ab genetics

how does this guy have pronounced abs even when he's fat? is it all genetics, or a camera trick?

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    my stomach is currently like his may picture(without the abs ofc), and I have very big love handles
    can I ever have a V-taper+abs, or is it over for me?

    • 3 weeks ago

      almost in the same situation as you
      can someone help?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Mine are good for my shoulders, arms, face.
      Bad... for the rest.
      cutting solves this issue.

      find out yourself.
      Me? I believe in you.

      • 3 weeks ago

        thanks, but my question was more about what exercises/diet plan I should follow to cut my love handles down and get them abs

        • 3 weeks ago

          >thanks, but my question was more about what exercises/diet plan I should follow to cut my love handles down and get them abs
          Personal decision based on your lifestyle, current willpower, and desire.
          Low and slow tends to work the best, which is a moderate to low calorie deficit via healthier foods or shrinkage of portion size.
          Then when you get used to it, it becomes easier.
          I recommend adding cardio if you can and just focusing on eating healthy first, and do ab workouts
          I like decline sit ups, and machine ab curls, but there are TONS of options.

          • 3 weeks ago

            One more thing,will ab workouts also help target the love handles? (I don't mean spot reduction but definition of the area once the handles wear off)
            also, how much protein should I take? I'm 182cm(~ 5'11") and 75kg right now, but still have a protruding stomach and love handles, so you could call me skinnyfat

            • 3 weeks ago

              your love handles are in the oblique area, but really weight loss will pull them off. You can target your obliques in particular too.
              1g per kg is a pretty common "this is reasonable" amount.

              • 3 weeks ago

                okay thanks!
                a couple more questions, if you do not mind-
                1) how do I know if my form is correct, in the gym? I am too broke to hire a trainer, too autistic to talk to gymbros. I injured my knees while squatting
                2) what should my approximate calorie intake be? my goal is to get 12% bodyfat

              • 3 weeks ago

                >how do I know if my form is correct, in the gym
                watch some youtube videos, and you should "feel" your abdominals working, start light, maybe extra light since you hurt your knees squatting. Start easyish so you can practice technique that doesn't F you up.
                >calorie intake
                don't know, but 500 calories less then what you are doing now, or 250less if you do some 1-2 hours of cardio.

              • 3 weeks ago

                are online TDEE calculators reliable? I'm gonna do 500 less than whatever one of those suggests

              • 3 weeks ago

                What do you mean? How would they be accurate/how would they not be accurate?

                You understand that someone that works consctruction might burn 4000kcal day. Someone thats office worker might burn 2000kcal day. Someone thats way overweight might burn 3000kcal day. Someone thats underweight might burn 1800kcal day.

                Someone thats a teacher for example burns generally 200-300 more calories per day because they spend time standing up. If you walk to grocery store instead of driving the car, if you train at the gym 1,5 hours isntead of 50 minutes, theres gorillion variables that go into this.

                The calculator can be pin point accurate, if it by the luck of the draw represents your life PERFECTLY. It could also be thousands of calories off. Do 500 less, and take weekly average for the next month. If its working, ok. If you didnt lose weight, eat 750 less or 1000 less depends how badly you stalled or let alone if you ended up gaining weight.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Get lean. There's nothing else.

                thanks for the advice anon
                I will go back to the gym as soon as my injured knee gets better

    • 3 weeks ago

      almost in the same situation as you
      can someone help?

      Get lean. There's nothing else.

  2. 3 weeks ago

    >loses weight first there
    >doesnt store much weight there
    >has more pronounced ab-fascia bands
    He has terrible chest genes so is it really worth the abs

    • 3 weeks ago

      I wouldnt say so, his chest looks decent in the october pic. Just a bit of gyno

      • 3 weeks ago

        he has a triangular chest. thats always shit

  3. 3 weeks ago

    its rng but training abs definitely is the key if you didnt roll good.
    i used to need to cut to single digit to get ab definition when i thought its all about diet. nowadays i have better 4pack abs at 18-20% bodyfat because i started doing 3 sets of crunch/hanging leg raises after every workout.

    • 3 weeks ago

      similarly i'm pretty high bf% rn from eating like a fat ass lately but I've had visible top 4 abs ever since I spent two years being autistic about bouldering since it engages the core so much

  4. 3 weeks ago

    I doubt about the timeline. I mean, for getting rid of that belly casting shadow in April and May and not ending with a flaccid, folding tissue, you need to go very slow. I mean, VERY SLOW.
    Unless you are injecting some shit like grown hormone, because this can only work fast in teenagers.

    t. been losing at a pace of 350/400 grams / week steadily for 7 months.

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