Anyone else fucking hate doctors?

Anyone else fricking hate doctors?

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  1. 10 months ago

    I wouldn't say I hate them, but I certainly don't trust them. There is so much malpractice, it would make your head spin if you knew the extent of it.

    • 10 months ago

      The issue is that people think Medical Doctors are PhD scientists trying to discover new cures and shit. Doctors just regurgitate research.

      Some M.D. have PhDs too and do research, but most M.D.s are just glorified meat ChatGTP.

      • 10 months ago

        >Doctor I am having [issue]
        >"Okay come see me for an appointment"
        >Explain issue again to doctor in person
        >"Okay I'll refer you to this specialist"
        >$350 bill for the appointment where my doctor just had me tell them the same shit I already explained in my emails
        Yes, I hate them.

        I wouldn't say I hate them, but I certainly don't trust them. There is so much malpractice, it would make your head spin if you knew the extent of it.

        Anyone else fricking hate doctors?

        >Doctor, I want to go out with my friends
        Well that's extremely dangerous. It's a pandemic after all
        >well is there anything I can do?
        If you agree with my political views then I will tell everybody that you're immune to COVID and you can go out with your friends whenever you want

        • 10 months ago

          At this point, they weren't even trying to pretend COVID was dangerous. They were literally just saying your cause wasn't worth the minuscule risk you'd die of it. Literally.

      • 10 months ago

        >Some M.D. have PhDs too and do research
        MDs in research are notoriously dumb. Anything beyond risk or odds ratios is usually beyond them.

      • 10 months ago

        Researchers who work for big pharma "making the world a better place".

    • 10 months ago

      Anyone else fricking hate doctors?

      Loads of doctors are ass and basically follow a braindead flow chart of steps that's been handed to them by a pozzed establishment that specializes in popping pills

      The few doctors that are intelligent can be wonderful but they're very rare and are getting rarer thanks to affirmative action hires.

      Basically you should always come to a doctor with a sense of what could be wrong with you and what you want to leave with (a diagnosis, a prescription, schedule surgery, whatever). And, if you suspect something is wrong with you, if it can be diagnosed, simply order your own bloodwork and walk into a lab that day and get results in a day or two. Then your meeting with the doctor is going to be faster and lead to immediate resolution

      If you're going to have a procedure done read up on your own on the actual procedure, risks and recommendations. This involves going to Google Scholar, finding the papers (generally written in the last 3-5 years), and going to sci-hub with the doi number.

      Do not blindly accept medical advice from doctors or procedures absent true emergencies. Know what is happening to you at every point, especially so you can tell when the black nurse is doing some shit that was never supposed to happen. YOU have got to be active in your care or you will get FRICKED.

      Also don't be the idiot who is absolutely convinced they have some 1 in a million condition, especially without history or specific markets

      • 10 months ago

        Wise post.

      • 10 months ago

        AMA flowcharts might seem braindead but it's actually galaxy-brained
        The reason it appears braindead is that the objective of the flowchart is to minimize liability while maximizing long-term pharma/insurance corp income, rather than make the patient well
        They represent the life's work of an army of ruthless genius sociopaths and it's a stunning achievement

  2. 10 months ago

    >Doctor I am having [issue]
    >"Okay come see me for an appointment"
    >Explain issue again to doctor in person
    >"Okay I'll refer you to this specialist"
    >$350 bill for the appointment where my doctor just had me tell them the same shit I already explained in my emails
    Yes, I hate them.

    • 10 months ago

      This. And they don't forewarn you of what is going to be charged or what kind of treatment you'll get, you have 0 control.

      >my wife is a singer
      >gets larengitis before a show
      >go to clinic telling them we need steroids
      >doctor won't prescribe steroids, literally just says to drink tea
      >charges 60$
      >just go to another clinic
      >doctor prescribes steroids AND gives a steroidal injection

      I'm ok to pay a lot for medical care, what I'm not ok with is spinning a medical roulette on whether or not you will get treatment.

    • 10 months ago

      >$350 bill
      Imagine being a burger

      • 10 months ago

        The difference is that you're picking up the bullshit tab for everyone else.

      • 10 months ago

        >lol imagine paying for the medical care you actually use instead of just paying several thousand per year in taxes regardless of whether or not you even see a doctor.

        • 10 months ago

          >he wants to pay hundreds of dollars a month just to get denied coverage for completely arbitrary reasons when he finally has to actually use his insurance

          much better system

          • 10 months ago

            Bro in america just walking into an er adds 1k to your bill. I agree euros have a terrible system but so do we.

            It costs $50 on Ulta labs a get a CBC and CMP (thats the lab every doc draws).
            For that same lab, hospitals charge your insurance about $300, and you have to pay about $10.
            Its a massive scam

            >t. know frick-all about insurance
            Here's a little secret: The reason you see bills for 10 quadrillion dollars for some basic procedure is because the hospitals haggle with insurance companies. That's it. They start from a stupid high price and negotiate down to a reasonable one, but you never see that. You only see the stupid high starting price.

            • 10 months ago

              Don't know why you replied to me when your reply has literally nothing to do with what I said at all but ok moron

              • 10 months ago

                Oh, sorry. Here's a reply more befitting of your post.

              • 10 months ago

                You are very welcome

            • 10 months ago

              That was my point. Our system is bad aswell. Every cost should be itemized and open. Its a lot easier to charge thousands when you can haggle in backrooms. Theres an image floating around from a baby delivery. Parents were charged about 4k for skin to skin contact. Raising and lowering the head of the bed costs as pallative care. Its absurd.

              • 10 months ago

                It is absurd, but if you're going to b***h then at least b***h about the correct problem. Lots of people b***h about the cost of healthcare, but their solution is "make it absolutely mandatory via taxation for everyone to pay into this broken system" rather than "actually fix the broken system." The former is exactly what the doctors do when they prescribe opiates for pain instead of fixing what's actually hurting.

              • 10 months ago

                What are you talking about? How is the backroom deals and inflated costs of healthcare not the correct problem? I never proposed we adopt euro healthcare systems, I even stated it was bad.

                What is the correct problem in private healthcare costs if not the inflation of costs?

              • 10 months ago

                Openly publishing costs and transparency. The costs keep inflating because the system allows them to hide that from you until you get the bill.
                There's actually a law passed a few years back that requires hospitals to tell you up front how much a procedure will cost, and more laws like that to prevent the backroom dealing are the solution.

              • 10 months ago

                Breh were saying the same exact thing.

                Im so glad there are more private labs, and a few new imaging centers. Walk in, pay $250, get whatever imaging and most labs and go home, no doctors order needed.

              • 10 months ago

                I guess so. I guess I just have a kneejerk reaction to assume anyone b***hing about healthcare is in favor of a european-style healthcare system since that's what I hear about 99% of the time.

        • 10 months ago

          Bro in america just walking into an er adds 1k to your bill. I agree euros have a terrible system but so do we.

          It costs $50 on Ulta labs a get a CBC and CMP (thats the lab every doc draws).
          For that same lab, hospitals charge your insurance about $300, and you have to pay about $10.
          Its a massive scam

        • 10 months ago

          >t. know frick-all about insurance
          Here's a little secret: The reason you see bills for 10 quadrillion dollars for some basic procedure is because the hospitals haggle with insurance companies. That's it. They start from a stupid high price and negotiate down to a reasonable one, but you never see that. You only see the stupid high starting price.

          It is absurd, but if you're going to b***h then at least b***h about the correct problem. Lots of people b***h about the cost of healthcare, but their solution is "make it absolutely mandatory via taxation for everyone to pay into this broken system" rather than "actually fix the broken system." The former is exactly what the doctors do when they prescribe opiates for pain instead of fixing what's actually hurting.

          I already pay an absurd amount of taxes you absolute fricking homosexual. You stupid bad-faith argument devil's advocate bootlicking b***h

    • 10 months ago

      >Doctor I am having [issue]
      >"Okay come see me for an appointment"
      >Explain issue again to doctor in person
      >"I don't believe you have this issue."
      Is also a classic.
      Frick any doctor that isn't emergency or a specialist

      • 10 months ago


        The average knowledge of a general practitioner is about equal to someone with a handful of waiting room medical pamphlets on the condition. You can know more than nearly any generalist about your potential conditions in about 30 minutes. It's stupid and shitty to bother with the referral.

