymore. I have a wife to take care of.

    Could have been a lot worse bros.

    • 7 months ago

      You work at Walgreens. A job for teenagers and immigrants. Let that sink in.

      • 7 months ago

        but hes the badass coach lets the contenders shit kick at blow job jitsu

  53. 7 months ago

    >gf has been sick for the past week
    I just want to coom bros

  54. 7 months ago

    Got the biggest gains in my 30s. Fricked the most girls in my 30s too. Slacked off being in a relationship but still hair and face mog most people I know and am shredded.
    30+ is an excellent time to be in shape and looking good as your peers decline rapidly.

  55. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      People are genuinely surprised by my age
      I'm sorry you have shit genes (not really)

      • 7 months ago

        There is a clear discernible difference between a 22 year old and a 32 year old who “looks young”

        • 7 months ago

          Zoomer chicks don't seem to mind getting nailed by 30+ dudes.

        • 7 months ago

          I'm sure that's why they're surprised
          The clear discernible difference

      • 7 months ago

        I'm sure that's why they're surprised
        The clear discernible difference

        >being proud of being a babyfaced millennialcuck
        I know for a fact this shit is like half of your identity

    • 7 months ago

      my supervisor at work thought I was 22, I'm 31

      • 7 months ago

        sure he did anon

    • 7 months ago

      I found a pic of me 10 years ago when
      I was skinny fat and had short hair
      Every woman that has seen my pics at 18
      Mom, aunt, grandma, mom friend , ex’s
      All agree that I looked like absolute dog shit at 18 and look 10x better at 28

  56. 7 months ago

    I honestly wouldn't know but I'm somewhere on the lower spectrum.

    Mainly because right now I'm losing a ton of weight (almost 60 pounds now), I do generally look and feel better, but the excess skin is not looking good. It isn't horrible like what you see on the web, but my belly and waist still look like rolls.

    Is there any good excersize to tighten my skin or is surgery my only option?

  57. 7 months ago

    They make fun of me for being fit

  58. 7 months ago

    I work with a former professional baseball player

    I look like a young bvlll compared to him

    But he’s taller
    Both 39

  59. 7 months ago

    Posted this in a bar thread recently but I Facebook stalked my entire graduating class and half of them are now planetoids who look like they're in their late forties
    There are a few (mostly the ones who were athletic types back then) who take care of themselves and honestly don't look much different than I remember on graduation day, it's unbelievable they and the fatties graduated in the same year
    I'm a minority in that I was /fat/ and am now IST. There are maybe 2-3 others in the whole class that I found who fit that description. One of them is now an LA trophy wife lol

    • 7 months ago

      33? and you checked facebook recently? You didnt even need to wait till 33 to see how shitty everyone looks. 22 was when all the girls started like shit and by 24, all the males started looking like trash too. its pretty pathetic how pathetic most people are.

    • 7 months ago

      >There are a few (mostly the ones who were athletic types back then) who take care of themselves and honestly don't look much different than I remember on graduation day, it's unbelievable they and the fatties graduated in the same year
      33 here as well, went to my reunion a year ago (10 year, college) and I was utterly shocked how many of my old friends looked identical to the day we left college. It sorta blew my mind.
      I look a bit older, but I also got fat as hell in my 20s like most of the people I know my age. When I hit 30 I started working out again, dropped 50lbs back to my college weight, and now I'm way more fit than anyone my age I know; now that I think about it, I might be the only gym regular my age that I know. I know some younger interns at work (low 20s) who workout so I talk shop with them all the time.

      I'm 35, considerably more fit than the people I deal with, I work in IT though.

      even if you can do 1/2/3/4 you're above 99% of the population.

