Are there any legitimate fatties here?

No this isnt /fph/. I’m just genuinely curious how many amongst us are truly obese/super obese and are willing to share their stories.

>How much do you weight? How old are you?
>Whats your daily diet/routine like?
>How has the weight affected your life, physically and mentally?
>Are you working on changing it?
Anything else is welcome. OP is declaring this a judge free zone.

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  1. 6 months ago

    I used to be morbidly obese but am now approximately 10lb overweight.

    • 6 months ago

      I will be judging any fatties posting ITT starting now.

      You got fricking lucky pal.

  2. 6 months ago

    I don't think I was morbidly obese ever, this summer I went to the doctor for the annual check up and was told my weight is 110kg or so, something snapped and I started dieting, removed sugar, alcohol and general slop from my diet completely. So far so good (88kg), but my goal is 80kg (I'm 181cm)
    I really wonder sometimes how people manage to get huge amount of weight, I was disgusted by my looks in the mirror enough already.

  3. 6 months ago

    i was 5kg overweight now i’m 2kg underweight ^-^

    i would genuinely rather die than be fat again

  4. 6 months ago

    25 yo fatcel, about 240 ibs atm. I hit 300 ibs two years ago but managed to drop down to 240 through regular dieting. I lost that 60 ibs last year but i have made no progress since then. For me the most horrible thing about obesity would be that it ruins your dating prospects since no women would ever be physically attracted to a fatso. I am trying stick to a diet again but it's hard because it takes so much willpower.

  5. 6 months ago

    I gained about 80lbs after I got out of the army which put me at about 300lbs at 6ft. Didn’t really affect me for years but now i got some higher blood pressure so I’m gonna get back down to 240ish.

    Daily routine is just to go to work every day and sit on my ass a lot then do the same at home. Life is really easy and my wife is a good cook.

  6. 6 months ago

    We got some real heifers in /fat/, plus former fatties. Also ketoschizo.

  7. 6 months ago

    I have no fricking clue how to get to a normal weight.

    Like, I'd have to drop to essential fat levels to get a normal BMI. Makes me mad tbh.

    • 6 months ago

      Shut up dude. 184cm and 93kg? That's skinny as hell, I'm just short of that height and currently 115kg and I've slightly overweight (I'm mostly muscle)

      • 6 months ago

        I don't know where to begin with this one
        Never post again

      • 6 months ago

        At my heaviest and most fit, I was just shy of 107kg. But I played rugby and trained hard.

        Since then I've joined the army part time, and being heavy doesn't help at all. Passed a certain point, having muscle is worse than fat. Muscle requires oxygen, which means you gas out early. On top having a much higher TDEE, meaning you always feel faint when on Ex.

        Besides, even if I'm legitimately one of those people that "BMI doesn't work" as a market of fitness, and I know it's just a label, I've never been a normal weight. It's always been something at the back of my mind.

        If I can lose weight, but maintain overall strength and endurance, I'd be happy.

  8. 6 months ago

    Most of the board I imagine. There's a fat general and almost all diet discussion is automatically centered around weight loss (people here seem to see this as the only goal of diet).

    • 6 months ago

      Why would fatties lurk on a fitness board? Wouldn't that just make them feel bad about themselves and their situation? I would think the fatties would be on boards like IST and IST and IST

  9. 6 months ago

    >How much do you weight? How old are you?
    Age 28 290lbs 6’2”.
    Heaviest I weight was 300lbs as a child. Was always the fat kid except age 13 for a year because I hit a growth spurt, was scrawny for 7th grade, was the fat kid again by 8th grade. Age 16 was basically gonna not graduate and wanted to play a new video game but felt I didn’t deserve so applied myself to grades started getting all As recovered GPA, realized if I applied that same effort elsewhere maybe I could succeed in other areas too. Month before 12th grade stopped eating junk, only ate eggs, instant ramen, and healthy dinner like rice/potatoes, veggies, meat, beans. Probably no more than 1500 cals. Started walking daily. Lost over 30lbs first month. In 11 more months I was 6’2” 150lbs. Stayed lean got into lifting, around age 23 put it all back on fell out of a healthy lifestyle stagnated in life for few years. See next
    >How has the weight affected your life, physically and mentally?
    Physically: feels bad mane
    Mentally: feels worse mane
    I learned about the halo effect. As a fat kid I had no concept. I didn’t know any better, even though in 7th grade I had a glimpse (had a girl crush on me, she lost interest after getting fat again was too dumb to understand why). But going into college skinny and seeing girls stare, getting hit on and flirted with daily it was like I looked into a void and can never unsee it. Getting fat AGAIN with this knowledge it hits way harder. The mental side is worse. I have zero self esteem no confidence I’m constantly angry and anxious and depressed just as I firmly believe every fat frick should be. I hate happy/confident fat people. Not out of envy, but because they’re shameless and have no desire or driving force to change. Simply put if you’re fat you don’t deserve to be happy or confident, your existence is a problem and you have to fix it. If not for yourself, to at least not be a burden on everyone else.