        Good specialists:
        Basically prescription writers, but they see enough skin they can do whatever and there's a bit of an art to hands on stuff
        >Cardiologists, cardiac surgeons
        Holy frick
        >Nephrologists, neurologists etc
        Good if you need it

        • 10 months ago

          Are Dermatologists just perverts with degrees. Every time I go to one they always lay their hands on me and go very close to my staff of Moses

          • 10 months ago

            Stop getting herpes then, anon.

            • 10 months ago

              He was tested?

          • 10 months ago

            they mostly cut moles and cancerous growths on the backs of boomers who got too much sun exposure in their youth. other than that it's prescribing accutane to teenagers and helping out people with chronic skin conditions

            • 10 months ago

              Then what the frick is wrong with the ones I go to? Every time they almost make me waste spill my lifeseed

    • 10 months ago

      Exactly what happened to me this year
      >called dr about GI issues, explained I already cut out gluten and dairy and it doesn’t seem to be food related
      >asked for referral to GI specialist
      >no anon you need an appointment with me first
      >”well anon let’s do some blood tests to see if it’s food related”
      >looks like it’s not food related oh that’ll be $600
      >GI specialist
      >”idk anon you seem fine I’ll run some tests”
      >bill for $1000 from out of network labs without even telling me they’d use that lab
      >”ah anon your results look great, it’s probably just something related to food there’s nothing I can do”
      So now I’m self medicating with BPC 157 and Kratom

      • 10 months ago

        I don't understand why you think labor should be free just because they didn't find an immediately pressing issue.

        • 10 months ago

          I didn’t say that at all you idiot

        • 10 months ago

          >Hey bro I know you just came in for an oil change but there was a rattling noise so we did a complete disassembly and didn't find anything but it turned out it was just coins in the glove box so that'll be $30k plus tip hey what's the issue butthole you think labor should be free you're starting to sound like a fricking commie don't make get lawyers and debtors involved
          ikr, what an entitled butthole

  3. 10 months ago

    It’s only going to get worse too. The ilk that is currently in medical school is fricking scary.

    • 10 months ago

      as someone who has a gf who is in medical school, i can confirm that she is a moronic NPC

      • 10 months ago

        >dating somebody you don't respect

        certainly not gonna make it

        • 10 months ago

          just because she has woman syndrome doesn't mean i don't respect her, she's the sweetest person i know

        • 10 months ago

          >respecting women

      • 10 months ago


  4. 10 months ago

    As a doctor I'm so tired of people you doing your own research or trying to self diagnose yourselves. There's a reason we go through med school and paid out of the ass for this insane education, it's because we're trying to do the right goddamn thing and it would be nice if you guys wouldn't second guess every treatment we try to give you.

    • 10 months ago

      Nope sorry, people don't trust you from decades of you not having patients in your best interests and the only reason people go to doctors at all is because the law forbids access to most medications without a prescription, aka a good reason plus consultation fees.
      Doctors are a fricking racket and you know it.

    • 10 months ago

      had ranula going on in my mouth. 3 doctors had no idea what it was until i googled it myself and let them know what it was. i was referred to a specialist who gave me a needle and told me to pop it every day.

      never going to the doctor again, this is bullshit

    • 10 months ago

      >I paid a lot of money so I can make even more money
      >you need to respect me because I am marginally closer to saving lives than most working people, which I do because I get paid lots of money

    • 10 months ago

      Every doctor I know is pretty self-aware of the fact that they don't really "do the right thing" or "help people" all that much, they're all pretty honest about the fact that they just want to have a lot of money power and status.

      • 10 months ago

        I hate fricking doctors. They’re so anal

      • 10 months ago

        Eh at least being honest about it is something

      • 10 months ago

        have a nice day vtuber homosexual

    • 10 months ago

      It seems like you literally don't want to be second-guessed. That doesn't seem very intelligent or even accurate. As a professional myself, I welcome critique of my work. I guess doctors like you are different.

    • 10 months ago

      >stop getting second opinions and revealing that I paid 80k for an education that only makes me competent at giving people unnecessary antibiotics and referring people to specialists
      I'll tell you what it is and what tests I need. You will run the test. Labs will confirm I didn't need you, just your access.

    • 10 months ago

      If you're a doctor that's taken any med-ethics class then you would understand from presented case-studies why the general population has a lot of reasons to not trust the medical and pharmaceutical industries.


      • 10 months ago

        What's that? The name of the yacht I'm having my next meeting with the pharma salesmen?

    • 10 months ago

      Can't wait till your moronic profession is replaced with AI.
      Why did Nazi bodybuilders help me fix my shoulder with an exercise and a stretch for free when 4 specialists wanted to surgically remove bones from my shoulder for thousands of dollars????

      • 10 months ago

        >4 specialists wanted to surgically remove bones
        Lel. One doctor wanted me to do a series of brain scans because he didn't know what was wrong with me and, I guess, literally thought I was imagining it. I went elsewhere and he told me to take an OTC drug, which fixed everything.

        It's actually shocking how much this guy woulda put me in the hole if I listened to him.

      • 10 months ago

        Dude look up the course work for ~~*(doctors*~~) they literallty dont know anything. They dont even fully read the books their assifned, only outlines

      • 10 months ago

        What exercise and stretch anon?

    • 10 months ago

      Yes... I am sure it would... But it costs too damned much to go see you for 10 minutes of basic looking over and a prescription for expensive salve to rub on it and a pill to take for 2 weeks, that is gonna make me have to shit every half hour!

      • 10 months ago

        Doctors give you a Z-pak when they don't know what's wrong with you or how to fix it. You got played, son.

        • 10 months ago

          Yah... That was evident by the bill and my sore ass!

          They want to know why we are suspicious of their intentions though...well, try harder and do better, would be my advice to them!

    • 10 months ago

      You are paid so much because the number of places for doctors in uni os artificially restricted and any doctors that doesn't want to shill big pgarma and scam his patients loses his licence. No other reason.
      You hate those who do their own research because they remind you of how little you know and what a sell out you are

    • 10 months ago

      Lemme guess, the vaccine was good for us, right doc?

    • 10 months ago

      frick you homosexual israelite

    • 10 months ago

      Why wouldn't I do my own research when I go to you and explain my shoulder/knee problems to you and you just say "nah dw about it"

    • 10 months ago

      have a nice day

    • 10 months ago

      Because most people in any field - and that applies to medicine GREATLY - are incompetent morons. Since I'm intelligent OF COURSE I am going to second guess some barely educated moron's lazy guess as to what I have.


      Lmao. That childish anti-rational anti-argument says pretty much everything about you, Dr. NPC

    • 10 months ago

      Calm down educated midwit.

    • 10 months ago

      You cut men's dicks off because they are mentally ill. Your profession is a joke

      • 10 months ago

        thank dr kitty

      • 10 months ago

        Sounds like a decent solution to mental illness to me

        • 10 months ago

          Even if they weren't actually mentally ill but were a young lad lonely, ostracised because of their so called toxic masculinity(normal masculinity in reality) and told they might be accepted by a group of pedophiles if they grew breasts and carved a hole in their pelvis?

          • 10 months ago

            skill issue

      • 10 months ago

        you need a whole infusion tube of air to feel anything

      • 10 months ago

        Put me in the screencap

      • 10 months ago

        Keked and checked. Based Dr. Kitty.

