Adjustable Free Weights

Any recommendations on adjustable dum-dums?
Converting my living room into a gym.
Between the separate (but equal) squat and bench racks, I don't have much space for a dumbbell rack even though I mostly do free weight workouts.
-t. homegymasterace

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  1. 1 year ago

    There was a good thread yesterday on this. I vote Ironmasters.

    • 1 year ago

      What exactly are the benefits of Ironmasters?
      >flat face so they can rest on your legs
      >square shape so they don't roll
      >all metal construction
      >low profile that won't obstruct certain movements
      Is this really worth it? To me, the only one of these benefits that actually matters is the last one. I can easily rest the side of a spinlock on my leg, I never have to worry about my dumbbell rolling more than a few inches, and I've never worried about dropping and breaking even the shittiest adjustable dumbbells I've owned. Then when you consider the negatives:
      >square plates can only be bought from Ironmaster for Ironmaster prices
      >locking mechanism is pretty slow compared to other dumbbells, it's basically a glorified spinlock system
      I dunno, I just don't see how they could be worth it for the price. I'm not gonna lie, there's definitely an appeal to holding an all metal dumbbell over something that's half plastic, but I still don't see how that's enough to convince someone to buy these over like a Nuobell or even just regular spinlocks.

      • 1 year ago

        These have to be disassembled and reassembled like a RC car every weight change
        i want to grab and go
        And all the reviews are some fat gay with a dad bod

        If you have a couple grand to spend just get the pepins
        https:// www. dumbbellpepin. com/ product-page /fast-series-240lbs
        and some 1.25 lb plate mate magnets to go up in 2.5 lb increments.

        • 1 year ago

          Why does this seem like a medieval torture device?

    • 1 year ago

      What exactly are the benefits of Ironmasters?
      >flat face so they can rest on your legs
      >square shape so they don't roll
      >all metal construction
      >low profile that won't obstruct certain movements
      Is this really worth it? To me, the only one of these benefits that actually matters is the last one. I can easily rest the side of a spinlock on my leg, I never have to worry about my dumbbell rolling more than a few inches, and I've never worried about dropping and breaking even the shittiest adjustable dumbbells I've owned. Then when you consider the negatives:
      >square plates can only be bought from Ironmaster for Ironmaster prices
      >locking mechanism is pretty slow compared to other dumbbells, it's basically a glorified spinlock system
      I dunno, I just don't see how they could be worth it for the price. I'm not gonna lie, there's definitely an appeal to holding an all metal dumbbell over something that's half plastic, but I still don't see how that's enough to convince someone to buy these over like a Nuobell or even just regular spinlocks.

      These have to be disassembled and reassembled like a RC car every weight change
      i want to grab and go
      And all the reviews are some fat gay with a dad bod

    • 1 year ago

      Ironmasters are good but I think the pepin fast series that go up to 120 lbs beat them now. They're constructed like nuobells but have no plastic parts.

  2. 1 year ago

    if you already have oly plates, then oly dumbbell handles and a good set of clamps. I recommend the rogue alu ones.

    • 1 year ago

      Are they safe to drop after sets? Obs not violently but they’re really wide so I’d be a bit worried about the ends catching on me. Also how do you find the rotating grip?

  3. 1 year ago

    I own some cheap spinlock dumbbells and I’m planning to upgrade to Power Blocks. Also considering the Nuobells. Leaning more towards Power Blocks because they can go up to 90lbs.

    • 1 year ago

      if i wanted to handle nuts everytime i switched weight, i'd stay at my current gym

    • 1 year ago

      >upgrade to Power Blocks
      I hope you mean an old second hand pair made in the US, their modern shit is plastic chinese garbage

      I bought bowflex 552s for $350. they're pretty good and heavy enough (for me anway) to do basic arm, shoulders and one legged exercises. you can't drop them and they feel pretty cheap. the quick adjustments make up for it though. at $350 they were a great deal, at $450 they're barely worth it IMO.

      If I had the money and didn't mind the little bit of extra space they take up, I'd get the ironmasters. they seem sturdy enough to drop from bench height and you can upgrade them to get real heavy.


      • 1 year ago

        bowflex is based and redpilled
        show me where I can buy something western made for the same price and I would

        • 1 year ago

          enjoy your plastic snapping trash

          • 1 year ago

            I have literally never seen a single example of plastic causing an issue in any model of adjustable dumbbells. Where did this meme come from?

  4. 1 year ago

    I bought bowflex 552s for $350. they're pretty good and heavy enough (for me anway) to do basic arm, shoulders and one legged exercises. you can't drop them and they feel pretty cheap. the quick adjustments make up for it though. at $350 they were a great deal, at $450 they're barely worth it IMO.

    If I had the money and didn't mind the little bit of extra space they take up, I'd get the ironmasters. they seem sturdy enough to drop from bench height and you can upgrade them to get real heavy.

    • 1 year ago

      I was looking at the bowflex 1090's for just this
      wondered if too big to shoulder press

      • 1 year ago

        >wondered if too big to shoulder press
        idk if the 1090s are bigger but the 552s aren't too big IMO, but that is a common complaint. I have decently long arms though which I think helps a bit. and you could always go neutral grip if you find it an issue

  5. 1 year ago

    I have a pair of the Rogue db-15s. They work extremely well for everything except shoulder pressing unless using a neutral grip.

