According to?

If that's the case why does the average Gymgoer looks so much worse than this?

What seems to be the problem?

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  1. 7 months ago

    People train like gay r*tards

  2. 7 months ago

    not being lean or never bulking or training wrong

    • 7 months ago

      This. You need a fitness trainer or you need to educate yourself. People are moronic and choose neither and try to wing it. There was a guy on here who followed the worst advice without researching a single thing told to him. He went from skinny fat to even fatter skinny fat.

      • 7 months ago

        >There was a guy on here who followed the worst advice without researching a single thing told to him. He went from skinny fat to even fatter skinny fat.
        No way anyone would do that, even one is unbelievable. He would have to be the most undisciplined genelet in history.

  3. 7 months ago

    That physique is more about diet than lifting, yes you can look like that in less than a year given that you weren't an obese slob beforehand.

    The average gymgoer doesn't look like that because the average gymgoer barely even lifts and barely even changes their diet, most people just go to the gym, do whatever barely breaking a sweat, drink a protein shake and continue their normalgay life. The other spectrum is fat slob powershitters.

    • 7 months ago

      That fat gives them a greater body mass that allows them to lift more than muscle alone could. A study has confirmed muscle mass matters more than fat when it comes to heart health. It's why women find muscled fats attractive and skinny fats are considered the most unnatractive body type. Those fat powerlifters are healthy. Probably healthier than the weightlifters with under 15% body fat since anything under 10% fricks up your hormones. Which is also why women find that body type unnatractive. They instinctively can tell how healthy a potential mate is.

      • 7 months ago

        holy cope lmao

        yeah bro women looove fat powershitters, when you enter a girls bedroom you can see nothing but posters of fat powershitters on every wall, girls just love that shit am i rite lmao

      • 7 months ago

        >barely any muscle mass
        >probably weighs less than 160lbs
        yeah seems pretty easy to me.
        >If that's the case why does the average Gymgoer looks so much worse than this?
        most people train or eat improperly. the closer you get to muscle failure the more muscle tissue you build. the average person does not push themselves enough to reasonably build muscle.

        women think of gay russian porn stars like pic related when they think of "fat muscular" guys. not the average 250lb powershitter.

        • 7 months ago

          >the closer youbpush to muscle failure the more muscle tissue you build
          So is it a good thing that twice in the last two weeks I've needed people to come pull the barbell off me when I couldn't finish a bench rep?

          • 7 months ago

            > I've needed people to come pull the barbell off me when I couldn't finish a bench rep?
            god i hate that feeling lol but it happens like every other chest day since im trying to push my incline to 285. but yeah. as long as its more weight or reps than you were pushing a month ago. the entire point of progressive overload is that you actually have to overload.

            • 7 months ago

              It's a bit embarrassing for sure, but I think it also signals that you're pushing yourself hard and trying to improve. As a noob skelly dyel I think that goes a long way with me. Hopefully they see I'm pushing myself and not just taking up space.

          • 7 months ago

            Yes and no. Yes, you're pushing yourself beyond your physical capabilities, but really it depends. Think about it, does dropping the weight on yourself matter as much for muscle growth if you do two reps and the third is too much for you? Is your bench giving out because you've exhausted your chest and tris or are you just doing a glorified front delt and arm workout? You need to think about these things anon. Just doing 10 reps until failure can be done incorrectly as well. Focus on building the muscle, pushing yourself is just the cherry on top

            • 7 months ago

              I failed on the 7th rep. My first set was 8 reps and I pushed to 10 after that.

              I've watched a lot of videos on proper bench form but I'll admit I'm still unsure if I'm doing it right, just because I mostly don't feel it in my chest.

              You sound like a massive homo

              Appreciate the input.

