What works for treating ADHD? I'm an adult who recently got diagnosed but prescription drugs are unavailable here. Inb4 ADHD doesn't exist. I just want to fix the perpetual, racing thoughts and indecisive nature of my brain which is interfering with my life.

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  1. 11 months ago

    >difficulties with x
    >difficulties with y
    Surprise muthugga, life ain't easy
    ADHD isn't real

    • 11 months ago

      Internet detox for at least a month

      The majority for me was diet, I have grain and legume intolerances and my ADHD cleared up when my IBD did. Other than that it's all holistic stuff: community & interpersonal relationships, avoiding distractions, a reason to live, physical fitness, fasting, prayer, etc. Everything matters, the question is what matters most in your case.

      ADHD may exist but it's a problem created and reinforced by bad habits and fixed by good habits, not by becoming a pharma drug junkie for life.

      Stop pretending it exists and blaming all of your shortcomings on it


    • 11 months ago


      ADHD just describes people who are lazy and can't focus and there's 1000 things that can cause it.

      If you're going to walk around like it's a tumor in your brain you're fricked. If I gave you the "you're lazy" speech you'd get your shit together, if I said you've got mononucleosis and are fatigued from that you probably wouldn't

      • 11 months ago

        >If I gave you the "you're lazy" speech you'd get your shit together

      • 11 months ago

        >image shows adhd isnt just 'cant focus and like to procrastinate lol'
        You are too lazy to read so you dont get to give others advice on getting their shit together

      • 11 months ago

        >If I gave you the "you're lazy" speech you'd get your shit together
        oh wow, an actual ‘just be happy, bro’ moron

      • 11 months ago

        >If I gave you the "you're lazy" speech you'd get your shit together
        >> people who are genuinely this moronic exist
        Truly sad.

      • 11 months ago

        Holy cringe

    • 11 months ago

      ok boomer

    • 11 months ago

      >hyperfocus and memory problems are laziness
      Frickin what

    • 11 months ago

      First post BEST post
      I got diagnosed with ADHD as a kid. Literally just have an attention span and don't be a b***h bro.
      It ISN'T REAL

      • 11 months ago

        This. I have ADHD inattentive and it basically boils down to... Just fricking do it.
        >thinking of other shit
        Imma just do it
        >body feels like it's gunna explode because I have to sit and work
        Imma just do it
        >public places too loud and noisy and it fricks with my head
        Well I'll just go around closing time or opening time if I have to go somewhere
        >sleeping problems
        Same routine every night right now to the fart before getting into my bed.

        Stuff just takes more effort but I'm not gunna be a zombie on meds frick that.

        • 11 months ago

          Probably helps that you're aware of these things. People with ADHD don't realise they're doing degenerate things. With enough reinforcement, you can be aware of when you're doing shit wrong.

          • 11 months ago

            No, we know what to do as well as anyone. We just can't do what we know very well. It's an executive function deficit, memory has nothing to do with it.

        • 11 months ago

          If you turn into a zombie on meds then you don't have the diagnosed problem

          • 11 months ago

            Dumbest thing I ever heard lol. It slows you down and calms me down = zombie. Especially compared to how I act and thing without them. You truly are fricking moronic holy shit.

            • 11 months ago

              >It slows you down and calms me down
              >compared to how I act and thing without them.
              Can you please use your meditation and essential oils to focus and type in comprehensible english?

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Based and correct. Check out how it is a fad with kids to unironically claim they are "autistic".

      ADHD, along with depression, therapy, vaacine mandates, supplements, and gender dysmorphia are inventions of the Big Healthcare industry apparatus to drive profit growth. It won't stop here, because the lust for profit will never stop. Expect a constant stream of fake unverfiable illnesses to be trotted out year after year.

    • 11 months ago

      > all the experts in the field are liars but I see right through it with my 0 education and 2 videos of a random lunatic on JRE.

      Internet detox for at least a month

      Nope, does nothing. Studied.

      The majority for me was diet, I have grain and legume intolerances and my ADHD cleared up when my IBD did. Other than that it's all holistic stuff: community & interpersonal relationships, avoiding distractions, a reason to live, physical fitness, fasting, prayer, etc. Everything matters, the question is what matters most in your case.

      Ridiculous. Diet has nothing to do with it. You never had ADHD it seems like.
      > prayer
      Lmao. These are people giving you advice.

      ADHD may exist but it's a problem created and reinforced by bad habits and fixed by good habits, not by becoming a pharma drug junkie for life.

      > it's a problem created and reinforced by bad habits and fixed by good habits, not by becoming a pharma drug junkie for life.
      100% wrong, it's the exact opposite. Source: frickton of studies.

      Stop pretending it exists and blaming all of your shortcomings on it

      > stop pretending asthma exists, just breathe better lol

      My opinion is that ADHD is like being moronic but instead of having a low IQ you have low executive function. It exists, and people are born with it, but it shouldn’t be considered a disorder. People without ADHD can’t comprehend this and will blame it on poor willpower and discipline without realizing that willpower and discipline are just aspects of executive function rather than innate properties of the soul. The best solution is to develop productive habits (exercise, good diet, regular sleep, hygiene, meditation) to replace your bad habits (video games, masturbation, drug use, IST). This will greatly increase executive function. The problem is that since you have low executive function to begin with, building new habits is almost impossible without medication. The solution that worked for me (without medication but with a lot of caffeine) is to begin by building the habit of keeping a journal. You should write in the journal every day and use it as a foundation to build other habits off of. By recording successes and failures you hold yourself accountable and help yourself maintain motivation. I hope this helps. Also meditation is very underrated and will train your thoughts to stop racing.

      Damn somebody not moronic on fit? I must be seeing things.
      So basically you've been medicating with caffeine as opposed to using dedicated medication, getting shittier results for I guess less money.

      • 11 months ago

        "ADHD" is as real as "covid"

      • 11 months ago

        Ask me how I know you're vaxxed.
        Follow the science, trust the experts, lmao.

        Good goy.

      • 11 months ago

        The experts in the field also found that more than 50% of published and trusted studies are faked and wrong. You have a better chance of getting something right by flipping a coin than listening to the experts.

    • 11 months ago

      We had this conversation many times.
      ADHD isn't real and can be cured with less dopaminergic activities, such as screens.
      Stop using screens as much as possible (like except for work) for a few months, and you'll be fine.

      It's a basic dopamine tolerance system. That's why ADHD didn't exist before the TV was invented.


      • 11 months ago

        >ADHD isn't real and can be cured with less dopaminergic activities, such as screens.
        if it isn't real then how can you cure it?

        • 11 months ago

          The symptoms are real. (Caused by environment and behavior)
          The disease as it is described (genetic chemical imbalance) is not.

      • 11 months ago

        >ADHD didn't exist before the TV was invented
        Damn whippersnappers thinking books and magazines didn't exist

    • 11 months ago

      this lmao. kids are being psyoped into thinking that focusing comes easy to others.

      • 11 months ago

        >muh bootstraps

        If you coulda done it, you already woulda. If not, something's wrong.

  2. 11 months ago

    Internet detox for at least a month

  3. 11 months ago

    The majority for me was diet, I have grain and legume intolerances and my ADHD cleared up when my IBD did. Other than that it's all holistic stuff: community & interpersonal relationships, avoiding distractions, a reason to live, physical fitness, fasting, prayer, etc. Everything matters, the question is what matters most in your case.

  4. 11 months ago

    ADHD may exist but it's a problem created and reinforced by bad habits and fixed by good habits, not by becoming a pharma drug junkie for life.

    • 11 months ago

      pic related may help. at the end of the day its similar to other habit-building self help books but is specific to ADHD. biggest problem is having the motivation to actually put in the work

      >not by becoming a pharma drug junkie for life.
      most cases aren't like this, medication is temporary and used to help get rid of the bad habits and make good ones. once you're functional and self reliant enough then you're recommended to stop taking them

      • 11 months ago

        apparently wiener and ball torture is very versatile

      • 11 months ago

        >Lets help you get rid of bad habits
        >By making you develop a literal addiction
        String doctors and psychiatrists off trees

        • 11 months ago

          They’re not addicting unless you don’t have ADHD or are one of the few who actually requires meds to simply exist

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks. Any other books or how-tos you can recommend?

        • 11 months ago

          the bullet journal method

      • 11 months ago

        > medication is temporary and used to help get rid of the bad habits and make good ones. once you're functional and self reliant enough then you're recommended to stop taking them
        Nope. You can use it like that but it's recommended to just take it. In some cases when taken from early age ADHD is actually cured but otherwise it's a bad idea to stop.

        at some point that anon will show up saying ADHD isn't real because the amish have no recorded cases of it


        >What works for treating ADHD?

        .t been taking ADHD medicine for about 15 years now

        How's it going?

    • 11 months ago

      ADHD definitely exists, but its not like schizophrenia, its like hording or OCD. The only "cure" is to learn that your brain is just fricked in a certain way, and learn how to control those thoughts and form better habits. The reason this shit is so common is because of how many people let TV and the internet be parents for them. Generations of people had this but had parents who raised them to think and act in a way that would help them deal with it before this shit

      • 11 months ago

        amen brotha; tv, internet, books and other shit can be crack for adhdtards so self-reflection and nooticing what's cucking you out of a decent life, and cucking it back, is paramount

  5. 11 months ago

    Stop pretending it exists and blaming all of your shortcomings on it

  6. 11 months ago

    Find work, hobbies, etc where you can benefit from your «problems»

    • 11 months ago

      >tu es gayo
      hahaha shut up and take my gold

    • 11 months ago

      code monke moron here, what are some types of work where I can benefit from my adhdism

    • 11 months ago

      > Find work, hobbies, etc where you can benefit from being impulsive, unable to focus and do much of anything really
      No such thing. You can only cross off things that you clearly won't be able to do off the list. Or. Get fricking medicated and fix it.

  7. 11 months ago

    My opinion is that ADHD is like being moronic but instead of having a low IQ you have low executive function. It exists, and people are born with it, but it shouldn’t be considered a disorder. People without ADHD can’t comprehend this and will blame it on poor willpower and discipline without realizing that willpower and discipline are just aspects of executive function rather than innate properties of the soul. The best solution is to develop productive habits (exercise, good diet, regular sleep, hygiene, meditation) to replace your bad habits (video games, masturbation, drug use, IST). This will greatly increase executive function. The problem is that since you have low executive function to begin with, building new habits is almost impossible without medication. The solution that worked for me (without medication but with a lot of caffeine) is to begin by building the habit of keeping a journal. You should write in the journal every day and use it as a foundation to build other habits off of. By recording successes and failures you hold yourself accountable and help yourself maintain motivation. I hope this helps. Also meditation is very underrated and will train your thoughts to stop racing.

    • 11 months ago

      they only time i had racing thoughts that were at least obviously interfering with my life was when i was trying to sleep and the thoughts kept me up. doing more throughout the day to tire me out as well as not using screens two hours before bed and instead reading in that time made my mind less active. for your specific problems, you may actually find some reddit threads helpful (ugh, i know, le cringe plebbit) because people would have already asked very similar questions with probably dozens of good replies of useful advice and anecdotes of what they did

      not OP, but the problem i had with habit tracking with spreadsheets and journals is that the most motivation i would have was in the planning aspect and day 1. by day 2 i would have 70% of the motivation and by day 3 i wouldn't care anymore. keeping myself accountable was difficult because there was no punishment other then temporary self disappointment which would go away quickly anyway.

      you're right that people without ADHD can't comprehend it, people act like motivation/willpower are these magical things you can just turn on and not the result of the brain's wiring/chemical makeup. its like someone saying 'just be happy bro' to a depressed person and thinking that is all the depressed person has to do, or 'just stop eating so much bro' to a fat person who has an addiction and possibly lifelong bad habits stemming all the way from childhood making them fat that they can't just 'flip' with such few trivial exceptions like a health scare or something like that

      • 11 months ago

        So what am I supposed to do? My life is a wreck

        • 11 months ago

          I don’t know, I didn’t have your specific problem. Just look up on the internet how to curb the indecisive thoughts and racing thoughts. Perhaps learning more about ADHD itself and how it may affect you could be a start.