  6. 1 year ago

    Powerblocks should be the gold standard, both for durability and because you can buy expansion plates to make them 90lb

    • 1 year ago

      I have an older pair with expansions up to 90 lbs and one of the nice things about the design is for single arm bent over rows you can go higher by laying the plates for the other hand (starting at the 30 lb plate) sideways across the hand hole.

  7. 1 year ago

    >dumbbell racks

    Just throw them at the floor you homosexual. Buy a tatame/cushion carpet of course.

    • 1 year ago

      >toddler foam mats

  8. 1 year ago

    >Spend 500$ on Powerblocks
    >Need more weight now
    >realize I bought the non-expandable ones

    • 1 year ago

      500? How did you spend that much? The higher end models are not more than $400 usd (Amazon) and they are both expandable.

  9. 1 year ago

    rather buy a dumbell tree and 2-3 adjustable regular plate dumbells.

    cheaper and more efficient.

    • 1 year ago

      >buy couple cheap spin on dumbbell sets instead of single adjustable
      >worst of every world
      this homosexual may be onto something

  10. 1 year ago

    if money is no limitation, pepin fast dumbbell, its fully metal with quick adjustments. otherwise iron masters are fully metal but slow adjustments or nuobell for a couple plastic pieces and quick adjustments

  11. 1 year ago

    Speaking of dumbbells, what's the best dumbbell focused program? I'm following Fierce 5 one now but I plan to switch to Frankoman's when I get an adjustable bench.

  12. 1 year ago

    Dude the adjustables are wank
    you have to treat them like glass
    just get a tower rack of hex, it takes the same footprint

    • 1 year ago

      Why did you have to shit up the thread by posting this bug faced pig?

  13. 1 year ago

    I got pic related recently, each bar can hold a 100 kgs but wouldn't it be awkward to use plates whose diameter is almost 30 cms on dumbbell bars?

    • 1 year ago

      5kg plates already start to be awkward, i was looking for smaller 10kg plates for dumbells but couldn't find them.

    • 1 year ago

      I have an adjustable olympic sleeve DB and I can say that once you start using 25 lb. plates, it gets a little weird on things like rows as you'll find that your forearm will often come in contact with the plates.
      But, it still gets the job done when you need a 180 lb. DB and the shit at the gym tops out at 120. The frick I wanna be doing 30 rep sets of rows for?

    • 1 year ago

      25lb plates are fine for db flat press. Could be annoying for other exercises, but I like the spinlocks since you can tighten them down hard, and I have plenty of plates.

    • 1 year ago

      Get longer bars and use smaller pl8s. The obvious downside is they will stab you in the dick.

  14. 1 year ago

    Iron masters with 120lb kit and kettlebell handle.

  15. 1 year ago

    which one is good for overhead deadlift?

    • 1 year ago

      Is number 2 and 6 sisters?

      • 1 year ago

        they're all sisters

    • 1 year ago

      >not using them for barbell flyes instead

  16. 1 year ago

    Why they frick would you buy adjustable weights when you have a full range of actual dumbbells already? I find this image oddly enraging.

    • 1 year ago


      maybe...just's a ************************gulp***************** used equipment store?

    • 1 year ago

      Isn’t this from the garage gym review YouTube guy?

      • 1 year ago


  17. 1 year ago

    does anybody here actually own any pepin dbs (either his spinlock or fast)? have been eyeing them for some time, but the only review is homosexual GGR.
    current location is cheaper shipping then when I move later this year

    • 1 year ago

      shameless bump

      • 1 year ago

        Basement Brandon did a review. I have the nuobells and if the pepin fast had came out at that time I'd get those for sure.

        • 1 year ago

          Here's the link to the review

          Frick coop he doesn't even lift.

          thanks bud!
          I wonder what pepin's plans are for V2? (I guess I could just email)

          now: 120 fast or 145 HD handles? I'm thinking the fast and if I want to go any heavier, use my oly handles
          but for $2k, should I just invest in a full rack? ugh, need to sleep on it

          • 1 year ago

            I'd just go with the 120 fast and then if you go heavier just buy seperate oly db handles and buy a shitload of york 10 lb plates. That's what I did when I go heavier than the 80's for nuobells.

            • 1 year ago

              What exercises did you need to go beyond the 80lb nuobells for? I’m eyeing those right now but I already have a full barbell set with an ezcurl bar, not sure if that would be a concern for me

              • 1 year ago

                seal rows, incline bench and seated db shoulder press. I was going to buy those crazy 175 lb powerblocks but the shipping was insane close to $400 at the time.

                I have nuobells. I would not recommend copping them.

                I was goblet squatting one and let it rest on a flat bench. Like a moron I didn't account for the foam compressing slowly and it fell off the bench on to the floor.
                This destroyed it. The internal mechanism was broken but also there are plastic pieces attached to each weight plate.
                The fall cracked several of those.

