Are women capable of giving fitness advice? Especially on strength, mass, and progressive overload?

Are women capable of giving fitness advice? Especially on strength, mass, and progressive overload?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 12 months ago

    Only if they're autistic.

  2. 12 months ago

    No, same reason they're not qualified to be giving dating advice

    It would be like if a man gave advice on women's menstrual cycles

    • 12 months ago

      Really? I think women are better at giving dating advice as long as they are honest about the advice they are giving. A self aware woman is the best dating coach you could have

      Like this video isnt bad

      It made me wonder if there were women with quality fitness advice

      • 12 months ago

        Not watching, summary?

        • 12 months ago

          She's a men's dating coach who helps men understand the viewpoint of women by being honest and open about the female mentality and how fickle it can be

          In this video she goes over a video she saw of 3 reasons why women are single and then explains how it relates to men
          >you're single not because you havent met a good man because you haven't met enough men
          She then says it's true, but you have to make yourself become someone who would attract a good woman. Also getting out the house. She advices against online dating for men, but also staying away from bars or clubs if you want a good woman

          Then there 2 other points hut it basically boils down to
          >make dating a priority and treat it like a career
          >treat your girlfriends like a priority if you want her to treat you pile a priority
          >your ego is stopping you from getting rejected because it's safer to never try than to get rejected by the people you want

          • 12 months ago

            >>make dating a priority and treat it like a career
            your girlfriends like a priority if you want her to treat you pile a priority
            >>your ego is stopping you from getting rejected because it's safer to never try than to get rejected by the people you want
            well, at least one of those things is correct

          • 12 months ago

            >>make dating a priority and treat it like a career
            your girlfriends like a priority if you want her to treat you pile a priority
            Not good advice for men

            • 12 months ago

              >don't work on finding a nice partner. Just keep waiting until it falls in your lap. Never happened? Guess you didn't wait hard enough

              >>high body count
              >What does that have to do with anything? And how does that prevent her from being trad

              I bought a car that was damaged in a crash but other than that it's basically new

              A woman having sex isn't the same as crashing a car. You want women to have sex... with you. So why are you mad when she does with someone else. It's what you would have wanted if you were that other guy.
              The better analogy is a used car, and used cars still have lots of value. The best analogy is that car is new to you. Sh could have 1000 past partners but if she treats you like the perfect husband, why does that upset you?

              they dont' have the same concepts of honor or hard work like men do anon... Are you under 18?

              You're stupid. Women can han ave honor and work hard. Lots of women are in higher career positions than you and have jobs that require more honestly than you'll ever have such as judges, military and doctors/nurses.

              >Having a man who loves her excessively is a bad thing?
              Yes, the key word being excessively. You women are looking for a man who you can feel safe around, that you can let your guard down around. To be loved excessively is to not have your own space, to have this man obsessed with you. Is that what you really want? You want your man to be constantly at your heels like a dog? No, you will lose respect for that man eventually if he acts like that. You may enjoy all the attention at first, but it will quickly become suffocating and tiresome, and you'll look for a man who will frick you once and never talk to you again. Trust me, I've seen this happen to multiple people. Women break up with guys who love them too much all the time. You're silly if you think this isn't true.
              >What does that have to do with anything? And how does that prevent her from being trad
              >Sounds like you're just mad at women for having sex
              Maybe some are as you described, but to us having a high body count implies a lot of failed relationships, and a lot of men who look at you and think of you as not relationship material. You fricked 75 guys in your life? That's 75 failed relationships on your record. You don't have casual sex just for the hell of it, we do. You have casual sex because you try to emulate men to cope with the fact that you can't land a relationship with the guys you're hooking up with. It's not fulfilling to you like it is for us because we're two different creatures with two different evolutionary pressures. So to me, the 75 guys you fricked is a study, and the conclusion is to not date you.

              You should love your 1 partner excessively. They are your 1 partner. Out of billions of people in the world, you have 1 partner and you're telling me you don't want to treat this 1/10,000,000,000 person like they are the most special person in the world?
              This is why you will never succeed in marriage. Your 1 person should mean more than anything in the world. They are statistically unique. And you HAVE to treat them that way

              Women love to be treated like they re special, but they also don't want a push over. You can buy her nice gifts and still tell her when she messes something up and needs to improve or tell her to shut up when she's crying about nonsense.

