Are deadlifts even good for muscle building?

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  1. 9 months ago

    as surely as you are a homosexual

  2. 9 months ago

    Not really

  3. 9 months ago

    Yes but good mornings and RDLs are better

    • 9 months ago

      snap mornings

  4. 9 months ago

    They're a strength movement, not a hypertrophy movement.

  5. 9 months ago

    I'm more of an RDL and one legged DL typa guy

    • 9 months ago

      i do them on my tippy toes

  6. 9 months ago

    what muscle?

  7. 9 months ago

    They work mostly glutes, hamstrings and low back.

    • 9 months ago

      And forearms, and upper traps, and obliques. The main reason why people doesn't like them is the back snap possibility not because the exercise sucks at developing the muscles it uses (which are many).

      • 9 months ago

        >is lifting the most weight you can possibly lift good for building muscle?
        Gee anon, I dunno

        There are other exercises that do a better job at that. For instance, you can lift more weight with the rack pull and build the traps and forearms way more.

        • 9 months ago

          I can dl more than I can Rack Pull. I don't know why.

        • 9 months ago

          The chances of snapping your back during a rack pull are the same as with the deadlift, the rack pull is just one of those partial movement accesory lifts you do to improve the main lift once you have plateau'd. Farmer carries though are better at developing forearms, obliques and upper traps than deadlfits with almost zero risk of snapping your shit but they are inferior at developing glutes or hamstrings. All in all, the deadlift is the most complete lift to develop all of those muscles at the same time, that's why it forms part of any main program.

      • 9 months ago

        >people doesn't like them is the back snap possibility not because the exercise sucks at developing the muscles it uses (which are many).
        how are ya gonna get 40 seconds time+ under tension and muscle failure with diddly?
        u ain't, u lifted the weight, pat urself on back for lifting tha weight, good boyi
        >no i did sets of 10, even 15 in deadlift!
        10 singles, time under tension rule is broken every time u drop or stand up with weight

        if anything rdl is way better suited for hypertrophy and it's hamstrings, which need stretching not strengthening most oft the time, and even then u're holding to this metal shaft in this particular position because? nothing is stopping u from using dumbbells

        have u ever heard - use the least amount for best results over long time frame? they are talking about gear, i'm saying weight applies here as well - least amount of weight for best result over considerably longer time frame
        that's how u do hypertrophy

        The chances of snapping your back during a rack pull are the same as with the deadlift, the rack pull is just one of those partial movement accesory lifts you do to improve the main lift once you have plateau'd. Farmer carries though are better at developing forearms, obliques and upper traps than deadlfits with almost zero risk of snapping your shit but they are inferior at developing glutes or hamstrings. All in all, the deadlift is the most complete lift to develop all of those muscles at the same time, that's why it forms part of any main program.

        > the rack pull is just one of those partial movement accessory lifts you do to improve the main lift once you have plateau'd
        what is partial rack pull? i'll up the ante bot, there's nothing partial about static hold of the stupid bar fricking bar, u're factually wrong bot, u're purposefully moronic pretending to be me bot, i feel forever insulted by your dumb fricking drivel bot

        • 9 months ago

          >what is partial about rack pull?

        • 9 months ago

          shutup moron

          • 9 months ago

            >bot, can't compute
            not my problem bot

        • 9 months ago

          >if anything rdl is way better suited for hypertrophy and it's hamstrings, which need stretching not strengthening most oft the time
          Wrong, they need both. Strong and flexible hamstrings are ideal; you should be able to express a lot of strength out of very deep hip flexion with minimal knee flexion. Deficit RDLs are great for this especially

          • 9 months ago

            strenghtening shortened, tight muscle in the same shortened tight position - u did not go to school bot did ya?

            to heal hamstring and return it to optimal function one needs to stretch it with quad completely locked and leg completely straight

            get fkt bot

            • 9 months ago

              >strenghtening shortened, tight muscle in the same shortened tight position
              When did I say to do leg curls? RDLs performed with a full range of motion (ie, off of a deficit) train the hamstrings in their fully lengthened position. If you need to go deeper for full ROM, then add more deficit, widen your grip, keep your spine more extended, or straighten your knees more to reduce knee flexion
              >to heal hamstring and return it to optimal function one needs to stretch it with quad completely locked and leg completely straight
              Then do straight-leg good mornings and/or jefferson curls. You need strength in the lengthened position, not one or the other. Strength without length is bad, and length without strength is bad, with weak + tight being the worst.