    • 11 months ago

      this is true. people with ADHD tend to have a lower FSIQ ( full scale IQ ) score, because their executive functions are fricked. but if you only take their GAI ( general reasoning index: the average of the subtests that are the most g-loaded/ so no the one that load on EF like working memory/digit span) than it becomes the same, or even higher, than the neurotypical mean

      • 11 months ago

        Which are the most g-loaded tests? I have ADHD, very high verbal reasoning but I'm not much good at the "rotate this cube" or "white triangle with a dot, black christmas tree, ?" type questions so my IQ comes out as 110ish.

        • 11 months ago

          oddly and counterintuitively enough, verbal subtests ( vocabulary/similarities) are often the most g loaded. mostly because of their robustness. matrix reasoning, figure weights and other test of fluid intelligence might be even better in theory ( in perfect test taking circumstances) but they're very sensitive to noise

          • 11 months ago

            droppin in to say what's up my Wechsler homies and validate what you've said as accurate re: factor loadings

            It's really a drag that those tests are most susceptible to error, but that same error offers sensitivity for clinical problems w/ executive dysfunction (contested in literature but still useful nonetheless)

    • 11 months ago

      I am at my best when I'm keeping a journal, still miles below a normal functional human tho.Just started keeping one again a couple days ago after not for months. Good advice, thank (you)

    • 11 months ago

      This guy gets it. You can be anywhere on the IQ spectrum and have ADHD. My life is basically what happens if you take a human and remove every ounce of urgency towards any important task whatsoever. I see people getting stressed out for academic deadlines, and to me, they might as well be aliens.
      The distinction between "laziness" and executive dysfunction is pretty easy to classify as well; It's effectively identified from the ambivalence between what you are doing and what you should be doing
      >Laziness - "Class is in an hour? Bah, I'll go tomorrow"
      >Executive dysfunction - "Ok man we finally made it to university, and class is in an hour. Just move your feet man, c'mon, get up. Let's go, 30 minutes out, you can do it. This is what you've been waiting for. Dude WHY AREN'T YOU MOVING?! GET THE FRICK UP.
      Where with executive dysfunction, you have the cognitive dissonance attached to not meeting basic responsibilities
      TLDR - God forgot to install GetUpandGo.exe and I'm basically a subhuman destined to continuously sabotage my life.

      I'm NGMI.

      • 11 months ago

        and why its hard for others to empathise with us is they only see the outward manifestation of not getting up which simply looks like laziness to them, they'll see that but not know what we're thinking and how we want to get up and are screaming at ourselves to get up. its like a disconnect between brain and body. this is why people's advice like 'stop being lazy' is stupid, they don't realise that we are already shouting that at ourselves all day

      • 11 months ago

        "failure at the point of performance" is a phrase I distinctly remember from the adult adhd toolkit
        give that a shot if you haven't, there's pdfs of both the book, and the lecture for medgays, lmk if you can't find em

        • 11 months ago

          >lmk if you can't find em
          I can't find the pdf on libgen/z-libray. Can you share a link?

          • 11 months ago

            >the adult adhd toolkit
            Google that, second or third link is a PDF of the book

      • 11 months ago

        Described to perfectly as well.

      • 11 months ago

        God damn that stings in how much I see it in my own ADHD ass. I forget other people aren't like this since I spent so much dealing with it myself. At this point I've given up and literally living Welcome to the NHK NEETdom.

      • 11 months ago

        Laziness= you don't care
        "ADHD" = you care but self-sabotage

  8. 11 months ago

    at some point that anon will show up saying ADHD isn't real because the amish have no recorded cases of it

  9. 11 months ago

    ADHD is not a real thing

    • 11 months ago

      have a nice day moron

      it's a real thing. psychometricianq, cognitive scientists and neurologists agree, it's not some psychologists's fever dream

      • 11 months ago

        It's a self-fulfilling diagnosis. I am telling you this with child-diagnosed ADHD. ADHD doesn't exist. All "symptoms" can be removed entirely through selfgrowth and discipline. have a nice day.

        • 11 months ago

          >All "symptoms" can be removed entirely through selfgrowth and discipline.
          how does that make it not exist?

          • 11 months ago

            Because if ADHD was an actual illness of any kind, you couldn't just magically get rid of them. ADHD "symptoms" are symptoms of immaturity or lack of discipline, you fricking victim complex homosexual.

            • 11 months ago

              You can get rid of the flu, does that mean the flu isn't real?

        • 11 months ago

          sure a lot of children are misdiagnosed, but that doesn't mean the condition itself doesn't exist. I've actually studied it, you're simply a brainlet contrarian who's arguing from a place of emotion. did that childhood diagnosis reallyt traumatise you that bad? it's okay son, you fixed yourself I'm proud of you

          • 11 months ago

            I accept your concession

            • 11 months ago

              you still haven't provided any worthwhile argument my dumb self-hating little friend. how is it possible that people with ADHD actually show a big deficiency in EF ( as measured on standarized WM tests, often times more than 1 SD below the mean) while the rest of their cognitive skills are robust and on par with a neurotypical brain?

              that's only the psychometric argument, there are many

              • 11 months ago

                lmao he doesn't understand half those words, don't bother talking to morons. morons gonna moron.

                All of those things can be improved/solved by following a meditation practice. (inb4 too add to meditate: not true)

                Little bit. Of course you still have to MAKE YOURSELF MEDITATE, aka the most boring activity ever, which ADHD will hardly let you do.

                If you are struggling with these symptoms and you are not working out (weights and cardio), eating well and meditating then do that first.

                Sure, nice cookie cutter there. Of course there are frickton of entrepreneurs, maybe most, who eat like shit, sleep like shit and don't workout and yet they are the most functional and hard working people. So turns out it's not fricking related at all.

                this shit has ruined my life and im already a 30yo neet.
                I will reach the cusp of normiehood and then flounder for the next half decade

                still neverdiagnosed and nevermedicated, but its pretty self evident to me

                Get a psychiatrist who's educated.

                I probably have ADHD and it has ruined my life. Went to a psych years ago when I felt like I couldn't hold on to my job at the time and got a depression diagnosis. About 9 months treatment did nothing, lost my job in the meanwhile. I found out about ADHD and asked the psych if it could be that. He looked me straight in the eye and said that ADHD is only in children. A few month later my insurance ran out and I couldn't try again. The depression meds obviously did nothing useful.
                I've been barely scraping by ever since. Jobs are completely on and off. Sometimes I seem to get by fine, but then the deadlines and responsibilities start piling up and it all falls apart again.
                I tried self-medicating with nicotine, but I couldn't get a useful dose down. It would always cause nausea or headaches. Recently started taking Glutamine and it has helped a bit too.

                Honestly it sucks. Maybe it's not ADHD. Maybe I'm just the laziest person in the world.

                You got a moronic psychiatrist. Frickton of adults have adhd and you do as well it seems like.

                >Lets help you get rid of bad habits
                >By making you develop a literal addiction
                String doctors and psychiatrists off trees

                ADHD meds are not addictive due to their form.

              • 11 months ago

                >you still have to MAKE YOURSELF MEDITATE, aka the most boring activity ever, which ADHD will hardly let you do
                if you've got anxiety, regret and guilt due to all the failures and wasted life, it can help by making every hour hellish enough that boring meditation is a better alternative
                kinda like the "suicide is jumping out of a building on fire" thing

              • 11 months ago

                No, meditation is dogshit and doesn't work for anyone.
                It's just a kinda cool experience that morons shill like ther first mushroom trip.

              • 11 months ago

                some types work notably in some ways for some people

              • 11 months ago

                So what? Are you too moronic to understand rules vs exceptions? have a nice day.

              • 11 months ago

                useless, as expected

        • 11 months ago

          >I am telling you this with child-diagnosed ADHD
          As much as I feel for you guys who had abusive parents that started stimming you out as a child, I hate how you gays muddy the conversation. It's over diagnosed in children. Literally 100% of people here agree with that statement. The unfortunate side effect of this is that every normal kid who was diagnosed with ADHD will scream and shid and fard really loud when ADHD is brought up, as you showed in your clearly emotional posts

          Because if ADHD was an actual illness of any kind, you couldn't just magically get rid of them. ADHD "symptoms" are symptoms of immaturity or lack of discipline, you fricking victim complex homosexual.

          . You're doing the equivalent of saying bacteria is fake because doctors hip fire antibiotic meds everywhere.

          Weird how the moment I stopped gaslighting myself as being "lazy", and started exploring the idea that I had a condition as an adult in my mid-20's, did I actually start working hard towards success.

        • 11 months ago

          ADHD goes away on it's own in some kids. In most it doesn't. So shut the frick up.
          You are not le more disciplined chad, you are just lucky.

  10. 11 months ago

    have a nice day moron

  11. 11 months ago

    >What works for treating ADHD?

    .t been taking ADHD medicine for about 15 years now

  12. 11 months ago

    All of those things can be improved/solved by following a meditation practice. (inb4 too add to meditate: not true)

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Normies like to extrapolate their neurotypicality unto everyone and everything. You gotta keep in mind that this is the demographic that dumbass shit like self help books works for. Hence why he's telling you to meditate.

        >just stop being schizophrenic bro
        >just stop having autism bro
        >just stop having ADHD bro

        • 11 months ago

          Im not saying just stop having adhd. But meditation is useful. Its essentially training the focus. Lack of focus is the cause of many of the listed symptoms. Its improved many of my adhd symptoms so i hope it might work for others. Not saying i cured my adhd, also not even saying my diagnosis is accurate. But my life imrooved drastically wth meditation

          • 11 months ago

            How should I meditate in order to improve my adhd, what exactly must be done? There are like a million types of meditation

            • 11 months ago

              google meditation for ADD/ADHD, choose the one that you find most interesting

            • 11 months ago

              Nta but if you feel like consooming product, I found headspace worth the subscription. Partly to guilt my inner israelite into using it since I paid money for an app. Specifically the australian CEO guy's lessons.
              For me, it helps reduce the general mood of guilt-anxiety of "I'm not doing what I should, shit's fricked, it's way too late" etc, so I can actually slow down, make a plan, and start chipping away at all the shit. Haven't done it in days though (and it shows), so I already added it to the list after I finish this thread.
              Also the usual advice: if you're not getting at least some time in nature and/or exercise, and you're able to, start a habit for those.

          • 11 months ago

            >muh meditation

  13. 11 months ago

    If you are struggling with these symptoms and you are not working out (weights and cardio), eating well and meditating then do that first.

  14. 11 months ago

    Also good sleep. Poor sleep can present the same symptoms as adhd

  15. 11 months ago

    this shit has ruined my life and im already a 30yo neet.
    I will reach the cusp of normiehood and then flounder for the next half decade

    still neverdiagnosed and nevermedicated, but its pretty self evident to me

  16. 11 months ago

    i fricking hate people who blame everything on their made up condition "adhd" stop being a homosexual

  17. 11 months ago

    I probably have ADHD and it has ruined my life. Went to a psych years ago when I felt like I couldn't hold on to my job at the time and got a depression diagnosis. About 9 months treatment did nothing, lost my job in the meanwhile. I found out about ADHD and asked the psych if it could be that. He looked me straight in the eye and said that ADHD is only in children. A few month later my insurance ran out and I couldn't try again. The depression meds obviously did nothing useful.
    I've been barely scraping by ever since. Jobs are completely on and off. Sometimes I seem to get by fine, but then the deadlines and responsibilities start piling up and it all falls apart again.
    I tried self-medicating with nicotine, but I couldn't get a useful dose down. It would always cause nausea or headaches. Recently started taking Glutamine and it has helped a bit too.

    Honestly it sucks. Maybe it's not ADHD. Maybe I'm just the laziest person in the world.

    • 11 months ago

      I’m incredibly lazy and I got diagnosed with it at 25. Maybe you do have it, though a psych telling you only children have it is a bad sign as that could be country-specific like Germany and therefore you won’t be able to get medication that may help.

    • 11 months ago

      Why not get some adderall?

