Adhd and fitness? Just got diagnosed with adhd and got these medicine

Adhd and fitness?

Just got diagnosed with adhd and got these medicine

I feel like I can lift way more and workout way harder. 100x better than some shitty preworkout.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Amphetamines are the key to God mode, good luck on your journey anon.

    • 10 months ago

      Cursed digits

    • 10 months ago

      >GOD MODE

    • 10 months ago

      Digits don’t lie, turn back now

    • 10 months ago

      Ummm.. amphetamine bros?

  2. 10 months ago

    Of course you can lift like a literal maniac on fricking amphetamines. These things temporarily turn you into one.

    Really, really unhealthy though. Don't overdo it man.

    • 10 months ago

      kek every time.
      >oh I just took medical grade meth and guess what? i have a lot of energy
      yeah obviously, fricking morons

  3. 10 months ago

    How. They cause you to gas immediately.
    Anybody who purports to work harder on amps is a demented circus monkey.

    • 10 months ago

      >I feel like I can lift way more and workout way harder. 100x better than some shitty preworkout.

      Make sure you have a good diet - high protein/fats (EGGS EGGS EGGS) ideally early in the morning to give you energy the rest of the day.

      Otherwise the lack of appetite on some of these can kinda screw you up, end of day crash its easy to eat too many carbs.

      I lost a shit ton of weight within 6 months of getting prescribed with basically no effort, actually working out less (family shit) and still more fit.

      Avoid caffeine and other stims with it until you know how it affects you, a couple Monsters plus the pills and a work out could legitimately give me a heart attack I think until I got used to it. (I switched to decaf.)

      And make a schedule - if you don't take meds within scheduled window, don't take them or you will frick up your sleep.
      Also have a scheduled time to work out - often at peak of meds effectiveness for cardio workout - it will help level out the energy for the day and get you tired to help you sleep.

      >They cause you to gas immediately.
      Nope - this only happens if you are not eating right - which is easy to fall into, since you don't feel hungry.
      Also, drink a lot of water.

      If your meds are making you feel strong and powerful or giving you more energy then you don't have adhd. You might just be autistic which is often misdiagnosed as adhd. My meds put me into a quiet, sleepy, zen like state.

      >If your meds are making you feel strong and powerful or giving you more energy then you don't have adhd.
      Eh, the first ~2-6 weeks you get euphoria as your body adjusts, after that you should level out.
      Your doctor should have advised you about this, honestly if they didn't maybe find a better doctor.

      Also want to mention I’m on a relatively low dose (15mg Dex 2x a day but I only do 1x unless it’s a long day)

      >Also want to mention I’m on a relatively low dose (15mg Dex 2x a day but I only do 1x unless it’s a long day)
      Consider vyvanse - its still dex but a precursor drug so its more time released (one pill a day) and less prone to abuse due to time delay.
      But people vary, sorry it didn't work for you.

  4. 10 months ago

    enjoy not eating or sleeping

    • 10 months ago

      Pretty much what this board promotes, halfway at least.

      ADHD isn't real

      Neither are birds. No one cares

    • 10 months ago

      For me the meds fixed my sleep. Now I can actually go to sleep at 9pm without issues, before I'd struggle to even go to bed before midnight.
      Also I sleep like a log now, earlier I woke up multiple times and tossed and turned like a maniac.
      Amphetamines just make me calmer.

  5. 10 months ago

    ADHD isn't real

  6. 10 months ago

    If your meds are making you feel strong and powerful or giving you more energy then you don't have adhd. You might just be autistic which is often misdiagnosed as adhd. My meds put me into a quiet, sleepy, zen like state.

  7. 10 months ago

    i'm sure that adderall gives you some focus while lifting, which probably enables you to lift a bit harder
    definitely be mindful of your heart rate, tho -- you probably don't want to do any hard cardio while on your stims, unless it is a smaller dose
    a few years back, I went to a boxing class in the evening after taking some adderall at work that day, and I thought I was going to die. my heart was racing and I was literally sweating my tiny little dick off. not a fun time.

