Antidepressants and fitness

Strongly considering going to the doctors and getting antidepressant meds. I’m nearly 30 and it just feels like I took this last ditch effort.

Anyone else used them and still made gains? I don’t want to be a braindead zombie with no motivation or energy to lift. I also don’t want them to mask my problems making me lose the drive to fix them.

Pic related is my cars engine for whatever reason

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  1. 10 months ago

    I see the problem, it aint got a hemi
    Also it varies person to person, you wont know until you try. And look in to cognitive behavioral therapy

  2. 10 months ago

    It's worth trying them, and if they help then they help, and if they don't then you know they don't. Frankly I'd rather be a functioning and anxiety/depression free guy whose workouts are a bit dulled by the drug rather than someone working out at full natty potential with debilitating anxiety and depression

  3. 10 months ago

    post body

  4. 10 months ago

    Do not physically convert to goodgoyism. If your job allows fasting, then fast until the demon is out of your mind, if not then try eat more cholesterol from red meat and raw egg and cut all drugs (including caffeine and sweeteners). Most of all, you are probably constantly dehydrated, get some quality water and chug them all the time, this makes instant difference faster than previous mentioned methods.

  5. 10 months ago

    Try TRT first

    • 10 months ago

      Not OP, but my doctor wouldn't prescribe it (650 ng/dL).

      • 10 months ago

        At 650 you won't get it from a regular doc and no insurance would pay for it anyway.
        I was also 650 and got it from TRT clinic
        Now I'm 1.4k and feel pretty good.

        • 10 months ago

          What was the procedure at the TRT clinic to get them to prescribe it?

  6. 10 months ago

    Lol if you are going to poison your body with chems then just take test kek, the mental and energy boost might just fix your shit

  7. 10 months ago

    I'm on 10mg lexapro (escitolopram) and the only negative side effect is it can take forever for me to cum. otherwise. I sleep a full 8hrs every night, i have more motivation in every aspect of my life including lifting, and it stops me from overthinking myself into a downward spiral. they helped me, you have to find the right one for you. I got lucky and this was the first one I tried and have no bad side effects

  8. 10 months ago

    I've been using fluvoxamine for 2.5 years. With dose 100mg and below I had no sides. At 150mg I had the side of delayed orgasm. Although not very severe.
    It helped with rumination and improved social anxiety. Didnt make me an extrovert by any means, but it did take the edge off.

    I am currently considering switching to escitalopram because I want something more powerful but I am scared of sides. Fluvoxamine is famously mild compared to its peers.

    It didn't affect my lifting at all. I am a little bit proud of the body I built.

  9. 10 months ago

    Lift weights, cruise on a low dose of T. You'll make it

  10. 10 months ago

    >antidepressant meds
    some of these drugs can permanently castrate you. even after cessation of use. approach with extreme caution

  11. 10 months ago

    Wellbutrin >>>> SSRIs unless you're on the verge of killing yourself

  12. 10 months ago

    Hyper relatable post as I just accepted fate and started taking mine again. They're a double edged sword for me, I need them to process difficult situations, but they emotionally blunt the shit out of me.
    >pic rel
    Anyway, without them though, if life is going really good, I stop taking them, but when I go into stressful life hurdles or anything remotely out of my comfort zone, I literally have to take them or my anxiety hyper activates. I have no idea why, because I wish I could control it and keep it down. I think logically about my choices, my future, or what may be happening, but then my body enters an almost flight or fight response that ramps up and doesn't stop. Every negative emotion and thought spirals me out of control and I become unstable.

    It sucks.


    Every day 🙁

    • 10 months ago

      Forgot Pic rel

  13. 10 months ago

    made me gain 40 lbs did nothing for mood would not recommend personally

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