Anti finasteride evidence

Anti finasteride evidence
>every single actual person who takes it either gets severe negative side effects or is in severe denial of their minor to moderate side effects
Pro finasteride arguments
>bro this one study for 1997 shows that only .00001% of people get side effects!
>if you get sexual side effects from this hormone blockers it’s actually a placebo bro and it’s your fault!

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    I’m a troony 2 years on E and AAs and my dick works fine. If lower DHT gives you erectile dysfunction, you’re b***h made and you weren’t meant to make it.

    • 7 months ago

      >if blocking the most potent sex hormone makes you less potent, it’s your fault
      >>if blocking the gasoline from going into your gas tank makes you not able to drive, it’s your cars fault

      • 7 months ago

        Works on my machine, pussy.

      • 7 months ago

        >if blocking the most potent sex hormone makes you less potent, it’s your fault
        you're moronic. it's only more androgenic than testosterone, meaning you need it to develop male characteristics during puberty, after that it's basically useless. it does almost jack shit for libido and muscle growth, in people with supressed testosterone it was barely enough to maintain sexual function at all with basically non-existent libido

    • 7 months ago

      Post breasts

      • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          Fridge jumpscare

        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          i wanna lick your belly

        • 7 months ago

          You've been on e for that long and are still that much more masculine than me? Damn sis I really must not have a drop of T in my body.

    • 7 months ago

      no one in their right mind is going to listen to you, a mentally ill homosexual with worms coming out their butthole.

    • 7 months ago

      You are not a credible source of health and fitness advice

    • 7 months ago

      Why don't you kys now instead 5 years later?

  2. 7 months ago

    How exactly am I in denial when my dick works as good as ever and have noticed zero side effects? Please tell me.

    The only side effect I got from starting finasteride 3 years ago is that I now sometimes get ID'd for alcohol with my full zoomer head of hair, it was probably the best decision I've ever made and why I never listen to IST anymore.

  3. 7 months ago

    I take it and i literally feel perfectly fine but i guess im just in denial youre probably right

  4. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Continue shilling your random bullshit article screenshot baldie

    • 7 months ago

      Finasteride doesn’t suppress testosterone, it actually increases it 15-20%. Shit source

      • 7 months ago

        by surpressing the most potent androgen... fin users will enjoy the most agressive kind of prostate cancer (the one that is able to develop in a low dht environment) all cus you gays have shit hair genetics

        • 7 months ago

          potent for what? enlarging prostate? certainly not for libido or muscle growth

    • 7 months ago

      stop trying to get medical advice from your troony sites. it's prescribed to trannies for the same reason it's prescribed to other males, to stop hairloss. it actually increases testosterone, no wonder a troon article is outright wrong. you will never be a woman, you have no eggs, etc.

  5. 7 months ago

    imagine being such a homosexual that you take some chemical you don't understand to deal with losing hair

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine being bald like you are

  6. 7 months ago

    gl in life baldy.

  7. 7 months ago

    Couldn't you just take it and see if it gives you side effects, and if it does, then you just stop taking it? Why worry about something that hasn't happened yet?

    • 7 months ago

      supposedly you can get permanant sides from dosing only a few times

      get away from the pharma israelite. the power is inside you

      what if im not balding at my scalp but my temples?

      • 7 months ago

        you got a picture?

        • 7 months ago

          yeah here you go

          • 7 months ago

            listen up Karl,
            press gently into your temples and gradually move along the temporalis muscles feeling for tight spots. you will have some tenderness.

            pic related is the spots where tension accumulates on the temporalis. this tension impedes blood flow to the front of the skull.

            this is just one area. tension accumulates all over the skull as we age causing ischemia which leads to inflammation, then fibrosis, then the Dht builds in the scalp further degrading the follicles ability to produce hair.

            start massaging anon. Think Sports massage for your scalp. deep and with ischemic pressure. 20 min daily minimum

            fix your posture, stretch, avoid caffiene, liquor, cigarettes...anything that discourags blood circulation

            • 7 months ago

              stop spamming this blood flow bullshit you saw on What I've Learned, which has been deboonked many times. it doesn't do shit, blood flow has nothing to do with male-pattern hairloss, only DHT-induced hair follicle miniaturization does. the arteries supplying blood to the scalp run under the skin above the muscles and the blood supply to the scalp is already excesive, e.g. cosmetic procedures involving removing certain arteries in the scalp don't even have any effect on hair, anyway.
              I don't get how anyone can be moronic enough to believe this nonsense when transplanting DHT-resistant hair to "poor bloodflow areas" doesn't cause the to miniaturize and transplanting hairs from the balding areas to anywhere on the body still doesn't prevent them from miniaturizing.

              • 7 months ago

                >it's a man

              • 7 months ago

                Pretty good point here.

                I'm wondering if the incredible trauma transplants cause to the scalp, for months it seems, cause a fairly drastic change to the bloodflow in the areas of the scalp where the new hairs are placed. You see people bleeding and scabbing for months.

                I am a moron and not at all qualified. Just speculating.

              • 7 months ago

                the trauma-induced hair growth would be more due to collagen and growth factor production, as transplanting non-DHT resistant hairs doesn't stop them from wasting away. the blood circulation in the scalp is excesive already, it even bleeds almost unlike any other area of the body when cut.

              • 7 months ago

                Why not do all of it? Finasteride, min, scalp massage, microneedling. FIN is great, I personally don't want to suppress DHT in my body as we don't know the long term effect yet, but FIN works for neutralizing the pathway of hairloss, but DHT IS NOT THE ROOT CAUSE

                and no I don't think I will and it's not What I've learned it scientific articles over 10 years of research. Also i was norwood 3 vertex and now I'm climbing back to the top. I'm gonna save this post because I've said it so many times and you're naive enough to trust large corporations that monopolize the hair loss industry with their short term solutions that only treat symptoms and not the ROOT CAUSE of hair loss in AGA patients.

