Anyone else suffer from brainfog? Lately I've been feeling dizzy and like my brain is numb constantly.

Anyone else suffer from brainfog?

Lately I've been feeling dizzy and like my brain is numb constantly. I wake up feeling like I smoked a pound of weed the night before. I can't focus on anything worse shit and its driving me insane. I feel like im gonna get fired from my job. Maybe that has soemthing to do with it though ive been extremely stressed for the last 3 years pretty much going back to school for something insanely difficult for me and starting my first job which I feel like I suck at + personal shit.

Any way to overcome this? I have no idea what it is. I had it a 1 or two years ago for a period and my doc wasnt very curious to look into it and told me to take magnesium. I already take a multivitamin and get a varied diet I doubt im deficient.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Cortisol and pussy mindset. Story time?

    • 4 months ago

      >story time?
      I already said the brutal school/ work aspect. Also scamdemic stresses of seeing how easily psyoped everyone was into giving up their basic freedoms, that has taken a toll on me. Living in a communist hellhole(canada) where standards of living are dropping by the day

      >le brain fog

      You're just a shit c**t basically, perhaps you're in way over your head at your job, maybe get an easier job, or get on NEETBux

      You just have a weak mind genetically

      If WW3 starts and people figure out what you're like, you're going to be drone bait.

      >perhaps you're in way over your head at your job
      I got my first programming job and i feel this every day. IVe heard its normal but every day is a struggle and i feel completely useless and lost with no support

      You could be eating something, but also cumulative stress debilitates the mind. I would recommend cognitive behavioral therapy to build mindfulness around your brain fog, and employ strategies to alleviate and prevent it.

      yeah i just read it could also be the melatonin i take mostly every night at what i just learned was an absurd dose. Gonna quit and hopefully that will help.

      Come here OP and I'll end your brainfog real quick. Won't feel a thing.

      ive been thinking about ending it unironically.

      • 4 months ago

        >yeah i just read it could also be the melatonin i take mostly every night at what i just learned was an absurd dose. Gonna quit and hopefully that will help
        Congrats you figured it out all on your own

  2. 4 months ago

    >le brain fog

    You're just a shit c**t basically, perhaps you're in way over your head at your job, maybe get an easier job, or get on NEETBux

    You just have a weak mind genetically

    If WW3 starts and people figure out what you're like, you're going to be drone bait.

  3. 4 months ago

    You could be eating something, but also cumulative stress debilitates the mind. I would recommend cognitive behavioral therapy to build mindfulness around your brain fog, and employ strategies to alleviate and prevent it.

  4. 4 months ago

    Come here OP and I'll end your brainfog real quick. Won't feel a thing.

  5. 4 months ago

    >what is sleep apnea

  6. 4 months ago

    Are you sleeping well? Not just enough hours, but well. Are you getting out in the daylight during the morning? Is your room well-lit during the day and dimly lit, if at all in the evening? Is your wake up time consistent?

    I’m not saying this will fix your issue, but these baseline things like exercising, eating well (heuristically, avoiding anything processed), and sleeping well with your environment mimicking the day-night cycle can do a world of good and is the first thing you should try besides what you’re doing (talking to a physician).

    • 4 months ago

      I have really bad experiences with my doctor. IVe come to the conclussion theyre only good at pushing pills.
      But to answer your question;
      my schedule is pretty consistent. Usually go to bed around midnight, wake up around 8:30

      Most the time I do feel like i sleep throughout the night, though i find this isnt linked to my brainfog. As an example, yesterday was my best day in a month feeling clear headed and I only got 4 hours of sleep cause I couldnt fall asleep. Last night I got a full 8 and feel like crap.

      The gym is my passion and I go like 5 times a week. I try to get in at least 8k steps too which is a feat as I have a sedentary job which means going for a walk every day at lunch and walking on the treadmill.

