Alcohol Killing Gains

What's the bottom line on alcohol killing gains?
How much does say, one beer four-five hours after lifting affect muscle protein synthesis?
What's the true minimum amount of time one should wait after lifting before indulging?
Is just one enough to seriously alter your progress, or does it take multiple?
Personally, I'm finishing one over the course of an hour, nearing 8pm GMT. Finished training at 3PM.
It might be placebo, but I swear I can feel my muscles reacting negatively already.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Alcohol increases estrogen, ruins sleep and is empty calories, no amount is worth consuming for any reason, being drunk isn’t even in the top 10 highs

  2. 1 year ago

    >schizo thinks he can feel his muscles shrinking in real time from one beer
    In moderation it has no effect. Chill the frick out

    • 1 year ago

      Didn't say anything about them shrinking, just aching somewhat, or more inflamed, like they're not recovering properly. But it's probably nothing.

      Alcohol increases estrogen, ruins sleep and is empty calories, no amount is worth consuming for any reason, being drunk isn’t even in the top 10 highs

      Fair enough.

  3. 1 year ago

    Realistically speaking a single beer will not destroy your progress, it can throw off your macros if you're cutting though. If you can really restrict yourself to just one, you can even be shredded, chances are it won't impact you that much. As a subtance though, alcohol is pretty much literal poison, people telling you it's healthy to have a glass of wine or a single beer are coping, even small amounts of alcohol disrupt protein synthesis, a single beer is just better than a bottle of vodka. It's like a smoker telling you to have a cigarette each day because it "helps" with hypertension or something.

    • 1 year ago

      >even small amounts of alcohol disrupt protein synthesis
      This is what I wanted to focus on. I'm trying to bulk currently. Thanks for laying it all out. I shouldn't really be drinking anyway, so I guess I'll leave it at that for now

      • 1 year ago

        Like I said, a single beer likely won't have a huge effect, unless your genetics suck, but if you want to maximaize your results, no alcohol, less sugar and no cigarettes is your bare minimum.

    • 1 year ago

      It never stays at "a single beer".

      Even a beer a day is too much.

    • 1 year ago

      Alcohol increases estrogen, ruins sleep and is empty calories, no amount is worth consuming for any reason, being drunk isn’t even in the top 10 highs

      Well said. All of those studies touting the benefits of alcohol are bullshit paid for directly or indirectly by the booze industry.

  4. 1 year ago

    I’ve was completely alcohol free for like 3 months and now whenever I drink beer or alcohol I feel like absolute shit for the entirety of the following day. I used to not feel hungover at all and would drink multiple times a week I’m 23 btw

  5. 1 year ago

    >one beer binge on a weekend
    >my Vo2 max drops two points
    >another binge next weekend
    >Vo2 max drops another two points
    Alcohol RUINS cardio gains. I work months for that sweet Vo2 max and a weekend DESTROYS it.

  6. 1 year ago

    I think the fearmongering on here is a bit overblown. Is the occasional drink going to completely "kill your gains"? Not likely.

    I have cut out drinking alone to unwind, but I'll still have a drink or two socially, because that can be a net positive thing in your life, when done in moderation.

    The only thing I noticed is that it does really impact recovery, but I do two rest days on weekends so that's usually fine.

  7. 1 year ago

    it's very bad for fitness, you just can shrug off any of the damage when you're young, but as you get older it becomes necessary to severely limit consumption

  8. 1 year ago

    We have this thread constantly
    >how much
    Enough to be significant and positively associated with the volume consumed and the effect lasts for around 6 hours
    >but I wait after lifting
    Protein synthesis is not done in a few hours after lifting
    Like never
    >one or multiple
    One is bad. Multiple is bad(x)
    That is placebo

  9. 1 year ago

    Either only drink whiskey or red wine from trusted brands or you are drinking goyslop meant to dull and pacify as well as turn you into a gullible moron with a beer belly.

    Unless you make your own drinks, then that's awesome.

  10. 1 year ago

    Think I read it’s something like 1 or 2 beers every 90 minutes and you’re good. You could also substitute it for a shot cause it’s got less of the other crap beer has.

  11. 1 year ago

    CICO + macros.

    beer is calories with almost no macros of any. sort

  12. 1 year ago

    i like having an ice cold miller lite beer after a hockey game in the locker room

    • 1 year ago

      i bet you enjoy taking up the ass in the locker room too huh

      • 1 year ago

        no not really

  13. 1 year ago

    I hit 2/3/4/5 back when I was drinking every day. It did frick up my sleep and I didn't recover as well. And I gained weight due to the beer.

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