Anyone here ever been to a luxury gym?

There is an expensive gym nearby which costs 130$ a month. It apparently has a pool, saunas and nice equipment. Is it worth it? What are the people who go there like?

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

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  1. 7 months ago

    Im curious too

    • 7 months ago

      Bicurious? :3

  2. 7 months ago

    consider this. I have a very nice sauna where I live which I ocassionaly visit. Costs 34€ for 4 hours. If I'd go every sunday a month I'd pay the same.

    • 7 months ago

      >if i spend 130/mo on something else, it costs the same
      no way, dude, really?

  3. 7 months ago

    Yes. My home gym is super exclusive and none of you guys are invited (if you ask nicely I will reconsider). My grandma makes food that's not macro friendly but she likes it when I eat her food.

    • 7 months ago

      if it's Grandma's food then you can outlift the imperfect macros
      it's only goyslop that can't be outlifted

    • 7 months ago

      uh anon can I come to your gym

      I promise I will wipe them clean after use

  4. 7 months ago

    I live in Alaska and the only 24 hour gym nearby is $118 a month. It's trash, basically 24hr fitness but smaller and with less equipment. They're a chain and gobbled up everything the last few years so your basically stuck paying their rape prices. I hate this expensive, frozen hellhole and can't wait to leave.

    • 7 months ago

      i live on the complete opposite end of the states as you, are you willing to assume each others life?

      • 7 months ago

        If hes not, im down. How do you feel about moving to virginia?

  5. 7 months ago

    Less packed, good if you live near a big city and only train during peak hours where it would be a wait time for equipment in a normal gym. Functionally wise it's the exact same thing as a normal gym apart from better aesthetics and sometimes more variety in machines.

  6. 7 months ago

    >What are the people who go there like?
    Depends where you live. If in the city will be professional types and sugar babies.
    If out near the suburbs will be boomers and soccer mums.

    • 7 months ago

      >Depends where you live
      I live in a college town.

      • 7 months ago

        Gonne be boomers, rich international students and OF girls

        • 7 months ago

          How hard is it to pick up an onlyfans girl?

  7. 7 months ago

    I go to one. Part of my perks from work. Without it, it cost $200 a month. It even has an actual indoor running track.
    On top of all the benefits you mentioned, they also provide shorts and top. Meaning you basically really only need to bring your shoes.
    It is located in the middle of downtown and the cliente is clearly high paying professionals that want a workout near their workplace.

    • 7 months ago

      what kind of moron spends 200 a month on a gym lmao

      i could literally feed myself on that

      • 7 months ago

        I spend 200 a month on a gym but it's a muay thai gym

        • 7 months ago

          Oh cool, is it worth it?

          • 7 months ago

            Not him but i go to an mma gym for about the same. Bretty gud, would recommend/10

      • 7 months ago

        People who earn high 4 figures a month and want a gym near their workplace?
        I won't be a member if my company didn't pay for my membership.

    • 7 months ago

      I went to one that was $120 a month. My company pays for up to $100 a month and I pay the difference so it was $20.

      Almost no competition for the squat racks or other high priority equipment. Mostly old people and other tech bros. Also families of said old people and tech bros. Lots of people doing activities like swimming and using the sauna or hitting the treadmill (what kind of tard pays 120 to use a treadmill?). Lots of trophy wives.

      I just go in and get to lift completely uninterrupted. I have all the equipment to myself, rarely have to share.


    • 7 months ago

      do you actually wear the clothes they give you?
      that is an odd perk d e s u

  8. 7 months ago

    you go there to network, not to get shredded

    best gyms for working out are going to be run by either ex-pro bodybuilders or ex-olympic athletes who actually did well in the Olympic games, and those gyms always have 1970s equipment that gets maintained well but makes you feel like you went back in time

    • 7 months ago

      >going to a gym to network

      • 7 months ago

        I don't purposely go to the gym to network but given how I have a fixed schedule, I have made a group of friends at the gym. I can see people also doing the same except rich.