    • 10 months ago

      it doesn't give you focus ya tard it gives you central nervous system activation

    • 10 months ago

      I literally just take it because I'm a c**t in the morning and I can't wake up at 5 am when I'm supposed to

  8. 10 months ago

    I hope you're monitoring your heart health

  9. 10 months ago
    Please check out this site Anon. Don't fall into the trap of taking high doses daily. I take 40-50mg a day and have not worked out in a year. My biggest piece of advice to you is this, once you sit down, your day is over, done. Keep moving.

    • 10 months ago

      do you take it on the weekends too?
      what the hell man, take a break
      what is the longest time you've ever jerk offd for?

      • 10 months ago


  10. 10 months ago

    i've been on them a few years, can't lift without them but they seriously frick with my appetite, makes bulking a nightmare

    • 10 months ago

      Why don't you stop taking them if you don't like the effects? Are you a speed addict?

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        didn't say i don't like the effects

  11. 10 months ago

    >I workout harder when high on amphetamines
    As long as don't believe the snake oil about "ADHD", enjoy your drugs.

    • 10 months ago

      >snake oil
      Not sure you know what this term means chief. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're ESL.

      • 10 months ago

        >hurr durr i did not understand you man you need to talk in away my autistic brain understands
        either you understood him and are just pretending to be a moron in order to appear intellectually superior (cringe), or you're genuinely autistic and can't understand conveyed meaning (based autist)

      • 10 months ago

        Wait, you actually believe ADHD is a thing?
        Ask me how I know you're vaxxed.

  12. 10 months ago

    >Just got diagnosed with adhd and got these medicine
    >I feel like I can lift way more and workout way harder. 100x better than some shitty preworkout.
    Its meth. Enjoy the addiction in about 6-12 months. I was diagnosed and got those given to me about 5 years ago, It was great the first 3-4 months and hell for the next 6 trying to beat the addiction.

    • 10 months ago

      NTA but I got a script two weeks ago again after I stopped for a couple of months (didn’t want to spam call pharmacies to find one that can fill). Havent taken anything for 5 ish days I think?

      How bad is the addiction/ side effects? I’m not interested in feeling euphoric or getting high. Just want to be able to be focused when I study dry ass textbooks or read through boring documentation.

      Not interested in getting addicted, but that’s easier said than done. How long did it take for you to realize you were addicted/what were your side effects?

      • 10 months ago

        Also want to mention I’m on a relatively low dose (15mg Dex 2x a day but I only do 1x unless it’s a long day)

      • 10 months ago

        Also want to mention I’m on a relatively low dose (15mg Dex 2x a day but I only do 1x unless it’s a long day)

        I was on 5mg twice a day of Dexamphetamines. Old pic of unopened bottles I got around still.

        The addiction is real and you don't notice it happening until it's real bad.

        You take the to function. You can't work without them. You can't go about your day without them. You won't be able to sleep because they keep you awake. You then are running on 4-5 hours sleep and need them to go about your day. You notice meth heads have black bags under their eyes? This is why. They can't sleep and the drug is what keeps them awake.

        >I’m not interested in feeling euphoric or getting high. Just want to be able to be focused when I study dry ass textbooks or read through boring documentation.
        This is basically what I did. I used them for work. To work longer. Harder. Be more productive. Get ahead of those around me. Don't do it.

        • 10 months ago

          >How long did it take for you to realize you were addicted/what were your side effects?
          About 5 months I would say is when it started getting bad. You can't sleep. You then use them to stay awake and get stuff done. Repeat.

          I stopped taking them cold turkey and my brain was in extreme fog. I always felt like I was thinking slowly and everything was dumbed down. You are also extremely irritateable and can have emotional mood swings. You can get very angry over nothing and also very sad over nothing.

