>32. >6'1 200 lbs, pretty strong. >good jawline, big chin. >make plenty of money

>6'1 200 lbs, pretty strong
>good jawline, big chin
>make plenty of money
>have my own place and car
>STILL can't get over the fact I'm balding

CRIME Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    It's unironically over.
    Good luck being known as "that bald guy".

    • 1 year ago

      A woman didn’t make this a simp did

      You’re obligated to post hairline after posting this. 95% of cracker perverts aged 17+ are “norwooding.”

    • 1 year ago

      Post hairline

    • 1 year ago

      Hit the gym lardlad

  2. 1 year ago

    Either embrace it or shave it off

  3. 1 year ago

    take fin and move on with your life

    • 1 year ago

      or embrace it anon! I'm sure it ll be alright

      • 1 year ago

        >time to settle down

      • 1 year ago

        I'm sure he gets a lot of respect from shitposters on IST and r/bald but nowhere else.

      • 1 year ago

        fricking hell, this is the way my hairline is going. this will be me in 2-3 years guaranteed.
        and im on fin+min

    • 1 year ago

      doesn't fin mess up your pp though

      • 1 year ago

        pic related
        Being bald will also mess with your ability to use your penis.

        • 1 year ago

          >half a percent above placebo

          I'll take my chances

        • 1 year ago

          Ah fincels
          >Fin messes with your dick? BALD MESSES WITH IT MORE

        • 1 year ago

          i've never had a rare drug side effect before, and i've taken many over the years for an autoimmune disease. i feel like if i started fin i'd be that one unlucky fricker because i'm overdue

      • 1 year ago


        take fin and move on with your life

        I tried minox, it didn't work with my type of baldness. Finastride made me depressed, I'm one of the 2% that experiences that side effect. I'd rather be bald and feel normal than have hair but no motivation to do anything.

    • 1 year ago

      Stop suggesting finasteride you fricking third world monkeys. There is another alternative (Dutasteride), BUT you can't get anyone pregnant while using it.

      • 1 year ago

        14 years on fin, started at 19, worked immediately, kept all my hair, no side effects at all. dutasteride is fin on steroids.

        also i live in the first world. more handsome than you and wealthier than you as well. get fricked homosexual

        • 1 year ago

          >14 years on fin, started at 19
          So, not only you are a third world country monkey, but you didn't even read OP.
          He is 32, already balding, you don't use finasteride at that age while you are balding. You go with dutasteride because you need to stop as quickly as possible the hair loss. Then you can add minoxidil and finally, hair implants if there are some areas in your scalp where you need it.
          >tl;dr: You are an idiot and stop suggesting shit to other people if you can't even read.

          • 1 year ago

            if i only have the slightest hair loss on my sideburns, should i go for dutasteride? 31 here. i don't have any top

            • 1 year ago

              wow i butchered that post. i don't have any hair loss on the top of my head, although i might be stage 2 on the norwood scale.

        • 1 year ago

          finasteride also helps with enlarged prostate/prostatitis as well right? I went to a physician at a clinic and they said I might have that. I also noticed my hair is falling out a lot, I think I should take finasteride.

  4. 1 year ago

    Dude, just shave and be bald. Everyone that I know that shaves their head says is the best decision they’ve made. Hurry up and shave homosexual

  5. 1 year ago

    >6'1 200 lbs, pretty strong
    That's a nice way of coping that u are fat

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I'm sure if he lost 20 lbs his hair would magically grow back

  6. 1 year ago

    wat do if you have that hairline at 22

    • 1 year ago

      Pull the trigger bro. It's unironically over

      • 1 year ago

        ok thanks for the tip bro

      • 1 year ago

        subversive "advice" israelite

    • 1 year ago

      shave your head and stop being a whiny homosexual. suicide is for literal homosexuals and trannies. get over it b***h

      • 1 year ago

        when did i bring suicide ?

    • 1 year ago

      A NW4 can be recovered using a combination of medication and hair transplants.

      • 1 year ago

        yeah i'm already doing that, going to be norwood 2 in a couple of months already seeing it now, btw i think that's norwood 3 in the picture not 4

        • 1 year ago

          Good decision. All the "just shave it bro" posters are just baldcels crabs trying to pull you down with them. I know a wealthy young guy who is NW7 and he can't get a single date due to his lack of hair.

          • 1 year ago

            yeah i actually look like a freak shaved unironically look better balding, that's crazy about the guy is he ugly in the face or something or maybe fat ?

            Option 1: take finasteride and get a transplant, dyor and go to a reputable clinic
            Option 3: go cope mode and shave it all

            Its funny how the "just shave it bro" slapheads always pretend that it's not a high maintenance "haircut"
            They always act like its something convenient to do, when in reality every few days you need to shave your head, and once you are far gone at NW4, you will have to use shaving cream and bladed razors rather than a razor, to avoid looking like an old man with a gray donut around his head.
            All of this to cope and pretend you feel good, only to end up getting ignored by mentally sane women and permanently mogged by hairchads in any social setting

            Choose your destiny very wisely my dude, you are at the crossroads right now.

            where's option 2 ?

            • 1 year ago

              >is he ugly in the face or something or maybe fat ?
              He's ethnic and his face isn't exactly ugly but also not handsome either but he's lean.

          • 1 year ago

            shaving it all was the best thing I did, gains and girls started coming after it unironically

            >he can't get a single date due to his lack of hair
            keep coping

            • 1 year ago

              >gains and girls started coming after it unironically
              I believe the gains because baldcels hit the gym like crazy but not the girl part. Girls absolutely despise bald gus.

              • 1 year ago

                I've met women that exclusively date bald men. It's just another weird fetish.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm sure they exist but for the vast majority of women balding is a deal breaker.

              • 1 year ago

                >all this demoralization
                I'm 26 and have been bald since I was 19, and I still get mired by 18-25 year olds regularly. This only applies if you are above 6'2. it IS over for baldlets

              • 1 year ago

                Points out demoralization but goes onto to say that being bald is ONLY bad if below his own personal height. Why are baldcels so insecure? I'd rather be 5'9 than bald at 19

              • 1 year ago

                imagine unironically having the attitude of "all x want that so its over waaah, waaah" Sure most women find hair better but youre should just want to date 1 women.
                youre just blackpilling yourself and spreading falshood and negativity so you dont have to put work in.

                blackpillers coping with: "cope" is the biggest cope. Blackpillers are lifeforce gobblins

    • 1 year ago

      Option 1: take finasteride and get a transplant, dyor and go to a reputable clinic
      Option 3: go cope mode and shave it all

      shave your head and stop being a whiny homosexual. suicide is for literal homosexuals and trannies. get over it b***h

      Its funny how the "just shave it bro" slapheads always pretend that it's not a high maintenance "haircut"
      They always act like its something convenient to do, when in reality every few days you need to shave your head, and once you are far gone at NW4, you will have to use shaving cream and bladed razors rather than a razor, to avoid looking like an old man with a gray donut around his head.
      All of this to cope and pretend you feel good, only to end up getting ignored by mentally sane women and permanently mogged by hairchads in any social setting

      Choose your destiny very wisely my dude, you are at the crossroads right now.

