After working really hard to get fit in the gym and getting a total style makeover, I have been rejected by all of the internet girls.

After working really hard to get fit in the gym and getting a total style makeover, I have been rejected by all of the internet girls.

I've had multiple people lie and tell me I'm an 8, which means I'm probably at least a 6.

Please share some politically incorrect infographics about how its not my fault and all women suck.

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  1. 1 year ago

    have you tried the internet boys?

    • 1 year ago

      What the frick, based

      I like to think we have standards

  2. 1 year ago

    >but it is totally your fault and you do suck. What are the political consequences of being a total loser?

    • 1 year ago

      You get elected.

  3. 1 year ago

    There are no girls on the internet. Sorry about that.

    • 1 year ago

      check this op, you are looking in the wrong places
      just find irl activity group and stop caring, they will come

  4. 1 year ago

    Don't be a moronic homosexual, anon.
    Otherwise, you are at the whim of some fricking HAMBEAST with main charachter syndrome who thinks she's a fricking 9/10
    >pic related
    Don't be a moron and pick up a skeeze at a bar either--Meet one in the places you normally go--like...

    • 1 year ago

      I gots no game... Spent 27 years fat, I've only been truly fit for 3. I'm social, friendly polite... but I have no idea how to have a conversation with a stranger that doesn't lead directly into the friendzone.

      I was hoping that I might find someone who only wanted me for my body, but I guess I'd have to become a homosexual because women expect me to be normal too. I don't care if some b***h is normal, why should they care if I am? I've got a dick, it works, stick it in. No diseases, no drama, fit... its not enough. Not online, and not in person.

      only real conclusion is this:

      >but it is totally your fault and you do suck. What are the political consequences of being a total loser?

      • 1 year ago

        >I gots no game..
        Do NEED any "Game" anon--unless you WANT a shitty gameplayer bint.
        Just as there are based zoomer guys out there--there ARE based gals too--just not many.
        One of the bizarre facts of life is, that you always find her when you AREN'T LOOKING for her.
        Don't sweat the small shit, be true to yourself-and honest with her too, or it will never work out, and finally--DON'T try to jump in bed with her right away. Early sex in the relationship ALWAYS fricks it up and confuses things.
        If I was harsh before, it's because NO ONE ever takes the good advice--not even myself when I was first getting into relationships.
        AMA---Anyone--I'll give you no bullshit "Secrets" if you want.

        • 1 year ago

          *DON'T need any...
          This is what I get for comfypoasting..

        • 1 year ago

          roastoid detected

          • 1 year ago

            LOLOLOLOL!! No.
            Funny though--Youy should hone your skillz mo' betta'.
            A roastoid would be belittling OP or the other posters, not presenting real positions and arguements.
            I'll bet there may be several decent woman here Lurking ITT now--
            They could corroborate that confidence, honesty and leadership is more important than petty games the PUAs would have you playing.
            BTW: how many "RoastbeefCurtains" do you suppose actually call other women "BINTS", anon?

            • 1 year ago

              Your writing style reminds me of 'great books for men'. A guy who would male funny schizoposts on an old pua blog.

              • 1 year ago

                I try to change it up,(a wise practice here,) since we are all constantly being monitored and categorized according to threat level, stability, subversiveness, etc.
                I have been coming to this cesspool less and less lately--there are a few other places that you can have better discussions; slower pace, but more in-depth.
                hope your summer's going well down there, It's fricking 45° in the middle of winter here--(there should be about 3 inches[6-7 cm.] snow on the ground) Something fricky going on here.
                Don't let the perceived hypergamy on the screens get you down--Still a lot of women, good ones out there. men and women haven't really changed at all in the last 3000 years, just the technology and the societal lies have.
                Good Luck guys! Be the Best you, you can.

      • 1 year ago

        I used to think like this. Then I fell head over heels for a girl that first humiliated me, then left me and then came back and crushed me just for the lulz. Then I stopped caring about anything and it turned out girls really found that rather attractive. Stop being a self hating, self sabotaging prick and genuinely put yourself out there. Stop thinking about it and just be yourself and don't give a frick if they like you or not because it really doesn't matter.

        • 1 year ago

          >Then I stopped caring about anything and it turned out girls really found that rather attractive
          Amazing how that works, yeah?
          I got more attention than I wanted when I was genuinely aloof--Women CAN'T STAND IT when you seem to be completely disinterested in them.
          You HAVE to be careful with this, and not use it as a tactic, though. You WILL kick women into "GAME" mode, and as stupid as they usually are, they are DESIGNED for social drama games--You DON'T want that.

          • 1 year ago

            I'm way past all that now anon. I think if I end up single again I'm done with it for good. Far better things to spend my time on, because you're right, they love the games, even the good ones.