    • 6 months ago

      Physically, it sucks but it doesn’t compare to the mental. Can’t stand for long hours like at a job. Out of breath constantly (this happened when I was lean and running daily too though so idk but I’m including it for the self hate to keep me going on fixing this). Body in pain. Shit mobility. Everything physical is more difficult. When I was lean, everything was easier. There’s more of a “freedom” in how you can move. Being fat is akin to trying to punch in a dream or run underwater if that makes sense. You’re more restricted and less mobile and less flexible.
      >Whats your daily diet/routine like?
      These last few years while stagnating 100% emotional eating. Feel bad? Pizza time. Start getting fat and realize how differently I’m seen and treated by everyone, feel bad? Genius idea, better slam a pizza or better yet two pizzas.
      Daily routine was get high, slam pizza or frozen junk like 100 pack pizza bites + frozen tacquitos. Just overeating until I was sick. Had a few jobs but even during those it was the same shit, feel like crap after work because fat frick so exhausted (overly) & use that as excuse to not eat healthy, get something with no prep like pizza. Often ate just to eat.
      NOW that Im fixing it my routine is
      Wake 4am, walk until 5 am.
      Eat eggs for breakfast.
      Potato at lunch. Maybe some chicken and veggies. Maybe I skip lunch.
      Dinner is 1 banana OR if I’m actually hungry same as lunch, sometimes skip lunch and dinner.
      Not the best diet but this is how I’ve launched this off. When I’m under 240lbs I’ll revisit diet and eat more, eat better. For now only priority is dropping the weight. That’s all that matters.
      >working on changing it
      Yeah see above

      Life starts at 12% has some merit of truth. No one respects you if youre fat. No one likes you. Even other fats, even “people” who are fatter than you ironically. I abhor fatties and I’ve become one again. I hate who I am but I have SOME respect for fats who try to change.

      • 6 months ago

        It's interesting that fatties get similar ideas about what crazy shit they should binge on.
        Also you can eat as much lean meat and veggies as you want. Don't actually have to act anorexic to undo your frick ups.

    • 6 months ago

      I'm in your shoes too. I'm

      >How much do you weight? How old are you?
      Currently 210 pounds, my lowest weight was 170 pounds 4 years ago and my highest was 310 pounds a year and a half ago. I'm 21 years old
      >Whats your daily diet/routine like?
      I try to eat healthy daily but I've had really bad issues with disiplne after eating like a dumbass during my week-long break from work for my birthday, I do OMAD and try to eat good stuff like turkey burger, protein shakes and brown rice.
      >How has the weight affected your life, physically and mentally?
      I have low-self esteem mainly from my weight and will always regret not being more active in high school and missing out on sports. Physically I have weak knees (it's weird, they aren't painful and I do jog and my knees have never gave out on me but it totally feels like they will)
      >Are you working on changing it?
      Yes, this is my 2nd time aroung losing weight, when I was 15 I lost all my weight and for the first time in my entire life I was only slightly chubby rather than morbidly obese but when I was 17 I gained it all back and then some after stress eating like crazy from legal trouble.

      I'd honestly go as far as to say gaining all my weight back is my biggest regret in life, I regret it even more than the legal trouble. But, I've lost weight to the point of being obese rather than morbidly obese, if i can, you can. WAGMI bro.

  10. 6 months ago

    i am f/23 5'3 and 220lbs down from 250. i am incredibly depressed and food is the only thing that gives me even a slight temporary feeling of happiness and distraction. i feel addicted to it. i have no idea what it's like to be slim and that makes it hard to stay on track, since i cant even imagine or fathom not being fat. it doesnt feel like it will ever actually happen, so it makes it too easy to say frick it and binge on a bad day. i come here for /fph/ to motivate myself but it doesnt really motivate me.

