As a natty how am I supposed to deal with the constant mogging by steroid users?

As a natty how am I supposed to deal with the constant mogging by steroid users?

Its especially frustrating when people who dont even lift weights say stuff like

>you look muscular and stuff, but youve been lifting for a decade, how come you dont look anything like [Insert Generic Instagram Fake Natty On 3 Grams Of Gear Per Week] ... you must not be training and eating properly?

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  1. 9 months ago

    what mogging?
    roiders' hearts are going to mog them when they explode due to steroid abuse

    • 9 months ago

      this, roiders are gross, ugly, and stupid

  2. 9 months ago

    >Its especially frustrating when people who dont even lift weights say stuff like
    Thats propably made up. Firstly normal people think its disgusting when people look like Sam Sulek. They also can't differenciate between skinny people who have abs bc of low bodyfat and people who work out.

    > tell them what they do to their body. How badly they age and how most of them die after 50

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah bro, nobody can tell the difference between 130lb skinny guy with abs and pic related

      • 9 months ago

        He's not skinny anon.

        • 9 months ago

          You're an idiot. Try reading the post again.

          • 9 months ago

            >skinny people who have abs bc of low bodyfat and people who work out
            What am I missing moron? Work on your comprehension.
            There are skinny guys who have visible abs and skinny guys who have visible abs because they work out. Pic related has visible abs, but he is not a skinny guy and that is not what anon meant. No one would look at him and say
            >hurr durr one thing I know this guy definitely does not work out durr

      • 9 months ago

        As the anon before said he is not skinny.
        the guy you posted is propably years in trainings. What i ment is someone like this. Could a normie tell if he works out or if he is just skinny with slightly abs?

        • 9 months ago

          >skinny people who have abs bc of low bodyfat and people who work out
          What am I missing moron? Work on your comprehension.
          There are skinny guys who have visible abs and skinny guys who have visible abs because they work out. Pic related has visible abs, but he is not a skinny guy and that is not what anon meant. No one would look at him and say
          >hurr durr one thing I know this guy definitely does not work out durr

          If someone can't tell the difference between you and just a guy who's a lean couch potato and you work out, that's a definite "you problem". That has nothing to do with normies perception. You're just that unimpressive.

          • 9 months ago

            >between you and just a guy who's a lean couch potato and you work out
            Where did the "you" part come from here you projecting gay?

            Working out to look good, virtually everyone's goal, is bodybuilding.

            And as I said before, no one thinks Sulek and other roidfreaks "look good". They look big, because that's the demands of their "sport".
            You should be able to look "good" without roids, and if you can't that means either you don't know what you're doing and/or you're genetic trash. Sucks to suck I guess.

            • 9 months ago

              >Where did the "you" part
              Lmao, you 85 IQ moron. "You" in this context is generic. You're having a lot of reading comprehension troubles.
              >no one thinks Sulek and other roidfreaks "look good"
              By that you mean mass monsters like Sulek? Sure, maybe but he's at the extreme end of roiding. Even if you blasted everything he is you lack the dedication to get as big as him.

              But roiders in general? It's the idealized male form. Girls and men prefer roider bodies.

              • 9 months ago

                >Girls and men prefer roider bodies.
                Men do. Girls don't. But I guess deep down, you already knew that, if you know what I mean.

              • 9 months ago

                You realize your pic is definitely achievable natty right?

              • 9 months ago

                He has no idea because he doesn't lift. No one on IST lifts lmao

              • 9 months ago

                You posted a natty achievable body, I know because I have it.

                >t. post body
                No, I've never taken a picture of myself under any circumstance in my entire life.

    • 9 months ago

      >Its especially frustrating when people who dont even lift weights say stuff like
      this has literally never happened and literally nobody in real life roids. i have been training for 11 years and in 5+ different popular gyms and i think i have seen only about 3 or 4 people who were on steroids. and none of them had a body i wanted. they were mostly 30-50 year olds disgusting looking golems with ghoul skin, definitely nothing like your pretty boy fake natty.

      im sorry if you live in miami/la or whatever influencer place where roiding is prevalent but tiktok certainly doesnt resemble reality where I live and I live in my countries most popular university town.