        • 7 months ago

          you fricking rich people

          i am poor and low iq

          • 7 months ago

            When rich people make friends, it is called networking.
            When poor people make friends, it is called making friends.
            Provided you go to the gym at a regular place and regular time. 100% you would have made friends.

            • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                What's so funny butthole?

              • 7 months ago

                You have a gaping butthole

          • 7 months ago

            have a nice day

            • 7 months ago

              You should treat honesty with kindness

      • 7 months ago

        I met my boxing coach, two ex girlfriends and a handful of friends at the gym. Are you guys really so autistic you can't say hi to people?

        • 7 months ago

          Yes we're autistic now change topics

        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          I am ugly and only 5'9" if I tried talking to a girl at the gym I would get banned.

          • 7 months ago

            I am handsome but autistic

            At least you get the instant rejection. I get the torture of seeing their smiles melt off their faces

          • 7 months ago

            You won't get banned.
            You get banned if you're one of those tinder experiment dysgenic freaks that speedrun asking girls for their numbers while filming it to prove how horribly ugly and undesirable they are when in reality, they're just ruining everyone's day and are behaving like some beggar that stumbled into a business.

            • 7 months ago

              >they're just ruining everyone's day and are behaving like some beggar that stumbled into a business.
              Kek this.
              What self described incels don't realize is that they're legitimately high functioning autistics, or they were never properly socialized as kids.
              No normal person asks out every single girl he sees. Not even if you limit that to whomever you perceive as moderately attractive.
              Asking a random girl out once in a blue moon because you're legitimately burning with passion for them is acceptable and provided you aren't being weird and pushy about it, you aren't getting in any trouble.
              Besides, why is this even a boogeyman anyway? There's like maybe 10 stories floating around the internet about some incel that got desperate and threw all social nuance out the window.

        • 7 months ago

          Saying hi is no problem but starting conversations is a completely different thing

          • 7 months ago

            >wanting to interact with vaxxies

            no thanks

          • 7 months ago

            >Hey bro, hows it going?
            >Pretty good, you?
            >Good man, what're you hitting today?
            >Shoulders, bro. You?
            >Arms today. Legs yesterday and I'm still wobbly
            >Cool man. I'll let you get to it
            >Later, bro.

            There you go, homosexual. I just made you a mock intro conversation. After this brief exchange, you say hi again in the future and chat more. Over time, you get to know this person more and become friends. How socially inept are you people, really?

            • 7 months ago

              >Hey bro, hows it going?
              >Don't call me "bro" you ugly freak
              >conversation fizzles out after this
              You are just tall and attractive. Your social life would not be possible if you were short and ugly.

              • 7 months ago

                Christ, you're miserable. If people would get over their complexes without the overconfidence that usually IST would cease to exist

              • 7 months ago

                Peak mental illness.
                No heterosexual man on the planet is as concerned with men's looks as you are and won't reciprocate a hello if you're not tall and pretty enough.
                Or maybe you're just a homosexual trawling for some action? Can't help you there bro, it's not my world. The rules might be different after all then, but otherwise? No, so stop coping.

        • 7 months ago

          I’ve had people come up to me before and I think it’s weird. I’m really there for a purpose and it catches me off guard to switch from “making progress” mode to “sociable” mode. I see some people chatting at the gym but mostly people doing their own thing, like me

        • 7 months ago

          have 'friends' that i know in the context of the gym, for bullshitting around, having someone to lift with, smokin' and joking and all that, but I don't reach out to these motherfrickers when I'm not in the gym.

      • 7 months ago

        Of course, people already go to the gym to socialize, make shit videos for tiktok, and take a nap in the power rack. How's that any different?

  9. 7 months ago

    A place like XCal would be sweet but I think I'd hate everyone there. The Rogan setup where you just have a huge warehouse for all your hobby shit would be the final solution though. Add in a tight massage therapist you can frick and you're set.

  10. 7 months ago

    I live in a college town and my old landlord/occasional boss owns a gym that charges $100 a month for women and locks them into a 4 month deal. It's a nice gym, constant classes and participation shit but he's making beaucoup farming sororities for daddy's money because he's still constantly full up.

    • 7 months ago

      So an expensive gym in a college town is a good place to meet (rich) girls?

