Anyone ever gone vegan?

Thinking about it. Can someone redpill me on it?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Yes I was for a long time. Go ahead and do it if you want to be chronically nutrient deficient and shitting 5 times a day regularly (not joking). Whole thing was invented and pushed by a certain tribe who are on their 110th chance.

    • 10 months ago


      It just turns out that meat is good for you. It's more nutritionally dense. You can be healthy without it if you do it perfectly but you'll never eat enough to get big. Someone will call me a ketolard but I eat carbs.

      • 10 months ago

        you can be a ketolard even if you eat carbs. Keto is a mindset, hence: ketoschizo. You are brain poisoned by ketolards.

        • 10 months ago

          You've just been mesmerized by multi-syllable words.
          If someone says monopolyunresaturationizing then you feel obligated to defer to them even though meat is a natural food and the most nutritionally rich one.

    • 10 months ago

      Fpbp. My experience exactly.

      Thinking about it. Can someone redpill me on it?

      Do not go vegan unless you want to lose a lot of weight. It's basically fasting.

    • 10 months ago

      I heard all you need on a vegan diet is B12 supplements and that all known human diseases are rooted in consuming animal products (according to my pajeet vegan coworker, who unsurprisingly has the body of a 15 year old).

  2. 10 months ago

    I went vegan because I went through a traumatic two month long case of gastritis and couldn’t eat anything without feeling intense pain, which eventually led to an anxiety disorder around food so I would stay away from anything that could potentially make me sick (like undercooked meat). I shit a lot and lost a lot of weight but eventually went back to normal and I’m not anxious anymore about food. I can’t recommend going vegan because if you have to supplement your diet then your diet is incomplete. Why do you even wanna go vegan?

  3. 10 months ago

    >Can someone redpill me on it?


  4. 10 months ago

    I've been a strict vegetarian and mostly vegan for 12 years.

    Obviously can't really compare it to regular diet but I'm 6'4" and graduated HS valedictorian and now in medical school so I highly doubt there is anything negative about it.

    Veganism instead of vegetarian has been great for my skin which is the main reason I try to stick to it instead of vegetarian. It is harder to put on weight but for the vast majority of people this is a positive. I think protein powder is probably more important since there are less high protein foods available. Main advantage is of course not feeling guilty about unnecessary killing.

    Most scientific studies show we live considerably longer than people following a regular diet and this is consistent with what I've seen in hospital. Please remember a lot of the chuds "redpilling" you here haven't even graduated from college and are using Facebook as their main source.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >Please remember a lot of the chuds "redpilling" you here haven't even graduated from college and are using Facebook as their main source.
      Yea bro people on the internet can lie I know that’s crazy right? Hey OP, did you know a lot of people on the internet who claim to be med students didn’t even finish middle school?

      • 10 months ago

        Have sex incel chuddy

        • 10 months ago

          homie got a stethoscope lmao. You will never frick as many hoes as me, but that’s besides the point.

        • 10 months ago

          cute sex toy anon

        • 10 months ago

          having a stethoscope means nothing. I bet you think your mom is a cop because she has handcuffs under her bed

        • 10 months ago

          >vegan is also an authoritarian leftist

        • 10 months ago

          All doctors are secretly satanists and they eat foreskins for breakfast.
          That's why the medicine logo is a snake.

          • 10 months ago

            dumbass it's the kundalini obviously geeze

    • 10 months ago

      Healthy user bias

      • 10 months ago

        this has got to be the lamest ketolard cope

        >design research to find out what lifestyle is healthiest
        >the healthiest cohort consistently turns out to be the healthiest

        the entire POINT of it is to be biased towards healthy subjects you moron.

        • 10 months ago

          idiot the point is that by selecting for vegans/vegetarians you're inherently selecting for more healthy users and this can't compare to average meat eaters that are stuffing burgers down their throat.

          • 10 months ago

            Why dont meat eaters practice healthy lifestyle habits?

            • 10 months ago

              What % of the population would you say has healthy lifestyle habits? Considering the amount of obesity nowadays, probably not many.

              • 10 months ago

                Answer the question

              • 10 months ago

                Your question assumes something false to begin with. By answering it I would be dignifying your false assumption.

              • 10 months ago

                >by selecting for vegans/vegetarians you're inherently selecting for more healthy users

    • 10 months ago

      >eats meat
      >still calls himself a vegetarian
      Lmao, might as well add chicken and call themselves galli-vegetarians.

