Any anons have experience with hair transplants? >Be me. >24. >1m88 (6.3). >Fit

Any anons have experience with hair transplants?
>Be me
>1m88 (6.3)
>But everything is ruined by my hair, it's been like that for two years now.
>In six months I've lost 60% of my volume and mass.
I don't want to take troon meds like Fina etc.
Can a $ 3k trip to Tukrey can fix me frens?

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  1. 9 months ago

    they can fix you to a certain degree but if you get transplants and continue balding then you'll end up with recession behind your newly transplanted hairs. there's no point getting one done unless you plan to take the troon meds

    • 9 months ago

      pretty much this, also finasteride is fine stop being a pussy, or just shave the whole thing

      • 9 months ago

        this med is shilled here non stop

      • 9 months ago

        this med is shilled here non stop

        They put a bunch of Novocaine into your scalp so you won't feel much of anything during the procedure, but afterwards it hurts like a motherfricker. If you get a transplant I strongly recommend taking a week off of work after the procedure, or longer if you can. They'll tell you "You can return to work tomorrow" and this is technically true, but your face and head are probably going to be all swollen like you stuck your head into a beehive. For me my scalp was throbbing and I would periodically get shooting jolts of pain across my scalp out of nowhere. It was the worst right after the surgery and it was pretty bad the next day, but by day 2 it was just sore.
        Results from the transplant aren't instant, by the way. They told me at the clinic I went to (here in the US, $6500 for the operation) that it'd take like 4 months to see the full results. I kinda thought this was bullshit but it turned out to be true. The transplanted follicles apparently suffer some trauma and can go dormant for a while, but if things went well they'll start growing again.

        Yeah, crazy right? Maybe it's because it fricking works and the pills are like $10/month.

        I didn't have any pain or swelling. But the post op days are still a pain in the ass. For a week you have to be careful about not touching your head, not sleeping in the wrong way, not washing in the wrong way etc. I just booked an extra week at the hotel because no way i could function like a normal person for the time being.

        Because finasteride's function is to stop hair loss and not magically regrow hair you moron.

        If meds work, why did you have the surgery?
        It's like "I took the vax and that's why I didn't die. Imagine what would happen if I'd refuse to take the Vax". Fricking mental gymnastics.
        For anybody out there, just do the surgery, go though pain and then live like a normal human being, end of story.

        >used my troons to troon out
        >side effects that MAY go away include
        >cant get it up
        >dont want sex
        >side effects that usually never go away
        >prostate cancer
        >non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD)
        >insulin resistance (IR)
        >type 2 diabetes (T2DM)
        >potential kidney dysfunction
        >metabolic dysfunctions
        no thanks. my hair is thinning but id rather buzz it down to 0 than risk getting any of the above.

    • 9 months ago

      so if you're rich enough, you could transplant the whole head and never take finasteride?

      • 9 months ago

        No because the average person has between 6k and 8k grafts available for transplanting which is nowhere enough to fully fix a bald head.

    • 9 months ago

      188cm is 6'2

      >troon meds
      Alpha reductase inhibitors raise your T by 15-20%.

  2. 9 months ago

    Get yourself a murder 1 haircut and stop caring.

  3. 9 months ago

    >I don't want to take troon meds like Fina etc.
    then prepare for this look

  4. 9 months ago

    I disagree with the line that Fina shills spew that literally everyone has to start using it at age 16 or they're gonna go bald.
    But looking at your hairline, you might benefit from it, anon.

    • 9 months ago

      Mate someone who looks like that at 24 is destined to be slick bald at 30.
      Someone who looks like that at 50 might get away with not using fin (still a gamble) but its not an option for him. Its either meds or shave it all off forever.

      • 9 months ago

        this tone and argument sounds israeli.
        >only two options in all of existence. do what i want goy, or be boiled in shit forever

        • 9 months ago

          Ok heres two more options, a wig (hair system) or scalp micropigmentation. Happy now?

  5. 9 months ago

    No, i don't have shit genetics, thanks for asking.

    • 9 months ago

      But you feel the need to brag about your hair to someone who is coming here asking for help, so you are obviously a complete fricking loser. Woman tier behavior

  6. 9 months ago

    You have to take the troony pills after the transplant ya dingus, otherwise it'll just fall out again.

  7. 9 months ago

    >>In six months I've lost 60% of my volume and mass.
    >I don't want to take troon meds like Fina etc
    Kek. You'll be norwood 6 in a couple years if you dont take those "troon drugs"
    >but muh transplant!
    That is an option you consider after you start taking finasteride AND it works for you and you stop losing hair

  8. 9 months ago

    you need to research a little bit my friend.
    If you do the transplant but dont take fin, everything will fall again.

    Anyway, fin and minox are no magic. It will stop and regrow a little, but all the dead roots are never growing back again. NEVER.