      this, roiders are gross, ugly, and stupid

      Natty cope

      • 9 months ago

        >posts guy with a heart that grenaded

        • 9 months ago

          still looked better than (you) ever will

          • 9 months ago

            >That roider that looked like peak natty looked better than u, at the small cost of his life early twenties

            Weird flex but ok

            • 9 months ago

              show us peak natty then kek

              • 9 months ago

                Not him, but I'm natty, around 17% bf

                15 months of training
                1.82 m tall, 27 years old, 79kg

      • 9 months ago

        Remarkably stupid

      • 9 months ago

        lmao I see what you did there bro
        >Roiding yourself to death at 22yo for that
        Stay natty, kids
        I'll start considering HRT when I'm 45 though

    • 9 months ago

      >normal people think its disgusting when people look like Sam Sulek
      He looks fricking great. Haven't you noticed that dyels on this board are picking on his acne scars and hair, not on his actual physique?

      I don't know why homosexuals like you talk about shit like this when vast majority of people have absolutely repulsive bodies, both when it comes to composition and skin health.

      • 9 months ago

        No mentally sane person would want to look like Sam or any other roided freakshow

        • 9 months ago

          Except pretty much every person in the world would trade his own body for his.

      • 9 months ago

        The boy can't speak a full sentence without being out of breathe. He's 21 years old, not 70, remember that.

        • 9 months ago

          we're all gonna make it brah

        • 9 months ago

          Are you fricking moronic or something?
          Muscles require oxygen and in order to get oxygen in you have to breathe. Being big requires eating big, more muscle require more oxygen = more breating has to be done.

        • 9 months ago

          we're all gonna make it brah

        • 9 months ago

          >>Dude suffocated by troony wiener in Thailand in his 20's,

          so much shit he refused to go outside and walk around the corner of the block because people would pick up fights with him

          Oh yeah, he made it

          • 9 months ago

            >not wanting to shag ladyboys like jeffrey

            • 9 months ago

              No I'm not attracted to men, I'm natural

              • 9 months ago

                there are more gay natties than roiders tho

        • 9 months ago

          We’re all gonna make it brah

        • 9 months ago

          we're all gonna make it brah

      • 9 months ago

        He looks like any generic bodybuilder. There are thousands. Why do you choose him, other than that he's being pushed by the algorithm? The only real notable non-professional is Piana

        • 9 months ago

          >Why do you choose him
          What the frick are you even talking about now? I am talking about him because the thread is clearly about him.

          • 9 months ago

            You sound like one of his dick boys, the way you were talking

            • 9 months ago

              He does look objectively good physique wise. Pretty balanced and lean unlike other people who are actual IFBB pros.

              The one and only reason why people are shitting on him is the fact that he's generally liked and gains shit ton of popularity by the day.
              Do you have any idea how many homosexuals like him are out there? Do you realize how many homosexuals are trying to copy him? I have couple thousands of blocked YT channels (i recommend using Channel blocker extension) and i constantly get new small channels with barely any views as recommended. Pretty much all of them have a thumbnail of them sitting in a car just like Sam does and have very similar video name.
              I know plenty of guys who look better than Sam but they are not posting shit on youtube.
              He's cashing in on what he does and good for him.

              Sam has some juicy milkers yummy yummy make him look like a troon though

              I agree, very unfortunate nipple placement + his forearms are small.

              • 9 months ago

                Literally just how algorithms work on social media, they pick a couple people that fit into a trending category and start pushing them, and if they in return start making things that follow the algorithm they will continue too. It's how people like reviewbrah can live off of YouTube. The initial push is complete chance really, it could've been any other person doing his shtick. Never seen his since idgaf about fitness influencer crap lol

              • 9 months ago

                Wrong. Algorythm is pushing channels to pop up for people who are not interested in this type of content + it shows channels on trending page for everyone to see. His videos are family friendly (outside swearing) and he gets full view despite it being long as frick. There was a time when short videos were doing good, later on shit changed and greedy israelites started doing 10:01 long videos because everything above 10 minutes was calculated differently and for some time now shit like reels are hot because people are morons and have attention span of 5 seconds. You can't fit 2 ads in 10 second video but you can fit shit ton on them in 50 minute video. That's why his channel is israelite-friendly. They can easily spam his content with multiple ads and make profit off of it so it's being pushed to the masses. It's very rare or even impossible to see a channel with million subs that posts almost 1 hour long videos and all of those videos being fully watched to the very end. He accidentally found the new meta and you better be prepared to see everyone copying him right now.