      >Most scientific studies show we live considerably longer than people following a regular diet
      The "regular diet" is not a diet at all, it's eating whatever garbage happens to be withing reaching distance. Comparing anyone on a specific diet that is conscious about nutrition and reads labels to the average joe is inherently flawed. People on carnivore diets also look better compared to normies.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah it was pretty good for about 6 months, then average for a year, then quite actively bad and had a lot of nutrient deficiencies when tested (despite eating bulk amounts of everything that would be nutrient-dense in vegan diet) plus a hard time putting on weight (so I think the calories or at least protein you count from vegan food doesn’t all get absorbed). Also after about 2 years was getting depressed and lethargic, could have been related to deficiencies. Stared eating eggs and sardines again, felt better.

      I get that would have classically been the case, but do increasing amounts of PCB/dioxin/anti-fouling/anti-oil/micro plastics etc mean the pescatarian diet will start to have less net positive?

    • 10 months ago

      Those studies are actually showing that people who care about what they eat live longer than the regular population.
      You will find the same results with any kind of diet.

      • 10 months ago

        partly agree (calorie restriction to prevent obesity) but then why is there a different effect size if that's rhe only factor?

    • 10 months ago


      so the vegetarian who eats meat lives longest. really makes you think.

  5. 10 months ago

    i'd advice against being vegan if you are afraid of

    >unclogged arteries
    >awesome health
    >great cardio
    >easy muscle gain
    >great sexual health
    >guilt free eating
    >easy hot vegan girl pussy

    • 10 months ago

      Guilt free eating? That sounds like the kind of thing that would only apply to those with high onions diets

    • 10 months ago

      >hot vegan girl
      that's hardly a thing and you know it anon

    • 10 months ago

      "LDL is bad mkay" is a myth, stop eating garbage fast food. Cholestrol, LDL and HDL are not indicators of cardiovascular health
      you frickers look like israelites in the holocaust, you call this health?
      cardio is not exclusive to your diet moron
      >>easy muscle gain
      lol, lmao even. I get your daily maybe even WEEKLY intake of bioavailable protein in 1 (one) chicken breast
      sexual health
      how does this differ in vegans to healthy meat eaters? I have never heard anyone argue that meat reduces libido or results in ED?
      free eating
      lol, lmao even. you're a b***h made homosexual if you feel guilty eating meat. You think your ancestors of the last 10,000 years felt bad? Enjoy ending your bloodline
      >>easy hot vegan girl pussy
      >hot girl
      pick one

      Veganism was a fad that blew up in the 2010s, and that left in its wake thousands (possibly millions) of seriously ill and infertile people. There's several thousand ex-vegan testimonials of various kinds floating around at this point. Vegans have more or less given up on pretending that it's a health movement, the mask has come off and now it is blatant as part of the well-funded globohomosexual agenda to uproot every semblance of tradition and self-sufficiency in our lives; in this case getting rid of healthy, local, natural and sustainable foods in favor of globally shipped highly-profitable man-made substances. A vegan convention is indistinguishable from any other globohomosexual convention like a pride parade or antifa gathering.

      this anon hits the nail on the head

      • 10 months ago

        The real funny thing is that veganism is worse for cardio than a balanced diet, since all pro long distance athletes that I know of are omnivores. Like I think you can be very healthy on a vegetarian or pescetarian diet, but veganism is just waaaaay to restrictive. Its as moronic as carnivore and should only be done if your intestines are so fricked up they can only handle one kind of food.

        • 10 months ago

          Scott Jurek is vegan

          "LDL is bad mkay" is a myth, stop eating garbage fast food. Cholestrol, LDL and HDL are not indicators of cardiovascular health
          you frickers look like israelites in the holocaust, you call this health?
          cardio is not exclusive to your diet moron
          >>easy muscle gain
          lol, lmao even. I get your daily maybe even WEEKLY intake of bioavailable protein in 1 (one) chicken breast
          sexual health
          how does this differ in vegans to healthy meat eaters? I have never heard anyone argue that meat reduces libido or results in ED?
          free eating
          lol, lmao even. you're a b***h made homosexual if you feel guilty eating meat. You think your ancestors of the last 10,000 years felt bad? Enjoy ending your bloodline
          >>easy hot vegan girl pussy
          >hot girl
          pick one

          this anon hits the nail on the head

          Lots of studies show evidence for a vegan diet preventing and reducing the impact of hypertension. Over 80% of ED is a result of hypertension.
          Vegan pussy also tastes better. (No literature on this yet, I’m working hard on it though).

          But most ‘diets’ can be healthy, you just have to be educated about your diet. Veganism shouldn’t be about your health. Veganism should be about living in a way that reduces animal suffering. If our health benefits from it, then even better.

      • 10 months ago

        >le bioavailable protein
        Congrats, you bought into israelite weider's shilling of "le 2g protein per lb bw" shit.
        As long as you eat enough starch you can keep protein intake low and build muscle. Protip: 1kg muscle is 700g water. To build a kilo of additional muscle, you need 300g protein max. To repair muscle, you need glucose as it reconstitutes itself from existing aminoacids. How many kilos of muscle do you build per week?

