Anyone blown out a disc and gotten back into squats and deadlifts?

Anyone blown out a disc and gotten back into squats and deadlifts? Ruined my L5-S1 (only a protrusion) and can't do shit for now, but surely it's not the end of lifting heavy?

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  1. 9 months ago

    >blown out disc
    just lift through the pain

    • 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    My dad has fricked up disks and he can't do a lot of those spinal intensive lifts. You'll need to be careful with what variations you choose as to not frick your back up. Front squats and hack deadlifts aren't as bad as the normal versions because the abs work overtime and you can't use as much weight as an example.

  3. 9 months ago

    The only long term injury i have ever had was via gymnastics and in the same spot as yours. Everything else has been cleared in 6 months max

  4. 9 months ago

    You can get back into lifting but know that it's more wear and tear on your spine. I'm guessing you're young, but you will feel like shit when you get older. I don't know if lifting weights is worth not being able to walk when you become a grandpa one day.

  5. 9 months ago

    Tell your boyfriend to be more gentle

  6. 9 months ago

    This is why I’m a pussy with progressive overloading and add weight conservatively and if I’m sick or otherwise miss some time I go back quite a bit of weight and restart from there.

    I love lifting but I don’t want to frick up my back for it. I started having sciatica pain and dropped squats a couple weeks ago, feels a lot better but I’ll wait another couple weeks or more before starting again at low weights. I know people with chronic pain and I don’t want that.

    • 9 months ago

      yep, the risk factor of heavy squats and deads makes me always leave extra gas in the tank, and always progress with slow, steady, responsible jumps
      for my upper body i go ape mode, i don't care, it's fun
      for anything with a load on the spine, i play it much safer
      i just can't justify the risk of spinal injury

  7. 9 months ago

    Doing heavy squats and deadlifts at all in the first place is moronic

    • 9 months ago

      How do you define heavy?

      • 9 months ago

        I can’t think of a good reason to go over 315 on either excercise. They’re meme excercises at best and you’re better off doing lighter weight on more athletic excercises like front squats and cleans, you know, the excercises actual athletes do

        • 9 months ago

          I’m starting to get heavy (for me) with deadlifts, leg press and squats and I’m also wondering if I should back off soon and focus on higher reps. It just doesn’t seem to be worth it.

          I don’t think they’re meme exercises but they do carry some risk and if I’m not going pro I don’t want to risk my back for some gains and a hobby.

      • 9 months ago

        nta but anything 100ish lb over body weight is moronic. So for most serious lifters 3 pl8s. Past that you're better off adding more volume and playing with rep schemes, paused squats, etc. Anyone who can squat that much should have good legs to begin with so anything more is worthless unless you're a powershitter gay

  8. 9 months ago

    If you think squats or deadlifts are spinal intensive you're doing them completely wrong

    • 9 months ago

      I didn't c**t it doing squats or deadlifts, but they undoubtedly put pressure on your spine, which at the moment I can't do.

      • 9 months ago

        There was some korean woman who absolutely blew out her spine at 60 and she got surgery, did PT and started lifting now she's like 95 and looks great. Dont get down bro

  9. 9 months ago

    >newbie egolifter snaps his shit for life doing meme exercises that barely give any gains
    >comes crying to IST

    Many such cases.

  10. 9 months ago

    see a physio
    mcgill exercises
    reimplement squats and deadlifts with focus on controlled movement, be conservative with load increases
    do variations with less axial loading of the spine i.e front squats to supplement/replace back squats, trap bar deadlifts to supplement/replace conventional deadlifts

  11. 9 months ago

    you should stop lifting heavy and focus on maintaining a healthy body.
    I have horribly damaged L1-L5 from collage lifting for shotpus + Discus
    the human back is super flawed, doesn't take much to ruin it for the rest of your life.
    I mainly focus on leg workouts that don't have a heavily loaded back aspect.
    like weighted lunges or step-ups.

  12. 9 months ago

    I've healed four bulging disc's and a sciatica through 6 months of stretching and ohysical therapy excercises a year ago and now I'm squatting 4 plates again. You need to stretch your hamstrings and decompress your lower and upper back by hanging from a bar. Be serious about it and you'll recover completely. Frick around and not do it or not take it serious and you'll be crippled for life.

  13. 9 months ago

    Do the McGill Big 3 exercises for a few weeks/months and then you should be able to ease back into it

    You will most likely be able to get to your same weight again, but maybe not. At least you won't be in pain anymore.

    • 9 months ago

      >McGill Big 3
      Not OP but holy shit thanks for the tip

  14. 9 months ago

    I just do weighted lunges now as it keeps ky lower back straight

  15. 9 months ago

    "...yeah... and do you see right here? This is a spinal column shoved up your rectum. How did you that?... well, it doesn't matter. You still owe $32k for the cat scan and this consultation."

  16. 9 months ago


  17. 9 months ago

    I got pudendal neuralgia, no pain but dick and anus feels says I should not do SBD from now on

  18. 9 months ago

    You can lift heavier than average but now youre capped.
    Past certain weight youll feel unstable.
    Also be mindful of pain induced deactivation patterns, certain muscles wont trigger contraction sometimes and frick up your form even further if youre not mindful.

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