>at the gym. >literally every treadmill will be unused

>at the gym
>literally every treadmill will be unused
>a girl will get on the one not right next to me but one space over
>I stop after like 30 minutes
>they stop too

This has happened twice now. What do they mean by this

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  1. 9 months ago

    maybe she just wanted to do 30 minutes of cardio, if she wanted anything she would've said something

    • 9 months ago

      then why can't they use the unused treadmill instead of being next to him?

      • 9 months ago

        i dont know, just see if she keeps doing this and maybe ask her out?

      • 9 months ago

        They're using the one the next over. If OP is grabbing the closest, she's grabbing the next closest not next to him.
        I do the same thing with the recumbent bikes. With covid, no one wants to be huffing and puffing next to eachother. This will encourage the next person to also leave a machine in between.
        >t. You homies never learned how urinals work and it fricking shows

  2. 9 months ago

    next time get off after your 30 minutes and go over to the one next to her

  3. 9 months ago

    skinwalker or fed, you decide

  4. 9 months ago

    she wanted to beat you in a stealth treadmill race

  5. 9 months ago

    Say hi to them you over thinking moron. How hard is it start a conversation? Will it kill you? Will you cry in your pillow if she rejects you? For the love of God you shit heads need to try and find your Aspie before you age out and die lonely and moronic.

    • 9 months ago

      OP here I am too nervous to talk to anyone at the gym since if I embaress myself I can never come back and it's the only gym near me.

      • 9 months ago

        Sart simple. Say hi. If she says hi back dont sperg out and spill your speghetti. Play it cool and confident. Just plant the seed and leave it until the next time you see her. Then say hi again but this time if she reciprocates fire up a convo. Talk about the gym itself or something basic just to get your foot in the door. If she shows interest and is chatting and youre vibing go all in and ask for her number. Just keep in mind youre not preforming surgery, theres no pressure.

        • 9 months ago

          the problem for aspies etc is overexcitement and ruminating on what could go wrong instead of focusing on the positive.. so they know nothing to say or sperg out. i recommend a carnivore diet to fix that

        • 9 months ago

          Is he just supposed to say "hi" and then leave every time he sees her for a few days?

          • 9 months ago

            The point of intial engagment is to gauge her attraction to you, the moronic autist. If its there, then go for it. If its not then dont.. less tears in the pillow. You guys really need to get after it, stop doubting yourself. Stop putting pussy on a pedistal because chances are they dont deserve you to begin with.

            • 9 months ago

              >The point of intial engagment is to gauge her attraction to you
              if there was any attraction to me she would have looked me in the eyes and smiled
              girls aren't attracted to me
              fricking cursed existence

              • 9 months ago

                >if there was any attraction to me she would have looked me in the eyes and smiled
                You could be right
                But you could also be dealing with another autist whos too self conscious and shy to give any clear signal first. As a man, you should initiate first contact. Doesnt hurt to probe or coax a response outta her by making eye contact, smiling and saying hi.
                >girls aren't attracted to me
                You need to be confident in who you are bro. Woman do not like unconfident men. Girls are all different and each one will be attracted to different types of men, you need to find the one that is for you.

              • 9 months ago

                look i understand where you're coming from and everything but you can't say "women don't like unconfident men" and in the very next sentence say "girls are all different and they're all attracted to something different"
                these are mutually exclusive statements, if girls are all different then it stands to reason that some girls would be attracted to timid and unassertive men. if girls universally don't like timid men then they really aren't all that different in terms of what they find desirable.

              • 9 months ago

                >immediately spills tons of spaghetti on the most minor of contradictions
                anon... I think girls may not be for you

              • 9 months ago

                >these are mutually exclusive statements
                Fair enough. However, I was refering to physical attraction.
                I should of said girls are all different and they're all attracted to something different *physically.
                >some girls would be attracted to timid and unassertive men
                True, but this is ill advised. I would never advise an anon to be unconfident, timid and unassertive. This is beta behavior and the women that are attracted to betas should be avoided at all cost. My advise in this thread is for traditional males in pursuit of traditional females.

          • 9 months ago

            No, you carry on as if nothing happened

    • 9 months ago

      >How hard is it start a conversation?
      For people are are fully aware, extremely.

      • 9 months ago

        >For people are are fully aware, extremely.
        I understand its not easy but it can be done and you need to try. First time is always hardest but I promise you every time after that will be easier. Autist will have to become somthing theyre not to overcome being alone.

    • 9 months ago

      >How hard is it start a conversation?
      What do you talk about? I can hit on girls in a bar or club or something but I'm a total sperg in normal places

      • 9 months ago

        >What do you talk about?
        Youll need to break the ice. This can be done by talking about something in a positive manner. Like your surroundings, compliment her, make a tasteful joke, joke about yourself, ask her for her opinion on something relevent at the time etc. Dont be too forward, dont talk about anything negative, keep it light and smile. All the men before you, your ancestors, had to cold approach the women they dated. Obviously things changed since then but the mechanics of whats involved didnt. Make them proud.

    • 9 months ago

      >How hard is it start a conversation?
      I mean, there's nothing to say. I'm not afraid of rejection or anything, its just that I can't think of anything to say in most conversations and just end up being silent until something practical comes up.

  6. 9 months ago

    Pull your dick out and see how she reacts. If she starts sucking it she's probably into you

  7. 9 months ago

    >at gym
    >a girl is working out near me and a couple other people in one of the theatres
    >isn’t making much noise at all
    >everyone else leaves
    >she starts doing pornstar moans every time she lunges

  8. 9 months ago

    This has been happening to me too, op. Some girls just seem like they want to be near me. Its probably pheromones is what I imagine.

    To the anons saying “just bee yourself”, how the frick are you supposed to talk to anyone at the gym when every single last person has headphones on? Should I pull the airpod out of her ear before I say I or scream over hers and the gym’s music?

    • 9 months ago

      >just bee yourself
      Nobody has said that. In fact steping out of your comfort zone and being confident is the opposite of what you autists are.
      >Should I pull the airpod out of her ear
      Yes moron. Attack her eardrums.
      Im honestly trying to help but some of you I fear are so broken that you make the easiest task into a mountain of anxiety.
      You can definitely smile and mouth the word hi at her anytime. Obviously thou, engage her further when she reciprocates and shows interest, she will lean in and take her ear phones out. You morons need to remember that if a girl likes you she will respond to you. Shes not going to run away screaming rape because you said hello, shes going to say hello back and hope for more from you. Its your job to be cool and lead the way. Thats literally all she expects from you. Just words.. can you autist handle simple mouth noises to break the ice with Aspie? This is a skill that you can develope and hone like anything else. Practice bros. Get out there and practice. Doesnt have to be at the gym, maybe the beach, a store, library etc..

    • 9 months ago

      OP here I am too nervous to talk to anyone at the gym since if I embaress myself I can never come back and it's the only gym near me.

      If you don't feel like talking to them don't. Who cares bro why force yourself to do something you don't really want to? Not doing it would be actually being yourself no? Instead of forcing it. Idk, just chill.

  9. 9 months ago

    >a girl walks pass
    >10 minutes later she looks my way but not exactly at me
    Every thread like this.

  10. 9 months ago

    You should switch up your cardio between running, cycling and a rowing machine

  11. 9 months ago

    She’s a fed watching you

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