      >even if you can do 1/2/3/4 you're above 99% of the population.
      Unironically close to the truth. Something like 5-15% of people actually lift regularly (studies report ~30% of people say they workout regularly, but when actually followed around only about 5-15% actually went to the gym more than once a week). Anyone can outlift the average strength of an untrained man after 6 months in the gym, so assuming you hit 1/2/3/4, you can easily land in the top 5% of men by strength (all of this I think is US/western based)

  60. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      im 35 but people have been saying i look like that for 20 years

      • 7 months ago



        >im 35 but people have been saying i look like that for 20 years

        • 7 months ago

          not even balding lol

          • 7 months ago



            >im 35 but people have been saying i look like that for 20 years
            >not even balding lol

  61. 7 months ago

    70yos look good if they keep putting in effort
    most people just stop giving a frick, it's pretty simple
    does an obese woman/man really give a frick what they look like? not really

  62. 7 months ago

    >No bald one

  63. 7 months ago

    I'm 23 and all my friends already have children and are dying of alcoholism

  64. 7 months ago

    I'm 35, considerably more fit than the people I deal with, I work in IT though.

    even if you can do 1/2/3/4 you're above 99% of the population.

  65. 7 months ago

    I want to be a buff 30 year old with good hair

  66. 7 months ago

    33 most of my friends don’t drink and exercise regularly so we’re all about the same but then I see other 30+ year olds and they’re all fat alcoholics.

  67. 7 months ago

    >grad student
    >only person in my 20 person social circle of other grad students that goes to the gym
    >uni gym fees are compulsory
    >mild booze, non smoker
    >magnitudes more IST than anyone else

  68. 7 months ago

    I just turned 30 and cycled off creatine for the first time in awhile cuz I had salmonella poisoning
    I post-creatine pr'd a squat yesterday at 3pl8x5
    Only a plate down from the before time ;-;

  69. 7 months ago

    I don't know since I don't interact with anyone my age.

  70. 7 months ago


    5'10 around 220lb with abs showing in goon lighting/on a morning

    bigger/stronger (not taller) than 99.9% of people I come across in day-to-day life, still depressed and blackpilled af though so it's pointless

  71. 7 months ago

    I'm 33 and I'm so much better looking than normal men my age, people think I'm 10 years younger. At work, people who've seen me in real life treat me like I have way less experience than I really do because I look like the interns. The exception is the boss because he's 52 but he races mountain bikes so he looks 30. He knows what it's like.

  72. 7 months ago

    I'm only surrounded by people who are more fit than me and twice my age and could serve my ass to me on a platter. So I have no idea.

    • 7 months ago

      I will say that being surrounded by people twice my age and 10x better shape than me is the best scenario to find yourself in. It constantly challenges you to do better and is a visual reminder of what you can accomplish if you just keep going. Then I go home to where my dad's dying of fatty liver and heart disease and my mom's type two diabetic and it's a real clear contrast.

  73. 7 months ago

    dieting and exercise is great but i really don't get guys who take drugs to keep their hair.
    nothing more pathetic than fighting fate and genetics.
    just buzz it down and move on

  74. 7 months ago

    I wouldn't know, I don't hang out with anyone.
    I am skinnier than most people I see out in public.

  75. 7 months ago

    I'm 27. Twunkmaxxed. Very low body fat 5~6% with a decent gymnast's build. I still look around 21 on a bad day. Most of my friends look like total shit in comparison. Often when I go to uni parties (I'm on my MA) kids doing their BA assume I'm a fresher. I'm also very handsome.

    I can only put this down to actually taking care of myself from a young age and not drinking (at all) since I was 20. I'm a pretty heavy nicotine user though, so it's also likely some genetic luck. I've also been Peating since I was maybe 23.

    • 7 months ago

      Should add that I'm Anglo / Nordic mixed race.

  76. 7 months ago

    I’m 37, but I often get mistaken for 25-30. I look fit af and sometimes people asks if I came to the school for a sports scholarship (I’m not in school but I live in a college town). It’s weird because I don’t really take that great of care dieting beyond not eating sugar, I drink a decent amount of alcohol, and I smoke cigarettes like 4 times a week.
    I don’t really have any friends though because I move a lot for work and just don’t really like people.

  77. 7 months ago

    I'm a mid 30yo in college. While there's a lot of fit people. A lot are skinny fat at best

    • 7 months ago


      I’m 37, but I often get mistaken for 25-30. I look fit af and sometimes people asks if I came to the school for a sports scholarship (I’m not in school but I live in a college town). It’s weird because I don’t really take that great of care dieting beyond not eating sugar, I drink a decent amount of alcohol, and I smoke cigarettes like 4 times a week.
      I don’t really have any friends though because I move a lot for work and just don’t really like people.

      and I mostly just see a handful of zoomie aesthetic roiders and a few natty fit guys in my age range around this town. Roiders never seem to age well for obvious reasons.