      • 9 months ago

        Sam has some juicy milkers yummy yummy make him look like a troon though

    • 9 months ago

      Sam Sulek is at an extreme. Normies would compare you to action movie stars that they think are natty. Can you compete with Chris Hemsworth or Brad Pitt?

  3. 9 months ago

    >Its especially frustrating when people who dont even lift weights say stuff like
    this has literally never happened and literally nobody in real life roids. i have been training for 11 years and in 5+ different popular gyms and i think i have seen only about 3 or 4 people who were on steroids. and none of them had a body i wanted. they were mostly 30-50 year olds disgusting looking golems with ghoul skin, definitely nothing like your pretty boy fake natty.

    im sorry if you live in miami/la or whatever influencer place where roiding is prevalent but tiktok certainly doesnt resemble reality where I live and I live in my countries most popular university town.

    • 9 months ago

      You mean you there was only 3 or 4 people overtly roiding so even a moron like you could know.

    • 9 months ago

      >nobody in real life roids
      Kys dyel or coping roid troony. There's litteral 16 year olds on gear in my comercial gym, women on anavar, old men on trt and everything in between. Everyone I know has done atleast 1 cycle

      • 9 months ago

        Dude what
        There were literally a dozen plus obvious roiders (me included teehee) at the random 24 hour fitness I went to in Colorado. Gear usage is extremely common

        thats why i said >im sorry if you live in x
        i know that roiding is more prevalent in 3rd world countries like us but in europe/scandinavia its super rare

        • 9 months ago

          >but in europe/scandinavia its super rare
          Depends. It's common in Germany, but not necessarily for bodybuilding purposes. People here are doping for their company marathons and shit like that. Absolutely moronic.

          • 9 months ago

            >People here are doping for their company marathons and shit like that.
            what the actual frick. elaborate, because I just can't wrap my head around it

          • 9 months ago

            Who the fuk calls it doping? Are you with the fed or wada?? Or boomer gym teacher??

      • 9 months ago

        the burger has spoken

        • 9 months ago

          In the UK. Can buy steroids over the cleanet here (and I have)

    • 9 months ago

      Dude what
      There were literally a dozen plus obvious roiders (me included teehee) at the random 24 hour fitness I went to in Colorado. Gear usage is extremely common

    • 9 months ago

      >have seen only about 3 or 4 people who were on steroids. and none of them had a body i wanted. they were mostly 30-50 year olds disgusting looking golems with ghoul skin, definitely nothing like your pretty boy fake natty.

      I've said this here a hundred times. For aesthetics optimization you need the best combination of ideas from /fit and /fa and /tttt. The latter understands the downsides of T better than 99.9% of /fit. Natty limit is optimal when you add in skin quality, aging effects and how you look in clothes.

    • 9 months ago

      >i have seen only about 3 or 4 people who were on steroids
      >none of them had a body i wanted
      >they were mostly 30-50 year olds
      Oh wow, underage zoomie doesn't want to have a body of an old man, shocking information.

      First of all, you are an ignorant homosexual just like majority of population.
      I can guarantee that you saw thousands of people on gear but only 3 or 4 actually put in the effort and had good genetics.

      Not to mention this moronic as frick statement:
      >i saw only 3 people and NONE OF THEM had a body i wanted
      Fricking impossible, 3 different people, THREE! For fricks sake Black person, if it was at least 30 then your statement would have any sense.

      Keep in mind that pretty much anyone who is cashing in on fitness industry is or has been on gear. The guys who have the body you want are also on gear but you think they are not on gear because it's not mr olympia caliber body.

      He has no idea because he doesn't lift. No one on IST lifts lmao

      >No one on IST lifts lmao
      I would say that at least 95% posters here don't actually lift. I know for a fact that people from other boards who never even saw gym from the inside are posting here and give out advice.
      Just go to comment section under any fitness related photo anywhere and you will see how many experts there are. Every single fricking non-lifter will tell you that this guy is abusing GROWTH HORMONE to get muscles and that steroids burn fat no matter what you eat.

    • 9 months ago

      every single gym has a bunch of roided up wannabe hooligans with back acne and a roided older guy going a mid-life crisis.

