
Olympic lifts are such a joke.
>let's limit our deadlift by making it only as heavy as we can get above our head while simultaneously cheating on our press by using the momentum of our deadlift and getting under it and make the whole lift about obscure form instead of just being strong/powerful.

Literally just fricking deadlift your max weight then overhead press. No need to combine and frick up both of them.

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  1. 1 year ago

    life is a joke, nothing matters. have a nice day OP

    • 1 year ago

      Then why are you here?

      • 1 year ago

        i am a clown

  2. 1 year ago

    idk looks fun to me bro
    I do strongman instead cuz I'm tall with the type of hips that prevent squatting with an upright torso but if I had the build to do weightlifting I would

    • 1 year ago

      Can confirm they are fun
      t. Doer

      • 1 year ago

        See if you just say they're fun I can respect that. But people who pretend that they're good for anything other than olympic lifting are delusional. There's better methods to build power, and there's better weight training methods to build strength.

        • 1 year ago

          I just do them to get more explosive movements in my programming. I do hang variations for that purpose as the focus is on the explosive portion

          • 1 year ago

            I mean that's fair, but like I said there's better ways to get explosive movements. For example football where you're tackling people and colliding which is probably the most explosive sport there is, almost no one does olympic lifts. Like this list for example, only one person on this list does any kind of olympic lifting, just power cleans. Not clean and jerk or snatch where you're lifting it above your head. I guess the jist of this thread is Olympic lifting is only the best for Olympic lifting, there's things better than it for any other sport/strength/speed/building size.


            • 1 year ago

              I don't understand why you view fitness and lifting as an all-or-nothing ordeal. You don't need to optimize every little thing. I know that conventional deadlifts are more useful to me personally, but I switch it up and do trap bar deads sometimes because I think they're fun and refreshing. Guess what? I make gains anyway.

            • 1 year ago

              I personally know a guy who got kicked out of a rugby development program because he refused to do power cleans and hang snatches. As in he was under contract but not yet 18 and able to play

  3. 1 year ago

    It's about athletic ability.
    >yfw dealthrifters don't toss their max in the air and prevent their knees from exploding when they catch it
    If you want to be a pussy get fat and do strongbaby competitions.

    • 1 year ago

      Hey I just defended you guys. Why you hating on us

    • 1 year ago

      Or I could pick you up and slam your homosexual skull into the concrete with my wrestling and superior strength.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm sure you could catch me at a slow jog.

        Hey I just defended you guys. Why you hating on us

        Nothin personelle kid.

        • 1 year ago

          I was the fastest kid in my high school so yeah, probably. What are you gonna do, clean and jerk away from me? That shit doesn't make you as fast or powerful as you think it does or else track runners would do it for speed instead of resistance training and boxers would do it instead of plyometrics. You're moronic.

          • 1 year ago

            >I was the fattest kid in my high school

          • 1 year ago

            >That shit doesn't make you as fast or powerful as you think it does or else track runners would do it for speed
            I did do cleans for speed
            t. former track runner on a competitive college team.

            • 1 year ago

              Oh, never mind I see here that you admit power cleans are good for general athleticism.

              I mean that's fair, but like I said there's better ways to get explosive movements. For example football where you're tackling people and colliding which is probably the most explosive sport there is, almost no one does olympic lifts. Like this list for example, only one person on this list does any kind of olympic lifting, just power cleans. Not clean and jerk or snatch where you're lifting it above your head. I guess the jist of this thread is Olympic lifting is only the best for Olympic lifting, there's things better than it for any other sport/strength/speed/building size.


              >olympic lifting, just power cleans.

          • 1 year ago

            >What are you gonna do, clean and jerk away from me? That shit doesn't make you as fast or powerful as you think it does or else track runners would do it for speed instead of resistance training
            ... but track runners DO it instead of resistance training.

    • 1 year ago


  4. 1 year ago

    Is Olympic lifting the most homosexual and pretentious sport?
    It is a fringe activity on the level of taekwando. But its practitioners have this attitude like they are frenchmen accepting an oscar whenever it's brought up. They think their fringe boring curling tier hobby is the most refined, sophisticated, and esoteric activity on the planet.

    • 1 year ago

      lmao this. When you're helping a qt move her couch she's gonna want a strongman. Not some gay who says "IF THIS WAS ON A BAR AND SMALLER I COULD TOTALLY USE TECHIQUE AND FORM TO THROW THIS UP AND GET UNDER IT IF IT WERE SLIGHTLY LIGHTER"

    • 1 year ago

      lmao this. When you're helping a qt move her couch she's gonna want a strongman. Not some gay who says "IF THIS WAS ON A BAR AND SMALLER I COULD TOTALLY USE TECHIQUE AND FORM TO THROW THIS UP AND GET UNDER IT IF IT WERE SLIGHTLY LIGHTER"


    • 1 year ago

      well put

    • 1 year ago

      olympic lifters are the vegans of lifting

  5. 1 year ago

    Have you ever considered that some people train for different reasons other than powersharting

    • 1 year ago

      Might as well be training underwater basket weaving.