        Sounds like a decent solution to mental illness to me

        Also keked but no check for you. The IST can be a cruel one at times

    • 10 months ago

      Cool story, still not taking the vaxx

    • 10 months ago

      Surgeons: skilled.
      Nurses: hey, they give immediate care, could be better but respect there.
      GP/family doctor/practice doctor: "Hi anon, thanks for waiting 45 minutes past the scheduled appointment time, also I realise this is the third time your appointment has been rescheduled by us, at short notice, with no apology or reason given. Now first and foremost, I see you're alive, so your issue can't have been that serious - please do try to contact us for serious conditions only, we have a high volume of enquiries. Now, we've already made you declare your symptoms online each time you booked an appointment, and the rude receptionist just asked you to reconfirm your symptoms in front of everyone else in the waiting room, but I'm a busy man and I haven't read your file, so what seems to be the problem? Hmmmm... I see... how long has that been the case... aha... let me Goog- I mean, consult the literature... hmm... Well, there are several things it could be, those are quite generic symptoms. It could be cancer but based on your age and overall health, that's unlikely (chuckles). I'm going a course of regular exercise - oh, you already exercise? I mean, a course of rest. Also start a high protein diet - what's that? You do already? I meant a high carbohydrate diet. Let's check in with each other in 6 months, OK? We should call you, but if not, apply online for a spot for the help desk to give you a callback to check if you still need an appointment, at which point you'll be entered into the waiting list to be assigned an appointment. If you're in pain, take paracetamol. OK, that's our five minutes up I afraid, I need to see Mrs Miggins the serial complaining hypochondriac for her daily half hour rant. Its good for her mental health, you know. Bye!"

    • 10 months ago

      I went to doctor because I had a swolen lump on my arm, she had no clue what it could have been until I pointed out on a diagram of the endocrine system that there was a lymph node there. You people only know what you've been taught. You're trash.

    • 10 months ago

      Do you poo in the streets or a small hole in the ground?

    • 10 months ago

      >trying to do the right thing
      For every one MD who practices for selfless reasons there are five hundred who are in it for some mix of money, status, and as an outlet for their narcissism
      But over half aren't in medicine for any particular reason at all
      They just got stuck in the mother-of-all sunk cost traps when they realized they fricking hated the day-to-day reality of practicing medicine as an M3 with $70k in debt and no degree at the beginning of their clinical rotations
      The disillusioned students with good enough Step 1 scores match into specialties that suck less (they still suck) and the remainder turn into apathetic GP human flowcharts
      The best docs usually come from wealth and went into medicine out of genuine interest and had a perfectly legitimate out at every step of their education but chose to proceed anyways

      • 10 months ago

        Maybe that applies to older doctors. Becoming a doctor for money hasn't made any sense since it started costing 6 figures to go to college + medical school considering the job takes a decade to make any money.

        • 10 months ago

          You're right, but people don't make rational economic choices. Plenty of medgays don't do their research

        • 10 months ago

          Even if it takes a decade to hit positive net worth, you get that spending power as soon as you're out of residency

          Who cares about a huge payment at the end of the month if you still have all of the money you could possibly need otherwise?

          • 10 months ago

            bro wtf are you talking about a decade to hit positive net worth? do you think doctors can pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loans in 2 years? do you even know what "net worth" means?

            have you ever even been to college? there are 100 other degrees you can get which pay more money more quickly than becoming a doctor.

            you have to know literally nothing about doctors, doctor training, or literally any other 6 figure paying job that exists to think "that being a doctor for the money" is even remotely a good idea.

            • 10 months ago

              I'm talking a decade of working to hit positive net worth. That's pretty realistic.

              Obviously you can make a shitload of money across a vast number of careers, but if you have a strong interest in medicine you'd have to be insane to act like the compensation isn't a clear draw to the field, even when you're not an "older doctor." If you graduate residency you will never need to worry about money again unless you make some horrific decisions

              • 10 months ago

                >choosing a career for financial reasons where you hit a positive net worth by age 40 is a good decision
                I'm glad you admitted this is a moronic statement and changed your position to "it's a draw to the field if you have a strong interest in medicine," which is such a meek statement it's not even worth arguing with.

              • 10 months ago

                You're arguing with somebody else, I didn't amend shit. You understand that there isn't just one person on this site, right moron?

                Yes it's obviously a good financial decision. The positive or negative balance of your net worth in your 20s and 30s does not matter at all. That earning power is all that matters. You can still afford literally anything you could possibly want. How is that a bad financial decision?

              • 10 months ago

                Sorry I couldn't read your mind and figure out with my telepathy what your moronic unclear position was.
                >The positive or negative balance of your net worth in your 20s and 30s does not matter at all
                ??? Holy shit this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Your finances in the first 2 decades of your early adult life don't matter when you're making financially motivated career choices? I am dumbfounded.

              • 10 months ago

                You're right, your early finances do matter a ton. It's pretty hard to beat entering a profession that puts you in the top 1% of earners in your 20s with damn near limitless potential for earnings growth

              • 10 months ago

                What profession are you referring to?

    • 10 months ago

      Do they teach med students anything at all about lifestyle interventions or is it all teaching dr to push pills?

      • 10 months ago


        >Did you know med school only spends around 10-20 hours teaching nutrition
        The nutrition health they teach in those 10-20 hours is absolute dogshit. Doctors would not know any more about nutrition if they spent more time being taught it.
        >veganism is the best diet
        >cereals are healthy
        >saturated fat and red meat gives you heart disease and diabetes
        These are all actual quotes from my medical school education on nutrition. Thank God it was only 10 hours.

        . We are not taught any lifestyle interventions beyond "stop drinking, stop smoking, eat more fruits and vegetables, try to lose some weight, and try walking for exercise 3x a week."

    • 10 months ago

      >nooo you HAVE to respect me I put myself through a decade of globohomosexual indoctrination!!!
      Leave IST and go back to popping innocent kids full of estrogen pills

    • 10 months ago

      Unfortunately the opioid crisis is solid proof we generally cannot trust your diagnosis.

      • 10 months ago

        Fricking this. You can't tell me that doctors didn't know what they were doing. Its is the most exploitative profession a person could pick.

        • 10 months ago

          Really, anon? Doctors are more exploitative than bankers or pharmaceutical workers? What about people who run payday loan shops? What about used car salesmen?

          • 10 months ago

            Not him, but you have to be pretty bad to exploit people in general and downright evil to exploit people using using their concern for the well-being of themselves or loved ones. For cooked doctors, I see them as fricked up as cult leaders, but more so because they infiltrated a profession even intelligent people are obligated to respect.

            • 10 months ago

              Your post doesn't make any sense.
              >doctors are more exploitative than exploitative professions because people don't think they're exploitative

              • 10 months ago

                That's nice sweetie.

    • 10 months ago

      All drugs should just be available without a prescription. If you have a problem, Google it and see what pill fixes it. Same way I fix my car.

      • 10 months ago

        >All drugs should just be available without a prescription. If you have a problem, Google it and see what pill fixes it. Same way I fix my car.
        Not for long, try fixing an electric on your own or even just replacing one part. And soon new gas cars will be illegal to sell.

    • 10 months ago

      >show doctor this
      >it's all in your head
      >meds, and therapy
      >you're fine physically
      Frick you

  5. 10 months ago

    >Anyone else fricking hate doctors?
    For the most part I hate medical system. The way it's set up.
    Far as the docs themselves, mostly but not completely.

  6. 10 months ago

    That one hits close to home.

    >be me
    >dislocate shoulder, friend resets it
    >still sore but told it's normal
    >have a physical in a week, great I'll ask doc
    >doc looks at shoulder, all good
    >get bill, billed $300 for answering the question
    >asking a question turns my free physical into a $300 office appointment

    • 10 months ago

      American moment....

      • 10 months ago

        And I'm proud to be an American
        Where at least I know I'm free

        Thank God I don't have to pay for fudge rounds for 500lb people
        >oh wait I still have to pay indirectly

  7. 10 months ago

    Haven't seen one for years. I get passed around to different physicians assistants. Some of them were moronic.

  8. 10 months ago

    It takes a 40$ ultralab test and 1 medical book ( Bates Guide to Medical Exams) to be able ro diagnose yourself. Doctors are their to do surgery on places you cant reach
    Thats it.

  9. 10 months ago

    I have never paid for a doctor's visit ever.
    I've kept all medical documents that I can easily photoshop to my needs if I am actually sick and need time off.
    Ive gone to the ER for injuries, clinics for things that require antibiotics or meds, etc
    Just dont pay the bill lol, what are they gonna do? Stethoscope me to death?

  10. 10 months ago

    Same. No good Republican should ever listen to a doctor. They're all israelites and liberals.

  11. 10 months ago


    unless you're an actual surgeon you're little more than a glorified pill dispenser, take your savior complex and stick it

    • 10 months ago

      Based on the pill dispenser statement, I would even go so far as to say many of them are just flesh PEZ dispensers!