    Some roots are microscopic little and may grow back thick after a year of meds.

    get desperate motherfricker and act.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm not do desperate, it's either i spend those 3k and gain my hair back (or a part of them i hope) or i just try to shave/buzzcut the few hairs that i still have, i simply refuse to be a slave to some israelites and his pills

      • 9 months ago

        >so desperate

      • 9 months ago

        Then shave it all off you idiot. Why do you refuse to listen? People tell you that if you dont take medications you will end up with a bald island behind your transplant. You dont have infinite grafts to use for transplanting.
        We are not in a fairyland, your ideal scenario doesn't exist and some things require sacrifices.

      • 9 months ago

        Why u made this thread?

        You need the block DHT. Otherwise you will need to make a transplant every year and you will need to take hair from your ass.

        Even the fin and minox protocol take months to kick in. By your pic you are well over half way into baldland.

        The fin isn't what you think it is dude... God damn

    • 9 months ago

      frick off shill. post some research for your bs

  9. 9 months ago

    Got it done in nyc, 5 months ago. 36 yrs. old with a nrw 4.Fin resistant so I take minoxidil pills. Fricking so happy best 19k I spent. Don't get butchered, spend the money.

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe wait for a year or two max for your recession to stop. It'll stop at some point. I had it at the age of 27 and haven't had any after. If it's so severe that you lost 60% of volume, it'll stop pretty quickly. You can do the transplants then. And don't listen to these troons advocating for drugs. You don't need shit. When recession stops, it stops. If there's any mild recession afterwards, you just add the volume every 5-10 years before you run out of grafts

      Also don't listen to this anon. He spent 19k for something that could be done more professionally in Baltic States (Eastern Europe), where you'd pay 1400$ for return flight 300-400$ for a week long hotel, 3500-5000$ on surgery and 150$ for escorts (whole night). It'll be 3x cheaper and done more professionally. People are going there to fix whatever shit has been done to them in Turkey.

  10. 9 months ago

    >I don't want to take troon meds like Fina etc.
    >Can a $ 3k trip to Tukrey can fix me frens?
    You know if you get a hair transplant they will tell you to take Finasteride so it doesn't fall off in a week right?

  11. 9 months ago
  12. 9 months ago

    Without the "troony" drugs you're going to be a norwood 6 and impossible to operate on. Shave it bald homosexual.

  13. 9 months ago

    go see a trichologist

  14. 9 months ago

    Pic is me. I wrote 2500 grafts but it was more like 2800.

    >I don't want to take """troony drugs"""
    Then you'll go bald. The norwood reaper isn't going to quit just because you had a few thousand grafts.
    I tried finasteride pills and had some negative side effects, so I switched to a topical finasteride + minoxidil solution. IMO the results have been great and I have not had any side effects in the 14 months that I've been using it at this point.

    • 9 months ago

      Is it painful man?

      • 9 months ago

        They put a bunch of Novocaine into your scalp so you won't feel much of anything during the procedure, but afterwards it hurts like a motherfricker. If you get a transplant I strongly recommend taking a week off of work after the procedure, or longer if you can. They'll tell you "You can return to work tomorrow" and this is technically true, but your face and head are probably going to be all swollen like you stuck your head into a beehive. For me my scalp was throbbing and I would periodically get shooting jolts of pain across my scalp out of nowhere. It was the worst right after the surgery and it was pretty bad the next day, but by day 2 it was just sore.
        Results from the transplant aren't instant, by the way. They told me at the clinic I went to (here in the US, $6500 for the operation) that it'd take like 4 months to see the full results. I kinda thought this was bullshit but it turned out to be true. The transplanted follicles apparently suffer some trauma and can go dormant for a while, but if things went well they'll start growing again.

        this med is shilled here non stop

        Yeah, crazy right? Maybe it's because it fricking works and the pills are like $10/month.

        • 9 months ago

          If meds work, why did you have the surgery?
          It's like "I took the vax and that's why I didn't die. Imagine what would happen if I'd refuse to take the Vax". Fricking mental gymnastics.
          For anybody out there, just do the surgery, go though pain and then live like a normal human being, end of story.

          • 9 months ago

            Fin & Min don't magically revive dead follicles. It can save weakening follicles and ones that have gone dormant more recently, but if you've been losing hair for a while the some of them are certainly dead and not coming back.
            I've been applying the stuff to my entire scalp and the areas where I didn't have a transplant got significantly thicker since I started using the stuff. I was already taking Biotin supplements prior to that, so I know that it's the topical solution that did it and not something else.

        • 9 months ago

          I didn't have any pain or swelling. But the post op days are still a pain in the ass. For a week you have to be careful about not touching your head, not sleeping in the wrong way, not washing in the wrong way etc. I just booked an extra week at the hotel because no way i could function like a normal person for the time being.

          If meds work, why did you have the surgery?
          It's like "I took the vax and that's why I didn't die. Imagine what would happen if I'd refuse to take the Vax". Fricking mental gymnastics.
          For anybody out there, just do the surgery, go though pain and then live like a normal human being, end of story.

          Because finasteride's function is to stop hair loss and not magically regrow hair you moron.

          • 9 months ago

            I'll stab you in the throat you collosal homosexual! You hear me?! I'll find you and rape your bussy!
            Nice dubs, king

  15. 9 months ago

    i had one 5 years ago, never took any drugs. Best decision ever. ill get another one in a year prolly

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