  78. 7 months ago

    I look great but I am broke as frick

  79. 7 months ago

    I'm 31 and lots of dudes my age start to complain about getting older and weaker, having pains all over and stuff, and I'm in the best shape of my life.

    30 is when you start to pay for your shitty lifestyle.
    If you eat goyslop and don't exercise, there's a price for that.

    • 7 months ago

      >> 30 is when you start to pay for your shitty lifestyle.

      well fricking said. I'm almost 40 buddy and these fat fricks are paying with their lives it's awesome to see, meanwhile I'm outlifting 20yo's at the gym and getting people constantly asking how the hell I stay so fit.

      Consistancy,Consistancy,Consistancy, there's no secret we all know what to do not to be them

      • 7 months ago

        At least you’re “consistant” in your illiteracy lmao

  80. 7 months ago

    You don't need to workout like a gorilla to look good after 30. If you're not on gear, then recovery time will be longer after 30. Do not do drugs, drink alcohol or consume a lot of junk food. A little junk food is okay once in a while. If you like chips, then replace them with nuts. Cut out juice, and soda. Make your own fruit smoothies or go full water homie. If you lift then mix your barbell workouts with isolation workouts. Also don't cut out cardio. Run, and I mean run at a 5-7min a mile. This is very helpful when building muscle. Do not go below 5mins. I learn this shit the hard way. You lose mass. Also moisturize your face. Dress for your body shape.

  81. 7 months ago

    31 and I’m 6’2 190lbs no balding or greying but my undereye skin is very bad. That’s really the only discernible difference between me a decade ago but it’s a big one

  82. 7 months ago

    Nobody tells me I look young for my age because I have crippling social anxiety and don't talk to anyone outside of work 🙁

  83. 7 months ago

    >now they look like you're friends
    I'm not israeli

  84. 7 months ago

    >everyone either mega happy or giga depressed
    Friendly reminder that Arnold thought he was at the top of the world at fricking 50 and only was forced to slow down due to the copious amounts of drugs he took that basically blew up his heart.

    Life isn't over. You will probably not be a world class athlete anymore, but 99% of you never gunned for that anyway. 30s are make or break where the discipline and maintenance starts to show.
    >B-but I'm not Arnold
    Imagine being this much of a b***h and complaining how your life is over to some poor 23 year old frick that was unlucky to be born with a rare and esoteric cancer that's about to end his life. That dude never got a chance.
    Do the best with what you have and honest to God thank your lucky stars that you are healthy because you really don't appreciate that shit until it's gone. Take care and love yourself

    • 7 months ago

      Learn the correct use of the word esoteric you frickwit

      • 7 months ago

        >understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite

  85. 7 months ago

    32yrs, lifted on and off since I was 15 and have always worked physically demanding outdoors jobs which has helped keep me in shape when my exercise routine falls off. I routinely mog almost everyone my age but that's mostly just by not being a flabby pig and also because I was lucky to be born handsome and tall, so that is a big help.

    Pic is me just now, not in anything like my best shape but I'm currently living between two places as I'm trying to start a business and it's fricked my exercise and diet routines. Broke as frick right now too, but it's not so bad because I've got a seriously QT 3.14 blonde, green-eyed waifu with a killer body and she lets me hit it because I'm goofy (we've been together 9yrs, since she was 19).

  86. 7 months ago

    zoomies are weak pussies


  87. 7 months ago

    to add I"m not even in shape but I've still outperformed them when it came to doing manual labor

  88. 7 months ago

    36. I don't know, it's probably more of a twink physique than I'd like but this is very easily maintainable for me.

    • 7 months ago

      Hope I look this good at 36, only a few years away but seeing my older brother at thanksgiving gives me the motivation to not drink and eat like shit. What’s your shoulder routine?

    • 7 months ago

      I’m doing everything I can to look as good as you do at 36

  89. 7 months ago

    Better. But not by a huge amount. I'm nowhere near 99th percentile. Probably 90 or 80.


  90. 7 months ago

    I’m in better shape than all my friends, but the only difference is I don’t have a girlfriend.