              >So to me, the 75 guys you fricked is a study, and the conclusion is to not date you.
              She can have 100 partners. People learn and get better. If everything clicks and she wants to be a trad wife for you, her 100 partners don't matter anymore because now she's yours. But you'll never know because you're too busy worrying about her body count.
              And how can you worry about another woman's body count you're not dating. Her current boyfriend doesn't care so why do you?

              • 12 months ago

                thats why i love my 3 partners 33% each. im an egalitarian.

              • 12 months ago

                You'd have to be underaged to fall for this b8

              • 12 months ago

                And youre likely a teenager or early 20s so no wonder why you think like you do

              • 12 months ago

                >Sh could have 1000 past partners but if she treats you like the perfect husband, why does that upset you?
                Because she won't. I can tell from your post that you're in your 30's or some shit and women get desperate at that age dude, but god damn man don't kid yourself. If you shack up with someone like that who has lived that life (which isn't just fricking but also substance abuse) you're just begging to get fricked over. What sleeping with 100's of people shows is a lack of impulse control and self respect. They don't cook, they don't clean, they really don't do anything! The b***h will get fat when she's 42 and your life will be over in the next 3 years when she's finally had enough of her wimp of a husband that she HAD to shack up with because no one else wants her. Of course there's always dumpster diving trash like you to prop them up and ensure that her and her hell spawn kids shit up my day to day life be existing in my periphery.

                To anyone reading do not listen to this moron. The hooker with the heart of gold does not exist. Do not be this spineless piece of shit.

              • 12 months ago

                >Sh could have 1000 past partners but if she treats you like the perfect husband, why does that upset you?

                LoL this dude a comedian

              • 12 months ago

                >The best analogy is that car is new to you. Sh could have 1000 past partners but if she treats you like the perfect husband, why does that upset you?
                You do realize that the value of the car drops with each owner right? Or every time the car is solid, it needs hundreds of dollars of reconditioning fees to be presentable to the new buyer? Or special services are needed because inevitable problems with the car due to mileage are hidden?

                Or that a used car is simply a cheaper and inferior option to a new car?

                Or that there's a reason why people ALWAYS prefer a new car when it can be afforded?

              • 12 months ago

                I prefer shitboxes though

              • 12 months ago

                I agree with the general sentiment, but some old used cars are more desireable than new ones. A r34 skyline nowadays is gonna set you back 6 figures, which is at least double what it retailed for back then. Same with other ricer classics like ae86, rx7's, nsx's, and etc

          • 12 months ago

            >no online dating
            >no bars, clubs
            where to fish then

            • 12 months ago

              >grocery store
              >home depot or other day store
              >hobby lobby or micheals
              >joanns for milfs
              >restaurant bars
              >and the most obvious one... the gym

              • 12 months ago

                nobody wants to be bothered in public any more you moronic boomer homosexual

              • 12 months ago

                Nah, I have zoomer friends who met at a grocery store, churches too, are you kidding me

              • 12 months ago

                >low test zoomer afraid of interacting with strangers

                They dont want to be bothered by you. I still pull doing warm approaches. Get gud

      • 12 months ago

        > as long as they are honest about the advice they are giving

        99% of them are not and they're too self absorbed to understand what men actually experience

        beyond that, a women telling men how to pick up women is like a tuna telling sharks how to catch them

      • 12 months ago

        that woman is just peddling "women are the problem" to incels/bitter 40 year old men.
        don't watch her, i've seen clips on tiktok of her. she is a


        • 12 months ago

          women are the problem though, and men too, but more so women

          • 12 months ago
            I hate w*men

            You’re missing the critical point, she’s a grifter. It doesn’t matter if her position is correct because it isn’t her position in the first place. She’ll accrue a following from simps and incels then completely 180 when it’s convenient.

