am i just weak or is it tough to get stronger at tricep rope pushdowns?

am i just weak or is it tough to get stronger at tricep rope pushdowns? i do them 2x weekly w/ ez bar skullcrushers as a superset

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  1. 6 months ago

    Change it up, do dips or overhead extensions

  2. 6 months ago

    You're having trouble because you're doing too much for your triceps in such a short time. Agonist supersets are something for more advanced lifters. Separate the two lifts and you'll start putting more weight on them

    • 6 months ago

      doing two triceps movements in a superset is stupid.
      rope attachment is massively overrated

      your not gonna get stronger on tricep pushdowns if your superset is a tricep extension...try something simple like warming up then working up to a heavy hard weight for like 6 reps, then go back down some and do more in the 10-15 rep range. sometimes simply exposing yourself to heavier weight can go a long way, especially in early phases of lifting

      just progressively overload

      no supersets

      You're going to ignore everyone saying your superset is a poor idea, aren't you?

      supersets on the same muscle are moronic, stop it.
      superset tris and bis instead and just do more sets

      Wait I've been supersetting pushups on chest and triceps exercises... Is that bad too?

      • 6 months ago

        yes moron. this is the attachment you want for your heavy tricep lift. push straight down. french press for long head.

      • 6 months ago

        >Wait I've been supersetting pushups on chest and triceps exercises... Is that bad too?
        It is bad if you stop doing the first exercise early because you want to have energy left for the other exercise. If that's not the case, it's fine but annoying and useless. If you want to continue beyond failure, do drop sets or myoreps.

      • 6 months ago

        I don't know about "bad" but its far from ideal...your using the same muscle group in both exercises, so your just going to gas out and get plummet strength very quickly.

        Most supersets involve hitting a different muscle group while letting the other one rest. Example would be biceps > triceps or chest > back or quads > hams etc

        • 6 months ago

          >Wait I've been supersetting pushups on chest and triceps exercises... Is that bad too?
          It is bad if you stop doing the first exercise early because you want to have energy left for the other exercise. If that's not the case, it's fine but annoying and useless. If you want to continue beyond failure, do drop sets or myoreps.

          I hit triceps at the end of my workout.
          Typical upper body day:
          incline dumbell press
          barbell rows or pendlay
          pullups or lat pull downs
          1x Bicep exercise
          1x Triceps exercise (here is where I will throw in some push ups if I have extra energy)

          • 6 months ago

            >incline dumbell press
            >barbell rows or pendlay
            >pullups or lat pull downs
            >1x Bicep exercise
            >1x Triceps exercise
            This is an insane amount of exercise for one session. Take away one of bench/incline dumbbells - there is considerable overlap between them.
            Consider splitting up your upper body into chest/triceps and back/bicep day.
            Remove OHP for now unless you really love it

            • 6 months ago

              Not insane at all yesterday I did my usual A routine:
              >bench press
              >incline dumbbell press
              >cable crossovers
              >pec deck

            • 6 months ago

              Not insane at all yesterday I did my usual A routine:
              >bench press
              >incline dumbbell press
              >cable crossovers
              >pec deck

              Should specify:
              >bench press 3x8
              >deadlift 1x5
              >incline dumbbell press 3x12-15
              >cable crossovers 3x12-15
              >pec deck 3x12-15
              >hyperextensions 3x15

  3. 6 months ago

    doing two triceps movements in a superset is stupid.
    rope attachment is massively overrated

  4. 6 months ago

    You gotta do way more man. Minimum 20 hard sets a week.

    • 6 months ago

      More sets in general or just add more tricep exercises?

      • 6 months ago

        You're going to ignore everyone saying your superset is a poor idea, aren't you?

        • 6 months ago
          not OP

          Is it necesserily bad? I think some lifters superset the same musclegroup as a burnout on the end of their workout

          • 6 months ago

            more akin to drop set anon. second exercise is less loaded than first like
            1ex 80%max
            2ex 60%max
            3ex 40%max

      • 6 months ago

        Whichever you prefer, it really doesn’t matter. There’s been months where instead of doing 5 different exercises with 4 sets each, j just spam tricep push downs 20 sets in a row. Just get your 20 sets in however you want that day. But make sure they’re hard sets, you need to go to failure or very very near it, even on the first set.

