>4 years of trying to acquire otter mode. >failed every year. >will fail this year too. >cut

>4 years of trying to acquire otter mode
>failed every year
>will fail this year too
>lose mostly muscle
>bulk 10kg
>get loads of fat, lifts maybe progress 2-3kg then stall
idk what is wrong with my body i just cannot gain muscle. my goals are not high i just want to have lower bf% and a little bit of muscle to impress women and myself

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  1. 1 year ago

    Post body without a face. Post progression?

    Also, don't go on full bulks if you gain excessive amounts of fat. This is a meme and does not work for everyone. I was obese and my fat cells are ready to explode

    Otter mode you don't need loads of muscle tbh, just work on definition. In fact, you can achive ottermode just being fit and lift while eating maintaince because you're not going for massive muscles.

    • 1 year ago

      Reading your thread again, have you checked your testosterone with a doctor?

      Having low test sets you up for this skinny fat, low-muscle body (which is typical female)

      Your problem seems to really indicate a hormonal imbalance.

      What's weird is that they said my blood values were normal when i asked them to check my test.

      • 1 year ago

        almost was about to reflexively categorize you as a body dysmorphic degenerate and /thread you
        but actually, that's extremely unimpressive for 4 years, post full routine

        • 1 year ago

          >That chest
          >Those forearms
          You’re obviously not training hard enough
          4 years? Wtf dude. It’s all in your head. Push and push harder the next time. Correct your form so you don’t snap shit up while getting strong af, eat a lot and eat TONS of protein. Track that shit. You obviously aren’t benching and deadlifting hard enough. Eating and lifting heavy is no meme. You can cut once you’re big and strong.

          I got this same psysique after 2 months of lifting

          that's what everyone says. but yet i am never able to progress. routine right now is just some PPL shit i found here, i used to do starting strength but it didnt work.

          • 1 year ago

            Time to hop on roids

            • 1 year ago

              are there any safe ones? i want to grow old without going out like zyzz in the sauna.

              • 1 year ago

                >wants to die comfortably
                >doesn't want to die like a legend
                absolutely ngmi
                roids aren't ever gonna help you my fren

              • 1 year ago

                TRT and aromatase are probabily the safest one,
                will prevent the test boost from becoming estrogen
                avoid trenbolone at all costs.
                and ask a doctor because if you have shit genetics that cant take roids you re gonna die.

              • 1 year ago

                You're going to look like shit if you start taking steroids and lifting the way you do (or lack of lifting like you do). When you're going to the gym you need to be busting ass, WORKING OUT.

                Everyone wants to look good, but nobody wants to lift no heavy ass shit.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah that is what everyone says, because you clearly aren’t working hard enough. You’re not straining your body. You go to the gym and don’t lift heavy. You go and barely break a sweat. You go and do what’s comfortable. I know you and you suck at this. But it’s time to not suck, fix your mindset and GO

            • 1 year ago

              what does trying hard enough mean here? going to failure every set?

              • 1 year ago

                No. 4 years and no research done on progressive overload? Wtf dude. On some accessories yes you can go to failure (bicep curls, lateral raises, etc)

              • 1 year ago

                well progressive overload to me is adding 2kg every session to every lift but that always stalls out at low numbers. or increasing volume, but same thing there.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't want to be a debbie downer, and I do believe that everyone can make it, but seems to me like you wasted 4 years by not going hard enough.

              • 1 year ago

                OP I'm pretty sure I went through the same thing as you. I'm going to guess you read the reddit sticky and started doing a PPL program. You progressive overloaded exactly how the sticky said to, just add weight to the bar once you can complete the number of prescribed rep. That worked well as a novice but now you're probably pushing yourself to failure with almost every set trying to hit that 12 rep count so you can once again add another 5 pounds. This is destroying you.

                Bro you're at point where you can't keep adding weight to the bar like a novice, so you need to be more strategic with your progressive overload. This is where the concept of periodization comes in and RP has spreadsheets that will tell you exactly how much to lift on a weekly basis (I paid zero for mine hint hint).

                I'm sure there's other ways beside the cycles RP uses, but the concept is the same for hypertrophy gains. Good luck.

                PS: read what says.

          • 1 year ago

            >starting strength
            >some PPL shit
            >bulk 10kg and gain 2-3kg on lifts
            >lose shitloads of muscle when you cut

            Your programming is shit and/or you’re not trying hard enough. Post routine and how aggressively you try to progress things.

          • 1 year ago

            >no gains

            Tale as old as time itself.

            • 1 year ago

              >has to prove himself each time he boasts about any lift due to the immense incongruence between his appearance and the lifts he performs
              the existence of ""power""shitters is truly abysmal

              • 1 year ago

                >this is the power of the 1000 calorie surplus diet

      • 1 year ago

        >That chest
        >Those forearms
        You’re obviously not training hard enough
        4 years? Wtf dude. It’s all in your head. Push and push harder the next time. Correct your form so you don’t snap shit up while getting strong af, eat a lot and eat TONS of protein. Track that shit. You obviously aren’t benching and deadlifting hard enough. Eating and lifting heavy is no meme. You can cut once you’re big and strong.

      • 1 year ago

        I got this same psysique after 2 months of lifting

      • 1 year ago

        You look like a normal person who clearly goes to the gym once or twice every 2 weeks or so.

      • 1 year ago

        you literally just dont know how to lift its that simple. has nothing to do with your genetics, diet or training plan. you LITERALLY just dont understand lifting.

        my bench went from 70kg to 100kg while cutting from 88kg to mid 70's. you literally just dont lift. you go through the motions with no intensity. you quit the set when you feel "something". you should be able to improve your novice lifts even on a deficit. so again it has nothing to do with your split or diet if you are unable to put more than 2-3kg on your lifts when bulking +10kg.

        you have to progressive overload. you have to put more weight on the bar than you did last week. literally just put more weight on it and start repping that. i bet 10000 billion that you dont make any faces when you lift. you look like this ":l" during your set. you have to be in agonizing pain doing long negatives. shout "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" when you are on your last rep, let it all out and push. doesnt matter if its half rep or a quarter rep, you have to PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD. you must do something more than you did last week. you just dont understand the very basic fundamentals.

