Are your muscles intimidating enough that this guy wouldnt even dare to threaten you?

Are your muscles intimidating enough that this guy wouldn’t even dare to threaten you?

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Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    i would just point my gun at his face. The solution is really simply if you think about it.

    • 1 year ago

      this is the reason guns are gona get taken away, noone fights anymore they just pull guns. pathetic

    • 1 year ago

      What are you, black?

  2. 1 year ago

    This guy is an archetypal bully, if you have basically any visible muscle he'll leave you alone. He picks on Louie because Louie is palpably meek and fearful. I don't recall if Louie did anything to antagonize him, though.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >I don't recall if Louie did anything to antagonize him, though.
      Yelled at him to lower his voice and quit disturbing the peace.

      And in Louie's defense, I can't blame him for pussying out because like you said, he's past his prime and out of shape. The act of humiliating him for speaking up on the other hand was an act that was inherently insecure. If the well-liked giga chads I went to high school with got told to shut up, they either would have done so or at worst, told whoever yelled at them to shut the frick up and nothing more. Also, most people either would have gotten up to leave or would sit there and say nothing so the bully trying to punish Louie like that was nothing more than a sad attempt at trying to assuage his bruised ego. Just wanted to share that since everyone's shat on Louie enough.

      • 1 year ago

        Some guys are just looking for a fight no matter what and will not tolerate anything they see as disrespect.

    • 1 year ago

      >I don't recall if Louie did anything to antagonize him, though.
      Yelled at him to lower his voice and quit disturbing the peace.

      And in Louie's defense, I can't blame him for pussying out because like you said, he's past his prime and out of shape. The act of humiliating him for speaking up on the other hand was an act that was inherently insecure. If the well-liked giga chads I went to high school with got told to shut up, they either would have done so or at worst, told whoever yelled at them to shut the frick up and nothing more. Also, most people either would have gotten up to leave or would sit there and say nothing so the bully trying to punish Louie like that was nothing more than a sad attempt at trying to assuage his bruised ego. Just wanted to share that since everyone's shat on Louie enough.

      Some guys are just looking for a fight no matter what and will not tolerate anything they see as disrespect.

      God sends bullies to Earth to punish people like Louie for being so disgusting and pathetic.

  3. 1 year ago

    i carry a large folding knife. i hope i get the opportunity to kill someone in legal self defense with it.

  4. 1 year ago

    Why are the knuckles in the middle of his finger bruised? Also it's the first 3, not the last 3 so he obv can't punch at all.

    • 1 year ago

      This is the key tell that he's bullshitting and probably just scraped up his knuckles to brag

  5. 1 year ago

    Zoomers look up to me for some reason so I guess so. They probably would have kept it down out of respect in the first place.

    >Pls don't kick my ass

  6. 1 year ago

    >Let's wind the clocks back a year: These twins and DYELs wouldn't DARE cross any of you.
    >...I mean, what happened? Did ya balls drop off? Hm?

  7. 1 year ago

    Why would his 2nd knuckles be fricked up? If the idea is that hes spending all day punching shit he doesn't know how to do it right if he's managing to frick his hands up in that way

  8. 1 year ago

    Louie was such a great show.

  9. 1 year ago

    I've seen enough fight clips to know that starting fights with strangers is almost always a really fricking bad idea. People who break into other people's houses getting wasted got exactly what they deserved, but fighting strangers in public over bullshit often leads to dangerous escalations.
    There are cases where a bully has tried bullshit like this and the guy in Louis' position is a CCW holder and they shoot them, or they hit him and kill him, but then end up going to prison for it and/or leaving family behind.
    What about that famous video with the snow clearing, where these idiots antagonized a guy who just had enough and gets a gun, comes back and wastes them.

  10. 1 year ago

    first time I watched this clip
    >I have no idea how I would have handled this situation, I guess sometimes you just get bullied
    when I watched this clip again recently
    >why is this skinny israelite actor pretending he's tough

  11. 1 year ago

    Take the neck pill and the lean-pill

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