At 6'3, is it ever possible for me to have an aesthetic physique like Picrel?

At 6'3, is it ever possible for me to have an aesthetic physique like Picrel? I've been working out regularly for over a year now, and while I have made a lot of progress, the longer I lift the more I realize that my physique may never be that good since even though I gained a lot of muscle, the body just needs way more to look "filled out". Every person with a nice physique that I see at my height is a roidhead. Should I just give up then and go the roid path? It seems unattainable to me, but is it really? Any experiences or advice from taller anons?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Working out natty for a year doesn't mean shit if you have spent about 20x the amount of time not working out in your life. To give you some perspective, my son is 6 and he's been working out more than you

    • 5 months ago

      Based larper. I'm going to teach my son about the realities of life real early. Frick my fat slob of a father.

  2. 5 months ago

    5years of natty lifting with good diet deloading not overtraining and proper rest. Also get tanned

  3. 5 months ago

    a whole year? wow!

  4. 5 months ago

    I have been accused of being a liar and a fraud on these boards because I wont post my body pics and dox myself. Whatever.

    But I am 6'4.5" and weigh about 275 pounds. I am somewhere between 15-18% bodyfat. My abs are visible in good light, but not at all times.
    I started at 215 pounds at around the same or higher bodyfat percentage, in that I never saw my abs. Like, ever. 12 years later, I am bout 60 pounds heavier and somewhat relatively elaner, since my abs are visible.

    I do compete in powerlifting, and my best lifts are 485, 365 and 550. My best standing OHP is 230 (i think, maybe 235).

    Unless you are geenticlaly gifted, like Dolph, you need to give your body eyars and years to fill out. Thats what I did. Also, you really really need to get strong. Like, stupid strong. Pursue strneght not aesthetics sand ther strenght will come. "Chest day" for example just needs to be all about bench. Flat bench. Not six different exercises to "hit all the angles." Just flat bench. Massive volume on the flat bench. Any other work on "chest day" needs to be accessories to build the bench - for example one tricep exercise done for higher reps. Tghats it. Thats how powerlifters train.

    Tiny little short geenticlaly blessed guys who look great at 5'6" and are well proportioned at age 18 can frick around dont meme bodybuilding shit and see growth. You cant.

    Build strength and the aestheitcs will follow. The other way around will not work at your height. Also, you will have to eat at a caloric excess and get even smoother. Sorry. Facts.

    • 5 months ago

      You seem to kbow what you are takking about. Any tipa on how to bulk up? Just get strong and eat a lot. But what food will add calories

      • 5 months ago

        You should look up some very basic nutrition shit on the Youtubes. Pick an ideal muscualr bodyweight and then try to eat 1 gram of animal protein (i.e eggs and meat) for every one of those ideal muscualr bodyweight pounds. Add in other foods that you enjoy and contain calories. Rice and potato based dishes are a great place to satart. If you start getting too fat, dial back a biut on the rice/potato dishes but keep the protein high. You have to literally experiement with your own bidy to find a balance of calories to let ou grow bigger without getting too fat, whiuch is unhealthy and ugly.

        If youre asking me for a list of hig calorie foods, Im not going to do that. Its pointless. Look up your favorite feeds and learn how many calories are in them, then eat more or less of them. But the protein requirement is pretty much written in stone - always get the protein in.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm 6'6"-6'7" depending on the time of the day and 245-250 lbs lean .full ab separation and I would guess 15%, am probably a bit harsher on myself than (some people at my bodyfat would probably think they're 11-12%), though I agree with his points. Getting strong is the main advice, for example I have a 245 strict OHP and row 3.5pl8 for 8 clean reps

      • 5 months ago

        also, eat a shitton; I'm personally at 5000 kcal a day; you should shoot for 4k atleast. Things like peanut butter help to stack calories
        other stats e.g.: 19" arms, curling 70s for reps, lateral raising 50s for reps, weighted pullup +110 lbs. filling out size 2xl

      • 5 months ago

        You may be right. Its really hard to estimate bodyfat percentages visually. Thats why i desribed myself as lean enough to have abs in the right light, but not in all light. I reckon that puts me somewhere between 15 and 20%. But it doesnt actually matter.

