Anyone tried peating?

Anyone tried peating?

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  1. 9 months ago

    >peating (uncountable) Kilning over burning peat, a process used in whisky production to impart an earthy, smoky flavour.
    Can you explain how this relates to fitness?

  2. 9 months ago

    islay is king, don't (you) me

    • 9 months ago

      I was eating haagen-daazs ice cream bars for awhile and they didn't seem to affect my weight at all fwiw but I don't trust his other nonsense outside of avoiding sneed oils

      Get the frick out of here gasoline breath

  3. 9 months ago

    He's right about aspirin. You should be taking a baby dose of it at a minumum at least once a day for longevity, fitness and cognitive enhancement purposes. It also lowers the side effects of stimulants and also increases their effectiveness.

    • 9 months ago

      Utter bullshit

    • 9 months ago

      Kills gains. No can do.

  4. 9 months ago

    I peat my meat on a daily basis

  5. 9 months ago

    How many orange juice a day!?!

  6. 9 months ago

    The peatpill is the ultimate red pill
    my mood and libido are significantly higher
    it solved my anxiety which subsequently also got rid of almost all of my OCD
    peating feels almost like mania because you feel so good all the time

    • 9 months ago

      That sounds almost too goodvto be true. How peat?

      • 9 months ago

        how do you peat?

        Make sure you get your fat soluble and water soluble vitamins. Minerals too
        High simple carbs (fruits mainly), root vegetables, gelatinous cuts of meat, saturated fats, and dairy
        You want to reduce stress hormones and endotoxin. Peat had his own ideas about what constitutes stress hormones. Avoid MUFA and PUFA
        You want to learn a lot, foster a curiosity for learning. Recommended foods are guidelines, you have to find what works for you, makes you feel best
        It's ultimately a framework that seeks to promote metabolism, reduce stress hormones, and increase youth hormones

    • 9 months ago

      how do you peat?

    • 9 months ago

      Probably because caffeine and sugar intake will give you mania and make you restless.

      Peating is a complete meme and I have no seen a healthy Peater
      >Estrogen, prolactin and serotonin are because because they just are mkay
      >DHT good
      >high carb, low protein low fat good
      >Eating frequently is anti aging even though this goes against all anti aging research
      >Caloric restriction and fasting bad because it lowers metabolism
      >Being slightly overweight is better than being slightly underweight

      Peaters are mentally ill and have circled back to the logic of fatties that it's much thyroid why they're so fat and refuse to exercise or fast to get to a healthy weight. On top of that shilling useless animal product waste like gelatin and collagen when your body produces collagen from protein so meat will do just fine but apparently you can't eat that because tryptophan and iron ages you. jFL

      • 9 months ago

        , prolactin and serotonin are because because they just are mkay
        they are bad though, you're just being contrarian

      • 9 months ago

        This homosexual is moronic
        >Stress bad but consume coffee even though it spikes stress hormones and makes you piss 10 times a day
        >Meat ages you because an essential amino acid required to sleep, tryptophan is bad
        >Iron is bad because it is a toxin that accumulates with age
        >Pay no kind that vit a is also an accumulative toxin that increases with age but that one is good for you because...
        >High eating frequency

        Try being an athlete without frequent eating dyels
        Tom Cruise eats 15 tiny meals a day and he youthmogs you

        • 9 months ago

          >Tom Cruise doesn't follow a personalized diet; instead, he sticks to a simple 1200-calorie plan that eliminates most carbs. Does Tom Cruise use any supplements to enhance his workouts? Tom Cruise's diet includes supplements like omega 3s

          • 9 months ago

            Pretty much everyone except the most virulent dickriders accept Peat is wrong about omega 3
            I struggle to believe its only 1200 cals though, wtf

            • 9 months ago

              oy vey

              • 9 months ago

                >Haha israelite, I saw through your plan to get me to eat the number 1 dietary correlated factor with intelligence

              • 9 months ago

                oy vey

              • 9 months ago

                Who do you think paid for those ~~*studies*~~ and why?

              • 9 months ago

                Its no study, one can simply look at the most significant inventors etc and see a trend
                Peaters love to talk about geniuses and chess players drinking milk and OJ and coffee but forget they wolf down oily fish too

              • 9 months ago

                Oily fish mostly have saturated fat. Omega-3 supplements are only the isolated toxic PUFA. Until the last century, not a single soul consumed high quantities of PUFA (as it's impossible to naturally get high quantities of it)
                I don't think you would argue that farm raised, garbage fed fish is better than natural fish, yet you claim omega 3 is good because... Le doctors said it's Le good? May as well have a nice day in the foot as it promotes the production stem cells.
                >Muh Genius inventors and successful people take omega 3
                Everyone and their dog take omega 3. Obviously a pool containing almost everyone is going to have some successful and smart people in it, this doesn't prove anything. Steve Jobs died because instead of treating his cancer he resorted to juice cleanses. Elon Musk, richest man alive, eats mostly pastries and looks like the Michelin man.
                If you wanna take omega 3, knock yourself out but don't tell other people it's good when you have no idea how it works and how it's produced.

              • 9 months ago

                No one denied most omega 3 supplements are rancid, Black person. We take issue with the fact that Peattards will think fresh sashimi is toxic and anti metabolic because muh omega 3s.

                If omega 3s are toxic why does breast milk contain omega 3 in much higher quantities and ratio and than animal milk which Peatgays are so fond of? DHA comprises 40% of the brain which is found in marine omega 3's, not coconut oil. Btw if omega 3 was so bad and anti nature so to speak, why do grass fed animals have higher omega 3 ratios compared to grain fed animals?

                The problem is omega 3 to Omega 6 ratios, which Peat-trannies ignore and lump sashimi in with the goybeanboil used to cook their goyfries and goyburger

        • 9 months ago

          The greatest gymnast of all time is OMAD

          • 9 months ago

            he's a twink

      • 9 months ago

        , prolactin and serotonin are because because they just are mkay
        okay enjoy your milky breasts and SSRI lol
        >DHT good
        finasteride freak
        >high carb, low protein low fat good
        except peat says even sedentary office ladies need like 80 grams of protein a day, not to mention the coconut oil craze
        >eating frequently is anti aging even though this goes against all anti aging research
        anti aging research never accomplishes anything, most supercentenarians are regular meals
        >caloric restriction and fasting bad because it lowers metabolism
        yes it does, but it's useful for weight loss. you should eat as much as you can without gaining weight (if you gain weight and are not underweight then obviously your metabolism has maxed out)
        >being slightly overweight is better than being slightly underweight

        • 9 months ago

          >most supercentenarians are regular meals
          Virtually all supercentenarians went through long periods of starvation which slows aging
          The Japanese used to eat like 600 cals a day

          • 9 months ago

            why are you lying?

            • 9 months ago

              Nothing in that refutes what he said

              • 9 months ago

                Wtf? Nothing in your shitty post refutes that anon you sperg.

                except for perhaps, the numbers 1785 and 2068 which directly refute the claim that they used to eat 600 calories a day

            • 9 months ago

              Wtf? Nothing in your shitty post refutes that anon you sperg.

      • 9 months ago

        >n top of that shilling useless animal product waste like gelatin and collagen when your body produces collagen from protein
        you don't even know the amino acid composition of gelatin you fricking moronic spastic lmao

      • 9 months ago

        slightly overweight is better than being slightly underweight
        This is obviously true if you lift weights and have muscle.

      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          if this wasn't written for bait the writer is insane

        • 9 months ago

          nice reddit post homosexual

      • 9 months ago

        lol frick off Kevin
        , prolactin and serotonin are because because they just are mkay
        >DHT good
        >high carb, low protein low fat good
        >Eating frequently is anti aging even though this goes against all anti aging research
        >Caloric restriction and fasting bad because it lowers metabolism
        >Being slightly overweight is better than being slightly underweight
        All true by the way

  7. 9 months ago

    American meme diets are a joke.

    If you're mentally healthy and belong to an actual nation (not a 300 year old one) you already know what to eat - look at your dad and grandpa.

    • 9 months ago

      how is dairy, fruits, sugar, lean red meat and seafoods a meme diet?

      • 9 months ago

        Sugar is a completely optional, unnecessary addition and fruits have too much of it.

        Dairy is good.

        Meat doesn't have to be lean; in fact, lard is more of a superfood than honey even.

        Seafoods are a complete meme and buckwheat has more nutrients than mussels.

        • 9 months ago

          >lard is more of a superfood than honey even.
          Lol what

          • 9 months ago

            You're not ready for the final redpill I see

            • 9 months ago

              I accept your concession

        • 9 months ago

          Maybe 100 years ago. Now it's about as bad as soibean oil

        • 9 months ago

          >Sugar is a completely optional, unnecessary addition and fruits have too much of it.
          wrong, read what RP wrote on sugar and you'll see why it is necessary

  8. 9 months ago

    Replacing starch with sugar and saturated fat made my body composition and performance worse.