            • 1 year ago

              >I think if I end up single again I'm done with it for good.
              It's not as bad as people would have you believe.
              I've been a Volcel for the last 10 years after multiple LTRs.
              Things may change after I move in the next year or so, But where I am currently, the women are either taken, trash, LIVE HERE.
              I'm not into any of that.
              I've had opportunities too, but since I'm so much more cautious with women, most don't pass the one month test.
              If there is another one, we're getting married and cranking out kids.

        • 1 year ago

          This is true, also, try this sometime.
          "I don't discuss politics with women".

      • 1 year ago

        >I gots no game
        Doesn't matter. Any woman you need "game" to get isn't worth having. Trust me on this. You will need to always be "on". Always keeping her entertained. Always demonstrating "alpha" qualities. The second, the split fricking second, you let your guard down she will turn on you. It's like trying to keep an alligator as a pet when you know that if you get attacked, the second that alligator senses blood and weakness it will join in and attack you.

        There are good women out there, unfortunately there good nature usually causes them to stand by their man and marry their first love out of high school. Us older guys are fricked in that regard. The ones that require "game" will turn on you and divorce rape you the second they think some other guy is stronger than you.

        • 1 year ago

          Their desire for men with game is evolved not learned. There is not a single woman who wouldn't prefer a guy that has attractive behavioral traits.

          • 1 year ago

            The 2rd part of your post is true however.

          • 1 year ago

            >Their desire for men with game is evolved not learned. There is not a single woman who wouldn't prefer a guy that has attractive behavioral traits.
            False. First evolution is bullshit. Second, it is so obviously contrary to human experience to suggest there is no woman anywhere who is capable of being loyal to her man even if she has the option of trading him for a more dominant male. All human behavior falls on a bell curve. To suggest that there are no outliers anywhere who behave differently is just outright moronic.

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah there are also guys who don't like breasts or ass, but these outliers are uninteresting. You'd have to sample hundreds of women to find one that doesn't like "game".

        • 1 year ago

          These are FACTS
          good and honest post, Anon.
          >Their desire for men with game is evolved not learned.
          No, women game each other. Most women with a strong man who lays down that he WON'T put up with any shit-testing, or petty gaming respect the man.
          If she STILL trys to game you, KICK her her to the curb IMMEDIATELY.
          Guys who know have all spent countless months and even years wasting their time with this.
          Learn VICARIOUSLY.

          • 1 year ago

            What are you going to do? Beat her, kick her out?

            And the thread wasn't about marriage anyway.

            • 1 year ago

              >kick her out?
              After ONE warning.
              You don't reason with a game playing c**t--they think it's PART of the game.
              >An Apology without action is merely manipulation
              Unfortunately, MOST women don't see an issue with their own actions unless repercussions are involved--Many ARE just like 14 year olds their entire lives. So much the worse if they've also bought into burning out their ability to pairbond by riding the wiener carousel, even for a little while.
              >And the thread wasn't about marriage anyway.
              If that's not your end goal at this point, knowing what you do, then you're DOING IT WRONG.
              t. did it wrong myself, but it was usually with an eye for marriage. 3 LTRs failed for various reasons, but the dealbreaker was always about having children.
              Go ahead, call me a hypocrite--I can take it.

              • 1 year ago

                Sounds like you are bitter because you can't maintain a relationship.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm fine Franz.
                You may not believe this, But I broke up with all of them. NONE of them wanted to quit.
                I even had a couple stalk me awhile afterwards--IRL, not just online.
                I loved 90% of them fully too--2 of the LTRs decided a few years in, they didn't want children, and the last one came into it with 2 of her own. That almost NEVER works.
                >My kids ALWAYS come first, and YOU AREN'T their father.
                So it goes---
                While we're on the subject, are you with someone?(provided you aren't a gay or a woman yourself.)

      • 1 year ago

        >but I have no idea how to have a conversation with a stranger that doesn't lead directly into the friendzone.
        Go to another country and contract a marriage with the father of an 18 year old virgin. No, I'm not kidding. If you hope to find the love of your life by impressing an average roastie that you are the "alpha" you will be dissapointed.

  5. 1 year ago

    Your looks don't matter that much.
    If you want a shallow woman then make more money.
    If you want a unicorn then become more virtuous and you'll attract a virtuous woman.

  6. 1 year ago

    Make sure you live in an area with more single women than single men.
    This simple change can make it 10x easier or 10x harder to find someone.

    • 1 year ago

      Is this the ratio of women to men or men to women?

      • 1 year ago

        Men to women. Come on you think Alaska is swimming in pussy? No, it's 110 men to every 100 women.
        The reason this matters btw, is at any point, about 90% of people are taken (this varies).
        So in say, Alaska, 90 of the 100 women are taken, leaving 10. And 90 of the 110 men are taken, leaving 20. There are 2 single guys for each single woman. That's a brutal dating market for men and a dick buffet for any single woman.
        The reverse is true in DC. For every 90 men, there are 100 women, and with an average 90% taken there aren't going to be many single guys around, and there will be 10 single women competing for them. Women's hypergamy isn't going to function well in a market like that, they're going to have to share.