  5. 6 months ago

    your not gonna get stronger on tricep pushdowns if your superset is a tricep extension...try something simple like warming up then working up to a heavy hard weight for like 6 reps, then go back down some and do more in the 10-15 rep range. sometimes simply exposing yourself to heavier weight can go a long way, especially in early phases of lifting

  6. 6 months ago

    just progressively overload

    no supersets

  7. 6 months ago

    >supersets triceps with triceps

  8. 6 months ago

    >rope attachment
    pointless, your triceps are stronger than your wrists
    use one of the metal triangles, makes it a lot easier to straighten your arms completely. The peak contraction should feel similar to doing dips

  9. 6 months ago

    supersets on the same muscle are moronic, stop it.
    superset tris and bis instead and just do more sets

  10. 6 months ago

    >supersetting the same muscles

  11. 6 months ago

    If you want to increase lift don’t superset with another tricep exercise.

    I do tricep pushdowns and overhead cable tricep extensions. Used to superset but now I do incline dumbbell curls in between and give a minute or so between lifts.

  12. 6 months ago

    this is for everyone who is doing cable (single arm or bar) pushdowns but start doing them after taking a few step backs first. never stand too close to the pulley there’s barely any resistance when you get to the bottom of the rep. u can even do dropsets by simply taking steps closer again. yes it looks moronic doing this but my triceps blew up and the contraction is insane, i promise you’ll feel it way better this way.

    • 6 months ago

      I do them a couple steps back at least but I’ll try what you described.

      • 6 months ago

        Do the opposite of what that anon said. Step close to the pulley, at the start of the movement your arms should be completely folded, this is the most hypertrophic position for your triceps. As you push down, push your elbows back, they'll eventually point out from behind you. Go down to about 90 degrees, then slowly return to a folded position. The 90 degrees isn't magical; it's just that the less folded your arms are, the less hypertrophy you get for your work, so you can safely skip the most extended part of your rep.

        • 6 months ago

          I’ve tried both and definitely prefer standing back, the contraction is indeed unrivaled, I remember having DOMS for 3 days after doing it lol. Not saying that’s the only indicator of a good work out btw.

          • 6 months ago

            >prefer standing back
            It doesn't matter what you prefer when there is science saying you're wrong.
            >the contraction is indeed unrivaled
            The contraction is overrated for muscle growth.

            • 6 months ago

              What is the science

              • 6 months ago

                muscles grow most when you're working with them stretched. Look up lengthened partials

              • 6 months ago

                video btw

            • 6 months ago

              My bad I wouldn’t have engaged if I had known you were a heckin science based lifter

  13. 6 months ago

    I like doing these but intentionally standing back and starting the pull from above my head like I'm chopping wood. Turns it into a compound exercise using the rear shoulders, traps, then upper chest, and the last half of the movement triceps. Sort of becomes a momentum exercise like a clean so prob not the best for muscle building but great for training upper body power generation.

  14. 6 months ago

    >>PJR Pullovers
    and Press
    >>JM Press

    do some work on those

  15. 6 months ago

    I got a punching bag anchor and use 2 belts for an at home triceps push down machine, you can do rows, facepulls, etc on it you just need a step ladder or something to increase weight.

    Also your core and shoulder posture is probably fricked up.

  16. 6 months ago

    In the past year I progressed with doing these 3 sets for ~7-8 at 65lbs to doing 3 sets ~10 at 90 lbs. The trick is to do them to failure and constantly try to push that failure point upwards, and ease the weight up 5 lbs at a time on your first set of a given lifting day. I also worked in dips and skull crushers on the basis of like 3 weeks on tricep rope, 2 weeks off and on dips or skull crushers, then 3 weeks on again.

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