      • 11 months ago

        Adderall isn't prescribed here. I don't know where I would even start trying to get that.

        I’m incredibly lazy and I got diagnosed with it at 25. Maybe you do have it, though a psych telling you only children have it is a bad sign as that could be country-specific like Germany and therefore you won’t be able to get medication that may help.

        It might also be Soviet era education. The psych was old. At this point getting insurance to see the psych itself would be difficult because the waiting times are incredibly long. If I can get my shit together for long enough then I'll try.

        • 11 months ago

          Look up ADHD in your country and the regulations about it and possible solutions. See if your country recognises that adults can get it

    • 11 months ago

      Sounds similar to my old situation, I was diagnosed two years ago and I'm currently on meds which a have helped me a ton.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm sorry, brother.
      I hope you're able to get the help you need soon.
      It's that damned cycle of bullshit for me as well. I'll motivate myself to make a real change in my life. I'll work hard for years and then just hit a fricking wall that I seem to start trying to dig under.
      Then, shit has to go get so bad that motivating myself into making a positive change is really the only option.
      It is exhausting.
      I hope you know to not listen to most of the bait on here. Medication is absolutely effective and, imo, essential for us to maintain in the long term.
      Journaling can help for us to remind ourselves of what is working/hurting. You ever forget a word like, "kitchen"? It's really hard to remember what we're supposed to be doing day to day, month to month.
      Try to not self-medicate with bad stuff. Nicotine is only going to put you on a up-and-down cycle of anxiety while carving bad pathways into your mind.

    • 11 months ago

      >He looked me straight in the eye and said that ADHD is only in children
      someone that should be barred from the profession if not worse, right there
      tell him he's ruined many lives next time you see him, maybe even report him on the off chance the system works sometimes

  18. 11 months ago

    its over. non-add people will never understand. 0 life prospects and probable addiction to cope

    • 11 months ago

      The real fun only starts when you also have any of those dogshit comorbidities associated with adhd, especially if it also impairs one of those things that every last moron and their mother thinks they're experts on.

    • 11 months ago

      People understand autism now, it's just a matter of knowledge making it to mainstream that's it.

    • 11 months ago

      Give it another 30 years and the general public might start to understand how fricked having ADHD actually is.

      • 11 months ago

        kek, try 50

        "ADHD" is as real as "covid"

      • 11 months ago

        Is being stupid a disorder too?

        • 11 months ago

          Sadly for you, yes.

  19. 11 months ago

    Since when was ahdh shidding yourself?

  20. 11 months ago

    According to this I have “ADHD”.
    Gonna get some free meth

  21. 11 months ago

    I have Bipolar 1 and ADHD. Diagnosed.
    I take a anti-psychotic and mood stabilizer, Quetiapine, mostly as a mood stablizer for my Bipolarism, and it works well.
    It does regulate me quite well and also signifcantly reduced my ADHD symptoms.
    My brain is not on overdrive constantly anymore.

    This might not be the best choice for just ADHD, I don't really know I'm no a psychiatrist.
    But I hope this helps.
    Good luck OP.

  22. 11 months ago

    You are going to want stimulants like adderall or ritalin. Stay away from cocaine. If you were diagnosed properly and your clinician didn't consider medication, he is shit.
    t. ADHDemon

  23. 11 months ago

    Coming to IST for advice on mental health issues and medical situations is literally the dumbest thing you could possibly do.

    • 11 months ago

      Hes just mad and wants an internet fight

  24. 11 months ago

    Why are you trying to take live advice from moronic teenagers?

  25. 11 months ago

    I have ADHD and a PhD. The trick is lists. Every night in bed I would make my list for the next day, no matter what. I make weekly lists too. I'd plan out everything I had to do:
    > Wake up @ 7:45 am
    > Shower
    > Brush teeth
    > Shave
    > Deoderant
    > Breakfast @ 8:15
    > Leave by 8:20 am to arrive at (address) by 8:38 am
    > Workout @ 9:45 am, B Day
    > etc.

    Took me 15 minutes each night to make the list, usually 20-30 items. I refer to the list perpetually throughout the day. Everytime you look at the phone you look at the list first. Cross out what you've done. It feels good. Becomes a habit. Google calendar helps with dates

    • 11 months ago

      Did you manage to get your phd unmedicated? Im afraid of starting uni because i might fail due to adhd and no meds

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah I've been doing this for like 10 years. Except... I STILL DON'T DO MOST OF THE SHIT. ANY TRICKS FOR THAT DOCTOR?

  26. 11 months ago

    ADHD is spoiled child syndrome

    you didn't have a real childhood/teen years having a job and responsibilities, and now you have a chronic lack of discipline that is borderline unfixable without hard routine and acclimatizing to labor.

    do a dopamine detox, and then work hard for a couple months and your "adhd" will suddenly disappear. It's called growing up.

    Also if you read the literature on the pharmaceutical benefits of ADHD treatment you'll know theres literally no positive outcome to treatment other than subjectively reporting a sense of well-being. No better grades, no better work performance, no better scheduling or socializing, it's all bunk. So even if you don't believe me, there's literally no solution for your problems.

    • 11 months ago

      >spoiled child syndrome
      I had nothing as a kid.

      >you didn't have a real childhood/teen years having a job and responsibilities, and now you have a chronic lack of discipline that is borderline unfixable without hard routine and acclimatizing to labor.

      I worked from the age of 15 and juggled that with school. I didn't have time off.

      >do a dopamine detox, and then work hard for a couple months and your "adhd" will suddenly disappear. It's called growing up.

      Pseudoscience. Just sounds like you're self-projecting.

    • 11 months ago

      Dopamine detox isn’t a real thing.

    • 11 months ago

      >muh dopamine detox

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah I was in the army, 18 hour workdays and it was a paradoxically relaxing experience because of all the structure, yet upon return to the civillian world still floundered again. It really isnt that simple

      • 11 months ago

        >it was a paradoxically relaxing experience because of all the structure, yet upon return to the civillian world still floundered again.
        same theme was mentioned in one of the adhd books, probably the adult adhd toolkit, but with job hours vs free time - the latter can often be worse due to being less structured

    • 11 months ago

      > here's a bunch of debunked bullshit I made up based on not knowing anything at all
      Next time you give advice, try knowing something first.

      >all the homosexuals in this thread saying ADHD is nonexistent and you're just lazy

      you frickers nearly had me, for 31 years I basically beat myself up instead of working to resolve the symptoms of this disorder and manage it better. Hope all of you die in a fire.

      That said, OP and others, don't lose hope, there are a lot of communities that can help with this in a way that doctors can't. ADHD TikTok is weirdly a pretty good place to go for advice on how to manage symptoms with or without medication (most people can do either, though some need medication to get to any level of baseline function.)

      People like this also do very fun and informative infographics spreading the word on how executive dysfunction impacts the brain. "Comorbid" symptoms that come along with ADHD can include:
      >Depression (neurotypicals beating up on you for not "keeping up" your whole life can probably contribute to this)
      >Anger control issues (ADHD people lack "impulse gates" in their brain chemistry preventing immediate and often dangerous impulsive actions)
      >Substance abuse
      >An insanely high rate of divorce due to all of the above

      I highly recommend doing research within online ADHD communities, working on methods to control and focus your ADHD and considering medication if cognitive behavioral treatments don't work or help. Would also recommend the Pomodoro method to stay focused.

      Disregard neurotypicals who try and gaslight you into thinking this thing isn't real. It is very much real and needs to be carefully managed like every other mental health issue. My uncle died due to his substance use and hoarder-home because he didn't have the resources to understand his disorder. Don't be like him, anons. Do your research and learn how to manage the condition. Your life, and gainz, will be better for it.


      First post BEST post
      I got diagnosed with ADHD as a kid. Literally just have an attention span and don't be a b***h bro.
      It ISN'T REAL

      > I got lucky for it to have gone away so you are dumb lololo

    • 11 months ago

      Dopamine detoxes are absolutely real, and all of the people shitting on your post are pussies who will never experience dopamine upregulation to free themselves from ADHD. I hope they enjoy hitting their vapes everyday as they continue to rot.

      • 11 months ago

        explain how to do an effective one ? how do you know if it worked and not just placebo? does it make you a little more disciplined ?

      • 11 months ago

        Dopamine detoxes don't fix anything. I did half a year in jail without any electronics and with a rigid daily schedule and almost no sugar. 2 days after getting out, I was back to scrooling and procrastinating just like before. Only with higher sensitivity due to sensory deprivation, for a while. Whoopty-doo

      • 11 months ago

        when people say dopamine detox isn't real, they're not saying spending less time looking at screens won't help you, they're saying that you aren't actually 'detoxing' 'dopamine'

        • 11 months ago

          I'm saying it's not a solution to adhd long-term

  27. 11 months ago

    Meds. Routine. Exercise. Good luck!

  28. 11 months ago

    >all the homosexuals in this thread saying ADHD is nonexistent and you're just lazy

    you frickers nearly had me, for 31 years I basically beat myself up instead of working to resolve the symptoms of this disorder and manage it better. Hope all of you die in a fire.

    That said, OP and others, don't lose hope, there are a lot of communities that can help with this in a way that doctors can't. ADHD TikTok is weirdly a pretty good place to go for advice on how to manage symptoms with or without medication (most people can do either, though some need medication to get to any level of baseline function.)

    People like this also do very fun and informative infographics spreading the word on how executive dysfunction impacts the brain. "Comorbid" symptoms that come along with ADHD can include:
    >Depression (neurotypicals beating up on you for not "keeping up" your whole life can probably contribute to this)
    >Anger control issues (ADHD people lack "impulse gates" in their brain chemistry preventing immediate and often dangerous impulsive actions)
    >Substance abuse
    >An insanely high rate of divorce due to all of the above

    I highly recommend doing research within online ADHD communities, working on methods to control and focus your ADHD and considering medication if cognitive behavioral treatments don't work or help. Would also recommend the Pomodoro method to stay focused.

    Disregard neurotypicals who try and gaslight you into thinking this thing isn't real. It is very much real and needs to be carefully managed like every other mental health issue. My uncle died due to his substance use and hoarder-home because he didn't have the resources to understand his disorder. Don't be like him, anons. Do your research and learn how to manage the condition. Your life, and gainz, will be better for it.

    • 11 months ago

      >ADHD TikTok is weirdly a pretty good place to go for advice on how to manage symptoms with or without medication (most people can do either, though some need medication to get to any level of baseline function.)
      stopped reading here, frick off

      • 11 months ago

        Right? TikTok is full of dumb c**ts who think being able to blink to the rhythm of a song is a symptom of ADHD. That godforsaken app has only made this shit even more of a joke than it already was.

    • 11 months ago

      Life savior right here.

  29. 11 months ago


  30. 11 months ago

    1/n blogposting

    So I think that you guys are a bit soft in your approach as I understand and take the temp just based off of the comments here.

    I most likely have AD(H)D.
    Got to a psych in a Scandi country to assess.
    Ended up casting light on many things but that's another story. The bottom line was that I never got to see the score if I had it or not. This was after taken the cognitive test. This is because in the beginning I told him I didn't know if it was real or not. I think that actually it might just be lack of interest in things. We should not force ourselves in unnatural ways to sit and do shit we don't want to do as it will:
    1. lower your own internal voice
    2. make you unhappy

    It's unsustainable.

    In the end he told me: if you want to believe that you can do it. And use that as a compass in life and just do whatever you feel like doing.

    Anyway, he agreed.
    But life stuff kept piling up and family members and peers where asking what I should do. The wagie alternative wasn't really great, so I started studying.

    I was afraid of studying like another anon mentioned because I would probably explore of irritation or lose interest out of boredom.

