America has 40% Obesity Japan has 3.6% Obesity

What can we do to be more like Japan?

And why did this all happen?

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  1. 4 months ago

    I am obese and I can say that Australian fast food causes this to happen.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah apparently Australia and England have similar obesity rates to the USA but for some reason America gets all the flack for it. It's all the English speaking countries

      • 4 months ago

        Conclulusionu: Engruishu isu badu!

    • 4 months ago

      Fast food cannot legally enter your body without your consent

  2. 4 months ago

    My country is apparently 38% obese.
    Like, idk man. I don't really trust these statistics.
    I don't see that many fatties, and when we were enlisted there weren't that many either...

    I feel like it's those Lactose Intolerance stats. We're apparently 90+% Lactose Intolerant, yet during basic it was pretty normal to get served Milk, yoghurts, and buttermilk and no one had issues with it.

    • 4 months ago

      You have just become immune to it. I spent time in east asia last december, the lack of fatsos was a jarring experience. when I came back to america I couldn't help but notice all the fat people. Before they just seemed to blend in and I didn't really notice

      • 4 months ago

        Well I don't imagine the fatties go outside much for anything other than food and are probably on disability. They also could order their food online which is another reason you don't see them outside

  3. 4 months ago

    I'm not even from the Northern hemisphere. America seems to me like a country obviously with lots of fat people but it's also a country where you can go into most gyms and at least one guy in there is benching four plates. There's probably like 100 people in the entirety of Japan who can bench for plates but an America it's probably a hundred thousand people that can do that. And I think if you became supreme dictator and got the obesity in America down to Japanese levels there'd be a few side effects to that. Physical strength wouldn't have the same normalcy to it, it will be exclusively for certain types of athletes alone. And forget about PAWGs, girls would all be tryna look like Nicole Richie & Paris Hilton, c'mon.

    • 4 months ago

      people are fat because their hobbies are ubereats and netflix, the only way they're leaving humanity behind is by becoming blimps. Americans were by and large stronger than Japanese people before everybody got fat and if a "dictator" made everybody lean it'd most likely look like what JFK had in mind for high schools.

  4. 4 months ago

    >primary diet is fish, some pork, various carbs, and lots of vegetables
    >most snacks are low calorie
    >most drinks are low or no calorie
    >portion sizes aren't that large except for the veggies and sometimes the carbs
    >some junk food but it's not a staple for most
    >healthy food is available readily and cheap from basically everywhere, even convenience stores
    >family and friends fatshame the frick out of you if you gain weight
    >you walk a shitload
    >physical hobbies are common
    Modern English speaking countries
    >primary diet is fatty meat, lots of carbs, cheese, and very sweet desserts disguised as something more reasonable
    >most snacks are extremely palatable and easy to overeat
    >most drinks are sugar laden and high calorie
    >known for huge portion sizes for everything compared to the rest of the world
    >over half of the population eats fast food more than twice per week and 1 in 10 eats a fast food item literally every day
    >some areas have next to no access to fruits and vegetables at all unless you grow them yourself or travel hours to get them
    >being fat isn't outwardly seen as a negative thing
    >you don't need to walk all that much
    >physical hobbies are common but non-physical hobbies are so common they're not even thought of as hobbies anymore by some
    Note how English speaking countries had a similar situation to Japan until the 90s except instead of fish they'd eat beef.

    • 4 months ago

      >primary diet is fatty meat
      No its not. The primary fat is vegetable oils you moron

    • 4 months ago

      >primary diet is fish, some pork, various carbs, and lots of vegetables
      >most drinks are low or no calorie
      >physical hobbies are common
      >most snacks are low calorie
      kek you've never been to Japan, have you?
      It's mostly just
      >family and friends fatshame the frick out of you if you gain weight

  5. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      She's real if you want her to be

    • 4 months ago
  6. 4 months ago

    Japenis also forgot how to have sex for some reason so you take the good with the bad

  7. 4 months ago

    >openly hates fat people
    >stronger influence of healthy traditional diets
    >convenience stores stock lots of good higher protein options
    >average person walks more because of transport infrastructure differences and urban planning
    I wish convenience food here was better. Everything I don't cook myself is goyslop trash or overpriced for no reason.

    • 4 months ago

      Common misconception their average steps per day is only about 1000 higher ~5000 vs ~6000. It's probably even 50 kcal diffent. It's mostly their dietary practices.

      • 4 months ago

        That is bullshit, ngl. Japanese are walking everywhere constantly. In america people look at you walking in the US outside like a freak except in New York, Philly and Chicago.

      • 4 months ago

        thats still a lot if u calculate it for a year its easily 180000 kcal difference aka 2.5kg per year

    • 4 months ago

      Probably the first is the most important. Societal pressure is extremely effective. Smoking rates dropped significantly not because everyone knows it's not healthy (it's not like being obese is much better if at all) but social pressure and shaming started to get huge at some point, smoking went from being cool to being something you'd get frowned upon. Now I know there's still smokers and there would still be obese people if people frown them but rates would drop significantly in a decade or two

      • 4 months ago

        >societal pressure
        I agree that this is probably the most effective means of discouraging any type of behavior, fat people get a LOT of shit every day yet still choose to be fat.

        • 4 months ago

          No they don't. Smokers do. You'd have random people coughing when they see you smoking or lecturing you and telling you to put your cigarette away etc. Imagine going out and having someone tell you how being fat is bad every day, lecturing you, seeing ads for roommates "no fatties" etc. Now that would be more effective

  8. 4 months ago

    Are men allowed to wear tank tops in public in japan?

  9. 4 months ago

    Because food businesses in America realized fattier and sweeter foods were more profitable than balanced delicious food, and car dependent infrastructure along with more and more desk jobs promote sedentary lifestyles.

    >be more like Japan
    They aren't having kids anymore, sexual assault is as common in their country as it is in a state school's frat house, population is getting older yet their heads are so far up their ass they still refuse immigrants, and they have no foothold in any of the big industries (software, semiconductors, oil, etc) the world is actively competing over even though the country has produced a large amount of prodigious talent in relevant fields. I don't think America would or should switch gears to be more like Japan.
    America could let go of the Puritan bullshit, and legalize sex work like the Japanese.

    • 4 months ago

      I am pretty sure nips are okay with whites going to their country. Somebody here seems to be seething.

  10. 4 months ago

    Obesity metric based on bmi. Japanese are mostly skinnyfat. They have quute a bit of fat and very little of muscles. They are obese and diabetes statistics shows that.

    • 4 months ago

      They aren't mostly skinnyfat they are mostly skinny. One trip to an onsen will show this. You will see many guys with shredded abs despite never exercising

  11. 4 months ago

    It's because of frickin s0_y

  12. 4 months ago

    I look like that

    • 4 months ago

      Post tummy plz

  13. 4 months ago

    Walk more. Eat less

  14. 4 months ago

    Stop government funded healthcare. It’ll handle the situation in a couple of decades. You’ll see changes in a matter of years.

  15. 4 months ago

    >miku pits

  16. 4 months ago

    send back the blacks

  17. 4 months ago

    Break up the united states.

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