Anger when cutting?

This is going to sound dumb, but every time I cut, I get extreme anger over things in the past. I know that biomechanically the drop in sugar is probably responsible, but the thing is that I always end up feeling more lucid than ever. Brain works great, studies and work are great, I have energy, lifts and cardio are still doing fine.

Though I think about the past, people who have wronged me, people who have backstabbed me, and I just see red and want to punch walls. It's good in that I get even more energy from it, but I just feel awful and want to do awful things to people who fricked me over in the past and betrayed me.

Is it because this is the natural state of the world that I just see more clearly when I am at peak performance? Is this the "this is what peak performance looks like" meme?

Serious question, because I am in the best shape of my life but I feel absolutely unhinged. I am not on any substances or anything like that, no roids, eat a clean, natural diet. Only "substances" are coffee and whey isolate and a multivitamin, which I have taken forever.

The reason I don't like feeling this way is because it's Pyrrhic in a way... getting fit, succeeding in accomplishing milestones on my personal goals, but instead of feeling happy with myself, I am just enraged at people who wronged me in the past.

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  1. 8 months ago

    low blood sugar.
    brain starts saying "hey, body feels bad, lets give it a reason.
    try pacing out your meals better.
    or doing a high protein low sugar diet to get used to a lower sugar state.
    >inb4 vegans start screeching about losing their teeth and hair while calling others moronic

    • 8 months ago

      Thanks... so I should do smaller meals over the course of the day? I guess I can keep my protein shake as the largest single meal or something. Should I eat small amounts of sugar like a sugar packet or something during the day to keep my sugar from getting too low?

      As for the reason part, the thing is that the reasons are valid things to be angry about I feel. I don't know why these thoughts aren't so intrusive when I am not cutting. I suppose I think I can't change the past normally, but in actually I could do something in the present, just things that would get me into a lot of trouble. Appreciate the advice.

      Interesting, I get that way sometimes but I guess I haven't been severely backstabbed before. Did you try cutting down your caffeine intake? Microdosing shrooms can possibly help. btw nice r*ddit spacing

      Haha, sorry about the spacing. Never done recreational drugs, thanks for the tip though, maybe at some point I will try it.

      • 8 months ago

        I keep a Nalgene of Gatorade mixed with water and lemon juice on me with some saltine crackers. If I start getting pissed, I'll have some.

    • 8 months ago

      Umm..unless she has diabetes then no. Blood sugar remains constant. Hunger signals flare up sure, but glucose is stable.

  2. 8 months ago

    Interesting, I get that way sometimes but I guess I haven't been severely backstabbed before. Did you try cutting down your caffeine intake? Microdosing shrooms can possibly help. btw nice r*ddit spacing

  3. 8 months ago

    you stupid fricking Black person moron.
    unhinged has been debunked like the youths say swerve fire fire one hundred percent one hundred percent check mark check mark
    shut the FRICK up.

  4. 8 months ago

    LOOK AT THIS Black person EVERYONE
    Frick you shitstain.

  5. 8 months ago


  6. 8 months ago

    common in quitting addictions

    • 8 months ago

      True, I have seen smoker friends have issues during withdrawal, but I am not sure what "addiction" I'm quitting. I'm not fat, just doing a cut, my mind just feels more lucid, and then this extreme anger washes over me.

    • 8 months ago

      quitting cigs was one of the hardest thing I've ever done

  7. 8 months ago

    Fat gain is your body's natural response to storing fat soluble toxins (such as seed oils). If you try to lose weight, toxins are released which makes you feel like shit. Also because as anon mentioned your blood sugar drops.
    But your body hates releasing these toxins, because it they were released all at once you would break out in severe inflammatory disease - so instead the toxins become hyper-concentrated in your dwindling fat stores.
    Then when you get off the diet, your body tries to rapidly gain all the weight back again, because the reason for your body holding onto the fat is to safely store the toxins.

    • 8 months ago

      NTA but this is intriguing... is the inflammation necessary to clean up the toxins? If not, could taking ibuprofen or some anti-inflammatory help? I get pissed when cutting but I don't feel homicidal or anything like OP seems to.

  8. 8 months ago

    Dieting makes you weak and infertile. It’s a psyop. Only runway trannies diet.

  9. 8 months ago

    I dont know anon, thats why Im trying to look for alternatives for cutting. Im just immensly angry at the world when cutting

  10. 8 months ago

    I'm going to come with a more psychological explanation rather than biological. The reasons cutting triggers this anger could be many, but they are not at all important. What really matters is the fact that psychologically you have been repressing these angry feelings, cutting only makes them come to the surface, which might seem bad but is actually a positive thing. You should look at healthy ways to release this anger, personally I just go and punch a box bag with really aggressive music in the background until I'm out of breath and can't swing one more time, works great. This takes care of some of the mental tension that forms from repressing anger, mental tension which will appear in the body as well in the form of muscular tension.
    Do you notice things like clenched fists, tensed muscles/body while laying down trying to relax?
    The more important part is you actually performing an emotional self analysis on yourself, sit down alone with no distraction whatsoever and start asking questions, where does this anger come from? Going down the string of thoughts and emotions you will eventually get down to the root of your anger, which is probably highly related to this "Though I think about the past, people who have wronged me, people who have backstabbed me", then you can understand the anger and be better equipped to release it, mainly by just accepting it.

    • 8 months ago

      Thank you... I agree, that's what has been so confusing to me. I feel lucid, so I agree with your point that inspecting repressed things that bubble to the surface is probably productive.

      I think I will do as you say, and try to meditate on them or something after physically draining myself at an especially tough workout. I am afraid about my inability to ever accept these things, but perhaps just giving them these pressure releases rather than allowing the anger to continue to build can help.

      I dont know anon, thats why Im trying to look for alternatives for cutting. Im just immensly angry at the world when cutting

      OP here, right there with you, haha

      >I get extreme anger over things in the past.
      I have it sometimes , I don't know even why , coming out of nowhere but mostly when I don't eat or don't take a break from work for a long period of time ( like sucking in that work routine).
      >don't lift

      Anything help with it or does it just consume you for a while and then lessen when you stop cutting or take a break from working?

      • 8 months ago

        >I think I will do as you say, and try to meditate on them or something after physically draining myself at an especially tough workout.
        It's best if you do the analysis at the height of the emotions, when you are most angry. This is going to be much more fruitful than doing it when you are drained. Also by going down the path of emotions you will see that the anger will continue to increase the more you analyse, and it might take more than one session to reach a final answer, it depends on how good your self analysis skills are. For these reasons it's best if you drain yourself with the workout after performing the analysis.

        As far as acceptance, you have the ability to do that, but only when you understand the past cannot be changed, and it's not worth wasting your life living in it everyday, instead of living in the present.

  11. 8 months ago

    >I know that biomechanically the drop in sugar is probably responsible
    Stop trying to use words you don't know the meaning of to appear smarter, their misuse has the opposite effect.

  12. 8 months ago

    >I get extreme anger over things in the past.
    I have it sometimes , I don't know even why , coming out of nowhere but mostly when I don't eat or don't take a break from work for a long period of time ( like sucking in that work routine).
    >don't lift

  13. 8 months ago

    Medlet here but is this partly due to the body producing extra cortisol to try and raise blood sugar?

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