      • 12 months ago

        >as long as they are honest

        • 12 months ago

          Women can be honest? It's not that crazy of a concept. It's hard because most women don't want to be honest, and that's why she has such a huge male following because she is self aware and hoenst

          • 12 months ago

            she is a pure grifter
            take pearl for example, blabs about muh trad women and is unmarried, has a simp boyfriend, and a high body count
            tradfems are the scoobys of the online world

            • 12 months ago

              You don't automatically marry someone. Takes time
              >simp boyfriend
              Having a man who loves her excessively is a bad thing?
              >high body count
              What does that have to do with anything? And how does that prevent her from being trad

              Sounds like you're just mad at women for having sex

              • 12 months ago

                >you don't automatically marry someone. Takes time
                shes 30
                >Having a man who loves her excessively is a bad thing?
                the relationship is purely transactional
                >What does that have to do with anything?
                she cannot pair bond properly
                I dont care if they have sex, i refuse to take advice/pick up the pieces of these women

              • 12 months ago
                I hate w*men

                >>high body count
                >What does that have to do with anything? And how does that prevent her from being trad

                I bought a car that was damaged in a crash but other than that it's basically new

                >Having a man who loves her excessively is a bad thing?
                Yes, the key word being excessively. You women are looking for a man who you can feel safe around, that you can let your guard down around. To be loved excessively is to not have your own space, to have this man obsessed with you. Is that what you really want? You want your man to be constantly at your heels like a dog? No, you will lose respect for that man eventually if he acts like that. You may enjoy all the attention at first, but it will quickly become suffocating and tiresome, and you'll look for a man who will frick you once and never talk to you again. Trust me, I've seen this happen to multiple people. Women break up with guys who love them too much all the time. You're silly if you think this isn't true.
                >What does that have to do with anything? And how does that prevent her from being trad
                >Sounds like you're just mad at women for having sex
                Maybe some are as you described, but to us having a high body count implies a lot of failed relationships, and a lot of men who look at you and think of you as not relationship material. You fricked 75 guys in your life? That's 75 failed relationships on your record. You don't have casual sex just for the hell of it, we do. You have casual sex because you try to emulate men to cope with the fact that you can't land a relationship with the guys you're hooking up with. It's not fulfilling to you like it is for us because we're two different creatures with two different evolutionary pressures. So to me, the 75 guys you fricked is a study, and the conclusion is to not date you.

                they dont' have the same concepts of honor or hard work like men do anon... Are you under 18?

                you dumb homies arguing with an even dumber b***h. this is why women can’t be allowed here because newbies mistake obvious foid bait as good faith arguments, just like simps enabling hoes. life imitates art

              • 12 months ago

                Even if it's bait, perhaps there's a bystander who reads what I write and makes use of it. That's all I can hope for.

              • 12 months ago

                >>high body count
                >What does that have to do with anything? And how does that prevent her from being trad

                I bought a car that was damaged in a crash but other than that it's basically new

              • 12 months ago
                I hate w*men

                Women can be honest? It's not that crazy of a concept. It's hard because most women don't want to be honest, and that's why she has such a huge male following because she is self aware and hoenst

                >t. foid

              • 12 months ago

                I assume anyone that uses the term "foid" to be a troony.
                It's just such a troony-esque thing to call a girl. Like you can call her a prostitute, b***h, bawd, etc. and you go with this weird ass vegana envy term?

              • 12 months ago

                >Having a man who loves her excessively is a bad thing?
                Yes, the key word being excessively. You women are looking for a man who you can feel safe around, that you can let your guard down around. To be loved excessively is to not have your own space, to have this man obsessed with you. Is that what you really want? You want your man to be constantly at your heels like a dog? No, you will lose respect for that man eventually if he acts like that. You may enjoy all the attention at first, but it will quickly become suffocating and tiresome, and you'll look for a man who will frick you once and never talk to you again. Trust me, I've seen this happen to multiple people. Women break up with guys who love them too much all the time. You're silly if you think this isn't true.
                >What does that have to do with anything? And how does that prevent her from being trad
                >Sounds like you're just mad at women for having sex
                Maybe some are as you described, but to us having a high body count implies a lot of failed relationships, and a lot of men who look at you and think of you as not relationship material. You fricked 75 guys in your life? That's 75 failed relationships on your record. You don't have casual sex just for the hell of it, we do. You have casual sex because you try to emulate men to cope with the fact that you can't land a relationship with the guys you're hooking up with. It's not fulfilling to you like it is for us because we're two different creatures with two different evolutionary pressures. So to me, the 75 guys you fricked is a study, and the conclusion is to not date you.

              • 12 months ago

                >high body count
                >What does that have to do with anything? And how does that prevent her from being trad

              • 12 months ago

                Statistics aren't raw facts. Everybody in the world is capable of being a murderer and everyone smokes is at risk of lung cancer.
                Not everyone murders and not all smokers get lung cancer.