        In clothes I look both muscular and big, but not fat.

    • 5 months ago

      >Massive volume on the flat bench
      So you do 10 sets of flat bench with no variation or something?

      • 5 months ago

        Something like that. Right now I am doing six sets of 225 for 12-15 reps. I am trying to increase volume with 225 up to multiple sets of twenty reps. It takes me about 45 minutes to warmup and do my 6 sets. Then I am done with "chest." I also have a huge pump throughout my entire upper body, traps, lats, shoulders and triceps.

        Then I go do some tricep and bicep work as an accessory. There is really no need to do flat bench, then incline,then hammer strneght, then dumbbell flyes, then machine fyles, then cable flyes for chest. Why would there be? The only benefot to that is if you have an overuse injury and need to AVOID flat bench for some reason until you are recovered from that particular injury.

  5. 5 months ago

    Idk how to explain im esl ajd drunk. Why do americans treat tall heights like its normal? Even though americans are 5 8 and claim 6. "Hes 6 6 340 lbs. Oh that 6 9 400 lb homie can beat him" they toss around crazy stats like its normal to see in public. They suck the dick of anything supersized

    • 5 months ago

      Bigger is better.

      • 5 months ago

        You dont see euros talk like that

      • 5 months ago

        America like 6 7 500 lbs sports men
        Europe like 6 3 180 lbs sports man

        • 5 months ago

          I think euro has more taller people than america yet dont seem to put tall big sportsman on pedestal. America nation of average height manlets that worship tall big sportsman

          • 5 months ago

            Mutts degenerate everything

          • 5 months ago

            The minority of people in the US who are of pure European stock are about the same heights as related ethnic groups in Europe. The average height in the US is dragged down by beaners and Black folk (also shorter on average than whites in spite of all the basketball americans paraded on sportsball tv)

  6. 5 months ago

    That guy was on roids he admitted to it

  7. 5 months ago

    As a 6'3 natty? Definitely no lol
    At most you'll be lean at low bodyfat. There's a reason why the average Mr Olympia is 5'6.

  8. 5 months ago

    I've been working out daily for like 16 years now and I've always had a decent physique. It takes like 5 years of constant effort and you'll start to witness your results. And then once you hit 30 you start to properly fill out. You have to keep at it forever it's not like you can just stop in your 20s and say, wow I finally got where I want to be. Most men don't start being worth a damn until their 30s anyways, keep working hard and you'll get there.
    imo gear is a waste unless you're trying to compete in some athletics or sport, and even then it's crazy easy to overdo. Most amateurs on gear are fricking stupid, if you want a boost start taking prohormones and let your body do it naturally. DHEA, fadogia agrestis, tongkat ali, ginseng, cold water immersion and working out in a fasted state, drinking RO water instead of birth control hormones in the tap, get enough sun, you should do all the natural stuff first to max test and HGH production before being a lazy little shit and injecting yourself with hormones that give you b***h breasts.

  9. 5 months ago

    yes, it will take you a year or so long than someone 6 foot i would say and the arms will be the hardest bit to bring up.
    t.6'4'' I don't look at good as that guy but hes on roids

  10. 5 months ago

    >over a year now
    I'm the same height as you and I'm just telling you from now you have a long way to go.

  11. 5 months ago

    Yes you will not ever get there naturally and maybe with roofs. So? You also most likely will never be rich. Or walk on the moon. Wtf is the problem? Make the best of your body that’s it. Love the process or get out. Life is about much more than lifting

  12. 5 months ago

    Depends on your frame and genes for muscle development.

  13. 5 months ago

    How old are you?
    It's likely not possible, Dolph Lundgren was a karate champion (doesn't make you huge per say but gives you a lot of conditioning and strength to begin with) + he has a god tier genetic + he roided for movies like they all do.

  14. 5 months ago

    You need a similar frame,limb length and insertions to look like that,even with a similar amount of muscle mass it isnt guaranteed you're going to look exactly like that.

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