    • 11 months ago

      2/n blogposting

      I studied art 2 years just to chill and frick art b***hes and reflect. At the time the idea was to pivot later into ads biz.
      Then I started a Biz/Entrepreneurship BA and cut it halfway because it was all low test theory told by pencil-necked homosexual professors with no life experience that were just regurgitating bullshit.
      Then I did an Associate's in Graphic Design which was also complete shit, mainly because of the professors.
      In all those three things I always ended up self-studying because the pace was mortifying and the concepts were lame.
      However, in entrepreneurship, some interesting topics came up. Namely what defines the entrepreneur. ADHD and the entrepreneurial character obviously have some overlap. You just need to weaponize your ADHD. Some of those facets are:
      • Internal locus of control (I can have impact on the world, I’m not dominated by ~~*narratives*~~)
      • Internally motivated (I do it because it's interesting to me and I follow my gut and my intuition)*
      • Seeing opportunity when others don't and acting upon it
      • Usually neuroatypical
      • Skeptical towards "best practices"
      • High self-worth (very important one)
      • Tolerance for ambivalence

      *Notice that the intestines sort of look like a brain? As above so below. IMO we have 3 "brains", brain-heart-gut.

    • 11 months ago

      2/n blogposting

      I studied art 2 years just to chill and frick art b***hes and reflect. At the time the idea was to pivot later into ads biz.
      Then I started a Biz/Entrepreneurship BA and cut it halfway because it was all low test theory told by pencil-necked homosexual professors with no life experience that were just regurgitating bullshit.
      Then I did an Associate's in Graphic Design which was also complete shit, mainly because of the professors.
      In all those three things I always ended up self-studying because the pace was mortifying and the concepts were lame.
      However, in entrepreneurship, some interesting topics came up. Namely what defines the entrepreneur. ADHD and the entrepreneurial character obviously have some overlap. You just need to weaponize your ADHD. Some of those facets are:
      • Internal locus of control (I can have impact on the world, I’m not dominated by ~~*narratives*~~)
      • Internally motivated (I do it because it's interesting to me and I follow my gut and my intuition)*
      • Seeing opportunity when others don't and acting upon it
      • Usually neuroatypical
      • Skeptical towards "best practices"
      • High self-worth (very important one)
      • Tolerance for ambivalence

      *Notice that the intestines sort of look like a brain? As above so below. IMO we have 3 "brains", brain-heart-gut.

      final/n blogposting

      Now, when it comes to AD(H)D, I see that I am far superior than the mediocre mid after going hyperbolic chamber cocoon mode and having read through a bunch of sci. lit. Having 3-5 sigmas to the left of the curve IQ wise helps too.I bet many ADHD-anons here are pretty sharp too.Unfortunately, most people are useless. You should shoot-first-ask-permission-later.

      Get well-read and meditate a bit. Helps you… not exactly slow down your thoughts, but consider them from another vantage point. Then if you don't want to meditate anymore, stop. Don't be a homosexual.

      But it is extremely effeminate to seek perfection. Most great men have some sort of affliction and you should ride the tiger instead of fighting against the waves of the chaotic sea. Use natures tailwinds to your favor.Perfectionism is veiled cowardice and reveals low self-worth.

      Modern ~~*therapy*~~ is tailored for wimmins and is there to NEUTER you. Not all, but a lot.

      • 11 months ago

        How do I toss aside perfection?

        Perfect is the enemy of good is a thing I've heard, but do normies understand?

        Also, what sort of books did you read and should I go back to eating yogurt?

        • 11 months ago

          I think man honestly you just have to take risk. Don't think about the short-term pain but rather the longer term growth. What's the point also of perfection if it's not to be wrecked?
          Find that residence where you can RnR correctly so that you're ready when challenges come up. If you are young, in your 20s you should take as much risk as possible.

          Risk, if doing well = higher QoL
          Risk, if doing not well = gun to the head, got to grow

          Stress-tests make things grow. Plants that are starving when given water finally experience explosive growth.
          If anything, young men should take MORE risk. We are bored and do shit halfway because we are not taking enough risk. IIRC there was some research were if a man was out in the woods and corti. and adren. spiked, later, testo would go up. Could T be a as-needed hormone? Would explain the plummeting of T levels from the 60s and after as people have become too comfortable.
          Why do you think some societies let a man have multiple wifes? In any population there is 51% of newborns that are males. But you only need 1 guy to repopulate. That means most men are expendable. Men would fight more before or die by trials of fire, filtering out the weakest ones. Men might be supposed to die in wars and conflicts, at least if we are thinking of conserving T levels on a group level. Maybe. This reflection of mine is still embryonic.

          For books, many different ones but you can just go Naval style on the book thing and read start and the end then leaf through it. At the moment I'm reading The Male Brain by Dr. Louann Brizendine. If you have read tons of books then I would argue it has diminishing returns. It's better to get feedback directly from the field instead of cocooning TOO much.

          I love gaye 5% Greek yogurt personally. Up to you.

          >Having 3-5 sigmas to the left of the curve IQ wise

          KEK, you know what I mean. Meant right.

          • 11 months ago

            How do I toss aside perfection?

            Perfect is the enemy of good is a thing I've heard, but do normies understand?

            Also, what sort of books did you read and should I go back to eating yogurt?

            Some of the books I've read, I should make a proper list maybe.
            - The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles (Bruce Lipton)
            - The Wisdom of Psychopaths (Kevin Dutton)
            - The Prophet (Khalil Gibran)
            - Emtional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)
            - Freakonomics (Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt)
            - Baghavad Gita
            - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (Suzuki Shunryū)
            - Art in the art of Archery (Eugen Herrigel)

            It's not super gigabrain reading but what I've been interested at various times, pivoting from topic to topic.

          • 11 months ago

            >Could T be a as-needed hormone?
            It often seems to be a lagging indicator of status-related shit
            e.g. win a fight => T boost
            frick a hot chick => T boost
            get cuck'd at work, life, etc => T drop
            makes the winners more aggro, losers weaker, so the rich get richer, poor get poorer
            >Would explain the plummeting of T levels from the 60s and after as people have become too comfortable.
            more sedentary lifestyle probably ain't helping either
            >Why do you think some societies let a man have multiple wifes? In any population there is 51% of newborns that are males. But you only need 1 guy to repopulate. That means most men are expendable. Men would fight more before or die by trials of fire, filtering out the weakest ones. Men might be supposed to die in wars and conflicts, at least if we are thinking of conserving T levels on a group level. Maybe. This reflection of mine is still embryonic.
            that's the natural state of things, a downside is it tends to be less stable, more violent, and more energy might be spent on in-fighting
            hence many religions clamping down hard on that, so more men have access to wives and there's fewer young angry men fricking shit up for a chance to reproduce
            likewise religions pushing anti-thottery as a virtue, to reduce the wastage created by female intra-sexual competition (also seen in multi-wife households btw)
            shit's complicated

      • 11 months ago

        >Having 3-5 sigmas to the left of the curve IQ wise

      • 11 months ago

        >Having 3-5 sigmas to the left of the curve IQ wise helps too
        >> literally too moron to tell left from right
        >> that moronic text
        Ah, the puzzle is complete.

        • 11 months ago


          >Could T be a as-needed hormone?
          It often seems to be a lagging indicator of status-related shit
          e.g. win a fight => T boost
          frick a hot chick => T boost
          get cuck'd at work, life, etc => T drop
          makes the winners more aggro, losers weaker, so the rich get richer, poor get poorer
          >Would explain the plummeting of T levels from the 60s and after as people have become too comfortable.
          more sedentary lifestyle probably ain't helping either
          >Why do you think some societies let a man have multiple wifes? In any population there is 51% of newborns that are males. But you only need 1 guy to repopulate. That means most men are expendable. Men would fight more before or die by trials of fire, filtering out the weakest ones. Men might be supposed to die in wars and conflicts, at least if we are thinking of conserving T levels on a group level. Maybe. This reflection of mine is still embryonic.
          that's the natural state of things, a downside is it tends to be less stable, more violent, and more energy might be spent on in-fighting
          hence many religions clamping down hard on that, so more men have access to wives and there's fewer young angry men fricking shit up for a chance to reproduce
          likewise religions pushing anti-thottery as a virtue, to reduce the wastage created by female intra-sexual competition (also seen in multi-wife households btw)
          shit's complicated

          Yeah, wins that weren't even attributed to skill/output, eg. flipping a coin, spiked test in the winner. So that means also by extension that DEMORALISING is a very strong weapon.
          >shit's complicated

          • 11 months ago

            >that means also by extension that DEMORALISING is a very strong weapon.
            ~~*coincidentally*~~ very frequent in this neck of the woods, and self-sustaining once someone's been sufficiently blackpilled

    • 11 months ago

      2/n blogposting

      I studied art 2 years just to chill and frick art b***hes and reflect. At the time the idea was to pivot later into ads biz.
      Then I started a Biz/Entrepreneurship BA and cut it halfway because it was all low test theory told by pencil-necked homosexual professors with no life experience that were just regurgitating bullshit.
      Then I did an Associate's in Graphic Design which was also complete shit, mainly because of the professors.
      In all those three things I always ended up self-studying because the pace was mortifying and the concepts were lame.
      However, in entrepreneurship, some interesting topics came up. Namely what defines the entrepreneur. ADHD and the entrepreneurial character obviously have some overlap. You just need to weaponize your ADHD. Some of those facets are:
      • Internal locus of control (I can have impact on the world, I’m not dominated by ~~*narratives*~~)
      • Internally motivated (I do it because it's interesting to me and I follow my gut and my intuition)*
      • Seeing opportunity when others don't and acting upon it
      • Usually neuroatypical
      • Skeptical towards "best practices"
      • High self-worth (very important one)
      • Tolerance for ambivalence

      *Notice that the intestines sort of look like a brain? As above so below. IMO we have 3 "brains", brain-heart-gut.

      final/n blogposting

      Now, when it comes to AD(H)D, I see that I am far superior than the mediocre mid after going hyperbolic chamber cocoon mode and having read through a bunch of sci. lit. Having 3-5 sigmas to the left of the curve IQ wise helps too.I bet many ADHD-anons here are pretty sharp too.Unfortunately, most people are useless. You should shoot-first-ask-permission-later.

      Get well-read and meditate a bit. Helps you… not exactly slow down your thoughts, but consider them from another vantage point. Then if you don't want to meditate anymore, stop. Don't be a homosexual.

      But it is extremely effeminate to seek perfection. Most great men have some sort of affliction and you should ride the tiger instead of fighting against the waves of the chaotic sea. Use natures tailwinds to your favor.Perfectionism is veiled cowardice and reveals low self-worth.

      Modern ~~*therapy*~~ is tailored for wimmins and is there to NEUTER you. Not all, but a lot.

      Thanks for reading my blog and excusing any structural and grammatical mistakes. I'm impatient and just want to get my points across and this crusty-ass website doesn't inspire to much. Next time I'll just do a Vocaroo instead.

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks bro.

    • 11 months ago

      2/n blogposting

      I studied art 2 years just to chill and frick art b***hes and reflect. At the time the idea was to pivot later into ads biz.
      Then I started a Biz/Entrepreneurship BA and cut it halfway because it was all low test theory told by pencil-necked homosexual professors with no life experience that were just regurgitating bullshit.
      Then I did an Associate's in Graphic Design which was also complete shit, mainly because of the professors.
      In all those three things I always ended up self-studying because the pace was mortifying and the concepts were lame.
      However, in entrepreneurship, some interesting topics came up. Namely what defines the entrepreneur. ADHD and the entrepreneurial character obviously have some overlap. You just need to weaponize your ADHD. Some of those facets are:
      • Internal locus of control (I can have impact on the world, I’m not dominated by ~~*narratives*~~)
      • Internally motivated (I do it because it's interesting to me and I follow my gut and my intuition)*
      • Seeing opportunity when others don't and acting upon it
      • Usually neuroatypical
      • Skeptical towards "best practices"
      • High self-worth (very important one)
      • Tolerance for ambivalence

      *Notice that the intestines sort of look like a brain? As above so below. IMO we have 3 "brains", brain-heart-gut.

      final/n blogposting

      Now, when it comes to AD(H)D, I see that I am far superior than the mediocre mid after going hyperbolic chamber cocoon mode and having read through a bunch of sci. lit. Having 3-5 sigmas to the left of the curve IQ wise helps too.I bet many ADHD-anons here are pretty sharp too.Unfortunately, most people are useless. You should shoot-first-ask-permission-later.