    • 9 months ago

      >replacing bread, cornmeal, cereal, and rice with honey, fruit, butter, and fatty cuts of meat made my body composition and performance worse

      • 9 months ago

        >fatty cuts of meat
        A total fruitarian diet is closer to Peat's ideals than that

        • 9 months ago

          I don't know how Peat felt about fatty cuts of meat. I'm just pointing out that if you replace bread, cereal and cornmeal with fattier steak, more butter, honey, and fruit, you are obviously going to have better performance and a better body composition.

          • 9 months ago

            no you wouldnt
            t. went from near-carnivore to high-grain, sugar and even s*y (for protein, avoid the oils)

  9. 9 months ago

    This guy had a fetish for being as contrarian and wrong as possible lmao
    Second only to Aajonus for worst diet schizo

  10. 9 months ago

    This homosexual is moronic
    >Stress bad but consume coffee even though it spikes stress hormones and makes you piss 10 times a day
    >Meat ages you because an essential amino acid required to sleep, tryptophan is bad
    >Iron is bad because it is a toxin that accumulates with age
    >Pay no kind that vit a is also an accumulative toxin that increases with age but that one is good for you because...
    >High eating frequency

    • 9 months ago

      Ugh you were almost based but you had to do the even more vitamin A toxicity theory didnt you

  11. 9 months ago

    The ray Peat community is full of snake oil salesmen like Haidut and Danny Roddy who got eternally BTFO by Kevin Mann. morons like Roddy will say that aspirin and gelatin cure hairloss and ignore 5ar inhibitors

    • 9 months ago

      oy vey hashem

    • 9 months ago

      Citric acid and caffeine still spikes your cortisol. Also taurine is a complete meme and every single scientific study cited by Peattards for the supposed benefits of taurine are funded by redbull kek. Taurine is produced naturally by our bodies as long as we get enough calories and protein, cats however require protein which is why they degenerated without it in Pottenger's study.

      Kevin Mann IQ mogs Peat

      can you post whatever video already I search Ray Peat on his Haircafe channel and nothing comes up.

      • 9 months ago

        First one about Danny Roddy and aspirin/blood flow theory and second about dht

        • 9 months ago

          Ohh you're a finastroony. Explains why you're so butthurt about Peat lmao. Good luck having male offspring in the future

          • 9 months ago

            Why doesn't Haidut look like a teenage anime protagonist like the Peat diet promises, but instead a fat dysgenic ape?

            • 9 months ago

              Because he takes a hundred pills a day. Why are you balding? Oh wait let me tell you why. It's because your cortisol is out of control and what little hair you have is too busy trying to get the PUFA out of your body.
              I have the long, luscious, soft hair that's never oily that you dream of having, you blast artifical hormones that block androgens in hopes of mimicking a fraction of what I effortlessly enjoy. Your hair is falling out and you turn to basedience to save you and you dare call anyone else dysgenic. LMAO. Go inject your HRT I mean science juice and don't pull on your hair too hard now haha

              Peat died childless and from a stroke meanwhile Sv3rige has multiple children. You lost Peat troony. Time for more ice cream because I know that cortisol is spiking lmfao fatass.

              If you follow the lifestyle of the average Japanese man you will live longer than wasting your money on meme troony supplements and gallons of orange juice and organic icecream. Natto (da hecking estrogenic goybeans), fatty fish (did a heckin serotonin), rice and seaweed as well as eggs and skewered chicken livers with some onions based sauce and zero caffeine

              Peat was killed by glowies, he "accidently" inhaled large amounts of smoke
              Gatis knocked up a random woman then abandoned his son, he begs for money on the internet for a living. He talks about how a life in nature is the best thing yet he stays in an Airbnb and has no issue with hair transplants. Funny you would bring him up though because his diet is pretty Peaty, he even admitted that sugar is good for you in a recent video, he just can't wrap his head around the idea of things like caffeine being beneficial for humans, sad.

              • 9 months ago

                You don't even know the first thing about the homosexual you guzzle cum for. You were unironically proving by arguments for the last 2 hours about how omega 3 is necessary, the only dispute being you thought I was somehow saying you should get it from canola oil(I was not). I'm glad I could teach you a few things, however, like the parasympathetic nervous system, essential fatty acids, how mammals obtain DHA and EPA-all of which in your stupidity you ended up agreeing and contradicting diet daddy dearest's advice. I'll stick to my fatty fish while you can age yourself with your "high metabolism", guzzling sweetened Haidut cum and gummy bears. Just don't off yourself when the progesterone doesn't make you the woman you envisioned m'kay sweetheart? Stay safe now, would you?

        • 9 months ago

          neither of those are Ray Peat though.

          • 9 months ago

            Danny Roddy draws mostly from Ray Peat
            I don't trust Haircafe though, weird gay energy

            • 9 months ago

              I don't remember Peat ever speaking about hair regrowth.

              • 9 months ago

                he's spoken about it a few times
                I know he said it's a general metabolic issue combined with calcification of the scalp
                and that once your metabolism is fixed, there are ways to decalcify the scalp such as certain types of topical niacinamide
                Roddy draws heavily from Peat so I wouldn't be surprised if his work is drawn from what Peat has said

  12. 9 months ago

    I have never seen a group of more insipid regards than Peatgays. The solution to every single problem is more gelatin, more fiber or more sugar for much thyroid. They don't bother questioning any of the Peat Tennant's that maybe high eating frequency is not a good thing or regularly taking a blood thinner known for GI distress can harm you. Peat himself is not particularly smart either

  13. 9 months ago

    So I gave it a go for a bit and felt pretty awful. All the caffeine made me miserable. I still felt hungry despite drinking all that milk. "Priming my liver" with OJ in the AM felt gross. I just ended up jittery and unsatisfied.

    I'm sure there's some good in his research, and I'm sure some Peater will tell me I was doing it wrong because I missed this one magic step to making a neurotoxic pesticide (caffeine) somehow not make you feel like crap at high dosages, but anyway, I think just eating a normal well rounded diet of all the food groups and no junk is way better.

    • 9 months ago

      Peating cured my sun allergy, psychosis, insomnia, gut issues, hair loss, low t, made me lose 35 pounds of fat and build muscle in it's place. At the peak of my metabolism I was eating 5000+ calories a day while losing weight, I stopped eating so much because I couldn't afford it though so I eat around 3000 now. I owe Ray my life.

      See heres the problem, what "Peating" even is is highly subjective
      Is it a HCLF diet with complete elimination of sneed oils, instead eating lots of potatoes and fruits, or is it shoving ice cream and collagen mixed coffee into your mouth 24/7

    • 9 months ago

      #1 diet principle of ray peat
      >listen to your body, idiot

      • 9 months ago

        What if my body likes eating PUFA

        • 9 months ago

          Not cravings but how you feel over time

        • 9 months ago

          If you enjoy drinking canola oil straight-up, you have a mental illness.

          If your question is "What if my body likes foods with PUFAs in them," I would guess you mean "What if my body likes junk food," and the answer to that is "Because it is literally engineered to be addictive."

          • 9 months ago

            No one is talking about canola oil Black person. You morons think avocados and sashimi is more unhealthy than gummy bears and factory farmed pasteurized skim milk

            • 9 months ago

              Are you an NPC? Canola oil is a major source of PUFAs. If someone says they "enjoy eating PUFAs" it implies they enjoy eating canola oil. Just like if I said "I love eating saturated fat" and someone brings up butter or coconut oil.
              >avocado and sashimi
              These foods might have some PUFAs but are not at all representative of "PUFAs" like canola oil is, considering they are whole foods and don't even have that many PUFAs. God, you're stupid.

              • 9 months ago

                Absolutely no one thinks canola oil is good for you, moron. And Peat has said omega 3 is even worse than Omega 6 and that fatty fish is unhealthy. You don't even know what your diet daddy espouses.

              • 9 months ago

                >Absolutely no one thinks canola oil is good for you, moron.
                Are you responding to the right post? I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm responding to someone saying they "enjoy PUFAs" and I'm saying "no normal person enjoys eating straight-up canola or basedbean oil (which is essentially PUFAs in liquid form)."

              • 9 months ago

                Yes they enjoy eating pufas like avocado oil, olives and fatty fish. Dumb moron.
                >Nooo but don't talk about those! Talk about something everyone unanimously agreed is bad like Canola oil so my diet daddy doesn't seem like a moron!

              • 9 months ago

                >olive oil
                Olive oil has 8% PUFA, as my chart showed. Avocado oil is similar. Enjoying olive oil is obviously not the same as "enjoying PUFAs." You write like a moronic pit bull.

              • 9 months ago

                Your cortisol is looking a little high gayot. Why so tense? Too much bran juice perhaps? Take a minute and chug some orange juice and eat a pint of ice cream homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                1 avocado has 4 grams of PUFA which is above his recommended limit. Apparently exceeding that increases risk of cancer.But no, drink milk which I creases igf-1 and mtor.