        • 1 year ago

          >you have to put more weight on the bar than you did last week. literally just put more weight on it and start repping that.
          tried that many times, always stalls out at the same weights as before, then i deload and try again.
          try to push, go all "red in my face" but nothing to show for it in the end

          • 1 year ago

            YOU HAVE TO WANT IT
            YOU HAVE TO LIVE IT

          • 1 year ago

            >tried that many times

            • 1 year ago

              yes, every session, deload, fail. fail fail fail fail

      • 1 year ago

        >4 years of lifting for THAT

        Natties following a roider brosplit made for roidtrannies on enhanced recovery are so guillible.

        • 1 year ago


          >no gains

          Tale as old as time itself.

          what is a good routine for aesthetics for natties?

          OP I'm pretty sure I went through the same thing as you. I'm going to guess you read the reddit sticky and started doing a PPL program. You progressive overloaded exactly how the sticky said to, just add weight to the bar once you can complete the number of prescribed rep. That worked well as a novice but now you're probably pushing yourself to failure with almost every set trying to hit that 12 rep count so you can once again add another 5 pounds. This is destroying you.

          Bro you're at point where you can't keep adding weight to the bar like a novice, so you need to be more strategic with your progressive overload. This is where the concept of periodization comes in and RP has spreadsheets that will tell you exactly how much to lift on a weekly basis (I paid zero for mine hint hint).

          I'm sure there's other ways beside the cycles RP uses, but the concept is the same for hypertrophy gains. Good luck.

          PS: read what says.

          does progressive overload end at something like 81.5 kg bp? it feels a bit low i heard of anons doing 120kg and still progressing linearly

          • 1 year ago

            Program is not rocket science, just give it time, eat correct and train the muscles you want to grow 2 times a week hard. If you bulk for 6 months straight you will look like that guy even if you train upper body every day. Many such cases back when everyone started to workout in high school.

          • 1 year ago

            the need for progressive overload never ends, but the point that you can't just add 5 pounds to the bar every week does. That's dependent on the person. Get on a proper program immediately and then you don't have to worry about any of this. Let the program dictate your lifts.

  2. 1 year ago

    Reading your thread again, have you checked your testosterone with a doctor?

    Having low test sets you up for this skinny fat, low-muscle body (which is typical female)

    Your problem seems to really indicate a hormonal imbalance.

    • 1 year ago

      You're training like shit
      Bulking 10 kg should give you a rocket boost in all your lifts.

      Or maybe what says

  3. 1 year ago

    Natty lifting is a meme.
    Trenscend humanity and your shitty genetics

    • 1 year ago

      Thanks, Itzak. Now go back to your sabbat. You've poised enouth young minds and wells today

    • 1 year ago

      >Haha! These Chinese bathtub chemicals have made me an alpha at las-ACK!

      • 1 year ago

        >he is a consoomer who cant make his own shit
        fricking consoomer

  4. 1 year ago

    You're just an impatient homosexual, OP.
    Just accept it already...

  5. 1 year ago


    Frick this. You need to stick to bulking, getting FAT (yes, fat!) to get a decent amount of muscle and then you just cut the excess. It’s simple

    • 1 year ago

      *Verification not required.*

  6. 1 year ago

    If it makes you feel any better OP, I've been lurking IST since 2012 and I'm a fat piece of shit right now.

    Managed to drop from 110kg to 70kg back in early 2013, got a girlfriend and had a healthy 3 year relationship, after we broke up I slowly put the weight back on and now I weigh 135kg.

    I wfh and make over 6 figures but I have zero social life right now and dread waking up each day.

  7. 1 year ago

    You actually need solid frame for "ottermode". Without naturally wide shoulders/wrists and narrow waist/hips you look like skinny little b***h.

  8. 1 year ago

    Sounds like you hit a level where just "trying hard" doesn't work anymore and you need to look more deeply into fatigue management and programming, anon. It's quite a complicated topic, but a basic structure would be doing 3-6 weeks of increasingly going harder each week until you're close to failure/feeling beat down in general, then deloading for a week and starting the cycle again, after a few cycles with completely different exercises. Renaissance Periodization has a million videos on this topic, or if you don't want to spend hours researching this, find a pdf of their Male Physique Template.

  9. 1 year ago

    Look at this list
    You are failing in one or multiple departments. NO. No, you are not a miracle of nature that cannot build muscle despite getting the proper rest and sleep, correct macros, and lifting heavy.
    You are a failure and you will always be a failure until you wake up and start doing things the correct way.

  10. 1 year ago

    OP I hope you're in your early 20's otherwise >it's over for (You).
    Get a on 6-12 gymnast rings weighted dips/pullups/chinups/leg raises routine while you still can.

    • 1 year ago

      i am 25

      • 1 year ago

        You still have time if you pull your head our of your ass and stop following meme troll programs like SS and PPL.

  11. 1 year ago

    Are you doing anything different with your routine or just trying the same thing.... only more?

    Maybe ditch the bodybuilding routine and mix in some actual sports or at least do something a little more athletic.

    • 1 year ago

      You still have time if you pull your head our of your ass and stop following meme troll programs like SS and PPL.

      any recommendations?

      • 1 year ago


        OP I hope you're in your early 20's otherwise >it's over for (You).
        Get a on 6-12 gymnast rings weighted dips/pullups/chinups/leg raises routine while you still can.

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