      Get well-read and meditate a bit. Helps you… not exactly slow down your thoughts, but consider them from another vantage point. Then if you don't want to meditate anymore, stop. Don't be a homosexual.

      But it is extremely effeminate to seek perfection. Most great men have some sort of affliction and you should ride the tiger instead of fighting against the waves of the chaotic sea. Use natures tailwinds to your favor.Perfectionism is veiled cowardice and reveals low self-worth.

      Modern ~~*therapy*~~ is tailored for wimmins and is there to NEUTER you. Not all, but a lot.

      half the morons posting in this thread can't hold a job, they aren't going to be able to start a business. get the frick out of here lol

    • 11 months ago

      2/n blogposting

      I studied art 2 years just to chill and frick art b***hes and reflect. At the time the idea was to pivot later into ads biz.
      Then I started a Biz/Entrepreneurship BA and cut it halfway because it was all low test theory told by pencil-necked homosexual professors with no life experience that were just regurgitating bullshit.
      Then I did an Associate's in Graphic Design which was also complete shit, mainly because of the professors.
      In all those three things I always ended up self-studying because the pace was mortifying and the concepts were lame.
      However, in entrepreneurship, some interesting topics came up. Namely what defines the entrepreneur. ADHD and the entrepreneurial character obviously have some overlap. You just need to weaponize your ADHD. Some of those facets are:
      • Internal locus of control (I can have impact on the world, I’m not dominated by ~~*narratives*~~)
      • Internally motivated (I do it because it's interesting to me and I follow my gut and my intuition)*
      • Seeing opportunity when others don't and acting upon it
      • Usually neuroatypical
      • Skeptical towards "best practices"
      • High self-worth (very important one)
      • Tolerance for ambivalence

      *Notice that the intestines sort of look like a brain? As above so below. IMO we have 3 "brains", brain-heart-gut.

      final/n blogposting

      Now, when it comes to AD(H)D, I see that I am far superior than the mediocre mid after going hyperbolic chamber cocoon mode and having read through a bunch of sci. lit. Having 3-5 sigmas to the left of the curve IQ wise helps too.I bet many ADHD-anons here are pretty sharp too.Unfortunately, most people are useless. You should shoot-first-ask-permission-later.

      Get well-read and meditate a bit. Helps you… not exactly slow down your thoughts, but consider them from another vantage point. Then if you don't want to meditate anymore, stop. Don't be a homosexual.

      But it is extremely effeminate to seek perfection. Most great men have some sort of affliction and you should ride the tiger instead of fighting against the waves of the chaotic sea. Use natures tailwinds to your favor.Perfectionism is veiled cowardice and reveals low self-worth.

      Modern ~~*therapy*~~ is tailored for wimmins and is there to NEUTER you. Not all, but a lot.

      Hello, anon. I am glad to see you found your way in life, even despite struggles. I very much appreciate you guiding other anons in a direction you believe to be good and I'd just like to reflect some of the stuff you wrote. Excuse my homosexualty language, I'm a psych major and the way of talking seeps into my vocabulary way too much. I'll just greentext the passages from your post and add my own opinions/views.
      >ADHD and the entrepreneurial character obviously have some overlap. You just need to weaponize your ADHD
      True, but be wary of the characteristics and their sources/long term effects. I'm not an entrepreneur, more of an academic, but I'd like to dip my toe in the water one day. From my view, the entrepreneurial worldview is very driven and very no-chill, which may suite some parts of the ADHD experience, but might neglect things like emotional availability and emotional stability in face of unsolvable issues.

      >get well read and meditate a bit
      true, can recommend, many people are terrified of spending time with their own mind, including me. The gains are incredible.

      >it is extremely effeminate to seek perfection
      I would disagree with the effeminate, since effeminate doesn't automatically carry a negative conotation. It's extremely inauthentic and self-destructive to seek perfection. Perfectionism betrays a view of childishness and unrealistic dreaming that nestles a overinflated ego that can't come to the gripes with the fact that you can't always do as you please. I don't see that as internally feminine, it's childish and immature.

      >Modern ~~*therapy*~~ is tailored for wimmins and is there to NEUTER you. Not all, but a lot.
      As much as I love my area of expertise and as much as I don't see the trend first-hand in my practice and colleagues (I live in central europe, so the trends carry over slower), I have to agree that I'm catching wind of something very bad. This isn't some sort of israeli conspiracy

      • 11 months ago

        the whole vibe around therapy isn't some sort of israeli conspiracy to neuter men or to make us b***h-made. I still haven't managed to grip it with my mind, but it seems to have something to do with women becoming equal, but I don't think that is the cause, it was the trigger. I think it might be the combination of weak generations of men not upholding the positive messaging of hard work and discipline, so the whole "masculine" movement had nowhere to go, whereas the "feminine" movement was just rolling hard, they had their rights down, weapons sharpened and the once positive movement has spiraled out of control. Because masculinity grew fat and complacent.
        The way, in my opinion, isn't to be mad at women and weak men. The vitriolic anger is one of the reasons why masculinity fell. The reason gym thots exist isn't because women are prostitutes. It's because that is the dark underbelly of weak masculinity, we gave up our righteous hold and sway over the world and just resigned ourselves to life of expediency and chasing after pleasure.
        The real reason most therapists are b***hmade and are pushing a certain ~~*narrative*~~ is because the traditionally masculine traits have been allowed to degrade and there are no trailblazers who are willing to represent these traits in a positive light. And all you get is betacucks who are childish or alphachads who see the world as a battlefield where they have to dominate others. The world is a battlefield, but the battle rages on within ourselves. We should be hard but fair towards ourselves, trying to uplift others into greatness and be firm, but loving with their failures to do so. I find it very hard to find a man who strives for greatness yet allows for his ego to allow the existence of other great men and women.

        • 11 months ago

          Yes like all in nature things breathe and move back and forth. The pendulum swings between yin and yang.
          >weak generations of men
          Body seeks comfort and homeostasis.
          Side comment: We must be motivated by personal growth, adventure. That would be best imo, instead of suffering on purpose. That sort of self-flogging has undertones of self hate. Very unnatural.

          >…dark underbelly of weak masculinity…

          How do I toss aside perfection?

          Perfect is the enemy of good is a thing I've heard, but do normies understand?

          Also, what sort of books did you read and should I go back to eating yogurt?

          Forgot to add one:
          Metaphysics of War, Julius Evola. Ties somewhat to thread topic(s).

          Also I just want to add that I spam lists for everything as some other anons mentioned.

          >Talking with friend
          >Ok, we'll touch base in 2 hrs
          >IMMEDIATELY when I hang up I will put a reminder on my phone to call that person back in 1h55mins.
          I do stuff like that often. Very good way to use phone.

  31. 11 months ago

    I tick almost all of them, most with pretty extreme symptoms, but honestly ADHD feels extremely over diagnosed, if it even exists, could be a compound of other things, since most of these could be caused by a billion different things.

    • 11 months ago

      I got diagnosed with depression when I was 14 but it was really just caused by lifestyle and nothing inherently wrong in my brain. So even though I don’t have depression anymore it doesn’t mean depression doesn’t exist.

    • 11 months ago

      I've had extensive experience with worrying whether I have condition X or Y or whatever. So I switched to a slightly different approach: for the stuff that's a risk for hypochondria or "muh medical condishun" excuses, I instead look at the symptoms, and focus on the various approaches for managing them, regardless of whether I have the condition or symptoms, possibly at subclinical levels. I give the most promising approaches a try, and if it helps my shit, I get the gainz, sidestepping the distraction of "do I have it or not".

  32. 11 months ago

    I realized I have ADHD after reading a book on it because I learned throughout life I had to do shit like use a schedule, to-do lists, specific times, and avoid distractions religiously or else I would constantly get distracted, forget, and so on. Meditation, a good diet, and the aforementioned tools helped tremendously.

    If anyone else has more tips, books, whatever I'm all ears. My life is a mess and I really need to figure out how to make money because the work environments I had in the past were basically the opposite of what I should be doing and cut directly to my weaknesses.

    • 11 months ago

      Since we are products of our environment, some of the biggest things to help manage ADHD is channeling the need for pressure/deadlines in a healthy way, as that’s often the only things giving us drive. I suppose having relatives/relationships where the other people heavily look out for you and hold you accountable can give you pressure to stay on track. Unfortunately I had a mother who coddled me and didn’t really try prodding me towards independence and growth even when I would explicitly say that she has to for my own sake. Getting a girlfriend who is a psychiatrist and deals with autistic/ADHD people all the time must be incredibly beneficial because she knows how your brain works. But those aren’t really viable options that someone can just go for. Having a personal trainer equivalent for ADHD like someone holding you accountable by looking at your habit spreadsheet and seeing you meet the habits would be a good idea but as a 25 year old I would just be seen as a subhuman and a loser if I resorted to this. Being a neet with no friends doesn’t help either. I’m really just rambling now, I’m not sure what my point was.

      • 11 months ago

        >Unfortunately I had a mother who coddled me
        >even when I would explicitly say
        Are you me? In addition to that she was extremely needy and now it makes sense why her interruptions really got to me. The chart thing is a good idea. I use a tracker or streak app for important things in addition to what I mentioned in my post.

        I'm doing a lot better, have some skills, but really, my main struggle right now is figuring out a career path I can do. I'm hoping to get on some medication soon and see how that goes. It'll be good to have on hand.

        • 11 months ago

          Choosing a career path was tricky for me because I don’t really have any hobbies or interests, I would just play video games or browse the internet all day everyday since I was a kid. In the end I just went into IT because at least I picked up on a lot from sitting at my computer 12 hours a day.

          ADHD bros

          How the frick do you sleep?

          I am posting this at 4.30 AM local time. I take my 30mg Ritalin in the mornings and top up 10mg sometimes in the afternoons.

          I'm so fricking tired and I can't sleep. ASMR rain only helps so much.

          I had to purposely do more throughout the day that promotes tiredness and eventually, over months, I would start to feel tried earlier and have more motivation for just going to bed. I’m unemployed so not having a job pressure me into a sleep schedule was rough.
          >30 minutes of direct sunlight at midday
          >no screens or blue light past 8pm
          >read a book from 8pm until I felt tired
          >no caffeine
          >do enough activity throughout the day, physical and mental, to tire me out and make me more tried
          if I had an unproductive day then I would regret it at night and feel guilt about it and that would make me want to do an all-nighter to stay up and ‘be productive’ but this just ended up with more pointless internet browsing and further throwing off a sleep routine. Look up on the internet how to make yourself more tried and try to follow the advice there, a lot of it helps surprisingly.

          • 11 months ago

            >in the end I just went into IT
            I worked in webdev but realized the environment was toxic especially for me and I wasn't passionate about it. Maybe I could try again on meds and in a more structured environment but Javascript made me want to open my wrist.

            But yeah, I dunno. So much of the modern economy is bullshit, it's hard to make heads or tails of it.

      • 11 months ago

        You are right though. Having someone who cares about you and at least gives a shit about your life progress is important.

      • 11 months ago

        >but as a 25 year old I would just be seen as a subhuman and a loser if I resorted to this
        better be a subhuman loser that resorts to this and fixes his shit, than being stuck in a rut and ending up subhumaner and loserer at 35, imo
        t. the latter

  33. 11 months ago

    I have ADHD and know many people with it and heres what I've learnt on how to deal with it.

    diet is a MASSIVE factor, I personally eat a diet heavy in nuts, grains, fruits, dairy, beans, fish and chicken and my productivity and emotional control skyrocketed, people underestimate the impact of the quality of foods your brain receives.

    Exercise, swimming is a good choice.

    stop masterbating and have some activities off the internet like a instrument or art etc, it helps not to be a dopamine addict

    honestly your personality might be the biggest factor. I know many people that couldn't cope and are the biggest drop-kicks in life while others I know have happy and successful lives by mitigating the negatives and playing into the positives, ADHD isn't the worst disability you just have to work around it and accept that thats just life.

    • 11 months ago

      >diet is a MASSIVE factor
      Can you let me know what your old diet was before you changed to what you listed?

      I'm mostly doing what you said, just curious.

