Any short anons here who made it?

Few days ago there was some loser crying how life is unfair because he is short and that's why he is going to take the surgery pill. Is it really that fricking bad for short IST men?

I'm 5'4 (163cm) and I would rather kms than lengten my limbs, but I would lie if I said my height sometimes didn't make me feel bad about myself. I know that I could get a girls if I was right in my head but I just never felt worthy to show my interest, it's not all cuz to my height but rather how i feel about myself overall

I'm in a process of transofrming myself and I now hope to achieve things I should have long time ago.
I want to sometimes catch girls mirin', talking to them and feeling like they want to stay around.
>been lifting for few months
started after my first tinder date when I realized i'm not into high body count prostitutes
>22% bf which I feel like nerfs my face really hard. Trying to drop to 15%
>At the end of 1st year of uni,
>EU, living in a city filled with young attractive slav girls
>attracted to 17-22yo

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  1. 12 months ago

    I was in the Marines with a guy who was 5'4" just like you OP. He was a PT stud, expert marksman, made Corporal before me and the guys loved him. His car got t-boned and he had to leave the Marines after he spent around a year getting a bunch of surgeries on his neck and back and he got into a decent College to study business.

    I kept in touch with him for the first year of College but it was like a once a fortnight messages back and forth and he seemed really depressed by everything, completely disillusioned with civilian life and how shit people were. I specifically remember him talking about how people shat on him for his height, how people would talk over the top of him and completely disregard him when he used to be a NCO and he used to be respected. His girlfriend left him when he got fricked up in the car crash and he went into College single and I remember him talking about how brutal it was and how he was completely invisible to women.

    I went to Afghanistan in 2012 and when I came back I found out he killed himself, hanged himself in his dorm room and a bunch of people who never gave a shit about him all tried to get exemptions from papers and grades adjusted over his suicide.

    • 12 months ago

      your friend was mentally ill, I have known dozens of manlets that werent hideous and did just fine with women, in fact i know tons of ugly fat homosexuals that also eventually did fine with a woman

      where does this shit come from

    • 12 months ago

      >I was in the Marines with a guy who was 5'4
      This is why China will win

      • 12 months ago

        That’s the average height of a soldier over there

    • 12 months ago

      Sometimes God works in mysterious ways...He wanted to meet this Zogbot a little earlier than the other ones. Your friend will be in a higher place in the afterlife because God spared him the trials of facing evil, and committing it.

      You on the other hand, who toured Afghanistan...I hope you meet a worse fate.
      May your daughters frequent black men.

      • 12 months ago

        Whatever you say Chang "Mtumbalu" Goldstein

        • 12 months ago

          >has so many enemies due to being an evil butthole he can't even place or identify his opponents right...

          Do a little bit of a soul search there, Zogbot. If you still have one. Check yourself.

      • 12 months ago

        I love how this is literally only an opinion you see on IST because anyone who believes this is too much of a pussy to say it anywhere that isn’t anonymous

        • 12 months ago

          lmao...maybe not around your kind, zogbot...but it's what everyone else is thinking and saying about you behind closed doors kek, even your own people know what kind of scum you are...the american people are hostages of your government too.

    • 12 months ago

      Do you guys lose an inch or two of height during your time in the marines?

  2. 12 months ago

    Oh, lmao, so you think you could get girls and think you're a virgin by choice? Go ask out a couple dozens of girls, get laughed at, and come back once you understand how bad it is.

  3. 12 months ago

    Damn that guy must be tall as frick. TYLER1 is 6'5 and the other guy is a good head above him.

  4. 12 months ago

    >virgin @ 20
    >went to uni, math degree
    >didnt go out much the first year because the program was hard
    >met a girl during a christmas dorm party and started messaging her and later had sex and a relationship with her
    >now i have a new gf with whom i want to have a long relationship
    dont use tinder bro, just learn how to smile and get a life. go bouldering or hiking or something. now you have something to talk about with normies and you can create a friend group with other people.
    peopl can tell when you dont want genuine friends and you just want to frick a girl. You will just come off not genuine.
    Once you actually make some friends you will notice that some women smile back at you. Then you can just walk up to them or message them something like "you are cute, come get tea with me this weekend" or something. If they decline then move on.
    The girls you meet on tinder are the female equivalent of your former self. you dont want to build a relationship with them its not worth it.
    gl bro wagmi

  5. 12 months ago

    Tyler made it. Look no further than the pic you posted, OP.

    • 12 months ago

      Thing with celebs is they are above most people in hierarchy, they are not representive of 99%

      >virgin @ 20
      >went to uni, math degree
      >didnt go out much the first year because the program was hard
      >met a girl during a christmas dorm party and started messaging her and later had sex and a relationship with her
      >now i have a new gf with whom i want to have a long relationship
      dont use tinder bro, just learn how to smile and get a life. go bouldering or hiking or something. now you have something to talk about with normies and you can create a friend group with other people.
      peopl can tell when you dont want genuine friends and you just want to frick a girl. You will just come off not genuine.
      Once you actually make some friends you will notice that some women smile back at you. Then you can just walk up to them or message them something like "you are cute, come get tea with me this weekend" or something. If they decline then move on.
      The girls you meet on tinder are the female equivalent of your former self. you dont want to build a relationship with them its not worth it.
      gl bro wagmi

      I've been on self improvement pill for quite some time. Hobbies, books, IST etc.
      Still I feel like getting IST has the highest potential to turn my life around. What good is girl smiling at me when i don't have high enough confidence to think that she might be interested in me
      >people can tell if you are not genuine
      If that's truly the case then I can't think of any solution. You can't just rewire your brain and go from:
      >i'm here to socialize, make friends and maybe get a gf
      >i'm here to make genuine friends and friends only
      When you missed development milestones so hard, it is impossible to stop thinking about them
      Frick tinder, i want to meet girls in classes, on the street, clubs etc.
      Tinder at least in my eyes is a trap for guys with low self esteem looking for ego boost

      • 12 months ago

        >development milestones
        i felt the same way, your mindset is good it just takes some time to catch up as youve said.
        i was a total moron and had a lot of autistic moments but everytime you do something moronic you grow and eventually i just started feeling normal

  6. 12 months ago

    I'm 5'10 and I got married, worked at an Investment Bank, and bought a house at 25. Then again not sure 5'10 counts as short, more like medium. But I also have a handsome face and broad shoulders so it helps counteract the height

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