                What do you think carries nutrients and the building blocks of hair to the follicle? DHT?: no it's blood. and anywhere there is a reduction in blood supply a pathway of inflammation occurs leading to fibrosis and hardening of the tissues ISCHEMIA YOU wanna be researcher. This is the body's response to strengthen the area, by filling it with collagen so it becomes rigid and doesn't move causing further damage to the surrounding tissues.

                Did I mention the top of the scalp where Androgenic alopecia exclusively occurs is a large tendon called the Epicranial Aponeurosis? What happens to inflamed tendons anon? why do we lose hair only on tissues directly above the Epicranial Aponeurosis? you pharma shill answer oh the hairs are more sensitive to DHT on the top of the scalp than the sides.

                OKAY then why do people who get donor hair on the back of the head require to take fin and additional touch ups? The donor hair from the back becomes magically more andogenically sensitive when taken to the top of the scalp???

                NO it's because the location of the hair follicle can't receive any nutrients because the tension caused by the inflammation prevents oxygen rich blood to reach the hair follicle. The subcutaneous tissues are in desperate need of oxygenation.

              • 7 months ago

                How do you get oxygen and nutrients back in there there? by breaking up the fibrosis by mechanical stress AKA scalp massaging, Microneedling anything that increases blood volume to the tissues is gonna help

                1. DHT decreases in the body along with TEST as we age. The DHT accumulates in the tissues on the scalp because there is no way to move organic debris out because everything has become hard. Notice bald men have really tight, shiny looking domes? it's because the lymph system can't move all the extra buildup out of the scalp tissues.

                once again DHT is just a symptom not the cause

                in the end you are too lazy to do a physical routine 20 minutes a day, eat right, avoid carbs, have good posture, relax/control your stress, remain active. you lack discipline so you take a pill hoping for results. Short term they work but eventually their effectiveness wanes and you'll be bald + lazy and unable to hold a hair care routine.

                So stop spreading your pharma BS and do some of your own research


              • 7 months ago

                this is the most moronic thing of all the moronic shit posted on this board. DHT causing maturization of facial hair is also a symptom of inflammation? buy an ad, you stupid shill
                one of the debunks I came across: for anyone interested in a lengthy breakdown why the claims spewed by scalp massager shills are moronic, which goes through actual studies

              • 7 months ago

                it's 55 minutes. give me a quick rundown

              • 7 months ago

                basically what I wrote here

                stop spamming this blood flow bullshit you saw on What I've Learned, which has been deboonked many times. it doesn't do shit, blood flow has nothing to do with male-pattern hairloss, only DHT-induced hair follicle miniaturization does. the arteries supplying blood to the scalp run under the skin above the muscles and the blood supply to the scalp is already excesive, e.g. cosmetic procedures involving removing certain arteries in the scalp don't even have any effect on hair, anyway.
                I don't get how anyone can be moronic enough to believe this nonsense when transplanting DHT-resistant hair to "poor bloodflow areas" doesn't cause the to miniaturize and transplanting hairs from the balding areas to anywhere on the body still doesn't prevent them from miniaturizing.

              • 7 months ago

                thank you. I'm very well versed in the DHT theory and if you can answer this question I will stop shilling.

                why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life? Shouldn't the hairs transplanted from the donor area that are androgen resistant not require alpha reductase inhibitors?

              • 7 months ago

                further more please explain through DHT theory

                here's Wayne Rooney with his androgen resistance hair on his way to his 3rd hair transplant. That's a mighty big head Wayne.

              • 7 months ago

                Because only transplanted hairs are DHT resistant. Those that are there naturally will most likely fall out at some point.

              • 7 months ago

                and you're shilling your YouTube channel

                Why do sports massages exist anon? to relieve tension and increase blood flow to an area to restore function. How is the giant tendon on your head any different than the tendons in your small pectorals or knees?

              • 7 months ago

                How do you get oxygen and nutrients back in there there? by breaking up the fibrosis by mechanical stress AKA scalp massaging, Microneedling anything that increases blood volume to the tissues is gonna help

                1. DHT decreases in the body along with TEST as we age. The DHT accumulates in the tissues on the scalp because there is no way to move organic debris out because everything has become hard. Notice bald men have really tight, shiny looking domes? it's because the lymph system can't move all the extra buildup out of the scalp tissues.

                once again DHT is just a symptom not the cause

                in the end you are too lazy to do a physical routine 20 minutes a day, eat right, avoid carbs, have good posture, relax/control your stress, remain active. you lack discipline so you take a pill hoping for results. Short term they work but eventually their effectiveness wanes and you'll be bald + lazy and unable to hold a hair care routine.

                So stop spreading your pharma BS and do some of your own research


                if your theory about blood flow was true then a lot of women would be bald too

              • 7 months ago

                1. it's not my theory

                I'm listening Go on....

              • 7 months ago

                >you pharma shill answer oh the hairs are more sensitive to DHT on the top of the scalp than the sides.
                because they have more androgen receptors, you absolute moron. same way facial hair reacts to androgen receptors in the opposite way, but not hair on th forhead, it's hilarious how an actual shill trying to sell his bullshit scalp massagers, accuses others of it, for recommending unpatented medications
                >OKAY then why do people who get donor hair on the back of the head require to take fin and additional touch ups? The donor hair from the back becomes magically more andogenically sensitive when taken to the top of the scalp???
                >NO it's because the location of the hair follicle can't receive any nutrients because the tension caused by the inflammation prevents oxygen rich blood to reach the hair follicle. The subcutaneous tissues are in desperate need of oxygenation.
                you just copypasted some moronic nonsense that in no way addresses the post you're replying to
                they, don't you strawmaning moron, it's to prevent further hairloss of the untransplanted hair.

              • 7 months ago

                then why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life? Shouldn't the hairs transplanted from the donor area that are androgen resistant not require alpha reductase inhibitors?

                Did you watch the video of Joe Rogan? why is he bald if they extracted androgen resistant hairs to replace the androgen sensitive hairs that miniaturized

                this is your problem and what is holding you back, you responded without thinking or looking at the information presented. Answer the first question and then we can continue Pharma shill

                Pharma shill vs. Mechanical Stress Shill
                massage is free btw unless you're an old lady with arthritis

                speaking of arthritis.....chronic inflammation over time from reduced blood flow due to repeated movements... hmmmmm am I seeing a pattern here?