                Also please explain why fresh cod liver oil is unhealthy. Go

              • 9 months ago

                >drink milk which I creases igf-1 and mtor.
                Do you have a problem with that...?
                >It acts as a neurotrophic factor, inducing the survival of neurons.
                >It may catalyse skeletal muscle hypertrophy, by inducing protein synthesis, and by blocking muscle atrophy.
                >It is protective for cartilage cells, and is associated with activation of osteocytes, and thus may be an anabolic factor for bone.

              • 9 months ago

                what's palm kernel oil and is it based?

              • 9 months ago

                It's from the core of the palm fruit, so it's more processed than palm oil or coconut oil. I think it's better than söybean/canola/corn/peanut oil, but I'm neutral about it otherwise.

  14. 9 months ago

    Peating cured my sun allergy, psychosis, insomnia, gut issues, hair loss, low t, made me lose 35 pounds of fat and build muscle in it's place. At the peak of my metabolism I was eating 5000+ calories a day while losing weight, I stopped eating so much because I couldn't afford it though so I eat around 3000 now. I owe Ray my life.

    • 9 months ago

      Post body let's see

      • 9 months ago

        At work rn, may post later. I wouldn't say my physique is particularly impressive but I went from chubby to literal skeleton to twunk in a year, started lifting after losing most of the fat I had, been lifting for a year and a half now. 175lbs 6'0, was around 150 when I first started, then fell down to 135 before building back up. I mostly do compound lifts except deadlift and can I hit 1/2/3/4 earlier this year.

        See heres the problem, what "Peating" even is is highly subjective
        Is it a HCLF diet with complete elimination of sneed oils, instead eating lots of potatoes and fruits, or is it shoving ice cream and collagen mixed coffee into your mouth 24/7

        That's because there's no Peat diet set in stone, any pro-metabolic diet can be considered Peaty. If you don't like caffeine, OJ, milk, aspirin etc. You can simply avoid those. The main idea is getting every single micronutrient you need, making sure your body is using sugar as it's main source of fuel and making sure endotoxin in your guts is as low as possible.
        I personally don't take aspirin at all and I'm not a big fan of seafood. The only supplement I take is magnesium and I take it recreationally. I just completely avoid PUFA, Corn syrup, non-root vegetables and stuff that can't be digested easily. No calorie restriction, no macro counting, I just eat as much as I want and only count what I eat when I'm losing weight so I can eat more of what I need.

        So I gave it a go for a bit and felt pretty awful. All the caffeine made me miserable. I still felt hungry despite drinking all that milk. "Priming my liver" with OJ in the AM felt gross. I just ended up jittery and unsatisfied.

        I'm sure there's some good in his research, and I'm sure some Peater will tell me I was doing it wrong because I missed this one magic step to making a neurotoxic pesticide (caffeine) somehow not make you feel like crap at high dosages, but anyway, I think just eating a normal well rounded diet of all the food groups and no junk is way better.

        See above, you don't have to do those things if you don't want to. Also a bad reaction to caffeine usually stems from gut issues so I think you should start with carrot salad

        • 9 months ago

          >I just completely avoid PUFA, Corn syrup, non-root vegetables and stuff that can't be digested easily.
          >No calorie restriction, no macro counting
          Absolutely based. This common sense approach is so much smarter and more effective at being a well-rounded diet with all of your micronutrient needs than "chicken rice broccoli." You won't find people doing this approach craving cheat meals and shitty food like you would with "chicken rice broccoli" people.

  15. 9 months ago

    lil wayne did 3 peat

  16. 9 months ago

    Can someone sum up what I have to keep in mind?

    >pufa bad
    >gelatin good
    >liver weekly
    >coffee, aspirin, sugar, salt good
    >carbs good but mostly from fruit
    >potatoes > rice > the rest
    >snacking throughout the day good (coffee, orange juice)

    Anything else to add to the list? Don't want to surf his forum it feels like a schizo cult

    • 9 months ago

      Potatoes are better than rice only if they are cooked well. Starch is generally terrible for your guts unless you cook them and destroy the complex structure, making them easier to digest

      • 9 months ago

        Why exactly?

        • 9 months ago

          Rice has no nutrients other than sugar, it can also contain phytic acid which is bad but it's easy to digest so it's still a good carb source especially if you cook it with butter. Potatoes have lots of minerals that don't get easily destroyed by heat and the starch should be easily digested if it's cooked right so well cooked potatoes are better than rice. In my experience, rice has worked better for me as a carb source, replacing rice with potatoes, even though I cook them well, make me put on a little bit of fat, I'm leaner on rice. Same calories, same everything else, but if you're concerned about minerals potatoes are better.

          Yea I mean most people will eat either: rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, oats or legumes as their main carb source as opposed to fruit, as it isn't feasible. And potatoes are the best out of the list

          I had to cut back recently but at the peak of my metabolic rate, my main source of carbs were raw honey (bought from a local beekeeper I personally know) and white sugar

          • 9 months ago

            Makes sense, why is pasta/bread and oats bad?
            I can understand legumes because they cause gas and stomach pain.
            Haven't Europeans adapted to the gluten from eating bread for centuries?

      • 9 months ago

        Oh also honey is the single best carb source there is, way better than rice, potatoes, fruits etc. It's not even close

      • 9 months ago

        Yea I mean most people will eat either: rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, oats or legumes as their main carb source as opposed to fruit, as it isn't feasible. And potatoes are the best out of the list

        • 9 months ago

          >Flashback to when I legumemaxxed and created farts that could've been classed as a WMD

        • 9 months ago

          Reminder that Peat himself relented and went back to Oats to slow his cardiovascular disease kek

          • 9 months ago

            He ate soaked oats one time because he wanted to and an army of schizos declared him a heretic and people have been shills have been using this against him ever since. Eating oatmeal or something anti-metabolic every now and then doesn't immediately condemn you to hell.
            Peat also tried eating well cooked leafy greens for carbs before.

            Makes sense, why is pasta/bread and oats bad?
            I can understand legumes because they cause gas and stomach pain.
            Haven't Europeans adapted to the gluten from eating bread for centuries?

            You can't adapt to eating toxic material and a lack of nutrients. Grains block nutrients essential for reproduction and intelligence of humans which means it's impossible for humans to evolve to adapt to them. The main mechanism grains protect themselves is making whatever consumes it metabolically unhealthy and unable to absorb essential nutrients, phytic acid which I mentioned above is one of the many tools grains use for this purpose.
            Legumes have similar self defense mechanisms but many also contain unsaturated fat and their fiber supports bacterial growth, though you might be able to get some nutrients from them if you're lucky. Still complete garbage at best imo.

            • 9 months ago

              If oats are so unhealthy why did Peat, your genius diet daddy consume them? Also consumed kale. I thought those anti nutrients would tank his super Saiyan metabolism?

              • 9 months ago

                I literally answered that in the post you're replying to.

                Peatgays really think drinking toxic bean juice is healthy. Use your brain. Coffee promotes wakefulness by spiking your adrenaline since that is how our body responds when injecting a toxin

                You have no nootrients and are mentally eel. Reminder that Peat said a fruitarian diet is nearly ideal and that tryptophan, an essential amino acid found in all dairy and meat is somehow toxic and stressful

                Also hair transplants are natural and lymph nodes don't exist. Please share more wisdom with us idiot slaves, Gatis, lol

                >fatty cuts of meat
                A total fruitarian diet is closer to Peat's ideals than that

                A diet lacking essential nutrients can never be Peaty as if you miss even a single micronutrient you need, dozens of problems pop up in your body. This is so essential and sensible that it goes without saying. Why would you ignore this fact and attack Peat's philosophy is beyond me. Perhaps you're a shill trying keep people metabolically unhealthy.

              • 9 months ago

                >a diet lacking essential nutrients
                You mean like how Peat promotes completely removing omega 3s from the dirt and eliminating amino acids like tryptophan which is needed for sleep?

              • 9 months ago

                >and eliminating amino acids like tryptophan
                You can't "eliminate amino acids" if you eat protein, because protein is made of amino acids.

              • 9 months ago

                He promotes gelatin and fruit over red meat because of tryptophan and iron

              • 9 months ago

                Oh, that's weird. I don't really know anything about Peat, but I personally believe red meat is obviously better than gelatin. Can't really make a good steak from gelatin lol.

              • 9 months ago

                Also whataboutism with regards to the coffee. Do tell why is toxic adrenal bean juice healthy?

              • 9 months ago

                sprouted oats if you can find them reduces phytic acid content

  17. 9 months ago

    All I know is that increasing my fruit, and thus sugar, intake has given me way more energy for my workouts than anything else. And I sustain that energy throughout the day. Still eating deenz tho

  18. 9 months ago

    Raw carrots are icky bros cant i just eat them cooked instead

  19. 9 months ago

    It’s mostly a meme yes.