  4. 9 months ago

    You actually need to have a spine to correct people on these matters
    >those Instagram influencers are in massive amounts of roids, being muscular and lean is actually hard as frick
    Hope, people who say that shit are also conveniently people that have never worked out seriously in their entire lives, otherwise they'd understand how unrealistic that is

    • 9 months ago

      Instagram influencers are in massive amounts of roids, being muscular and lean is actually hard as frick

      How to say this without coming off as a seething jealous natty? because I did say this to someone one time when they questioned why I didnt look like some guy on a gram of tren, and I felt weird about having to explain it, as Im explaining it I just feel like im copeing even though what im saying is true it just feels like im copeing hard

      • 9 months ago

        So basically, you're mentally ill? Why are you not in an institution?

    • 9 months ago

      Instagram influencers are in massive amounts of roids, being muscular and lean is actually hard as frick

      How to say this without coming off as a seething jealous natty? because I did say this to someone one time when they questioned why I didnt look like some guy on a gram of tren, and I felt weird about having to explain it, as Im explaining it I just feel like im copeing even though what im saying is true it just feels like im copeing hard

      Normies are fricking moronic. I have tried telling people this IRL in the most polite way I could, and I've seen people get asshurt about it. I've been accused of being jealous and other shit like that.
      The most comical was this coworker I had who was obsessed with Dwayne Johnson and thought he was super inspirational. He got really upset when I said he was obviously on steroids and had been for most, if not all of his career. He just flat out refused to believe it.

      • 9 months ago

        Yes I was caused of being jealous and the like, normies are fricking stupid, digging pictures before those guys started blasting is too try hard, like Tate brothers, when they still fought in competitions or Dwayne at the start of his wrestling career

        Next time say,

        >>Oh that guy looks like he's using steroids, I don't know

  5. 9 months ago

    >how do I fake scenario made up in my head
    you get help for your mental illness.

  6. 9 months ago

    >As a natty how am I supposed to deal with the constant mogging by steroid users?
    You will be mogging them when you're alive and they are not.

  7. 9 months ago

    These moronic fanfic threads are so gay it’s unreal.

  8. 9 months ago

    NH has the better thumbnail there. Outdoors and looking healthy and happy vs an acne ridden incel in a bathroom. I don't know why sulek has such a big following, he's hardly the first ugly moron taking boatloads of drugs. He's like a less entertaining Bostin Loyd, and Bostin actually looked way better.

    • 9 months ago

      In a sea of 'exercise scientists' with 10 videos a week on optimising diet/exercise/squat plug insertion, Sulek is the "just fricking lift" guy many consoomers needed in their YouTube subscriptions, that's all.

  9. 9 months ago

    Take Hellenism pill
    Reject degenerate americano values

    • 9 months ago

      I would rather be healthy and capable then frick with my brain and look like a gay

  10. 9 months ago

    You can deal with it by not being a not being a whiny little homosexual. And steriods won't fix that part of you either, lol.

  11. 9 months ago

    If you care that much about a juvenile concept like "mogging" maybe you should be on roids then. You're the target demographic. The average lifter, let alone the average person, does not want to like someone like Sulek nor finds him aesthetic (or attractive if this is about women). He's just big.
    And not to indulge your mental illness more than I have to here but there are other avenues for "mogging", IE face, height, etc. Muscle size is only one category. Hell you can skinmog these guys by not being covered by cystic acne and turning purple.
    I claim no credit for pic related, another anon posted it the other day. But yeah great "mogging" there kek.

    • 9 months ago

      >want to like
      *want to look like

    • 9 months ago

      Attaboy, keep on posting that pic I'm sure you'll get a laugh out of someone eventually

    • 9 months ago

      Attaboy, keep on posting that pic I'm sure you'll get a laugh out of someone eventually

      I loled, great pic

    • 9 months ago

      OP just get on gear if you care so much

    • 9 months ago

      Nice hat

  12. 9 months ago

    You don't need to compare to someone else, just ask this question to yourself: Are you better than yesterday?

    • 9 months ago

      Lifting is about SELF-improvement. Unless you're doing it as a job, fricking up your hormones to look like a cartoon character and dying at 40 is moronic

      • 9 months ago

        You're jelly and coping.