    • 6 months ago

      just be better than yesterday femanon. that’s all you can do

    • 6 months ago

      frick off gobu
      you'll never get into med school btw

      • 6 months ago

        not me i weigh around 165, my heaviest was 195

        No this isnt /fph/. I’m just genuinely curious how many amongst us are truly obese/super obese and are willing to share their stories.

        >How much do you weight? How old are you?
        >Whats your daily diet/routine like?
        >How has the weight affected your life, physically and mentally?
        >Are you working on changing it?
        Anything else is welcome. OP is declaring this a judge free zone.

        i like losing weight because i'm slowly getting my old face back, it's like meeting a friend you haven't seen in years

    • 6 months ago

      Negativity is a bad motivator. You want to feel positively towards working towards a goal.

      • 6 months ago

        positive, negative, doesnt seem to matter either way. motivation hasnt done me any good because it is fleeting, discipline is what i really need to develop. i just lack to will to even do that. its possible, but hard

  11. 6 months ago

    >be me
    >current weigh is 250
    >highest ever was 305
    >been intermittent fast for the last year to lose that 55lbs
    >when I graduated high school I was 165 at 12% body fat
    >weight lifted alot and ran 2 miles a day
    >parents kicked me out at 18
    >lived in my car
    >worked full time at wendy's
    >was a manager so I got 3 free meals a day
    >was a full time college student
    >stopped working out
    >nearly double my weight in 3 years
    >get an accounting job out of college
    >no motivation to get skinny
    >fast forward to a year ago
    >realize I would be kicked off my Dad's free healthcare plan
    >now trying to quickly get down to a normal weight before I have to start paying for my own healthcare costs
    >currently fasting a weightlifting to lose weight.

  12. 6 months ago

    Used to be fat but not hamplanet/Ameristani fat. 280lbs @ 6'2 at my heaviest. Now I'm 190lbs.
    I sweated like a pig. I still sweat like a pig but look like a himbo when I do.

    Honestly I don't know how can you get heavier than that. 300+ lbs @ average height sounds virtually impossible unless you're bedridden and hooked to a corn syrup drip 24/7.
    All I did was play vidya, eat, eat some more and top it off with some binge eating. Frick, you could inhale 4 whole rotisserie chicken per day and be well under 300 lbs.

    • 6 months ago

      >Used to be fat but not hamplanet/Ameristani fat. 280lbs @ 6'2
      why does every thread that involves self-description include highly fat and ridiculous numbers along with the dude saying "but i carried it well"

      just waiting for ONE dude to admit he looked like a slob

      • 6 months ago

        I did

        >How much do you weight? How old are you?
        Age 28 290lbs 6’2”.
        Heaviest I weight was 300lbs as a child. Was always the fat kid except age 13 for a year because I hit a growth spurt, was scrawny for 7th grade, was the fat kid again by 8th grade. Age 16 was basically gonna not graduate and wanted to play a new video game but felt I didn’t deserve so applied myself to grades started getting all As recovered GPA, realized if I applied that same effort elsewhere maybe I could succeed in other areas too. Month before 12th grade stopped eating junk, only ate eggs, instant ramen, and healthy dinner like rice/potatoes, veggies, meat, beans. Probably no more than 1500 cals. Started walking daily. Lost over 30lbs first month. In 11 more months I was 6’2” 150lbs. Stayed lean got into lifting, around age 23 put it all back on fell out of a healthy lifestyle stagnated in life for few years. See next
        >How has the weight affected your life, physically and mentally?
        Physically: feels bad mane
        Mentally: feels worse mane
        I learned about the halo effect. As a fat kid I had no concept. I didn’t know any better, even though in 7th grade I had a glimpse (had a girl crush on me, she lost interest after getting fat again was too dumb to understand why). But going into college skinny and seeing girls stare, getting hit on and flirted with daily it was like I looked into a void and can never unsee it. Getting fat AGAIN with this knowledge it hits way harder. The mental side is worse. I have zero self esteem no confidence I’m constantly angry and anxious and depressed just as I firmly believe every fat frick should be. I hate happy/confident fat people. Not out of envy, but because they’re shameless and have no desire or driving force to change. Simply put if you’re fat you don’t deserve to be happy or confident, your existence is a problem and you have to fix it. If not for yourself, to at least not be a burden on everyone else.