    You will shit the milk
    You will have to restock on OJ every day
    You will eat some eggs and drink 1l of oj to remove the pufas. Is not a bodybuilding diet

    I did it for 2 years and I got panic attacks from too much coffee. Now I just listen to my body and eat whatever. I added bread aswell in my diet

    • 9 months ago

      Should have replaced coffee with redbull
      No anxiety that way

      • 9 months ago

        I tried that aswell. Red Bull will frick your up long term

        • 9 months ago

          Ho so?

          • 9 months ago

            You'll have wings.

          • 9 months ago

            Preservatives and citric acid react and produce benzene in your body which accumulates over time and causes cancer. Artifical sweeteners block quorum sensing in the gut which leads to all kinds of issues, they also cause cancer. The supposed micronutrients it has are all made of waste products so they are useless at best. If you don't like coffee, try black tea, if you don't like that either try something else, if nothing works for you just don't worry about the caffeine. You can be metabolically healthy without caffeine, it just helps a lot.

            • 9 months ago

              Citric acid and caffeine still spikes your cortisol. Also taurine is a complete meme and every single scientific study cited by Peattards for the supposed benefits of taurine are funded by redbull kek. Taurine is produced naturally by our bodies as long as we get enough calories and protein, Cats however require protein which is why they degenerated without it in Pottenger's study.

              Kevin Mann IQ mogs Peat

              Thank you anons, didn't know about citric acid. I do love coffee and will stick to it

          • 9 months ago

            Citric acid and caffeine still spikes your cortisol. Also taurine is a complete meme and every single scientific study cited by Peattards for the supposed benefits of taurine are funded by redbull kek. Taurine is produced naturally by our bodies as long as we get enough calories and protein, Cats however require protein which is why they degenerated without it in Pottenger's study.

            Kevin Mann IQ mogs Peat

            • 9 months ago

              Cats however require taurine*

  20. 9 months ago

    Peatgays really think drinking toxic bean juice is healthy. Use your brain. Coffee promotes wakefulness by spiking your adrenaline since that is how our body responds when injecting a toxin

    You have no nootrients and are mentally eel. Reminder that Peat said a fruitarian diet is nearly ideal and that tryptophan, an essential amino acid found in all dairy and meat is somehow toxic and stressful

  21. 9 months ago

    Trannies live Ray Peat because the act of eating sugar 24/7 to temporarily increase metabolism is the equivalent of dilating to maintain their open flesh wound that they pretend is a vegana

    Much like how the end result of Praying is a parody of what a healthy person should be like, trannies are a parody of the human form. Behind all the obfuscation and snarky little Troon quips like "torporloid" and how lmfao they just like eat sugar lol (all types in lowercase of course as troons do) is a a deeply unhealthy wretch

  22. 9 months ago

    every time i ask someone here about what a real ray peat diet, people always freak out and tell me to just go to his site and read hundreds of poorly-formatted essays. real nutrition is simple. if you can't distill a diet ideology into a couple pages of text, you are pushing a scam.

    also, peat fanatics can't seem to agree on anything.
    >"potatoes are good!"
    >"no potatoes are actually bad and not peaty!"
    >"animal fat is good!"
    >"no it's bad only eat MUFA oils!"
    >"no your both wrong only eat coconut oil!"
    >"you should drink half a gallon of orange juice a day!"
    >"no just a glass is enough"

    and so on. i'm convinced that all of this is just a cult of personality, and i'm never going to take this shit seriously until someone can actually make a real ray peat diet plan that all peat fanatics can agree on.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah eventually it devolves into eating gummy bears, sugar milk and taking troony pills like progesterone and industrial waste like methylene blue. The fact that they promote coffee should be enough to prove that they're braindead

      • 9 months ago

        >methylene blue
        >industrial waste
        It's literally prescribed to treat certain illnesses. It's like calling ivermectin horse paste, just moronic disingenuousness

        • 9 months ago

          it's also used for fish tanks and to a lesser extent used by graffiti artists to make extremely hard to remove ink

    • 9 months ago

      >spoon feed me or eat peat is a fraud!!2!!!

      Yeah eventually it devolves into eating gummy bears, sugar milk and taking troony pills like progesterone and industrial waste like methylene blue. The fact that they promote coffee should be enough to prove that they're braindead

      >The fact that they promote coffee should be enough to prove that they're braindead

      Go have a coffee you sound too low energy.

      • 9 months ago

        >No rebuttal, just a snarky Troon response
        Your cortisol is looking a bit high, bud.
        >Much I can't spoonfeed you
        Peatgayd are too ashamed to give prescriptions because then they would have to take accountability for all the people that destroyed their health on a Peat dirt like that moron who gave himself edema from eugenol or the people who gave themselves ulcers from aspirin

      • 9 months ago

        >muh spoonfeed
        like clockwork

    • 9 months ago

      How low iq can you be?

      One liter Oj
      2L skim milk
      Get some cod fish
      Chicken every 5 days

      Add anything to the list. I like to drink some Coca Cola (I’m yurop) I’ll have 2-3 a day and I drink a liter of coffee starting from the morning. Also if you tend to be anxious and assuming by the way you type you probably are try to never fast and always be drinking oj first think in the mornings. Also I’m living in mountains now cause of high altitude.

      • 9 months ago

        That's not a cohesive "diet ideology," that's a shitty shopping list.

        • 9 months ago

          >shopping list
          Wtf are you talking about

          how to prepare these

          Very hot water so anti nootrients dies and I add tons of honey and skim milk I eat them at night with a half block of cheese to relax. I’m not thin tho mind you all, I look like dinkov

          • 9 months ago

            wheres the gelatin

      • 9 months ago

        how to prepare these

      • 9 months ago

        Does it have to be actually squeezed orange juice? The cartons they sell in the supermarket are just water sugar orange taste and coloring

        • 9 months ago

          >actually squeezed orange juice?

          Yes avoid the fiber of orange at all cost. By the way I haven’t drinked oj for 4 days and I feel shit

  23. 9 months ago

    Yeah, I got lots of mires

  24. 9 months ago


    >Omega 3's are toxic
    So over 40% of your brain is composed of toxic matter? Now as for coffee:
    >Improves efficiency of energy use
    How? By raising adrenaline?
    >Lowers heavy metals
    >Inhibits free radical-like behavior of Iron
    Because it is toxic and inhibits absorption of nutrients. Arsenic does that same thing. Does that mean injesting arsenic is healthy now?

    Also gelatin powder is a complete scam. It is industrial waste sold to you

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      You made the percentage up. Omega 3 produced by the body is naturally protected by plasmalogens (which are made mainly out of sugar, lol) The supplement you take is made from waste products. Omega 3s could maybe potentially virtually feasibly be of some use if you get them from raw fish but very few people do that and most people get the toxic, oxidized kind.
      efficiency of energy use
      >How? By raising adrenaline?
      By supporting the sympathetic nervous system, caffeine works exactly like a nutrient in the body.
      >Because it is toxic and inhibits absorption of nutrients. Arsenic does that same thing. Does that mean injesting arsenic is healthy now.
      Arsenic is a heavy metal, it doesn't inhibit free radicals, even if it did, the comparison wouldn't work as the mechanisms of caffeine, as I mentioned above, are pretty much identical to tht of a nutrient. If you can compare caffeine to arsenic, you can do the same thing for vitamin E for example.
      >Also gelatin powder is a complete scam. It is industrial waste sold to you
      Depending on where you get it from, it could be useless if it's too denatured but gelatin is absolutely not a scam. Some parts of animals are not desired by the average Joe so they are considered waste products but some overlooked parts are incredibly valuable, like connective tissues and the FRICKING THYROID GLAND, it's usually thrown away because no one's gonna buy it but fresh, raw thyroid with butter is the closest thing to the panacea.

      • 9 months ago

        No I didn't. Over 40% of the total fatty acids in the brain is made of EPA and DHA
        >Omega 3 produced by the body is naturally Omega 3 cannot be produced by the body, that is why it is classified as an essential fatty acid moron
        >By supporting the sympathetic nervous system, caffeine works exactly like a nutrient in the body.
        Yes. The Sympathetic nervous system which is responsible to send electrical signals to the adrenals to trigger a fight or flight response. You proved my point.