          • 10 months ago

            Hm. My sleep has been a little poor (5-7 hrs instead of my happy 8) but I want to say that’s my fault for working later into the afternoon and wanting more time to decompress by being on my phone. This is something I’ve improved in the last few days (coincidence or not since i haven’t dosed in some days lol).

            Wonder if I can attribute the irritability to the drugs or not, as I have been more stressed the last two weeks just due to work deadlines. Though I have always been a quick-to-anger person but also quick-to-stop-being-angry.

            Your reasons for taking this drug are the same as mine.

            Regarding sleep, I suppose energy drinks don’t help. But still, I’m not sure if I want to attribute my late night habits to the drug or just to being lax with my discipline.

            In my opinion this drug is like overclocking your body. Need to replenish nutrients and water much more frequently or else you feel like shit. Need to sleep or else it’s not effective and you will take it to feel “baseline”. Just as people drink two cups of coffee in the morning every day.

            Still not as addictive as marijuana imo. With weed I can’t think of a reason not to get high. And I do get euphoria. But weed makes me moronic. My thoughts slow down and short term memory kicks in. Can’t hold any conversations. In fact, it’s the reason why i opted to try stims in the first place. I thought, “what’s the opposite feeling of this?” “What could I take that would make me grind harder?”

            Still am very skeptical about it all. Will likely only use it for important deadlines/exams. Crunch time.

            • 10 months ago

              >till not as addictive as marijuana imo.
              You are in for a rude awakening if you keep taking it long term.

              I did make a lot of "gains" with it at my work place for the first few months. Promotions etc. But the come down was not worth it.

              My advice is to not take it at all because it will then become a crutch to function. In your case it will be "It's finals time! I can't study without my dex!" or "Time for exams, I need my dex!" This is where it starts. You will eventually be saying this but for work and other everyday things which require a lot of focus and are important to you. Going to an important social event or meeting you can't screw up? Take a dex.

              If you still are inclined to continue taking it seriously do not take it more then your crunch study periods and exams once or twice a year. I was on it 4-5 days a week.

              Hm. Have you replaced it with any other “nootropics”, or any other supplements?

              I didn't replace it with anything.

              Prior to dex I would take modafinil but honestly all it does it stop you from sleeping. It doesn't provide any kind of stimulant effects.

          • 10 months ago

            Hm. Have you replaced it with any other “nootropics”, or any other supplements?

        • 10 months ago

          >How long did it take for you to realize you were addicted/what were your side effects?
          About 5 months I would say is when it started getting bad. You can't sleep. You then use them to stay awake and get stuff done. Repeat.

          I stopped taking them cold turkey and my brain was in extreme fog. I always felt like I was thinking slowly and everything was dumbed down. You are also extremely irritateable and can have emotional mood swings. You can get very angry over nothing and also very sad over nothing.

          I'll add it took me maybe 12 months to finally feel like I was my normal self again. It's not a drug to fool around with even if it's just for work/study. Your gains will be erased by the come down which comes eventually.

        • 10 months ago

          You have schizophrenia if 5mg BID was causing sleep disruptions. There is no addiction to that low of an amount and if you were losing sleep over it you're better off not on it because you obviously have a mental problem.

          • 10 months ago

            5mg of dex twice a day.

            • 10 months ago

              Im on 40mg dex a day for a year not addicted yet

              • 10 months ago

                Just gotta take it daily is all, not addicted or anything

              • 10 months ago

                Jesus Christ your average days would be both a living hell and absolute heaven.

            • 10 months ago

              What do you think BID means, imbecile?

              • 10 months ago

                I thought it was balls and dick image made with letters.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon ngl your reaction folder makes me think yoi have some form of autism. I don't mean as an insult.

              • 10 months ago

                My reaction folder and porn folder have merged into one.