      • 7 months ago

        They're not rich, they're upper middle class but have far less sense than wealth.

  11. 7 months ago

    Most expensive gym I visited was a hotel gym in KSA , I didn't pay for it but annual memberships were around $4-5k/year . Nice thing is there were very few people attending. Another good thing - it was male only. It didn't have a squat rack tho which I thought was crazy. One time an old guy came in, he was escorted by an armed soldier who just stood there until the old man finished his light workout.

    • 7 months ago

      Man I wanna go on that top g shit and just have millions of dollars

  12. 7 months ago

    Let me ask you a question: what kind of man would buy a membership at a premium gym? Answer: A homosexual. That’s why I bought one.

    Let me ask you another question (sorry for R€ddi+ spacing): what kind of woman would by a membership at a premium gym? Answer: A HOT GIRL.

    Going to my local Equinox is like shooting fish in a barrel. I’m by no means a very attractive guy, but I’m one of the only guys in that gym that (1) is straight and (2) looks good. My first week going there I got a date with a really cute girl. That was just week 1. So yeah it’s worth the $130 per month, but not for the equipment.

    • 7 months ago

      Why do straight good looking men not go to Equinox? Why only homosexuals? Makes no sense.

      • 7 months ago

        Equinox is a fashionable gym. All the trainers wear neutral colors, the lobby has fancy couches and books about fashion on the table, all of the equipment is black and white. If you’re really interested in getting big then you’ll probably stay away from Equinox. Don’t get me wrong, as far as the gym itself is concerned, it’s decent, but not worth over $100 per month. I’ve never seen such flamboyantly gay men in my life, they’re like walking caricatures. But it’s slim Pickens for the women at Equinox, so I’m able to thrive here. Highly recommend you see if there’s a local Equinox and get a membership.

        • 7 months ago

          How do you even approach these girls without being creepy and interrupting their workout?

          • 7 months ago

            I can’t tell you what YOU should do because I don’t know you, but I’ll tell you what I do. I compliment the way they look in a non-sexual way. So I’ll walk past a girl and while doing so say “you look great man, keep it up”, or I’ll walk up to a girl for a conversation and say “you have a great physique. What are you training for?” It hasn’t happened yet, but I know what at some point some woman I approach is going to be offended; when this happens I’ll just pretend that I’m gay, which will work because the opening comment about her body isn’t a sexual one, it’s a comment a gay man could make. Approaching women is really easy if you don’t give a frick.

            • 7 months ago

              >Approaching women is really easy if you don’t give a frick
              No, it's really easy if you are tall and attractive. If I would do the same as you being ugly and short I would get charged as a sex offender.

              • 7 months ago

                >it's really easy if you are tall and attractive. If I would do the same as you being ugly and short I would get charged as a sex offender.

                I’m not trying to be mean, but shut the frick up dude. I’m 5’10” and my girlfriend right now is 5’9”. I’m decent looking because I’m below 10%bf, not because I was born attractive. I’ll tell you a joke:

                Two guys walking down the street. As they are approaching a woman walking in the opposite direction, the friend says to the woman “Boy, I’d really love to take you home and frick you all night.” She winds up and slaps him in the face. The other friend says “Dude, what was that?” The friend shrugs his shoulders and they keep walking. They walk by another woman and the friend says “Excuse me ma’m, how would you like for me to frick you until the sun comes up?” The woman slaps him in the face. The other friend says “what’s wrong with you?” to his friend. They keep walking and this happens several more times. The other friend says “Man, you sure do get slapped in the face a lot!”, and the friend responds “Yeah, and I get laid a lot too.”

              • 7 months ago

                >Yeah, and I get laid a lot too
                Nice joke.

              • 7 months ago

                Cope. 5'10 is not short, it's comfortably above average. Also, more than likely you are attractive because of genetics not because of your low bf%. There is many examples of guys with impressive lean physiques still having ugly faces

    • 7 months ago

      >Let me ask you a question: what kind of man would buy a membership at a premium gym?
      A rich individual?