        As for arsenic: arsenic decreases heme iron metabolism and binds to hemoglobin. You mentioned one of the health benefits of coffee was however heavy metals such as iron so I brought up how arsenic has a similar inhibitory affect on iron metabolism. Similarly leafy greens and legumes can do the same thing

        • 9 months ago

          >cannot be produced by the body
          Humans can produce DHA and synthesize EPA from plasmalogen protected unsaturated fats from raw fat/dairy.
          If your fantastical worldview in which humans depended on a substance not found in nature was true, how could early humans survive? Please think for more than 2 seconds before embarrassing yourself further.
          >There is only ONE mechanism that promotes energy production and expenditure and that is STRESS!
          Did you drop out of middle school after receiving only 2 biology classes? What are you even doing on a fitness forum? Sympathetic nervous system can be triggered by a trillion different inputs, including things like being fricking happy. My whole point is that caffeine works like a nutrient, optimizing energy usage and supporting the body's metabolic rate with a wide variety of beneficial effects.
          >about arsenic
          Read above, you are either pretending to be moronic or ignoring my point as you can't argue against it. Funny how you ignored all the other benefits of caffeine as well, when you SPECIFICALLY asked for it lmao

          • 9 months ago

            Humans can produce DHA
            Yes, it can be synthesized in the liver from ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid lol

            And as for plasmogens, they don't create EPA and DHA, they just protect efas. Didn't bother reading the rest because you were dishonest from the first sentence
            >Humans can synthesize dha
            But didn't say the only way is through another type of omega 3.

            Black person, they're called essential fatty acids for a reason. Stop embarassing yourself

            >Did you drop out of middle school after receiving only 2 biology classes? What are you even doing on a fitness forum? Sympathetic nervous system can be triggered by a trillion different inputs, including things like being fricking happy. My whole point is that caffeine works like a nutrient, optimizing energy usage and supporting the body's metabolic rate with a wide variety of beneficial effects.
            Not a single argument.

            • 9 months ago

              There are no other benefits to caffeine. Btw injection of arsenic increases the production of red blood cells. Does that mean it's a health food moron? Or is it because your body is reacting to the injection of a toxin and stress as a result by increasing the production of red blood cells.

              Similarly your argument about inhibiting toxic metals like iron can be compared to the same supposed benefit of arsenic. All the others such as increased energy function I already went over. You haven't said how coffee increases energy just that
              >It just does from uh...alot of factors, ever take a biology course chud?
              Funnily enough you did admit why which went against your point. Coffee gives you energy through stress hormones and by activating your sympathetic nervous system which sends signals to release adrenaline because you are investing a toxin after all. JFL @ your moronation. Peat-trannies man...

              >It's essential because it can't be produced by the body!
              >But it can be produced by the body
              >R-right but you still need UFA for it!
              >Yes, plasmogen protected UFA, from raw animal fat
              >T-that's also correct b-but it's s-still essential b-because...
              Because it's labeled as such by authorities, you are appealing to an authority who has your metabolic dysfunction as its best interest. You admitted I'm right, you don't even have anything you're arguing for anymore. You're just trying to cope with the fact you've been taking toxins this whole time.
              I didn't say plasmogens create EPA and DHA, I said that plasmogens protected UFAs are how they get their EFAs. We are just arguing over semantics at this point.

              >Not a single argument
              >There are no other benefits to caffeine
              >A substance that acts completely like a nutrient in all of its mechanisms is the same as a toxin that triggers the body's immune response

              I have been arguing all this time that caffeine acts as a nutrient and you simply ignore my points. Of course, I don't expect you to simply believe me when I make claims about caffeine so here are some references you can look into:
              Feel free to dismiss them but while doing so you must concede your baseless argument comparing caffeine to a toxin as it's fallacious.

              Function of the sympathetic nervous system is such a core part of you as an organism that it's almost absurd that I have to explain this to you but it's not only about fight or flight or stress. Did you know that even things like watching the sunset or looking at a beautiful painting activate and support sympathetic nervous system mechanisms?

              So to recap, in your worldview: Humans depend on a substance that can't be found in nature to survive and being happy stresses, ages and kills them.

              >investing a toxin
              My brother in Christ, you support PUFA supplements.

              • 9 months ago

                >It's essential because it can't be produced by the body!
                >But it can be produced by the body
                >R-right but you still need UFA for it!
                >Yes, plasmogen protected UFA, from raw animal fat
                >T-that's also correct b-but it's s-still essential b-because...
                DHA cannot be produced by a UFA. I never said that and it isn't true either.DHA can be synthesized in the liver from ALA which is another type of EFA. Plasmogens protect EFAs as well. Are you sure all that aspirin is not fricking with your heard you dumb Black person?

                Everything else you said is twitter Troon speak so won't bother responding to.
                >My brother in Christ
                Holy Troon speak. Just say Black person

              • 9 months ago

                >Troon speak

                Wtf is that? You said it like 10 times. You are high estrogen

              • 9 months ago

                ALA which is an UnsaturatedFA can be obtained from raw animal fat.
                DHA can be synthesized by ALA
                I've been mentioning plasmogens as they are essential for this mechanism. UFA acquired from a source other than raw animal fat will have little to no plasmogens which makes it toxic.
                Human milk contains the necessary plasmogen protected UFA for humans
                Which means Omega 3 from an outside source is not essential.
                How much more can I simplify this for you? What are you even arguing for at this point?

                >Did you know that even things like watching the sunset or looking at a beautiful painting activate and support sympathetic nervous system mechanisms?
                That's your parasympathetic nervous system. JFL Peattards are so fricking stupid

                It's essential because it can't be produced by the body!
                >But it can be produced by the body
                >R-right but you still need UFA for it!
                >Yes, plasmogen protected UFA, from raw animal fat
                >T-that's also correct b-but it's s-still essential b-because...
                How does this disprove anything? DHA can be synthesized by the body through our livers like you said but it is done through the converting ALA to DHA, and ALA is an omega 3 fatty acid. As for plasmaogens, their purpose is to protect components of the cell membrane like essential fatty acids because they can't be produced by the body. Why does it matter what they're made of? They have nothing to do with the production of DHa and EPA, they just protect them
                Function of the sympathetic nervous system is such a core part of you as an organism that it's almost absurd that I have to explain this to you but it's not only about fight or flight or stress. Did you know that even things like watching the sunset or looking at a beautiful painting activate and support sympathetic nervous system mechanisms?
                That would be the parasympathetic nervous system. Again, you have not even refuted that the mechanism by which coffee provides "energy" is through activating the sympathetic nervous system which in turn causes the adrenal glands to pump epinephrine. This is a fight or flight response and your only reply is that's just more complex bro. I thought Peat was all about reducing stress so why would you willingly ingest something that increases it?

                >All reaction to beautiful art is a part of the parasympathetic nervous system
                Do you not realize the example I gave included a possibly innumerable amount individual events? Do you not realize that human metabolic reaction to different stimuli aren't separated into only 2 groups which you seem to think are stress and anti-stress? Are you pretending to be moronic? Are you going to address any argument or evidence at all?

                I didn't say that coffee "provides" energy, I said it optimizes it's production and usage, see the references in the catbox link.

                >Y-you are... a hecking troon!! So I'm gonna dismiss all evidence you put forward!
                Ok, I'm gonna dismiss your ramblings then.

                >Troon speak

                Wtf is that? You said it like 10 times. You are high estrogen

                >You are high estrogen
                Right on the money, try the carrot salad bro it works I swear

              • 9 months ago

                >ALA which is an UnsaturatedFA can be obtained from raw animal fat.
                Alpha-linolenic acid is mostly found in plants, dumbass
                > I said it optimizes it's production and usage, see the references in the catbox link.
                And you didn't say how, just that "it just does bro". So I did for you and now you're assblasted
                >Human milk contains the necessary plasmogen protected UFA for humans
                Yes, human milk carries unsaturated fatty acids,most notably polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega 3z dha and epa and in higher ratios than cow's milk too. Curious. Almost like omega 3 and essential fatty acids are needed in the dirt or something...

              • 9 months ago

                >Do you not realize the example I gave included a possibly innumerable amount individual events? Do you not realize that human metabolic reaction to different stimuli aren't separated into only 2 groups which you seem to think are stress and anti-stress? Are you pretending to be moronic? Are you going to address any argument or evidence at all?

                You didn't even know what the parasympathetic nervous system was and thought it was the same thing as the sympathetic nervous system until I told you dumbass. Now you're coping and haven't put forward anything of substance

                BTW, ALA is a PUFA found in plants you utter moron, it's not found in animal fat. It can be converted into DHA and EPA(omega 3 fatty acid found in animal fat most notably fatty fish) through the liver

              • 9 months ago

                >ALA which is an UnsaturatedFA can be obtained from raw animal fat.
                Alpha-linolenic acid is mostly found in plants, dumbass
                > I said it optimizes it's production and usage, see the references in the catbox link.
                And you didn't say how, just that "it just does bro". So I did for you and now you're assblasted
                >Human milk contains the necessary plasmogen protected UFA for humans
                Yes, human milk carries unsaturated fatty acids,most notably polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega 3z dha and epa and in higher ratios than cow's milk too. Curious. Almost like omega 3 and essential fatty acids are needed in the dirt or something...