                Tell me how her having a high body count actively prevents her from being a trad wife. The same way how being a man actively prevents you from being a woman

              • 12 months ago

                >Pedophiles are much more likely to frick your child than a normal person
                >"Statistics aren't raw facts. Just because they're a pedophile doesn't mean they WILL frick your child, they're completely capable of being a daycare worker."

              • 12 months ago

                Yes. Thanks for seeing my point

              • 12 months ago

                No worries, I'm quite adept at identifying morons.
                Enjoy your "trad" (lol) wife

              • 12 months ago

                trad women are virgins on marriage moron
                what the fuk are debating lmao

              • 12 months ago

                >t. sub 60 iq

              • 12 months ago

                I think I understand your question. The biological mechanism is that every time you have sex with someone, you form an emotional bond with that person. When that bond is broken, you (mostly women) end up with some amount of psychological damage. That damage accumulates. The reason men instinctively avoid women with high body counts is that they don't want a wife with psychological damage (or other baggage).

          • 12 months ago

            they dont' have the same concepts of honor or hard work like men do anon... Are you under 18?

            • 12 months ago

              >concepts of honor or hard work like men do
              i look at the men around me and i see you are full of shit. theyve never had that shit as a whole. t. disappointed by my fellow man

          • 12 months ago

            Pay attention to a woman's actions versus her words and you'll learn quite a lot, mate.

      • 12 months ago

        >self aware woman
        needle in a haystack. probably same with men but i dont date men so i dont notice.

      • 12 months ago

        Why are so many women single? why are so many women today single?

        This is the video in the OP

      • 12 months ago

        Does trappy chan count?
        Frankly he was still more of a guy when he actually gave good advice. Longer into the transition the less trappy chan actually contributed meaningfully anymore.

      • 12 months ago

        Of course, you fricking spastics. What kind of question is that even?
        The only downside would be that most female fitness Youtubers do sports for validation so they genuinely don't know what the frick they're doing. Someone who legit knows what they're talking about can give great advice.

        This as well. Intelligent women can give you a great perspective on what you're doing wrong because they literally have a woman's mind and know what most women desire instead of basing their opinions on assumptions.

        • 12 months ago

          >they literally have a woman's mind and know what most women desire
          "having a woman's mind" and "knowing what most women desire" are completely unrelated. If you think about it you'll realize there is no reason they would necessarily be related. Any given system is not necessarily aware of itself, and in many cases isn't. The truth is that the vast majority of women have a warped idea of what women want because, like men, women are extremely shallow, but unlike men, they feel an intense pressure to not admit this. The things women want directly conflict with ideas they don't want to admit about themselves. In most cases, they can't be honest with themselves, so they won't be honest with you.

      • 12 months ago

        >women are honest with their advice
        >”women like guys that are romantic anon :)”
        >never take looks, physical attributes, status, and other important factors into account, just say random inane shit that you see in romantic comedy movies

        There are definitely women that know what is going on but it’s probably lower than 5%.

        A woman giving you advice will rarely tell you that you look ugly or disgusting because they are hardwired to be (or appear) nice to others. They will never tell you that being fat is actually making women repulsed by looking at you and that you should hit the gym for a year. Or worse even saying that your race and height, (things that you cannot change) is a turn off for most women.

        There is not much advice to give in these cases, but it’s reality and you should know and work around it. Women are amazing at lying to your face to make you “happier”, while stunting your emotional growth in the long term. This includes mothers btw.

        • 12 months ago

          Women "lie" because they know you are weak. Ask a woman for honest advice and she will rip you to shreds. Then of course she's now the bad guy while you're crying. Seen it before. Hell has no wrath like a woman's scorn.

      • 12 months ago

        Women can’t give other women advice for shit because they never point out obvious flaws. If a woman is fat, she’ll never be told to hit the gym. If a woman is loose, she’ll never be told to stop whoring around. If a woman is an insufferable b***h, she’ll never be told to change her personality.

