5'4". seriously considering limb lengthening surgery

I'll lose all my gains but after 6 months of recovery I'll be 5'8" and back to full health again (can lift/etc again)

then when I'm 5'8 I can wear lifts in my shoes to be 5'10".

only one life bros. I'm a 29 year old khv. It's impossible for me to be confident at this height. Even jacked manlets at my height look kind of ridiculous.

Life isn't fair but there's a real solution for me. It's expensive and painful, but nothing worth having comes easy.
Friends/family/acquaintances will call me crazy for doing it, but they don't get it. Life as a turbo manlet is actual hell.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Imagine fricking up your body for life and still being a manlet

    • 12 months ago

      ignorant comment, there's less than 1% chance of complications. vast majority get full recovery and can go back to lifting/etc with no issues

      Do it just make sure you don't cheap out get it done in the US by a reputable place

      yea I'm gona do it here in the US. It cost roughly $75k but I've got the money

      • 12 months ago

        man it really is true that you can sell an insecure man on everything they want to hear

        • 12 months ago

          you wouldn't get it.
          in fact, if you suddenly woke up tomorrow as a 5'4" turbo manlet, you'd be depressed enough to consider ending it. Deny it all you want. we know it's cope.

          • 12 months ago

            the problem isn't your height, the problem is that you believe the problem is your height
            poison a man so you can sell him the cure
            you sound like a woman, may as well just transition now buddy

            He's right bro. I'm 5'5 and I'd kill myself if I couldn't get the crumbs of pussy I get

            • 12 months ago

              it's not even just about pussy.

              nobody respects the guy who's 5'4.
              this guy explained it well:

              Bro, stop with the bullshit. Every short guy lives with heightism while people like you dont. You literally have zero idea what its like being 5'4. Everyone that's you differently, like you're less than by default. Everything you do is seen as compensating for your height. Everyone assumes you've got a Napoleon Complex if you get angry about something. Women automatically shut off when talking to you. Other men feel above you. Its not imagined. You know what is? Me thinking height didn't matter. What woke me up was getting slapped in the face over and over again until I realized

              >Holy frick ive been lied to. I had one chance at life and God fricked me. Height really does color peoples opinions of you

              I know you're just trying to lift our spirits, but lying, especially to people who've got no choice but to live the truth, just makes us angry and resentful. Just be honest.

          • 12 months ago

            If I woke up 5'4" I'd get a facelift instead and sell my body to women with a little boy fetish.

          • 12 months ago

            >if you suddenly woke up tomorrow as a 5'4" turbo manlet, you'd be depressed enough to consider ending it
            I think about going from 6'2 to 6'1 or maybe even 6'0 due to aging as suicide inducing, any shorter than that and you better escape to SEA or some other manlet cope-countries.

      • 12 months ago

        So like, how do they lengthen the nerves? Because those frickers take literal years to grow, and if you try to stretch them you're going to hurt. Like, a lot.

      • 12 months ago


        I'll lose all my gains but after 6 months of recovery I'll be 5'8" and back to full health again (can lift/etc again)

        then when I'm 5'8 I can wear lifts in my shoes to be 5'10".

        only one life bros. I'm a 29 year old khv. It's impossible for me to be confident at this height. Even jacked manlets at my height look kind of ridiculous.

        Life isn't fair but there's a real solution for me. It's expensive and painful, but nothing worth having comes easy.
        Friends/family/acquaintances will call me crazy for doing it, but they don't get it. Life as a turbo manlet is actual hell.

        I had the surgery and almost ended up losing my leg. Keep in mind mine was done by Dr. Rozbruch, an expert in this field, arguably THE guy.

        I only had my right distal leg done to correct a limb length difference. My right leg functions well enough now but its all sorts of fricked up. Theres a ton of scar tissue jamming my leg up, and it is clearly weaker and smaller than my other leg. Even my right quad is weaker and smaller than my left. Additionally, my surgical site got seriously infected, and I had to spend 2 weeks in the hospital, 2 months on IV antibiotics. This shit was like 10 years ago now and it still causes me difficulty with exercise.

        This surgery is no fricking joke. Recovering from it is very difficult and will require a lot of PT. Do what you will, but I wouldn't suggest this surgery for cosmetic purposes.

        • 12 months ago

          Surgery a decade ago vs today. 10 years ago you had a 20% chance of going blind from changing your eye colour through surgery, now its <5%

          • 12 months ago

            >changing your eye colour
            Wft there is surgery for that shit? I'm not surprised its possible, just that enough people would do it for it to be a thing. Why not just wear colored contacts?

          • 12 months ago

            Sure, it has likely improved in safety. However, I make no claims about the actual risk that you run. All I'm saying is, it is not low enough of a risk that it is negligable, we aren't talking lottery odds here. It happened to me, it can happen to you, I just want your decision to be informed is all. Obviously the doctors are going to assure you that everything is going to go perfectly fine, so I'm trying to offer a different narrative.

      • 12 months ago

        You could buy a nice house and massive property in a cool part of South America instead

      • 12 months ago

        You have this kind of money to waste and you choose to spend it on surgery that will cripple you instead of instead of just being a sexpat or some shit?
        Genuinely man what's wrong with you?

        • 12 months ago

          He could genuinely get a decent relationship with a sugar daddy. It sounds like that's what he's looking for anyway (a gold digging 10/10 b***h way out of his league). No cap a gold digger would marry you for $3,000 a month

        • 12 months ago

          This. All people in andes are short. Shorter than OP. He could be the tip1% for height and wealth in andes.

      • 12 months ago

        Actually there is a 110% infection rate with those surgeries and 5% fracture rates when removing the device

      • 12 months ago

        God you manlets are actually insane wtf

    • 12 months ago

      Its not for life, it just takes forever to recover from. Honestly wouldn't go for it though, because 2 years or more with weak legs, youd have to have retirement money already squirreld away. Besides that though, its just like breaking your legs normally, just that this is a controlled process so at least the breaking itself won't be what causes you to never walk again if it is in the first place.

      • 12 months ago


  2. 12 months ago

    Do it just make sure you don't cheap out get it done in the US by a reputable place

  3. 12 months ago

    of course you can be confident spend the money instead on a trenchcoat and a weapon
    they make high capacity pistols that are small so it won’t look big in your hands

    • 12 months ago

      is this the true fate of all manlet-cels?

      • 12 months ago

        the guy in your photo was at least 6 2, maybe as tall as 6 5. keep huffing that copium dumb ass.

  4. 12 months ago

    self acceptance will do you more favours than leg-lengthening surgery

    • 12 months ago

      that's what I've been told my whole life and it's pure cope.
      if that was true, why does anyone lift? why does anyone make money?
      why improve at all?

      "just accept it bro"

      nah. frick that. You should always strive to be better.

      • 12 months ago

        the problem isn't your height, the problem is that you believe the problem is your height

        man it really is true that you can sell an insecure man on everything they want to hear

        poison a man so you can sell him the cure

        you wouldn't get it.
        in fact, if you suddenly woke up tomorrow as a 5'4" turbo manlet, you'd be depressed enough to consider ending it. Deny it all you want. we know it's cope.

        you sound like a woman, may as well just transition now buddy

        • 12 months ago

          Bro, stop with the bullshit. Every short guy lives with heightism while people like you dont. You literally have zero idea what its like being 5'4. Everyone that's you differently, like you're less than by default. Everything you do is seen as compensating for your height. Everyone assumes you've got a Napoleon Complex if you get angry about something. Women automatically shut off when talking to you. Other men feel above you. Its not imagined. You know what is? Me thinking height didn't matter. What woke me up was getting slapped in the face over and over again until I realized

          >Holy frick ive been lied to. I had one chance at life and God fricked me. Height really does color peoples opinions of you

          I know you're just trying to lift our spirits, but lying, especially to people who've got no choice but to live the truth, just makes us angry and resentful. Just be honest.

          • 12 months ago

            Thanks man. You summed it up perfectly. I can tell you're a fellow manlet or maybe you had a sibling who's a manlet so you've seen how they're treated in life.

            Holy shit. Dude. If you do this you are the dumbest mother fricker on this site, and that is saying something...
            You will have permanently weakened bones. You will never be able to squat again. No deadlifts. No calf raises.
            I honestly hope you are trolling.

            >permanently weakened bones
            you're calling me dumb. lmao
            go do some research before making a bigger fool of yourself

            • 12 months ago

              I'm 5,8, I'd rather be black than any shorter, get whatever limb lengthening you want mate, those saying "cope" are moronic, it makes as much sense as saying someone's coping with weak legs by doing heavy squats. It's not coping, it's correcting.

          • 12 months ago

            >Everything you do is seen as compensating for your height.
            getting leg lengthening surgery is the epitome of that

          • 12 months ago

            Speak for yourself. I'm 5'2", have a gf (7/10), have a stable job and I'm happy. You're the same time of parasite who, if he was born black, would be crying about systemic racism keeping him down. Get a clue and take ownership over your life. Because as things are going now, even with your surgery you'll still be whining like a b***h.

