5 days ago i took some adderall a friend gave me to help me work. I still feel fucked, what do bros?

5 days ago i took some adderall a friend gave me to help me work. I still feel fricked, what do bros?
>Like 2 hours after taking it my lungs started feeling agitated, like, a very light burning sensation.
>Due to dumb bullshit i ended up basically pulling an all nighter
>day after i couldnt fricking hardly think and my whole body fricking ached. I chocked it up to me being a moron but even after my mental clarity has returned my body still feels scarily bad

Even now my heart feels a bit weird, i cant take full breaths without coughing, and sudden movements are painful. Also im super fricking thirsty but my mouth still just feels dry.

Whats happening to me bros

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  1. 10 months ago

    Could be just heartburn, but go to the doctor and check it out moron

    • 10 months ago

      I will, this morning in a few hours, i just wanted to hear the worst takes from you all first so i can see what lines up the most

      Idk i guess im just scared

      • 10 months ago

        Stuff like this is always scary, I hate going to the doctor too - but most likely you'll be fine. If it's not fine then you're fricked. Quit being a b***h, gl

    • 10 months ago

      I will, this morning in a few hours, i just wanted to hear the worst takes from you all first so i can see what lines up the most

      Idk i guess im just scared

      If you have baking soda you can allready rule out heartburn by taking a spoonful with a small glass of water.

      • 10 months ago

        Don't do this unless you want to actually fricking die
        Not cool anon

  2. 10 months ago

    You got high on amphetamines and now you're crashing you dummy.
    You'll feel better tomorrow.

    • 10 months ago

      I took it 5 days ago

      • 10 months ago

        are you sure what you took was adderall?

        • 10 months ago

          Yes indeed. Im no longer stimulated, i wasnt really after the firzt half of day one.

          My body just feels fricked. My lungs feel heavy, i cant cant a full breath without coughing. My body hurts when i move in a weird way, ill move and then a few seconds later, a pain as if getting put of bed or sitting up from a chair was a body high g manuever

          • 10 months ago

            Kek youre literally george floyd.

            None of us are doctors. Go see a doctor and dont try to use counterfeit dollar bills or let a cop sit on the back of your neck after youve resisted arrest getting all worked up

          • 10 months ago

            have you tried lifting it away?

      • 10 months ago

        You probably have to reteach yourself to breath, that's it.

        Amphetamine = 50% levo amphetamine 50% dextroamphetamine. 5x less potent than meth
        Adderall = 25% levo amphetamine 75% dextroamphetamine. 2.5 to 3x less potent than meth
        Meth = methamphetamine

        Adderall has the exact same effect as meth, just need more of it to hit as strong. All amphetamines are synthetic adrenaline. They will make you breath fast and send your system in overdrive. All amphetamine get washed out in a maxim of two days in your body. The withdrawls are the least severe in all drugs. Unlike other drugs stopping amphetamines immediately improves your health. Mental damage is also reversed completely in 2 days. Any discomfort comes from the pain and stress you put on your body during the high that is no longer 'hidden' by the drugs. Every passing hour you are better, you just feel the damage done during the high.

        Any pain you feel now is because you are still breathing like you are high. Sit down, close your eyes, recover your breath, slow it down back to normal.

        • 10 months ago

          Thanks for the informative and helpful message anon. Very cool.

      • 10 months ago

        It could be psychosomatic. These drugs can 'scramble' your brain pretty hard and leave you feeling 'off' for weeks or even months.

  3. 10 months ago

    I've been through the same thing. Thought I
    was going to die.
    Just take it easy, rest, eat, hydrate and take some vitamins. I felt fine after a good night of sleep. If it starts to get seriously worse, don't hesitate to call an ambulance.

  4. 10 months ago

    your body is probably sensitive to stimulants, both physically and mentally, do you get agitated from caffeine, or feel more jittery than other people that drink the same dose (for example, 1 energy drink)? does it feel like you "can't get enough oxygen" from your breaths? I'm like that, I once had a crazy panic attack from amphetamine, so now the only stimulant I'd ever touch is a small cup of weak coffee (never two). you will be fine though anywhere from 2 hours to 2 days, for some people stims just trigger anxiety/heart palpitations/shortness of breath, you might be one of them.

    if you do other substances that are stims (caffeine, nicotine), I'd drop them or limit their intake greatly. you will probably feel better in the long run and it's not worth sacrificing your mental health to be slightly more productive.

  5. 10 months ago

    hypochondriac moron

  6. 10 months ago

    Have you slept properly after it? Like at least a whole night straight

    • 10 months ago

      Yes ive been passing out 12 hours a night and im still tired

      None of those are potential symptoms of Adderall aside from the cotton mouth. I would wager you're a little pussy with anxiety and you're creating symptoms psychosomatically, which is pathetic

      Id wager im a chubby frick who gave himself a cardiac event or some shit by using pharmaceutical amphetamines and not fricking sleeping

  7. 10 months ago

    None of those are potential symptoms of Adderall aside from the cotton mouth. I would wager you're a little pussy with anxiety and you're creating symptoms psychosomatically, which is pathetic

  8. 10 months ago

    I never understood how can anyone willingly consume unknown synthetic fricking dust/pills just to maybe feel a bit funny for a short amount of time

    risk reward seems moronic

  9. 10 months ago

    Kek OP od'd on adderall (like meth but weaker)

  10. 10 months ago

    You ever consider that you might've just got sick around the same time you took the drugs and not sleeping made it worse? Adderall doesn't do that shit lmao

  11. 10 months ago

    What happened to apu?

  12. 10 months ago

    You feel bad because stims overwork your nervous system. Your chest tightness/breathing trouble is from the stress that amphetamines put on the cardiovascular system. Body aches from muscles tensing up/being overused/staying in the same position for too long. Stims also deplete electrolytes/vitamins.

    Get sleep, drink a lot of water and powerade, take multivitamin, you will feel better. If your chest tightness doesn't go away immediately its ok, you won't die. Give it a week.

    t. experienced stim user

    • 10 months ago

      This. OP is definitely psyching themselves out unless

      You ever consider that you might've just got sick around the same time you took the drugs and not sleeping made it worse? Adderall doesn't do that shit lmao

      is the actual thing that happened.

      One time my home boy ate the first course of a tasting menu at a Michelin star restaurant and within seconds he threw up blaming the anchovy stuffed olive's "taste" and how it didn't sit well in his stomach. You can definitely psychosomatic your body into feeling a way.

      t. also experienced stim user

    • 10 months ago

      20mg of Addy ain't doing shit to anyone unless they're a 93 year old on deaths doorstep, Anon is just a moron.

      t. experienced stim user

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, that's a pitiful dose but that doesn't mean it can't trigger some profound effects on someone's brain.

        • 10 months ago

          This reads like when one of my friends as a child swore he got high off flintstones gummies or some shit.
          You took like 20mg of amphetamine. If you're "feeling fricked up" 5 days later it is entirely in your head.

          Feel free to find an actual documented case similar to OP's for such a low dose. You won't.

          • 10 months ago

            It's funny how IST doesn't know shit about pharmaceuticals except 'pills bad' and 'doctors israelites'.

  13. 10 months ago

    A lot of that stuff is counterfeit Mexican shit laced with fentanyl and worse things, and your "friend" is a drug dealer.

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