    • 11 months ago

      Saving this post. I have terrible adhd. Even meds never worked, fricked with me. I heard dairy and grains might agitate it though...

  34. 11 months ago

    I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 8 or something. I was never medicated, I instead did some therapy. I don't think it did any good, it just mixed some basic learning with more active tasks. Anyway, I was a sub-par student all through school and then an average student in the final two years of high school. In general, school was miserable.

    At uni for mech eng I was miraculously one of the top students. I guess being able to set my own schedule, workout a lot and doing things I was actually interested in made a massive difference. I still didn't use drugs despite every second student slamming dexies. Though uni was a social failure.

    After uni I fell into a massive rut. Unemployed 1.5 years + covid, my social anxiety became so bad I wouldn't leave my room if my family was awake. I unironically pissed in a bottle a few times. I started using fluvoxamine and it helped a lot.

    I got a job through a friend recommending me, and after about 6 months depression returned in full force. I couldn't be on time, I would sleep 100% of my tine outside of work and even sleep at work. Coworkers and customers all hated me. I left after 1.5 years because I had to take propranolol to not have a panic attack every day.

    Unemployed for 6 months now and the laying-in-bed-all-day depression continued.
    I started taking bupropion and it has helped a lot with motivation and energy.
    Things are looking up

    Do any of you have experience with bupropion?

    • 11 months ago

      pharma junkie basket case loser, NGMI

    • 11 months ago

      > I didn't take meds to treat my disorder, now my life is a mess

  35. 11 months ago

    ADHD bros

    How the frick do you sleep?

    I am posting this at 4.30 AM local time. I take my 30mg Ritalin in the mornings and top up 10mg sometimes in the afternoons.

    I'm so fricking tired and I can't sleep. ASMR rain only helps so much.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm not on meds but I have an anti-anxiety med that doubles as a sleep aid if I need it.

      That said, I quit caffeine, work out a lot, sleep and wake at the same time every day, and did the usual 10 things to sleepmaxx.

  36. 11 months ago

    I have adult ADHD as well. Have had it all my life. Simple answer is methylphenidate. I just take 20mg on days I need to do things. Honestly fixed any issues I was having. Are you in school? Working? Both?

  37. 11 months ago

    Just stop being moronic. ADHD is not real and all of it's symptoms are actually caused by the poison in the food you eat. Quit caffeine, alcohol, weed, excess sugars, refined grains, and start no-fap. Don't look at your phone, stop playing vidyagames, stop browsing IST all day, just workout and spend your day outside in the sun and all your problems will go away.

    • 11 months ago

      >peanut allergies aren't real, all its symptoms are actually caused by eating peanuts. stop eating peanuts and all your problems will go away

      • 11 months ago

        Peanut allergies literally are not real, it's just from kids bodies being poisoned by vaccines.

  38. 11 months ago

    psychiatrist recommended this to me. the author has ADHD so his methods may be more attuned to helping you than other books for journaling/habits. it has worked well for me so far though our issues vary and so the results may vary too. biggest issue for me was it taking a month for motivation to build up enough for me to even try reading the book but once i started reading it everything became much easier.

    • 11 months ago

      >320 pages
      nta but cheers mate, I'll probably try to read it today (one of the upsides of hyperfocus)

  39. 11 months ago

    tried for years to get on adhd meds but then i finally got them and they don't really do much for me, not sure what to do now

    • 11 months ago

      there are different kinds and can have different effects depending on your condition and how bad it is and how it actually affects you, much like many medications for mental stuff. perhaps try a different kind for a while and see if you have any changes. the medication alone isn't expected to 'fix' you, its more to help you snowball when you try fixing your habits and other stuff. for me, the medication basically just got the ball rolling so i could take those first baby steps at actually trying to make a change to my lifestyle and circumstances.

    • 11 months ago

      Same. I finally got a script (Vyvanse 40mg) 6 months ago thinking it would be life changing after all the crazy zero-to-hero stories I heard on here, but it did pretty much nothing. They just sit on a shelf

      there are different kinds and can have different effects depending on your condition and how bad it is and how it actually affects you, much like many medications for mental stuff. perhaps try a different kind for a while and see if you have any changes. the medication alone isn't expected to 'fix' you, its more to help you snowball when you try fixing your habits and other stuff. for me, the medication basically just got the ball rolling so i could take those first baby steps at actually trying to make a change to my lifestyle and circumstances.

      Doctors in leafland are deathly allergic to instant release stims. Apparently these are the ones that actually make a major difference and I have no idea how to convince my family doc to give it a go. It's over

      • 11 months ago

        maybe he would be more willing to provide them if you could prove enough that you really need them at that other medications/methods haven't been effective. regulations may also be a reason he won't/can't do it. i guess doing some internet research about other canadians could help you

        • 11 months ago

          Every conversation I have in my head of asking her for a different med sounds like I'm being a junkie. The thing is, I genuinely wanna succeed in academics and I have no idea how to convey this. I asked my doc about IR, but she said she basically only gives it out as a substitute for patients already undergoing XR meds. IDK I guess I can keep brainstorming a way of asking about it without sounding weird.

          >Same. I finally got a script (Vyvanse 40mg) 6 months ago
          jesus christ literally the exact same story for me right down to the 40mg and 6 months ago

          Did you also have major false expectations of vyvanse? Everywhere I looked, ADHD patients said that vyvanse is the god tier stimulant, but all it makes me do is shitpost at 1000x speed. My responsibilities are no easier to focus on and if anything, it's actually even more difficult to block out distractions when I'm on them. T

          hey give you sick workouts and are pretty good for /fast/ing, but that's about it.

          • 11 months ago

            >Did you also have major false expectations of vyvanse?
            yeah basically, i also use it as a glorified pre-workout now
            were you on ritalin before? i think i preferred that

            • 11 months ago

              >were you on ritalin before? i think i preferred that
              Never had the chance of using instant release. I definitely feel like I'd respond to those much better

              From the research I've done, you need IR to give a sufficient dopamine peak to "trick" your brain's risk/reward system into doing all the shit you can't normally do. The problem with XR is that the dopamine curve is much more flat and sustained than IR. So vyvanse gives me a bit more of a bounce in my step before hitting some deadlifts, but I never feel like studying is any easier.

          • 11 months ago

            >I asked my doc about IR, but she said she basically only gives it out as a substitute for patients already undergoing XR meds.
            I might be getting this wrong, but you got XR ones prescribed, right? Wouldn't that mean that once you've been on them for a sufficient amount of time (idk if that's 2 weeks or 2 months or whatever for this particular regimen), and *if* they haven't given a sufficient improvement, that she'd consider doing an IR experiment too?

      • 11 months ago

        >Same. I finally got a script (Vyvanse 40mg) 6 months ago
        jesus christ literally the exact same story for me right down to the 40mg and 6 months ago

  40. 11 months ago

    Stop being a pussy.
    ADHD is not real and there is zero evidence that it exists as a neurological condition. You are just a lazy git.

    • 11 months ago

      lmao at a moron. There's a FRICKTON of evidence. Among it THE MRI OF A BRAIN LOOKS DIFFERENT YOU CAN FRICKING SEE IT WITH YOUR moron EYES.

  41. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      me but 25

    • 11 months ago

      Who are you? My gangstalking fed? My personal demon? This meme is too specific and targeted towards me down to the fine details for it to be randomly posted.

      You got me right in the kidney hahaha good hit man

    • 11 months ago

      same thing happens right after graduating uni and suddenly you wake up 30.

    • 11 months ago

      question for anons (this) applies to,
      how are you planning on addressing your career gap on the resume when you apply for a job to release you from neet hell?

      • 11 months ago

        Project I'm working on rn, it's a personal scratch-an-itch thing, but shows that I can code my way out of a bag, demonstrates decently deep knowledge in some areas too. Also I've got at least 2-3 extenuating circumstances, so I'll use those to feel like it's no biggie and see what happens

    • 11 months ago

      What the frick Im turning 30this week. You fricking Black person. And I still havent finished my master's thesis and Im back on NEETmode after 4 months and my savings are barely enough for a month of rent. What the frick.

  42. 11 months ago

    everyone in this thread is a self certified psychiatrist who knows everything

  43. 11 months ago

    How do you ADHD bros do on caffeine?

    I quit and my mental health improved, ADHD seems same.

    • 11 months ago

      caffeine has no effect on me usually but if i drink coffee after taking my vyvanse i find it kicks my speed buzz up a notch

  44. 11 months ago

    Can't even be bothered to read all these large text replies

  45. 11 months ago

    ADHD is caused by vaccines. Same as autism

    >autism if it happens in infancy
    >ADHD if it happens in childhood

    Both are largely incurable once into adulthood but can be alleviated with heavy metal chelation, like the Andy Cutler Protocol.

    Just accept the fact that you're going to have to be pharma's b***h for the rest of your life and take adderall or ritalin. They poisoned you but what can you do now?

    • 11 months ago

      moron alert

    • 11 months ago

      aren't these graphs prone to anti-selection? People who are very healthy are more likely to be unvaccinated. People who aren't as healthy are more likely to be vaccinated.

      • 11 months ago

        >People who are very healthy are more likely to be unvaccinated. People who aren't as healthy are more likely to be vaccinated.
        The name of the study is at the very bottom of the image and they controlled for this.

  46. 11 months ago

    >dopamine fast
    >no cooming
    >no porn
    >no vidya
    >no internet

    Apparently these will cure, if not alleviate many of the symptoms. Have any of you tried this?

    From my research on dopamine receptor density (receptors being at least if not more important than just raw dopamine levels) they take a while to actually build up. As in 1 month + of pretty intense dopamine fasting. Idk if I'd be able to handle 30 days of going monk mode, but if I knew for a fact that it would heavily improve my circumstances I'd be very willing to try it. Pretty much picrel, but the brain would need more time than 7 days of doing this

    • 11 months ago

      You can't fix your brain if inorganic mercury is sitting there causing chronic brain damage.

  47. 11 months ago

    >Audio Processing Disorder
    People don't realize how much this absolutely fricks your shit up

    • 11 months ago

      >Audio Processing Disorder
      >People don't realize how much this absolutely fricks your shit up
      Background noise has me acting like a senior without their hearing aid and it sucks so much fricking ass because it's loud everywhere

  48. 11 months ago

    This is just high IQ, low discipline behaviour. Stop suppressing your brain with npc media and start fricking studying. Yeah it's going to be hard at first but don't b***h out you fricking homosexual.

  49. 11 months ago

    adhd isn't real. The guy who did most of the work coming up with it literally said it's a fictitious disease shortly before his death. Look it up

    • 11 months ago

      no, he said that the diagnosis is fictitious for many people as environment is a huge factor in having the symptoms

      • 11 months ago

        same thing wienersucker

      • 11 months ago

        yup, same with acquired spergtism

        same thing wienersucker

        I can see how 100 is the average IQ

        • 11 months ago

          for once, I agree, brainlet

          • 11 months ago

            >doesn't even realize where he fricked up

  50. 11 months ago

    Meds. Nothing else.
    Do your research on how and what to take and then either move to a non-shithole or get them illegally.
    I am 100% serious. I wasted around 20 fricking years of my life being smarter than everybody else and simultaneously fricking useless.

    ADHD is the diabetes of mental disorders. Don't listen to moronic contrarian IST bullshit, dopamine detox or "jest do it get errrr done" is just as moronic as telling people with diabetes to "just stop having problems with sugar lmao xDD".

    • 11 months ago

      On the illegal side, should it still be pharmaceutical amphetamine, or will any speed do the trick basically?

      • 11 months ago

        any speed is fine if you can get it pure enough, but it's likely gonna be racemat (50:50 mix of the isomers). if you want to optimize (find the d-amp:l-amp ratio that works best for you), you're gonna need those meds.

  51. 11 months ago

    >aspergers and adhd
    >zero problems managing finances
    Is this the power of autism?

  52. 11 months ago

    Buproprion is excellent and widely available. Go for the extended release if it's available to you.