              • 7 months ago

                you are staring at a tree and missing the forrest or whatever the saying is

                here's a famous example of 'DHT resistant' hair from the back anon

                Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to tissues. Without those being constant the tissue will experience chronic inflammation. It's very simple. you've just been brainwashed by smarter business men


              • 7 months ago

                then why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life? Shouldn't the hairs transplanted from the donor area that are androgen resistant not require alpha reductase inhibitors?

                Did you watch the video of Joe Rogan? why is he bald if they extracted androgen resistant hairs to replace the androgen sensitive hairs that miniaturized

                this is your problem and what is holding you back, you responded without thinking or looking at the information presented. Answer the first question and then we can continue Pharma shill

                Pharma shill vs. Mechanical Stress Shill
                massage is free btw unless you're an old lady with arthritis

                speaking of arthritis.....chronic inflammation over time from reduced blood flow due to repeated movements... hmmmmm am I seeing a pattern here?

                and you're shilling your YouTube channel

                Why do sports massages exist anon? to relieve tension and increase blood flow to an area to restore function. How is the giant tendon on your head any different than the tendons in your small pectorals or knees?

                thank you. I'm very well versed in the DHT theory and if you can answer this question I will stop shilling.

                why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life? Shouldn't the hairs transplanted from the donor area that are androgen resistant not require alpha reductase inhibitors?


                further more please explain through DHT theory

                here's Wayne Rooney with his androgen resistance hair on his way to his 3rd hair transplant. That's a mighty big head Wayne.

                I just wrote why, you keep cycling back repeating the same slogans like a mindless shill without addressing any of the points. but I'll repeat again, because apparently you can't read, DHT resistant hair remain where they were transplanted, it's the rest of the hair on those areas that needs to be protected from DHT to avoid having a strip of hair at the front and a bald dome behind it, like here:
                the donor area is exhausted, so it's not possible to transplant more hair.
                >and you're shilling your YouTube channel
                so you saying anyone sharing a video supporting his point must be the channel owner. you're literally braindead.
                I just shared a Derek's video, so I guess I'm Derek too
                you were literally spamming your scalp massager scam, even admitting to be in the demonstration video btw

              • 7 months ago

                here he outright admits to shilling his dropshipping scam:




              • 7 months ago

                I designed these because my hands got tired. I make them myself. I also couldn't find rigid scalp massagers on Amazon or anywhere to get the lower tissues

                I couldn't do more than a minute or two at a time and it made my hands achy. Don't buy them I don't give a frick, but look at the info.

              • 7 months ago

                I want scientific articles and studies backing up your claims. Not your opinion or hours long tube long videos.

                I did my research and it led me to blood flow. I gave you scientic published articles. I told you the pathway that is proven of how ischemia creates inflammation leading to hair loss.

                okay I have a few studies you will have to debooonk some more because I've been down this path before
                >blood supply to the scalp is already excessive.
                this would imply the tissues aren't starved for any nutrients or O2... but in reality where I live

                Let me break it down for you
                'This study aimed to investigate whether there is reduced blood supply and oxygen levels in the scalps of individuals with male pattern baldness. They conducted a controlled prospective study involving 18 male volunteers, nine with male pattern baldness and nine without. The researchers measured scalp temperature and transcutaneous PO2 (oxygen levels through the skin) in frontal and temporal scalp areas. They also assessed blood flow recovery after temporarily stopping blood flow. The results showed that in men with male pattern baldness, the frontal scalp had lower transcutaneous PO2 and reduced blood flow compared to the temporal scalp, while controls did not exhibit these differences. This indicates a relative lack of microvascular supply and tissue hypoxia in the bald areas of the scalp in male pattern baldness, which was not previously reported.'

                Computer is hypoxia?

                Hypoxia is a medical term that refers to a condition in which there is an insufficient supply of oxygen to body tissues and organs. Oxygen is essential for the proper functioning of cells, and when oxygen levels drop below what is required for normal metabolic processes, it can lead to a range of health issues and tissue damage.

              • 7 months ago

                so you're now moving the golpoasts and keep pasting another of your marketing slogans, without addressing a single point and trying to completely ignore you've been completely humiliated on your attempt at an argument, pasting several posts with "if you can answer this question I will stop shilling. why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life?", even though it had already been answered by then?
                the study you've linked has nothing to with "blood flow" causing baldness", just that bald men have has blood flowing though their scalp, because they have less capillary beds, meaning less blood needs to be supplied to the scalp. you mixing up the result with the cause, you moronic shill

              • 7 months ago

                >blood supply to the scalp is already excessive
                lol btw where do you get your info

                I would think you'd be able to put together less o2 in the scalp is a result of less blood but I guess that went over your head. That's okay there's a lot of info out there on this subject

                so a significant difference in o2 levels of scalp tissues between normal and bald doesn't make a difference? what carries oxygen to tissue? blood and if blood can't reach areas then less oxygen and less hair.

                here's another study that shows bloodflow
                balding scalps have 2.6 times less subcutaneous blood flow


                buy an ad and stop selling balding anons your snake oil in place of actual treatments, you pathetic shill


                Maybe don't listen to youtubers shilling their pharmacuticals and do some personal research

