Aspiring muscle mommy looking for advice!!!

Aspiring muscle mommy looking for advice!!!

After building some muscle through the sport that I do, I have gained some serious interest in becoming buff. There is a lot of work to be done, but I am a lot further ahead than I was a year ago with my stick arms. I bought a gym membership for the first time (YAY) and went 2 days ago, walking in with literally 0 knowledge of anything and just trying random machines until I got tired. I also bought some protein powder and began writing a doc full of notes on form and routines, splitting muscle groups, nutrition, etc.
I'm extremely overwhelmed on what to do, but decided on one of the free routines posted on Jeff Nippard's youtube:
Do you think this is a good place to start? I am tired of fussing around on what is best to do. The problem is that I think I can only go in 3 times a week for now, so is it possible to group some of the workouts together? I have a good starting point, I think, since I do some sports +hike +run frequently.; however, I have NO experience lifting or using weights at all.Thank you ISTbros! Please help! I really want to be strong and cool.

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  1. 3 months ago

    I don't think you can be a mommy as a male.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not a boy. Please, I'm serious. I really just want to get strong.

      Don't try random equipment, make a plan to target a different muscle group on each day. Do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps until failure. Eat a ton of protein.

      I'm struggling with the plan-making part since there are a million exercises and machines. Last time at the gym (my first time) I tried to deadlift, bench press, and squat. It was very difficult to tell if I was doing something right or wrong and I felt really embarrassed trying to film myself.

      What sport?

      Bouldering/Rock climbing

      3 times a week:

      bench press x 3
      incline press x 3
      pulldowns x 3
      rows x 3
      bicep / tricep superset x 3-6

      squat x 3
      barbell reverselunges x 3
      straight legged deadlift x 3
      dumbbell ohp / Y-raise superset x 3
      lateral raise / upright row superset x 3
      forearm / calves superset x 3

      bench press x 3
      OHP x 3
      squats x 3
      straight legged deadlift x 3
      pulldowns x 3
      rows x3

      Here's your program, progressively overload and eat as much protein in grams as you weight in lbs. Eat at caloric surplus. Sleep well. Start taking creatine. Doesn't need to be more complicated than that

      Thank you!!!! How do I figure out at what weight to set each exercise? I only do each 3 times so I imagine I have to do them really heavy?

      better to find a 3 day routine than figure out stuff on your own. Don't just follow the exercise routine telling you what movements you should do, try to follow the weight progressions as well
      watch a bunch of videos on proper form for more complex movements and don't be afraid to ask ppl in the gym to critique your form
      Jeff is a good source

      Do you have any suggestions of other youtubers that are good sources? There is a million channels and videos out there and I can't exactly tell which ones are good/bad.

      • 3 months ago

        >I'm not a boy. Please, I'm serious.
        the lanky arms make me believe yes. The lack of any kind of breast tissue makes me say no.
        meh, nice back in any case

        • 3 months ago

          The lack of "breast tissue" is because I'm asian and don't eat enough, hence my skin tone. I've already embraced being flat forever. It can be pretty convenient.

          >Last time at the gym (my first time) I tried to deadlift, bench press, and squat.
          Very good. Look up beginner exercises for building muscle and see what works best for you
          >How do I figure out at what weight to set each exercise?
          If you can do 12 reps, add more weight. If you can't do 8, lower the weight. Your last rep should be the last you can do before failure.

          This makes sense, so failure would be inability to complete the motion without breaking form? When I tried to deadlift I noticed I started arching my lower back just a bit in the last two reps. I was trying to do them consistently at the same tempo. If i take a few seconds break to readjust and tense my core, does that count as a break and I would no longer be completing/continuing my reps?

          >How do I figure out at what weight to set each exercise?
          Just start low and slowly figure out where your limits are. Spending a week or two finding the right weights to use isn't a big deal

          For repetitions, if you want strength, do 3-6 reps, if you want size, anywhere from 6 to 30. Both overlap a lot though. Personally I prefer 8 to 12 range because going beyond 12 is a lot of time commitment. What's important is lifting close to failure

          This is really interesting because I thought strength would have to do with more reps since it's more endurance-y? Is it a technique to do 3 sets of x amount of reps... but then use the last set to go until failure?