  12. 10 months ago


    >That aside, many doctors should never have graduated, because they are moronic + don't care about their patients at all.

    You're literally agreeing with our sentiment here dumbass. WTF was your CARS score

  13. 10 months ago

    >doctor says my kidney may be failing
    >high creatinine just over normal
    >refuses to elaborate
    >doesn't ask about my diet

    • 10 months ago

      Get a new doctor...preferably one without a dildo sticking out of his ear!

  14. 10 months ago

    doctors are pathetic leeches on society, of course i hate them. however i love the most important and hardworking people in society: work from home software engineers

    • 10 months ago

      For me it's the girls at the Asian Massage Parlours

      • 10 months ago

        doctors are pathetic leeches on society, of course i hate them. however i love the most important and hardworking people in society: work from home software engineers

        For me its landlords

    • 10 months ago

      WFH software devs don’t siphon money from the sick and injured and fricking government, their income is entirely from company profit and stock. Doctors use their work to diagnose people as well, so they do the job of doctors too. They’re unironically contributing more to society than the average family practice MD.

    • 10 months ago

      Based. I wish I wasn't a brainlet, because that's what I'd do.

  15. 10 months ago


    >t. General practitioner
    Lol. I’m lmaoing at your massive pile of debt just to make slightly more than a nurse and to know basically the same amount.

  16. 10 months ago

    Dad was a med school professor and brother is a doctor. Really opened my eyes to how arrogant and self important a lot of doctors are after growing up with them and being around their coworkers. Did you know med school only spends around 10-20 hours teaching nutrition health? Absolutely stupid considering most of the problems people face regularly are due to obesity and shit diets. Dated a med school student. Absolute npc

    • 10 months ago

      >Did you know med school only spends around 10-20 hours teaching nutrition health? Absolutely stupid considering most of the problems people face regularly are due to obesity and shit diets.

      'A cured patient is a lost customer!' -I think this is printed right under the hypocritical oath, if I'm not mistaken.

      • 10 months ago

        nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare

    • 10 months ago

      Bro people know how to eat healthy, they just dont. And people that dont are either so moronic that they wont comply with a diet anyways or are so delusional that they would just screech at a md telling them to eat healthier. Everybody knows you should eat fruit, no processed dogshit and enough protein. They just dont want to.

      • 10 months ago

        homosexual the first thing they teach you about nutrition at school is the food pyramid. "hurr make sure youre eating lots of bread and grains" and "meat is a sometimes food". The average person knows jack shit about eating healthy.

      • 10 months ago

        >Everybody knows you should eat enough protein
        Lol. Lmao even

    • 10 months ago

      >Did you know med school only spends around 10-20 hours teaching nutrition
      The nutrition health they teach in those 10-20 hours is absolute dogshit. Doctors would not know any more about nutrition if they spent more time being taught it.
      >veganism is the best diet
      >cereals are healthy
      >saturated fat and red meat gives you heart disease and diabetes
      These are all actual quotes from my medical school education on nutrition. Thank God it was only 10 hours.

  17. 10 months ago


    >You hate us, but always come running when in need, ungrateful frickers.

    i don't anymore, immigrants and refugees are clogging up the med system so it's impossible to get an appointment ever

    • 10 months ago

      >>You hate us, but always come running when in need, ungrateful frickers.

      No... Not anymore! A trip to the ER / hospital, in burger land is a poverty sentence for the next two generations of your family!

      It's better if you just die and let your family have your retirement!

      In fact, those Chinese buttholes have the right idea: If they hit you with their car, the back up and do it again, to make sure you are good and dead! That way there's no hospital bills, no lawsuit, and the family gets a state /cremation! Nice and neat!

  18. 10 months ago


    >but always come running when in need
    Only old people and women do this. Real men suffer in silence until their illness either goes away or is terminal and then fricking dies.
    "Saving" your life is a very low T behavior.
    90% of all sickness is fixable with food, sleep and time and 10% is so fricking horrible it's not worth attempting to recover from.

    All my homies hate doctors.

  19. 10 months ago

    I agree with some of this but a lot of it sounds like lefties trying to get us killed or ill, like making fun of seatbelts on IST and helmets on /n/. Be wary, brothers.

  20. 10 months ago

    >i got back pain doc
    >yea man so i'll give you some opiates and if that doesnt clear it up we can try some euthanasia

  21. 10 months ago

    >go to doctor because of gas, heartburn, and joint pain
    >asks about allergies and how much I exercise and then prescribes pills for GERD and for pain
    >symptoms mostly go away but still feel something’s wrong
    >bring it up to a cousin that was a medic in the Army
    >asks like 15 minutes of questions about any lifestyle/diet changes in past few months and concludes I’m probably lactose intolerant and eat too much sugary food
    >lay off milk and soda and symptoms clear up in like a week
    I only trust doctors when they don’t have a financial incentive to cure me

    • 10 months ago

      >I only trust doctors when they don’t have a financial incentive to cure me

      There you go again, using that C-word that they hate! -They don't cure anything, they 'manage symptoms' and devise a very expensive and long-term treatment regimen, that will allow them to put their kids through med school!

  22. 10 months ago

    >mfw every time people tell me their teeth are bad due to "bad genetics"

    • 10 months ago

      i don't floss and i don't brush for the full 2 minutes and my teeth are fine and there's nothing you can do about it b***h

    • 10 months ago

      I wish we were serious about growing meat in labs instead killing sentient beings like this. Look at that pigs face. You can see there is trust, personality and curiosity for what comes next in life. It’s like a child, but a pig instead of a human. Barely knows anything about the world and then zapped on a conveyor belt in a dark concrete building without sunlight. We humans are the nightmare level predator race. Even the bad sci-fi aliens are gentle compared to us. We just manage to look cute while we’re doing it.

      • 10 months ago

        72 billion chickens killed in one year (2019). That’s about 10 chickens killed per human per year

      • 10 months ago

        >I wish we were serious about growing meat in labs instead killing sentient beings like this.

        Or you know we could just stop killing animals that way. There are a lot of ways to kill them ethnically but sadly people don't care what the animal went trough and only about how cheap the food is.

        • 10 months ago

          >kill them ethnically
          Why do we employ black people to be killers? Because they're so good at it.

        • 10 months ago

          Ethical killing happens on a smaller farm, where a farmer cares for and raises livestock, and then kills them and uses every part of the animal. It is impossible to farm like this while feeding billions of people living in a consumerist world. Would be nice to be able to raise your own livestock and produce, but that is a full time job, and you also need the land/zoning for it. I used to raise chickens and it was fairly easy, but even that was a lot of work on top of a full time job and taking care of the my house/yard. Even just taking care of my fruit trees is a lot of work.

          • 10 months ago

            Large parts of the Eu already do kill their livestock Ethical and they have no problem feeding their population, even Austria who produces more meat than they consume. It's still not perfect, transport chains are way to long and animals are still not raised in really good conditions. For instance most of the pigs and a large part of cattle heard are still kept entirely indoors.
            But you can definitely feed a population and have ethical livestock management. The major problem is the push back from consumers and farmers, who want to produce and consume as cheaply as possible.

        • 10 months ago

          That pig died instantly and before it had any idea what was even happening. There is no more ethical way to slaughter an animal than that.

          • 10 months ago

            The pig definitely was not in a relaxed and calm state before its death.

      • 10 months ago

        >I wish we were serious about growing meat in labs
        ~~*They*~~ are serious browbeating governments to "invest" in lab meat and imposing a carbon tax on everything because meat will "literally kill the planet". Still, producing a pound of lab meat like paste is thousand times more expensive.

        • 10 months ago

          >Still, producing a pound of lab meat like paste is thousand times more expensive.
          It's obviously much worse for the environment, too. Animals, no surprise since they've been around for a billion years, are actually not harmful to the environment, contrary to what the scientists in research labs filled with thousands of polluting and dangerous chemicals would have you believe.

          • 10 months ago

            A lot of junk science there. Nothing of what you've said has been proved. It's jus corpo globohomosexual talking points

      • 10 months ago

        Agreed, there's no reason not to be vegan in 2023. It's easier than ever, can be delicious and healthy if one has minimal cooking skills, and is cheap as frick when avoiding processed shit. Try making seitan some time. It's meaty, cheap, simple, and basically pure protein if you do it right.