              • 7 months ago

                >lol btw where do you get your info
                there's a cosmetic procedure called temporal Artery Ligation, which consists of literally removing one of the arteries supplying blood to the scalp. it doesn't cause hairloss either
                >I would think you'd be able to put together less o2 in the scalp is a result of less blood but I guess that went over your head. That's okay >there's a lot of info out there on this subject
                so a significant difference in o2 levels of scalp tissues between normal and bald doesn't make a difference? what carries oxygen to tissue? blood and if blood can't reach areas then less oxygen and less hair.
                oxygen supply to the scalp does make a difference, but exactly the opposite of what you claim. hypoxia, literally cutting off the blood supply to the scalp, has been shown to promote hair growth. here's the study
                there's also a hair growth stimulating substance, stemoxydine, which cuts of oxygen supply to the follicles, promoting hair growth by reducing the telogen (inactivity) phase of hair growth
                what now shill, actual "scientific articles and studies" show that your scam may do more harm than good.
                >here's another study that shows bloodflow
                >balding scalps have 2.6 times less subcutaneous blood flow
                yet again completely ignore the points calling out your bullshit and cycle back to the same disproven point to just spam your shilling material. bald men have less blood flowing though their scalp, because they have less capillary beds and less blood needs to be supplied to the scalp. you're too moronic to distinguish the effect from the cause. you'd have to show a group of non-bald people with less subcutaneous blood flow and show that they turn bald significantly more often

              • 7 months ago

                *oxygen supply

              • 7 months ago

                >there's a cosmetic procedure called temporal Artery Ligation, which consists of literally removing one of the arteries supplying blood to the scalp. it doesn't cause hairloss either.
                while temporal artery ligation may affect blood flow to specific areas of the scalp, it is not typically associated with significant or long-term hair loss because the blood supply to the hair follicles is maintained through multiple other vascular channels.

                >yet again completely ignore the points calling out your bullshit and cycle back to the same disproven point to just spam your shilling material. bald men have less blood flowing though their scalp, because they have less capillary beds and less blood needs to be supplied to the scalp. you're too moronic to distinguish the effect from the cause. you'd have to show a group of non-bald people with less subcutaneous blood flow and show that they turn bald significantly more often

                it was a study bald vs. men not experiencing hair loss and one study tracks o2 levels between the two and another study showed differences between the two in blood volume.
                bald - balding scalps have 40% less oxygen than non-balding scalps
                not bald - better blood volume by 2.6x

                let's say it is an effect then how do you increase blood volume and o2 level? MASSAGE! yay

                oooookay here's the cause then.

                Jesus Christ you are dense

              • 7 months ago

                what fin and min target

              • 7 months ago

                > while temporal artery ligation may affect blood flow to specific areas of the scalp, it is not typically associated with significant or long-term hair loss because the blood supply to the hair follicles is maintained through multiple other vascular channels.
                you just answered yourself why blood supply to the scalp is excesive. any potential obstruction can easily be picked up by other blood vessels, you absolute fricking moron
                >it was a study bald vs. men not experiencing hair loss and one study tracks o2 levels between the two and another study showed differences between the two in blood volume.
                >bald - balding scalps have 40% less oxygen than non-balding scalps
                >not bald - better blood volume by 2.6x
                >let's say it is an effect then how do you increase blood volume and o2 level? MASSAGE! yay
                lmao you keep ignoring the refutals and just cycle back spam the exact thing that'd already been addressed in the greentext in your post.
                it's hilarious how you ignored the point about hypoxia promoting hair growth, because it wasn't in your shill guidbook
                >oooookay here's the cause then.
                my fricking sides, it's authored by Robert English, an editor, who sells scalp massage courses for hundreds of dollars. everyone can publish everything on this site for a fee and it's at the bottom of the cited articles btw. jesus christ, this is what scientific article means for you?

              • 7 months ago

                lol the boogie man for DHT dogma homosexuals

              • 7 months ago

                it's also a published scientific journal, but keep getting hung up on distractions instead of looking at the info.

                It's not a problem of lacking information, it's you and thinking the truth is just given with no strings attached.
                You must understand the capitalist form of healthcare that profits are decreased by curing the disease (not a great business model), but by treating the symptoms you have a customer for life. <---- when you learn that then things start to make more sense, but you don't so that's why you believe what you do

                I , like you was wrong thinking DHT caused hair loss and I admit it. I did the research. you have growing up to do to be able to discern good from bad information.

                I don't blame you but maybe take some shrooms to clear some of those old pathways up

                of course this is all pearls before swine and you'll have to suffer some more to understand

                here we go, marketing spiel again, DHT doesn't cause hairlos or facial hair growth, because there aren't androgenic receptors on hair follicles, 5ar inhibitors don't work. just kys

                that's what we in the business of shilling call a case study. many many cases of that happening

                >it's also a published scientific journal
                lmao, everyone can publish there for like a grand. it's not like he's a researcher or anyone took it seriously, it's literally at the bottom of the rank

              • 7 months ago

                >character debasement
                >citations needed

              • 7 months ago

                what character debasement, he literally is an editor, not a scientist, he doesn't claim otherwise and sells ridiculously overpriced scalp massage courses on his website

              • 7 months ago

                Midwit take.
                You can stretch you skin anywhere you want and you will notice that it's paler than the rest of the skin.
                Did you stop the bloodflow to the skin completely? No, you didn't. If you cut that stretched skin, it will bleed. But you have significantly reduced it.
                You can cut out a blood vessel anywhere you want and your skin will still get the blood. Just less of it. And that less bloodflow matters as the hair doesn't get enough nutrients and oxygen. It's just enough bloodflow to maintain the skin, but not the hair.
                Your reasoning doesn't explain why when people get botox injection to relax scalp muscles, their lost hair grows back.
                That being said, you are dummer than the midwit.

                stop samegaying brother
                im shilling massaging. you're shilling some corporations products. so get off your morale authority

              • 7 months ago

                do you even know what samegayging means, you mongoloid? there's no way you don't have brain damage

              • 7 months ago

                it's also a published scientific journal, but keep getting hung up on distractions instead of looking at the info.

                It's not a problem of lacking information, it's you and thinking the truth is just given with no strings attached.
                You must understand the capitalist form of healthcare that profits are decreased by curing the disease (not a great business model), but by treating the symptoms you have a customer for life. <---- when you learn that then things start to make more sense, but you don't so that's why you believe what you do

                I , like you was wrong thinking DHT caused hair loss and I admit it. I did the research. you have growing up to do to be able to discern good from bad information.