      • 1 year ago

        >getting ignored by mentally sane women
        >mentally sane
        Pick one and only one. Latter part still true though.

      • 1 year ago

        >Option 1: take finasteride and get a transplant, dyor and go to a reputable clinic
        >Option 3: go cope mode and shave it all
        wouldn't option 1 be the cope option?

    • 1 year ago

      jump on min + fin now bro or it will be too late

    • 1 year ago

      Literally me. My advice is shave it, because I'm noticeably muscular women still seem interested. Also stay lean, and keep a tan if you can. Both of those help a ton if you're bald

    • 1 year ago


  7. 1 year ago

    I'm soon to be 32 too, got a hair transplant 6 months ago. Best decision I ever made. I stopped worrying about it (I'm on fin too now).

    It wasn't that bad yet tho, like a bit above norwood 2 with lot of diffuse thinning which can't be seen yet in a regular setting.

    • 1 year ago

      Was it expensive? Is it permanent?

      • 1 year ago

        Paid 3k. And yes, the transplanted hair won't ever fall. You will keep losing pre-existing hairs though (that's why i'm on fin now)

  8. 1 year ago

    My balding was caused by excessive masturbation and fungal problems. I did NoFap, started derma-rolling, and scrubbed my head with coconut oil daily. I saw new hairs growing after only like two weeks. If you haven't tried this I'd recommened, it doesn't hurt to try it.

    • 1 year ago

      Forgot to mention but I also used a caffeine and menthol shampoo directly after dermarolling and let it sit for five minute before rinsing. If it's burning it's working, just like with lifting.

      • 1 year ago

        LMAO, that´s not how it works bro.. Applying directly after dermarolling is a horrible idea.

    • 1 year ago

      >I saw new hairs growing after only like two weeks.
      Those are old hairs, small hairs near your hairline are a sign of miniaturization

    • 1 year ago

      How did you figure out it was caused by either of those things? Especially the fungal one, how would I check for that?

  9. 1 year ago

    Take finasteride or dutasteride or RU or pyru or alfatradiol or fluridil and minoxidil.
    >b-but muh sides
    Then live with the side effects of being a bald man.

  10. 1 year ago

    Just go to Turkey bro, 1K for the plane ticket, 2K for the FUE hair transplant and you can have all the hair you want.

  11. 1 year ago

    Should have gotten on fin earlier. Now I have to get a transplant and I'm broke.

  12. 1 year ago

    I went from op pic to this after 2 years of clean eating, fin, minox and dermaroll... I have no life aside of working, coding and lifting. Thats why I can manage the routine. I am 36 yo, 99kg, natty with ohp of 120kg 10x
    Fin dont castrate you, this is a lie

    • 1 year ago

      >ohp of 120kg 10x

      Lol frick off.

      • 1 year ago

        1st set? No problem.

        doesnt fin make your kids have higher chance of having birth defects or something

        No idea dude. I dont have kids and dont plan to. My 2 grandfathers died from prostate cancer and I starter fin at 32. I remember my prostate hurting for 2 weeks after I started. Something changed, for sure.

    • 1 year ago

      doesnt fin make your kids have higher chance of having birth defects or something

      • 1 year ago

        If a pregnant women takes or touches finasteride, it can potentially lead to birth defects. The concentrations found in human sperm are too small though as was confirmed by preclinical ape trials and three decades of active finasteride use.

  13. 1 year ago

    What norwood stage am i?
    I am 36 going to be 37 soon if that matters.
    Should i start fin yet or no?

    • 1 year ago

      How can we tell when your hair covering your hairline, unless that's what you wanted to hear.

    • 1 year ago

      Just get a haircut

    • 1 year ago

      I'm guessing a 3

  14. 1 year ago

    Just shave it off or start taking medicine for it

  15. 1 year ago

    heh just be yourself 😉

    • 1 year ago

      Not everyone has the facial features that complement having a bald head

      • 1 year ago

        That's the point. Unfortunately I don't have a choice (NW7)

    • 1 year ago

      I think Statham would unironically look like shit with hair.
      Also holy frick does that motherfricker have discipline.

    • 1 year ago

      Kek. Statham is the one example everyone gives when talking about just shaving. Not ever any other actor. It's always Statham. He is a good guy do.

  16. 1 year ago

    Been on finasteride for rougly a year, started at NW2.5 and recently switched to daily dutasteride. Kinda hoping I can bring down my left hairline a bit, increase density and fill in my temples from the top and sides.

    • 1 year ago

      are u trolling ? that's NW1

      • 1 year ago

        One side is close to NW1.5 now, the other one is still a weak NW2 tho.

  17. 1 year ago

    Why can their memes only be distortional imitations of original ones?

  18. 1 year ago

    Danny Rody on youtube, cure for you

  19. 1 year ago

    I really can't comprehend anons whining about being bald. Are you that much of a lazy frick that you can't shave every 1-3 days ? Just like you don't want a disgusting neck beard you don't want this moronic half bald haircut. If you have full head of hair, awesome, if you're staring to bald just embrace clean shave...

    • 1 year ago

      >if you're staring to bald just embrace clean shave
      Or take a pill literally once a day in the morning or evening and you don't have to shave or do anything.

      • 1 year ago

        If that works for you then that's awesome. I didn't bother looking into that and I'm clean shaved for almost 2 years now so I don't care anymore. I think I have a good face for bald cut though

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          Finasteride or dutasteride. Cyanide doesn't help reverse hairloss or otherwise every man would be eating apples.

          • 1 year ago

            Apple seeds you mean?

  20. 1 year ago

    Finasteride made my dick bigger

  21. 1 year ago

    Balding is a death sentence for female attraction. Even 40-60 year old women meme on bald men.

    You can accept that you'll never bang another hot 18-22yo girl again (the only girls that matter) or get on finasteride right now and minoxidil as well for the rest of your life.

  22. 1 year ago

    Is this thinning hair or is it just because my hairs wet? I’m age 20 by the way, already on finasteride 2mg daily. Do I need regaine as well?

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        Literally me

    • 1 year ago

      This was before fin as well

      • 1 year ago

        You're clearly balding but it works best on the crown, keep taking fin

    • 1 year ago

      2g does nothing 1g doesn’t do, someone post that chart.

      • 1 year ago

        Would 5mg make my hair really thick?

    • 1 year ago

      Would 5mg make my hair really thick?

      just use the normal dosage moron, also your scalp looks inflamed or something it thickened after fin though

    • 1 year ago


      This was before fin as well

      What the frick is this? A hedgehog's taint?

      • 1 year ago


        I know that some/most of this finasteride troll posts are just a meme trying to get people to chemically castrate themselves by exploiting their vanity and deep insecurities, but damn some of these posts are depressing.