                >You didn't even know what the parasympathetic nervous system was and thought it was the same thing as the sympathetic nervous system until I told you dumbass
                >Now you're coping and haven't put forward anything of substance
                I am putting your sympathetic nervous system in effect by typing this reply lmao

                >And you didn't say how, just that "it just does bro". So I did for you and now you're assblasted
                I sent a link with all the references you need, evidence you specifically asked for, which you promptly ignored, and now you're playing dumb as looking into the research I spoonfed you would destroy your case.

                >Alpha-linolenic acid is mostly found in plants
                >mostly found in plants
                >Also found in human milk
                >it's not found in animal fat
                You seem to be frantically googling for articles to support your point and you're contradicting yourself while doing so.
                >ALA is found in animals

                My entire fricking point is that, Omega 3 you get from sources that aren't either your own body or raw animal fat are toxic as they are not plasmalogen protected.

              • 9 months ago

                >My entire fricking point is that, Omega 3 you get from sources that aren't either your own body or raw animal fat

                I don't disagree with this, moron. You need to have Omega 3 (Peat BTFO) and can really only get it safely from animal fat or DHA and EPA can be produced from your own body but only from being synthesized from another type of omega 3 fattty acid (one of mainly plant origin, btw animals have very small amounts of ALA in tissue from their vegetable feed containing ALA)

                Thanks for proving all my points and I'm glad I could finally teach you the difference between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system

              • 9 months ago

                >animals have very small amounts of ALA in tissue from their vegetable feed containing ALA
                Vegetables don't exist in nature. In a world where your argument is true, complex mammals can't exist.
                You started this argument saying that muh omega 3 is good and essential and now you concede that it can only be safely obtained from animals. So you admit that seeking omega 3 supplements, consuming seed oils and eating cooked fatty fish is bad for you? Good. You agree with Ray.

                As for the para/sympathetic system, you're again ignoring my entire argument. Why would I bring it up in the first place if I didn't know what it was, moron.

                >Omega 3 you get from sources that aren't either your own body
                You can't get it from your own body. That is why it is called an essential fatty acid. You can get it from plants and animals. ALA(omega 3 found mainly in plants) can be synthesized into the DHA and EPA(found mainly in animals)

                How would the necessary UFAs get in breast milk in the first place if humans can't produce it?
                >Vegetables of course!
                Vegetables aren't real.
                >S-seeds and grains?
                Those make you infertile.
                >F-fatty fish and o-other animals?
                If you consume them raw, sure, you can get some you can MAYBE use but it's not sustainable when you run the numbers.

                Animals produce fat, some of that fat is inevitably unsaturated fat, different animals have different mechanisms to utilize this type of fat but humans rely on plasmalogen protection. Funnily enough, for sufficient plasmalogen production you need to eat a lot of sugar which again brings us to Ray's teachings lmao

              • 9 months ago

                Black person when have I said that you shouldn't obtain omega 3's from animals? And moreover how does saying you can obtain omega 3s from animals not mean it is not an essential fatty acid? Peat is the one telling you that omega 3's are toxic and volatile and should be limited as much as possible

                If you're confused (and I suspect you are) you have omega 3s in cow's fat because cows get Omega 3 fatty acids from their food as mammals cannot produce it on their own. They convert the omega 3 fatty acid ALA in grass to DHA and EPA. Similarly, humans can do the same thing and can convert ALA into DHA and EPA but why bother when you can just get it from fish. This is also why grass fed cow's have a higher amount of omega 3 in their fat because of the higher amount of ALA in grass compared to feedlot cattle fed grain

              • 9 months ago

                >Funnily enough, for sufficient plasmalogen production you need to eat a lot of sugar which again brings us to Ray's teachings lmao
                You genuinely sound low IQ. How does this have any thing do with the fact that we cannot produce omega 3 fatty acids on our own and need to consume it through our diet? Also, is Peat the only one who says you should consume carbs? The purpose of plasmalogens is to protect things in the cell membrane like omega 3 fatty acids which only shows its importance. They're protected because our bodies cannot produce it on their own

              • 9 months ago

                You sound like you haven't even read Peat's research and what he says and DHA. It's consumption should generally be avoided. And Peat does not propose eating fatty cuts which will naturally contain more omega 3 fatty acids, but gelatinous cuts

              • 9 months ago

                Animals including humans produce UFA which they can synthesize into DHA and EPA. Fat synthesis produces UFAs as well. Do you not know this?
                Peat is against the consumption of omega 3s as you will get the unprotected toxic version of it. He wasn't against eating animal fat as long as it was less than sugar consumed, this is to make sure the body uses sugar as the main source of fuel. Anyways I won't repeat myself again. Also funny how you went silent on caffeine. You're just trying to cope with being wrong instead of admitting it at this point. Why cortisolmaxx when you can just have a cup of coffee with milk and sugar?

              • 9 months ago

                >Do you not know this?
                Please enlighten me troony
                >He wasn't against eating animal fat as long as it was less than sugar
                No he is specifically ok with mufa and SFA but of course all animal fat will have PUFA omega 3 and 6 but should be limited as much as possible hence why coconut oil is touted as probably one of the best fats to eat because of the lack of of pufa

              • 9 months ago

                MUFA has its own issues though that have come out in recent research, I'm not sure Peat ever saw that

              • 9 months ago

                >Omega 3 you get from sources that aren't either your own body
                You can't get it from your own body. That is why it is called an essential fatty acid. You can get it from plants and animals. ALA(omega 3 found mainly in plants) can be synthesized into the DHA and EPA(found mainly in animals)

              • 9 months ago

                >Did you know that even things like watching the sunset or looking at a beautiful painting activate and support sympathetic nervous system mechanisms?
                That's your parasympathetic nervous system. JFL Peattards are so fricking stupid

              • 9 months ago

                It's essential because it can't be produced by the body!
                >But it can be produced by the body
                >R-right but you still need UFA for it!
                >Yes, plasmogen protected UFA, from raw animal fat
                >T-that's also correct b-but it's s-still essential b-because...
                How does this disprove anything? DHA can be synthesized by the body through our livers like you said but it is done through the converting ALA to DHA, and ALA is an omega 3 fatty acid. As for plasmaogens, their purpose is to protect components of the cell membrane like essential fatty acids because they can't be produced by the body. Why does it matter what they're made of? They have nothing to do with the production of DHa and EPA, they just protect them
                Function of the sympathetic nervous system is such a core part of you as an organism that it's almost absurd that I have to explain this to you but it's not only about fight or flight or stress. Did you know that even things like watching the sunset or looking at a beautiful painting activate and support sympathetic nervous system mechanisms?
                That would be the parasympathetic nervous system. Again, you have not even refuted that the mechanism by which coffee provides "energy" is through activating the sympathetic nervous system which in turn causes the adrenal glands to pump epinephrine. This is a fight or flight response and your only reply is that's just more complex bro. I thought Peat was all about reducing stress so why would you willingly ingest something that increases it?

          • 9 months ago

            There are no other benefits to caffeine. Btw injection of arsenic increases the production of red blood cells. Does that mean it's a health food moron? Or is it because your body is reacting to the injection of a toxin and stress as a result by increasing the production of red blood cells.

            Similarly your argument about inhibiting toxic metals like iron can be compared to the same supposed benefit of arsenic. All the others such as increased energy function I already went over. You haven't said how coffee increases energy just that
            >It just does from uh...alot of factors, ever take a biology course chud?
            Funnily enough you did admit why which went against your point. Coffee gives you energy through stress hormones and by activating your sympathetic nervous system which sends signals to release adrenaline because you are investing a toxin after all. JFL @ your moronation. Peat-trannies man...

  25. 9 months ago

    The gist of Peat is to (re)learn how to trust your instincts and intuitive senses that have allowed your ancestors to thrive since the beginning of time. Eat what tastes good, makes you feel good, and makes you look good. Don’t eat what tastes bad, makes you feel bad, and makes you look bad. People threatened by his teachings are usually those who have been psyoped into believing that anything that feels/tastes good must be inherently bad for you. These are generally the types that fall for the limit your sugar/salt/caffeine and starve yourself while performing intense exercise meme.

  26. 9 months ago

    Can you ray peat the question?

  27. 9 months ago

    wow everything is so complicated
    I'll just stick with steak and eggs

    • 9 months ago

      the complication is literally the carbs but they are a must when it comes to fitness

  28. 9 months ago


  29. 9 months ago

    Can someone explain how a low metabolism is not ideal for anti-aging?
    >Less calories required therefore less inflammation and less work needed to be done by your cells and digestive system
    >Caloric restriction and reducing Neal frequency caused an increase in lifespan among animals
    >Longest living animals have slow heart rates, low bpm and low meal frequency

    Ray Peat semlems to think that a high metabolism is good because children have high metabolisms and those in old age do not. However, children obviously require high caloric intake because they are growing and we don't as adults.