            • 12 months ago

              I am black shit head. And oh wow, you've got a little girlfriend. Get back to us 10 years into your marriage if you even make it to a wedding. Why do you dumbasses think your hook up is the end all be all of relationships? If you aren't hitched with kids, don't act like you've got anything. Besides that, you're a sample size of 1. Its not like it CANT happen, but the chances are atomically small just finding a partner who's serious, let alone one who'll marry you and stay with you for the rest of your life. Even tall people have trouble finding a good life partner, so why would it be any easier when you aren't attractive?
              >take control over your life

              Its not your own life you stupid frick, its someone else's. You cant make people be attracted to you.

              • 12 months ago

                >I am black shit head
                Okay, do you believe your position in life is in any way determined by a system that is biased against you due to your race alone?

              • 12 months ago

                No, but thats totally different. Height being attractive in males is universal. Thats just what women find attractive. Black, white, whatever, short is NOT attractive and us short guys have the shit end of the stick when it comes to finding partners. We cant make women be attra ted to us anymore than the fat fricks can make us be attracted to land whales. The difference here though is that all they have to do is just stop eating like shit, but we're STUCK, and its nobody's fault. We can't blame womennfor having attraction to tallness, we can't blame society because its not a social issue, we cant blame ourselves, our parents, we just got fricked by the dice and we have to live with it.

              • 12 months ago

                You have no knowledge of how female sexuality works lol. Not surprising since you've clearly never been with one. That's not an attack btw, it's just a fact. You haven't been with one because you believe women think like men. To a man, a fat woman is a death knell. To a woman, a fat man is merely a red flag, not a deal breaker.

              • 12 months ago

                >virgin calling other people virgins
                Always the case, but that aside:
                I didn't say it was the end all be all, but a fat man is still better than a short guy in a woman's eyes. No matter what, you can make up for unattractiveness in areas by increasing in others, but shortness is the hardest pocket to come out of. Not very funny, at least to people who don't know me, don't have a lot of money, but I will say I at least have a pretty boy look. Unfortunately at my height that only attracts highschool chicks and I'm 23.

              • 12 months ago

                >Unfortunately at my height that only attracts prime 10/10 teen puss
                IST really is the gayest board

              • 12 months ago

                I'm the short anon who has a girlfriend, and for the record we're clearly not virgins. You, on the other hand are. Breaking your legs isn't going to get you a girl. Fixing your insecurity will, and breaking your legs won't change that.

              • 12 months ago

                Being average height would increase any man's chances and you arguing that it wouldn't shows you're:

                1. Fricking stupid
                2. A fricking liar
                3. Full of shit

                Anything else, homosexual? Make sure you aim for the roof of your mouth when your little girlfriend leaves you for an adult sized man.

              • 12 months ago

                If that's the argument you think I'm making then you're hopeless. Have fun breaking your legs moron

              • 12 months ago

                You need a therapist. And a manicure.

              • 12 months ago

                You need to shut the frick up. No amount of therapy is going to make being short a good thing any more than it will make being fat a good thing. I don't need a scheduled session of me getting shit on for a deficiency I couldn't control, because that's all it would be. Recognizing being short fricking sucks and just trying to find ways to twist the truth to cope.

              • 12 months ago

                They're called calluses you DYEL gay, go get some.

              • 12 months ago

                dude u sound like u made up ur mind, put ur money where ur mouth is then

              • 12 months ago

                Stop mouthin' off before I put my wiener where yours is mini-me.

            • 12 months ago

              >if he was born black


              I am black shit head. And oh wow, you've got a little girlfriend. Get back to us 10 years into your marriage if you even make it to a wedding. Why do you dumbasses think your hook up is the end all be all of relationships? If you aren't hitched with kids, don't act like you've got anything. Besides that, you're a sample size of 1. Its not like it CANT happen, but the chances are atomically small just finding a partner who's serious, let alone one who'll marry you and stay with you for the rest of your life. Even tall people have trouble finding a good life partner, so why would it be any easier when you aren't attractive?
              >take control over your life

              Its not your own life you stupid frick, its someone else's. You cant make people be attracted to you.

              >I am black shit head

              LMAO. Umm based?

          • 12 months ago

            Get the surgery. I am 6'3" and cannot imagine how hard life would have been for every inch shorter I would have been. I got laid all the time despite having bad hygiene and being a scarecrow. I just kind of went through life not having to try very hard at all. And all because I was tall.

            • 12 months ago

              No, that shit is moronic, not because it doesn't work, but because you're spending all this money and time just to attract women. Women aren't shit. Men are better than women when they build themsleves up. Women are mediocre. A man trying to impress women is like trying to be cool with 12 year olds. All the money Id spend on the surgery id rather spend on guns and ammo. The years wasted in rehab I'm spending in the gym Dwarfmaxxing. I've no doubt ill find a woman one day, just not today. Besides, they aren't shit to begin with. If you're doing what you're supposed to in this life, a woman is just a set of flowers on the work of art that is your struggle is.

          • 12 months ago


            I am black shit head. And oh wow, you've got a little girlfriend. Get back to us 10 years into your marriage if you even make it to a wedding. Why do you dumbasses think your hook up is the end all be all of relationships? If you aren't hitched with kids, don't act like you've got anything. Besides that, you're a sample size of 1. Its not like it CANT happen, but the chances are atomically small just finding a partner who's serious, let alone one who'll marry you and stay with you for the rest of your life. Even tall people have trouble finding a good life partner, so why would it be any easier when you aren't attractive?
            >take control over your life

            Its not your own life you stupid frick, its someone else's. You cant make people be attracted to you.

            Do you feel like heightism or racism is worse? Serious question. I feel like height discrimination is far worse.

            • 12 months ago

              same shit i think

            • 12 months ago

              Racism is non existent for black people in 99% of the US. For white people, id say you run a serious risk in the cities and hoods. For you, racism is an issue. As for heightism, it depends on what you mean by issue. You aren't gonna lose your life, get your ass beat, get denied housing or a loan, but socially you're down a peg. As I said, people just look at you and treat you differently. You have to work harder for respect from everyone, everyone looks down on you, and many people will test your boundaries as a man to see if they can punk you. Heightism affects every male on this planet who lands on the wrong side of the scale. Racism is isolated to shit holes.

              • 12 months ago

                Have you ever considered the possibility that people are treating you like shit because of your shit personality?

              • 12 months ago

                Have you considered i dont have a shit personality and am perfectly cordial with everyone i talk to in public? Have you considered you may not know wtf you're talkin about?

              • 12 months ago

                Being cordial is the bare minimum requirement for literally not being an butthole. You're basically admitting to having no personality. Or, as I prefer to phrase it a shit personality.

              • 12 months ago

                Why would you be anything other than cordial with strangers unless you're trying to get to know them? Why would you treat someone poorly because they're being cordial? Do you act like you're best friends with every stranger you talk to?

          • 12 months ago

            This reminds me of studies where they apply a fake scar or tattoo to people's faces and ask them to rate how differently people treat them. In reality, half of the test subject have no visable alterations actually made.

            They overwhelmingly report being discriminated against and mistreated constantly because of their scar/face tat, which doesnt actually exist. This is a pretty well replicated finding.

            There definitely is some anti-manlet discrimination in society, but you're blowing it way out of proportion in your head because you are terminally online and insecure.

            I'm over 6 foot and physically mog a lot of my manlet friends who I play football with, yet they all have girlfriends and I'm practically an incel.

            • 12 months ago

              Thats because you're a boring shit person who doesn't put himself out there in the slightest. And what the frick would you know about being short Mr. 6 foot social moron? You're fricking it up on easy mode. You wouldn't have a hope in the world if you were short. I'm not terminally online and I'm perfectly secure, its called being realistic. I don't try for friends or women anymore, I'm entirely focused on myself. Thats what allowed me to step back and really examine how strangers feel about me on first impression. You can recognize the manlet dislike, but because you don't and never have experienced it, you cant honestly know the half of it.

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm entirely focused on myself
                Then why the frick do you care about what others think?
                >They mock me!
                Yes, just like you do to others. Every single person on this planet is a c**t in some way or another and that won't change even if you frick your legs.
                People will mock you by your
                >Fashion sense
                >Being poor/rich
                And more, grow up and stop acting like a kid at 29

              • 12 months ago

                Honestly man now I know you're a Black person I'm kinda glad you cant breed.

          • 12 months ago

            I'm really tall, over 6'6" and I don't judge short men when I see them. I think "oh there's another person" and it doesn't matter that I'm a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier. There's multimillionaires and professional fighters and rock stars that are shorter than me. I don't judge a man by his size. That's moronic. Maybe women do that. Most men don't. You're paranoid.

            • 12 months ago

              Yea MOST men don't. You argue like a woman.
              >oh w-well not all!

              I didn't say all dip shit, now did I? Of course most guys are dicks about height, it still doesn't take away from the shitty interactions where some dude thinks he's gonna cut in front of you like he doesn't see you or when you just get blown off in the middle of something. With those guys its like they're testing you. It doesn't happen often, but its still a reminder of inadequacy.

