Advice for Quitting Nicotine

I've been addicted to nicotine for 5 years, started smoking almost as soon as I turned 18 and been smoking cigarettes for nearly that whole time. I got on nicotine pouches for a while but relapsed into cigs again about a year ago when my ex cheated on and left me. I plan on making a quit attempt after this last pack of cigs, I'm gonna try for cold turkey but I've got nicotine gum on standby. I will definitely miss smoking, it's one of my favorite activites, but after reading about heart attacks, cancer, how it numbs your taste/smell, and how it's a huge turn-off to normies who can smell it, I've decided I need to make an effort to kick it. I quit weed recently and thats going great, been drinking in moderation instead of binging, now cigs are next on the list of vices to break. I want to breathe clean again. Any other /quitgays/ who made it? How'd you cope with cravings and withdrawals? What should I expect?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Wrong fricking board but I'll take whatever advice IST has to offer

    • 8 months ago

      Just kick the nicotine israelite, no way around it.
      Addictions are a b***h, but you're stronger. Give yourself a fighting chance. Two months and you're in the clear, but thought control will be crucial. If you cannot subjugate or tune out intrusive thoughts you will fail.

  2. 8 months ago

    Imagine getting through the covid shit and still believing in medical propaganda.

  3. 8 months ago

    Sure thing OP, now read these words very carefully:

  4. 8 months ago

    Get depressed
    Quit your job
    Lay in bed for 6 months barely moving
    That's how I did it.

  5. 8 months ago

    I'd say just pay really close attention to how you feel mid-way through and after a cigarette, remember that feeling fully. It feels like shit and is gross, but you want another one 30 minutes later. You just have to remember how it feels, so be very present and meditative while smoking, don't let anything else distract you, and then realize how it weakens you, steals your strength, makes you more emotional when you can't get your fix, weakens you as a man.
    It is nothing but a thief. Once you study the effects and understand fully what it is and what it does to you you won't even want to smoke.
    I got lucky and just became repulsed with it, no desire to have even a tiny puff, but that was after like 3-4 times quitting and craving after having quit.
    Read Allen Carr's book.

    • 8 months ago

      Allen Carr easy way worked for me. Torrented the picture book version, lmao, and been clean since 1/1/2023. Tried a vape a few weeks ago and it made me sick, that just made it all the easier. Cravings went away completely after about 2-3 months.

  6. 8 months ago

    i tried to quit cigs twice, both times made it several months in (iirc ~6 the first time, ~9 the second)
    both times i went back.

    what did sort of work was switching to vaping.
    and i say sort of because in a way im still smoking
    but it worked 100% in getting me off cigarettes, i don't even want them anymore.
    there have been a couple of occasions where im at a party or bar or something, and i run out of vape juice or battery. then i will bum some cigs off friends or buy a pack, and im immediately reminded just how shitty cigs taste and feel.
    its always a huge relief to go home, refill my vape and head back to flavortown.

    anyways, yea, tldr, good luck with your efforts, but if you fail try vaping. 99% of the health benefits, none of the withdrawal or saying no to yourself 20 times a day.

  7. 8 months ago

    Nicotine is good for you you ignoramus

  8. 8 months ago

    i quit after 15 years of a pack a day. try to kick the nicotine habit entirely, don't rely on crutches such as vaping, pouches, patches or gum.
    if you really want some help with the cravings, i took cytisine (commie version of varenicline, arguably better) in the first weeks. after this is just keeping at it, never touching nicotine again. my last piece of advice would be to find a reason for why you want to quit. it has to be personal so you actually care for it. muh cancer or muh money are NOT good examples.

  9. 8 months ago

    going cold turkey sucks but its working for me.

  10. 8 months ago

    You pussy. My grandfather smoked every day for 35 years. Just quit cold turkey and never looked back.

  11. 8 months ago

    I started smoking at 15 and stopped at 19/20, was smoking almost a pack a day since the first year, for me quitting cold turkey was the best. 3 years since I smoked, and no cravings. Allen Carr book really helped me, I always recommend it.

  12. 8 months ago

    Just start chewing the gum and don't stop. The gum is honestly as good as a cup of coffee and doesn't have all the bad shit in it.

  13. 8 months ago

    Try eating a cigarette butt.
    Take your cigarette butts, put them in a mug, pour boiling water over them, wait ten minutes, then drink the cigarette tea.

  14. 8 months ago

    Dont buy a pack
    Tell every smoker you know to stop letting you bum cigarettes
    It doesn’t get simpler than that.

  15. 8 months ago

    Just vape instead, and keep the temp low.