  53. 11 months ago

    >ADHD isn’t real says someone without ADHD
    you morons would tell a schizophrenic to stop taking medication if you had the chance

  54. 11 months ago

    >IST thinks ADHD, depression, and anxiety aren’t real or at least fixable naturally
    >spent years talking about how they’re “autism” doesn’t allow them to live a normal life

  55. 11 months ago

    Fellow ADHD fitizen here. Externalise things (leave notes for essential tasks wherever you will see them during your daily routine), make use of alarms and reminders on your phone, meditate, maintain a consistent sleep schedule, avoid caffeine and nicotine.

    Absolutely do not self-prescribe stimulants.

  56. 11 months ago

    Many symptoms of ADHD overlap with childhood trauma. Maybe it’s evolution weeding out people with shit parents.

  57. 11 months ago

    Stop being a homosexual and your """"ADHD"""" goes away

    Cut all sugar, reduce your carb intake get wayyyy more fat and exercise more

    • 11 months ago
  58. 11 months ago

    one thousand four hundred and eighty-eight

    • 11 months ago




      Sure, let's keep the song going!







  59. 11 months ago

    yeah all of this shit is pretty standard for the human experience, its only specifically executive dysfunction that will ruin your life and make you wake up at 30yo not even being able to remember what you did for the last 8 years except that it was not making money, building a career or personal growth of any kind.

    Thats a gigantic personal cost that you will literally never recover from

    • 11 months ago

      AHHHHH I didn't frick Roasties, I didn't enrich israelite, I didn't pile up Shekels AHHHHHHHHH I'm a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOSERRRRRRRRRR

      • 11 months ago

        all the things i listed are just conduits to self fulfilment, what the contents are is up to you but the fact is that if you were neet and your neet time consisted of exclusively consooming vidya, that is pretty universally going to make you feel bad

      • 11 months ago

        beck moment

      • 11 months ago

        The fact that you think thats all you’re missing out on by being a homosexual neet is astounding.

    • 11 months ago

      all the things i listed are just conduits to self fulfilment, what the contents are is up to you but the fact is that if you were neet and your neet time consisted of exclusively consooming vidya, that is pretty universally going to make you feel bad

      Were you able to cure this shit or mitigate it somehow?

      • 11 months ago

        no im 30 and coming to terms that I ruined my life because I refused to acknowledge that specific mental illness as "real" and insisted on fixing it alone and doing it my way.
        Now its just a game of weighing the inevitable shame and humiliation of accepting and sharing my gigafailure with the world to salvage a somewhat tolerable life or if it isnt just better to listen to those intrusive thoughts that come every time im near a balcony

        • 11 months ago

          But hold on, if you weren't able to fix it despite knowing about it, then maybe either the illness or the cures are not as advertised.
          Otherwise you'd be happily on adderall or whatever by now, your executive dysfunction happily behind you, right?
          I'm in the same position as you, and trying to figure this out. I've popped adderalls in the past and they gave a long burst of hyperfocus, but I don't know if it could be called particularly productive or creative. Maybe if the dosage was dialed in. One time I spent all night trying to connect speakers to my pc (and enjoying it), another time I did 15 hours of graphic design (1 simple picture) lol.
          Adderall definitely made action necessary and the process pleasant, but abusing it caused the brain to kind of run on empty.

          • 11 months ago

            i've used adderall recreationally and for shit like university exams/papers but also mostly the same effects you described.

            What I mean by my non-acceptance is that I never sought help, never diagnosed, and never prescribed. Never even discussed non-physical/non-acute issues with a doctor ever in my life (havent even been to a doc in 10 years).
            I thought it was just personal idiosyncrasies i could deal with on my own easily if I simply had a bit of luck and secured a good career, which was likely true to some degree, except that executive dysfunction pretty much guaranteeing a 0% luck and thus outcome for this ideal.

            I've gotten insanely lucky in the past, like even getting into university, where I practically reached a high-tier normiehood (albeit with excessive effort relative to my peers) but it was always just a ticking clock for the eventual relapse...

            sry for the blogpost

            • 11 months ago

              Ok but aside from giving you amphetamines, it seems like these wienersuckers have very little to offer for ADHD or whatever this problem we all have is.
              Why do you think that you've missed out, when the consensus seems to be that their only use is to dispense pills that may(?) solve this issue?

              • 11 months ago

                Well isnt the idea behind them that you break the negative feedback loop temporarily to adjust your external circumstances in a way that doesn't feed back into the loop?
                When I've had a job (even a shit eater one), decent circle of friends, and a gf, my issues with agoraphobia, depression, social anxiety and whatever classic IST autist ailments reduced to complete manageability.
                I only relapsed as soon as I fell back into neetdom, so if a tactical application of pharmaceuticals could have helped me proverbially jump the pitfall, it could have saved me like 8 years of literal lost life.

                But really what i missed out on was guidance and support i could have relied on to keep me out of the hole instead of my own flawed self-sabotaging inner dialogue. I've just never been able to confront this issue or vocalise it in any way to anyone because in part shame, but also making this otherwise fake illness 'real' and having to acknowledge its reality instead of cope.

              • 11 months ago

                >When I've had a job (even a shit eater one), decent circle of friends, and a gf, my issues with agoraphobia, depression, social anxiety and whatever classic IST autist ailments reduced to complete manageability.
                >I only relapsed as soon as I fell back into neetdom
                pretty common shit
                >tactical application of medical meth
                and probably a support system (non-shit shrink, friend, cbt book, or idk) to guide you so you don't waste the meth on all-nighter furry goon seshs

              • 11 months ago

                >so you don't waste the meth on all-nighter furry goon seshs
                too real, homie

              • 11 months ago

                >When I've had a job (even a shit eater one), decent circle of friends, and a gf, my issues with agoraphobia, depression, social anxiety and whatever classic IST autist ailments reduced to complete manageability.

                But those aren't really the main issues. The main issue is that we fail to build a body of work plus lifestyle/routine that places us high and makes us feel proud and confident. All of the above stem from that failure.
                A foundation like that would be more resilient than the job and girl and circle of friends, those things can be blown away in a moment.

              • 11 months ago

                Trips of Truth... Frick... any lifts for this feel?

              • 11 months ago

                It's the truth as best I can discern it, and we're all doing AMRAP sets of digs for the truth all day err day.
                The hope is that we find it and it will set us free of IST.

              • 11 months ago

                IST is cope, but there are much worse copes out there. IST (by extension misc) were significant reasons I stuck to lifting. What if your cope is marvel movies, apple products, reddort, and social justice?

                At least in my brief forays into normiehood I could glimpse into existence as based male, the highest tier of existence, vs a literal normalhomosexual for his whole life would potentially be perpetually barred from ever ascending beyond his bugman ognion exoskeleton. So just imagine if we overcome this mental hurdle. Basedhood is at least still on the table vs. being a neurotypical homosexual

              • 11 months ago

                For sure. I was romping and stomping all over them too.
                The issue was always career for me though. Always. Lack of long-term movement in a set direction, because after a couple months I get bored and demoralized and dislike my activity.

            • 11 months ago

              >I thought it was just personal idiosyncrasies i could deal with on my own easily if I simply had a bit of luck and secured a good career


              >25 khv neet recluse
              >book psychiatrist appointment suspecting i am autistic
              >tell him the state of my life and my complete dysfunctionality
              >diagnoses me with autism
              >aha i knew it
              >diagnoses me with ADHD
              >wait... what?
              >apparently my inability to maintain habits and lifestyle was textbook ADHD
              >recommends me ADHD habit book, and methylphenidate and willing to write a prescription
              this was all within one 40 minute appointment btw, waiting list of which was only 2 months
              >refuse meds, say i'll do a dopamine detox and beat my ADHD using discipline (he literally smirked when i said this and said dopamine detox isn't real)
              >2 weeks pass and literally nothing changes, didn't improve my habits in any way
              >realise how fricked i actually am
              >book another appointment and have methylphenidate within 6 weeks
              >slowly clawing my way out each day
              biggest thing to help me now is to get a job and gain that forced routine, socialisation, money, and purpose

              and what you said here is how i felt and still do feel both before and after the diagnosis, "i just need a job to give me structure and the rest will fall into place" or "maybe i'll have a near death experience and it'll be the kick in the ass i need to get my act together" and other lottery-tier luckiness. except years of neetdom since high school with no work experience meant getting a job was almost impossible and i actually had a near death experience (0.2 seconds from being t-boned by another car) and somehow it literally did nothing to me

              The biggest advantage of methylphenidate to me is TIME
              when you're on it you have WAY MORE TIME to do shit
              An hour can turn from an hour of being a moron to an hour of actually getting shit done
              Then before you know it it's noon and all that garbage that takes you 2 weeks to do is fricking done.
              If this shit shortens your lifespan by 10 years you will still have a net gain in time.

              for me it was more like going from 20 minutes of productivity a day to maybe 2 hours. i seem to doddle a lot throughout the day and am working more on a strict daily, even hourly schedule to better stop the hours just somehow slipping away

              • 11 months ago

                I've had like 27 or 28 jobs and gigs, and none of them were sustainable for me.
                IST is smart antisocial dudes acting like morons, and for most of us the job has to be quite interesting, autonomous, lucrative and responsible to not feel like an unacceptable dead end. It's not a matter of lucking out with bargain bin jobs, probably nothing less than a full-on good career will answer our requirements.
                All the lowly jobs are demeaning and demoralizing.

              • 11 months ago

                i'm wondering if a good job would be an IT support in an office who solves basic IT problems for others in the office like 'how do i copy and paste' and have people think of me as a god. i'd chase that feeling and desire of being the smartest and valued to the very end

              • 11 months ago

                I don't know, maybe.
                My requirements looks something like
                - AUTONOMY
                - FANCY SOCIAL STATUS
                -NOT SOLITARY

                That's a tall fricking order, and not available in many westoid countries, but nothing stands in the way of getting there if I want to... except one little thing, any routine I set up crumbles, and I cannot hold down any job ever.

              • 11 months ago

                yeah for me it was always leaving the country, which I ended up doing and although it helped in the past, now im past its effectiveness and I just neet reclused in an airbnb anyway. You really can't run from yourself, lol.

        • 11 months ago

          >25 khv neet recluse
          >book psychiatrist appointment suspecting i am autistic
          >tell him the state of my life and my complete dysfunctionality
          >diagnoses me with autism
          >aha i knew it
          >diagnoses me with ADHD
          >wait... what?
          >apparently my inability to maintain habits and lifestyle was textbook ADHD
          >recommends me ADHD habit book, and methylphenidate and willing to write a prescription
          this was all within one 40 minute appointment btw, waiting list of which was only 2 months
          >refuse meds, say i'll do a dopamine detox and beat my ADHD using discipline (he literally smirked when i said this and said dopamine detox isn't real)
          >2 weeks pass and literally nothing changes, didn't improve my habits in any way
          >realise how fricked i actually am
          >book another appointment and have methylphenidate within 6 weeks
          >slowly clawing my way out each day
          biggest thing to help me now is to get a job and gain that forced routine, socialisation, money, and purpose

          • 11 months ago

            That's good but the only important data in this discussion is homies who got out the hole and kept a productive life going for years.
            Everyone saying "I've been doing better", "thins are looking up" etc, that's nice and good, but things have "looked up" and crashed back down all my life, the overall result being absolute carnage and defeat.

            The only thing that matters here is how to defeat this shit LONG-TERM.

            • 11 months ago

              guess it depends on the circumstances of how bad your ADHD is and how it affects you. most successful stories i see are people who did bullet journals and habit tracking and self improvement and would:
              use small bit of motivation -> make bit of progress ->gives you more motivation -> make bit more progress -> gives you more motivation, and so on and so on basically snowballing and climbing their way out of a hole. this won't work for everyone as again it depends on how your ADHD affects you and other circumstances of your life like having a partner who understands you and will hold you accountable when you slip. many may not even get to live an average life but still take solace in the fact it could have been so much worse, as will be my view if i am somewhat successful in the end

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah but these good habits crash periodically, that's the problem.
                I've been a superstar at many things for a month or two, but to build anything you need years of continuity if some sort, not months or weeks.