      • 7 months ago

        this is another benefit that doesn't really get talked about because people tend to look at a gym as just a place to work out: who would you rather spot you on a lift and then idly chat with afterwards, some random McDonald's worker or a guy that runs his own 7-figure business? Obviously that's an extreme case, but the more you treat every social interaction as a networking opportunity the more likely you are to make contacts that'll benefit you financially in the long run. if that's not something that interests or motivates you then get the cheap option, but if it is then it's something to bear in mind

        • 7 months ago

          I'd rather have the random McDonald's worker, because he's probably a normal dude who will fricking pay attention when spotting me, and actually care about me and not want me to get hurt. Some psycho dude with a 7-figure business won't give a frick and will just let the bar fall on me. Those people got to where they are by stepping on others. I'd never trust someone like that, with anything, ever.

          • 7 months ago

            you ask total strangers to spot you at the gym? Kinda weird. I'd rather TALK to the hypothetical 7-figure business guy between sets than talk to the McDicks wagie between sets

            • 7 months ago

              My gym is a local gym and I know most of the people there, and the ones I don't know are people I've seen around. And we don't "talk" or chitchat really, just sometimes on the way out or in a few pleasantries at the vending machine or something. Why the frick would you pay some insane amount to go to a gym to "talk" to some people in the butthole bougie or nouveau riche class? It's not like they're going to talk to you anyway.

              You're the fricking weirdo trying to pitch business ideas or shit to people AT THE FRICKING GYM who wouldn't think twice about stepping on you like a wienerroach.

              creepy ass frick lol, are you a pajeet by any chance?

    • 7 months ago

      never heard of this, holy shit their website is awful, and doesn't even list things like prices or anything wtf. I hate techbro gays and these types of people. the same people who think for example that to learn a language you need to pay for some super expensive course, when all you need to do is get free resources from online and just GRIND that shit out.

      fitness is the same, I guarantee you that 95+% of the people at that gym do NOT need the type of high end equipment they have. to each their own, but I'll never understand that shit. my old gym in the USA (I'm

      >130$ a month
      ugh. that's the price of a normal gym here in japan lol. the "nice" gyms here are around $300/mo.

      I miss being back in the USA where a damn good gym was 20/mo

      guy) has a basic HTML page with black text on a white background that lists the address, phone number, fax (lol), and price which is 20 a month and they accept just a $20 bill, cash.

      • 7 months ago

        Its a status symbol, the locations in certain finance or destination hubs are insanly expensive. Actually considered joining the one in DC when I lived there though. In the inner city large gym spaces are often relatively rare, and if it's something you spend a lot of time doing there's a calculus to be made about cost to benefit.

  13. 7 months ago

    Do you plan on using the pool and the sauna?

  14. 7 months ago

    I'd say go for it. I'm personally switching to a luxury gym beginning of next year. I'm so fricking sick of lifting at my current ghetto gym that is packed to the breasts with Black folk and arabs. Literally 99% males it's so fricking depressing. I just recently heard from one of my gym buddies that couple of arabs got banned from the gym because they harassed and stalked all the females that ever showed up there.

    It's just so fricking unbelievable that women cant even train there because these feral Black folk literally drive them away. I can't even put it into words how demoralizing just the thought of it is. Now I know some people will be "ohh le based women shouldnt be allowed to train male gym bis XDD" but it really isn't. Women give as high of a test boost as pinning 250mg test e. It's incredibly unmotivating when you know that the place is full of harassing rapist loser males when normal people are enjoying their life.

    So yeah I'm looking forward to training on a higher quality gym that filters out most of the immigrants.

    • 7 months ago

      > women cant even train there because these feral Black folk literally drive them away

  15. 7 months ago

    I am a broke college student but I have rich parents. Should I ask them if they would pay me a luxury gym membership? I could tell them that it's a good way to meet a decent girlfriend (never had one so parents are already worried).

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, but don’t say that it’s a premium gym, just tell them the price. Don’t say anything about the girlfriend either, say that it would be a great place to meet young local professionals and make friends.

    • 7 months ago

      No, start at the bottom. Free rides never work.