        I would never frick a guy that thinks a natural hairloss is this big of a deal and who would do that to themselves. Taking finasteride is a huge red flag for mental illness and even more disgusting than someone cutting themselves.

  23. 1 year ago

    I started taking fin last week now i am depressed and my dick doesn't work. Will it get better after one month?

  24. 1 year ago

    shave your head. best thing i did regarding your situation

  25. 1 year ago

    >STILL can't get over the fact I'm balding
    >Not going down the path of the Hulkster
    NGMI brother HH

    • 1 year ago

      that dude was taking enough steroids for a whole whole Black personball team

      A woman didn’t make this a simp did

      You’re obligated to post hairline after posting this. 95% of cracker perverts aged 17+ are “norwooding.”

      >95% of cracker perverts aged 17+ are “norwooding.”
      seethe harder shitskin

      • 1 year ago

        >that dude was taking enough steroids for a whole whole Black personball team
        That's the point, he started balding, and he accepted it and looked rad as frick.

      • 1 year ago

        He was a wrestler, not roiding is a detriment with that schedule and competitive environment

  26. 1 year ago

    Started taking fin this week as an insurance. What NW would this be? 3?

    • 1 year ago

      Mental illness, you look fine

    • 1 year ago

      Somewhere around 2. High hairline and forehead's growing but looks still within the range of something a guy could just have naturally without balding.

      • 1 year ago

        I think you're onto something. My israeli doctor told me we receive our hair gene from our fathers', and mine has an identical hairline. His is only starting to thin now that he's 65 so

        Mental illness, you look fine

        might have a point that it's mental illness too

        • 1 year ago

          I've had a similar hairline to yours for a while and so did my dad, it will get slightly worse over time but if you aren't unhealthy I don't think you'll actually look bald in a bad way until your 60s

    • 1 year ago

      You're obviously thinning on top, you'll be bald within 5 - 10 years without meds.

      • 1 year ago

        moron it couldn't be any thicker on the top. It couldn't be more dense at the crown either. The issue is about receding

        • 1 year ago

          The front part on top is 100% thinning, also the hairstyle masks it.

    • 1 year ago

      Worried you won't get invited to tournaments bald?

      • 1 year ago


  27. 1 year ago

    Minoxidil + dutasteride
    Worked for me, reversed most of my balding and my hair got thicker.
    Began dermarolling to see if I'll get more gains.

  28. 1 year ago

    I have huge scars swelling areas in my scalp that only my hair covers up so going bald is NOT an option.

  29. 1 year ago

    Just get a hairstsystem

    • 1 year ago

      This but baldlets and druggies taking drugs are gonna seethe

    • 1 year ago

      I'd be scared someone pulls on it

      • 1 year ago

        I’m not that anon but I’ve been wearing hair systems since 2015, the tape that attaches it is strong enough you can go swimming and ride motorscycles so no it’s not going to come off when someone pulls on it, I actually dated a girl for a year and she used to pull my hair during sex and she never realized is was a piece

        • 1 year ago

          Have you ever told one that you’re wearing a piece after dating for a while?

          • 1 year ago

            Yes I told current gf after 9 months and she didn’t care and is supportive of me now

  30. 1 year ago

    You look like a israelite.
    Into the oven you go.

  31. 1 year ago

    Nobody here is a Genealogist, Medical Anthropologist, or Dermatologist. Don’t come to a place where steroid use is promoted and viagra is promoted for lower body pumps. Go to a dermatologist, if worst case scenario, you’re experiencing hair loss and MPB they offer you 0.25mg-1.0mg of Finasteride and if you’re seeing auto immune off pattern hair loss they send you to a hospital for blood work. This a fitness board hair loss is incredibly aggressive and is stressful, unless, it’s caused by the substances ISTizens shill to become some crypto roid troony this is not the place to come asking for advice. Also OPs pic is super condescending. Nearly 100% of men of all races experience hairline maturation and minor hair loss at the very least. troony jannies really need to b& this topic. It’s genuinely annoying

  32. 1 year ago

    Embrace the baldness and own it.

  33. 1 year ago

    Since this is the designated bald cope thread, is my hairline good enough to pull off the slicked back look?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes. Also nice beard.

      • 1 year ago

        You look great imo

        Thanks, lads. My temples have receded in the last 3-4 years and I'm a little insecure about it

    • 1 year ago

      You look great imo

    • 1 year ago

      You look masculine enough that even with a nordwood 6 gorillion you'd look decent. You probably look good bald, too.

      • 1 year ago

        I do buzzcuts occasionally, but I hate how generic it looks. That's why I'm growing long hair again. Also, my gf hates the shaved head look. She says I look like a thug.

  34. 1 year ago

    balding is not even remotely comparable to being a prostitute, lol
    >get older and lose hair
    >degrade yourself as an object of carnal pleasure for degenerate manchildren who couldn't care less about you, probably have videos of you getting bukkake'd floating around in their group chats
    what a shitty meme

  35. 1 year ago

    If you are still obsessed about your hair when you are 32 years old you have failed as a MAN.

    You are mentally weak and still at the same level mentally as little girls. Always looking for others to dictate your self-worth and value, instead being the powerful presence in the room who dictates reality for other and chooses himself if balding is a big thing or not.

    You are still letting some clueless little girls and some faceless braindead idiots on internet to dictate who you are based on their value standarts and social conditioning.

    This generation has created so many pathetic mentally weak men with body dysmorhia amd zero self-worth. I see only simps and superfans. Torrent RSD Blueprint Decoded and sort yourself out son.

    • 1 year ago

      If you go bald you have failed as a MAN.

      • 1 year ago

        This place is infested with these dudes.

        Please check your testosterone levels.

    • 1 year ago

      Cool story baldie

      Btw I just smashed the instathot you jerked off to because I’m not a genetic failure without hair

      • 1 year ago

        >>pics or didnt happen

  36. 1 year ago

    You should chemically castrate yourself with finasteride like the rest of us. My hair is all that matters and who I am. Without my hair I am nothing. I have nothing else inside or to offer. I am afraid that others will judge me. I rather have unreversable heart palpatations, dizzyness, vertigo, gynocomastia and suicidal thoughts than others judgement and disapproval. I let them dictate my reality. So I need my hair so much no matter what the cost. I am insecure and afraid. Please like me, like my hair, because there is zero love inside.

    Lets all chemically castare ourselves and wear wigs like real men. I am not a baby, saw it on a tv who I should be.

    • 1 year ago

      Neither finasteride nor dutasteride affect fertility. Being bald does affect fertility.

  37. 1 year ago

    That pic is me and I will never achieve a Confucian family as I wish... Time to monkcel and embrace my fate.

  38. 1 year ago

    If you're big enough and have the right head shape then just shave it. Im not even balding but I've been shaving my head since I was like 17 (I'm 36 now). Pic related, me.

    • 1 year ago

      Looks good. You'd probably still look alright with short 1 or 2 length but I wont since the bald spots will appear.

