A calorie is a calorie.

A calorie is a calorie.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    a op is a gaygit
    >Verification not required.

  2. 6 months ago

    eat 1900 calories of donuts everyday then

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        CICO is the fundamental base of weight loss but I would like to see someone eating only junk below maintenance and someone eating above maintenance but healthy foods and see how they are 20 years from now, not just a few weeks. The second guy will be more fat but the first one, if he's still alive, he's going to be either weak, sick or with some condition. Cholesterol is one biomarker and is important but it's not the only thing that counts.

        Either way the experiment portrays an unrealistic scenario. Anyone that eats a lot of junk does not measure calories and those who are concerned with health tend to calculate more what they put in their mouth through the course of the day.

        • 6 months ago

          >The second guy will be more fat
          probably not, since eating non-junk food will keep your metabolism (and non-exercise activity thermogenesis) up while junk food eventually downregulates your metabolism (and NEAT). the difference in metabolism can account for up to a few hundred calories, but the difference in NEAT can be as much or even larger.

      • 6 months ago

        he'd better lose weight eating so few calories

        eat real food and you can get away with 3,000+ with no weight gain

      • 6 months ago

        Good. Love to see this kind of stuff reposted more so that others will NGMI.

  3. 6 months ago

    Fruits are almost as poisonous as donuts.

    • 6 months ago

      Fruits have more nutrients and fiber, not to mention more satiating. Besides it's too much of a broad term.
      Doubt lemons, tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries and such can be said to be harmful, rather the contrary.
      A banana that is still somewhat green is a good source of fiber.


      A calorie is a calorie.

      It's not that simple. Some foods have high fiber content that allows carbs to be absorbed slower, some of them get washed away along and processed by the gut bacteria.
      Protein requires energy to digest, nearly 1/3 of its calories. Now eat the same amount of calories but in fat and tell me if a calorie is a calorie.
      Nutritional dense foods help the body stay healthy compared to processed junk. In the short term it may look the same if you are just measuring weight but in the long term those who choose better foods will have a higher life quality than those who just judged calories to be the same. If i can choose to be lean I may as well choose to be lean & healthy inside. Weight is very important but I don't want to be fragile and sick inside while thinking I'm okay just because I'm not fat.

    • 6 months ago

      Kill all ketoBlack folk

  4. 6 months ago

    >unprocessed carbs just make you fat slower

  5. 6 months ago

    Calories aren't real

  6. 6 months ago

    a israelite is a israelite

  7. 6 months ago

    Look up Tim Spector on calories.

  8. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      >IST as a source

    • 6 months ago

      >Gets fat, blames powdered food
      The fat rat should have eaten less so it didn't get fat.

      You can't create fat out of thin air, if your body has a hormonal response which make you fat on the same diet as someone else you need to eat less to account for that. Humans can live off stored body fat and with no food for extended periods (with viatimins supplements) so if your creating fat your body is in surplus of what it needs and is storing the excess as fat.

      You WILL lose weight if you eat less. Stop posting fat cope

    • 6 months ago

      Your body won't store energy if it's in energy deficit. That makes no sense.

      • 6 months ago

        your intake and expenditure aren't independent variables. You don't know you're in a deficit or not unless you are eating 0 calories

        • 6 months ago


          If you eat nothing your body will burn body fat to get the energy to maintain normal body functions and your net fat will decrease and you WILL lose weight. If you eat 1/4th maintenance your body will do the same and you WILL lose weight. Eating under your maintenance will cause you to lose weight because your body needs a certain amount of energy just to function. If you eat less than that your maintenance, your body will have to burn body fat to cover the energy deficit.

          Prove me wrong, Eat a 100 calories a day for a month and post your weight gain.

          • 6 months ago

            he's not wrong, although you're almost certainly in a deficit if you eat less than 70-80% of your BMR calories.
            >Eating under your maintenance will cause you to lose weight
            your maintenance will go down if you go below it. it obviously won't go down to 0, because then you'd die. but BMR can go down a few hundred calories and non-exercise activity can be reduced by much more, if you were very active before and now aren't.

            • 6 months ago

              somebody with a brain on fit im amazed

              • 6 months ago

                couldn't be you, moron

  9. 6 months ago

    Why are you morons obsessed with calories? Is everyone here fat? If you’re fat as frick sure go ahead and eat 2000 cals of McDonald’s a day and sure you’ll lose weight
    Once you’re at a healthy weight and bodyfat (you are at a healthy weight and bf%, right? This is a fitness board…) you should be more concerned with the nutritional value of the food

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