        • 10 months ago

          And 100% of that protein is gluten, which is among the least bioavailable proteins and which also causes your gut to be leaky (via zonulin) and can make your blood-brain barrier leaky too (again, via zonulin) if it ever gets up there via your bloodstream. Some of us need protein to build and recover muscle so gluten doesn't work for us, and others just don't want leaky gut.
          You will never make anything as delicious as pic related, no matter how hard you try. I know you crave this, too, since there is scientific evidence vegans crave meat. Enjoy veganism until your B12 stores in your liver run out (1–3 years) and your body starts falling apart.

          • 10 months ago

            Seitan is only one source of vegan protein and just happens to be one I enjoy a lot, hence the recommendation. Obviously I get protein elsewhere as well. Variety is important.

            Despite b12 being easy as hell to supplement most people are deficient in it, including people who eat meat. Animal products don't just magically make B12 anyway. It's made by bacteria in dirt that, under natural circumstances, the animals would be consuming with their grass. As it is the animal parts you buy in the grocery store have been supplemented with B12 anyway. So I just take the supplements directly.

            I'm not sure how craving something legitimizes its consumption. People crave high fructose corn syrup-laden garbage. Doesn't mean we should give in to those cravings. Not sure why you're so upset about vegans.

            • 10 months ago

              >anon discovers the "food chain"
              >this discovery means supplements are the same as food
              The mental gymnastics and lack of self-awareness are amazing.
              >comparing steak, a whole food, to processed food engineered to hijack the brain
              Brain dead.

              • 10 months ago

                >Low effort insults
                >Adds nothing to the conversation
                lol Stay mad and enjoy your heart disease, I guess.

              • 10 months ago

                You aren't making points, you are just hypothesizing that supplements = food "because bacteria make B12," which is an absurd point not backed by any facts or reasoning. Then you compared steak to engineered HFCS and junk food. There's nothing to say.

                >Conclusive evidence for the benefit of any supplement across all dietary backgrounds (including deficiency and sufficiency) was not demonstrated

                >The majority of scientific studies investigating the use of MVM supplements in chronic disease risk reduction reported no significant effect.

                >Vitamin and mineral supplementation was associated with little or no benefit in preventing cancer, cardiovascular disease, and death

              • 10 months ago

                He is implying that just because you crave something. It does not mean it is healthy or necessary for you. Alcohol is a good example if you want something "natural".

                Your association/causation studies mean nothing. If a supplement absorbs and fulfills its purpose then it works. Unless you can provide evidence that b12 supplements do not give your body B12.

              • 10 months ago

                >comparing steak to alcohol
                >studies showing people taking vitamins aren't better off than people who don't take vitamins don't show that vitamins are useless

              • 10 months ago

                > studies showing people taking vitamins aren't better off than people who don't take vitamins don't show that vitamins are useless


          • 10 months ago

            nta but meat just looks like cut up corpses to me. been vegan for 6 years, vegetarian for 25. still no vitamin deficiencies. but whatever lets you cope

            • 10 months ago

              >no vitamin deficiencies
              Post body.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                Did you google "brown homo" and pull the first stock image that came up?

              • 10 months ago

                He is clearly white

              • 10 months ago

                no, gay. if you want to jack off go watch some gay porn
                captcha: 8PRYK

              • 10 months ago

                Post your blood test showing nutrient levels, then, moron.

            • 10 months ago

              >cut up corpses

  23. 10 months ago


    Your profession is illegitimate and unscientific. Frick you. Haven't had the displeasure to be in the vicinity of you sacks of shit in more than 10 years. I reckon I'll do the same for the next 80. I thought you were just lazy greedy bastards, but after you've done you deserve the rope. Frick you!
    The only good thing about it is that most useful idiots like yourself took the heart attack injection.

    • 10 months ago

      I hope you get cancer

      • 10 months ago
  24. 10 months ago

    Surgeons are based.
    If I need a shattered bone fixed, a heart transplanted, a pec reattached, etc. I will see a doctor.
    Most other doctors, especially psychiatrists are quack pill dispensers whose only power is that they have access to blood tests and prescription medicine.

  25. 10 months ago

    Cope harder, fitties

  26. 10 months ago

    They all were ok with experimental gene therapy for healthy people, pregnant women and little kids and babies. They aren't even aware of the excess death or all the side effects that are in the scientific literature now. Doctors are fricking scum.

  27. 10 months ago

    I don't hate them but they can be hard to deal with. Sometimes very useful though

  28. 10 months ago

    If you hate doctors you must visit them a lot, which means you have a health condition which is probably a you problem and not a them problem

  29. 10 months ago

    Every fricking time I go to a doctor they're either useless or outright damaging

    >get pneumonia
    >doc thinks it's a cold
    >wait for 2 weeks to get better
    >other doc realizes it's pneumonia
    >antibiotics clear it up in a couple days
    >third doc now thinks I got tb
    >antibiotics give me toxic hep and frick up my achilles tendons for the rest of my life
    >turns out I didn't have tb after all

    gee thanks docs

    or recently

    >get bitten by an animal
    >decide to get rabies shots just in case
    >third shot causes massive systemic inflammation, basically ruins entire summer
    >animal probably didn't have rabies anyway

    thanks doc

    • 10 months ago

      rabies doesn't show symptoms until it's too late, that one was alright

      • 10 months ago

        It was a cow

  30. 10 months ago

    Daily reminder that in the US doctors are the second biggest cause for fatalities after cardiovascular diseases.

    It took McDonalds and all the corn farmers in the US to beat the kill rate of doctors. Let that sink in.

    • 10 months ago

      Did something change? I remember it used to be third biggest cause.

      • 10 months ago

        A lot of cancer patients and people who were scheduled for investigations got their treatment postponed, so doctors stole valor from cancer.

    • 10 months ago

      i'm sure they're ahead again after the vax campaign

    • 10 months ago

      That's only the cases where it was obviously that the doctor fricked up. They kill a lot more than what is in the statistic.

    • 10 months ago

      That's only the cases where it was obviously that the doctor fricked up. They kill a lot more than what is in the statistic.

      I mean they're the ones tasked with all of the wicked problems of balancing limited medical knowledge with the need to treat, battling patient compliance, trying to deliver enough care in a system that disincentivizes seeking care, the general challenges of practicing medicine (I bet you make mistakes in your comparatively easier job too)

      They're still the best equipped people in the country to actually do that work. I don't think it makes sense to hate a specific group of people for problems that are mostly out of their control, and to the extent that the problems are in their control it's just unchanging human nature (e.g. the inflexibility of some older doctors to look past their biases and evolve alongside medical research) that most people are garbage at controlling

  31. 10 months ago

    Doctors? Hate them. But dentists? They have a special place in hell.

    >be teenager
    >have 3 impacted wisdom teeth, 1 of them growing sideways
    >every single dentist I've ever visited recoils in horror
    >"You need these extracted right away!"
    >No thanks lol
    >visit Dad in Germany, he's going to some ultra fancy dentist clinic and I tag along
    >dentist poking around, says "hmmm
    your wisdom teeth are a problem but also your gums are receding. Do you have a family history of periodontitis?"
    >Dad is literally in the next room screaming from annual periodontitis treatment which involves his gums getting pulled back, the roots getting scraped and sprayed with some medicine
    >"Jah we will take some samples from your gums with a syringe and send them to ze laboratory"
    >Results come back - several strains of bacteria found, some of them hereditary
    >"Jah you will have to start coming in for treatments and also we will take out your wisdom teeth"
    >No thanks lol
    >discover Weston Price's book on dental health in indigenous populations and the importance of animal and fermented foods
    >end my stupid multi year vegetarian phase
    >eat steak, eggs, drink milk by the gallon, fermented stuff, bone broth, cut out gluten, sugar and processed carbs
    >completely stop getting new cavities
    >gums stop bleeding, no longer inflamed and everything looks healthy
    >every single dentist now says "wow your gums are so healthy - but we need to extract those wisdom teeth right away!"
    >No thanks lol for a while (for a decade actually until I'm in my mid 30s) but eventually decide to take them out

    • 10 months ago

      >The doctor on that day happens to not be a dentist but a visiting dental surgeon from a local university
      >"Hmmm anon I've taken a look at your x-rays and I'd like to do a 3d scan MRI kind of thing on your head to check something before we start"
      >Put my head in some machine
      >"Yeah it's as I thought, you see this root of your wisdom tooth? It's so strong and long that it's basically going up to your ear canal. If we pull this out you're going to get nerve damage in your face for sure. You should probably just keep them in unless an emergency happens or something"
      >Ok cool

      I'm 35 now. My wisdom tooth gave me hell exactly once when something got infected there. Took ibuprofen and antibiotics for 2 weeks and everything back to normal. Frick dentists.