  39. 1 year ago

    29. So that's like a N5 right? Buzzpill's not bad but I like how hair looks so gonna get the transplant soon. Do fin/minox really mess you up as bad as the memes say?

    • 1 year ago

      nobody here ever actually posts proof that they ever did fin/min so who knows

      • 1 year ago

        Well shit guess I'll have to research a bit more and take the leap.

        Why do you guys always wait til it's this far gone before you even start looking at options?

        I did go to a couple clinics, but was running through my savings and didn't want to invest in monthly minox+fin on top of bills too, much less a transplant that costs 4 months of wages. Just got a job again now tho so I'll save up for that.

        • 1 year ago

          >didn't want to invest in monthly minox+fin on top of bills
          What the frick are you talking about, minox is a few bucks all over the world and fin/dut are just a bit more expensive than minox.
          Holy fricking shit Black person, imagine being so much of a cheapskate that you won't even spend a few bucks to save your hair from getting JUSTed.

          • 1 year ago

            >What the frick are you talking about, minox is a few bucks all over the world and fin/dut are just a bit more expensive than minox.
            life time subscription, from every male
            think of the billions in profit.
            you can see why the shills are working hard

            • 1 year ago

              I don't know man, I don't think multi billion companies would waste their time on IST out of all places lmao

              • 1 year ago

                If you honesty, genuinely believe that, you are moronic.
                There have been shills on IST for all sorts of things. The population of IST is big enough and nothing is stopping them from pushing and shilling shit in other sides at the same time.

              • 1 year ago

                Most threads about hairloss are just genuine venting and hysteria from anons because, surprise surprise, most dudes get fricking demolished mentally by hairloss.
                I know I look much better with hair than without, so I went on minox+dut+dermarolling to save whatever I had on my head.

              • 1 year ago

                >Most threads about hairloss are just genuine venting and hysteria from anons
                No. You might get some of those genuine threads after this psyops work some poor goys head and make them insecure, but vast majority of these are targeted shill tactics.
                >bring up the non problem
                >play it up as a problem and tell you that your life is literally over unless you do something about it
                >and wouldn't you know we have just the product to sell you that will solve that problem.
                again this is a common trick to expand your customer base, very israeli as well.

              • 1 year ago

                Besides people arguing about "those are troony drugs" vs "nuh-uh they're not baldcel", most of the replies in these threads are just anons freaking the frick out about their hair, posting hairlines, asking about drugs, people posting their routines, etc.

                >make them insecure
                People coming in here are already insecure, that's the whole point of these threads.

                >targeted shill tactics
                So which replies?

                >non problem
                Balding is a non-problem?

              • 1 year ago

                >Balding is a non-problem?
                >Besides people arguing about "those are troony drugs" vs "nuh-uh they're not baldcel", most of the replies in these threads are just anons freaking the frick out about their hair, posting hairlines, asking about drugs, people posting their routines, etc.
                frick off israelite, your daily, hourly threads are fricking obvious.
                Best part, is this shit has kicked into high gear only in the last couple of months. very "organic" there shill homosexual.

              • 1 year ago

                I dunno chief, I like my hair and I'd like to keep it.

                >your daily, hourly threads
                Actual /misc/-schizo.

                >shill homosexual
                Nah, I just take care of my hair and lift.

              • 1 year ago

                > I like my hair and I'd like to keep it.
                Ah yes..... Bro I just like my hair *makes hourly psyop threads on fit and fa and probably some other boards as well*
                >Actual /misc/-schizo.
                There we go israelite, muh /misc/ the age old defense of the invading israelites.
                >Nah, I just take care of my hair and lift.
                Post body and hair.

              • 1 year ago

                >psyop threads
                Black person I just browse IST and IST.

                >muh /misc/
                Not my fault you virgins leak into all the other boards.

                >Post body and hair
                Dunno bro, you seem angry.

    • 1 year ago

      Why do you guys always wait til it's this far gone before you even start looking at options?

    • 1 year ago

      As a girl I could not care less if you are bald or not.

      You are the only human on earth that obsesses and pays so much attention on your insecurities. Even now you are talking about them on a Vietnamese Robocars forum.

      We mostly care if you can own your flaws and how we feel around you. You decide if they are a big deal or not. You have seen the cool people who just own their own thing. How their "horrible flaws" just become unique features that makes them charicmatic and human. In real life the most popular guy in the party is never some random seven ft tall millionaire with perfect hair and bleached teeth lol.

      Do you have that masculine presence and self-esteem that women love to be around? Do you really think that perfect hair or some fricking wig could ever replace that? Or is perfect hair just another one of these superficial status symbols that these sad incels with damaged self-worth and too much time infront of television crave in order to over-compensate their body dysmorphia by trying to look like the dude they see on tv advertisements and movies?

      If you are so insecure and weak about something so superficial as your hair, belly or whatever, how can WE let go around you and also feel good about our own flaws that every human on this earth has? Fricking silly. Almost every single one of you. Man up!

      • 1 year ago

        >mfw been working on self-confidence thru therapy, journaling, meditation, and psychedelics
        >people have been more willing to talk to me in the past months than my whole life, making eye contact, girls are talking to me despite being a dyel brown balding manlet
        You're unironically right, this is great advice and more ISTizens should listen to it and work on healing the damage from growing up fricked up and socially isolated like I did. Pic related was able to start a sex cult for rich weirdos while being a fat ugly bald c**t and he did it through that same confidence. Sure, there's things things you can't control, but you gotta work with what you got, improve, and make the best version of yourself that you're happy with.

        Also post breasts.

        • 1 year ago

          >work on healing the damage from growing up fricked up and socially isolated like I did
          yeah this place is turning me into a neurotic mess. I look at my hair line, and am conscious of it everyday now because of threads like these, and I'm only like a norwood 2.... Ironically enough being this high strung about it is probably making me lose more hair than if I didn't give 2 fricks about it.

          I know we all joke about being body dysmorphic bodybuilders but I actually think I'm developing a mild case of it. If it's not my hair line it's my skin complexion, it it's not my skin complexion it's my jawline, if it's not my jawline it's my dick size. All these lookism threads have subliminally MK ULTRA'd me, seriously.

          How do I be less neurotic and more at peace with myself and the world. The human brain isn't wired for this level of 'awareness' that's spread through social media. I'm going fricking insane.

          • 1 year ago

            There's a few screencaps floating around explaining why places like this are awful for our socialization skills and keep us coming back but it boils down to that same illusion of social interaction, a sense that we're doing something productive or insightful when we're mostly just pissing in the ocean of piss. Doesn't help most social media is deliberately inflammatory to generate intense feelings of outrage and invoke addiction ala


            , and ESG money filling us with more idpols than ever and election tourists doesn't help, it didn't use to be like this. Get a lifting routine and diet, be consistent, sleep, drink water, and that's it. That's all you need to get out of this board.