                I eventually found a store selling single ones so I got a replacement for the broken one.
                Then I realized the original, which was fine before, has now seized up completely.
                I haven't opened it up to see if I can fix that yet.

                I should have said knee height is where I drop them instead of waist. I use the mad spotters now so I don't even have that issue like before.

              • 1 year ago

                The fall of mine would have been about 46cm on to hard fake wood over concrete. I don't fault them too much for not surviving it.
                But the one that seized... All that happened to that one was nothing. It just sat for a while.
                Could be an easy fix but since there is a lot of plastic in these things I'm not that hopeful of just lubing it up.

              • 1 year ago

                theres special plastic compatible lube they use for rc cars

            • 1 year ago

              I have oly handles, but not a lot of 10s, so need to use 25s. Enough plates to get to 110 per DB. I get by, but I find myself using KBs more often because I hate the length of my bars, 22".

              I just spiral in to this train of thought:
              >fast 120s are $2k
              >well for that price, I can get spend a bit more and have a 5-100 set
              >I'm this far in, can spend now or save to get up to a 150 set (or even 125 would be sufficient)
              >rubber hex is ok, but urethane, whooo, my grandkids will be lifting with those
              >proceed to stare at watson DBs and too pussy to drop the money for a new car on some weight

              as convenient as adjustable are, I still keep have this inner drive that says "no" go full rack. but, like above, spiral into a never ending answer of: prostyle, hex, rubber vs poly, round head, or urethane
              the one I buy I want it to be the one for life

              • 1 year ago

                >>well for that price, I can get spend a bit more and have a 5-100 set
                I think Im going this route, and do heavier lifts with a barbell. if I really need more in the future you can always expand.
                >prostyle, hex, rubber vs poly, round head, or urethane
                prostyle > hex
                cast iron > urethane > rubber

              • 1 year ago

                Only thing with that is the dumbbells to expand starts costing $400 and up each pair

              • 1 year ago

                you could also do an oly handle for the really heavy weights

                >prostyle > hex
                >cast iron > urethane > rubber
                any particular reason you feel this way?

                size (length) and longevity

              • 1 year ago

                >prostyle > hex
                >cast iron > urethane > rubber
                any particular reason you feel this way?

          • 1 year ago

            I dont really see a reason to get pepin HD over iron masters, the fast series are the best though. pepin olympic is also kind of interesting

      • 1 year ago

        does anybody here actually own any pepin dbs (either his spinlock or fast)? have been eyeing them for some time, but the only review is homosexual GGR.
        current location is cheaper shipping then when I move later this year

        Here's the link to the review

        Frick coop he doesn't even lift.

  18. 1 year ago

    Jesus Christ these things are expensive. Why the frick would you spend up a grand on these just to save yourself a small amount of time? Putting some weights on isn't that fricking difficult, and you generally rest between sets anyway. Even the cheapest ones are way more expensive than regular dumbbells, plus they don't even go up a respectable weight and they're made from fricking plastic that can easily break if you drop them.

    • 1 year ago

      I drop my nuobells all the time from waist height and they're fine. I'm sure over time it'll be an issue but who gives a frick. And no a rack of db's that go up to 120 is going to cost probably 2,000 more than adjustables. Your just poor.

      • 1 year ago

        I have nuobells. I would not recommend copping them.

        I was goblet squatting one and let it rest on a flat bench. Like a moron I didn't account for the foam compressing slowly and it fell off the bench on to the floor.
        This destroyed it. The internal mechanism was broken but also there are plastic pieces attached to each weight plate.
        The fall cracked several of those.

        I eventually found a store selling single ones so I got a replacement for the broken one.
        Then I realized the original, which was fine before, has now seized up completely.
        I haven't opened it up to see if I can fix that yet.

    • 1 year ago

      I have spinlocks and they do get annoying anon. It's not even time so much as it is squatting down awkwardly on the floor with a back pump trying to change out weight. I'm thinking of building a platform to do it at waist level. That's how fricking annoying it is.
      On the plus side though I'm thinking of getting a 1" EZ curl bar (I have an olympic one) since I have plenty of plates and trying to superset EZ bar work with cable work (which also uses olympic plates) gets to be an exercise in logistics at times. The only DBs I know that also have an EZ bar attachment are ironmasters which I can't ever find (especially for cheap).

      • 1 year ago

        1' ez curl bars are common on the used market and cheap. Love mine, came with good knurling and I got some plates with it too.

        I like my spinlock dumbbells, but I added electrical tape to them so they spin on slower, but lock better after tightening the 10's or 25's. At the price they are I could see getting a couple handles and leaving them with x amount of weight.

  19. 1 year ago

    any thoughts on center mass bells/Thompson fat bells?

    • 1 year ago

      neat, looks like a good way to bash someone's skull in.

      • 1 year ago

        let me know when a mma federation starts using them for gloves

        • 1 year ago

          >miss any punch
          imagine the joint pain.

  20. 1 year ago

    Spinlocks or a full rack of fixed dbs. Nothing else matters.

  21. 1 year ago

    Will only have access to dumbbells for the foreseeable future. Anyone know of some good DB routines that goes beyond noobgains?

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