>Asked my doctor to get my test levels checked

>Asked my doctor to get my test levels checked
>"Anon, why do you suddenly want to do that, I know there's a fad going around among you young people(bitch, I'm 30), but I am not going to send your blood to a lab unless you have clear symptoms"
I hate doctors so fricking much it's unreal. Anybody know where to go in south germany to get my t levels checked and eventually supplemented?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Go get a second opinion. You clearly have test issuea since you're crying like a little b***h on an anonymous ass sniffing board

  2. 7 months ago

    It's called doctor shopping. Get in touch with absolutely jacked guys and ask them who their doctor is. Or you can just try talking to a shit ton of doctors.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm absolutely jacked and my "doctor" is a chinaman named Tracy who sends me vials of deca durabolin in the mail.
      TRT doesnt make anyone "jacked"

    • 7 months ago

      either this or get a primary care physician who specialises in endocrinology
      every doctor thinks every problem is caused by an issue in their discipline
      an endocrinologist will order blood trsts even if you dont "need" them
      just dont listen to any of his advice bc endocrinology is completely ZOGged

  3. 7 months ago

    >Anstatt einfach mal genauer zu definieren, ob BaWü oder Bayern oder beides oder vielleicht auch noch Hessen...

    • 7 months ago

      Raum Stuttgart

      It's called doctor shopping. Get in touch with absolutely jacked guys and ask them who their doctor is. Or you can just try talking to a shit ton of doctors.

      Go get a second opinion. You clearly have test issuea since you're crying like a little b***h on an anonymous ass sniffing board

      Any chance of online clinics?

      when you learn that you test levels are completely normal, what will you blame your shitty life on?

      Probably your mother for not putting out enough

      • 7 months ago

        the insult doesn't really work when the guys mother is chaste in the hypothetical. of course if your test was higher you would have a sharper mind and be able to pull off a simply your mom joke

      • 7 months ago

        Best you find out on your own. I've no idea where you live or what your situation is like, pseudo-Bern. I'd go for brick and mortar personally

        • 7 months ago

          Nevermind, I'm an illiterate moron. Nevertheless, best you shop around, Kumpel

          • 7 months ago

            What even is the german version of a mens health clinic? Most endocrinologists here seem only want to treat fat old women for diabetes

            • 7 months ago

              Or thyroid.

            • 7 months ago

              Don't you guys have private clinics or labs that take individual orders? Sure, it would be more expensive, but it will get the job done

  4. 7 months ago

    when you learn that you test levels are completely normal, what will you blame your shitty life on?

    • 7 months ago

      This. Unless you're literally hypogonadal then T is not the issue. Going from below average to top natty range naturally won't change your life.
      TRT is the hormonal equivalent of doing cocaine to cure the blues so of course those guys will feel 'great' and see some eezy gainz come their way.

      • 7 months ago

        reminder that natural testo levels are REFLECTIVE of male health not CAUSATIVE.


        • 7 months ago

          Then why did my life improve when I started sleeping naked?

          • 7 months ago

            bit cooler during sleep -> better sleep quality and more deep sleep -> feel better.

            also you could be placeboeing yourself thinking this will make positive change to yourself and thus feel better. sorry if I burst your bubble.

        • 7 months ago

          >implying it can’t possibly be both

          • 7 months ago

            underlying health issue might tank your test (being hypogonadal, cancer, obesity, sleeping and eating like shit etc). going to doctor and getting pinned with TRT will not fix that.

    • 7 months ago

      that's when you add drols and 19nors into the mix

  5. 7 months ago

    Digga, local doctors and healthcare are the worst. Frick, I can get fricking naturopath or some other charlatan acupuncture quack covered by the expensive mandatory health insurance, but the fricker won’t even test your test. Germany and Germans are the most stupid and stubborn pieces of shit it’s unbelieveable.
    >t. non-German stuck in BW

  6. 7 months ago

    You’re supposed to do telehealth to get the drugs you want and have your primary care provider deal with the consequences

  7. 7 months ago

    GPs generally suck ass. Order a test online.

  8. 7 months ago

    Be more vocal about it.
    oh, you can't. .. you don't have the test to .. haha .. get recked.

  9. 7 months ago

    A literal troony lmao

    • 7 months ago

      >30yo (literally the age test starts to get lower) asking for a simple check
      >LOL NEUROTIC DELUSIONS troony troony

      • 7 months ago


        >Asked my doctor to get my test levels checked
        >"Anon, why do you suddenly want to do that, I know there's a fad going around among you young people(bitch, I'm 30), but I am not going to send your blood to a lab unless you have clear symptoms"
        I hate doctors so fricking much it's unreal. Anybody know where to go in south germany to get my t levels checked and eventually supplemented?

        what is the point of a testosterone test if you don't have any life threatening symptoms

        • 7 months ago

          what is the point of food and shelter if you're not starving and about to die from exposure?

          • 7 months ago

            just answer my question. If you don't have symptoms why tf would you waste tax payer money on a test like that?

            if you're concerned about your testosterone just fix your health issues and it will be normal.

            • 7 months ago

              >tax payer money
              I am not concerned about anything, you made a very stupid post and then doubled down

    • 7 months ago

      If he was a literal troony the doctor would be bending over backwards to accommodate his every delusional whim.

    • 7 months ago

      Shutup, he needs his gender affirming care.