              • 12 months ago

                When will manlets learn that physically mogging people just isn't in the cards for you? By all means please live a fit and healthy lifestyle but don't get so wrapped up in all this height/frame/size nonsense. Maxx out some other part of yourself where you can actually see some results instead of investing a bunch of energy into the futile pursuit of not being a hobbit.

                It's like amputees who try to have wheelchair basketball leagues and shit... it's moronic. Like bro, you have a fully functioning brain and a broken body why are you choosing to handicap yourself on purpose why not just get good at some mental task or become an expert at something non-physical that you can actually do? I like lifting, I like powershitting a lot... but if I lost my legs in a car accident I wouldn't go to the gym and try to squat 500lbs... I'd just take up chess or something and try to get good at that.

                You guys need to quit choosing to fight battles that are lost from the beginning and start finding ways to stack up wins.

              • 12 months ago

                You're just a b***h. This guy has no legs and mogs every single homosexual here.

      • 12 months ago

        You arent being better your being acomplete loser. Very Hard to respect someone who would get this surgery

        • 12 months ago

          noone respects men who are 5'4"
          and if the turbo manlet decides to surgery to correct it, he gets disrespected for not accepting being short.

          lmao even

          • 12 months ago

            t1 is 5'4 and people respect him because hes jacked

      • 12 months ago

        >why does anyone lift?
        Lifting is FUN!~

      • 12 months ago

        Don't listen to these copers, going from 5'4 to 5'10 will drastically improve your life. Height is far from being everything, but lack of height may as well be everything

      • 12 months ago

        vegeta is 5'4" and hes based. "Self acceptance" is a weak mans confidence. Kanye West is like 5'7" but with the way he talks and acts you wouldn't get that. Or like napolean, homies can talk shit all they want but they're still getting clapped by a manlet.

      • 12 months ago

        >why does anyone lift?
        because numbers go brrr, grug lifts heaviest stone
        >why does anyone make money?
        grug must eat

      • 12 months ago

        Dude, limb lengthening surgery is a cope, too, with much worse consequences.
        If you tell anyone you had it, they'll immediately profile you as an insecure cuck.
        Doing surgery will not make you better at all.

      • 12 months ago

        Are you trans btw

      • 12 months ago

        >You should always strive to be better.
        You're in the best case of scenarios crippling yourself for a decade to still be a manlet

      • 12 months ago

        Accepting things about yourself that you can't reasonably change IS improving yourself, mentally.

        • 12 months ago

          mentally yes, but changes frickall outside of ur head. thats gonna loop imo, u can only repress so much

          • 12 months ago

            pure acceptance isn't repressing

            • 12 months ago

              pure acceptance is impossible

              • 12 months ago

                no it isn't

              • 12 months ago

                well alright then

              • 12 months ago

                go turn off every source of noise in your house and lights and go sit in bed and think about your life, for a few hours, you'll start to realize things aren't as bad as they seem, the only true "stressor" for me personally is mortality

              • 12 months ago

                dont buddhist believe in reincarnating? or this is more western therapy version of it

            • 12 months ago

              you can "accept" yourself as much as you want but it won't change shit about how the world treats you.

              a 300lb fat woman is gonna be treated differently from a 10/10 model. Even IF the landwhale convinces herself that she's beautiful, the world will constantly remind her that she's just repressing reality in her own head by coping.

              • 12 months ago

                budhism is more about ,,not wanting'' tbh. sour grapes the religion

    • 12 months ago

      that's what I've been told my whole life and it's pure cope.
      if that was true, why does anyone lift? why does anyone make money?
      why improve at all?

      "just accept it bro"

      nah. frick that. You should always strive to be better.

      Holy shit. Dude. If you do this you are the dumbest mother fricker on this site, and that is saying something...
      You will have permanently weakened bones. You will never be able to squat again. No deadlifts. No calf raises.
      I honestly hope you are trolling.

      • 12 months ago

        Your bones don't permanently weaken dumbass. You wouldn't apply that "logic" to any other boney in the body. You break your arm or your fingers and they come back. Your legs will just take longer because they're bigger. Holy frick this shits ridiculous. You're basing this idea off of people who just got the surgery, not anyone 2-3 years after when they've had recovery and rehab.

        • 12 months ago

          Bones ARE permanently weaker after being broken, and if you've deliberately stretched them out to artificially lengthen them by 4 inches, they will be even more so.
          But it sounds like you've made up your mind so just get the surgery and report back for us.

          • 12 months ago

            What is shin conditioning? Never heard of muay thai or lethwei Black person?

            • 12 months ago

              shin conditioning is deadening the nerves it doesn’t make your bones stronger moron

              • 12 months ago

                Not that guy, but it apparently does in some abstract way. I think it’s vaguely comparable to people lifting weights in their 50s to avoid osteoporosis, but that’s not a great comparison either. I don’t understand it almost at all, but it does work somehow in some marginal way in conjunction to the nerves deadening around the shin also. My uneducated guess is that it maybe makes the bone slightly thicker, possibly only 1 or 2% thicker, but in a competition that may give someone an added edge even if it seems insignificant.

              • 12 months ago

                It sharpens bone and calcifies the bone structure moron

          • 12 months ago

            If you break a bone, you are much more likely to break that same bone again. Ironically, it's because that area of the bone is stronger than normal.
            You should ask a physician about weight lifting after those surgeries and see what they have to say.

            holy shit they break ur bones to do this? LMFAO

        • 12 months ago

          If you break a bone, you are much more likely to break that same bone again. Ironically, it's because that area of the bone is stronger than normal.
          You should ask a physician about weight lifting after those surgeries and see what they have to say.

          • 12 months ago

            every limb lengthening physician as well as everyone on the limb lengthening forums recommend strength training after limb lengthening surgery to speed up recovery and fortify the area.

    • 12 months ago

      I’m 6’ king of manlets and that is pure cope lol

    • 12 months ago

      Let me sum up everything for you.

      This is the one and only solution.

      You are influenced by mentally ill Black folk you follow on instagram and the people in this shithole.
      No one gives a shit about your height, I am 6'3" and get no pussy, while a friend of mine who is literally almost a foot shorter is banging girls every week (he is decent looking, and not rich)

      Go learn some languages, read books, get into different hobbies.

      Also this.

      After you're 5'8" and you're still khv, I wonder what excuse you will have to use then to explain your failure.

      This whole thread hilarious Imagine caring about height so much you mutilate your body to be 5'8" might as well just troon out

      >wanting it to be easy
      Do whatever you want but don't lie to yourself saying the reason you're a khv is because of how short you are. Life is definitely easier when you're taller but with how you are OP, you'll still be a khv whether you're 5'4, 5'8 or 6'.

      if you're a loser at 5'4, you'll be a loser at 5'8.

      Bit harsh but true

      Now, you should leave this thread, forget everything that everybody said on here, and actually talk to people in real life about what you should do.

    • 12 months ago

      If you're 5'4" then don't become jacked. You'll only look like a goofy manlet dwarf with T-Rex arms. Go for the twink look and you will be drowning in women. Plenty of women like "weak" and vulnerable looking "cute" men. You can find any one of them.

      Also, this. Limb lengthening is gay and beta b***h behavior. Be confident in who you are. That will attract women more than looking like a slightly taller manlet, because unless you're over 6', most modern women will still see you as a manlet. If you don't have height, then improve your "resume" by acquiring other things like wealth, skills, interesting hobbies, and status.

  5. 12 months ago

    After you're 5'8" and you're still khv, I wonder what excuse you will have to use then to explain your failure.

    • 12 months ago

      atleast I'll know I tried. and I won't be a turbo manlet anymore. I've seen guys who are 5'8" who are insanely aesthetic. but they'd look far worse if they were 5'4".

      all your leg gains will go to shit because no one will want to see troony scars

      there's actually minimal scarring. it just looks like two small faded lines on each leg. hardly noticeable

  6. 12 months ago

    all your leg gains will go to shit because no one will want to see troony scars

  7. 12 months ago

    >5'4 to 5'8
    Bud, you'll still be a giga manlet, even at 5'10 with lifts.

    • 12 months ago

      it's a massive improvement over being 5'4".
      I'll be close to average height and atleast I'll be taller than most women.

      at the moment I look like a child with a man's face

  8. 12 months ago

    not worth it dude just go to church instead of obsessing over this crap to this degree. i'm 5'6" and doing just fine. i remember my 5'2" friend had a super hot girlfriend in highschool but they eventually split up years later cuz she was a super libtard

  9. 12 months ago

    5'6" and skinny fat. Not kissless but was virgin til 30. After that relationship ended I haven't had any issues attracting girls. Just to say, I don't have issues at my height, and you could wear a reasonable boot and be my height.

    I get it though, cause IST had me super worried too, and I've been turned down because of height before, but the biggest part is really just not worrying about it.
    Some girls will turn you down because of it, but you're still taller than a ton of girls and there's a near infinite selection.