        • 1 year ago

          dc bros, we cant stop winning
          also a reminder for all you flyover chuds make sure to pay your taxes, my contracts need to be paid

    • 1 year ago

      yee haw sweet home alabama

    • 1 year ago

      >DC overrun with women
      color me shocked, patriarchy-sisters!

      • 1 year ago

        > color me shocked, patriarchy-sisters!
        Wealth, money, power. Hypergamy.
        It's exactly what you'd expect, and given the sex ratio, they'll be forming harems. Feminism FTW!

  7. 1 year ago

    you're just ugly OP...

    • 1 year ago

      I almost want to post my face... Let's just suppose I'm being modest and it's my personality, for argument's sake.

      • 1 year ago

        >I almost want to post my face
        DO NOT DO.
        If you are honest and self-critical, what are the attributes you have that make your personality the issue?

        • 1 year ago

          I have absolutely nothing in common with anyone that I know. I am a modern day Diogenes, and my opinions are often met with anger from otherwise placid people. I have learned not to be true to myself in public, because when I tell people the things that I believe... they flee.

          I hate media, and consumerism in general. I only have fun when I'm creating something, not consuming it. I think that all of the governments of the world stand in defiance of nature (except for small, tribal societies) and they offend me by existing.

          • 1 year ago

            You and I aren't too terribly dissimilar. The real opinions I have, I keep to myself until I KNOW someone better.
            Are you on the "Spectrum"?
            I am not.
            >I hate media, and consumerism in general.
            > I only have fun when I'm creating something, not consuming it.
            Good man--It is the thinking man's natural state.
            >I am a modern day Diogenes
            Hope you don't go around jerking off in Krogers...(jk)
            Believe it or not, there ARE gals out there who might be into the same stuff you are--They are rare though.
            You shouldn't be looking for Women on dating sites--You should be checking out Maker forums and IST-like channels that are unisex.
            Would you be into an autistic gal? That may be the best bet.
            One more Q, and be VAGUE(5 year span)
            How old are you?

    • 1 year ago

      Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

  8. 1 year ago

    >liftan for grills
    It's your fault.

    • 1 year ago

      It's my fault that I feel this way, yes. I admit that I never should have bothered if women were my ultimate goal, except that I also do believe that I should treat my body well for philosophical reasons and women were more of the impetus.

  9. 1 year ago

    Get on TRT

  10. 1 year ago

    "internet girls"?

  11. 1 year ago

    Same bro haven't gym or left the house in months

  12. 1 year ago

    The only decent women today are nuns

  13. 1 year ago

    >After working really hard to get fit in the gym and getting a total style makeover, I have been rejected by all of the internet girls.
    Oposite for me, after I worked out I've been gettin compliments and girls on the internet started treating me better.
    Are you sure you worked out hard enough? being cut is more important for girls than being strong.

  14. 1 year ago

    Stop chasing women it's sad. That's why you don't get any

  15. 1 year ago

    Yo anon Ima let you finish, but have you ever thought about how hard women have it?

    • 1 year ago

      (probably a b0t)
      >but have you ever thought about how hard women have it?
      Black person, the ONLY reason women have the "strife" they have today is because they were easily manipulated emotionally to think they were equal to men.
      >Women can do everything men can do better, backwards and in high heels.
      ~~*Who*~~ do you suppose gave them those ideas? If women were to be honest with themselves, they'd admit that they'd be happiest in a solid relationship, running a household and raising a bunch of children, and socializing with other women in the same position.
      This is what they were hardwired for, all else is garbage media telling them that they need to be materialist tax donkeys as "Career women"--those empty cartons are unfulfilled and killing themselves off in large numbers, regardless how much COPE and wine they try to drown themselves in.
      To be fair--Men have grown weak as well--this is a main reason why so many women gravitate towards degenerate shit like 50 shades of gray, and "Bad Boy" types.
      Strong males who don't put up with bullshit, but aren't cruel make women just as wet as they THINK the guy in their imagination(based on a picture) would.
      looks like the 5 eyes homosexualGlowBlack personBong just showed up too, so, probably last poast 4 me.
      Good luck guys- improve yourself a little every day--the rest will go as it should.

  16. 1 year ago

    Go volunteer at an animal shelter. Play with dogs/cot for a couple hours and places are full of chicks.

  17. 1 year ago

    >women don't like me
    >surely this is because my rear delts are too small and my maxilla is recessed 2 nanometers; not the fact that i'm a total asocial schizo moron

  18. 1 year ago

    Are you short?

  19. 1 year ago

    Ahh it is your fault because you are amoral and only went to the gym to manipulate girls emotions with your physique so that you could trick them into sleeping with you.

  20. 1 year ago

    idk I'm a 2 right now, 130 KG and rotten front tooth

    I still get b***hes and my face is not really attractive either. The frick are you all doing?

  21. 1 year ago

    Maybe you are gay

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