    Also Peat has the cooky idea that if we can maintain a high metabolism we can theoretically live forever as old age is low metabolism therefore avoiding that is avoiding aging. He's right about stress but I don't think anyone thinks stress is good and we all know that stress increases aging

    • 9 months ago

      >Can someone explain how a low metabolism is not ideal for anti-aging?
      I'm happiest and healthiest when my energy levels are high. Is that not the case for you?

      Hey peatards. Should I remove any of the following?
      >bread (I love it)
      >8 eggs a day
      >2% fat milk instead of 0% (is it ok)
      >coffee is black (is it ok)?

      Also is OJ obligatory?

      nothing is obligatory
      what kind of bread? it seems most people in the peat community recommend quality sourdough

    • 9 months ago

      >Less calories required
      The human body at peak condition requires insane amounts of fuel, you can't adapt to a lack of fuel without giving up quality of your system/aging.
      >Caloric restriction and reducing meal frequency caused an increase in lifespan among animals
      Correction: PUFA restriction caused an increase in lifespan among lab rats
      >Longest living animals have slow heart rates, low bpm and low meal frequency
      There are studies showing long lifespans in high metabolic animals as well. One thing common in all long-living animals is excellent plasmalogen production. The way to achieve increased plasmalogens production in humans is... Raising their metabolic rate! Who would have guessed?

      Low metabolism is precisely the reason we age. If your metabolism doesn't slow down, your body keeps running at peak performance, keeping all systems running smoothly, keeping you from aging and sometimes even reversing aging.

      Energy flows through material and leaves structure as it passes by, Peat philosophy is about keeping that structure strong.
      Optimal thyroid function > Optimal mitochondrial function > Optimal energy production and consumption > Optimal metabolism > Optimal structure

      • 9 months ago

        >Correction: PUFA restriction caused an increase in lifespan among lab rats
        there's also the bit about low metabolism = less mineral and vitamin requirements. the thing about high metabolism is your nutrition requirements increase. so without the ability to meet your increase nutritional needs, low metabolism is better for longevity. but if you can meet those increase nutritional requirements, high metabolism is better

  30. 9 months ago

    Hey peatards. Should I remove any of the following?
    >bread (I love it)
    >8 eggs a day
    >2% fat milk instead of 0% (is it ok)
    >coffee is black (is it ok)?

    Also is OJ obligatory?

  31. 9 months ago

    adopting some of his nutritional knowledge, which is close to carnivore which is what I was doing prior to discovering him, has greatly improved my health both physically and mentally.

    • 9 months ago

      Peat isn't close to carnivore at all unless you just take the surface level "seed oils bad"

      • 9 months ago

        It's not close to carnivore unless you're talking about fruit + carnivore. Peat didn't recommend eating a ton of meat

        core tenet of carnivore is that plants are unhealthy. core tenet of Peat is that most plants are unhealthy.

        • 9 months ago

          No Peat is about eating enough sugar until you become woman and off yourself before 30. Faustian af. Hail Peat.

    • 9 months ago

      It's not close to carnivore unless you're talking about fruit + carnivore. Peat didn't recommend eating a ton of meat

  32. 9 months ago

    >outlives my granddad who didn't give a frick about nutrition or health by 2 years
    his death was proof it's all bullshit

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah I thought a high metabolism means you get to live forever. What happened Peatsisters?

      • 9 months ago

        >outlives my granddad who didn't give a frick about nutrition or health by 2 years
        his death was proof it's all bullshit

        he was poisoned by the CIA

    • 9 months ago

      He was in his early 80s and didnt figure out his framework until he was about 40

  33. 9 months ago

    he's 50% right 50% wrong
    >estrogen prolactin serotonin bad
    >t3 good
    >sugar good
    when paired with appropriate exercise it's not bad
    >unsat fat bad sat fat good, but fat is fattening overall
    >dht good
    correct, dht based steroids are also far superior to any 19-nors for your long term health.
    > progesterone/pregnenolone good
    only to the extent of having adequate neurosteroid levels
    >exercise bad
    >HGH bad
    >race and evolution fake, stalin good
    im glad you're dead you old nincompoop boomer

  34. 9 months ago

    Is this gelatin or something else

    • 9 months ago

      No, gelatin is called gelatin. There might be some collagen in it but gelatin is called gelatin. You buy gelatin to get gelatin.

  35. 9 months ago

    Peat is a Lysenkoist and Marxist. He doesn't believe in genetics because that would mean that the hrcking based Black personinos aren't oppressed by da white man but just naturally stupid

    • 9 months ago

      Kek. That explains why ever single Peat fan on twitter is trans or trans adjacent. Pseuds like Logo Daedalus and I_CAN_CLICK(notable dysgenic pseuds who are enthralled with fancy world salads, also why they love Infrahaz) specifically

      • 9 months ago

        most of the Peat community on twitter is RW and explicitly racist

  36. 9 months ago

    Peat killed my grandma and touched me in inappropriate places. I told him that I felt funny and asked him to stop but he kept going 🙁

    • 9 months ago

      Peat died childless and from a stroke meanwhile Sv3rige has multiple children. You lost Peat troony. Time for more ice cream because I know that cortisol is spiking lmfao fatass.

      If you follow the lifestyle of the average Japanese man you will live longer than wasting your money on meme troony supplements and gallons of orange juice and organic icecream. Natto (da hecking estrogenic goybeans), fatty fish (did a heckin serotonin), rice and seaweed as well as eggs and skewered chicken livers with some onions based sauce and zero caffeine

  37. 9 months ago

    >Claims caffeine is bad
    >Runs away with his tail between his legs when proven wrong

    >Concedes that humans can synthesize the UFAs needed
    >Concedes unprotected omega 3 is bad
    >Concedes you shouldn't eat unprotected omega 3s
    >Proceeds to eat unprotected omega 3s

    >Takes anti androgenic hormone therapy
    >Dares to call anyone else a troony

    >Goes bald before the age of 30
    >Dares to call anyone else dysgenic
    Ok bro

    • 9 months ago

      Claims caffeine is bad
      >Runs away with his tail between his legs when proven wrong

      >Concedes that humans can synthesize the UFAs needed
      >Concedes unprotected omega 3 is bad
      >Concedes you shouldn't eat unprotected omega 3s
      >Proceeds to eat unprotected omega 3s
      When have I said any of this Black person?
      Concedes that humans can synthesize the UFAs needed
      Holy brainlet. Those troony pills must've dropped caused brain damage. You cannot produce omega 3's which is why you need it from the dirt to which you conceded; you just said you should get it from animal sources which is what I have been saying since the beginning

      Nignoring the rest of your twitter Troon diatribe. You must be anxious from all that coffee huh champ? All that adrenaline and all

  38. 9 months ago

    I still don't get where he gets his take that starch feeds endotoxin and sugar doesn't when we know sugar is the preferred food source for it. It's not up to debate, we know. That's also discounting the mountains of studies showing how good starches are for people. This is not an argument against having some fruit by the way, it's Peat that say you should aim to eliminate starch entirely.

    • 9 months ago

      He doesn't say you should eliminate starch completely, it depends on the person. The idea is that simple carbs are easier to digest so you feed less bacteria in the intestines

      • 9 months ago

        Well that's the thing, cooked starch is high glycemic so it's more digestible than sugar. I'm missing the connection it gets shoved away with excuse, keto-tier arguments like "oh you might be allergic to rice..."

        Utter bullshit

        I'm sure you've done tons of research as I can see with that thought provoking post. That's not a take he invented by the way. That's common knowledge even with the AHA.

        • 9 months ago

          Peat said you can eat starch if it's cooked well enough. Like cooking potatoes to the point that they're practically liquid. He basically said don't consume starches if they're if they're in a resistant form

        • 9 months ago

          >the American Heart Association says you should be taking medication every day
          lmao and you think this is convincing??

        • 9 months ago

          >the AHA
          You should literally do the opposite of everything the AHA recommends.

    • 9 months ago

      he's against raw starch. has no problem with cooked starch.
      and his beef with high fructose corn syrup was that it was poorly manufactured and still contained traces of raw corn starch, which he changed his mind on later in life due to improvements in their manufacturing processes.

  39. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      shouldn't that be 90% of the population is hypothyroid?

  40. 9 months ago

    I tried it for a month, but after adding in 300mg pregnanalone, I had a fever all day long and felt pretty weird. Went back to eating mainly meat, but I've kept high sugar, carrots, coconut oil, aspirin still. I think taking out PUFAs is the main thing that I like about the diet, doubt I'll go back to eating anything with them in it besides natural sources.

  41. 9 months ago

    what's special about goat dairies? seems like many peaters (me included) don't seem to get fat when consuming them instead of non fermented cow dairy which bloats me and makes me tired unlike goat's milk

    • 9 months ago

      I don't remember but I think it's for similar reasons some people prefer A2 milk. I've tried Summerhill and it tastes awful to me. I think it might be their pasturization, the goat taste isn't so bad on its own.