            >How do I be less neurotic and more at peace with myself and the world
            Acceptance of the self and diferentiating what is internal and external - what is inherently yours and what was put in there by someone else - is important so you can focus on the things that truly matter to you and not be obsessed with your idea of who you should be. By accept yourself I don't mean everything you do is ok, developing self-esteem through meaningful struggle and self-acceptance is very different from getting obsessed with building an idea of who you should be and perceiving anything that denies that idealized perception of yourself as aggression, like many trannies, fatties, roiders, sjws, etc. does because it reveals that subconscious insecurity and weakness they have. Same with learning to diferentiate between what you can and cannot change (the serenity prayer illustrates it really well), and learning to value yourself, as much as it sounds straight out of a gay-ass normalgay self-help book. I can only recommend the same therapy I did (working on the 5 childhood wounds) because that's what's worked for me but I hope you can learn to be content soon.

            • 1 year ago

              ty for your insight anon.

          • 1 year ago

            >yeah this place is turning me into a neurotic mess. I look at my hair line, and am conscious of it everyday now because of threads like these
            You are literally, LITERALLY falling for a israeli psyop designed to make you insecure to you will BUY PRODUCT for the rest of your life.
            Realize you are being manipulated.

      • 1 year ago

        This deserve a screencap for the /sig/ files honestly. Good advice

      • 1 year ago

        i don't care about what you think or girls i only care about hair

        • 1 year ago

          You can't control your baldness man, that's the point. Face it and move on

          • 1 year ago

            i can and will

      • 1 year ago

        >Do you have that masculine presence and self-esteem that women love to be around? Do you really think that perfect hair or some fricking wig could ever replace that? Or is perfect hair just another one of these superficial status symbols that these sad incels with damaged self-worth and too much time infront of television crave in order to over-compensate their body dysmorphia by trying to look like the dude they see on tv advertisements and movies?
        You realize these balding threads are literally a psyop by shills to get new customers for their troony drugs product?

        • 1 year ago

          NTA but I am aware of this and its the reason why I come in, in hopes to stop young guys getting on troony pills. For all this talk about nocebo and fin, if I was expecting dick issues, I wasn't expecting my testicles to ache the entire time I tried it.

      • 1 year ago

        >Year of our Lord 2016+7
        >paying heed to womens' self-reported romantic preferences
        >I seriously hope you gentlemen don't do this
        Also please show us your shithole, b***h

      • 1 year ago

        >In real life the most popular guy in the party is never some random seven ft tall millionaire with perfect hair and bleached teeth lol
        this is 100% true, it's part of why Patrick Bateman is such a great satirical character. i've had female friends confirm this to me too.

        >Man up!
        this phrase unironically kills us in minecraft

      • 1 year ago

        >As a girl

        breasts and timestamp or gtfo

      • 1 year ago

        tl;dr. let's see the boyfriend

      • 1 year ago

        What women say:
        >As a girl I could not care less if you are bald or not.
        >You are the only human on earth that obsesses and pays so much attention on your insecurities. Even now you are talking about them on a Vietnamese Robocars forum.
        >We mostly care if you can own your flaws and how we feel around you. You decide if they are a big deal or not. You have seen the cool people who just own their own thing. How their "horrible flaws" just become unique features that makes them charicmatic and human. In real life the most popular guy in the party is never some random seven ft tall millionaire with perfect hair and bleached teeth lol.
        >Do you have that masculine presence and self-esteem that women love to be around? Do you really think that perfect hair or some fricking wig could ever replace that? Or is perfect hair just another one of these superficial status symbols that these sad incels with damaged self-worth and too much time infront of television crave in order to over-compensate their body dysmorphia by trying to look like the dude they see on tv advertisements and movies?
        >If you are so insecure and weak about something so superficial as your hair, belly or whatever, how can WE let go around you and also feel good about our own flaws that every human on this earth has? Fricking silly. Almost every single one of you. Man up!

        What women do:
        >instantly swipe left on any guy past a NW1 on all dating apps
        >meme on bald guys in the group chat and with eachother and call them "ew"

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, if you keep exposing yourself to prostitutes, you'll get prostitute shit back.

          • 1 year ago

            >b-b-b-but a REAL WAHMAN wouldn't make fun of my bald shiny head
            Bro, just accept the reality that women make fun of or are disgusted by any dude they don't find attractive enough to let between their legs.

            • 1 year ago

              I didn't say that at all. I'll tell you what, she'll (likely) prefer a full head of hair over a balding one, but if you keep enjoying life and not giving a shit and not letting it getting you down, she might just change her tune. If she smells a weakness there and you take it personally, she's not going to be into that at all. So it's not bald men she's not into. It's bald men who are insecure about being bald men.

              • 1 year ago

                >she might just change her tune
                So it's a cope.
                If you have to make up for your shiny bald head with XYZ, then you're just not attractive enough in her eyes, and that always ends up in a disaster down the line.
                The divorce and adultery statistics don't lie, most of you Black folk aren't attractive in the eyes of your b***hes.

              • 1 year ago

                Your attitude doesn't make you attractive either. You can help and fix that for sure.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm in a relationship currently, no need to cope kiddo

              • 1 year ago

                So what are you complaining about?

          • 1 year ago

            prostitutes are the most fun and hot.

      • 1 year ago

        >As a girl I could not care less if you are bald or not.
        I know you don't care. You don't think about us at all.
        Nobody who is balding thinks women gossip about us being bald behind our backs. What we think about is how we effectively become invisible to women, background characters, NPCs, someone on the level of "dad", dogs and children when they look in a room for possible dating partners, and that's what's killing us.

        And frankly I think for a lot of men it's about their self-perceived image. You spent 25 years having a certain image of yourself, and now all of sudden you look like your grandfather, it's demotivating, like suddenly having a face accident and not recognizing yourself in the mirror anymore. Even in a world without women I think a lot of men would still be affected. I also thought "lol just shave it off" but it's not something you realize the severity off until it happens to you.

  40. 1 year ago

    Just shave, girls love it. Why does this even deserves an own Thread, you Guys def have too much free Time.

  41. 1 year ago

    >balding is the same as being a degenerate prostitute who fricked thousands of miles worth of wiener and got god knows how many STDs

  42. 1 year ago

    Embrace it OP

  43. 1 year ago

    Go full skinhead.

  44. 1 year ago

    It could always be worst though homie. Some of us are balding manlets hard gainers who can’t gain size no matter what

    • 1 year ago

      That's what I am homie

  45. 1 year ago

    If I don't wanna go to the doctor where can I get fin without a prescription or would it actually be better to see a dermatologist

    • 1 year ago

      You can get fin prescriptions from a million places online easy.

      • 1 year ago

        I used Blink health online. Or just buy it from one of those Indian pharma sites

        Lemonaid Health, there used to be an app but they got rid of it. Just sign up online and do it there. Cost me $35 for the consultation and I just asked them to send the prescription to CostPlus Drug. $12 every 3 months for a year. Just had to send a quick message when I needed a refill back in January. Shit's easy as frick. Frick Hims/Keeps/Roman.