        The advice they’ll get given is “you are fine girl! You should just slay! The right man will come along soon”

      • 12 months ago

        Men need to understand women to get them
        Women don't need to understand shit about men to get them

        • 12 months ago

          Women need to understand men to keep them. Lots of girls can get laid, but lots of girls are single because they have no idea how to keep a man

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >as long as they are honest about the advice they are giving.
        yeah i could fly as long as i was a bird

      • 12 months ago

        >A self aware woman

      • 12 months ago

        >self aware woman

      • 12 months ago

        I know how moronic this sounds, but my mom is pretty based.
        She told me I need to fix my looks and body,how advantagous being tall is, that character is secondary yet important for keeping them and to not be too serious with them while young.
        And she gave me part of the genes to be 188 with decent face
        Thanks mum

  3. 12 months ago

    Women are not capable of giving any kind of advice, or at least the kind of advice a grown man should heed

    • 12 months ago

      You post on IST. Kek

      • 12 months ago

        And that makes me wrong?

    • 12 months ago

      >not God

      • 12 months ago

        >believing israeli folk religion

      • 12 months ago

        >muh israelite on a stick

        • 12 months ago

          >he worships dead gods

          • 12 months ago


            >muh israelite on a stick

            >not God

            Back to x, schizos. And don't forget your schizophrenia meds, gods and god will go away.

    • 12 months ago

      god damn that twitter handle is cringe as frick. absolute embarassment.

    • 12 months ago

      imagine the smell

    • 12 months ago

      Every guy I've known who ignored my advice or made fun of my programming has snapped his shit.

  4. 12 months ago

    No women aren't capable.

  5. 12 months ago


  6. 12 months ago

    I hate that Kevin Samuels died and all these other b***hes and prostitutes started channels directed to women saying the exact same shit he said

    But the OP woman targets simps and incels so I'm familiar with her already

    • 12 months ago

      It's not what you say, it's how you say it

      When you're an butthole, yelling at women and calling women stupid and moronic that's going to turn women off of your content. But when you're a woman, and actually speaking through the viewpoints of a woman then your message is more relatable and easier to swallow.

  7. 12 months ago

    Why are so many women single?

    • 12 months ago

      For the same reason so many men are single.

    • 12 months ago

      Source? Asking for a friend, he works in science

    • 12 months ago

      >tfw 8 inches so every girl only ever humble brags about my dick to their girlfriends
      That life is behind me now though. Saving myself for marriage and no longer jerk off.

      • 12 months ago

        9” here. Women call me the cervix smasher.

  8. 12 months ago

    I find it funny how certain words and concepts have different meanings when used by men and women
    Women: not officially dating anyone, but casually dating several dudes or at minimum fricking one and going on the occasional date while talking to multiple
    Men: alone. MAYBE get laid on occasion but for most, we mean 100% alone.
    >body count/sex
    Women: oral doesn’t count, often ONS/hookups don’t count and they just mention dudes they were in a relationship with
    Men: all women they’ve had sex with

    They’re so delusional.

    • 12 months ago

      you are delusional. you project for both men and women on both of those terms.

  9. 12 months ago
    Anonymous why are so many women today single?

  10. 12 months ago

    > women
    > giving fitness advice?
    why are you letting them speak in the first place? just to be nice here, the anwser is absolutely no!

  11. 12 months ago

    No. Women are not even capable of giving advice on anything related to women things.

  12. 12 months ago

    You guys should just frick men.

  13. 12 months ago

    Any woman could, in theory, learn about the basic concepts and thus give good advice based on them. The problem comes from women being more susceptible to all the bullshit and manipulation like meme / fad diets, wanting exercise as a whole to be more feminine (which most effective strength training, etc. just isn't), thinking because they are women certain principles don't apply to them, and all that shit. Also, good advice is not always popular advice. They only listen to what they want to hear.

  14. 12 months ago

    >interested in girl
    >she's taken
    >look at who's not taken
    >all either prostitutes or heavily medicated
    What are you actually supposed to do to get a good gf?

    • 12 months ago

      girls are never single they are constantly monkeybranching lil homie
      learn fundamental redpills before you venture further

      • 12 months ago

        Don't those just fall in the prostitute category? Ok, she gets with you. What's stopping her from doing the same once she's bored again?

        • 12 months ago

          Well nothing. Same with you. Dating someone isn't permanent. You're not entering into a contract. Women aren't obligated to stay with you and unless you're married or very serious, it shouldn't be expected.

          • 12 months ago

            Men shouldn't stay with women either if there is no baby involved. No pregnancy after one month of dating? Relationship is over.