              • 7 months ago

                If you don't feel it in your chest try lowering the weight to something that feels piss easy. You should be able to throw that weight if you needed to. Then forget about using your arms and at the most push with your elbows. It'll come to you naturally. If you still don't feel it in your chest then try lowering the weight slowly and doing pause reps for 10 reps. Feeling the muscle for the first time is incredibly important to understanding what makes it work. It's like getting a cramp. Of course you know not to squeeze your leg together because you know the outcome will be your hamstring cramping up. But you need to learn what causes the strain so that you can mimick the movement. Trust me, you'll waste a lot of time in the gym the later you learn this

            • 7 months ago

              >does dropping the weight on yourself matter for muscle growth
              >does straining under that last rep do anything
              yes. im not just dropping it on myself. all of my reps are controlled. if i cant squeeze the last one back up i still get the tension of the decentric portion of the exercise. and having a spotter provide light assistance allows you to push that little bit further and get contraction on one more rep. its why you should always have a gym partner. because you can push much harder with one.
              >or are you just doing a glorified front delt and arm workout
              im not saying do the exercise until failure even if it does help. im saying you need to push the muscles to failure. if you push a compound exercise with heavy weight until form failure then you will already be close when you move to the isolation and can achieve much more growth that way. but regardless you should always be pushing yourself hard enough that you are failing at least the last rep or two of your last set.
              >Focus on building the muscle
              and how do you do that anon? (its by pushing yourself)

              • 7 months ago

                Pushing yourself is a real easy way to frick up your training. There's a huge difference between being able to bench 135 and being able to bench it to build your chest. Beginners don't know the difference between fatiguing a muscle and cranking out reps of something designed to build X Y or Z. You don't build a muscle by pushing yourself (well you do but I'll get back to that), you build it by focusing on wrecking that SPECIFIC muscle until it's got nothing left. When you bench you just want your arms there to hold the weight. When you row you just want your arms there to hold the weight. This concept applies to many movements. Many people can row 150+ on a cable row, but not many can do so without the help of their arms pulling the weight. People complain that lat raises fatigue their traps more than their side delts. Thats just another way of identifying someone who isn't training properly. Sure, your chest will grow if you just pound out bench press and up the weight more and more. I mean, there is some truth in guys being able to bench 225 and all having developed chests. But it's no different than how a strong deadlift results in a strong core. If you care about hypertrophy then you need to accept the fact that bodybuilding is fluff and puff as shit. Training for strength is very intuitive. You just rip weights like a monster and refine your form so you don't get hurt. But if you're training for hypertrophy and working within the ideal rep range but the bar is shaking the entire time or you can't control it properly, you're likely not building your chest very well. Like I said, you should be able to use your arms as placeholders while letting your chest do the work. If you need to grip onto the bar for dear life and push with your forearms, you're doing it wrong. Eventually once you know what you're doing you'll benefit loads from pushing yourself. But trust me. One rep of training your chest properly is worth three times as much as someone's ego rep

              • 7 months ago

                Let me summarize for you, you're saying that pushing yourself increases the chance of bad form.

                As a follow up, the internet says that obtaining a PUMP is not actually an indicator of a good workout from a hypertrophy building perspective.

                TLDR just go hard but not so hard you sacrifice form. Also, DROP SETS.

      • 7 months ago

        >It's why women find muscled fats attractive
        Lmao even

    • 7 months ago

      This. You need a fitness trainer or you need to educate yourself. People are moronic and choose neither and try to wing it. There was a guy on here who followed the worst advice without researching a single thing told to him. He went from skinny fat to even fatter skinny fat.

      I just started lifting a few weeks ago.

      Started with going monday and thursday to not overwork my body. Next week I'm going to start going monday, tuesday, thursday and friday. I'll do that for a few weeks and then add saturday as well and keep it at 5 days a week.

      Upper on monday, lower on tuesday, push on thursday, pull on friday, legs on saturday. While I've been going twice a week I've just been doing a full workout both days, though. I'm 5'9, and skinny. Probably like 130. What sort of advice can you give me so that I can make the most amount of gains? I don't necessarily need to look like the OP by the end of next year but still.

      So far I'm having the most trouble eating. After I lift I scramble 5-6 eggs with bacon and tomatoes and then don't eat again until dinner, which is 90% of the time salmon, which rice, peppers, onions, and broccoli. I get the feeling I'm not eating enough, though.

      • 7 months ago

        You sound like a massive homo

      • 7 months ago

        You're eating like maybe 1200 calories a day lol. Twice eating 2.5x that amount.