    I actually find limb lengthening cool from a biohacking perspective, but I don't think it's worth it for relationship purposes.
    The best gains there are talking to girls in a private ongoing conversation for a period of several months. Via Book club, language learning app, Muay Thai, whatever.
    Those social skills are a hard requirement, whereas height is just some ancillary thing. So if you haven't maxed the former it seems like jumping the gun to go for the latter. And I say that guaranteeing that maxing the former will result in a solid relationship if tried long enough.
    One night I sent a message to a girl in my city on a language learning app and 5 months later we were sharing an apartment. Tonight, or tomorrow, or three months from now could be your "one night"
    Just some thoughts anyway.

  10. 12 months ago

    I'm a 5'2" male and I have been wearing these boots, that make me a very respectful and somewhat tall 5'9"

  11. 12 months ago

    Just think about all the short mexicans shorter than you. If they can be happy in life and impregnate women so can u.

    • 12 months ago

      The average mexican is 5'9", I am that height though my growth spurt happened at 16-17 after being just 4'11" for years and getting bullied

      • 12 months ago

        > The average mexican is 5'9
        Lmao that would be the average American

  12. 12 months ago

    imagining this gangly spider freak with super long arms and tiny torso KEK

  13. 12 months ago

    crazy to see someone do surgery and add shoes just to be still shorter than what i naturally am. idk how to help you dog other than, maybe, don't rely on the external world for confidence or validation. the only person who will care about you is yourself. despite my height i also have that reality to face. nevertheless i sympathise w you.

  14. 12 months ago

    I support you, OP. Do it

    • 12 months ago

      Not naming your subreddit r/incelfies

    • 12 months ago

      there's no way that's all genetics

    • 12 months ago

      >that title
      I've seen this before but lmaooo

  15. 12 months ago

    This whole thread hilarious Imagine caring about height so much you mutilate your body to be 5'8" might as well just troon out

  16. 12 months ago

    support you if you do it right, though im less of a manlet myself (5'9) i will go for le tall women, and be blessed with the perspective to see her up 🙂

  17. 12 months ago

    Dude at 5'4 you attract women with strong preferences for manlets, fetishists and shit like that you stand out
    As 5'8 you're fricking DOOMED
    You will never be tall enough OR short enough it truly is the most cursed height
    t. 5'8

    • 12 months ago

      >Dude at 5'4 you attract women with strong preferences for manlets, fetishists and shit like that you stand out
      >As 5'8 you're fricking DOOMED
      >You will never be tall enough OR short enough it truly is the most cursed height
      >t. 5'8

      I unironically agree, though I'd throw 5'7" in there too. I could be convinced 5'6" belongs in either category.

    • 12 months ago

      Bro do you have 0 life experience? If you have literally anything in life going for you, that shouldn’t be a problem at ALL. If you have an attractive face at that height and are interesting in literally anyway you should be able to get a girlfriend and if someone can’t do it at that height because they’re short it’s more of a reflection on them. If you’re in college or something it’s not hard as long as you make an effort to join a few groups and make friends. If you’re older then that literally just have a decent job and look like you have something going for you and it shouldn’t be a factor at all. Anyone telling you any different either is trolling, lying, or has other flaws they won’t accept or work on. most of my girlfriends I got while being a student and not even having a fricking job. Just literally having a personality and some interests I could talk about to people. So even the job thing isn’t necessary and would only help.

      • 12 months ago

        How do I get a personality?
        How do I become interesting?
        I find my gas mask collection pretty interesting but noone else agrees

        • 12 months ago

          You have to live your life and take risks, try new things, set goals. Fail a lot and learn. you don’t get a personality you develop one naturally by living your life. But if you never try new things or try to learn or improve yourself or never struggle, you develop a “personality” a lot more slowly. even by failing in life you learn about yourself and what you’re willing to endure and overcome. you also have to build faith in yourself through experience. this is just general advice I would offer to anyone. don’t listen to anyone telling you that this is bullshit if someone tries to criticize this idea. I wish someone told me this shit when I was younger.

          show us a few pictures of your gas mask collection if you like. I had one for a cosplay a few years back. so even I find that a little interesting. my ex has it because I left it at her house and it was one she wanted to try wearing during sex. (I’ve had some kinky girlfriends) Oh well I can always buy another one if I do that costume again.

      • 12 months ago

        >just be alive bro!
        >there isn't hordes of simps bro!
        >competition doesn't exist bro!
        Ofc OP shouldn't lop off his legs, it's not worth the risk. But this blue pill shit is gas lighting. If you want to succeed in life, you must compete and be top notch. Like in any job, what fricking company hires just having a pulse other than Mc. Wagies?

        • 12 months ago

          I have a LOT of experience dating and with women. This post here is mine.

          You have to live your life and take risks, try new things, set goals. Fail a lot and learn. you don’t get a personality you develop one naturally by living your life. But if you never try new things or try to learn or improve yourself or never struggle, you develop a “personality” a lot more slowly. even by failing in life you learn about yourself and what you’re willing to endure and overcome. you also have to build faith in yourself through experience. this is just general advice I would offer to anyone. don’t listen to anyone telling you that this is bullshit if someone tries to criticize this idea. I wish someone told me this shit when I was younger.

          show us a few pictures of your gas mask collection if you like. I had one for a cosplay a few years back. so even I find that a little interesting. my ex has it because I left it at her house and it was one she wanted to try wearing during sex. (I’ve had some kinky girlfriends) Oh well I can always buy another one if I do that costume again.

          Let me give some more advice. If you feel you have to “compete” and out do a bunch of guys for a woman’s attention, that’s a red flag right there and you would do well to avoid them. There are tons of guys out there who are made men with a nice job a cool car and a house. They have no idea that the high maintenance women they married will leave them if they lose those things. you need to find a partner in life who is down to earth so you can rely on them. you should improve yourself for yourself because you are the only one you can truly count on in life. If you improve yourself and then you find someone to admires your accomplishments that’s cool but women shouldn’t even be a fricking factor in that so your argument is pointless. You also don’t need to date or marry someone to be happy in life. enjoy your independence and extra time.

    • 12 months ago

      Except I am 5'8, average looking, and have had multiple girlfriends and one night stands.

      I think people need to distinguish between traits that simply make you less than the ideal perfect specimen and traits that actually doom you. Sure, would some of my girlfriends have preferred if I was a few inches taller? Probably. Could i have been a little leaner, more symmetrical, better skin, better hair, more money etc? Always. But shit like that isn't holding anyone back. It's not like you've got some big black tumor on the side of your head. Stuff like that is worth whining about, everything else is just normal human variation. The biggest cure to these "shortcomings" is confidence and the belief that it's no big deal

      • 12 months ago

        >and have had multiple girlfriends and one night stands.
        lmao how many years ago ?
        game has changed

      • 12 months ago

        I’m 5’8” and had 3 one night stands and got a gf this year with OLD. Probably spent 30-40+ hours building my profile. OLD is not as insurmountable as people think it is.

        • 12 months ago

          What is OLD? google just tells me what old means

          • 12 months ago

            online dating

      • 12 months ago

        I’m 5’7 and have never really had a woman show interest in me before. I haven’t tried speaking to women since I just assume I’ll be rejected anyways. People think I’m weird or robotic, I’m diagnosed clinical autism. How do I get better? Dating apps didn’t work for me either

        • 12 months ago

          bulbous tip rhinoplasty
          undereye fillers/fat grafting

          your eyebrow shape and cheekbones are great but you could ascend hard with some surgery

        • 12 months ago

          you look like a twink, have you considered being my bottom sub?

        • 12 months ago

          >I haven’t tried speaking to women since I just assume I’ll be rejected anyways
          yeah that might have something to do with it
          and what's with the hair

        • 12 months ago

          You have to practise social skills and conversation. Be awkward and make those mistakes and you will learn. It's possible and give yourself time to improve. Be patient.
          > t. Undiagnosed, probably a sperg

  18. 12 months ago

    Next step is jaw surgery
    Then Rhinoplasty
    Then botox
    Then Hair implants
    Then full cosmetics
    Then cantal tilt surgery
    Then the steroids
    Then implants
    Then HRT
    Then heroin
    The potential is LIMITLESS why stop at height ? Never stop improving, never stop paying up, paypiggy.

    • 12 months ago

      homie looks like a condor

  19. 12 months ago

    If you look good, just lean into it on a dating app, find yourself a dommy mommy that will lead you around by the hand and show off how cute you are to all her friends.
    >t. Not me, but my old boss was 5'3 and bagged himself a 5'11 woman who would wear giant heels in an attempt to emasculate him further

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah except what if you’re not into that crap? I have zero interest in a mommy whatever or being emasculated.

  20. 12 months ago

    >all this suffering just to be 5'8

    not worth it, idiot

    • 12 months ago

      5'4 vs 5'8 day and night difference. actual 5'8 isnt manlet irl ironically

      • 12 months ago

        I'm 5'8" and live in the Midwest. Half of the females out here are taller than me.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm 5'10 in the midwest and I don't feel short

          • 12 months ago

            Is it just a regional thing? Women are fricking giants out here.

            I'm a Hoosier btw.

            • 12 months ago

              I'm from Columbus, Ohio

      • 12 months ago

        No, it's almost, almost, average since 173-175 cm is the real average in the world.