        Thanks anons!

    • 1 year ago

      I used Blink health online. Or just buy it from one of those Indian pharma sites

    • 1 year ago

      Lemonaid Health, there used to be an app but they got rid of it. Just sign up online and do it there. Cost me $35 for the consultation and I just asked them to send the prescription to CostPlus Drug. $12 every 3 months for a year. Just had to send a quick message when I needed a refill back in January. Shit's easy as frick. Frick Hims/Keeps/Roman.

  46. 1 year ago

    Try trimming your hair to 1/4” and be done with it. Maybe a bit shorter.
    It is the “sleeping rat” look in the center of the head that makes it all worse.
    I’m thinning, too. When it gets too bad, I’ll just go short.

  47. 1 year ago

    you can either be bald or mald. the choice is yours.

  48. 1 year ago

    Hi, I'm currently balding
    I'm 22, started balding at 16
    Is there a salvation for me?

  49. 1 year ago

    would really appreciate some dad advice about being early 20s and bald other than just
    >bro ur gonna die alone bro women ONLY like men with hair bro
    I don't give a shit in any regards apart from dating

    • 1 year ago

      >Dad: Bobby, can I have a word with you?
      >Bobby: Sure, Dad. What's up?
      >Dad: Well, I noticed that your hair is starting to thin out a bit.
      >Bobby: Yeah, I know. It's been bothering me lately.
      >Dad: I understand how you feel, son. But I want you to know that going bald won't hurt your chances of finding a girlfriend.
      >Bobby: Really? I thought girls liked guys with a full head of hair.
      >Dad: That's not necessarily true, Bobby. It's all about confidence and being comfortable in your own skin. If you're confident and comfortable with yourself, then that's what girls will find attractive.
      >Bobby: But what if I'm not confident about going bald?
      >Dad: Then work on building your confidence, Bobby. Surround yourself with people who love and support you, and focus on your strengths and talents. Remember, your hair doesn't define you as a person. You're so much more than that.
      >Bobby: Thanks, Dad. I appreciate your advice.
      >Dad: Of course, son. And always remember, true beauty comes from within. If you're a kind, genuine, and loving person, then that's what will ultimately attract the right person into your life.

      • 1 year ago

        i started shaving my head when I was 24. Pretty much the severity it will suck will be dependent on how many things you have going for you. The obvious truth is that most guys are going to look better with hair than without. Were lucky as men there is a lot we can do to offset it. And if you have a decent, skull/ head shape and a good body, you can still be in the top percentage of desirable men.

        Thats all there is to it. If youd rather take fin to save your hair. Go for it. But if you decide not to, its not gonna be the end of your life. Im balled and have a very fulfilling love life.

        thanks anons <3

      • 1 year ago

        To me it was beneficial to finally talk about insecurities with my friends/family.

        One of my closest childhood friends (girl) has always been ashamed and self-conscious (after childhood bullying) how her ears are slightly at different levels in her head. But no one of her closest friends has NEVER even once noticed that in the last +20 years of looking her everyday!
        This will always remind me how much we pay attention to our own insecurities, instead any one else giving a frick about them. Same applies to balding, dick size, ear shape, whatever. I would love her, even if her ears would grow in her back haha!

        Also my mom once told me she has always been so insecure about her.. nose? ears? Actually I cant even remember which one, and could not even guess by looking at her, but that actually just proves my point.

        Social media and this consumer culture that feeds on people having low-esteem has fricked up so many people mentally in the past 40 years and how distorted we view ourselves and life. Self-love is like a muscle you have to train or it will atrophy and die like anything else in nature. And there will always be these forces trying to attack it daily in order to sell you more coca-cola and chanel handbags.

        I think the goal is to train your self-esteem with weekly mental exercises, so eventually you began to feel the same warmth, empathy and powerful 10/10 self-love towards yourself that you can probably only sometimes feel towards your little sister, mom or pet for being alive. That feeling of love you get in new relationships should be how you feel unconditionally towards yourself all the time.

      • 1 year ago

        >Bobby: dad, you are copemaxxing fr, going bald reduces your smv several points no cap, I better get on fin asap, I don't believe the baldcel lies about sides

    • 1 year ago

      i started shaving my head when I was 24. Pretty much the severity it will suck will be dependent on how many things you have going for you. The obvious truth is that most guys are going to look better with hair than without. Were lucky as men there is a lot we can do to offset it. And if you have a decent, skull/ head shape and a good body, you can still be in the top percentage of desirable men.

      Thats all there is to it. If youd rather take fin to save your hair. Go for it. But if you decide not to, its not gonna be the end of your life. Im balled and have a very fulfilling love life.

    • 1 year ago

      Here's the dad advice.

      I've seen 40-60 year old women meme on bald guys and say they're unattractive. On Reddit dating subs, girls have a specific term for men on dating apps who hide their bald heads with hats called hat-fishing. I have never seen a hot young woman with a bald man who wasn't a celebrity.

      It will absolutely affect your dating life negatively. The pool of women you will be able to draw from will collapse even further. If you don't give a shit apart from dating then congrats, you're just like every other dude. Most dudes would shave their heads if it weren't for the fact women prefer hair.

    • 1 year ago

      But do you have a woman though? Once I got my chick I decided my looks no longer mattered. I'm out of the dating pool for life.

      I started receding/thinning at 19, took the dick numbing pills for 1.5 years at 21. Currently 23, trying to tapper off it.

      Initially started at 0.25mg EOD,initially I got very horny, for like a month, my balls also ached a little then as time passed I got numb dick, no libido. Started dialing it back to 0.125 EOD, still low libido, lower dick sensation, but a bit better, now trying to quit, i'll be taking 0.075 for a couple of weeks more and then just stop. Wiser to not quit cool turkey imo, would also have been better to start very low and build it up, but I'm a moron.

      90% of men look worse bald. This is a fact. Unless you have a good skull shape + masculine facial features, it's over.


      Hi, I'm currently balding
      I'm 22, started balding at 16
      Is there a salvation for me?

      That's pretty mild bro, just receding. Throw some minox + micro needling and you're good.

      NTA but I am aware of this and its the reason why I come in, in hopes to stop young guys getting on troony pills. For all this talk about nocebo and fin, if I was expecting dick issues, I wasn't expecting my testicles to ache the entire time I tried it.

      Everyone's hormonal profile is different, some dudes troon themselves out, others go unaffected. It's a risk everyone should be aware of

  50. 1 year ago

    Am I losing mine?

    • 1 year ago

      Mature hairline

  51. 1 year ago

    just don't go bald??????

    • 1 year ago

      holy shit that's genius

  52. 1 year ago

    I'm 36 and look like this
    Is it over?

    • 1 year ago

      Can barely notice it mate

  53. 1 year ago

    I don't earn any money (NEET) i don't have my own place or car either but i have 100% full and long hair at 30, i don't know man, i guess you can't have everything in life.