  16. 7 months ago

    The actual weight equipment is usually garbage like Technogym

  17. 7 months ago

    I went to one when I was a teenager because my grandma was a member. I wasn't into lifting yet so I can't speak for the weight training area, but the indoor tennis courts, swimming pools, locker rooms, restaurant, etc. were as good as it gets, and the staff was a mix between talented teachers and butler/slave like drones. The people there were pretty average in terms of athleticism but obviously rich. I didn't see the president of my country but he famously attended that same club. If it was only 130€ a month I'd say it's an outrageous steal I never even though to check.

  18. 7 months ago

    If you spend 40 hours+ there a month then go for it.

  19. 7 months ago

    >130$ a month
    ugh. that's the price of a normal gym here in japan lol. the "nice" gyms here are around $300/mo.

    I miss being back in the USA where a damn good gym was 20/mo

  20. 7 months ago

    I train in a cellar at my engineering school for $10 a year
    It has all the equipment you need and you can plug your phone to the speaker system and play whatever you want
    Why the frick would I go to some homosexual "Luxury gym"?

  21. 7 months ago

    >sign up to equinox
    >its full of poor women who signed up to access wealthy men
    >little do they know the scheme is doubled and i'm just there to frick them

  22. 7 months ago

    Those luxury gyms might be a bit cleaner and have slightly nicer amenities than a LA fitness or a YMCA but that's not really what you're paying for.

    You pay for the expensive luxury gym because you don't want to work out around Black folk. And for that reason it's worth the price of membership.

    • 7 months ago

      This anon gets it. It's the same with all of the exclusive and overpriced gyms, spas, resorts, hotels, restaurants, lounges, golf clubs, etc.
      It's 99% to filter Black folk and honestly, not being around Black folk is great. Worth it. Unless you're a poorgay, you really shouldn't make your limited existence more miserable by being in proximity to Black folk.

  23. 7 months ago

    Depends on the club and location. I've been to clubs that have a $100k sign-up fee and require another member's endorsement. Their weight rooms are underwhelming.

    Fitness clubs that charge over $80 a month usually have decent equipment and a large abundance of it. though they're almost always missing your favorite machine. My old gym had indoor rock climbing and bouldering which I liked to do, as well as Tennis and racquet ball courts, indoor and outdoor Olympic length pools, basketball courts, a spa and massage parlor, dry heat and steam saunas, and two restaurants. I could spend all day there.

    The members are upper-middle to upper class and are generally nice people. The entitled buttholes you'll come across are always overcompensating for their lower income. I've made a few connections that have landed me decent jobs and a few girlfriends from that place. would definitely recommend if you can afford it.

  24. 7 months ago

    I just want to level one with egg farts and BO until they make me leave. Purposely fart on every amenity they offer to cancel out their incentives. Pretty sure that’s how Golds Gym was founded

  25. 7 months ago

    I have a lifetime fitness literally next to my apartment, as in I walk across a parking lot to get there. Its $150 a month. Yes it is fricking worth it.
    >15 nice power racks
    >2 of every machine
    >tons of free weights
    >lap pool
    >actual jacobs ladder
    >lots of people actually lifting and not just fricking around

    • 7 months ago

      >>15 nice power racks
      Power racks are overrated. A cheap one that's made well enough is just as good as the most expensive ones. Machine quality is more important since higher quality machines have better cams, much less friction (so fewer sticking points if any), and better resistance curves.
      >>2 of every machine
      More affordable gyms often also have this.
      >>tons of free weights
      Most gyms have this.
      >>lap pool
      You can probably just use a local university pool for much cheaper in total with a more affordable gym.

      A gimmick. Literally nothing but a Finnish way of bathing. Just go home and take a shower if you want to get clean.
      jacobs ladder
      A timewasting gimmick.

      • 7 months ago

        All these expensive gyms aren't expensive because the equipment is super nice and they have tons of amenities but to keep poor and undesirable people out. That's the reason people will pay that much, because people like you can't use it

        • 7 months ago

          Basically this. It's to filter out the poorgays.

