What Do I do Bros? Please. What The Frick Do I Do. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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  1. 12 months ago

    3 months isn't shit but you've definitely built muscle, I can tell you that much. How did your lifts improve during that time?

    • 12 months ago

      I genuinely don’t know, because I have no access to a gym, I work all week except saturday, I have been using 30lb and 15lb bells until failure doing numerous different arm exercises, other than that, push-ups, sit ups, and dips

      Are you actually pushing to real muscular failure or are you leaving a lot in the tank? Also I suspect you're probably doing meme shit like SS. Double the reps and make it a range of 6-10, drop the deadlift for RDLs, make it full body instead of that powerlifting bullshit, only avoid failure on RDLs and squats and push the rest to failure. Don't skip arms or you'll look like a fridge with insect sticks jutting out. Don't skip shoulder isolations or else you'll look like a slope shouldered buffoon. Training fixed.
      Eat a high protein and high micronutrient diet, don't drop your fat to nothing, on training days eat some extra carbs and on rest days cut back on them a little to balance out the calories while still giving yourself extra energy on lifting days. Control your diet or forever be a dyel. Diet fixed.
      Stop gooning all night to troony porn and trying to groom kids in Minecraft OP. Sleep is easily the most important part of your recovery and staying up all night being a menace is a bad idea. You'll also feel better and think way clearer too so maybe you can stop yelling at your mom about how you don't do the dishes or whatever and how muh real men don't do the dishes. Have a set bedtime to go lay down and relax. No screens for 1h before bed. Read a book or do something else relaxing with that time. Sleep fixed.

      Thank you for the detailed reply anon, as I said, I don’t have access to a gym but I do go until failure with the dumbbells i own, I also go for walks almost every day

      My sleep isn’t the best so I will try fixing that, and my diet is mainly protein cereal, broccoli, rice, and chicken, i also use protein powder with milk daily

      Do more cardio it burns fat and reduces myostatin levels more then lifting. Hows your diet? Even at 6 foot 4 I developed more than you in that time either you aren't training hard enough, over training, not getting enough nutrients or sleep

      I haven’t been doing cardio, I’ll try that as well, I was mainly trying to bulk so I didn’t think hard cardio was necessary, but I barely even gained weight

      Welcome to natty lifting

      I hope you’re right, but most anons say agree something should have changed more noticeably by now

      • 12 months ago

        >I do go until failure with the dumbbells i own
        >I have been using 30lb and 15lb bells until failure

        Honestly man, if you want to get the kind of gains I think you're looking for, you need to really lift. You can get results with dumbells and calisthenics but it is going to take a loooooooong time.

        >I have no access to a gym

        Do you have space for a home gym, like a basement or garage area or something? Do you have a few hundred dollars to burn?

        If so, buy a bench press, barbell and assorted weights from Craigslist or FB marketplace. People get rid of their unused home gym equipment all the time.

        Don't worry about the equipment being "dirty," it'll be cleaner than any gym because they probably only used it a few times and you can just give it a good cleaning anyway. You'll probably have to pick it up, but those light U-Haul trucks are pretty cheap to rent for an hour if you can't squeeze it into your own vehicle.

        A curling bar and some weights for it should also be nice and cheap.

        You can probably figure something out for squats/legs for the time being. Deadlifts and barbell rows you just need space. That way you could at least hit some big compound lifts.

        If you don't want to do that, can you at least get those adjustable dumbells from Dicks or wherever so you can push it with the weight a bit?

        >I also go for walks almost every day

        This is good for just not being sedentary but it really doesn't mean shit for actual training. Going for walks every day was just normal human life for most of our species' existence. You aren't going to put yourself into some kind of gainz-mode by going for walks because it's literally the bare minimum of what your body is designed to do.

        • 12 months ago

          I live in a tiny ass one bedroom apartment, so a homegym isn’t an option, but I was thinking about buying a benchpress, i’ll get one once i get some spare cash, the dumbbells aren’t adjustable, thanks for the advice anon

      • 12 months ago

        A big part of lifting is learning and trying different exercises - this is impossible to do with how limited your equipment is. Go to a real gym, at night or early in the morning, and follow a simple beginner program (greyskull lp is decent).

  2. 12 months ago

    Are you actually pushing to real muscular failure or are you leaving a lot in the tank? Also I suspect you're probably doing meme shit like SS. Double the reps and make it a range of 6-10, drop the deadlift for RDLs, make it full body instead of that powerlifting bullshit, only avoid failure on RDLs and squats and push the rest to failure. Don't skip arms or you'll look like a fridge with insect sticks jutting out. Don't skip shoulder isolations or else you'll look like a slope shouldered buffoon. Training fixed.
    Eat a high protein and high micronutrient diet, don't drop your fat to nothing, on training days eat some extra carbs and on rest days cut back on them a little to balance out the calories while still giving yourself extra energy on lifting days. Control your diet or forever be a dyel. Diet fixed.
    Stop gooning all night to troony porn and trying to groom kids in Minecraft OP. Sleep is easily the most important part of your recovery and staying up all night being a menace is a bad idea. You'll also feel better and think way clearer too so maybe you can stop yelling at your mom about how you don't do the dishes or whatever and how muh real men don't do the dishes. Have a set bedtime to go lay down and relax. No screens for 1h before bed. Read a book or do something else relaxing with that time. Sleep fixed.