    • 1 year ago

      What do you do every day? What happened? Not making fun, just really curious

      • 1 year ago

        Literally train, eat, internet, sleep, repeat, i also sunbathe and go for a run.

  54. 1 year ago

    how often should i microneedle my scalp and how should i combine that with minoxidil?
    should i microneedle away from minox treatment?

  55. 1 year ago

    idk why you frickers dont just use a hairsystem. i really dont.
    i started using it and its easy mainstance, 1 hour a week is all you need if you have a haircut that hides your hairline.

    hairsystem adds 2 point to my attractiveness if not more.

  56. 1 year ago

    If you lack unconditional self-esteem and internal sense of self-worth, because of traumas and shitty/unsafe childhood environment, people try to fill that hole in their soul with logical sounding replacements. Nowdays people rather mutilate themselves with surgery and hormones than reconnect to that total sence of self-acceptance we once had.

    I'm not enough as myself, but if I own ten cool supercars, if I have hair like that guy on tv and if I have ten thousand tinder matches, then that must mean I have made it. Our egos need those logical sounding reasons, numbers and constant comparizations, because it cant process the idea of unconditional self-love.

    But in reality none of those temporary superficial replacements never work and external validation and approval never last. Just like junk food will never give you the true satisfaction of living addiction free life. Only way you can return to that rock solid feeling of self-worth, self-esteem and love for life is to do it yourself and to reconnect into that perspective from within.

    "Healthy self-esteem is not about proving yourself and others that you are worthy of love. It's about identifying and removing all the beliefs, excuses and traumas that ever convinced you otherwise."

    • 1 year ago

      That feeling you get when you fall in love and someone loves you unconditionally back, should be the default state of how you feel most of the the time. Just something you should not ever need any qualifications or reasons for. Just imagine how easy dating, making new friends and success in other areas of your life is when you feel like that all the time.

      Once you lose it, people try to seek that warmth and happiness from junk food, consumer culture and beer bottles. Why not decide to feel that serotonin/oxytocin high for life all the time?

      We were born with it, but kinda just forget it exist, because we all have faced some level of neglect, bullying and unconscious people in our lifes.

      Unconditional self-esteem is just hard consept to wrap our heads around in this superficial consumer culture where corporations are always exploiting peoples insecurities just to get them buy something. Most people dont even recognize how much heaviness they have carried with them all their lives. Its like becoming deaf to the noise of a refrigerator humm in the background.

      But in reality no amount of supercars, wigs, steroids or silicone will ever be a substitute for great personality and having real natural chemistry with someone. If someone is interested of you just because of your new Rolex, silicone boobs, wig or bank account, it has nothing to do with real friendship or connection.

      Self-esteem is just one of those mental muscles no one teaches us how to train. When you finally build it up it, you start to see how sick, neurotic and atrophied everyone in this culture are. Self-love is like a vitamin you can live your whole life without, but damn when you finally got it, after all these decades of carrying traumas, heaviness, shame and inferiority with you, letting that finally go is the most freeing experience you can have.

    • 1 year ago

      Youre right but my potential to pull b***hes will go even lower if I become bald so frick that

      • 1 year ago

        I was the head of our local cold approach group in here skandinavia in the golden era of pick-up 2012-2019, before covid hit and getting married.

        I have done and seen so many cold approaches all around the world in my life and have to really say that your hair, height, ethinicity, weight or anything else doesnt matter at all if just you got that vibe down. Its not about becoming some master manipulator gigachad, its rather just being that normal dude with good energy, and its rather about what you are not doing. If you are so insecure and neurotic just about your hair or whatever you have already lost and becomed that creepy insecure guy with self-esteem issues.

        Its usually only the incels and noobs that have never talked to girls in real life who are always so obsessed about hair transplants, money and hormones. They are always looking for that next magic pill to cure everything that they saw on a tv.

        If you cant approach any hot girl you see on the street without zero hesitation, have friendly conversations with strangers daily and make friends easily, no matter where you are or what you look like, then there is still some serious inner work to do to fix your life. Some fricking hair sticking on your skull will never fix that shit that is still broken inside of you.

      • 1 year ago

        One time we even shaved our heads as a challange and guess what? It didnt matter at all. We looked fricking retarted but still pulled three girls a week like always just by owning it.

        Go do your hair transplant, wear your wigs and do your hormones, talk to 100 random girls and see if that helped at all. Getting fit and making money should be something you do for yourself and for your family, not to lure gold diggers into your life. Imagine needing to chemically castrate yourself just to seek validation and approval from some random silly girls to dictate your self-worth and identity.

  57. 1 year ago

    its 2023 I seriously cant believe people still go bald. At this point its literally a choice. All naturals have to do is take a fricking half a pill every night. THAT'S LITERALLY IT. TAKE A PILL AND KEEP YOUR HAIR.

    Balding has been cured even for fricking STEROID USERS, yet there are still people who willingly go from 6/10s to 3/10s by going bald. Unbelievable

    • 1 year ago

      What pill?

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >goy just pay me to make all the made up problems go away
      >I will continue to psyop you until you give me your money

      • 1 year ago

        >"made up problem"

        go shave your head and observe the night and day difference in how women treat you. If you thought they were apathetic to you now, wait until you see how they treat bald ugly men

        • 1 year ago

          I didn't say balding doesn't exist.
          Vast majority of men have male pattern baldness. It's part of being a male.
          What is made up is that it's a problem.
          This shit existed for tens of thousands of years and suddenly, in the last 30 years or something it became a problem. Suddenly it's no longer okay.
          And wow, would you look at that, they have a convenient drug to push and sell you at the same time.
          What a ~~*coincidence*~~

          Listen up pal, this trick is as old as time.
          Attack peoples emotions and create insecurity where there was none and then sell the solution.
          >buy/use product or nobody will love you, nobody will hire you, etc etc

          It's incredibly obvious to anybody who wasn't psyopted from an early age and groomed by israelites on the internet.

          • 1 year ago

            Extremely based take. All the balding threads are just shill and psy threads for fin.

          • 1 year ago

            only old men used to get male pattern baldness and it used to be viewed as ugly still so as old as time it was still a problem

            • 1 year ago

              >things that I made up
              I don't care.

              • 1 year ago

                you made up that it existed for thousand of years when you actually don't know it did, atleast not for young men

              • 1 year ago

                >you made up that it existed for thousand of years when you actually don't know it did, at least not for young men
                >moronic shill thinks male baldness genes literally developed in the last 20 years

              • 1 year ago

                i'm not shilling for anything trust me, again you don't even know which genes you're talking about or anything about genetics, those genes could've been expressed at 80 or 18 or not at all and that's if they existed.

              • 1 year ago

                >hourly balding threads
                >AHHH USE FIN
                >im not shilling anything
                frick off, not fitness.

                also i didn't made up that it was viewed as a problem before, old egyptians used to try to cure it and there's stories in the bible of the kids that made fun of the bald, so that's why i say things didn't change from then

                next you will tell me about Moses parting the red sea you fricking homosexual.