  4. 7 months ago

    They have no real training they just go in and do whatever

  5. 7 months ago

    People don't actually train when they go to the gym. Then they go home and stuff their face to reward themselves and also do everything wrong such as drinking alcohol, not sleeping, not getting protein, too many calories every day, not being consistent in the gym, no intensity in the gym, etc. They are 0 effort and have 0 education on real training

  6. 7 months ago

    Being low bodyfat

  7. 7 months ago

    People are fat, if youre skinny and properly eat and train you can look like this but you probably need 2 years of consistent training

  8. 7 months ago

    Being too fat

  9. 7 months ago

    this will seem wild but if you take a good look around your gym you know it's true: most people stick to one weight, and rarely if ever increase it. On top of that, people rarely change their diets - they usually try different fads such as keto/lowcarb or vegan (going vegan is quite popular with those trying to lose weight) they do this kind of stupid shit for a couple of months then when they see no results they quit. they try the same a year or two later with the same results. Then after they hit 45, they decide that fitness is a scam and it's all genetics or everyone is on steroids

    • 7 months ago

      A shit ton of gym gays do steroids though, they still look like shit half the time, but they’re doing them.

  10. 7 months ago

    You need to train properly in order to get good results. At first strength training is a good idea because you learn form and overcome the issue that a lot of people fave at first - insecurity about their lifts. If you're insecure about how much you're lifting then you'll never properly target the intended muscles of whichever exercise you're doing because you'll exhaust your weak link before anything else. The only way I figured out how to train for hypertrophy was thinking "why should I care about short bursts of strength rather than the amount of force I can consistently output?" This led me to lowering the weight I was benching and controlling the weight. That was the first time I ever experienced a pump. Then from there is was just about figuring out how to target each muscle correctly. For example, you can do bicep curls by pulling the weight up with your forearms and squeezing the bicep at the top. But you'll get much better results if you think about hinging your elbow and try to pull with the joint. What you'll notice is you'll fatigue your biceps first, but then once you can't do any more reps with proper form you can switch to the forearm dominant method (the first one that I said was wrong) and the weight will swing up like you haven't done a single rep yet. Though, realistically you'll only be able to do two or three reps of this, so it's best to use those swings in order to get you into the top position so that you can very slowly lower the weight. Realizing these things helped me tons, I didn't know it was possible to see back muscles at 25% body fat until I started training properly and they began to develop. Hope this helps you or somebody

  11. 7 months ago

    the problem is that most people will never get that lean despite training 5 years or 10 years so you can never look like that. the muscles in itself are definitely achievable in year of lifting. that guy does not do 1/2/3/4 even for a single and he probably curls 12kg dumbbells.

    • 7 months ago

      what a fricking moronic post
      my body looks like this at around 6’1 except for core cause i neglected it for months (pic rel is core now) and i do 1/2/3 for reps (no diddy)

  12. 7 months ago

    IST is delusional/shitposting

  13. 7 months ago

    Fatties are fat ok I get it they lift but they are fat so they look the same
    Lots of skelly guys go the gym and NEVER look like that

  14. 7 months ago

    Because it takes some effort to get strong and fit in a short time, most gym goers just visit a gym and do light to medium cardio with weights instead of lifting hard.
    If you put in effort it doesn't matter if you lift weights or yourself as long as you do it hard and try to go beyond what you think you can do. Most people never in todays world do that, they don't get that gasping, trembling feeling of just giving up, of feeling like that was it no more and still pushing past it to get that one last rep, that one last chinup etc.

    And also most people know jack shit about fitness so they fail on two fronts.

  15. 7 months ago

    This is just leanness and some muscle. Depending on how fat you are, this can be achieved in three to six months, unironically. You just have to be extremely strict with your diet and exercise, especially with the former.

    • 7 months ago

      unless you have noodle arms/shoulders then it will be years

  16. 7 months ago

    * If you have the genetics
    * If you have athletic background
    * If you do everything perfectly in that year


  17. 7 months ago

    You take someone that has a good (above average phenotype) to compare it to the majority of people so yeah of course the majority of people have around average genetics so they all look worse that pic related
    it all stems from your genes in the end

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