  21. 12 months ago

    Depending on your skull shape, you're likely better off just taking HRT and being a shortstack mommy.

    You'll be fricking cis women and lesbians non stop assuming you don't look like an ogre after getting some work done.

    >height surgery

    Your proportions will be wonky and moronic.
    Find a 5ft4 person and tell him to wear 6inch high shoe lifts.

    Looks even more moronic, 100k and 2 years of rehab down the drain.

  22. 12 months ago

    IST has managed to ruin another weak-minded b***h

    many such cases

  23. 12 months ago

    Just b urself u silly willy.

  24. 12 months ago

    if you have the money for all these surguries just beta-buxx, the result will be the same but you won't be crippled

  25. 12 months ago

    >wanting it to be easy
    Do whatever you want but don't lie to yourself saying the reason you're a khv is because of how short you are. Life is definitely easier when you're taller but with how you are OP, you'll still be a khv whether you're 5'4, 5'8 or 6'.

    • 12 months ago

      >Ah ah dont lose fat if you are insecure, you would still be a khv even if you are lean. Its all in your head bro :^*~~

  26. 12 months ago

    If I was <5'6" and I had the money to do it, I would probably do it. As others have said, do it in the US, make sure you go to a very well established surgeon who has performed the procedure a lot, and take the recovery period very seriously.

  27. 12 months ago

    5'10" semi manlet here. It doesnt get any easier op. Just find contentment in your loneliness.

  28. 12 months ago

    As a 5'11.5 manlet I've thought about getting LL, it's tough living life with people staring and laughing when I walk into a room. Women literally resting their drinks on my head, needing to ask people to get things from the top shelf for me. LL would be life changing.

  29. 12 months ago

    Op before I bother trying to give you helpful advice I’m curious if that’s yiu in the picture or not

    • 12 months ago

      Yes, OP is me

      • 12 months ago

        Bro... You are gonna look like the lucky charms guy on stilts. You look good stop being a little pussy about your height.

        • 12 months ago

          My upper body is fine

    • 12 months ago

      It's jeff nippard
      OP is dyel crybaby homosexual

  30. 12 months ago

    just find a 5'1 girl bro don't break your legs for this shit wtf ofc they will tell you theres no complications they want your 75k

    Youre gonna have pain and tons of issues later in life

  31. 12 months ago

    >going from short to short with weak legs
    anon are you moronic?

  32. 12 months ago

    move to guatemala. seriously everyone there is a manlet. Now... I'm not giving you blue pills saying height doesn't matter. It does, but it's not worth not being able to walk normal again.

  33. 12 months ago

    if you're a loser at 5'4, you'll be a loser at 5'8.

  34. 12 months ago

    don’t bother.
    I’m 5’10 and I feel like a manlet.
    You will nuke your body to become a slightly less small manlet.

    don’t do it bro.
    Tons of short kings made it.
    My CEO is under 160cm and he scored a 6’ asian supermodel, he drives an Aston and has three kids.

    You’ll be alright. I know it sucks to be short but it’s not worth it.

    • 12 months ago

      >he scored a 6’ asian
      like pottery. must be his per$onality

    • 12 months ago

      >My CEO is under 160cm and he scored a 6’ asian supermodel, he drives an Aston and has three kids.
      Asian women are great. They take leftovers and remove all the trash genes from the white race.

    • 12 months ago


  35. 12 months ago

    Does the muscle belly lengthen too? You'd be all legs but you would be bigger. Probably be impossible to eat for frame size though because your digestive system stays the same. Also a 5'4" mans torso on a 5'8" mans legs is ayylmao tier. good luck with that shit. I'm 5'4" and I'm good with just compensating via physical competence but maybe man made horrors will work for you.

  36. 12 months ago

    5'1 giga manlet here. Hey Basically I'm just not gonna get my legs broken. I know.... UGH I know ..... I'm sorry!

    • 12 months ago

      5'3 and below is actually better than being 5'6-5'8 because you have a leprecaunish charm to you

    • 12 months ago

      HAHA same. Scored a 5'11" blonde midwestern tomboyish girl and life couldn't be better.

  37. 12 months ago

    if you cant get a girl you are moronic.
    small chick would take you any time of the day.

    frick off with that defeatist attitude you mongo

    • 12 months ago

      How i do it? Im 5'7 and bald, 36 yo, Face is ok body is ok, i dont want uglies or fats or mothers

      • 12 months ago

        >5'7 and bald
        >I need the top 20% of women

  38. 12 months ago

    Rise up me fellow manlet bros

    GO GO OP!

    • 12 months ago

      Don't encourage manlet form you fricking loser

  39. 12 months ago

    You will just be a little guy with long shins. Maybe you could sign up for the circus.

  40. 12 months ago

    5'4"? Are you a newbie? Everyone knows if you're a manlet you don't kys or get that moronic surgery. You DWARFMAXX and live your life to the fullest.

    Take the dwarfpill anon. Itll be the best thing you ever do.

    • 12 months ago

      No, that shit is moronic, not because it doesn't work, but because you're spending all this money and time just to attract women. Women aren't shit. Men are better than women when they build themsleves up. Women are mediocre. A man trying to impress women is like trying to be cool with 12 year olds. All the money Id spend on the surgery id rather spend on guns and ammo. The years wasted in rehab I'm spending in the gym Dwarfmaxxing. I've no doubt ill find a woman one day, just not today. Besides, they aren't shit to begin with. If you're doing what you're supposed to in this life, a woman is just a set of flowers on the work of art that is your struggle is.


      Dwarfmax. roid+hypertrophy program+gomad+grow a beard. slap some ugly tribal tattoos on your arms and you'll be golden

      this is the right answer
      just dwarfmodemaxx
      buy some shoelifts like

      What is the max cm shoelift shortkings should use to not look weird?
      Also, are Nike Air Maxes the best/tallest "common" shoes for height increase that exist?
      I'm 5'6 and would probably be fine with even 3cm increase,


      I'm 5'6 and can probably get to 5'8 by wearing nike air maxes and one layer of shoe lift.
      Just roid then heightfraudmaxx.

      said to get you to atleast 5'7
      you will make it

      • 12 months ago

        also get on min to grow a beard

      • 12 months ago

        Yep. Not enough people telling OP to dwarfmaxx. It's 100% the way to go. Any other method is simply not taking advantage of what you've been born with.

  41. 12 months ago

    i just farted

  42. 12 months ago

    You are influenced by mentally ill Black folk you follow on instagram and the people in this shithole.
    No one gives a shit about your height, I am 6'3" and get no pussy, while a friend of mine who is literally almost a foot shorter is banging girls every week (he is decent looking, and not rich)

    Go learn some languages, read books, get into different hobbies.

    • 12 months ago

      I think the reason people like this poster wants to gaslight this hard is actually to be abusive. I'm 6.2" and I'd be turbofricked if it wasn't for my height and I'm a lanky 6/10

  43. 12 months ago

    Same height as you but I would never consider this surgery. Even if there were no side effects, i have a feeling it would permanently destroy my self esteem.
    >wasn't strong enough mentally and took a shortcut
    >this girl likes me for my height, I bet she would never date me as 5'4
    >i can't tell my new friends, gf about the surgery, what they would think of me?
    Don't know about you OP but i will continue LIFTing and cutting. Confidence i have now compared to few months ago when I was starting out is night and day and it is only getting better. Drowning in 18yo pussy is only a matter of time

  44. 12 months ago

    why would you do that brah, thats just going to destroy your nerves, take the height hacking pill

  45. 12 months ago

    Look at the little midget haha

  46. 12 months ago

    Do it. This anti surgery thing is a combination of left over Christian morals and minimising rid of competition.

    • 12 months ago

      I am all for soft looksmaxxing but LL is the most risky and expensive surgery for minimal results. Just wear lifts for the same results

      • 12 months ago

        To be fair, wearing lifts works if you're 5'8-5'10 so you can be 5'10-6'. But at 5'4 you're still gonna be a super manlet standing at 5'6 so might aswell get a LL.

        • 12 months ago

          Its just objectively not worth it. All of the copers saying otherwise are PSL addled chad worshippers. Better off just SEAmaxxing or prostitutemaxxing

          • 12 months ago

            One guy having a failed operation doesn't mean every guy will.

            • 12 months ago

              It is decently high risk procedure and very invasive and expensive

              • 12 months ago

                no, those complications are incredibly rare and all those people with complications do the LON method which is old and not even available in first world countries anymore.

                the new method is minimally invasive called precise 2. they make a small incision in your thigh and insert the device on your femur. you lengthen with a magnet device that slowly expands.

                If you make your legs longer but not your arms, wouldn't that make you disproportionate?

                it's honestly not noticeable. if you gain 3 or 4 inches on your legs your arms will still look proportional.
                Noone has perfect proportions anyway. there are plenty of mma fighters who are 5'8" with longer wingspans than guys who are 5'11".

  47. 12 months ago

    I have an acquaintance in my gym that is like 5'7.
    He is big (even by IST standards). Has a decent beard. Seems to have a great sense of humor and is always positive.
    He doesn't have the "chad genetics" but he has outworked almost everybody i see around.
    I bet he has no problem with girls.