  26. 7 months ago

    I went to one and would go there again if my current town had one.
    The average age seemed to be around 40 so no zoomers blocking racks, no tiktok thots making videos, fantastic equipment and in general a very pleasant atmosphere.
    Because the old folk only did light supervised routines I never had to wait for machines or the rack to be free as no one was using it.
    Also the staff was professional and paid attention that you were doing your exercises correctly. Regular fitness and bodyfat checkups etc.
    If you have the money do it would rate 10/10

  27. 7 months ago

    Is it filled with nautilus, hammer strength, and medex machines? If not, then you're getting ripped off. You can find cheaper gyms that have way better machines.

  28. 7 months ago

    I've done an intership at one, which means I've also been able to use it during my intership. IMO it's not really worth it for most people. You really just pay extra for the fact that you can use a pool and a sauna, so if you really fancy the sauna, it might be for you, but otherwise you are overpaying. The gym's itself usually aren't that much better. They tend to have more 'fancy' equipment than some cheaper gyms, but what that really means in practice is some bullshit e-gym machines for old people. The average ISTizen is never going to use those anyway.

    As for the people, in the gym I worked there were significanly less young people. Less serious lifters, gym bros, etc. There were mostly middle aged and old people.

  29. 7 months ago

    no Black folk, arabs and other shitskins. worth it.

    • 7 months ago

      I am the guy who wrote

      I've done an intership at one, which means I've also been able to use it during my intership. IMO it's not really worth it for most people. You really just pay extra for the fact that you can use a pool and a sauna, so if you really fancy the sauna, it might be for you, but otherwise you are overpaying. The gym's itself usually aren't that much better. They tend to have more 'fancy' equipment than some cheaper gyms, but what that really means in practice is some bullshit e-gym machines for old people. The average ISTizen is never going to use those anyway.

      As for the people, in the gym I worked there were significanly less young people. Less serious lifters, gym bros, etc. There were mostly middle aged and old people.

      and I have to admit, that this is true. 99,99999% of the members were white. So if you are about that, it might definitely be worth it.

  30. 7 months ago

    >it has a sauna and a pool
    Wtf, every gym in my city that is worth its salt has a sauna and some have a pool too. I pay 25 bucks a month for a decent sized gym with pool sauna steam sauna. My only complaint is it has a fair amount of non-whites and old people swimming/sitting in the sauna

    and a bookable massage for extra fee

  31. 7 months ago

    $130 isn't that much. I pay that for my YMCA family plan. Brand new equipment, pools, saunas, classes.

    I used to work in downtown boston. I routinely paid $100/month for BSC and later a gym called fisique. This was 10 years ago so assume 2x the price now. The equipment wasn't any better but they included towel service and had good toiletries in the locker room. Equipment wise, no better than your local fully functional gym.

  32. 7 months ago

    My dad goes to this incredibly expensive gym (>5k year). Been going with him a few times. Everything you could imagine being in a gym was there. You don't even need to bring your own gym clothes as everything is provided. Always see some relatively famous people there as well. Not a good enviroment to work out imo however. But that's just me being a poorgay feeling uncomfortable in such an enviroment.

  33. 7 months ago

    I upgraded this year to a gym with a pool, sauna, and jacuzzi. The sauna is totally worth it. I often go just for that. Less crowded too than the old gym I went to which was full of students and immigrants. It's totally worth it imo, I'm never going back just to save a few bucks per month.

  34. 7 months ago

    Expect to see mostly whites and Asians. They won't have good barbell equipment. Everything will be clean, but they will be lacking in basic sense required for serious lifting. For example, there will likely be no place to deadlift and you'll have to do it in some awkward spot.

    • 7 months ago

      wait so if I join one of these gyms, I can get some 40 year old asian MILFs thirsting over me?

  35. 7 months ago

    i can go to some high end luxury gym because of work. i was by far the most jacked guy, it was only middle aged rich people and boomers. ended up chatting up a milf (or rather she chatted me up) which was nice but i stopped going because i don’t want to ruin a marriage

  36. 7 months ago

    130 a month? Are you fricking kidding me? Thats chump change. For saunas and shit? Youd be an idiot not to go there.

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