                I don't blame you but maybe take some shrooms to clear some of those old pathways up

                of course this is all pearls before swine and you'll have to suffer some more to understand

              • 7 months ago


                that is hypoxia effecting dermal pailla cells, not on the environment of multi layers of the scalp tissues. not having o2 or blood reaching tissues is always bad. How the frick are you gonna argue that holy shit haha

                if hypoxia causes hair growth then why did the bald men experiencing hypoxia lose hair?

                why did the non bald with plenty of hair have no signs of hypoxia.
                more mental gymnastics that doesn't translate. I thought you might learn something, but you're getting dumber as this conversation moves backwards

              • 7 months ago

                I already addressed it multiple times that less blood is needed when there's no hair follicles, but I'm interacting with a mongoloid, so the only thing you're repeating again and again is that already bald men had less blood circulating to their follicles, because they lost their follicles and, as you already were surprisingly able to come up yourself, blood flow is already excesive and existing blood vessels are able to supply whatever's needed, even when a major artery is cut off.
                only braindead shill could call it mental gymnastics. that best example of mental gymnastics is "if you can answer this question I will stop shilling. why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life?" and then trying to change the topic in panic and e.g. spamming some unrelated article written by an editor (not even standing next to a researcher) selling scalp massage courses. have some self-respect, shill

              • 7 months ago

                I've done all I can. We're not gonna agree because we live in two different worlds that's okay, but I hope whatever you do works for you and if it doesn't keep scalp massages in the back pocket or add them to whatever you're doing. We should agree that Massages are awesome I get one once a week from an Asian lady. The one where she stands on you, it's great.

                Lifting and massages go hand in hand. You wanna keep lifting throughout your life? stay flexible and eliminate tension, imbalances etc.

                tell me that you don't want this kind of treatment but on top of your head
                tell me that's not good for you I dare you

              • 7 months ago

                We're not gonna agree because you're a dishonest shill selling snake oil who did not have enough dignity to adress "if you can answer this question I will stop shilling. why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life?" and instead tried to sillently change the subject in panic to pretend some studies mean what he wanted them to mean and ran in circles to what was in his marketing leaflet when refuted and I despise such people

              • 7 months ago

                I expected this answer. I genuinely hope you keep and maintain your hair. that's why we're all here.

              • 7 months ago

                you're talking to kids on /fit. it's not medical professionals or anyone over 10 years lifting experience. they wouldnt waste their time here. these are dudes trying to get jacked by drinking gallons of milk that are just getting started. Probably 16-29 tops. that's why it's a SFW board
                Go somewhere else that has actually gotten a massage. I was 37 before I started getting regular massages. these kids are on an anime board getting lifting advice. this place is not for you.

              • 7 months ago


                you're talking to kids on /fit. it's not medical professionals or anyone over 10 years lifting experience. they wouldnt waste their time here. these are dudes trying to get jacked by drinking gallons of milk that are just getting started. Probably 16-29 tops. that's why it's a SFW board
                Go somewhere else that has actually gotten a massage. I was 37 before I started getting regular massages. these kids are on an anime board getting lifting advice. this place is not for you.

                absolutely organic and not a literal confirmed shill


                talking to himself. yes, many medical professionals prescribe "scalp massages". just kys

              • 7 months ago

                have you ever had a massage?

              • 7 months ago

                lol you trust soctora. I bet you're vaccinated. How's that gene therapy going for you?

              • 7 months ago

                I trust literal logic, not some hair massage course salesmen, whose articles you've been spamming, that's why I never took untested gene therapy, with no proof of it ever working, that's why I don't trust some illogical mental gymnastics for morons with no proof of it ever working

              • 7 months ago

                good for you
                I must've introduced you to the term mental gymnastics. 1 time to many uses for you. You can keep that one just try and think of something else to use instead in the meantime

                no it definitely works. heres a study you won't understand. just slower than the more shilled pharma products that you fawn over

                interesting study unlike your lame insults

              • 7 months ago

                time to talk about all the amazing benefits of hypoxia again?

              • 7 months ago

                >I must've introduced you to the term mental gymnastics. 1 time to many uses for you. You can keep that one just try and think of something else to use instead in the meantime
                it was the most obvious projection I've ever seen that's why I love pointing it out and stop shilling your useless site, buy an ad


                time to talk about all the amazing benefits of hypoxia again?

                >scientifically proven positive effect of hypoxia on hair follicles is the same as untested gene therapy
                lmao the irony is palpable. I thought you want "scientific articles and studies backing up your claims" now you just gave up and spam your shitty site and some headlines you're not even pretending have anything to do with anything

              • 7 months ago

                I'm tired and I'm more than happy with my current results. my scalp has more movement and pliability. you don't get it, I already won.

                My head feels great. you dont understand tension spots because you're young and haven't been lifting long enough to require a sports massage. you aren't stressed to tense up because mommy tucks you in every night. you haven't dealt with any real problems yet.

                you're too naive and dumb to conjure an emotional response from me.

              • 7 months ago

                yes good article let's put it to the test. I'll create a hypoxic environment i.e. the plastic bad that goes over your head and then we can measure the Incredible effects of o2 on the hair follicle. great article. well picked.

              • 7 months ago

                so few posts ago you tried to claim that hypoxic environment is somehow different in muscle under hair follicles (even though they the blood vessels and follicles run above them) and somehow affects them, while an actual study directly proves that hypoxia is beneficial for hair
                because you suddenly wanted "scientific articles and studies backing up your claims" even though you posted youtube shorts with Joe Rogan when claiming "if you can answer this question I will stop shilling. why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life?" then cowardly been trying to change the subject ever since.
                now you're trying even apply it to people as a whole. that's why I liked your mental gymnastics projection, it was so spot on. I'm sure we can extrapolate every metabolic process on the human as a whole, like protein synthesis. I guess we can't injest food, because submerging a person in acid wouldn't be good for him. scientific and backed up by studies as frick.
                of course I won't conjure an emotional response from a cowardly shill. I'm keeping it up to allow you to humiliate yourself again and again making sure that no naive Anon falls for your scam and gives you a penny