        • 9 months ago

          What is he coping about? Pretending you're not insecure about your own body/life and thats why you take steroids is coping

          • 9 months ago

            Roiders are jelly of natties working their asses off to get jacked and decide to cheat and LARP as people dedicated to fitness
            The fact that most roiders lie about being natty shows that they know what they're doing is shameful and unimpressive


            • 9 months ago

              What's with all these moronic excuses of retorts coming from roidtrannies? Do roids make you stupid as well as a troony?

              • 9 months ago

                They do in fact lower iq

        • 9 months ago

          Roiders are jelly of natties working their asses off to get jacked and decide to cheat and LARP as people dedicated to fitness
          The fact that most roiders lie about being natty shows that they know what they're doing is shameful and unimpressive

  13. 9 months ago

    you're just not working out hard enough
    buy my powder and testobooster
    t. roid troony

  14. 9 months ago

    its sad to see a lot of guys who look natty, and then it turns out they actually roid. Not only are they breaking their heart (literally), but also have nothing to show for it. Id so much rather be a chud (I am)

  15. 9 months ago

    If you’re not a bodybuilder then stop comparing yourself to bodybuilders. Going to the gym and working out is not bodybuilding. It’s a completely different activity.

    • 9 months ago

      Working out to look good, virtually everyone's goal, is bodybuilding.

  16. 9 months ago

    just tell them to start lifting if they want to know why

  17. 9 months ago

    >another insecure /fraud/ thread where he believes I actually care about him
    You're sure busy thinking about me, huh? I know, I spend my entire time only thinking of myself, my gains and my achievements too.

    • 9 months ago

      This meme works better if the labels are switched

      • 9 months ago

        The constant seething would prove otherwise

        • 9 months ago

          Constant seething would prove otherwise, yes. In the absence of that the meme works far better the other way around.

  18. 9 months ago

    bottom mogs here

  19. 9 months ago

    dont worry, you will mog them when you're 60 and your kidneys, liver, and other vital organs work properly

  20. 9 months ago

    You say this but then girls irl will be grabbing and squeezing my dyel 13.5 inch arms

  21. 9 months ago

    Headcanon thread

  22. 9 months ago

    If you lift and eat right for many years eventually you could look like this fine young gentleman

    • 9 months ago

      Who’s the 50 year old?

  23. 9 months ago

    Grow some balls and subsequently shrink them by joining the fraud train.

  24. 9 months ago

    Sam looks like shit. I don't understand, if you're going to do roids why don't you at least try and make an aesthetic physique instead of being a disgusting bloated ogre covered in acne and weeping sores?

  25. 9 months ago

    >people who don’t even lift say…
    They don’t matter.

  26. 9 months ago

    Literally just stop caring you absolute child

  27. 9 months ago

    bottom looks hundreds of times better. Only individuals brainwashed by social media will prefer top

  28. 9 months ago

    They owe everything to the pin, anon. Pity them and shit on their simps.

  29. 9 months ago

    >deal with
    what do you mean by this? just go about your life dude. stop worrying about whether your the biggest or the strongest or the fastest or whatever. your identity shouldn't be tied to the accomplishments (or lack thereof) of someone else.

  30. 9 months ago

    Natties organ health mog roiders

  31. 9 months ago

    Bottom looks better thought, roid troons look like walking cysts

  32. 9 months ago

    >"i dont lift for women"
    >i lift to be insecure about other dudes who do PERFORMANCE ENHANCING drugs
    if someone actually says that you dont look like a roider, then don't midn them because know they know frick all about how airbrushed and angle/light frauded influencers are even when they're genuinely natty. there's a reason most of the promo shots from influencers are them coated in sweat or whatever because they try get as dry/dehydrated as possible (obviously) for a photoshoot. no shit you wont look like that 24/7. even roiders dont look dry like that 24/7. there's easily a weeks worth of preparation to dehydrate yourself for shoots like that to look as good as possible, and they end up looking 'normal' after they have dinner and refill their water stores.
    dont even try explain that to them because it will look like cope. just lift for you, man.

  33. 9 months ago


  34. 9 months ago

    Stop seeking validation and rethink why you lift

  35. 9 months ago

    Brother, you have dysmorphia.
    Who gives a shit about what another person across the globe ON THE INTERNET, looks like. My advice, stop consuming fitness influencer content, and stop going on mogging threads on fit, you're gonna be miserable if you keep this up, or more miserable since you've already become this insecure, whiny gay.

