>at the gym. >two barely teenage girls walk in

>at the gym
>two barely teenage girls walk in
>too scared to properly make eye contact with them and softly say “h-hi”
>they whisper something to each other and snicker behind my back
>leave the gym without finishing my set

Anyone else had a similar experience?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >at the gym late night
    >it’s me, a few boomers and hot brunette
    >im in the free weights area taking up a lot of space
    >the hot brunette comes and says “it’s nice and quiet huh”
    >she starts small talk
    >mentions she went to see the barbie movie
    >”margot robbie is literally flawless”
    >i tell her i agree
    >”must be nice.. im a bit basic myself”
    >say to her: oh well i don’t know about that
    >continue my set

    i think i was supposed to compliment her but she interrupted my set

    • 10 months ago

      >see how girl at the gym
      >she's staring at me
      >casually chat her up, ask her out
      >before she leaves she runs over to me to put her number into my phone in front of everyone
      >take her to a fancy restaurant
      >she's still eyeing me down, complimenting me
      >immediately starts talking to me and boasting/complaining about her exes
      >tell her "it seems like you miss them and I don't want to hear about this"
      >stop talking to her but pay for her dinner
      >a week later meet her randomly at a club, we end up cuddling and kissing before her friends drag her away
      >few days go by and I text her to go out again and tell her it was because of what happened at the club
      >"I'm not interested in dating you, I thought I expressed that openly enough already"
      >tell her ok let me know if you change your mind
      >were both avoiding each other at the gym mow on opposite ends of the room every time

      • 10 months ago

        She found a better guy, thats why you apply pressure and try to frick asap

        • 10 months ago

          But she was had partied the last 5 weeks, told me she couldn't cook and hated cooking, talked about exes, why would I want her?
          I don't just want to frick, I've fricked before and it's no big deal

          • 10 months ago

            >I don't just want to frick, I've fricked before and it's no big deal
            based and frickpilled

            • 10 months ago

              I think I just secretly wanted a girl who didn't have orbiters and who would value me a lot
              But instead she started talking to me about her male boss who she would drink with, shittesting me, making me feel insecure

              And it just made me feel like she was a pathetic annoying person
              Someone on IST even said she was a "dumpsterfire", I wanted a relationship with her before even meeting her and was letdown by the things she was telling me

              I was envisioning we'd go to the gym together and stuff and motivate each other, but she even told me she just started working out after she broke up with her bf. So I'd be a rebound best case scenario and she was in the gym dressing like a thot to get fricked

              Am I reading too much into these things?

              • 10 months ago

                my apologies,

                i'd come to the same conclusions i.e annoying dumpsterfire, not much value there. you're right to want the things you do, but do keep in mind that extraverted attractive girls will always have have orbiters

                was in reply to you

              • 10 months ago

                i think your assessment of the situation and her sounds accurate

              • 10 months ago

                Thanks man her parents were divorced and she basically implied she'd always nag me to do shit and party constantly and she wouldn't like it if I played videogames because her ex did and they broke up over it

                All of these things should have been dealbreakers but still I wanted to offer something but probably her ego was hurt by that point or she found someone else

                Tldr don't talk to gym girls it's a waste of time and money

            • 10 months ago

              i'd come to the same conclusions i.e annoying dumpsterfire, not much value there. you're right to want the things you do, but do keep in mind that extraverted attractive girls will always have have orbiters

              • 10 months ago

                >extraverted attractive girls will always have orbiters
                This is fact, list my virginity to a 10/10 Filipina in college and she has a few guys who would simp for her with her literally doing nothing. She didn't even really like it but you'd have to be dumb in her position to turn down free shit.

          • 10 months ago

            if you want to date a girl you have to frick her first buddy. that's how it works in this day and age.

          • 10 months ago

            This guy's fricked

          • 10 months ago

            Based frickman. You need to get a trip (might I suggest "Frickmeister"?) so we can all identify when Jimmy Two Fricks is posting

            • 10 months ago

              Like this?

              This guy's fricked

              Had my share.

              • 10 months ago

                Based Frickmeister leaving some pussy for the rest of us

      • 10 months ago

        >tell her "it seems like you miss them and I don't want to hear about this"
        Anon citing from self-help books for manly alpha males

    • 10 months ago

      You did compliment her, you were just subtle about it. If you see her again it will be easier to start a conversation now.

  2. 10 months ago


  3. 10 months ago

    How do you even talk to JBs in public without attracting unwanted attention from moralgays

    • 10 months ago

      Just talk to them and ignore the prattling of inferior men

      • 10 months ago

        No way I would do this, not because I don't want to, but because I'd be terrified of becoming pic rel

        • 10 months ago

          they will throw cans at you

  4. 10 months ago

    No, I wink and smile at beautiful, underage girls. They love it like every other woman.