        Physically, it sucks but it doesn’t compare to the mental. Can’t stand for long hours like at a job. Out of breath constantly (this happened when I was lean and running daily too though so idk but I’m including it for the self hate to keep me going on fixing this). Body in pain. Shit mobility. Everything physical is more difficult. When I was lean, everything was easier. There’s more of a “freedom” in how you can move. Being fat is akin to trying to punch in a dream or run underwater if that makes sense. You’re more restricted and less mobile and less flexible.
        >Whats your daily diet/routine like?
        These last few years while stagnating 100% emotional eating. Feel bad? Pizza time. Start getting fat and realize how differently I’m seen and treated by everyone, feel bad? Genius idea, better slam a pizza or better yet two pizzas.
        Daily routine was get high, slam pizza or frozen junk like 100 pack pizza bites + frozen tacquitos. Just overeating until I was sick. Had a few jobs but even during those it was the same shit, feel like crap after work because fat frick so exhausted (overly) & use that as excuse to not eat healthy, get something with no prep like pizza. Often ate just to eat.
        NOW that Im fixing it my routine is
        Wake 4am, walk until 5 am.
        Eat eggs for breakfast.
        Potato at lunch. Maybe some chicken and veggies. Maybe I skip lunch.
        Dinner is 1 banana OR if I’m actually hungry same as lunch, sometimes skip lunch and dinner.
        Not the best diet but this is how I’ve launched this off. When I’m under 240lbs I’ll revisit diet and eat more, eat better. For now only priority is dropping the weight. That’s all that matters.
        >working on changing it
        Yeah see above

        Life starts at 12% has some merit of truth. No one respects you if youre fat. No one likes you. Even other fats, even “people” who are fatter than you ironically. I abhor fatties and I’ve become one again. I hate who I am but I have SOME respect for fats who try to change.

        . I didn’t flat out say it so I will now.
        I looked like a slob as a fat kid. And I look like a slob as an adult being fat again.

        Worst part is I’m interviewing atm and no matter how well I try to dress I look like shit. Being lean, I could have worn a solid colored T shirt chinos and vans to an interview and done well because I looked good, I looked better than me being fat now wearing business casual

  13. 6 months ago

    When I was 15 I was 300lbs at 5'10" (136kg at 1.78m). Meaning at that time there was more fat in my body that all other tissues combined. More lard than human.

    >Whats your daily diet/routine like?
    No exercise, at all. not even a daily walk. I remember my diet was shit though. I ate a shit ton of frosted flakes in the morning for breakfast. Most of my weight definitely came from snaking. I couldn't go an hour without eating something. I remember I used to take a tortilla, put some shredded cheese and some Mexican sauce on it, and smother it in sour cream, like half the container. I was probably at 3,500 to 4k calories a day.

    >How has the weight affected your life, physically and mentally?
    >no gf
    Also it made it extremely hard to do anything physical. Could not bend over to tie my shoes. I was horribly out-of-breath walking up stairs. Breathing was hard. Everything ached.

    >Are you working on changing it?
    Ja, finished cutting at age 18. dropped in total 140lbs (64kg). Still have disfigurement like gyno, stretch marks, and loose skin but I'll fix it sooner or later. Now 19, 6'3" and 194lbs (1.9m & 88kg). Cutting to get rid of the rest of it. WAGMI.

  14. 6 months ago

    Think that your life is hard? Be obese. You were playing in normal mode son.

    >Ex morbidly obese gay

    • 6 months ago

      This. Never get fat. It’s really easy to get fat too. Don’t eat your feelings ever. That’s the numero uno rule. Play an instrument or go for a run.

  15. 6 months ago

    >How much do you weight? How old are you?
    Currently 210 pounds, my lowest weight was 170 pounds 4 years ago and my highest was 310 pounds a year and a half ago. I'm 21 years old
    >Whats your daily diet/routine like?
    I try to eat healthy daily but I've had really bad issues with disiplne after eating like a dumbass during my week-long break from work for my birthday, I do OMAD and try to eat good stuff like turkey burger, protein shakes and brown rice.
    >How has the weight affected your life, physically and mentally?
    I have low-self esteem mainly from my weight and will always regret not being more active in high school and missing out on sports. Physically I have weak knees (it's weird, they aren't painful and I do jog and my knees have never gave out on me but it totally feels like they will)
    >Are you working on changing it?
    Yes, this is my 2nd time aroung losing weight, when I was 15 I lost all my weight and for the first time in my entire life I was only slightly chubby rather than morbidly obese but when I was 17 I gained it all back and then some after stress eating like crazy from legal trouble.

