anti depressent weight!

How do I stop eating so much shit? Antidepressants have just made me not give af.
I still workout, albeit with less enthusiasm and I just can't stop consoooming
>pic related
My work brunch

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    get a fricking grip.
    being a loser isn’t half as funny as you think it is.

    • 9 months ago

      do not put it in your mouth

      I know it's not. But i have no gf, barely socialise. I go to work and come home and workout in my living room. I jerk off 3 times a day and my house is covered in shit.
      I was 76kg now I'm 85kg.

      eating literal shit is better than this. at least with eating shit you know you're poisoning yourself and you're not consuming real food

      stop drinking your calories, eat as much meat as you could, wean yourself off sugar. fricker it's time to live life like you only only have one life

      Good idea, I could eat more meat. Today was someone's birthday so donuts, plus I already ordered 6 tim hortins last night and brought one in.

      When i was on SSRIs i didn't want to eat at all.

      I'm the opposite when I'm depressed, but ssri's has made me comfort eat.

    • 9 months ago

      it took me until 31 years of age to realize this

      sulking and apathy are such a waste of your extremely limited time

  2. 9 months ago

    do not put it in your mouth

  3. 9 months ago

    eating literal shit is better than this. at least with eating shit you know you're poisoning yourself and you're not consuming real food

    stop drinking your calories, eat as much meat as you could, wean yourself off sugar. fricker it's time to live life like you only only have one life

  4. 9 months ago

    When i was on SSRIs i didn't want to eat at all.

  5. 9 months ago

    Easy solution. Stop taking antidepressants. You don't really need them.

  6. 9 months ago

    I take SSRIs, yeah I did gain weight but I'm steadily losing it. Don't be a puss-hole.
    Gonna get off these soon bc I think they halved my test. But have been useful for not kms.

  7. 9 months ago

    It's crazy how much fitness changes you. I used to be able to demolish picrel as a snack and not think twice about it.

    Now I feel almost physically ill looking at it. I think I'd vomit out of self-disgust after just a few bite sof one of those doughnuts.

  8. 9 months ago

    I eat the same lunch every day at work for simplicity. I have a mini cheese; beef jerky; protein bar; a protein shake and a 30g bag of peanuts. This is ~700 cal ~80g protein. This is an extreme example and you could easily do a cheaper version of this but it helps keep me focused for the rest of the day. Get low/no sugar options if possible, and try and cook some veggies at home once work is over because this is not the most balanced meal either. However it takes zero prep, I chuck stuff in a bag and leave. Stop taking pills, the side effects are almost always worse long term. The only pill you should consider is a multivitamin.

    • 9 months ago

      I get bored extremely easily. I love trying new foods and cooking too much to stick to same diets daily. Idk, maybe I could adapt it.

      I take SSRIs, yeah I did gain weight but I'm steadily losing it. Don't be a puss-hole.
      Gonna get off these soon bc I think they halved my test. But have been useful for not kms.

      Done anything to aid your mental health, alongside the antis?

      >How do I stop?

      So uh, before you buy those two donuts, you like, stop at that point, and do not pay for them.

      Shocking I know.

      I get intense cravings after savoury meals. I did a DNA test and it said I am susceptible to sugar, and I don't taste bitter or savoury foods as much.
      Then again, it said I had detached earlobes, freckles and ginger hair, which I don't.

      • 9 months ago

        Simple answer is to count calories, I would bet for a person your size two donuts and a penguin bar is already 100% of your daily sugar intake if not more.

        So that means no more sugar for the rest of your day

        • 9 months ago

          Hmmm, I'm still on track though, cico right. I spent ten years eating chicken and rice daily, hummus and oatcakes, protein yoghurt and granola/cornflakes and chicken/fish and sweet potato style dinners and got sick of it eventually. Microwaving chicken n rice isn't appealing anymore.
          I was gonna get a cornish (devon) pasty for lunch and a big bag of crisps too. I dont drink ANY sugary drinks beforr anyone says, and tea n coffee with no sugar.

          • 9 months ago

            >Hmmm, I'm still on track though

            No you aren't? You still don't know how much of your daily sugar allowance you ate.

            • 9 months ago

              Remember this is a fitness board,we can eat 2-3 times if not more sugar than sedentary people,we use It when weight lifting + cardio.

              • 9 months ago

                You sound like you're either high, drunk, or the SSRIs have fricked your brain up.

                Either way, even I cannot help you now.

            • 9 months ago

              Still under half for my daily sugar requirements, apparently.

              Remember this is a fitness board,we can eat 2-3 times if not more sugar than sedentary people,we use It when weight lifting + cardio.

              I work on my feet alot (engineer), walk home 3.5miles daily and workout when I get in.

              Replace everything there with fruits.
              Done a third of the calories with 3 times as much filling effect.