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                I do this as a hobby, It's arts and crafts. I have a job and another business. it's fun creating, it's not about the money, I give them to friends I haven't been to fit in awhile and see how people respond. getting responses from loners such as yourself.

                heaven forbid someone fixes their posture and relaxes the muscles surrounding their skull!! good job saving people from a holistic solution. I built that site because I have personally benefitted from scalp massages, so much so that I made a tool so I can do longer sessions.I put all that info on there and will continue to do so, not for you obviously and there's like 20 people on /fit at any given time. so good job saving lives out here.

                no no no we need to promote instead we need hormone pills and injections 4x a year to cure baldness. Derek from more plates more dates must approve the solution!

                if you're doing anything it's giving me more exposure so thank you

              • 7 months ago

                you aren't just trying to sell your hobby, there wouldn't be anything wrong with it, you try sell it at the expense of gaslighting people, potentially costing them their hair, and claim it's the only working solution and try to pass it as something with "scientific articles and studies backing up your claims" e.g. posting articles submitted by a fellow scalp massage salesman (who isn't a researcher), while there are absolutely no studies confirming its effectivness, no cohort studies etc, and there are countless studies and decades of research on the solutions like minoxidil, 5ar inhibitors and topical antiandrogens confirming their effectiveness. you've also proved to be a dishonest and cowardly person claiming "if you can answer this question I will stop shilling. why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life?" then desperately trying to change the subject, even stooping so low as suddenly asking for studies, while previously posting youtube shorts, which clearly shows that your intentions cannot be good nor honest.

              • 7 months ago

                please take a second to reflect on your incredible mental gymnastics. go for gold i'm so humiliated

                > just that bald men have has blood flowing though their scalp, because they have less capillary beds, meaning less blood needs to be supplied to the scalp. you mixing up the result with the cause, you moronic shill

              • 7 months ago

                you claimed "if you can answer this question I will stop shilling. why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life?" and after getting humiliated on that point, you completely ignored it, like a cowardly pathetic shill and moved the goalposts to some bullshit study (I should've just ignored you at the point, because it isn't worth to signify such dishonest worms with an answer), further proving your moronation, shoving that skin with and without hair follicles has the same blood supply

              • 7 months ago

                that was you answering a question? not cited and low effort.

                If you can think logically then you'll see, if you can't then hey good luck. here's another article that you can't prove through DHT theory

                relaxing the muscles and therefore reducing scalp tension regrew hair. whoa

              • 7 months ago

                >that was you answering a question? not cited and low effort.
                posting Joe Rogan youtube shorts and pictures of Wayne Rooney was cited? because this is what I replied to, you pathetic dishonest scum. after that you've completely ingored "if you can answer this question I will stop shilling. why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life?", which had nothing to do with studies, and moved golposts in panic, posting unrelated studies, blatantly misinterpreting them and again completely ignoring any refutals, running in cycles spamming the same points from your shill guidbook, that have been refuted again and again. even for a shill you're braindead

              • 7 months ago

                that's what we in the business of shilling call a case study. many many cases of that happening

              • 7 months ago

                >relaxing the muscles and therefore reducing scalp tension regrew hair. whoa

              • 7 months ago

                mmmmhmmm that's true but it's also involved in wound healing most notably fibrosis due to chronic injury ( in our case chronic inflammation due to ischemia) . inhibiting TGF-β1 restricts excessive tissue scarring and fibrosis creation. This would help clearing the scalp tissues of debris and localized excess DHT. This breaks up fibrosis better than massaging would in 24 weeks for sure. hence the incredible results for such a small time frame. i'm not getting injected with that shit though.

              • 7 months ago

                i hate that homosexual so much. half the threads we see on this board are cause of that homosexual

              • 7 months ago

                here he outright admits to shilling his dropshipping scam:

                you will massage your heads and you WILL regrow your hair

              • 7 months ago

                I designed these because my hands got tired. I make them myself. I also couldn't find rigid scalp massagers on amazon or anywhere to get the lower tissues

                I couldn't do more than a minute or two at a time and it made my hands achy. Don't buy them I don't give a frick, but look at the info.


                buy an ad and stop selling balding anons your snake oil in place of actual treatments, you pathetic shill

              • 7 months ago

                Midwit take.
                You can stretch you skin anywhere you want and you will notice that it's paler than the rest of the skin.
                Did you stop the bloodflow to the skin completely? No, you didn't. If you cut that stretched skin, it will bleed. But you have significantly reduced it.
                You can cut out a blood vessel anywhere you want and your skin will still get the blood. Just less of it. And that less bloodflow matters as the hair doesn't get enough nutrients and oxygen. It's just enough bloodflow to maintain the skin, but not the hair.
                Your reasoning doesn't explain why when people get botox injection to relax scalp muscles, their lost hair grows back.
                That being said, you are dummer than the midwit.

              • 7 months ago

                nice citation oh wait it's some autistic sperg remising about his emo days cutting his skin because he's getting bullied


              • 7 months ago

                tell me more about how hypoxia can re grow hair haha

              • 7 months ago

                >tell me more about how hypoxia can re grow hair haha
                and there are literal hair growth stimulating products that induce hypoxia

              • 7 months ago

                you guys don't understand, even if hypoxia is good for the hair follicle, the surrounding tissues will degrade that assist the hair follicle, the follicle will become impared due to the environment it sits in becoming rigid and developing scar tissue.

                hard to grow grass in the desert boys.

              • 7 months ago

                do you understand that hypoxia doesn't just occur inside the follicle?

