Anyone have or have fixed a deviated septum?

I think I might have this. I cannot breathe through my nose properly, the airways are just too narrow. I also cannot fricking sleep because of it, I am extremely tired despite sleeping 8-9 hours. Life is miserable. I also have a hard time doing cardio, a mere 2 mile run puts me out of breath easily. If this goes on I am going to kill myself.
Any anons have experience with this?

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  1. 6 months ago

    I have a deviated septum. All I can say is I want it fixed

    • 6 months ago

      Try doing more yoga and mewing whether you get the surgery or not. Mine healed over time, I used to get polyps and shit, it was miserable but eventually went away. I could literally feel my nose bridge changing once I started mewing correctly.

      The yoga will help you with c02 that your body isn't getting rid of probably.

      • 6 months ago

        bullshit. surgery is the proper fix, and changes the quality of your life.

  2. 6 months ago

    Heh, vegana nose

  3. 6 months ago

    I think I have this. I've had my nose broken but I had surgery, I've also snorted a lot of substances. It's like I'm always suffocating

  4. 6 months ago

    Can I break my nose and straighten it out?

    • 6 months ago

      try it and post results

  5. 6 months ago

    Had surgery to fix mine this year. The 7-10 days of rehab afterwards are living hell as you can't breathe using your nose and feel like shit. Can barely sleep 2-3 hours a day when completely exhausted.

    After it healed i stopped snoring and can breathe perfectly fine, id say its worth it

    Go to the doctor and see if they can do a CT scan of your face to determine if its deviated

    • 6 months ago

      Also did mine a couple months back. Same experience, except I never had any snoring in the first place bit would get constant sinus infections due to the deviation. It sucked having to take about a month off everything physical and the 10 first days or so really are extremely frustrating, but it's worth it.

  6. 6 months ago

    Surgery is just another way doctors extract money from you.
    The truth is, the ability to nose-breath freely is a sign of a healthy metabolic rate.
    Your inability to sleep is because of high stress hormones.
    Also, cardio increases cortisol, a stress hormone.
    Look up Ray Peat to learn how to fix your shit, I'm out.

    • 6 months ago

      Non healthcare having hands typed this. Seriously bros, is most health related diy advice just an american cope for the fact that they simply cannot afford to see a medical professional?

  7. 6 months ago

    Put both palms flat on each side of your nose and hook your thumbnail on one of your front teeth while doing this. Tilt your hands to the side and pull your thumbnail off the tooth so it makes a pop/click sound. That should do the trick.

  8. 6 months ago

    My father had it "fixed". He says having his nose flushed felt good but other than that it didn't change a thing.
    I've had good luck with nasal strips for sleeping, but they're a ripoff.

  9. 6 months ago

    I had it fixed earlier this year with surgery.

    I had the deviated septum corrected and also had some additional tissue removed.

    3 months later, i was able to breathe through both nostrils and could exercise much better

    • 6 months ago

      I not only have experience with this, I got surgery to fix it. It drastically improved the quality of my life, especially during allergy seasons. I lived the first 20 years of my life not knowing that it wasn't normal to have to force air in through your nostrils.

      How was the recovery?

      • 6 months ago

        Sorry, I fell asleep.
        Recovery was rough the first few days, especially the first 24 hours when my nose was totally full of cotton packing. I barely left my bed during that time and kept taking a steady stream of painkillers and anti swelling medication I had been given. After those 3 days it wasn't too bad, but I still had major black eyes and a cast on. My nose was very, very sensitive for weeks after the surgery and the very tip was still tender over 6 months after (only a slight bit though).
        Recovery depends on how bad your septum is deviated. Mine was one of the worst ones my ENT doctor had ever seen that wasn't a result of traumatic injury. My friend's girlfriend got hers fixed and her recovery was much speedier than mine since her deviation wasn't as severe.

  10. 6 months ago

    I did surgery and now it's worse.

  11. 6 months ago

    I have this from boxing. I only really became aware of it in the last couple of years when I noticed I was mouth breathing when I slept. I've been using nasal dilators to keep my nostrils open when I sleep. It's not perfect, but it's allowed me to sleep much better than before. I'll get the nose fixed when I'm older and finished with contact sports.

  12. 6 months ago

    I not only have experience with this, I got surgery to fix it. It drastically improved the quality of my life, especially during allergy seasons. I lived the first 20 years of my life not knowing that it wasn't normal to have to force air in through your nostrils.

  13. 6 months ago

    Just do the drugs more with the other nose

  14. 6 months ago

    had this my whole life, fixed it myself without surgery through ancient japanese healing techniques, adjusted sleeping position (on my back with head tilted back), and a few other pieces of annoying ass shit I have to do to treat it. my whole sinuses and airways all the way from the head to the chest and even the stomach were packed with disgusting congestion that I had to learn how to force up and spit out. I feel like I've de-aged myself by like 10 years, it's really improved my life.

    • 6 months ago

      Sauce me up senpai

      • 6 months ago

        there isn't any source, I invented the techniques myself. go study chakras, ki energy, watch some hunter x hunter and some naruto, and apply the principles they exaggerate in those shows into a form more congruent with reality. I also practice colocalized bloodletting when my afflicted chakras are in areas that are safe to take a blade to. I've been doing this for over 1.5 years and I feel like I'm maybe 80 or 85% recovered at this point.

    • 6 months ago

      Please teach me your way senpai

  15. 6 months ago

    I've accepted being a mouthbreather in my sleep. I don't do it otherwise and my wisdom teeth have come in just fine, so it's not a problem.

  16. 6 months ago

    I did like an 800 dollar procedure where they numbed me and went in to break my nose a bit and push everything back together. I can breathe better like 60-70% of the time during cardio and normally, but apparently my snoring is worse than before so that's rough.

  17. 6 months ago

    I did the overseas surgery, i mean just cut the bone/cartilage, how risky can it be.
    I woke up mid operation with the tech hammering my nose, Dr said yea keep hammering, i then went back under.
    Two weeks with bandages and breathing strips. Best two years of sleep of my life, 6-8 hrs felt like 10. Most noticable improvement, as presurgery I would sleep with my mouth open and my face dug into the bed to help open/stretch my nasal cavity.

    Apparently, the cartilage has a memory and the septum will close back after a few years, mine was within 2 yrs. If I only know how nice I had it.

    Now im working on my breathing, yoga meditation helps keep me resent and focused. Trying now on drawing air into my face, rather than up and down my face.

    Definitely do it, mine was so bad, I would vape and exhale from the nostrils and NOTHING would come out one nostril. Thick clouds shooting from one, absolutely nothing from the other.

  18. 6 months ago

    Had it all my life and never had it fixed. I just breathe through my mouth. Seems to work fine.

  19. 6 months ago

    Got punched in a fight when I was 16 had it fixed and then got into another fight afew years later. I do sparing now and I work as a bouncer so there’s no point paying 1000 bucks and get put to sleep for a surgery where it’s highly probable in the next few years I will get into more fights especially excuse of my occupation getting sucker punched by little drunk manlets

  20. 6 months ago

    My septum was like a "S" it was not only very contorted but also had thin airways, i got surgery and it got better, breathing, sleeping, etc. now i finally gathered the confidence to play soccer lmao

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