    Just work hard on yourself, this way you can accept who you are.
    This is what "making it" really means.

  48. 12 months ago

    Its about as expensive and a lot less painful to move somewhere where the women are 5ft tall

  49. 12 months ago

    dont do it

  50. 12 months ago

    thats moronic

  51. 12 months ago

    > excruciating pain just to still be an obvious try hard Manlet

    Just accept yourself man, find your part in the world.

  52. 12 months ago

    The thing is that I would hate to go through all of this only for AI to come up with a way to just reopen growth plates without giving you cancer.

    • 12 months ago

      >The findings show that regeneration of a growth plate occurs when a part of it is injured in such a manner that a bone bridge is not formed between the epiphysis and the metaphysis.
      just injure it.

      • 12 months ago

        You have to do it for every long bone.

  53. 12 months ago

    >crippling yourself for life so you become a manlet king

    • 12 months ago

      King is 5'11"
      >t. Prince of manlets (5'10")

      • 12 months ago

        So 5'8" is manlet advisor?

  54. 12 months ago

    I have never given a shit about height. Im 30 years old and never even knew how tall I was until this year because they measured me at the hospital. I always assumed I was over 6 foot. Im 5'8 lol. It's never affected my ability with women in the slightest.

    I also used to be friends with a dude who was an entire head and neck shorter than me, and he was always pulling girls that I was fricking jealous of. He had a ripped little body. I genuinely don't think women care about any single trait as much as you think they do. If you're 5'4, good looking, ripped, funny and agile, you'll slay the puss.

    What you are considering doing is the ultimate cope. Its funny cus since I found out I was 5'8, and frequently been browsing this board, ive actually started to worry about my height. But I'm telling you, nobody actually gives a single shit. IST is putting stuff in your head like it is mine. When I go out I forget about it cus it isnt reality.

    Grow up OP. Oh wait you can't. HAHAHAHAHHAHA

  55. 12 months ago

    I'm 5'6 and can probably get to 5'8 by wearing nike air maxes and one layer of shoe lift.
    Just roid then heightfraudmaxx.

    • 12 months ago

      What is the max cm shoelift shortkings should use to not look weird?
      Also, are Nike Air Maxes the best/tallest "common" shoes for height increase that exist?
      I'm 5'6 and would probably be fine with even 3cm increase,

      • 12 months ago

        This shit is depressing.

        • 12 months ago

          It is, anon. But it is what it is. When you are a shortking any centimeter matters.

        • 12 months ago

          Its a better cope than crippling yourself with surgery.

      • 12 months ago

        2" max

  56. 12 months ago

    I'm 5'10 so I've just accepted that I cannot be attractive to women. Accepting this has been freeing, because I no longer feel forced to act in ways that might attract them.

    • 12 months ago

      Most of your ancestors were way shorter than that. You've become a volcel for all the wrong reasons. (homosexual ones)

  57. 12 months ago

    5x5 "grow grow" daily

  58. 12 months ago

    Being so insecure as to consider something as drastic as limb lengthening surgery is far more unattractive to females than being short.

  59. 12 months ago

    I'd DEFINITELY do LL at 5'4. I've considered it at 5'10 but I used to have really bad BDD from looking at blackpill stuff all the time. Just go to Dr. Paley in Florida or Mahboubian in LA instead of going to 3rd world countries.

  60. 12 months ago

    I'm a 5'5" male, I am fine and living pretty good rn

  61. 12 months ago

    I'd just be a passport bro. Ull find someone shorter there.

  62. 12 months ago

    It's not about chicks. It's about how you feel as a man, as an animal, as an embodied entity. Tallgays will never really understand it; those that do think their dysphoria comes FROM their height. For some people, LL might fulfill whatever ambition holds them back from full self-actualization; for others, it's not the height, it's a sense-of-self that becoming a somewhat taller cripple won't salvage.

  63. 12 months ago

    What a horrible wife for allowing him to go through with that, allowing your husband to mutilate their body.
    Imagine if she cheated on him with a guy who was taller than him, LMAO.

    • 12 months ago


      You can just tell she was secretly ecstatic at the thought of having a taller husband.

  64. 12 months ago

    Im 6ft, 22 years old KHHV and depressed being tall doesn't give you superpowers.

  65. 12 months ago

    Dont do it.
    It’s a temptation by the devil.
    You will remain virgin manlet but now with broken legs and will no longer be able to run, jump, walk up stairs, participate in any physical acitivity etc.

    Your best shot is self acceptance and find a 5’0” gf who falls for you.

  66. 12 months ago

    I’ll never understand why decent looking manlets don’t move to like the Philippines where they would be normal to even above average height. I would do that if I were a manlet.

  67. 12 months ago

    Leg lengthening surgery won't fix anything, mate. I see ugly manlets get girls regularly. It's literally got NOTHING to do with your height. Your personality is the problem. People aren't going to magically like you better just because you are taller, especially at the age of 29.
    If you are KHV at that age I'm sorry to inform you that it's not your body, it's the way you are. You need to accept yourself and focus on improving your actual worth in terms of skills that are in demand and your social skills.
    You lack the confidence needed to get a girl, really. Your desperation is scaring them away and limb-lengthening won't fix it.
    Maybe you'll get a few more looks in your direction, but man, you're not going to be 6'1 or even 6 so your height won't what attracts a girl to you even if you become 5'8. It won't make a difference because it's just not in the head-turner range of height which is over 6 feet.

    • 12 months ago

      70% of males age 29 are KHV mate its the new norm and rising exponentially

  68. 12 months ago

    it's over bro, learn to love yourself and marry a fatty/black chick. If you were 19 or something it might be worth fricking your shit up, but you're already past those prime days, why go through with an expensive painful surgery and know you're a frankenstein tier freak just to impress some walled roastie? Just chill homie and accept that you're not going to be chad

  69. 12 months ago

    If you spent that money on swing, salsa, and lindy hop lessons, you would have women for life. FOR LIFE DO YOU HEAR. You would also develop better posture, grace, and actual respect from people who act respectfully.

  70. 12 months ago

    I'm 6'1" and completely unconfident and haven't gotten laid in a decade. Height isn't everything

  71. 12 months ago

    Don't try and get leg lengthening surgery and appear as you are to appease women, that's a rookie mistake. Instead, fraudmaxx and deceive women and society. Wear lifts and girthy boots as well as getting a haircut that adds the illusion of height to bring you up to 5'10. Now, you can claim to be over 6' online. Create a tinder account and post pictures of a fake life that you don't live. Hire shorter men to be your "friends" so you can take pictures to mog them. Rent a supercar for an hour or two and take pictures in it like it's yours. Photoshop yourself into unique places across the world to give the illusion that you travel, and edit your face and body to look better and more masculine. Create a fake Instagram account and bot 10k followers and comments to give the illusion of status. Post a picture of you signing a piece of paper and say you bought your mom a house. Create fake accounts pretending to be hot girls and have them write thirsty comments yearning for you beneath your posts. Post pictures of your fake degree from a prestigious university, and follow up with pictures in front of a warehouse that is for your 8 figure business. Mislead the world, pump and dump hoes, and be happy

  72. 12 months ago

    Bro just go to a country were woman are smaller and you are either average or taller

    • 12 months ago

      Pretty asians hate blacks

  73. 12 months ago

    I think tallbros just lack empathy. I mean that 100%.
    it's like pretty girls not knowing that pretty girl privilege is a thing. They think people are just friendly to them because they're friendly.

    the halo effect is real and being short is not a great excuse if you're slightly below average, but it absolutely IS crippling if you're half a foot below average.

    a guy who's 5'4" is living life on hardmode. you guys wouldn't understand.
    Guys actively try and disrespect you. Even if you're jacked they get extra mad and try even harder to put you down, especially in front of girls.

    and girls typically aren't overtly mean but they'll absolutely ignore you. they'll also talk shit and snicker about how short you are behind your back.

    I was at a bar once with a friend and he was chatting up this girl to the right of him. I heard her refer to me as "your little friend". They both didn't know I heard it.
    But it's just wild that you're an absolute joke to them.

    it hurts more than you guys can even fathom. if you're average or tall you have no idea how bad it really is.

    • 12 months ago

      They ain't your bros. Curbstomp and behead tallgays if given the opportunity.

      • 12 months ago

        Is it just me or do you actually get happy when you see tall people suffer or in pain? I remember having to go to the ER and seeing a tall Chad walk in with his gf and it seemed like he was dying or having a stroke or something and I was so giddy I was almost laughing, I had to cover my mouth. Felt a bit bad then I realized I didn't. Frick them.

        • 12 months ago

          you're sounding like a tallgay larping as a manlet to make manlets look evil.

          I don't hate them. I just wish I was tall too.
          I'm too tired to be mad. but i'm just tired enough to be sad

          • 12 months ago

            No I'm being genuine. But I'm a lot more bitter about it than you perhaps.