      • 10 months ago

        Either I'm reading this wrong or this is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

        You extract wisdom teeth early to avoid issues like this. If you had them pulled when recommended they never would've encroached on your facial nerve and you never would've had the infection.

        What other issues are you going to face in the future because of this?

      • 10 months ago

        That dental surgeon is the most Based man in the dental profession simply for his honesty about your wisdom teeth and not wanting to pull them out and risk nerve damage anyway for a bigger paycheck.

    • 10 months ago

      Never had a problem with dentists
      One of the few doctors I don't want to see in hell.

  32. 10 months ago

    hating doctors is one of my few immediate red flags in a person
    it signals low IQ and arrogance, I can tolerate either but not both

    • 10 months ago

      For me a big red flag is viewing doctors are something special. Its a long study etc but honestly its a lot of sand in the eyes considering they are usually arrogant and think highly ofthemselves. Black person you memorized parts of medical books, it doesnt mean you are better than anyone else

      • 10 months ago

        there is a compromise, yes
        both my parents are MDs and I got to watch them work when I was a kid, especially my mum

        when I reflect on that experience and my limited experience with MDs (as I'm a healthy fricker) I can deduce that people who knew how to act, had a smile if feasible and kept their cool as much as they could have always had a nice experience with MDs while folk who failed to understand MDs too are humans have met stern eyes and rough behaviour

        life is easier if you are an accommodating person and its the same when it coms to dealing with MDs

        • 10 months ago

          I've been personally affected with medical malpractice, and this mentality is total shit. I WISH somebody told me to be more skeptical of doctors before that, and now I've been permanently fricked up by a moron b***h of a doctor who only knew how to prescribe pills.
          Keep your anecdotes to yourself before you get somebody else killed.

      • 10 months ago

        Ha, is this what morons actually think? Go fail Gen Chem you subhuman.

  33. 10 months ago

    doctors misdiagnosed perhaps the easiest thing to diagnose, appendicitis, and jake tapper's daughter almost died for it.

    If Jake Tapper wasn't a millionaire journalist with the connections to directly speak to the hospital administrator about the treatment his daughter was getting, she likely would have died

    Doctors are absolutely moronic and know nothing about medicine.

    • 10 months ago

      Ex surgical resident here.

      Would love to see you put hands on a kid's abdomen to make the call whether they go to theatre or not.

      >easiest thing to diagnose, appendicitis

      This thread is really eye opening to the type of people that browse this board

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, smarter people than yourself

      • 10 months ago

        Bro it takes less than an hour to get labs and imaging done. Also a doctor that cant tell via signs/symptoms and a basic exam is trash.

        • 10 months ago

          What imaging are you referring to?

          Let's say we've gotten an USS that can't visualise the appendix - maybe it's retrocaecal or the kids obese or maybe just particular gassy.

          The white count for this 6 hour severe RIF pain is very slightly up, but that could be explained by the vomit they've had. Mesenteric adenitis stop completely fits.

          Would you cut this child open? Family is getting pretty fricking angry you're not doing anything while their kid is suffering.

          Or did you mean you'd put a child through a CT?

          • 10 months ago

            Why not? A 14yo teenager can hold still for a ct. Oh you didnt read the article.

      • 10 months ago

        >realizing it in AD 2023
        I hope you don’t practice on the east coast.

  34. 10 months ago

    >hurt back deadlifting
    >go to doctor
    >uh, never lift weights again anon. And uh, want a prescription for Vicodin?

    I figured out rehab on my own and now I deadlift more than I did last year, but I have never been helped by a doctor.

    • 10 months ago

      This was me except with muscle relaxers when I'm pretty sure I had a slipped disk

    • 10 months ago

      What was your back problem and what was your rehab?

      I will keep eating apples , get fricked...

      • 10 months ago

        Doctor couldn't give me a clear answer. I was deadlifting, it felt like my lower back muscle on the lower left hand side popped, and I reracked my weight and finished my workout.

        The next day I couldn't walk or move without screaming so I had to crawl around the house. Then after two weeks I could walk a bit so I went to the doctor. He did an X-ray and said it didn't look like I slipped a disk because my disks were even / consistent/ didn't show sines of misalignment. He said he didn't recommend an MRI since it'd be real expensive and they probably won't be able to do anything for me. So he said, "Don't lift anymore. Would you like a prescription for Vicodin?"

        I went home and started researching. I've been doing hip mobility stretches, Romanian deadlifts with high volume, good mornings high volume, and chased a lower back pump and eventually I could lift heavy again and eventually I was strong again and had no pain.

        • 10 months ago

          You took the prescription tho, right? You can make some good money on Vicodin. It's why I gave it to you

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah you pulled a muscle. Rest and light work is all you needed. Why would you go to a doctor? What exactly was he supposed to do? Wave a wand and make your back feel better?

          • 10 months ago

            >theraputic pressure massage
            >theraputic needle insertion - its like accupuncture but the needles are short and enclosed in a plastic sheathe and you just tap them into the muscle. Cant recall its real name
            >identify that op clearly doesnt stretch enough and giv rec course of action
            >identify what muscle was strained

            That guys case isnt that bad but alot of the time docs dont put in the effort. But of course there will be cope like hes a doctor not a physical therapist. A doctor should understand the entire body and know basic treatments.

    • 10 months ago

      Lol I wanna go to that doctor. Here, you can't get anything for pain even if you're screaming incoherently. But drug dealers always have lots of pills. Really activates those almonds...

  35. 10 months ago


    I will keep eating apples , get fricked...

  36. 10 months ago

    >everyone on this notoriously contrarian chinese forum filled with every type of social outcast imaginable knows more than a doctor
    I see you shitting your pants in fear when you come to me not knowing whats wrong with your body (its usually because you did something stupid because you listened to other schizoids on the internet)

  37. 10 months ago

    I don't hate the medical science
    I just hate doctors
    Seems like these days every doctor has a scheme to milk as much money as possible out the patient and keep em coming back and God forbid they see an opportunity of expensive intervention
    Ironically enough the psychiatrist I saw was the most honest and kind doctor I ever met and thanks to him I am cured of depression but there are so many dishonest dirtbags around

  38. 10 months ago


    I ask chat gtp and buy drugs online. This solution is much cheaper and better.

  39. 10 months ago

    Me and im a doctor

    • 10 months ago

      hey, frick you! hahahaha

    • 10 months ago

      What master do you serve?

  40. 10 months ago

    I never visit doctors, why would I?

  41. 10 months ago

    No, I hate the medical and insurance industries that they are bound to.

  42. 10 months ago

    Sometimes I wish I could practice in the USA to charge you homosexuals 500$ for doing nothing.
    US docs are based.

  43. 10 months ago

    Doctors are truly stupid. They never helped my back, hip and knee pain. They always prescribed physical therapy which literally made zero difference and only when I stopped wearing shoes and walking outside barefoot( actual barefoot none of those pussy barefoot shoes scammers are shilling) was I able to fix the pain completely. It has been years and still pain free. Doctors are too afraid to suggest anything other than what the israelites who make their textbooks say to do. Still don't wear shoes and none of you will persuade me otherwise. If you see a hazard on the ground you use your damn eyes and go around it and don't live where black people leave needles on the ground. Live in the country like I do. All of you are pussies who can't even imagine not wearing padded pillows on your feet because you're afraid the ground will hurt your never before used foot muscles. Frick off and leave me be, stop driving alongside me and asking if I need a ride or need some help.

    • 10 months ago

      Lol what.

      What you're describing shouldn't even be managed by a doctor in the first place. That's physiotherapist territory.

      Why the frick would you expect your doctor to deal with this shit? Do you expect them to be qualified dieticians and occupational therapists as well?