      • 7 months ago

        Kek I bet this idiot is blasting 80 eod and not 20/20/20 which means he’s on a full cycle. Lmao

  10. 7 months ago

    >(bitch, I'm 30)
    Anon, nowhere in the world 30 is not young. Just because you're not a literal teenager anymore it doesn't mean you're suddenly an old geezer. In any other time of human history you would have never thought yourself as old at 30; internet burned your brain.
    Take, for example, some Roman citizen who wanted to go into politics. A requirement for candidates was to have served in the Roman army for at least 10 years, and the minimum age was 16; so, at your age you are quite literaly young and mature.
    Take, for another example, Aristotle, who said that males and females have different bodies and minds, and while women reach their peak around 14-18, males have a much higher ceiling and reach their physical peak around 35 and their mental peak around 45; he himself only began studying under Plato at 17 and began practising as an independent teacher after 20 years, so at 37.
    See, these are a couple of examples and viewpoints that are and have been common forever, it's just nowadays that 30 is suddenly "old".
    Do you know why?
    It's state propaganda to force people as young as possible to make profit, build capital and pay taxes. The average lifespan for an healthy male in the West is 75-80; you quite literaly have reached less than half of your years and about half of your productive years (if we go with puberty as a starting point and 50 as the decline).
    So don't be a Black person and lift, you're still young

    • 7 months ago

      30 is around the age when genetic factors start to manifest and test can lower. he's well within his legal right and personal obligation to have his health markers checked.

      Are you implying that he's not allowed to know how his own body is functioning? furthermore, optimally.

      instead of acting like a moron which you clearly are how about contribute homosexual.

      • 7 months ago

        >Are you implying that he's not allowed to know how his own body is functioning? furthermore, optimally.
        No no, i think the doctor is a fricking Black person and 30 is a good age to get hormones checked for the reasons you said, but Op was implying that 30 wasn't young which is a defeatist falsehood.
        Just go to a different doctor, there's no other suggestion.

      • 7 months ago

        >30 is around the age when genetic factors start to manifest and test can lower.
        Pretty damn false. "genetic factors start to manifest" what in the essential oil bullshit is this.
        Accumulated damage from chronic problems (obesity, sedentary lifestyle) DO start to pop up around this time onward, but certainly the only "genetic factors" (whatever that means) are generally diseases that have later life onset that you...can't really do anything about and don't have much to do with test.
        Also, test doesn't start lowering around 30, at least not in the way people think; that's a semi-myth.
        If you take the population and measure test over different ages, you see a 1% decrease over time starting around I believe 30-35. However, 1) Given the normal range is ~300-800, this decrease over time keeps you well within the non-symptomatic range, meaning by 70 you should still be completely asymptomatic for anything test related, and more importantly, 2):
        The drop in testosterone seen at the population level is pretty much entirely explained by chronic issues that accumulate and manifest over time. That is, that ~1% drop over time is from the sedentary and obese people with heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and all the other chronic issues associated with obesity and sedentaryness. In healthy humans, your testosterone won't decrease to any significant degree until you are well into your 60s-70s.
        The obsession with optimality is ridiculous and full of bullshit on the fitness world. Anyone who mentions ideas around "Do X because it increases test" has little idea about how testosterone actually works (for example, test is diurnal and can change ~25% throughout the day, and it also doesn't cause any different in physicality as long as its in the normal range, so "increasing test" temporarily does....absolutely nothing. Long-term, chronic increase in free test can essentially only be obtained by roids. All other "increase/decrease test" is useless.

  11. 7 months ago

    get private health insurance or just pay for the test yourself
    public insurance is a joke

  12. 7 months ago

    DUMBASS. It's not test that will fix your life if you're like pic related. Just live a healthy lifestyle. If you can't do that, then just accept that you WILL feel like shit all the time

  13. 7 months ago

    Just pay for the test you fricking israelite kraut piece of shit

  14. 7 months ago

    I my doc is an ex-boxing doctor who is a top g. Always tests blood, and got me onto peptides. Just shop around.

  15. 7 months ago

    He's right. Your ancestors didn't have these tests and did just fine

  16. 7 months ago

    It's $69 (lol) to order your own test lab at quest diagnostics. If you're a poorgay then get a better job. If you're eurotrash then see if you can get a visa to AMERICA.

  17. 7 months ago

    >>"Anon, why do you suddenly want to do that, I know there's a fad going around among you young people(bitch, I'm 30), but I am not going to send your blood to a lab unless you have clear symptoms"

  18. 7 months ago

    pic related before and after hopping on 150mg/week test C
    best decision I made this year
    All my compounds increased by 15kg in like 3 months

  19. 7 months ago

    >South Germany
    just hop on a train for a bit and go to a private clinic in the Slavlands, it'll cost you pennies

  20. 7 months ago

    236nd/dl test. Again, test levels are not your problem. What are you going to blame your life on next?
    It's pretty surreal how fricking big dunning-kruger effect you need to suffer from to be this confident. LE DOCTORS BAD!!!! LE TEST LOWERS!!!!!

    • 7 months ago

      maybe higher test levels would've prevented you from getting these shitty tattoos

    • 7 months ago

      why settle for good when you can be better

  21. 7 months ago
  22. 7 months ago


  23. 7 months ago

    It's weird, I have everything on the left, including confidence, but also depression from the right
    I have a weird confidence, i feel like I can do anything, but I'm also acutely aware of government surveillance, I'm always aware that I don't have privacy even in my own mind and home, so that takes away opportunity in my life. It feels like no avenue is open, I can't talk to anyone because they're all "in on it", I never know who's an agent
    So yeah, I'd say my test levels are fine, but conditions externally are a disaster

  24. 7 months ago

    >at least 5 people ITT gaslighting OP that testosterone isn't important
    >one lying piece of shit homosexual posting shit physique without timestamp
    >one moron conflating concern for t-level with being a literal gender dysmorphic troony
    >OP is a homosexual that wants to get "supplemented" for his low testosterone

    this board is so shit, kys all of you

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