              Ugh, I have Oral Allergy Syndrome, so alot of pollens in fruit frick my shit up, I prefer veg. I can do a banana daily.

              You sound like you're either high, drunk, or the SSRIs have fricked your brain up.

              Either way, even I cannot help you now.

              That wasn't me.

              • 9 months ago

                Probably would've been better to eat just one donut instead of two, have the penguin bar a few hours later

              • 9 months ago

                Why is it so high? Does it include non-refrined sugars too, because the UK RDA is no more than 30g of free sugars.

                Why do you care? I thought antidepressants were supposed to make you not give a shit.

                Personally they're my last resort when I go bald and all hope in life is lost. I'll just get a SSRI and binge eat daily

                It doesn't work that way, it just takes the edge off because you have more serotonin floating about.
                I have a genetic predisposition to small hippocampus, which is linked to major depressive disorders, BPD and schizophrenia, so it might explain why I've struggled with it for so long.

      • 9 months ago

        >Done anything to aid your mental health, alongside the antis?
        Diet, exercise, meditation and learning how to interrupt negative thought loops. My doctor said I should be on SSRIs for a year which ends in November, so I plan to start tapering in December.

      • 9 months ago

        A lot of those dna health shits I think just make Shit up. I did a mental health medication gene test, so I’d know what what WOULD actually work for me.
        It said Lamotrigine was totally fine for me: im one of the few people who get severe chronic nightmares from it.
        It said seroquel would work fine: within a week of starting i was extremely suicidal when I knew it wasn’t my thoughts
        Zoloft was supposed to work fine: but I was very emotionally blunted and felt more depressed but less motivated to do anything about it good or bad.
        So on so forth. With Like 3 other medications. I think they just make Shit up, they give you excuses for bad reactions and the placebo of hope that good reactions will happen.

        • 9 months ago

          Things like what you state are harder to predict, things like reaction to bitterness, being able to smell the asparagus chemical in your urine or eye colour is more obvious.
          It also said I had the 'sprinter gene' and went through my dna raw data and found I had one copy, so it was right on that.

  9. 9 months ago

    >How do I stop?

    So uh, before you buy those two donuts, you like, stop at that point, and do not pay for them.

    Shocking I know.

  10. 9 months ago

    >leave credit card at home
    >Plan what groceries you need, sweets excluded
    >go out with the exact amount of money

    Not that hard

    • 9 months ago

      So you mean pay with cash? Some shops are disallowing that now :/

      >Done anything to aid your mental health, alongside the antis?
      Diet, exercise, meditation and learning how to interrupt negative thought loops. My doctor said I should be on SSRIs for a year which ends in November, so I plan to start tapering in December.

      How have those routines been for you?
      I used to meditate alot between 2017-2019, sometimes for aslong as an hour or till I felt satisfied that I had concentrated on just breath for long enough, but tapered down to just 10 minutes daily to keep it consistent.
      Going to India, meeting hippy idiots and a breakup as covid started destroyed my mental health though. I could barely eat.

      • 9 months ago

        >How have those routines been for you?
        Diet & exercise are locked down, I don't meditate consistently but it mostly works. I've never meditated longer than 15 minutes and I don't do it in a single proscribed way. I just try to shut my brain off, even for just a few seconds. Smoking a cigar while staring at the night sky; breathing exercises in the bath; whatever it is I just empty my mind. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, overall I think it helps.
        >Going to India, meeting hippy idiots and a breakup as covid started destroyed my mental health though. I could barely eat.
        Iktfb. Getting rid of people who are bad influnces, even if not bad people, is important.

        • 9 months ago

          I didn't mean to sound so dramatic about the hippies in India, I meant they put me off meditation and getting into Buddhism.

      • 9 months ago

        >So you mean pay with cash? .
        >Some shops are disallowing that now :/

  11. 9 months ago


    Stop taking them

  12. 9 months ago

    Replace everything there with fruits.
    Done a third of the calories with 3 times as much filling effect.

  13. 9 months ago

    Why do you care? I thought antidepressants were supposed to make you not give a shit.

    Personally they're my last resort when I go bald and all hope in life is lost. I'll just get a SSRI and binge eat daily

  14. 9 months ago

    I actually lost about 10 pounds while I was on them despite not working out. Are you a woman by chance OP? I've been told that weight gain is usually something that happens to women.

    • 9 months ago

      This is me

      I know it's not. But i have no gf, barely socialise. I go to work and come home and workout in my living room. I jerk off 3 times a day and my house is covered in shit.
      I was 76kg now I'm 85kg.
      Good idea, I could eat more meat. Today was someone's birthday so donuts, plus I already ordered 6 tim hortins last night and brought one in.
      I'm the opposite when I'm depressed, but ssri's has made me comfort eat.

      One of my old lesbian friends would describe me as a woman though.

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