    • 9 months ago

      seems like it has something to do with the feed. AFAIK goats are picky eaters so there's a high chance that their feeds aren't as zogged as cows

      I don't remember but I think it's for similar reasons some people prefer A2 milk. I've tried Summerhill and it tastes awful to me. I think it might be their pasturization, the goat taste isn't so bad on its own.

      summerhill taste fine, what weird taste did you find? a slight burnt taste?

  42. 9 months ago

    after reading dozen posts on this topic I concluded that this is a deep rabbit hole to dive into for potentially marginal gains in health. I will therefore keep lifting, eating clean, and enjoy coffee everyday

    • 9 months ago

      cover micros, sugars over starches, calcium to phospate ratio, take aspirin when you are getting sick, eat liver the same day.
      Other than that just be normal in a sick world.

      • 9 months ago

        >calcium to phospate ratio
        whats this?

        • 9 months ago

          eat more dairies (preferably low fat) and kale, already a standard gymcel diet

  43. 9 months ago

    thoughts on cocoa?

    i've been eating a quite peat influenced diet, eliminating PUFA and even MUFA sources quite aggressively

    but been eating a lot of cocoa powder (mixed with milk, mixed with sugar, coconut oil and milk powder, mixed into other stuff). because it feels good and i think that's ur body just wanting some nutrients from it. but it also has kinda high phosphorus content which i've also been compensating for. anything else to take into account? did peat ever mention cocoa and chocolate etc? i noticed he rather made coffee or orange flavored ice cream instead of chocolate for example

    • 9 months ago

      chocolate is based, peat has said some good things about it, i think he said they can prevent heart necrosis or something. amazing amount of stearic acid as well, the only bad thing about it is the lead contamination

      • 9 months ago

        can u just take stearic acid directly as well?

        • 9 months ago

          You can actually.

  44. 9 months ago

    How tf do you get anxious from coffee? Is this some meme I'm not aware of?

    • 9 months ago

      >raises blood pressure
      >raises heart rate
      >raises cortisol
      >makes you jittery
      >fricks with your sleep.

      Are you aware now?

      • 9 months ago

        blood pressure
        heart rate
        Sure, this may be the case, but I've never experienced:
        you jittery
        with your sleep.
        Like, just relax, are you not in control of your body?

      • 9 months ago

        blood pressure
        heart rate
        Sure, this may be the case, but I've never experienced:
        you jittery
        with your sleep.
        Like, just relax, are you not in control of your body?

        Bad reactions to coffee almost always stem from gut issues. Ever since I resolved those I had nothing but benefits from caffeine. Sometimes I even have a cup of coffee before bed and sleep like a baby 15 minutes later.

        thoughts on cocoa?

        i've been eating a quite peat influenced diet, eliminating PUFA and even MUFA sources quite aggressively

        but been eating a lot of cocoa powder (mixed with milk, mixed with sugar, coconut oil and milk powder, mixed into other stuff). because it feels good and i think that's ur body just wanting some nutrients from it. but it also has kinda high phosphorus content which i've also been compensating for. anything else to take into account? did peat ever mention cocoa and chocolate etc? i noticed he rather made coffee or orange flavored ice cream instead of chocolate for example

        I put some cocoa in my coconut oil, mix with honey and white sugar for taste and texture then freeze it to make homemade chocolate, it's yummy. If you're getting it from a good source it's Peaty

        • 9 months ago

          >It's Peaty
          Holy frick what a homosexual sounding word. You all look like homosexuals eating your "treats" and "sweets" and talking about how "yummy" they are like trannies then making unfunny snarky little twitter posts under handles like"nibbler".

          Pure homosexuality. Every Peater has either been fat or self admittedly deeply unhealthy. You have homosexuals only drinking goat milk because their weak homosexual digestive tract can't handle anything else (enjoy hypocalcemia moron) or have gave themselves edema from some troony supplement. Cocoa powder and coffee beans are incredibly toxic and any supposed benefit is a meme from some like science paper (Peatgays will also dismiss studies as israeli unless it agrees with their Peat tennants). I have seen them unironically cute redbull funded studies to prove taurine is beneficial for humans...just lol.

          Sugar addicts and Caffeine addicts(you only like the cocoa powder because of the caffeine btw). Cococa powder is bitter and disgusting is a powder and no aristocratic animal like a cat or a baby (which has better dietary senses than you) would ever enjoy coffee or cocoa powder. The Peat forum is also full of flat earthers and other moronic who think avocados poison them and have the logic of cat ladies I have never seen them cotr a peer review r meta analysis or a study with a larger sample size before. Kuh aspirin. Frick off.

          If you want real anti aging, block DHT.

          • 9 months ago

            Kevin Mann, you are an estrogenic vegan loser.

          • 9 months ago

            oy vey hashem

          • 9 months ago

            >Pure homosexuality. Every Peater has either been fat or self admittedly deeply unhealthy. You have homosexuals only drinking goat milk because their weak homosexual digestive tract can't handle anything else (enjoy hypocalcemia moron) or have gave themselves edema from some troony supplement. Cocoa powder and coffee beans are incredibly toxic and any supposed benefit is a meme from some like science paper (Peatgays will also dismiss studies as israeli unless it agrees with their Peat tennants). I have seen them unironically cute redbull funded studies to prove taurine is beneficial for humans...just lol.
            Projection, you can't handle lactose?

            >Sugar addicts and Caffeine addicts(you only like the cocoa powder because of the caffeine btw). Cococa powder is bitter and disgusting is a powder and no aristocratic animal like a cat or a baby (which has better dietary senses than you) would ever enjoy coffee or cocoa powder. The Peat forum is also full of flat earthers and other moronic who think avocados poison them and have the logic of cat ladies I have never seen them cotr a peer review r meta analysis or a study with a larger sample size before. Kuh aspirin. Frick off.

            Sugar addiction yet it is the bodies preferred fuel source and kids like it with no society teaching them to feel that way. Almost like its in your DNA?

  45. 9 months ago

    So how different would his recommendations be in the absence of industrial farming? If everything was grass-fed, free range, organic, etc, and we didn't have to worry about the processing, I'm guessing the food choices would be much more diverse.
    I'm sure PUFAs would still be forbidden, and he'd probably still shy away from non-root vegetables, grains, and nuts/seeds. But that's not dramatically restrictive.

    • 9 months ago

      nuts would be a treat as they were very expensive (still is to some extend) and traditional grains were prepared differently

  46. 9 months ago

    >sugar addiction
    is a moralistic buzzphrase with no real meaning.
    >you're an addict because.... you just are ok!!!!

  47. 9 months ago

    Veggies are yucky
    Sugar is yummy
    Simple as.

  48. 9 months ago

    Coffee bros, we're going home
    >In actuality, I believe there is only one specific item of food (so setting aside nutritional components like fiber) which has met a sufficient standard of evidence that I would consider it somewhat likely to have protective, anti-mortality effects. This item is coffee, which shows a dose-dependent reduction in all-cause mortality across multiple large and well-characterized cohorts of diverse genetic backgrounds:
    >Woodward and Tunstall-Pedoe (1999) studied a cohort of over 11k individuals from the Scottish Heart Health Study and identified a dose-dependent reduction of all-cause mortality in men and women up to 4 cups of coffee per day.
    >Finally, it’s worth noting that residual confounding can influence effect sizes in both directions. Specifically, although coffee consumption seems to have a “U-shaped” dose-response curve with respect to longevity, with all-cause mortality risk seemingly increasing after 4-5 cups of coffee per day, one should consider the possibility that it is so unusual to drink >5 cups of coffee per day that any person who does so is likely subject to abnormal stressors which are inadequately captured in the statistical analysis. Were this to be the case, this could mean that the health benefits of coffee might even be underestimated, with the optimal dosage potentially far exceeding 5 cups per day. Of course, we are now well within the realm of pure speculation, but if we are concerned about socioeconomic confounders that lead us to overestimate the benefits of coffee consumption, we may at the very least acknowledge the possibility that confounders in the other direction may very plausibly exist.
    I think most of these should be decaf tho

    • 9 months ago

      >I think most of these should be decaf tho
      they're either decaf or not it would say in the study.
      you're not just posting meme quotes without reading them, are you?

      • 9 months ago

        > Interestingly, Mendelian randomization was used with alleles known to be associated with caffeine intake to try to identify causality; at a genetic level, caffeine intake was not associated with lower risk of all-cause mortality, suggesting either deficiencies in the application of Mendelian randomization or a pro-longevity effect of coffee which is attributable to its non-caffeine components.
        Yeah it's annoying with character limit i couldnt post the whole excerpt.

  49. 9 months ago

    this is the worst peat thread i've ever been in

    • 9 months ago

      Be the change you wish to see in the thread.

  50. 9 months ago

    Dont care, I will eat my pumpkin seeds because I enjoy them

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