    • 12 months ago

      I understand and I'm 6.2". In a sane society, height would be monitored at an early age and you'd be given hgh before your growth plates sealed. But israelites favor chaos

      • 12 months ago

        In the us doctors will recommend growth hormones if your son is below some percentile in height. It's the mother's decision. You don't get to blame da joos for this one.

  74. 12 months ago

    A tiny homie lengthening his legs, you gonna look like a fricking spurdo

  75. 12 months ago

    Hey OP; we're the same height. Your post reminded me of myself five years ago, so I wanted to give some advice from someone who understands where you're coming from. Maybe you'll change your perspective a bit.

    I'm Australian, so I know how hard it is to feel like you don't "belong" in your environment when you're so much shorter than everyone else. I used to browse this board obsessively in my teenage/young adult years and it was incredibly damaging to my self-esteem and confidence. Every time I left the house, I would subconsciously be ruminating over the thoughts that resulted from spending too much time on here. It was honestly the worst feeling I've ever felt.

    I strongly encourage you to get off of IST - better yet, the internet in general - and spend at least 6 months focusing solely on your physical and mental wellbeing. I know you're hurting, and I know that it can feel beneficial in a way to browse the internet on topics related to your height. It used to soothe me to read these forums because it felt like I was "preparing" myself for the inevitable failures with women and disrespect from everyone that I'd come across. But bro, I promise you that life doesn't need to be like this.

    The moment you stop thinking about height, manlets, being a khv, or whatever else it is that the internet is throwing at short guys these days, you will become so much happier. There is a whole life out there waiting for you. Five years ago I was writing posts just like your one, but the moment I logged off this godforsaken website, I started gaining my confidence back and life just became better. It's been reflected in my health, my fashion sense, my career, and my romantic life (which did not exist until I stopped coming here).

    Please try to make an effort to get off the internet. IST is the absolute worst place to be if you're our height. Deep down you have the potential to do great things, but they'll never happen while you're here.

  76. 12 months ago

    4 inch gains in body and you still won't be 6 feet tall
    And if you become 4 inches taller your arms will look short
    Do they lengthen those too?

  77. 12 months ago

    Got just the thing for you bud.

    Irony aside you'd still feel like a manlet even at 5'10"

    For context my older brother is 6'4" I'm 5'11" and also wanted an LL done only on my femur for 2 extra inches, however it's a massive cope.

    I'm just mad i was born prematurely, my father smoked in the house even when my mother was pregnant, through my teens i was constantly sleep deprived, malnourished and skinnyfat, and took a long time blaming it on my parents and other factors.

    All these factors contributed to me being a late bloomer, I was 5'6" till 15 yo when i finally hit puberty and only grew 5inches before my plates closed.

    But growth only comes after you take FULL responsibility, yes even for some factors that were out of your control, be grateful that you are alive, find a wife with good genetics, and take better care of your kids so they'll be better than you that's the only lifefuel you'll get.

    As someone who's seen both sides, there's really not much of a difference you'll just get mogged less often.

    If you still wanna do it, do so in Turkey there are more experts, but I won't recommend it cuz ur 29 and ur bones might not heal.

  78. 12 months ago

    Do it, you'll look fine and be 5 inches taller

    • 12 months ago

      middle looks best and most proportional. height is one thing, but body is just as important, not muscle wise obviously

  79. 12 months ago

    manlets really need to stop crying
    >easier time lifting weights because height is a disadvantage in most moves, longer distance to push weights, joint damage for lanklets
    >motherfrickers like jeff nippard look swole as hell at weights that are 18bmi for someone over 6'3
    >tall men don't gain muscle any faster than short men but we need to gain 4 times as much to look big because of cube law
    >my friends who are 5'6-5'8 all frick and have girlfriends all the time because they were born with pretty boy faces while my face is ugly, I can't get a job or a girlfriend because my face is ugly and my eyes are brown

    >le tall people have advantages! is the biggest cope by manlets who don't even want to put in the minimal effort to fill out their garden gnome frame in literally 6 months. FACE is the only thing that matters

    • 12 months ago

      Ok then explain why I get rejected explicitly bc of my height by women?

      • 12 months ago

        Not him but probably because you're barking up the wrong trees. Women who reject you just because of height are shallow prostitutes anyway. Hit on better women.

        • 12 months ago

          Women will make up all sorts of excuses to reject you to save their social status. It could be you smell bad. Or you remind her of her sexually abusive father. How does she even reject you for that? She'll just notice some superficial attribute and use that one instead. In short. Women lie. Because of course they do.

        • 12 months ago

          Cope. Being short is an objectively unattractive trait in men, same as being ugly is for a woman. If you reject an ugly woman, does that make you "shallow"?

          Women will make up all sorts of excuses to reject you to save their social status. It could be you smell bad. Or you remind her of her sexually abusive father. How does she even reject you for that? She'll just notice some superficial attribute and use that one instead. In short. Women lie. Because of course they do.

          Or it could be bc you're short, moron

          • 12 months ago

            Any actually decent woman wouldn't give a shit about your height as long as you're taller than her. The women who only want 6'+ men are NPCs brainwashed by dating apps and hookup culture. A lot of normal women don't really want men who are too tall, because it scares them. Same goes for being overly jacked. They want something that's approachable and "comfortable". 6'+ is fine for them for one night stands, but they actually don't want it forever. But most of them are too stupid and caught up in the hype to realize it.

    • 12 months ago

      >FACE is the only thing that matters
      Has nothing to do with height moron

  80. 12 months ago

    What is your point in making this thread? Do you need approval of strangers, are you looking for info or are you just weighting your options?

    Skimming through this thread, most have no idea what they are talking about. For example, your age is fine. Sure, regenerative capacity is better if youre 20, but on average, the decline is not that harsh. I know about a guy in his 50s who had quad lengthening. On average, most patients are around 30, afaik.
    I encourage you to thoroughly read the LL forum. Not just to get informed about the surgery itself, but to understand which doctors to avoid. There are multiple doctors from Turkey and India who have a strong marketing presence on social media but behind their success insta stories are tens of fricked up patients due to their negligence and continued malpractice (mainly livelifetaller, wannabetaller).

    Your decision is yours to make. To me personally, it is unthinkable to live an unfulfilling life when you have the opportunity to change it through a little risk. I went from 170 to 177 cm. Can you even imagine what it would be like for your mental state and for your future if every single interaction, every single step you take outside you were suddenly free of this black tar cancer that is height neurosis? What it would be like to feel content about your height? After experiencing this change, to me, every single second of discomfort during the lengthening was worth it.
    (since most of this will fall on deaf ears here I wont post any further btw)

    • 12 months ago

      >170 to 177
      You could have literally worn shoe lifts or acomfortable pair of elevator shoes and achieved the same results

    • 12 months ago

      how long did it take you after the surgery to be able to walk without crutches? and how long after that did it take to get your normal gait back?

      do you lift now? how has it affected your gym performance? did you manage to get close to where you were at pre-surgery?

  81. 12 months ago

    Yeah, I say go for it if you can find a good doctor and have the money. I’m 5’8 and have even considered it (but that’s complicated).

  82. 12 months ago

    >risking your life in order to be 172cm
    Height doesnt really matter when youre just moronic

  83. 12 months ago

    Why would you humiliate yourself in order to be a manlet AND A CRIPPLE

    you will never gain honour on the battlefield. you will never be able to defend your loved ones or lift again

    Voluntarily turning your bones to glass is so moronic it defies comprehension

  84. 12 months ago

    People don't know who Jeff Nippard is? Pathetic b8, somehow still worked.

    • 12 months ago

      Under 5'8 I say get it because it's a significant impediment to your quality of life. Over that, it's really mostly about face.

      He didn't say he was Nippard, he probably just used a pic of him because they're the same height

  85. 12 months ago

    go for it bro dont listen to the homosexuals in this thread kek im 5'7 lifting will not help you at 5'4 and thats the honest truth you'll like comical. Black folk in this thread dont understand how much you suffer but i do. 5'4 as a male in the US is ogre get the surgery if you must fren there's literally a study showing the shorter you are as a man the more likely you are to suicide.

  86. 12 months ago

    why do you want to be admired for having gotten surgery? Wouldn't it be better to be admired for something you accomplished yourself?

    • 12 months ago

      Tall people still say thanks everytime time someone says

    • 12 months ago

      i mean he just seems to want efficency

  87. 12 months ago

    I'm 5'9" and also a kissless virgin just don't even bother honestly

  88. 12 months ago

    Dwarfmax. roid+hypertrophy program+gomad+grow a beard. slap some ugly tribal tattoos on your arms and you'll be golden

  89. 12 months ago

    There's no way it's worth it, man. It's tough being short but you can absolutely still find a partner or sex

  90. 12 months ago

    OP I am about to save you. Ex manlet here. Frick getting surgery that is the most cucked shit ever. How has nobody in this thread mentioned neck pull ups. This site sucks now. They can increase your height by an entire foot if you're under 30 and they're super easy to do. I got your back little man.

    >buy some thick strong rope that can support your bodyweight
    >create a loop in the rope about the size of a gymnastic ring
    >tie the rope up somewhere a few feet above you so the loop is dangling down
    >use a chair to get up and push your head through the loop til it sits around your neck
    >tense your neck as hard as you can
    >kick the chair away

    Good luck OP. Go get them height gains.