            • 9 months ago

              >strenghtening shortened, tight muscle in the same shortened tight position
              When did I say to do leg curls? RDLs performed with a full range of motion (ie, off of a deficit) train the hamstrings in their fully lengthened position. If you need to go deeper for full ROM, then add more deficit, widen your grip, keep your spine more extended, or straighten your knees more to reduce knee flexion
              >to heal hamstring and return it to optimal function one needs to stretch it with quad completely locked and leg completely straight
              Then do straight-leg good mornings and/or jefferson curls. You need strength in the lengthened position, not one or the other. Strength without length is bad, and length without strength is bad, with weak + tight being the worst.

              And as for real-world results; once upon a time I could barely touch my toes, but now palms to floor with bent elbows is trivial for me, and I am now working towards elbow to toes (will probably take forever but I don't have a problem with that since that requires incredible flexibility). I did no static stretching at all for this, just RDLs/good mornings/jefferson curls through a full range of motion, which increased over time as I became more flexible.

              Obviously you should train the shortened position as well, which I do now with weighted nordic curls (bc home gym). No reason why any position should be weak; train them all

    • 9 months ago

      Thats good

  8. 9 months ago

    yes they are needed for balanced physique. you dont just do deadlifts. you do deadlifts + hypertrophy movements.

    • 9 months ago

      Psst, don’t tell them. Let them live in their own world until they realise it themselves.

    • 9 months ago

      >they are needed for balanced physique
      >a large amount of bodybuilders, people whose entire sport is based on the creation of a proportional and balanced physique, don't do them

      • 9 months ago

        because bodybuilding is primarily about genetics and roids and very little about training specifics.

        • 9 months ago

          >because bodybuilding is primarily about genetics and roids and very little about training specifics.
          You literally train a specific body part each day at specific angles with specific movements and specific equipment while adding specific nutrition at specific times. Bodybuilding is the epitome of specificity and you're an absolute moron.

  9. 9 months ago

    you need a strong posterior chain if you are ever going to move enough weight to build big legs so in a way they are a vehicle for hypertrophy

  10. 9 months ago

    >is lifting the most weight you can possibly lift good for building muscle?
    Gee anon, I dunno

    • 9 months ago

      Unironically no. 1RM training is great for strength but awful for hypertrophy lol.

      Anyone going super heavy on their deadlifts and expecting hypertrophy gains is a megamoron

      • 9 months ago

        Dorian Yates swore by them and he has the best back in bb.

        • 9 months ago

          He actually did RDLs and his main back movement was the Yates row.

          • 9 months ago

            Dorian Yates went heavy but he didn't do 1RM training.
            >I was careful never to do any less than 5-6 reps

            I'm not arguing in favour of rep ranges, I'm arguing for the case of deadlifts being an amazing exercise for your erectors.
            >He actually did RDLs and his main back movement was the Yates row.
            Still a deadlift and the Yates row is for your upper back thickness where even an RDL hits glutes, hammies and lower back.
            >Dorian Yates went heavy but he didn't do 1RM training.
            Again never said anything about rep ranges. It makes no sense to keep bringing that up.

            • 9 months ago

              >Again never said anything about rep ranges. It makes no sense to keep bringing that up.
              I literally was talking about 1RM training being moronic for hypertrophy here

              Unironically no. 1RM training is great for strength but awful for hypertrophy lol.

              Anyone going super heavy on their deadlifts and expecting hypertrophy gains is a megamoron

              to which you replied


              Dorian Yates swore by them and he has the best back in bb.

              >Dorian Yates swore by them and he has the best back in bb.
              As if that somehow countered my statment that 1RM training is moronic for hypertrophy.

              So yes rep ranges was the original relevant point. You said Dorian Yates did deadlifts in response to my statement that 1RM training for size is moronic, implying that he did the very thing that I was saying was bad, which he never did, and now you're damage controlling

              Whether deadlifts are amazing for your erectors or not is irrelevant to the point I made, which is that 1RM training is moronic for hypertrophy, why are YOU bringing it up, moron?