              • 7 months ago

                you're literally braindead. if you weren't a 60IQ shitskin, even a simple google search would tell you that scalp is highly vascularized
                >The normal hairy scalp has a rich blood supply which is commensurate with the tissue needs for growth and differentiation. The blood supply to the scalp does not seem to be a primary factor in the specific growth potential of the hair. It is probable that this growth potential is determined mainly by hereditary factors which control the size of the follicle, by the response of the follicle to growth hormones, and by its genetically oriented response to androgenic hormones. There is some evidence which indicates a decrease in the rate of hair growth in old age. The pattern of the blood vessels in the human scalp is a complicated maze; the greatest concentration of vessels seems to be at points of greatest metabolic activity, and the overall arrangement of vessels is in an interconnecting candelabra effect rather than in specific plexuses.
                as I already mentioned, blood vessels run above the muscle and massaging them does shit, it's also highly redundant and even a cosmetic procedure, temporal artery ligation, which consists of literally removing one of the arteries supplying blood to the scalp. doesn't cause hairloss.
                not to mention that literally the opposite is true. hypoxia, literally cutting off the oxygen supply to the hair follicles, has been shown to promote hair growth:
                stemoxydine, a growth stimulant, which cuts of oxygen supply to the follicles, promoting hair growth by reducing the telogen (inactivity) phase of hair growth lmao
                >Your reasoning doesn't explain why when people get botox injection to relax scalp muscles, their lost hair grows back.
                because it has nothing with blood flow, you mongoloid, it inhibits tgf b1 secretion and prevents follicular keratinocyte growth


                >relaxing the muscles and therefore reducing scalp tension regrew hair. whoa

              • 7 months ago

                even if it's highly vascular there are choke points to every arterial pathways. all blood to the scalp is from superficial temporal artery. if let's say your jaw muscles become tight by repeated chewing it could cause it to press on the STA causing reduction in blood flow. you wouldnt understand that though because blood flow is stupid and blood doesn't matter, it's the hormones only pfizer can fix

                Dht shill you dont get it. hypoxia doesnt just effect the hair follicle. it effect all the tissues surrounding the hair follicle causing all sorts of issues. dude please stop you don't understand how the body's systems work in tandem. you are just parroting shit you saw on some youtubes and never thought it through

                for your own sake just stop replying you're done. take your fin and get a hair transplant I don't give a shit you do you

              • 7 months ago

                >even if it's highly vascular there are choke points to every arterial pathways. all blood to the scalp is from superficial temporal artery. if let's say your jaw muscles become tight by repeated chewing it could cause it to press on the STA causing reduction in blood flow. you wouldnt understand that though because blood flow is stupid and blood doesn't matter, it's the hormones only pfizer can fix
                blood vessels run above the muscle and fat tissue, you fricking idiot, tight muscles have nothing to do with bloodflow, you fricking moron
                >Dht shill you dont get it. hypoxia doesnt just effect the hair follicle. it effect all the tissues surrounding the hair follicle causing all sorts of issues. dude please stop you don't understand how the body's systems work in tandem. you are just parroting shit you saw on some youtubes and never thought it through
                the only confirmed effect of hypoxia on hair follicles is that it promotes hair growth

                you guys don't understand, even if hypoxia is good for the hair follicle, the surrounding tissues will degrade that assist the hair follicle, the follicle will become impared due to the environment it sits in becoming rigid and developing scar tissue.

                hard to grow grass in the desert boys.

                do you understand that hypoxia doesn't just occur inside the follicle?

                >do you understand that hypoxia doesn't just occur inside the follicle?
                that must be the most pathetic mental gymnastics
                >hypoxia doesn't affect hair follicles, if anything it promotes hair growth
                >both hair follicles and blood vessels run above the muscle
                >blood supply to the scalp is highly redundant, when a major artery is cut, the other easily pick up the load without any effect on blood supply and hair growth
                >noo, you don't understand, this magical hypoxia can somehow run in tissues unrelated to hair follicles where it's bad, even though it is beneficial for hair follicles, and the blood supply is redundant
                you are the dumbest fricking shill I ever saw

                you can mimic this result of tgf by breaking up fibrosis by mechanical stimulation aka massage

                no you can't break up keratinization of hair follicles with massage as it is a metabolic process related to hair cycle, you are dumber than a rock

              • 7 months ago

                heh chill out you're completely missing the points

                instead of addressing that hypoxia effects all tissues surrounding the hair follicle effectively neutralizing it you say some insults hoping that no one notices you didn't understand that simple point


                here explains how the jaw can press the STA and reduce blood flow. I also shill jaw and temporalis muscles releases.

                Only a moron will argue against the benefits of a scalp massage. that is a fact. I've been arguing with a sophist tard all night .been fun

              • 7 months ago

                it doesn't address anything and there aren't any points, you just rambling without addressing anything spamming another unrelated marketing bullshit for your product, still operating under assumption that hypoxia of hair follicles isn't beneficial for hair growth, debunked many times in this thread, as recently as in my last post and that botox works, because of blood flow, you're running in cycles like a helpless moron
                the only reason I'm replying to you is to insult you, because I'm interacting with an dishonest cowardly shill who did not have enough dignity to adress "if you can answer this question I will stop shilling. why do people who receive hair transplants have to remain on Finasteride for the duration of their life?" and instead tried to sillently change the subject to the current one. you've already been humiliated by that fact alone, the rest is just rubbing it in

              • 7 months ago

                like I said you love listening to my words bounce around your head. im gonna put a bag over your head okay? just to help your hair follicles grow

              • 7 months ago

                I had put a bag over your mom's head last night because she's bald too lmao

              • 7 months ago

                you can mimic this result of tgf by breaking up fibrosis by mechanical stimulation aka massage

      • 7 months ago

        >supposedly you can get permanant sides from dosing only a few times
        it's bullshit impossible to reproduce in any study, only mentally ill redditors seem to get it

  8. 7 months ago

    get away from the pharma israelite. the power is inside you

  9. 7 months ago

    I get no sides

  10. 7 months ago

    Finasteride doesn't increase testosterone, it just stops testosterone from converting to DHT, but since DHT is way more androgenic than testosterone, when you suppress DHT, anti-androgenic side effects will inevitably happen.