            • 11 months ago

              >for you
              some homies haven't even gotten out of the hole for a lil bit

          • 11 months ago

            The biggest advantage of methylphenidate to me is TIME
            when you're on it you have WAY MORE TIME to do shit
            An hour can turn from an hour of being a moron to an hour of actually getting shit done
            Then before you know it it's noon and all that garbage that takes you 2 weeks to do is fricking done.
            If this shit shortens your lifespan by 10 years you will still have a net gain in time.

  60. 11 months ago

    I got diagnosed with autism but I still believe autism is a myth

    • 11 months ago

      In your case it was misdiagnosed homosexualry

    • 11 months ago

      Autism is just a word we use to describe people who have a lot of those symptoms. It is a man made word used to describe real issues.

    • 11 months ago

      Dogs don't exist, there are just a lot of living things that resemble each other and have tails, pseudointellectual homosexual

  61. 11 months ago

    ADHD is imaginary.

  62. 11 months ago

    FTFY; there's a reason blacks have higher rates of ADHD diagnoses

    • 11 months ago

      Neurodivergents in organic serious threads on here are probably a solid 115, if not 120

    • 11 months ago

      I managed to get a Ph.D in math, now a postdoc loser coasting through life. If I somehow became a normal hardworking person with my intelligence instead of playing chess, fapping to futa and doom scrolling I might be something great.

      • 11 months ago

        "I am intelligent" *proceeds to provide ample evidence to prove the opposite*

        Whatever "intelligence" you have, it isn't the part of intelligence that matters.

        • 11 months ago

          He has intelligence but that's not his bottleneck. He's very intelligent but has trouble controlling his emotions and moods. What's so hard to understand about that?

        • 11 months ago

          You lack the intelligence to distinguish between "intelligence" and "success".

  63. 11 months ago

    > bro just don’t be lazy adhd isn’t real
    > no, I don’t have any of the symptoms, why do you ask?

    • 11 months ago

      Everyone has some symptom of ADHD. Almost everyone on earth has trouble focusing, anxiety, fidgiting, depression etc, these are all natural, it's just that society demands unnatural things from people and then shames then when they don't want to conform to arbitrary social expectations.

      I was prescribed adderall as a kid/teen for ADHD and now I realize that it wasn't a problem with me, it's just that kids shouldn't be expected to sit in school desks and pay attention to boring lectures. Yes taking adderall made me "feel more normal" because I was literally getting high on meth.

  64. 11 months ago

    Just act like an adult. I grew up on that poison (concerta) and felt like shit like I wasn’t myself. Then I became an adult, chose to stop taking it, and when a problem would arise I fixed it like a goddamn man. Can’t focus on my studies? Sit in the front row of all my lectures on purpose so that I can’t daydream or fidget or get distracted without getting caught. People think I’m obnoxious and don’t wanna be around me? Learn how to tell when it’s appropriate to act like a spaz and chill the frick out the rest of the time, no one can read your mind so you can be as autistic as you want if you’re silent about it. Having trouble with impulse control when it comes to foods, especially bad processed foods? Completely cut it out and get into fitness to an almost unhealthy level so that I realize the real health impacts those poisons have on me.

    It’s very simple, just grow the frick up. ADHD is real but 99.9% of cases just need a good healthy dose of maturity and you’ll be cured. Look at me, I’ve gone from close to 400lb incel to 220lb, jacked, married to a qt3.14 who is way out of my league with a child on the way and a friend group so large that I literally have trouble finding time to maintain all of the friendships. You can do it, anon.

    • 11 months ago

      You're stupid.

      >I am telling you this with child-diagnosed ADHD
      As much as I feel for you guys who had abusive parents that started stimming you out as a child, I hate how you gays muddy the conversation. It's over diagnosed in children. Literally 100% of people here agree with that statement. The unfortunate side effect of this is that every normal kid who was diagnosed with ADHD will scream and shid and fard really loud when ADHD is brought up, as you showed in your clearly emotional posts [...]. You're doing the equivalent of saying bacteria is fake because doctors hip fire antibiotic meds everywhere.

      Weird how the moment I stopped gaslighting myself as being "lazy", and started exploring the idea that I had a condition as an adult in my mid-20's, did I actually start working hard towards success.

      was talking about.

      • 11 months ago

        >just walk in and give the manager a firm handshake

        biggest homosexual to show up in this high-quality thread so far.

        You morons can get as butthurt as you want, the results speak for themselves. Excuse me while I go blow a load in my hot wife now

        • 11 months ago

          Just act like an adult. I grew up on that poison (concerta) and felt like shit like I wasn’t myself. Then I became an adult, chose to stop taking it, and when a problem would arise I fixed it like a goddamn man. Can’t focus on my studies? Sit in the front row of all my lectures on purpose so that I can’t daydream or fidget or get distracted without getting caught. People think I’m obnoxious and don’t wanna be around me? Learn how to tell when it’s appropriate to act like a spaz and chill the frick out the rest of the time, no one can read your mind so you can be as autistic as you want if you’re silent about it. Having trouble with impulse control when it comes to foods, especially bad processed foods? Completely cut it out and get into fitness to an almost unhealthy level so that I realize the real health impacts those poisons have on me.

          It’s very simple, just grow the frick up. ADHD is real but 99.9% of cases just need a good healthy dose of maturity and you’ll be cured. Look at me, I’ve gone from close to 400lb incel to 220lb, jacked, married to a qt3.14 who is way out of my league with a child on the way and a friend group so large that I literally have trouble finding time to maintain all of the friendships. You can do it, anon.

          In your moronic posts you don't even mention having executive problems in the first place.

          • 11 months ago

            I had all of the symptoms. I had trouble paying attention in class, basically any class but history was a wash because if it didn’t interest me it was in one ear out the other. How about fidgetting? My school experimented with all sorts of different ways to help me keep my hands busy in an effort to help me pay attention, nothing really worked. How about not eating in the morning because my stomach was in knots because the sheer number of other people at school made my anxiety skyrocket. Or maybe the constant missed deadlines as a kid and an adult because if something caught my interest (usually a video game or a show or a good book/manga) I would dump hours upon hours on accident into this thing when I had prior engagements I should’ve been keeping track of. Or impulse control, whether it be eating garbage or saying shit out loud when I shouldn’t have, it was a constant battle. The symptoms were there, sorry for not giving my entire life story in the original reply. Point being, these things can all be conquered without medication or other intervention. If not, then you’re weak minded. Grow the frick up. Not saying this applies to all, ADHD is very real, and I would even go as far as to say I have it, but 99.9% of people who have it can overcome it without outside intervention if they just grow the frick up, simple as. If you’re this angry over that statement, odds are it applies to you.

            • 11 months ago

              Why are you so angry about us saying that your reasoning is circular and doesn't solve this specific problem?
              It sounds like you have issues and something to prove.

              • 11 months ago

                It does, though.

              • 11 months ago

                But it doesn't though, since it's the obvious thing everyone itt has already tried by default.
                You're so stupid man, use your head for a second.

              • 11 months ago

                But it does. Not saying it’s instant, it takes years, but it’s doable. Humans have existed for 10s of thousands of years and it’s just now becoming an issue in the last 60 years? Come on now, have a little accountability. You can do it. Have a great day, fren, I hope you are able to find some peace.

              • 11 months ago

                ADHD has always existed, but over the last 100 years the human lifestyle has been changing into one that makes ADHD harder to live and deal with. Many argue that an ADHD brain was just a variance that was particularly useful for a tribe depending on what that person ended up doing and how they could utilise ADHD’s strengths. But that kind of brain isn’t so suited for the world of sitting still and quiet all day + instant gratification/stimulation. It’s a brain variation that is becoming outdated.

              • 11 months ago

                Adding to this, of course it means that someone’s environment is a heavy factor in the extent of someone’s ADHD symptoms, but people confuse this as though ADHD only just exists because of individual’s environment. It doesn’t, it exists in their brain regardless but 95%+ of humanity used to be full day manual labourers so someone’s symptoms wouldn’t seem like more than a label you’d through on someone like ‘he’s really active’ or ‘he is easily distracted’ and it wasn’t a big enough deal to think this was indicative of anything more like some brain problem, you’d just think it was a normal variation like any other human/personality variation you can think of ‘he’s really grumpy’ or ‘he’s really hungry’. People do it today to, you through out a description like that and move on without thinking it must be indicative of something deeper because it hasn’t become enough of a problem yet to make that individual truly dysfunctional. Of course the symptom of ‘struggles to pay attention’ would be less common 200 years ago compared to today.

              • 11 months ago

                You never had the problem, so your "just don't have add bro lmaoo" advice is worthless.

              • 11 months ago

                >Humans have existed for 10s of thousands of years and it’s just now becoming an issue in the last 60 years?
                In the last 60 years of modern history, humanity has gone through more changes than over 1000 years of old human history, you moron.

              • 11 months ago

                >Humans have existed for 10s of thousands of years and it’s just now becoming an issue in the last 60 years?
                Yes. Unironically. The symptoms of ADHD are only an issue BECAUSE OF the way life has changed in the past 60 years. All of the "problems" with ADHD are extremely beneficial in a tribal environment. But in the modern way of living they are directly opposing.

    • 11 months ago

      >just walk in and give the manager a firm handshake

    • 11 months ago

      biggest homosexual to show up in this high-quality thread so far.

  65. 11 months ago


  66. 11 months ago

    So you didn't have the problem to start with.

  67. 11 months ago

    would anons be willing to take the step of swearing off all recreational internet use as well as electronic entertainment (anything with a screen) henceforth to be normal?

    • 11 months ago

      Depends. Not to be obtuse but that would encompass far too much and even excludes sport or a funny video a family member took.

      • 11 months ago

        ok so just recreational internet (inane surfing, message boards, youtube etc.), vidya and tv shows/movies specifically except lets the the occasional culturally relevant blockbuster once in a blue moon. All other media OK.

        • 11 months ago

          I could probably give that up to be normal apart from YouTube due to the wealth of great educational videos and guides but the ‘entertainment’ part of YouTube I could cut out. IST would be hard as this is really my only communication with other people but I suppose being ‘normal’ would help solve that.

    • 11 months ago

      I would if I knew or even highly suspected it would work. I'd even do it to be part of a study or something.

      Just nervous I'd give myself even more depression for no reason or reward

  68. 11 months ago

    prescribed meth helps a ton, (Adderall) but it's not good for you, so I only use it on occasion.

    • 11 months ago

      It's not even close to as pleasurable or unhealthy as meth

  69. 11 months ago

    Meditation and Gingko Biloba supplements.

  70. 11 months ago

    Work with it instead of against it.
    >Alarms for everything
    >Keep everything important in view at home so you don't forget about it (Stop putting food that expires fast in cabinets)
    >Make any task you dread as easy and prepared as possible.
    >Have a strict morning routine
    >Counter the indecisiveness with impulsiveness. Pick the first option that comes to mind rather than over think you options.
    >Round up your travel time if you're someone who is always late. "Party is at 6 and it takes 20mins to get there? I must leave by 5." (You will always fail to leave by 5 but you will never be late.)
    >Meditate. Meditate. Meditate. Your biggest enemy is your constant running thoughts. Meditation is beneficial to everyone but yourself 1000x more as it's the primary thing hindering your LIFE.
    >Get medicated if possible.

  71. 11 months ago

    Anyone have a good meditation app or YouTuber account for ADHD?

    I have this basic app Medito but its kind of basic.

  72. 11 months ago

    >tried meditation for 2 years now
    >longest meditation session is 20 minutes because I can’t sit still.
    The whole “I can’t stay still” is annoying especially in meeting where my co-workers give me weird look for fidgeting. Though, does anyone else do the rapid heel raises on one leg to cope?

    • 11 months ago

      >Though, does anyone else do the rapid heel raises on one leg to cope?
      This used to be my fidget too.

      • 11 months ago

        What do you use now?

        • 11 months ago

          Pinecone dildo

        • 11 months ago

          Twirling my hair or chewing the inside of my mouth.
          Both are probably worse tbh

          • 11 months ago

            >Twirling my hair
            My brother

  73. 11 months ago

    "Meditation" is fake and gay. Look how many people it DOESN'T help.

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


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