  36. 9 months ago

    Are there any steroids that DON’T cause sexual dysfunction, hair loss and increased risks of heart attacks?

    • 9 months ago

      a standard cycle of 500mg test/week causes no sides

      the biggest problem with doing a babby's first cycle like that is your gains are so good and you feel so great that you end up on ten different compounds, high estrogen and all the rest

      • 9 months ago

        Stop lying

    • 9 months ago

      Low dose stacks of testosterone/primobolan/anavar (+fin and hCG)

    • 9 months ago

      almost all of those problems are dose dependent, and exacerbated or mitigated by genetic factors.

      you could probably take(side effect free) 25mg test, 25mg mast, 25mg bold, 25mg trenbolone, 25mg nandrolone, 5mg dianabol 5mg anavar 5mg anadrol lol you get the point. and on the extreme polar opposite end you can take 10,000 milligrams of gear total like dallas mccarver and fricking die a swift death

  37. 9 months ago

    >comparing these 2
    I'm a Eurogay and even I fall asleep watching NH's videos.
    Guy is a total bore and I can understand why people would rather watch a charismatic freak of nature test the limits of his body than some homosexual Fr*nch weeb rambling on with no end

    • 9 months ago

      How is being a Eurogay relevant to your point?

      • 9 months ago

        Since NH is a Eurogay as well and I guess it's more likely for us to watch him than Americans when Americans have a near endless selection of other fitness influencers who can actually properly speak their language?

  38. 9 months ago

    I don't know. I tried 2 different steroids and my heart felt weird both times 3 weeks in so I can't just "join them". I'll let you know if I figure it out

  39. 9 months ago

    Well if it makes you feel any better, you'd probably still look like shit if you were on steroids. A shit natty physique translates to a shit roided physique - if you're flabby and/or have no muscle you either aren't eating right, aren't training right or just have awful genetics. Steroids aren't the magic pill you think they are, they won't resolve the underlying reason why you look like dogshit. The roiders who look amazing had great physiques before even hopping on

    I was on roids when I was younger but you would never have guessed it from looking at me, trained like an idiot, barely ate and what I did eat was shit. 8 years later I'm natty (I know there's a debate about never getting the natty card back or whatever, but I haven't been taking anything in a full 8 years so my body is pretty much natty again) and I'm leaner, stronger and bigger than when I was using

    • 9 months ago

      Glad you're doing well anon. I guess you can yourself a "redeemed" natty or something.

  40. 9 months ago

    Learn your place DYEL. You exist to be mogged

  41. 9 months ago

    moron on purpose, hungry for attention. Goodbye user.

  42. 9 months ago

    Its all about progress, compare your current self to your previous self.
    If you stalled on progress just use roids

  43. 9 months ago

    You aren't getting mogged. A well developed natural physique looks better than anything out there. People are much wiser about steroids these days and think these roidmeat physiques are gross. Don't do it.

    • 9 months ago

      >the only roiders that exist are 300lb IFBB Pro mass monsters
      You're jealous and seething.

  44. 9 months ago

    I love Sam but that NH 100k video was better than anything he's put out.

  45. 9 months ago

    It largely comes down to genetics.
    Take the late zyzz for instance. He achieved a body that a dude with halfway decent genes could easily build in a few years. If zyzz never roided, I guarantee you he'd look like an emaciated pajeet at best.
    Some people just have the right frame, insertions, and muscle bellies to fill out and look massive.
    That being said, you should continue lifting and continue to try get bigger.

    • 9 months ago

      >He achieved a body that a dude with halfway decent genes could easily build in a few years.
      Post body now.

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Based, never give homosexuals wank material.

  46. 9 months ago

    There’s like 10 billion people on earth and you’ll probably see a single digit million at most, of these you’ll remember maybe probably less than 0,5%. That’s like below 10k. And that’s just people you see. Now imagine how low the unique number of interactions you will have.

    It is completely moronic and nonsensical to compare yourself to other people who probably don’t know you exist or don’t give a shit at all and forget your face 5 seconds after seeing it.

  47. 9 months ago

    they look ugly tho

  48. 9 months ago

    I know Sam Sulek is killing himself but I enjoy his video. Best fitness videos since Rich

  49. 9 months ago

    How much of a roid troony moron you need to be to get to this level of delusion? You unironically think any sane person would look at the picture of a roided teenager with horrible skin and think he looks better than the guy below? Take a picture of the natural hypertrophy guy and a picture of the weirdo lab freak monstrosity Sam Sulek and show normies asking "who looks better?", the answers will shock no one but moronic roid trannies.