      • 10 months ago

        Physiotherapist is also doctor. I am not going to look up the titles of every doctor I went to. I have to go on my daily 3 mile walk

        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago
            • 10 months ago

              You can not steal that which is freely given. Enjoy your new meme, friend

  44. 10 months ago

    I do not understand why it takes like 7 years to get a MD just to work at a shitty local clinic. Are you seriously telling me that one of those "doctors" is that much more knowledgeable than a regular hospital RN who did their degree in 2 years?

    They look shit up anyway, I seriously think a regular MD should be a 4 year degree maybe 5.

    • 10 months ago

      My bad, it's fricking 10 years, that's moronic.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't mind them so much here in Bongland where the medical system isn't set up in such a way where raping you fiancially is the primary goal. The issue with the US system is that its this massively regulated (not in favor of the patient) hellscape LARPing as some "free market" solution. If the US doesn't want to do socialized medicine OK that's fine but get rid of all the guardrails and let people go to Amazon Care, Wal Mart Medical, Apple iHealth etc for their treatment. As said, in most situations I'd be happy to just see a team of nurses for cheap, especially if they were armed with AI tools for diagnostic purposes and managed by some major tech company. I'd trust Amazon with my life over Dr. Whoever that I don't even know any day of the week. Let an algorithm determine what treatment I need for cheap vs. some insanely overpaid human who's trying to remember shit they learned ages ago and piece shit toghether in a much less efficient way than a computer would be able to.

      • 10 months ago

        israelite or goy cattld

        • 10 months ago

          >More regulation good!
          No. The US medical system should get the Uber treatment. Let me get my medical care off an app or some shit.

          • 10 months ago

            >using AI to diagnose (already exists better than doctors)
            >ordering any drug
            Think of the shareholders, anon

  45. 10 months ago

    I live in Australia and I have had 3 misdiagnose a herniated disc with clear MRIs showing it. The first told me to do MORE deadlifts and squats.

    I have had to beg another GP to refer me to a dermatologist because I worried I had skin cancer. He kept refusing saying I don't. Guess what? I DID HAVE SKIN CANCER.

    I currently have an injured rotator cuff injury. Took me 4 different doctors to finally get it diagnosed.

    • 10 months ago

      >rotator cuff

      Bro this is all you need to do to determine if its rotorcuff or not.

    • 10 months ago

      Doctors dont do sport injuries. Way better off just going straight to a physio that specializes in the spot your pain is.

      • 10 months ago

        >Doctors dont do sport injuries
        lmao wtf are you talking about you moron? There are entire branches of medicine dealing with sports injuries like "Sports Medicine" doctors or "Orthopedic" doctors.

  46. 10 months ago

    My doctor is pretty cool, he seems like a young gung ho Mormon/Lutheran counsellor type than a doctor. Although he’s quick to prescribe the pills for any problem

  47. 10 months ago

    A doctor talked a loved one of mine into getting expensive chemotherapy to prolong her life, when they knew the cancer had advanced too far for it to make a difference.
    Some doctors do have their patients’ best interest at heart. While others see them as nothing more than walking wallets.

  48. 10 months ago

    I used to actually like doctors until my mother died. basically what happened:

    >Mother had cancer
    >Cancer came back
    >Months until they would start chemo again
    >She started to have problem breathing
    >Went to the emergency med 3 times
    >always get sent home because they couldn't find anything
    >4th time they FINALLY keep her
    >Dies several days later

    Frick doctors, they are all incompetent buttholes.
    On top of that you now have to wait several month for exams and stuff.
    The entire medical System is fricked here in Europe

  49. 10 months ago

    Useless for the most part and full of shit and themselves.
    Exceptions exist but overall a bad isea to ask them for help unless you want to get into an argument.

  50. 10 months ago

    Some of them can be pretty based though.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        I saw some of the extra details: he ripped the baby out of the c**t because he didn't want to do a c-section, tearing its head off, and did a c-section right after lol

    • 10 months ago

      I saw some of the extra details: he ripped the baby out of the c**t because he didn't want to do a c-section, tearing its head off, and did a c-section right after lol

      • 10 months ago

        That’s some Dr Nick shit right there

  51. 10 months ago

    > my test is 201, can you give me testosterone?
    > no, your levels are within the normal range for your age
    > that'll be $100
    > I feel I'm a woman
    > Here's a laundry list prescription for every feminizing hormone in the book.
    > You are valid and brave
    > no charge because you're a protected group

  52. 10 months ago


    If people are so ungrateful then go work a normal job and don't waste time on pricks who can't appreciate your good will.

  53. 10 months ago

    Except dentists, pretty much.

  54. 10 months ago

    Just started med school a week ago lads wish me luck

    • 10 months ago

      We have infiltrated their ranks. Good luck soldier. We await the destruction of the israeli propaganda textbooks

      • 10 months ago

        Suck my dick nerd. I’m taking notes of all the practices you guys hate and will be sure to double down on them

        • 10 months ago

          schizo post

        • 10 months ago

          We have been betrayed. We could have won this war but you chose the path of the Shekel. You are no longer one of us.

        • 10 months ago

          In that case, I don't like it when you diagnose and cure me and I love it when you give me a prescription that I have to take forever

    • 10 months ago

      M2 here medfriend. Enjoy the frustration of reading the broscience on this board once you've been cursed with knowledge.

      • 10 months ago

        What broscience or knowledge are you referring to?

      • 10 months ago

        Board isn't usually like this. Probably a discord raid or your typical /misc/ raid.

        Just post any thread on finesteride/ozempic and see the response.

        • 10 months ago

          Do you have any textbooks about how joining BLM rallies makes you immune to COVID? Would really like to read the literature on that.

          • 10 months ago

            Go back schizo.

            Might not be a raid tbh, normies are extremely anti-medicalizing obesity. It's moronic but it's pretty common

            Generally people pretty positive about ozempic/finesteride. It's always the same few schizos that spam post daily. I remember seeing a post on how to filter shit here, like putting words like "coffee" "height" "balding" "girlfriend" cause it's all just bait threads but malding incels.
            Today seems to be an off day, I also hate (them) because they think we are a collective of contrarian alt right incel homosexuals just like them. All I care about is fitness and sports and general health. Get the incel/pol/LULZ shit out of here.

        • 10 months ago

          Might not be a raid tbh, normies are extremely anti-medicalizing obesity. It's moronic but it's pretty common

  55. 10 months ago


    >You hate us
    >because they are moronic
    It's funny how the further I read, the more you contradicted yourself. Growing up believing yourself to be better than others really does a number on your brain.

  56. 10 months ago

    I remember I had some minor anxiety problems that prevented me from getting any good sleep. I talked to a doctor (who was a real bro) and he prescribed hydroxyzine and it worked great. No grogginess like melatonin and I generally felt more at ease. I ran out and because it was kind of a trail limited thing I went back and asked if I could get a more permanent script for it. Since it was just a walk in clinic (I couldn't and still can't get a primary physician) I got another lady who was just a b***h. I even lied and said that the alternative for me was heavy drinking and she wouldn't budge. Frick doctors. They have the solution in their hands and they still don't do shit.

    • 10 months ago

      women always want to ruin a man's life. Never settle for a female doctor go somewhere else if they refuse to assign a male doctor to you.

      • 10 months ago

        I just take melatonin instead. Low doses of THC mimic the effects but at higher doses (anything more than like 10mg) it worsens my sleep, which stinks because I don't actually drink but weed is my "decompression" substance and it helps me feel less nauseous whenever I eat.
        >inb4 dude weed

  57. 10 months ago

    >Cuts off half your penis
    Yes I hate ~~*doctors*~~

    • 10 months ago

      I know a couple who got their baby circumcised. He was doing pretty horribly for 2 weeks (a ridiculously long time for a newborn) while his penis recovered. Kind of horrifying to see babies undergo this sort of thing because their parents opted for an elective surgery with 0 benefit to literally chop off their penis skin.
      >muh cleaner penis
      No man on Earth has a disgusting penis solely because of his foreskin. This is moronic cope. Furthermore, chopping off body parts for the sake of "cleanliness" is absurd nonsense.