              • 9 months ago

                moron, the original post was


                >is lifting the most weight you can possibly lift good for building muscle?
                Gee anon, I dunno
                >is lifting the most weight you can possibly lift good for building muscle?
                >Gee anon, I dunno
                Which you replied with >72199128 bringing up 1rm when noone was talking about it other than you. You even replied twice(now 3 times) to my same post about Dorian because you wanted so bad to be right but you couldn't take accountability for trying to pivot this about rep ranges and then different variations of deadlifts. I know you're seething but it's going to be ok bud. Better luck next time.

              • 9 months ago

                >bringing up 1rm when noone was talking about it other than you.

                >>>>>>>is lifting the most weight you can possibly lift good for building muscle?
                What the frick do you thing "the most weight you can possibly lift" is you absolute moron? It's a one rep max. If you can do more than one rep with it, it's not the most weight you can possibly lift.

                have a nice day at your earliest convenience you absolute moron

              • 9 months ago

                >he's still seething
                >NO I SAID 1RM THIS MANY TIMES
                Cope moron. Nowhere in the original post does it say anything about rep ranges until you brought it up in the next post. Deadlifts are the best exercise for your posterior chain and they should be done heavy in a moderate rep range. Every pro has compounds in their routine and you won't have a good base if you don't have compounds in your program. Anyone with a respectable back has deadlifts in their programming. You can reeeeee all you want, the end of the day you got btfo on this subject. What kind of moron thinks people are doing 1rm or even 3rm on a bodybuilding specific program? Going the heaviest you possibly can can mean going 4×10 at 70-90% but you immediately interpreted as 1rm because you suck dick that lacks foreskin and you're a j*w.

              • 9 months ago

                >still pretending he didn't originally mention "the most weight you can possibly lift" and how it's synonymous with a 1RM
                Damage control is real.

                >Going the heaviest you possibly can can mean going 4×10 at 70-90% but you immediately interpreted as 1rm because you suck dick that lacks foreskin and you're a j*w.
                >changes the original phrase used to match a different definition to save face
                >calls others israelites while pilpulling this hard
                Watch him cry out in pain as he strikes you.

                I assume what you actually meant instead of "the most weight you possible can lift" was "an exercise that engages the most muscles at once" or simply "a compound exercise".
                It's okay to be moronic, anon, it's not your fault that you're dumb. You phrased something incorrectly, and damage controlled hard to make it out like you didn't. We're all anonymous here, and while we can all see the original post that outs you as a moron now, don't worry, in a few days it'll be archived and forgotten and nobody will remember what a colossal moron you have been.

                I'm going to close the thread now that you have been irrevertably btfo'd. I suggest you do the same and try not to let it get to you, but if you need to post more cope and take the last word to feel like you're making strangers on the internet not realize how utterly moronic you are, I won't hold it against you.

              • 9 months ago

                >that response
                For you to be correct in this dispute you would have to point out me saying that 1rm for deadlifts are hypertrophic, where you can clearly see in all of my posts I never made that statement.
                >I assume what you actually meant instead of "the most weight you possible can lift" was "an exercise that engages the most muscles at once" or simply "a compound exercise".
                I literally said this numerous amounts of times in these posts

                >he's still seething
                >NO I SAID 1RM THIS MANY TIMES
                Cope moron. Nowhere in the original post does it say anything about rep ranges until you brought it up in the next post. Deadlifts are the best exercise for your posterior chain and they should be done heavy in a moderate rep range. Every pro has compounds in their routine and you won't have a good base if you don't have compounds in your program. Anyone with a respectable back has deadlifts in their programming. You can reeeeee all you want, the end of the day you got btfo on this subject. What kind of moron thinks people are doing 1rm or even 3rm on a bodybuilding specific program? Going the heaviest you possibly can can mean going 4×10 at 70-90% but you immediately interpreted as 1rm because you suck dick that lacks foreskin and you're a j*w.

                >these morons keep bringing up 1rm deadlifts
                Do you think powershitters who train their 1rm go into every session doing 1rm or something? Noone is argueing that yates did less than 5 reps on dl. Anon is saying it's the best bang for buck when it comes to posterior movements and compound exercises. Have you never seen or heard of widowmaker sets with 3-4 pl8's and the size of their backs? Any bodybuilder worth mentioning who places in the top 10 at olympia or arnold will have dl's in their routine. Who the frick cares about nattys who seethe and are too pussy to do compounds because
                >muh risk over reward factor
                Grow a pair wannabe chudgay, you sound like some cidiot pussy btw.

