
Any IST golfers out there know what exercises can help increase my swing speed? I swing like a senior and I'm only in my 30s.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Can't even google things anymore?

    • 10 months ago

      I don’t know man there’s a lot of wrong or bullshit golf advice online. I’ve pretty much been exclusively avoiding it and just asking good players that I’ve golf with extremely detailed questions instead and I’ve knocked several strokes off my game

      • 10 months ago

        >theres a lot of bullshit golf advice online on golf websites, i only ask good players i play with
        >i know, let me ask an anonymous troll fitness board
        have a nice day moron

    • 10 months ago

      God forbid a man asks a fitness question on a fitness board

      • 10 months ago


        >theres a lot of bullshit golf advice online on golf websites, i only ask good players i play with
        >i know, let me ask an anonymous troll fitness board
        have a nice day moron

        pointed out, This idiot is asking a board filled with moron DYEL shitposters, most of whom do not work out or probably play golf instead of trusting the advice of the best professionals out there. The number one thing OP would see if he looked through golf sites is that he probably needs to improve his flexibility, which is something Koepka touches on in the article I posted. Not one post so far about how he's probably slow because he's inflexible. If you're flexible you can crush the ball because you create so much force. When old people get to losing flexibility they make their living on the course by being accurate as frick.

  2. 10 months ago

    >i swing like a senior
    >only in my 30s
    Kek, you ARE a senior. Seriously, stay out of my way or ill run you over grandpa

    • 10 months ago

      if we crossed paths in the street, i would cut you down with my katana

      • 10 months ago

        >Doesn't know the superiority of might hyperborean damascus steel.
        Oh Herro Tojo

  3. 10 months ago

    Just get more muscular in general. A bigger muscle means more POTENTIAL for force production. If I had to guess a sport-specific workout then I guess cable oblique twists.

  4. 10 months ago

    She cute

    • 10 months ago

      She looks like she has room temp iq

    • 10 months ago

      10/10 would breed

  5. 10 months ago

    So I'm no expert, but just started shooting low 80s can drive 300 yards, but try to shoot 250 "fairway finder shots"

    Biggest tip to gain swing speed is to practice swinging the club as much as possible.

    When you golf you maybe get 70 full swings...

    Go into your living room, grab a 7 iron, and just practice swinging them (keep the face square, and make sure your swing path is on line)...

    You can do 2 minutes of half speed swings, then maybe a minute of just swinging near full speed.

    This will improve your timing massively, and get all your muscles/joints working together.

    Golf is way less a strength thing, and much more a timing/tempo/ finess thing.

    beyond that you can get those "speed sticks" speed training system. But never tried those.

    • 10 months ago

      not OP. my 7's fine, but my drive feels awkward

      • 10 months ago

        are you positioning the ball properly

    • 10 months ago

      Speed sticks help. It's more to tax the nervous system. Once you get muscle your body gotta put it together in sequence properly. I have some cheap 40 dollar knock off ones. Works good enough.
      Hitting those 330yard drives or 150 yard pw, I feel like I'm swinging at 45%. As anon said it's about control and tempo. Too much room for error when your swinging too hard 70-90%. good luck on your quest for distance.

  6. 10 months ago

    off the top, this seems like a sport where you might need to work :

    >serratus : for range of mobility swinging
    >lats and pectorals : same as above, for wingspan
    >hip abductors : for hip drive
    >rhomboids : for static strength, strengthen the spine.
    >grip strength : need I explain?

    But that's just off the dome, what I'd think you'd need to really work on in that sport.

    • 10 months ago

      I use some taylormade p730, pw about 150 yards. I do
      >Bulgarian split squats
      about 1/3 way down and focus on exploding up 14x3. then I'll do a few lighter weight full depth sets.
      >Plate pinch
      Need that forearm and trip strength
      >Weighted pullups
      Again focus on explosiveness
      >Cable oblique twist
      Try to be explosive as possible
      >barbell rows
      >landmine row
      >plate twists
      >glute bridges

      Also tons of stretching. Being flexible and explosive is key.

      Thanks guys I’ll start adding some of this in between my regular lifts

  7. 10 months ago

    I use some taylormade p730, pw about 150 yards. I do
    >Bulgarian split squats
    about 1/3 way down and focus on exploding up 14x3. then I'll do a few lighter weight full depth sets.
    >Plate pinch
    Need that forearm and trip strength
    >Weighted pullups
    Again focus on explosiveness
    >Cable oblique twist
    Try to be explosive as possible
    >barbell rows
    >landmine row
    >plate twists
    >glute bridges

    Also tons of stretching. Being flexible and explosive is key.

  8. 10 months ago

    My sister is golfing at a high level in California. I assume that's very good. I wanna have the same relationship we used to have but after so long I don't wanna weird her out by being essentially a stranger and trying to get to know her again.

  9. 10 months ago

    focus more on flexibility than anything. ive been bulking up recently and while im hitting further my flexibility and ball control is down.

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