  3. 12 months ago

    Do more cardio it burns fat and reduces myostatin levels more then lifting. Hows your diet? Even at 6 foot 4 I developed more than you in that time either you aren't training hard enough, over training, not getting enough nutrients or sleep

  4. 12 months ago

    also take enough protein

  5. 12 months ago

    Have you tried lifting weights?

  6. 12 months ago

    Welcome to natty lifting

  7. 12 months ago

    >no result
    >smaller stomach
    >bigger biceps
    >more defined chest
    keep lifting you moron, it's only 3 months, if you want to see "result" start cutting

    • 12 months ago

      Thank you for the white-pill anon, Im going to keep going, it just felt very discouraging when i viewed the comparison pictures

    • 12 months ago

      biceps and shoulders objectively look beefier

      Lol I had the same build when I started and had the same results after 3 months, except I looked at myself and was like HELL YEA IM JACKED.
      1.5yrs later I look back to the start and realise I looked like an emaciated cancer patient (still skinny fat tho).
      Anyway keep going man, if you enjoy the process then it gets easier.

  8. 12 months ago

    biceps and shoulders objectively look beefier

  9. 12 months ago

    Not much of a change. Are you even lifting?

  10. 12 months ago

    I've done nothing for 2 days other than do my workout then lounge for 8 hours shitposting and watching quick YouTube documentaries. Pretty bored maybe I'll man a book or something, idk how nonwagies do it honestly. Anyway sorry about your progress, consider trying harder

    • 12 months ago

      Are you a neet?

      Lol I had the same build when I started and had the same results after 3 months, except I looked at myself and was like HELL YEA IM JACKED.
      1.5yrs later I look back to the start and realise I looked like an emaciated cancer patient (still skinny fat tho).
      Anyway keep going man, if you enjoy the process then it gets easier.

      Thanks anon, I’ll try to train even harder for the next month and then post again at the end of July

      • 12 months ago

        na I just won already but you get so much freetime for hobbies you just end up not doing shit

  11. 12 months ago

    Unironically lift harder and lift longer, 3 months ain't shit keep going for 6 months and you'll see slightly better results, keep going for a year, and if you did everything right, you'll actually see good progress. The secret is just to keep going, even if it feels useless or you don't see any immediate result.

  12. 12 months ago

    What's your regimen are you over or under training?

    • 12 months ago

      An hour workout every 2nd night, the off day i do one hundred push ups (sets up 25) repeat

  13. 12 months ago

    There is definitely some change visible. If you want results faster, go for a cut. It won't increase your lifts, but you'll be much leaner and more defined. Don't bulk at a high body fat level, since any muscle you put on won't be very visible

  14. 12 months ago

    Y'all fell for the bait lmao. This is a shitpost mocking a previous thread that complained about not seeing results after 3 months.

  15. 12 months ago

    I am four and a half months into lifting and I analyzed my lift progression yesterday. Honestly, judging by my numbers it appears more like I spend my first three months in physio after suffering from a decade long coma and only now am I really starting to lift. Same body type as you, so I feel you. We'll make it.

  16. 12 months ago

    why are you bulking you fat piece of shit at the worst maintain and really you should be cutting lmao you only bulk ideally when you are natty maxx and sub 10%. you dont need to bulk at fricking 25% body fat jesus

  17. 12 months ago

    Try 3 years at least

  18. 12 months ago

    >he thinks he can progress as a natty

  19. 12 months ago

    If you’re natty, aesthetics come second. It’s that simple. You can develop a great, healthy, fit, attractive body - but you will *never* be close to the ideal form that’s in your head without juice.

    • 12 months ago

      By the way I am 35, squat 200, dead 230, bench 120 and run a 19 min 5km. I feel good and the average roastie thinks I’m attractive, but I look like actual dog shit compared to juicers.

  20. 12 months ago

    Progressive overload. Are you even challenging yourself, bro? Lift heavier incrementally, while eating a protein rich diet. Lift hard with good form, eat well, your build muscles to deal with the load, get better at the current weights, increase weights, lift hard, eat (and rest) well, build muscles, get better at current weights, rinse and repeat.

  21. 12 months ago

    Not that your progress is nonexistent but you clearly have metabolic dysfunction. I prescribe you honey and coffee also lift heavier

    • 12 months ago

      redpill me on metabolic dysfunction

  22. 12 months ago

    absolutely miring ur fat distribution genetics
    im 25 and never seen my adonis belt

  23. 12 months ago

    if you srat from skinny fat it will take you a year just to reach the strentgh of a normal human being and becoming skinny

  24. 12 months ago

    Heres some real advice for you.

    Op the real answer you seek for strength is just running 5/3/1 as a program.

    It will help get all your compound lift numbers up.

    Go on the app store and download 5/3/1 strength, it's free.

    Next calculate your 1 rep max for each compound lift and input it into the app, it will then churn out your routine for each cycle (4 weeks in one 5/3/1 cycle and it works as below for the reps you do.

    Week 1 5/5/5
    Week 2 3/3/3
    Week 3 5/3/1

    A typical split is as below

    Monday - Squat and legs
    Tuesday - Bench, chest, triceps, abs
    Thursday - Deadlift, back and biceps
    Friday, Shoulders abs

    Add in some hypertrophy sets of accessories (+8 rep range) and you're golden.

    You will see both strength gains and mass increase as long as you put in the work as well as calculate your macros to bulk.

    God speed.

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