              • 10 months ago

                Me too

        • 10 months ago

          >You take the to function. You can't work without them. You can't go about your day without them. You won't be able to sleep because they keep you awake
          Funny, this was the reason I went to the doctors because I was a non-functioning neet.
          I've been on the meds for 4 years now and no issues and been on longer breaks and no issues.
          If 2x5mg messed you up that badly there is something else going on.
          What you wrote just sounds like an addicts story, not and adhd person being properly medicated.

  13. 10 months ago

    If you need to take amphetamines to focus or stay fit you have been brainwashed by big pharma. Your 'dex' amphetamine has the exact same effects of meth. Somehow big pharma convinced you that taking meth was good for you.

    Absolute fricking tweaking morons.

    • 10 months ago

      >exact same effects of meth
      Bro you have never taken meth. Dextroamp and methamp do not hit the same.

      • 10 months ago

        Cuz of dosage not effects.

        0.03g of adderall (30mg) hit as hard as 0.01g of meth (10mg). If you Black folk on the street do 0.3g (300mg) of meth, smoked, that's the same as 30 addy pills in one sitting. It would hit the same then.

        • 10 months ago

          Adderall is not dexamphetamine

          • 10 months ago

            It is. 3:1 dextro with one part levo. For all intents and purposes it is dextro.

            Not American fren
            Free money's free money. Especially since my country is fricking the populace over I'd take anything I can get.

            Gimme your telegram. I wanna advise you on the addiction nothing else. In the EU for example they got for £10 a pill on certain places so maybe get telegram friend so I can warn you about the dangers.

            • 10 months ago

              But it's not.

              • 10 months ago

                Dude this is the ADHD thread, go find an autism thread you'll fit in better there.

  14. 10 months ago

    homies really be taking meth because a israelite diagnosed them with a made up disorder. Have you tried just not being a fidgety moron?

    • 10 months ago

      Nah we take thinking we are the special case who can abuse it for life gains and not get addicted.

  15. 10 months ago



    Zoomer thinks more 2 lines of text is an essay. Tok tik rots your brain.

  16. 10 months ago


    >Sees two lines of text online

    I said toktik

    Zoom zoom

  17. 10 months ago

    ADHD meds are designed to stifle your spontaneity and youthful spirit. Unless your condition is REALLY REALLY out of control, enjoy never having the blind confidence to chat up qts while out and about. ADHD is my superpower, and it can be yours too.

  18. 10 months ago

    >Officially diagnosed with ADHD when I was young, before 'everyone' had it
    >Didn't like meds, gave me tics, made me a zombie
    >Can probably get meds now anyway
    >Could possibly sell it

    • 10 months ago

      Got telegram?

      • 10 months ago

        Not American fren

        It's not worth the trouble unless you are seriously broken. At most $50-60 per bottle once a month.

        Free money's free money. Especially since my country is fricking the populace over I'd take anything I can get.

    • 10 months ago

      It's not worth the trouble unless you are seriously broken. At most $50-60 per bottle once a month.

  19. 10 months ago

    Idiots my doctor told me dexamphetamine is harmless. The dosages are litterally therapautic

    My doctor told me as Long as i follow his dosages its as dangerous as taking vitamin c tablets
    And he told me druggies on the street take like 10x the amfetamine dosages

    • 10 months ago

      Good goy. Trust your doctor.
      Want some safe and effective prescription opiate for your chronic back pain as well? It never hurt anyone at therapeutic dosage.

      • 10 months ago

        >comparing safe dex mefication to litterally heroin like drugs
        Ok brianlet

      • 10 months ago

        Thing is, there's been decades of studies on adhd meds and there's no proof they cause any long-term issues at therpeutic doses. Blood pressure and heart and thats about it and no problem if your doctor does his pre-work as he is supposed to before prescribing meds.

  20. 10 months ago

    Yes anon, taking doses of amphetamines twice a day for the rest of your life is therapeutic.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        No anon, taking taking doses of amphetamines twice a day for the rest of your life is not therapeutic.

        Happy now?