  16. 6 months ago

    I was fat my whole life, 25 years old now, 183 cm, was probably 145 kg max as a kid, I'm now 70 kg and pretty overweight still, I don't feel healthier or anything, but I look in a mirror and know I've come a long way. I had to go to a plastic surgeon and got a large amount of loose skin removed but I'm still sad that I'll never be a cute anime boy. I want to be between 50 and 60 kg and am horrible at losing weight at this bracket.

  17. 6 months ago

    Is a former fatty allowed here?

    >How much do you weight? How old are you?
    I'm 32 now. At my fattest, I was 14 years-old, 5'7", wearing size 38 underwear, xl to xxl clothes, close to 200 lbs
    >Whats your daily diet/routine like?
    Sodas, ice cream, bread, pastries, really sweet cereals, junk foods (cheetos, doritos, popcorn, skittles, Nutella etc)
    >How has the weight affected your life, physically and mentally?
    Physically, I was always tired and moody.
    Mentally, it was draining since girls would always say that I'm handsome but I'm fat, and they'd go out with me if I lost weight.
    >Are you working on changing it?
    I did. I wanted to go to the prom so I started by cutting out sodas, followed by junk foods, then bread and sweets.
    Then I started lifting at home when I was 15 years-old.

  18. 6 months ago

    >a glass of butter with nesquik mixed in

  19. 6 months ago

    I'm currently somewhere around 290lbs, down from a peak of 370, 6' and 29yo
    Clearly yes I'm unfricking it
    Diet wise I'm eating two meals a day of pretty much whatever I want, and fasting two days a week
    I lift 3x a week and I'm going to be going back to the gym soon because I'm reaching the limits of what I can get done with my adjustable dumbbell, since I can't fit more than 4 plates on each side so it maxed out at 80lbs
    Physically I'm shockingly healthy and was even at my heaviest, I was blessed with God tier genes so I've never had any issues, no heart problems or diabetes, or even prediabetes

  20. 6 months ago

    holy shit how does he not want to kill himself without drinking alcohol

  21. 6 months ago

    >How much do you weight? How old are you?
    I weigh 280 lbs and 29 years old, I used to be around 490lbs at my heaviest a couple years ago
    >Whats your daily diet/routine like?
    Gym every weekday, shower - eat - vidya - sleep - repeat, weekends I rest + nap + eat to recover from weekdays
    >How has the weight affected your life, physically and mentally?
    It had single handedly ruined my entire 20s, it underscored every action I took
    >Are you working on changing it?
    280 down from 490 a couple years ago, here's a 3 month pic of me going from 335 to 295 (I was 160lbs heavier than photo on right)

    • 6 months ago

      *Photo on left I mean

    • 6 months ago

      Good job, man. Keep it up. We're all going to make it

  22. 6 months ago

    I'm still fricking 70kg @ 175cm. My abs are covered in a layer of fat, I don't think I'll be shredded this summer bros. Being fat SUCKS

    • 6 months ago

      Forgot to answer the questions
      >Whats your daily diet/routine like?
      No more than 2000cals
      At least 90g of protein every day from full sources (3 eggs, milk and dairy, whey, meat)
      Starches at a minimum only at morning or lunch
      Lots of fruits throughout the day to stay energized

      My routine is basically PPL but with extra rest between the Ps

      >How has the weight affected your life, physically and mentally?
      I am a diagnosed narcissist so not looking my best for summer really affects me because of what other people are going to think. Especially when compared to last summer.
      >Are you working on changing it?
      I'm eating as few calories as possible without dipping too hard to lose muscle, having so little carbs currently in my diet makes me look way less inflated so I feel like shit whenever I look at myself

      How tf am I supposed to lose 5 kilos in this time frame? I bulked too much bros...

  23. 6 months ago

    I used to be an athlete at 75kg. Ballooned to 120kg dropped to 95 at one stage. Back at 110. What’s the secret bros? I push myself in the gym sweating and lifting heavy but I got sporadically.

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