        And btw:
        "People from ages 50-65 who ate high-protein diets were four times more likely to die of cancer – this is in the ballpark of smoking risk, say the authors – compared to people who ate low-protein diets. Even those who ate moderate-protein diets were three times as likely to die from cancer."

        high starch pescetarian is the way to go (fish is the best source of essential fatty acids)

        • 10 months ago

          Hmm I noticed that I need to eat less protein when I'm high in carbs as well

  6. 10 months ago

    I was a vegetarian for five years. It's a great way to permanently become dyel and make no more gains at all

  7. 10 months ago

    Veganism was a fad that blew up in the 2010s, and that left in its wake thousands (possibly millions) of seriously ill and infertile people. There's several thousand ex-vegan testimonials of various kinds floating around at this point. Vegans have more or less given up on pretending that it's a health movement, the mask has come off and now it is blatant as part of the well-funded globohomosexual agenda to uproot every semblance of tradition and self-sufficiency in our lives; in this case getting rid of healthy, local, natural and sustainable foods in favor of globally shipped highly-profitable man-made substances. A vegan convention is indistinguishable from any other globohomosexual convention like a pride parade or antifa gathering.

    • 10 months ago

      This, it also says a lot that they spend so much fricking money in making fast food for vegans, which is in general way fricking worse for you than regular fast food.

  8. 10 months ago

    Eating plants is based.
    Being vegan is full moron.
    Just saved you 800 hours of research.

  9. 10 months ago

    Pic obviously unrelated
    There's no such thing as vegan Black folk
    It's a white upperclass or buddhist thing

  10. 10 months ago

    Shart House

  11. 10 months ago

    Honestly carnivore seems to be less bullshit than vegan.

    • 10 months ago

      apparently you feel great but have horrible diarrhea occasionally

  12. 10 months ago

    like half of the posters on this board are vegans who pretend to be minorities

  13. 10 months ago

    almost got bluepilled by that netflix cuck shit

  14. 10 months ago

    Regularly eating vegan or vegetarian meals is ok. Can be very good and nutritious if you do it right and eat lots of whole natural foods. But i'd recommend against going full fledged vegan. Especially with all the bullshit beyond, fake goyslop, vegan while pretending to be non vegan foods. Like eating a big salad and some fruit for lunch, then eat your chicken for dinner, thats my kind of veganism. Get a fuller profile of nutrients. The only "diet" anyone needs to follow is the avoid goyslop diet.
    If you're doing it for morals, well then, i hope you have no other skeletons in your closet, cuz like, what are you hiding that you have to eat a certain way to feel morally superior?

  15. 10 months ago

    Anyone opposed to veganism is a troll, severely low IQ, or completely uninformed.

    The redpill here OP is that there’s a trillion dollar financial interest to see Veganism fail and it hasn’t.

    • 10 months ago
  16. 10 months ago

    I take the buddhist approach. I only eat meat if someone gives it to me without me asking for it, or if I steal it. Human meat is on the menu but idk how to get it.

  17. 10 months ago

    I was vegetarian for 7 years.
    Recently i went through a little bit of a diet experiment where i tried a lot of different diet's, including vegan, to see which one yielded the best results.
    For me personally diet doesn't seem to make a big difference, although i felt the worst on the vegan diet, but that was most likely because i had a hard time consuming enough protein.
    I do eat meat nowadays i just make sure that it's properly sourced with happy cattle's and so forth.

  18. 10 months ago

    I just want to preemptively tell you that you did it wrong and you're a chud

  19. 10 months ago

    Yes OP. I have been vegan for almost seven years now. It made little to no difference in gains. If that what you're worried about. Just make sure to eat protein dense foods like seitan and mock meats. If you have any questions feel free to ask! Glad you are considering living a more ethical consistent lifestyle, the animals will thank you.

  20. 10 months ago
  21. 10 months ago

    Serious answer
    >be me
    >mid 20's tradie
    >was already a vegetarian about 5 years
    >went vegan
    >within two months felt like shit despite supplementing and taking twice the normal multivitamins
    >was still eating kind of shitty on the side but serious effort to get my nutrients
    >still felt shitty
    >introduced eggs
    >eat 3/day
    >get higher quality supplements
    >immediately feel better
    >been about 10 years
    >currently very healthy, active and feel great
    >slightly fat but cut 25lbs and have 20 to go
    >still feel amazing eating whole food and lots of eggs but no milk/cheese

    Yeah vegan just isn't conducive to an active lifestyle, maybe if you were sedentary fine, but I work a lot and work out pretty often as well, was just impossible and felt wrong to feel so shitty even for ethical reasons.

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