    • 7 months ago

      >Finasteride doesn't increase testosterone, it just stops testosterone from converting to DHT
      …which leaves more testosterone hanging around. So you see a 15-20% increase in testosterone as has been observed in clinical studies.
      >since DHT is way more androgenic than testosterone, when you suppress DHT, anti-androgenic side effects will inevitably happen.
      In adult males DHT is a paracrine hormone produced by the metabolism of T in certain tissues and has negligible significance outside of those tissues. Anti-androgenic effects of 5-AR inhibitors are limited to these specific tissues which include the hair, skin, and prostate. In all 3 of those tissues DHT has only BAD effects, causing hair loss, acne, and enlarged prostate.

      • 7 months ago

        You're absolutely right.

      • 7 months ago

        What about the part where it makes your dick not work

        • 7 months ago

          Doesn’t happen in 98% of men who take it

        • 7 months ago

          DHT does almost jack shit for libido and without testosterone it is barely enough to support sexual function at all. it's only a stronger androgen, e.g.. makes the facial hair grow faster, or the hair on the scalp to fall out

  11. 7 months ago

    Why not just take topical finasteride?
    Im trying to lower DHT on my scalp not in my organs

    • 7 months ago

      yeah, people are just moronic and prefer to whine about potential side effects, instead of just rubbing 1ml of liquid once a day. it's much more effective too. with the 1mg tablet, you get only ~40% supression in the scalp, with topical it's 50-80%. be careful with the concentration, though, it's very easy to reach higher serum levels than with the 1mg tablet, because it's easily absorbable. the sweet spot is 1ml 0.025%, with ~25% serum reduction and 50% scalp reduction
      btw limited studies show that topical dutasteride doesn't affect systemic DHT at all while giving 80% DHT reduction in the scalp. you need to apply it after microneedling, though

      • 7 months ago

        >Me using oral dutasteride, topical dutasteride, oral minoxidil, topical minoxidil, retin-A microneedling prp

        • 7 months ago

          topical dutasteride, oral minoxidil, topical minoxidil, retin A, RU58841, stemoxydine, microneedling, nizoral, oral collagen, lycopene, astaxanthin and saw palmetto reporting in

          • 7 months ago

            Post scalp.

            • 7 months ago

              I started 2 months ago at 35 y.o. with norwood 4 (outline of norwood 3 with some diffuse thinning thoughout) while balding since 12 y.o., because I listened to morons promoting non pharmacological bullshit like scalp massages. it's too late, but I'm gonna at least try for a year, in case I'm a good responder

      • 7 months ago

        Source on the qt?

        • 7 months ago

          wish I knew

  12. 7 months ago

    Bros I heard they gave this shit to trannie, is that fr?

  13. 7 months ago

    >bro this one study for 1997 shows that only .00001% of people get side effects!
    it's literally every single study and in many of them the placebo group has the greater incidence of side effects lmao.
    yes, side effects are possible, but they are extremely rare (and aren't even related DHT, just to the fact that 5ar produces certain neurosteroids and some people are susceptible to their levels dropping), while every single redditor like you seems to suffer them.
    you don't even have to kill your systemic DHT with pills, in fact it's very inefficient compared with topicals, so I don't get the point of this shitty thread

  14. 7 months ago

    unfortunately not every guy looks good bald so balding especially young is a death sentence if you like having sex. Nobody wants to take it but some of us just got shit hair genetics

  15. 7 months ago

    I've taken it for several months and I still can frick my gf twice a day no problem, but I guess I'm in denial op because you say so.

  16. 7 months ago

    I blast and cruise and take fin and have the physique and hair literally no side effects.

  17. 7 months ago

    Don't worry bro, just lose all your youth and appeal as a man

  18. 7 months ago

    You only need 0.25mg for it to work

  19. 7 months ago

    And why do you care

  20. 7 months ago

    I tried it out. First 6 months no problem. Keep in mind during this time I was working out everyday. Weight training alternating with Muay Thai, and stretching/prayer on Sundays. Then I got injured in the 7th month. Detached the cartilage from my ribcage and could not do anything. I started to develop a hard lump under one of my nipples. I check my nipples and testicles for bumps every shower. Started to look like gyno a bit. Immediately stopped and it went away. Luckily it seems like my hair loss was related to stress prior to me starting and not genetic so far. But I guess it depends on who you are. Friend I know also started it and is still using it. Only symptom he had was watery semen. But he got it tested and it was still at fertile levels.

    • 7 months ago

      damn frick that

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah. I had a real come to God moment with myself and needed to decided on what I wanted out of life. I think the hold on my hair was the fact that I was never really good at anything and I was always complimented on my looks as a boy. I decided in that moment even if I am bald I will become skilled at things. As my skillet in a variety of things has progressed I worry less about my hair. I know it's not for everyone. I am also blessed with being tall and a nice jawline, so even if I lose my hair as long as a bulk up I will still be attractive. Cannot be a twink forever.

        • 7 months ago

          Also samegaygin myself to add this. I used Keeps. You should be aware that pharma companies like keeps and others are trying to prey upon the insecurities of people. They also will have social media departments that spread Psyops online. I imagine a lot of the pro fin discourse online is a marketing psyop. Before I went on it, online it seemed like everyone knew what it was, I would talk to people IRL about it. Either they were all lying about it or they had no idea what it is. Most of these people have told me far more embarrassing things than being on hair medication, so i dont think the average normies knows what it is. Or at least at the time. Looking back I feel like I got psyop'd.

  21. 7 months ago

    single actual person who takes it either gets severe negative side effects or is in severe denial of their minor to moderate side effects

  22. 7 months ago

    Anybody see success with dutasteride?

    • 7 months ago

      I'm using it topically, but it's too early to tell

  23. 7 months ago

    I think the people whining about sides are mostly hypochondriacs. That being said I’m reluctant to tank my dht before my hair loss gets bad (though I absolutely would take fin if I hit nw3). Thanks to this place though I found minoxidil+dermapen. Hair is thicker than it’s been in years and essentially at nw1 with my hair grown out. Definitely an amazing combo for relatively minor hair loss

  24. 7 months ago

    You forgot the worst one of all - some people come off it and never regain their original sexual function. Rare but well documented. Pharma castration.

  25. 7 months ago

    Nobody believes me when I say this but Fin actually healed my ED
    Hair is still falling out though

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