  50. 9 months ago

    99% of people are saying too big. This guy is also kind of unasthetic. Arnold was bigger than this guy but way less freakish looking. Also fake story never happened.

  51. 9 months ago

    Roiders will just deflate within two months after they stop inevitably stop roiding due to health complications from roids (dick not working, norwooding, acne, etc.). As a bonus their natty test production is permanently fricked for life, so it's either TRT coping or staying small forever.
    Rmember - natty gains are for life.

  52. 9 months ago

    Your issue is you give a shit about influencers. Only losers and gays follow influencers, that's why they remain losers and gays. All "entertainment" is constructed through lies or half truths that the audience is willing to suspend their disbelief for, if you walk out if the movies thinking Iron Man is real and feel bad for yourself you're an idiot, same for every YouTube and instagrammer

  53. 9 months ago

    You'll be alive when they're dead, or stopped using roids and lost their gains.

  54. 9 months ago

    If you compare yourself to anyone other than the people around you in your real life then your a fricking moron

  55. 9 months ago

    Shooting hormones in your ass to get big, isn't much different than an anorexic woman that doesn't eat/puke. Driven off their insecurities, it's a surrogate activity to show how manly they are, even though they would die if society fell and they couldn't get their HRT lol

  56. 9 months ago

    You moronic copers still live in 2007. Everyone and their mother knows that instagram homosexuals are all on gear. And no, women don't like men on gear. Unless you like to attract stacy 30-40 yo roasties, stay natty.

  57. 9 months ago

    You lifespan, fertility, skin and mentalmog roidtrannies.

  58. 9 months ago

    >As a natty how am I supposed to deal with the constant mogging by steroid users

    TRT and a couple mild oral cycles. You'll get the full benefits of being enchanced without any serious health risks. Roids aren't the issue, the issue is abusing PEDs and taking stuff like Tren or Dbol like candy

  59. 9 months ago

    frick roiders for hurting a genuinely healthy hobby
    they always try to dunk on natties for financial/societal gains and make guys who have some skin in the game (have been lifting for a while) insecure about their progress
    no one takes steroids just 'for himself', it's always a means of one up someone or sell you something, so unless they're trying to sell you gear, it's a straight up scam
    trying to be neutral and accepting to them is not far away from tolerating criminals operating in your environment - it's just foolish
    the least you can do is to judge these fricks + laughing at them when their health starts to deteriorate, that would be only just

  60. 9 months ago

    Do sprinting and literally flex your heart out.

  61. 9 months ago

    You have to look inside and know your own goals.
    >Do I want to look athletic and healthy
    >Am I aesthetic enough for my own taste
    If your honest answer to that is yes, don't start roiding, simple as
    >I'm not muscular enough, I wanna be like the freaks I see on the internet
    Start roiding

  62. 9 months ago

    by not caring

  63. 9 months ago

    will I somehow severly limit my roided potential if I don't max out my natty limit beforehand, or it doesn't fricking matter?
    I was pretty close to my natty limit, but couldn't lift for years and now I'm in my mid thirties in terrible shape and don't really have time anymore.
    I'm getting back to lifting in a few weeks and I'm considering adding 10mg of ostarine from the start. or doing it as a beginner will severely limit the gains I could have with SARMs when using them to just push through the plateau and I have to get some of my gains back first to avoid ruining them for myself?

    • 9 months ago

      That's a good start but you need something that is going to shock the boys, jumpstart the anabolic process. Try 12 weeks tribulus terrestris with a creatine monohydrate kickstart. Don't be afraid to throw in some hyphy mud to shake things up a little. Make sure you stock up on HCGenerate before your cycle to keep the family stones moving. Expect 12-13kg of lean muscle at the end if you did everything right

      • 9 months ago

        >Try 12 weeks tribulus terrestris with a creatine monohydrate kickstart.
        yeah, got creatine too, but wouldn't something like tongkat ali with fadogia agrestis be better than tribulus terrestris? I've kept hearing that tribulus doesn't seem to affect test levels at all, is it different when it's taken with sarms?

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