                I'm not arguing in favour of rep ranges, I'm arguing for the case of deadlifts being an amazing exercise for your erectors.
                >He actually did RDLs and his main back movement was the Yates row.
                Still a deadlift and the Yates row is for your upper back thickness where even an RDL hits glutes, hammies and lower back.
                >Dorian Yates went heavy but he didn't do 1RM training.
                Again never said anything about rep ranges. It makes no sense to keep bringing that up.

                The original post you were replying to about rep ranges wasn't even my post, I just simply stated Dorian swears by them and he has the best back in the biz. Then you started seething trying to makw this about rep ranges and variations of the deadlift because you misinterpreted the original post because you're a pea brained natufian. You keep sperging about rep ranges when you're the only one talking anout them. Keep cope posting pussy.

        • 9 months ago

          Dorian Yates went heavy but he didn't do 1RM training.
          >I was careful never to do any less than 5-6 reps

          • 9 months ago

            >posts video of him describing contest prep

            • 9 months ago

              He literally says he injured himself going heavy in the first couple years of his training so avoided going too heavy again, and has said as much in multiple other videos. I can't find the one in particular but someone asks him what his 1RM was and he literally says "I don't know I never did it"

              • 9 months ago

                Who the frick cares homosexual he still did deadlifts and had the best back of all time. Any post after this line is pure cope.

        • 9 months ago

          He rarely did less than five reps and did a lot of rows. Was also blasting roids so of course he’s gonna have a big back

          • 9 months ago

            >these morons keep bringing up 1rm deadlifts
            Do you think powershitters who train their 1rm go into every session doing 1rm or something? Noone is argueing that yates did less than 5 reps on dl. Anon is saying it's the best bang for buck when it comes to posterior movements and compound exercises. Have you never seen or heard of widowmaker sets with 3-4 pl8's and the size of their backs? Any bodybuilder worth mentioning who places in the top 10 at olympia or arnold will have dl's in their routine. Who the frick cares about nattys who seethe and are too pussy to do compounds because
            >muh risk over reward factor
            Grow a pair wannabe chudgay, you sound like some cidiot pussy btw.

      • 9 months ago

        every olympic weightlifter has huge erectors and most never do more than 3 reps on any type of pull.

      • 9 months ago

        Post back or stfu

      • 9 months ago

        post back pussy

  11. 9 months ago

    Deadlifts are probably the no1 exercise you should be doing

  12. 9 months ago

    >tfw do rounded upper thoracic diddlys from 2" deficit and have erectors that bulge
    It truely is a dyel filter. lol

  13. 9 months ago

    They make me feel good
    Squats make me feel like my knees and back are gonna explode tho
    t. short torso long appendages

    • 9 months ago

      Long arm bro reporting in. Deadlift is where we get back on the manlets who squat mog us.

    • 9 months ago

      I am the opposite. Squats feel amazing and I can go heavy atg. Deadlifts I always feel like I'm gonna snap, even with sub 4 plates.
      T.short ass legs, long af torso.

      • 9 months ago

        >t. my back is weak and I don't know how to diddy so I'll just anatomy cope

        • 9 months ago

          Frick you Black person, you probably can't even squat bw atg for reps.

  14. 9 months ago

    Back extensions beat all deadlift variations.
    >fixes your lower back
    >easily loaded when done like pic related
    >can have as big of a ROM as you want

    • 9 months ago

      >Back extensions
      more like dyel extensions

      • 9 months ago

        >more like dyel extensions
        Do you even extend, bro?

    • 9 months ago

      That guy looks like a huge pussy and a massive homosexual in comparison to the deadlifting man in OP

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah I won't argue that, I had trouble finding a good image to use. I wanted one where the barbell was being held like that instead of other positions, and for some reason most were with the barbell on your back which feels terrible.

  15. 9 months ago

    No. Do them if you like them or if you're strength training but every muscle that traditional deadlifts work there's another lift than does it better

  16. 9 months ago

    Am I wasting my time by deadlifting lower weight but at highter reps?