        • 12 months ago

          every woman by proxy is then a prostitute, literally, in the west
          the point is women have countless options and are always talking to someone/multiple people
          >What's stopping her from doing the same once she's bored again?
          being the best option, but even then if you are cloutmaxxed/moneymaxxed out the wazoo, being a sheik, oligarch whatever, they get divorceraped and left too, so there truly is no safe option
          you simply have to find an unicorn from a traditional family and not get married in the west
          something like that

      • 12 months ago

        Based and true.

        Be a good man

        Fabricated and homosexual

        Are women capable of giving fitness advice? Especially on strength, mass, and progressive overload?

        So many women are single? Like, even the most moronic chud on this board can tell that any women will get hit on the moment she just suit nicely and go drink in a pub, at the point she'll get annoyed and could reject 10 men in the very evening, while men have to do all the work and will probably fail at even getting one true phone number.
        If women are singles, that's because they want to, because any dating app will get her 100 matches in one hour.
        What the frick is this bullcrap?

        • 12 months ago

          Women want a good man not some bar creep. Those 10 guys she rejected are all losers. Women will only respond to chad for sex and to Brad for relationships.

    • 12 months ago

      Be a good man

    • 12 months ago

      well go for the taken girl
      >taken girl
      you're competing with 1 guy, maybe another "best" "friend"
      >free girl
      you're competing with half the town

  15. 12 months ago

    >Still having easy sex whenever they want
    >Still getting taken out and paid for on dates
    >But not in an "official" relationship and therefor "single"

  16. 12 months ago

    >women start using the internet for social media and to get attention
    >women demand it be made a hugbox and kick the trolls who shame their behavior so social media becomes a shameless hugbox
    >Women learn about Tinder, a hookup app that connects with social media to find casual sex. They start misusing it as a dating app
    >Tinder rebrands as a dating app, they begin misusing it for free dinner dates.
    >Their standards go through the roof cause while a chad will throw a dog a bone now and again
    >begin embracing moronic ideas like polyamory to justify loose and shitty behavior
    >begin cheating in record numbers
    >guys begin checking out en mass. Being top 20% isn't even good enough anymore and women get off to brutally shutting down and publicly shaming ANY guy that tries to make a pass with laws that go overboard on punishment
    >Uses ONLYFANS for revenue and attention.
    >Top 5% only want to smash
    >90% of dudes don't wanna get divorce raped
    Tee hee. Why are so many women single?
    >I'm terrified of modern women. Don't get me wrong, I still frick them but the amount lying to husbands and bfs behind their backs and then frick around with me is disgusting.
    >They have 0 concept of accountability, instead flocking to feel good bullshit that doesn't make sense. They will frick dudes they have crushes on behind their bfs back and claim rape to get out of feeling bad or getting caught, then expect the guy they accused to act like nothing happened.
    >What is new is they don't even have personalities anymore. I used to be able to crack jokes and knew some funny women. Now all of them are openly transactional resource extractors who try and leverage shame to lower the amount of work they get for free shit.
    >They don't even have their own opinions anymore. They regurgitate whatever narrative is trending.
    Unpopular opinion: I think being friends with females is one of the things they were good for and have even friendzoned some girls.
    Modern women are not good for that.

  17. 12 months ago

    morons will scream WOMEN BAD but it's just that there is much less value placed on having children and the ultimate purpose of relationships is devalued, hence there are less of them.

  18. 12 months ago

    They are capable of giving advice yes. Is it advice worth taking? Probably not.

  19. 12 months ago

    Yes, but they wont get views. Women who promote meme shit are the ones who get views. Women aren't impressed by muscular women, they are impressed by women who got good bodies from their genetics, thinking they can look like that if they just follow their advice.

  20. 12 months ago

    Women should just stay in the kitchen.

  21. 12 months ago

    Courtney Ryan is a grifter.

  22. 12 months ago

    I actually think yes. As far as form goes for whatever reason some of them can really have pristine form on exercises (probably helped by the fact they’re using way lighter weights). Obviously for the motivational, push yourself type stuff it’s usually not as effective getting it from a woman. But demonstrating exercises they can be good.

  23. 12 months ago

    Giving honest fitness advice involves potentially hurting another person’s feelings. I honestly cannot image a woman telling her friends the following:

    >be consistent with your routine
    >take nutrition more seriously
    >trendy HIIT classes with tiny weights feel challenging but will not make you strong

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