      >powerlifting: trained by grapplers and people who want to be strong within strict movements
      >strongman: people who want to be as practically strong as possible and be able to move shit around
      >plyometrics: trained by rock climbers and strikers/boxers
      >resistance training: trained by people who wanna be fast and powerful
      >olympic lifting: trained by people who wanna olympic lift

      Olympic lifting is only good for olympic lifting. It has no function otherwise.



      • 1 year ago

        Power cleans and clean and press are trained across a wide variety of sports.
        You have no idea what you're talking about.

        • 1 year ago

          source: your ass

          If you're looking to maximize your raw strength or hypertrophy then obviously more traditional strength training is going to take you farther than just olympic lifting alone, and even actual Olympic level olympic lifters will agree with you on that, but if you can't wrap your head around the fact that people train it because it's a skill-based movement in a sport that they enjoy doing then you're beyond help. You're also neglecting the fact that oly lifters do other kinds of training too; it's not like they just drill power cleans, C&J, and snatch until the end of time. They don't test their maxes on the big four because why the frick would they?

          Also, I've never met an oly lifter who acts as conceited or self-absorbed as you make them sound, don't pretend your anecdotes apply to all of them. If anything, it's the crossfitters who do oly lifts to failure who think they're hot shit for doing oly lifts.

          > it's a skill-based movement in a sport that they enjoy doing then you're beyond help
          I've already said that multiple times in the thread like here

          See if you just say they're fun I can respect that. But people who pretend that they're good for anything other than olympic lifting are delusional. There's better methods to build power, and there's better weight training methods to build strength.

          If you say you're doing it for fun that's fine. But don't be like this gay here who pretends it's useful for anything other than oly lifting when there are better alternatives.

          • 1 year ago


            • 1 year ago

              Okay buddy. If I ever need to help a girl move her fridge, fight another man, or use speed to escape a situation I'll stick with my power training and plyometrics. And if you ever need to do any of that but in water for some reason, well good for you homosexual.

          • 1 year ago

            I found power cleans to be really useful when I was a construction worker. Picking up lumber or 20ft rebar rods off the ground and getting it up to my shoulder in one fluid motion got way easier after doing power cleans. The other anon is right too, cleans are common in training routines for many different sports. I see wrestlers do them all the fricking time, myself.

            • 1 year ago

              I won state for wrestling. Our coach never had us do that.

              • 1 year ago

                Anon, the best in Wyoming is not even making the top 1000 in the country. Your coach was probably a homeless guy they found in front of the school.

              • 1 year ago

                Maybe you would've won nationals if you did power cleans.

              • 1 year ago

                Nationals isn't a thing. At least not when I was in high school.

              • 1 year ago

                Let's get you to bed grandpa

                Powerlifters show you why deadlifts can't be used as an objective competitive measure. Good luck trying to cheese a snatch 1RM with sumo

                >low-handle trap bar snatches

              • 1 year ago

                Jefferson clean and jerks

      • 1 year ago

        If you're looking to maximize your raw strength or hypertrophy then obviously more traditional strength training is going to take you farther than just olympic lifting alone, and even actual Olympic level olympic lifters will agree with you on that, but if you can't wrap your head around the fact that people train it because it's a skill-based movement in a sport that they enjoy doing then you're beyond help. You're also neglecting the fact that oly lifters do other kinds of training too; it's not like they just drill power cleans, C&J, and snatch until the end of time. They don't test their maxes on the big four because why the frick would they?

        Also, I've never met an oly lifter who acts as conceited or self-absorbed as you make them sound, don't pretend your anecdotes apply to all of them. If anything, it's the crossfitters who do oly lifts to failure who think they're hot shit for doing oly lifts.

  6. 1 year ago

    Olympic lifting is just a way for the pseudolifters of the gym to feel superior by doing esoteric lifts. They get to say “I’m an Olympic lifter” or “this is an Olympic lift” and it gives them a sublime, orgasmic feeling of superiority

  7. 1 year ago

    There are some olympic lifters at my gym and they all bring huge duffel bags full of gear: knee wraps, knee sleeves, wrist wraps, multiple belts, multiple pairs of shoes, straps, their own personal barbell collars, tripods, etc. They spread this shit all over the area by the platforms and they rest at least 10 minutes between every set, they must be at the gym for hours. What is their fricking problem?

    • 1 year ago

      Sound like powerlifters.

  8. 1 year ago

    Powerlifters show you why deadlifts can't be used as an objective competitive measure. Good luck trying to cheese a snatch 1RM with sumo

  9. 1 year ago

    I respect the sport but it's a very niche thing. I'm sure Olympic lifters are strong and have a lot of endurance, but they train to specifically excel in Olympic lifts and outside of that sport I'm not exactly sure how their skills can be applied elsewhere.

  10. 1 year ago

    For such a low quality bait you got surprising amount of reactions OP. I'll wait a couple days and repost it to see how it goes.

  11. 1 year ago

    olympic lifters deliberately avoid doing upper body work because upper body muscle mass messes with the optimal weight distribution and flexibility for their barbell-throws.
    olympic lifting is really really strange as an activity.

  12. 1 year ago

    Next to Crossfit and Figure (and some female bb) they have the hottest girls so there is that

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