  16. 8 months ago

    >Any other /quitgays/ who made it? How'd you cope with cravings and withdrawals? What should I expect?

    Haven't had a cig in over a year, at first you'll be like "damn I wish I could have a smoke", then you'll have that thought less often as time goes on, and after about 3 months or so you'll think about it maybe once or twice a month in a really fleeting way. Like right now, I basically forgot what it's like to even crave one even though I'm thinking about it. The cravings and withdrawals are 99.9% psychological, it's all in your head, you don't need to be spending hundreds on dollars on shit that'll kill you in the end, spend that shit on home gym equipment or better quality food or something productive instead.

    >t. smoker for over a decade who quit cold turkey and never looked back.

  17. 8 months ago

    honestly I've relapsed a lot, but even when I light a cigarette or two, it still doesn't bring me back into the habit. I don't know really, sometimes it is as simple as not buying a pack... just quit, no other way, stop trying to find a miracle cure online, especially on here....

  18. 8 months ago

    I have vaped in the past and I just transferred to nicotine pouches (Gum annoyed me because it's slow releasing and it doesn't give you a buzz). After I fix my sleep schedule I'm quitting pouches too

  19. 8 months ago

    My advice, just go the gym or run on a treadmill and see how far you'll last. It's really sobering and you'll be at rock bottom. Once you actually quit, you'll see leaps in your endurance and be more motivated to maintain that lifestyle.

  20. 8 months ago

    I quit and got rosacea bc of it. So I tried to start again, realized that I now get nauseous from smoking. So, I'm like a 6 months non smoker now. Still have the rosacea lol.

    • 8 months ago

      i lost hope it would ever go away, but it did so after around 4 months, i'm sure it will for you as well

  21. 8 months ago

    Tabaco has the chemicals that make you addicted...So try to lay off the tabaco (no tabaco based pouches! aka don't snus, do fake snus (nictotine pouches, extracted nicotine without the tabaco)

    and nicotine is actually pretty healthy, unless you want children, apparently nicotine fricks sperm count

  22. 8 months ago

    Don't vape, don't use nicotine gums, just quit. Tapering off leaves the door open

  23. 8 months ago

    Been using Swedish snus and nicotine pouches since age of 16. Now 22. Can't quit. Even after 30 days of abstinence the thought of using is in my mind 24/7. I fundamentally believe it's impossible for me.

  24. 8 months ago

    It always sounds like a cop-out when people say, “JUST QUIT!!” but there’s not much else you can do really. Understand your habits and try to distract yourself when the cravings hit. Reward yourself in a different way when you deny a craving.

  25. 8 months ago

    The cons to smoking outweigh the pros.
    >Calm (but you could always be like that with practice, nic actually makes you less able to cope with stress)
    >Feel good (but you can just delay satisfaction for going hard parties. Bigger release feels better)
    >Focus/Motivation (like with calm, nic affects focus when you're craving. Motivation from it isn't real, it's just a punctuating event that you know must come to and end, like a slap and a yell before cliff jumping or doing a set at the gym)
    >Pairs well with a bad day, pairs well with a good day (both are lies, but you know this if you think about it)
    >Stinky man, gross
    >Bad fingers/fingernails
    >Bad/chapped lips
    >Bad breath
    >Bad teefies
    >Bad tastebuds (smokers are drawn to harsher and more pungent foods)
    >Bad smell (Maybe you showered, but your home could stink to high hell from bad produce or something in your garbage disposal, you'll never know)
    >All that money you spend, yikes
    >Bad lung capacity == Bad/harder cardio == sex will wear on you (plus it's the first thing you think about when it's prime oxytocin-producing cuddle time)
    >Stay sick longer
    >Poor circulation means you get colder easier and have pale extremities
    >"Yeah, I'll be right with you guys, just give me a minute"/"I'm going to step out for a bit, don't wait up"
    >Fricks your singing vocal range, no Karaoke or serenading for you
    >Makes you look poor (can be a pro for making you an undesirable target of mugging/robbery)
    >Incapable of dealing with the world normally without your crutch of a chemical buffer

    All I did for soda was just continually telling myself how bad it was and that I'm happier with good water.
    Cigs did have a stronger hook, so that's when I learned guitar to have something to do with my hands and chewed flavored toothpicks and gum to deal with the oral fixation.
    Anyone who says they're not really addictive is big dumb. I've worked with the homeless a lot, and I've never met a heroin addict that didn't smoke.

    • 8 months ago

      Don't go outside with your friends that smoke or people at the bar that smoke until you're fully convicted in your new life.
      Tell them instinctively "no, smoking is gross/bad" when they offer. Not a "I'm trying to quit" or a "not right now" or "I think I'm good"
      A full "No, it's bad for me, makes me feel unattractive, and makes me feel weak. Please don't offer it to me again, no matter how stressed/angry/upset I seem."