      Pretty on point. I dont consume sugar and keep processed stuff to a minimum

      >what is sleep apnea

      I thought about sleep apnea but dont you snore if you have this? I asked my GF and I dont snore most nights. Any other ways to diagnose? Im not overweight and my neck isnt a NFL quarterback thick

      • 4 months ago

        I dont snore but a mouth tape made a world of difference. Its the difference between waking groggy af or clear headed and straight for the cold shower. Also floss and stopping caffeine, getting sun, made all the difference.
        Also dont be such a b***h OP

        • 4 months ago

          I floss and brush everyday. Trying to quit caffeine but its hard. I live in Canada so getting enough sun is hard, i megadose d3 though

      • 4 months ago

        I’ve had similar. Sleep deprivation can make you temporarily feel good in a weird way, almost alcohol-like way.

        Do you also get outside in the daytime a lot (I mean for extended periods on a daily basis in a country that isn’t always overcast)? Being exposed to very bright lights, which you can only really do by being outside or with specialised lighting equipment, can be pretty important. And on the side of sleep quality, do you drink at all, do you eat late and are you exposed to any screens or artificial lighting in the evening?

        • 4 months ago

          I floss and brush everyday. Trying to quit caffeine but its hard. I live in Canada so getting enough sun is hard, i megadose d3 though

          Didn’t see this. Getting sun isn’t about the vitamin D. It’s about the bright light exposure in the day time. SAD lights are good for this but can get expensive because of the health premium. I’ve had luck with high powered (40W) non-dimmable LED office panel lighting, which is like €20 and gets brighter than outside (but only since it’s usually so cloudy)

        • 4 months ago

          No I live in Canada and im a wfh chad so im not outside as much as id like and when I am im usually not getting enough sunlight for most months, I try my best by going on walks at lunch but the sun goes down at 4:30 after im done work.

          I could do more to not stare at a screen the rest of the day I will admit. I should start reading closer to bed time, maybe ill try that tonight.

          And no I barely ever drink. Maybe once or twice a month if I averaged it throughout the whole year.

          Didn’t see this. Getting sun isn’t about the vitamin D. It’s about the bright light exposure in the day time. SAD lights are good for this but can get expensive because of the health premium. I’ve had luck with high powered (40W) non-dimmable LED office panel lighting, which is like €20 and gets brighter than outside (but only since it’s usually so cloudy)

          Intersting. Would there be benefits to putting one of these on my desk where I work?

          • 4 months ago

            That’s what I’m currently doing. Ideally facing from above you. I can’t fix mine anywhere currently, so it’s dangling at an angle from a trouser hanger attached to a roof beam. So you can always figure something out. As the other anon said, maybe messing around with sleep hormones directly wasnt the best idea, unless specifically prescribed.

      • 4 months ago

        >got a full 8 and felt like crap
        UARS the more you sleep the worse you feel. You could have constricted airways, not enough to block air, but enough to make it difficult to breath. That extra exertion will cause fatigue, brain fog, ect. I have it and before I got treated I would purposefully stay awake for days on end because I felt better that I did when sleeping

  7. 4 months ago

    >Any way to overcome this?
    relax consciously, doesnt matter if you cant mantain it, jjust do it when you remember
    it helps brainfog

  8. 4 months ago

    Apnea, also stop drinking so much coffee

  9. 4 months ago

    I've been getting random bouts of nausea and shortness of breath sometimes when I get on the train. Like I'm just sitting and all of a sudden I get this feeling in my throat like I'm gonna throw up and it also feels like the air I'm breathing is not enough, I start to panic and kind of go into a fight or flight mode, like I just want to get up and run. It fricking sucks, it's happened twice now and once I had to get off the train and wait for the next one because it got really bad.

  10. 4 months ago

    I have brain fog among other issues and I think the primary cause of it is chronic stress. Not sure what to do about it, though.

  11. 4 months ago

    I knew that feel and got rid of it by eleminating any trace of gluten from my diet. Do it for two months and see if you feel better. inb4 celiac disease, there's also gluten sensitivity and there's a difference. Godspeed OP.

  12. 4 months ago

    Just had a two year long episode of brain fog. Its all lifestyle related. Drink water fix your diet (intolerance and allergies). And get a sleep study. See if your nose clogs up at night, might have dust mite allergies. Go see an ENT, fricked up airways can affect your circadian rythim. I thought I had dementia for the past two years, I just turned out to be a fatty with allergies. Lost weight and twice daily flonase has cured it.

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