  91. 7 months ago

    I get called burly on a regular basis. Older ladies like me. I think I look ok for my age (29). I try to make it to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. If not I just jump rope and do calisthenics at home.

    Unrelated: did anyone else find themselves super horny as they were closing in on 30? I feel like just watching my wife walk makes me want to drag her off to the bedroom.

    • 7 months ago

      I’m nearly 29 and my libido fluctuates wildly depending on weather (not 100% sure if this is vitamin D related, I live in a cold climate tho) but yeah I also have an animalistic desire to pound my wife randomly just watching her chop vegetables. I think we just did good bro!

    • 7 months ago

      Mate I'm 57 in a month or so, and since I started lifting 4 or 5 years ago I've been constantly horny 24/7, way more than I was as a teenager,.
      It's ridiculous, and at times a fricking (no pun intended) nuisance tbh.

    • 7 months ago

      It always concerns me when guys say their sex drive lowers when they get to their 30's. If I could I'd be fricking my gf all day long. Just looking at her fully clothed sends my dick into the stratosphere.

  92. 7 months ago

    Btw guys I’m bill gates just so you understand my financial position.

  93. 7 months ago

    Other than height (kek) I mog 90% of men my age. Its infuriating. It is a passion of mine to influence others to do better

  94. 7 months ago

    I am 40 and I am physically superior to almost everybody I know

  95. 7 months ago

    40 y/o boomer here, I would consider myself average to slightly above average for my age.

    Consistency and sleep have been my biggest challenges while also juggling career, family, home maintenance, etc.

  96. 7 months ago

    I'm 33, always looked younger. Started aging noticably the past 2 years, before that I got mistaken for being low 20's, now people guess 25-27.
    In good shape for my age and in general, 1/2/3/4 for reps at 15%ish. People here in Scandinavia are generally not that fat and out of shape compared to how most of you are describing your peers.

  97. 7 months ago

    I’m sure if I posted how bad I let myself go in my 30’s and what I look like today, people will say I frauded

  98. 7 months ago

    I look better than most midwesterners in their twenties but I'm short so I might as well kill myself.
    186 5'10"

    • 7 months ago

      you could always work at a ladies strip club

  99. 7 months ago

    >I can't
    I got a bro who , his "fitness" is his personality lets say....
    >into may Thai or kickboxing , something like that....
    >working out at the gym
    I can talk with him about routines and mostly I will take my advice from him because hes really into it , other people I know might do some "meme" or pushups / home workout....
    Can't compare , he's a beast and the people who I encouraged that go to the gym are beast that doing it for at least few years.....
    I got nothing much to front and got respect for them , that's their shit , they like it...

  100. 7 months ago

    Better shape than most guys in their early 20s

  101. 7 months ago

    36 yo. I am fine but I also never stopped lifting for extended periods of time or atleast did other things other than lifting to stay in shape. Always thought I had bad stamina and lifting more than 3 times heavy as a natty was impossible especially in my age but now that I moved away from powerlifting and into bodybuilding I realized that the whole problem was powerlifting and not me. I know can lift 6 times per week while also adding 3-4 cardio sessions per week and each workout has twice as many sets as I used to have. Atleast 4 times total volume per week than I used to. tl;dr dont give up boomer bros.

  102. 7 months ago

    26, Just started socialising and getting over my anxiety this year.
    Made some friends. So that’s possible.
    Girls still don’t like me, never liked me.
    It’s hard but I’m getting stronger at handling the loneliness and accepting I’m getting too old for a non sloot gf.
    Next year I will try to get my first job.
    As far as aging, people normally guess 17-22.
    I have lost some thickness to my skin around 25 due to stress and sickness, and I have a low smile line forming on one side, but it’s very very fine.
    Curious to know how I could improve my skin again

  103. 7 months ago

    I don't know. I'm 30 years old but I left school in grade 4 and have basically always been surrounded by old people all my life. I don't know what people my age look like as I don't know anybody my own age.

  104. 7 months ago

    i'm 37 and mog my whole neighbor hood one guy works out but is skinny and only wants to "tone up" whatever that frickin means my friend who lives in the neighborhood too says every woman fingers herself to me when i mow the lawn as a joke

    • 7 months ago

      i also got one of my othe neighbors who is a co to do an arm and shoulder day with me and he said he threw up after

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