      You want to see how ingrained smoker etiquette is in the people around you?
      >Buy a fresh pack of the most kino brand you can think of, preferably one that they smoke and you don't.
      >Go outside with them when they smoke
      >When they've lit up, take the pack out
      >Take a single cig out and examine it slowly and methodically
      >You've got their interest because of this odd behavior
      >Look them in the eyes
      >Either drop the whole cig on the ground and stomp/grind it or just crush it in your hand and scatter the tobacco
      >Repeat this process until anger or confusion is voiced from the smoker
      Smokers understand the street value of a cigarette instinctively. Despite it being your property, you'll get a rise out of them not understanding why you've broken the routine and ceased to see the value. They'll think you've either lost your mind, or they'll be upset that you didn't just give it to someone who was going to actually smoke it.
      Normal people don't see value in cigs, and if anything, see them as harmful items that are deserving of being destroyed. A destroyed cig is one that'll never harm anyone.

    • 8 months ago

      Now, a follow-up to ways to break the addiction.
      There are a handful of meds that can block your ability to feel anything from smoking. Most health insurances are all for you quitting. Seeing a doc and getting started on one can be beneficial if you lack raw constitution. There is no shame in asking for help so long as you free yourself, regardless of what morons here may claim.
      Some of these meds also double as an antidepressant, so that's a fun plus.

      Another thing to consider is the rate at which adults with ADHD accidentally self-treat with nicotine.
      Adults with untreated ADHD and/or depression have a significantly higher likelyhood of nicotine use (as well as general substance abuse), and simultaneously have much lower success in quitting.
      You may also look into avenues of treatment for those as well if you think you are affected by either.
      Waiting to find your inner strength or some outside catalyst is harming you further in the meantime.
      Do the difficult part now and quit waiting for a magical movie moment that isn't coming.

  26. 8 months ago

    How? Why can't people literally just stop? I don't get it

  27. 8 months ago

    here's how I quit, clean for 3.5 years now:

    just stop lmao

  28. 8 months ago

    I managed to quit smoking with nicotine pouches. Slowly the habit of smoking passed, then it was easy to get rid of pouches.

    Godspeed anon, quitting smoking is hell of a battle.

  29. 8 months ago

    >I quit weed recently and thats going great, been drinking in moderation instead of binging, now cigs are next on the list of vices to break. I want to breathe clean again.
    you are still young and didn't cultivate those habits for years, but take a word from boomer: don't put too much on your plate. When you break on one of those, risk is you relapse on all.
    Also, no drinking in first few weeks. Don't even try, crashed way too many attempts that way.

  30. 8 months ago

    I gave my ID to my mom, haven’t had nicotine in a couple months now.

  31. 8 months ago

    >malboro gay with 8-10% of israelite additives

    why dont you try tobacco with 0% additive you fking gay, nicotine in itself without additive is not additive, except if you are schizophrenic and you are self medicating with it

  32. 8 months ago

    Don't worry about quantity, worry about time. You start smoking at 9am? Make it 10. When you're used to that, make it 11. Eventually it'll be one at bedtime.

  33. 8 months ago

    Associate with things that aren’t about smoking. I switched from a trades job where people smoke all day to a nice office job. It’s a good professional environment and people like everyone to smell and look good so I quit smoking. I also hated coughing a lot when I woke up etc so that was enough motivation too

  34. 8 months ago

    I vaped 4ml of 20mg juice a day for nearly three years. Wanna know how I quit? I stopped being a homosexual who enjoyed poisoning myself. Throw the shit away, take 300mg or whatever dose of caffeine you can handle, go sweat for four hours. Build your willpower.

  35. 8 months ago

    >started smoking almost as soon as I turned 18
    I get people who start at 14-16 as an act of stupid, youthful rebellion, but starting in your late teens/early 20s is for fricking morons. You should have been smarter by then.

  36. 8 months ago

    2 days since i had a cigarette
    it sucks but it really is just about bucking up and fricking doing it
    im exercising more, it takes my mind of it and makes the hunger that comes with lack of nicotine less of an effect on my body and diet

  37. 8 months ago


    I was in the same boat as you for the most part. I quit cigs with vapes and quit vaping with these, just follow the instructions on the box. they come in a few different strengths, start with the highest, work your way down and once you're at the lowest strength I switched to wintergreen lifesavers.
    It took me a couple tries too because I let my emotions get the better of me but if you focus on your goal you will make it

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