        • 10 months ago

          Tweaker rationalizing his addiction. If you admit you're a methhead you might have to stop your 'therapy'

          • 10 months ago

            >Zoomer doesn't understand the complex humour of these posts.

            • 10 months ago

              Or maybe I am allowing you to troll me so I can make more posts cursing tweak heads lurking

              • 10 months ago

                YOU WAS ONLY PRETENDING TO BE moronic?!

              • 10 months ago

                So were you, r-right?

  21. 10 months ago

    This is my routine and I'm a succesful BEAST in society
    >morning routine
    >0.2 grams of ketamin to numb the morning aches
    >0.1 gram of good ass meth to keep the body going a whole day
    >some coke throughout the day to spike my dopamin level
    >sertralin or mdma depending on how I feel for evening out my mood when downers hit me
    >roids for working out
    >and always keeping a pill of viagra if I get lucky
    >low doses of lsd in the weekend instead of alcohol

    Bros do this and stop drinking alcohol and stop eating white bread you'll literally become a god. This is how all the big dogs such as politicians and wall street business men keep on going.

    • 10 months ago

      Forgot to mention that a Xanax or bezo when I go to bed

    • 10 months ago

      >I'm a succesful BEAST in society
      Gross income aside, what champion-tier tasks are you taking on? Building a house? Building a business empire? Producing a studio-quality album?

      • 10 months ago

        Usually it's just shitposting on 8 boards in 30+ simultaneous thread. I would say that I make at least 5% of IST traffic. When you see temporary drops in IST traffic, it's probably caused by me sleeping or working out.

  22. 10 months ago

    i take dexamphetamine 15mg twice a day to enhance my performance as a high powered consultant, it increases focus, so probably can improve also menial and pointless activities such as workin out. also, it is not addictive, thats a meme, it's not like real amphetamines at all

    • 10 months ago

      one thing i forgot to mention, it causes pulmonary arterial hypertension, be not be deceived, we will pay the price for all the drugs we put into our body

    • 10 months ago

      What's it like being a professional fall-guy?

      • 10 months ago

        it's an honest living and you are not involved in games people play in the corporate hierarchy, i quite like it, but it's not for everyone

  23. 10 months ago

    >I feel like I can lift way more and workout way harder
    Well you're literally on speed so go figure

  24. 10 months ago

    Unless you have an existing heart condition you'll be fine. I'm on 5mg twice a day and I'm probably addicted to it, but I am also going this weekend without it so it's obviously not crack levels.

    My life has also significantly improved, I think what alot of the replies are missing is that being reliant on adhd drugs is still better than living sober with adhd.

  25. 10 months ago

    You can lift and get fit as you wish. Just watch your blood pressure and heart rate.
    But take it easy at the beginning, the meds will mask fatigue and physical pain even at low doses and you can overextend quite easily until you get used to it. Especially for lifting, take it easy.

  26. 10 months ago

    >Just got diagnosed with adhd

  27. 10 months ago

    Incapable of getting any rest between sets when doing high weight or volume leg exercises. 5 minutes of panting. Tried 20mg XR and 10mg IR only taken once on lifting day, neither worked. It took about a week of going clean to go back to 'normal.' Vasodilators didn't seem to help, but 3 - 4 months of Zone 2 jogging did make the heart effects manageable. My PCP did an EKG on me after a year of taking them and it came back nominal, so they weren't causing any dangerous side effects. My RHR would jump from 60-65 off them to 95-105 on them. My HR would sit at 75-90% max for 3 or more minutes between sets and would peg again with no real "ramp up" at the start of each set.

    I stopped taking them because it made progression lifting unbearable.

    • 10 months ago

      Are you taking them pre-workout? Wtf?

      If you tried working out early morning and then dosing, did you still feel the same?

      • 10 months ago

        No, only ever in the morning. Workout always in the afternoon. This happened whether or not I took with food.

  28. 10 months ago

    stay jelly

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