          • 3 months ago

            >hence my skin tone
            your skin tone is that a of a white person with a tan.
            >The lack of "breast tissue" is because I'm asian
            I'v seen asians with breasts.
            >and don't eat enough
            that accounts for lack of breast fat, not breast tissue.

          • 3 months ago

            >failure would be inability to complete the motion without breaking form?
            Basically, form is the most important thing to work the muscle and also avoid injury. Also, taking a few seconds is not a break. For some of my leg day workouts I take 10-20 seconds halfway into a set to catch my breath. Breaks are usually 2 minutes and only in between sets.

          • 3 months ago

            >This is really interesting because I thought strength would have to do with more reps since it's more endurance-y?
            High rep is a myth. You want as much stress on your muscles as you can handle. If you do low weight and high rep, your body doesn't need to repair and build muscle as much, because you aren't working it the same way.

      • 3 months ago

        >Last time at the gym (my first time) I tried to deadlift, bench press, and squat.
        Very good. Look up beginner exercises for building muscle and see what works best for you
        >How do I figure out at what weight to set each exercise?
        If you can do 12 reps, add more weight. If you can't do 8, lower the weight. Your last rep should be the last you can do before failure.

      • 3 months ago

        >How do I figure out at what weight to set each exercise?
        Just start low and slowly figure out where your limits are. Spending a week or two finding the right weights to use isn't a big deal

        For repetitions, if you want strength, do 3-6 reps, if you want size, anywhere from 6 to 30. Both overlap a lot though. Personally I prefer 8 to 12 range because going beyond 12 is a lot of time commitment. What's important is lifting close to failure

  2. 3 months ago

    Sorry lady. I’m married.

  3. 3 months ago

    Don't try random equipment, make a plan to target a different muscle group on each day. Do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps until failure. Eat a ton of protein.

  4. 3 months ago

    What sport?

  5. 3 months ago

    3 times a week:

    bench press x 3
    incline press x 3
    pulldowns x 3
    rows x 3
    bicep / tricep superset x 3-6

    squat x 3
    barbell reverselunges x 3
    straight legged deadlift x 3
    dumbbell ohp / Y-raise superset x 3
    lateral raise / upright row superset x 3
    forearm / calves superset x 3

    bench press x 3
    OHP x 3
    squats x 3
    straight legged deadlift x 3
    pulldowns x 3
    rows x3

    Here's your program, progressively overload and eat as much protein in grams as you weight in lbs. Eat at caloric surplus. Sleep well. Start taking creatine. Doesn't need to be more complicated than that

  6. 3 months ago

    better to find a 3 day routine than figure out stuff on your own. Don't just follow the exercise routine telling you what movements you should do, try to follow the weight progressions as well
    watch a bunch of videos on proper form for more complex movements and don't be afraid to ask ppl in the gym to critique your form
    Jeff is a good source

  7. 3 months ago

    >Aspiring muscle mommy
    Briefly describe your relationship with your father.

  8. 3 months ago

    how big was the guy that raped you
    talking about penis size, we all know even the biggest mantlet can overpower even a "muscle mommy"

  9. 3 months ago

    i wanna bust on that back so bad

  10. 3 months ago

    Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

    >mfw thinking about you hurting

  11. 3 months ago

    I do PPL 3x a week, you could look up some different routines to see which exercises you prefer and make your own routine. Or just do hip thrusts for 40 mins

  12. 3 months ago

    You only need one set to failure.

  13. 3 months ago

    The formatting of the post makes me think a woman actually wrote it but idek. Don't overcomplicate things as a newbie.

    10-20 hard sets per muscle group per week
    At least 1g protein per pound bodyweight
    Eat in a slight caloric surplus
    Only supplements you'd want are whey and creatine
    Get some cardio in, a little is 10x better than none
    Get gud sleep (7-9hr)

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