    • 10 months ago

      Lmao you will literally never see cut bros posting this shit. Why? Because we're content and secure about our dicks. The thought of circumcision literally never crosses our minds. So why does it cross the minds of wizard sleeves? I'll tell you why.

      Because every single time you pull out your dick to piss, you see that nasty excess skin. Every time you piss, you have to roll it back so you don't urinate all over your own dick. You see the stringy slime stick to your dick as the moist, red tip of your dick emerges and you remember that if a woman wanted to give you head in the near future, she would gag and puke the moment that nasty, soggy dick touched her tongue.

      Did you know that even in countries where the majority of men are uncut that the majority of women prefer the look of a circumcised penis? A cut dick is basically like a vegana with small labia; the male equivalent of an "innie." An uncut dick is like a vegana with blown out labia, a "roast beef" or "Arbys" vegana. Just how the majority of men prefer an innie, the majority of women prefer cut penises.

      • 10 months ago

        Is this a copypasta? None of those things apply to me (I have a foreskin) and it sounds like it was written by someone who watches 4 hours of porn a day.

        • 10 months ago

          women would disagree, anteater dick freak LMAO

          • 10 months ago

            >women in the pornography i watch prefer penises with skin missing because i specifically watch pornography of circumcised men

      • 10 months ago

        lmao, you have been permanently and irreparably branded by the israelites, and all you can do about it is post essays online defending them

      • 10 months ago

        >we're content and secure about our dicks
        bro if you were content you wouldn't have written that whole fricking essay lmao

  58. 10 months ago

    I would only go to a doctor if I had a physical accident or a condition that clearly feels life threatening.

  59. 10 months ago

    My grandma recently told me a story about how my great grandma had knee surgery and the doctor fricked it up. They decided she needed to come back and get it amputated. When she came back, they doctor amputated the wrong leg, and they only noticed when the nurse was removing her post surgery. She had to wait a few days and then get the original fricked up leg amputated, and she died shortly after. Frick doctors.

  60. 10 months ago


    $600 if youre in the US except theyll also prescribe you addictive opiods to keep you paying them for years on end

  61. 10 months ago

    >struggle sleeping
    >go to sleep doctor
    >she gives me a basic chart on sleep hygiene
    >come back a month later and im still having issues, i explain to her i think its anxiety, not sure what to do
    >she tries to prescribe me fricking benzos
    >i never see her again

    >$600 bill in the mail
    >i pay the bill
    >they call a debt collector on me anyways because apparently I forgot to pay a $30 copay

    Fricking useless leeches.

  62. 10 months ago

    I go to a naturopathic doctor
    Aside from the inherent benefits of actually solving medical issues instead of prescribing pills for symptoms, it also makes addicts and midwits start foaming at the mouth for some reason

  63. 10 months ago

    You hate doctors until you need one. Then when they dont help, then you really fricking hate them.
    Yes anon, I also hate doctors. Bunch of capitalist c**ts. I love dentists tho.

  64. 10 months ago

    nah they know more than me

  65. 10 months ago

    60 dollars? more like 2000 dollars my homie

  66. 10 months ago

    I hate only 4 people.
    Nurses are moronic though.

  67. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >felt his post was so mindblowingly prophetic he had to screenshot it
      >it's just him, a permanently online loser projecting his issues onto everybody he disagrees with

  68. 10 months ago

    No I want a GOOD doctor 130+IQ who comes to my house when I need him and studies medicine as it's his life.

  69. 10 months ago

    the only doctors I trust are my dermatologist who files my paperwork for dupixent (expensive eczema drug) and my former allergist who gave me allergy shots for two years

    • 10 months ago

      And neither doctor told you how to get rid of eczema and allergies...?

      • 10 months ago

        >le carnicuck diet cures everything
        i've tried it and it only mitigates it. stopping drinking alcohol had far greater an effect on my skin than any other dietary change I could make, but only with fancy expensive israelite drugs do I look like a totally normal person and not a dark souls hollow

        • 10 months ago

          Alcohol is a dietary change. Also, diet isn't the only thing that impacts your health. Anyway, you seem perfect for your doctors considering you want to take drugs your entire life to treat your problems and aren't in the slightest bit curious about how you can cure your problems.

  70. 10 months ago

    Don't get confused, if you're not an American you have to wait a month or two, then they still give you a wrong diagnosis. And also you don't get surgery if you need it.

    • 10 months ago

      In Canada they don't even try anymore, they just tell you to kms yourself

  71. 10 months ago

    my family dr is good

  72. 10 months ago

    My only complaint with my doctor is he is staunchly anti medication and not because he doesn't trust it, it's cause GP does not want any liability.

    I'm on ozempic, dude refuses to prescribe me a 3 month prescription so i have to do this song and dance to get my prescription, and I have to do it every month. Dude has seen me struggle for 4 years to lose weight with every method possible, did not want to give me a blood test, asked for a physical and they said "what was the point?"

    At least now he is watching me lose weight so i hope he has a revelation and changes his way, especially since I've had 0 side effects and lots of people are losing weight. Because originally my area/neighborhood with my doctors office was considered poor with a majority Chinese immigrants (I am euro) he assumes thst money is an issue for me even though every house in my city is pushing 1 mil plus. All he cares about is me saving money but fails to realize that because I'm eatting like a normie and actually dieting I'm saving money by being on ozempic.

    I shouldn't have to see a specialist for every little thing, especially when most people are just gonna resort to some black web website for their meds.

    • 10 months ago

      Have you considered eating less fatty?

      • 10 months ago

        That's exactly what the ozempic did. Told my brain to stop eating cause you were full. Shocking that medicine fixed an issue my body was dealing with regarding satiety and eatting like a normie.

        • 10 months ago

          >needed a drug to tell him to just eat healthy sized portions
          american moment

          • 10 months ago

            >Assuming I'm amerifat

      • 10 months ago

        have you considered that there is a large genetic variability in human satiety response? he also mentioned that solely behavioral intervention was ineffective.

        • 10 months ago

          homie literally eat smaller portions lmaaaaaooooooooooo

          • 10 months ago

            i do cause ozempic. thanks down 65 pounds now and having sex could care less what homosexual morons think on IST.

        • 10 months ago

          There were literally no obese people 200 years ago, except maybe some kings. It obviously has nothing to do with genetics.

  73. 10 months ago

    Since covid yes, a doctor I had for years whos retired told me quote "the medical profession is now a joke".

    Keep in mind the man was regarded the top doctor in an area of 100,000 + people in a major city for more than a decade before he retired.

  74. 10 months ago

    I don't go to doctors unless I'm immobile for more than a day.

  75. 10 months ago

    Nope, I actually quite like my general practitioner. She’s chill and used to be really into weight lifting when she was younger, so far if I ask her for something or ask her opinion she’ll go along with it even if she doesn’t think it’s necessary. My only complaint is she’s really hard to get an appointment with and a lot of times I have to see one of her colleagues and pay a frickin $60 “out of network” fee to my insurance. Generally speaking the only time I dislike a doctor is when I go to urgent care, at this point I feel like I know enough to diagnose most of my problems and I’ve had a few urgent care doctors that seem offended when I tell them what’s going on using like medical terminology or exact names of muscles/bones.
    Most of y’all act like doctors are out here trying to scam you and I’m sure there’s some shady ones but I think the Occam’s razor is simply that they’re just ppl and they don’t remember every single thing they learned going through 8yrs of med school so they just make the best educated guess they can and sometimes they’re just plain wrong. Some of the dumbest ppl I know are the most highly educated, like just cause you can get through school doesn’t mean these homies comin out build like frickin HOUSE or greys anatomy or some shit. If you find a doctor that is just willing to listen to you and fill scripts you want and give you their thoughts that’s basically the goal imo.

  76. 10 months ago


    Hey I’m cool with you doctors making huge paychecks and acting like smarmy superior homosexuals all the time, benefit of the job and all
    But I’m also going to point out how much of an annoying homosexual you are and are currently demonstrating and that’s the trade okay? If not you can return your Tesla you bought to flex about being a doctor and pick up a more honest line of work like the rest of us, that’s the only way to be 100% sure that no one will be able to call you a thin skinned, smug, annoying, disruptive homosexual ever again. Cause it’s def your line of work and not subset of behavior we are criticizing

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