    • 12 months ago

      wtf I'm dead now, what did I do wrong

    • 12 months ago
  91. 12 months ago

    Just fraudmax, man. I am 5'7, but I have really long limbs compared to my height (my wingspan is 6'2, and I have long legs for my height), so its really easy for me to fraudmax. I wear 2-3in lifts and tell people I am 5'9, and every time I say I am, no one believes me, they think I am taller because of proportions. Size is as much illusion as it is actual fact, much like how an average penis can look huge on a skinny guy but tiny on a large one.

    • 12 months ago

      >I wear 2-3in lifts and tell people I am 5'9, and every time I say I am, no one believes me, they think I am taller because of proportions.
      LMAO @ manlets and their delusional moronation. People know how tall they are themselves and can tell how tall you are by direct comparison. Having long arms doesn't change the fact that when you're face to face with a 6' tall guy your eyes are level with his chin...

  92. 12 months ago

    I'm 6'5". I promise you bro, no one cares that you're short.

  93. 12 months ago

    Taller than 6'2 people when seated. But 5'10 standing.

    Fricking short legs. I have that stipe frame

  94. 12 months ago

    Kek look at this manlet honeypot. Look at all the little guys in this this thread, aren’t they cute kek.
    A wise man once said, and I’m quoting here:
    ‘Manlets, when will they learn?’

  95. 12 months ago

    >surgery to still be a manlet

    what a yikes.

  96. 12 months ago

    I'm 6' and I'm considering it too.

  97. 12 months ago

    Don't fricking do it anon. You're better off just going to SEA

  98. 12 months ago

    Not going to give you bluepilled lies about how I know a total slayer at 5'3 but you are much better off spending that money on prostitutemaxxing and geomaxxing. Wear 2" lifts and you can at least be 5'6, and get jacked.

  99. 12 months ago

    If you make your legs longer but not your arms, wouldn't that make you disproportionate?

  100. 12 months ago

    5'4 is brutal theres no denying it but please don't do this surgery, its high risk, low reward and very expensive. Just use that money to SEAmaxx

  101. 12 months ago

    spec into personality, find a tall girl that any man would look short next to

  102. 12 months ago

    OP, you need to provide a list of everything you've done to improoov so we can determine if it's worth it.
    no matter how long the list is, it wont be worth it

  103. 12 months ago

    Do it you dumb homosexual.
    Then, come back here and tell us the new reason you STILL haven't gotten laid 6 months later.
    $75k at your age is enough to invest and retire by 45 but go right ahead and do that to yourself like some kind of troony no one wants to frick would.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm not broke, $75k isn't even that much for me and trust me I have plenty of investments set up so that I'll never be broke.

      sure I can spend that money to prostitutemaxx or go to SEA but that isn't me. I haven't dropped to that level of depravity yet.

      I want to be taller so I can get gain confidence as a man. Financial success hasn't given me that and I know I can still get women interested because of my money, but I don't even want that.
      I want a girl who's with me because she loves me and I don't want her to feel insecure or jealous of other females who have taller boyfriends.
      I have this soul wretching fear that even if I do get a girl, she's going to cheat on my with a 6' guy if given the chance.
      I've maxxed out my finances and I've built a pretty aesthetic physique. but all this feels meaningless as a 5'4" man.

      Go ahead and call me insecure and mentally ill.
      You wouldn't get it.
      You haven't lived life in my shoes. I guarantee I'm a harder worker than you too. being a turbomanlet and living life on hardmode has atleast given me more resilience than the average guy

      • 12 months ago

        >Go ahead and call me insecure and mentally ill.
        thats what id call confidence. well played

      • 12 months ago

        Black person, I'm 5'2.
        You need to fricking TherapyMaxx.
        If a woman loves you, she's not going to turn it off because you're 5'4. She's gonna do it because you treat her like shit, are an insecure, neurotic little b***hboy or she's just a piece of shit. Period.
        You've worked on nothing but the external and are still falling for the same trap. You need to work on YOU. Your consciousness, soul, spirit, programming. .whatever the frick makes you this insecure.
        I took debate in highschool. That gave me confidence. I can stand in front of a room of strangers with nothing to prove & talk about anything. That built confidence to be myself with people and to talk to folks. I didn't have to walk around on stilts. It would have been the stilts that were my confidence not, the inner me that IS confident.
        Literally just don't be super obese and an butthole. If you have a great "physique", you're likely an butthole.
        Fix that.
        Even my mom just said you're a whiny man. You reek of it.

        • 12 months ago

          >If a woman loves you
          Physical attractivity is big part of falling in love.
          And females are biologically programmed to look for big strong mate who can protect them.
          So finding a women who will love you is much easier when tall.

          • 12 months ago

            What's your point?
            >some shallow b***hes I wouldn't want to be with dont want to date me?
            There's plenty of women I wouldn't want to date. Why is it "impossible" just because it might be more difficult?
            An ugly woman can be a great cook, know how to make you smile & feel loved plus, suck the nut out of your balls twice a day. You saying you'd choose someone slightly more attractive who is none of those things?
            Again, I'm 5"2. Obese most my life and now balding. None of those things have ever held me back from dating good, attractive women. I'm still recovering from 2 decades of alcoholism & drug use or I'd be out therefinding someone right now. I've just figured out I gotta be a better/happier man to be with the kind of woman I want.
            Nothing worse than meeting the woman of your dreams and recognizing you have nothing of meaningful value to offer. I'm not going to get caught empty or settle for someone who's "there", again.
            Fix the inside and the outside will take care of itself.

      • 12 months ago

        Make yourself uncomfortable.
        That's how you change & grow.
        Step out of your zone and do something you fricking suck at. Allow yourself to suck. Enjoy sucking at something and realize you suck a bit less at it now that you tried it.
        Do it again until you don't feel like you suck so bad. That you're capable of overcoming obstacles & challenges.
        That's how confidence is built.
        For you, I'd definitely say something that makes you vulnerable. You need to learn people aren't out to shit on you. That you don't have to puff yourself up to "make people like you". That other people have real challenges and don't sit there having a pity party. Get some perspective.
        Go read outloud to shelter animals or something until you can talk with people.

  104. 12 months ago

    Go for it, OP. I would advise caution if you were 5’8 or 5’9, but 5’4 is tough in the modern world—even with all your other stats maxed out. Hit 5’8 or so and see how you deel

  105. 12 months ago

    how are you this much of a gay? maybe get a life instead of doing this moronic shit so that you can actually meet women ?
    homie some girls just dont care about height, but you actually have to have an attractive personality
    you think any girl is going to like you if you tell her that you spent 75k on a surgery which cripples because people called you short?

    • 12 months ago

      anon is harsh but he's right, spending 75k on surgery is 1000000000x more pathetic than being short

      that's what I've been told my whole life and it's pure cope.
      if that was true, why does anyone lift? why does anyone make money?
      why improve at all?

      "just accept it bro"

      nah. frick that. You should always strive to be better.

      LOL homosexual
      >you should strive to be better by wasting all your money and fricking up your body
      >dbz shit

  106. 12 months ago

    homie lil uzi is also 5'4 and he is a chad. have you tried not being such a homosexual ?

  107. 12 months ago

    Do what personally makes you happy. If being taller is what would make you content then be taller.

    There's no denying that being tall comes with more benefits than being short. People respect you more automatically, women are more attracted to you, etc.

    Of course, a lot of the people here who are 5'10ft+ above will tell you to accept yourself and whatnot. However, I can guarantee you that if they were put in your position they would take this surgery 100%. If a genie came out of a bottle and offered to make them 6'6ft they would say yes 10 out of 10 times.

  108. 12 months ago

    You'll still just be a manlet who has osteoporosis in his 30's

  109. 12 months ago

    Brother, you live in the USA. As much as multiculturalism is ruining it, at least you have short women there.
    I live in Serbia where 5'9 is average, my 5'7" friend pulls pussy like crazy, I'm taller and don't.
    Getting taller a few inches won't change anything for you.
    You'll be doing the same mistake that the trains are - making permanent changes to your body that will frick you up and leave you with regret.

  110. 12 months ago

    >I'll lose all my gains but after 6 months of recovery I'll be 5'8" and back to full health again (can lift/etc again)

    lmao did no one tell you that your new leg is weaker than original? you cant lift heavy unless you want to risk destroying your bones

  111. 12 months ago

    Just move to Asia bro
    You're in the wrong game

  112. 12 months ago

    Dude I’m just gonna throw this out there in the void. Maybe you’ll read it! Why risk being paralyzed in a surgery that could go wrong? Instead, take that money, pick a foreign country of your desire preferably when we’re all the women are short. And prostitutemax while looking for a wife!! You’ll be way more fulfilled and likely in a much happier culture.
    >passport $200
    >plane ticket let’s say $1000 max
    >freelancers $20-120
    >wife? You decide
    >embrace who you are and take life into your hands

  113. 12 months ago

    If I were 5'4" and had money for that, I would consider it too.
    Go for it.

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