    • 9 months ago

      Yes. Deadlift lower weights, at larger negatives (standing on a plate or two) at normal reps for optimal gains.

  17. 9 months ago

    if you want to have erectors yeah. if you just want to look strong in a tanktop doesn't matter I guess. people who lift will know you are a homosexual when they see you have no erectors though.

  18. 9 months ago

    I hate Black folk

  19. 9 months ago

    cope chang

  20. 9 months ago

    Everyone in this thread is big dumdums. Of course deadlifts make you more muscular. For nattys there is no big distinction between strength and hypertrophy. To get stronger your muscles need a bigger cross-sectional area. The nervous system adaptations happen simultaneously. Bodybuilding is about genetics and drugs. If you are just training and get strong you're going to look however your genetics dictate. Doing a bunch of accessories to bring up "weak points" is futile. Training is stupid simple and everything else is determined by genetics and whether you're tough enough to do your 5s. Simple as.

    • 9 months ago

      >Of course deadlifts make you more muscular.

      • 9 months ago

        Its not a calf excercise big dawg

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      So I'm wasting my time doing 5x5 with accessories? I just wanna look big, don't care for strength...

      • 9 months ago

        You're wasting your time if you're doing more than a single set of deadlifts. Curls probably have an application to hypertrophy if you're not doing chins, but doing a bunch of assistance work on muscle grlups that are being worked with much heavier weight does nothing.

        • 9 months ago

          He used to be so hot 🙁

          • 9 months ago

            sure was

            • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                they don't make em anymore bud

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                they don't make em anymore bud






                sure was

                SHUT THE FRICK UP Black folk

              • 9 months ago

                relax bro it's not that serious

              • 9 months ago


  21. 9 months ago

    bbers dont deadlift guys

  22. 9 months ago

    they are th eonly exercise that loads the glutes maximally, besides the lowbar squat, and they are the only exercise that can train your spinal erectors, full stop this time.

    • 9 months ago

      >they are the only exercise that can train your spinal erectors
      Haha you're so fricking stupid lol
      Imagine saying this JUST after you mentioned lowbar squats

  23. 9 months ago

    >gets btfo about deadlifts
    >tries to pivot to rep ranges and variations
    >copes by samegayging and phoneposting

  24. 9 months ago

    No. It's a stupid lift.

    • 9 months ago
      All Fields

      Post back and ass

      SLDLs are great

  25. 9 months ago

    I literally only see scrawny zoomers do them. Why is this?

  26. 9 months ago

    Yes if you treat them as a musclebuilding exercise.

    moron go in the gym pulling max singles for deadlift then come on here saying deadlift isn't for hypertrophy. Do them for 4x10 sets instead and you'll see your hammies, ass, and back grow.

    • 9 months ago

      Adding to this anon make sure you tailor the variation you use to your goals. Apply other hypertrophy principles as well such as deep starting position (deficit) and controlled eccentric (not dropping it like a powersharter). I also program them immediately before my rest day as they are fairly fatiguing and I find it's easier to find the drive to take them for volume near/to failure when I have that chilling in bed day coming up.

    • 9 months ago

      Adding to this anon make sure you tailor the variation you use to your goals. Apply other hypertrophy principles as well such as deep starting position (deficit) and controlled eccentric (not dropping it like a powersharter). I also program them immediately before my rest day as they are fairly fatiguing and I find it's easier to find the drive to take them for volume near/to failure when I have that chilling in bed day coming up.

      Why not just do RDLs or even SLDLs at that point? Even weighted back extensions would be better. I bet more bodybuilders do fricking leg curls rather than DLs for 10 reps a set.

  27. 9 months ago

    what is the answer that you want? (I'm guessing 'no') don't do them then

  28. 9 months ago

    Mike Mentzer said the dead lift is what gets you shredded head to toe. But Tom Plattz says the dead lift is too much risk for too little reward. He says you always have to have risk to accomplish anything but when the ratio leans too far it is time to find a better way. For him it is hamstring curls and leg extensions in accessory to his world famous squats. Speaking of, does Tom have a line of squat plugs? You’d think at his age mixed with the mini stroke he’d need a sizable one.

  29. 9 months ago

    b-broskis...I want a daughter

  30. 9 months ago

    Big 3 are overrated.

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