              • 1 year ago

                i didn't make the thread moron, i also didn't even bring up using anything, i'm just correcting your view that you think it was used to be viewed as normal and now it's problem which is incorrect, it was still viewed the same way as now, people never liked aging or ugliness they always liked beauty

              • 1 year ago

                >i'm just correcting your view
                by spouting shit you made up to defend OPs position.
                Even 100 years ago balding wasn't a big deal.
                This "oh nooo men, you need to be very concerned about the natural process of being a man and pay us for troony drugs to reverse secondary male sexual characteristics!

              • 1 year ago

                balding is more aging and physical degeneration than a secondary male characteristic, really think about it if it was wouldn't be viewed as attractive by the opposite sex ? you know it's not, just imagine those statues of what would be considered the ideal and imagine them bald, it's just not ideal and it never viewed as so, the most you could say about it is acceptable that's it, it's not part of being a male really maybe an old or sick male i imagine.

              • 1 year ago

                >balding is more aging and physical degeneration
                Yet tons of young males that are perfectly healthy can get male pattern baldness.
                >really think about it if it was wouldn't be viewed as attractive by the opposite sex ?
                It's not viewed as attractive, no more than having arm hair makes you attractive. It just is.
                >you know it's not, just imagine those statues of what would be considered the ideal and imagine them bald,
                And I literally don't care? Not everybody is neurotic or a shill to think otherwise.
                >he most you could say about it is acceptable that's it,
                nobody cares
                > it's not part of being a male
                Literally "Male pattern baldness" that comes form sexual hormones that are also responsible for increasing your beard growth.
                Women don't get male pattern baldness or grow beards. Men do.
                Cope, dilate, ACK yourself.

              • 1 year ago

                >Yet tons of young males that are perfectly healthy can get male pattern baldness.
                i could assure you they are not, that's it i'm not going to respond to the rest.

              • 1 year ago

                >I can assure you they are not
                uhuh, proof, thats right you don't have any
                > that's it i'm not going to respond to the rest.
                because you can't, you are literally trying to push around shit you made up

              • 1 year ago

                People have been making fun of bald guys literally since Biblical times.

              • 1 year ago

                >I know what happened in biblical times!
                literally insane

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah I do, because it's written about in the Bible. You should read it sometime.

              • 1 year ago

                also i didn't made up that it was viewed as a problem before, old egyptians used to try to cure it and there's stories in the bible of the kids that made fun of the bald, so that's why i say things didn't change from then

          • 1 year ago

            >This shit existed for tens of thousands of years and suddenly, in the last 30 years or something it became a problem. Suddenly it's no longer okay.
            yeah it didn't matter during old courtship dating, it matters in the age of female hypergamy

  58. 1 year ago

    that purador shit has been unironically working for me for the last 6 months
    on top of minox + ketoconazole but idk not really doing ketoconazole lately and it's still improving
    a bunch of terminus hairs appeared so I was thinking is this it? but they've been slowly turning into normal hairs
    I'm actually regaining hair in spaces that have been bald for a couple years.
    just started microneedling a month ago, hopefully it helps too.

    • 1 year ago

      you're not getting paid by them are you ?

  59. 1 year ago

    shut the frick up

    • 1 year ago

      I like how this coping thread turned into the most based thread of the year. 10/10.

  60. 1 year ago

    I pulled no b***hes with hair and pull no b***hes without hair but I feel better bald rather than balding so it's a net gain

  61. 1 year ago

    I'm Norwood 6 is it too late for me?

    • 1 year ago

      Pls respond

  62. 1 year ago

    Ayo how deep am I in the woods?

    • 1 year ago

      2 going 3

      • 1 year ago

        homie I'm like 1.5 looking at this gay ass sacle.

        • 1 year ago

          Denial cope

        • 1 year ago

          Why is II farther balded than 3?

  63. 1 year ago

    literally me

  64. 1 year ago

    >lying on the couch watching tv
    >mom walks past
    >"anon, are you losing your hair?"
    >take a pic to confirm
    >crown is thin as frick
    It's over. I'm buzzing it tomorrow.

  65. 1 year ago

    >started getting slight hair recession at 21
    >drunkenly shaved it, liked it
    >let it grow out for another year
    >frick it, gonna lose my hair anyway
    28 now and been shaving religiously for 5 or 6 years. If I skip a couple days, I can finally notice actual MPB.
    Frick it though, I owned that shit before it owned me. Can’t stand not having a shaved head anymore. Makes me feel dirty. My old lady likes it, drunk chicks wanna touch it.
    Got a lotta cool hats, because you ain’t bald if you got a hat lol

  66. 1 year ago

    Just get a hair transplant. It's like 30k.

    • 1 year ago

      you've still gotta take fin with a transplant and leaves you with head scars if you ever decide to shave off

      • 1 year ago

        So take fin and pin test. That's what every balding celebrity does.

    • 1 year ago

      Where the frick is it that expensive? Even here in the US I got offered about 11k.

      • 1 year ago

        Don't get cheap hairplugs anon

  67. 1 year ago

    >>6'1 200 lbs, pretty strong
    So, fat.

  68. 1 year ago

    I don't think I'll ever be done with video games, drinking, and porn.

  69. 1 year ago

    I'm 30, sitting at a NW2. Didn't notice it soon enough to salvage the NW1. I'd basically got "mature hairline" but also I'm 6'6" with a head so gigantic that it look disproportionate even on my frame so my forehead is frickhuge now.

    Hairline is basically impossible to regain so I'm pretty much in a best case scenario holding onto this with fin/min for long as possible. It's legit gone back about a centimeter in the last year, I can tell because I've got one remaining hair like a centimeter lower on my forehead from where it used to be.

    Worse yet, it's uneven. The receding went more aggressive on the right than the left so right side is further back.

    • 1 year ago

      >The receding went more aggressive on the right
      Same here, I got a weird triangular cut-in on the right side of my forehead, looks a bit weird, but it's manageable.
      Having crazy eyes also helps. People look at my face and don't even notice my hair.

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly just get on fin and forget about it. I don't know why this isn't common knowledge by now but fin sides are a fricking meme, you'll be fine.

  70. 1 year ago

    Don't give up hope yet anon, I would try this perhaps with some microneedling all will be well

  71. 1 year ago

    Just shave it off, pussy

  72. 1 year ago

    >stop wearing anything on your head, including headphones
    >take warm showers or cool, never hot
    >rub your scalp in the shower with your fingertips
    >no shampoo or conditioner, just use water and your fingers, in time the oil will regulate
    >train your scalp muscle by trying to retract your scalp/move your ears, in time you will be able to

    do this BEFORE you get bald idiots

  73. 1 year ago

    Just wear a wig moron. Hair loss shit should go on IST tbh

  74. 1 year ago

    Same and I want to kill myself

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