  5. 10 months ago

    >Friend invites me to gym after work
    >Usually go later in the night, but hes keen to do the same work out as me
    >He meets me in the carpark
    >"Hey anon, I'm juiced"
    >Ask him what he means
    >"I'm juiced"
    >Think nothing of it
    >Go into gym
    >Get onto the bench
    >We lift similar weight, tell him I'll just work in with him
    >He does one rep of 100kg
    >I look over and blood is squirting out of his nose
    >Freak out
    >Hes screaming through gritted teeth
    >Pick bar up off him and he immediately rolls off the bench into a 'power pose'
    >Can't get him out of it, his body is stiff as a log
    >Call ambulance
    >Weeks later I finally see him at work
    >He has a patch on his inner forearm like hes given blood
    >Ask him what the frick happened
    >"Bro I was pretty juiced"
    I still have no idea what he took.

    • 10 months ago

      what does this have to do with underage girls?

      • 10 months ago

        She was the girl.


        Oh I've got one

        >Out on Miami beach
        >Looking my best, abs are popping
        >Two smoking hot young girls come up to me wearing thong one pieces, both like 20 years old maybe
        >Eye popping levels of hot
        >They tell me straight up they're looking for a guy for a three way with them and I'm perfect if I'm interested
        >Yes this really happened
        >I IMMEDIATELY begin spilling my spaghetti
        >"Oh haha... Um me? Um, I'm sorry I didn't hear you um haha"
        >Their faces and demeanors instantly change as I fail the charisma check, losing all attraction to me visibly
        >They say something dismissive and just walk away
        >Those unbelievably nice asses walking away


        You probably avoided getting kidnapped and your organs harvested, if it makes you feel better.

  6. 10 months ago

    Oh I've got one

    >Out on Miami beach
    >Looking my best, abs are popping
    >Two smoking hot young girls come up to me wearing thong one pieces, both like 20 years old maybe
    >Eye popping levels of hot
    >They tell me straight up they're looking for a guy for a three way with them and I'm perfect if I'm interested
    >Yes this really happened
    >I IMMEDIATELY begin spilling my spaghetti
    >"Oh haha... Um me? Um, I'm sorry I didn't hear you um haha"
    >Their faces and demeanors instantly change as I fail the charisma check, losing all attraction to me visibly
    >They say something dismissive and just walk away
    >Those unbelievably nice asses walking away


  7. 10 months ago

    >reinvent myself as Kromm (real name: Jeremy)
    >go to gym, just me and a 10/10 brunette
    >catch her looking at me in mirror
    >throat dries up...dormant fat teen memories rise to the surface...
    >realise I will frick this up
    >she comes over and asks if I can spot her
    >snarl "What did your last slave die of? Fatty!"

    • 10 months ago

      >What did your last slave die of?

  8. 10 months ago

    >late night workout
    >gym basically empty
    >head to the ladies' locker room to grab my handbag
    >oddly quiet
    >hear something coming from the showers
    >a rhythmic slapping
    >as I focus it grows louder over the sound of "Bad Company" playing softly over the gym's tinny sound system
    >it can't be...
    >the vigorous "slap... slap... slap", the unmistakeable sound of flesh meeting flesh, continues
    >curiosity gets the better of me
    >I gingerly poke my head around the corner to the showers
    >see two figures intertwined
    >a large, well muscled man of maybe forty and a skinny woman in her early twenties
    >they glisten, dripping water although the faucets are turned off
    >I watch droplets of water fleck off the dimpled skin of the young woman's ass cheeks as her lover continues to ram her from behind
    >she looks up, catches my eye
    >mouths a silent "Help me!", eyes wide with the shock of being fricked by such a mammoth wiener
    >the large man doesn't notice me, his gaze is intent on the naked body of his unwilling prize
    >I grab my things and nope out of there
    >change gyms immediately thereafter


    • 10 months ago

      Damn that's pretty cool

  9. 10 months ago

    >paying attention to zoomers

  10. 10 months ago

    >doing hip thrusts
    >teen girls come in to use it but see im on it
    >later im done with it and start walking to the exit
    >walking funny because my glutes are pumped
    >they also leave at the same time and walk in front of me
    >see one of them quickly turn to look, then whisper something to her friend
    >They both giggle
    im assuming they are laughing at me, a man, doing hip thrusts. ill never do hip thrusts again, i probably look ridiculous.

  11. 10 months ago

    >be me, big tall ugly white
    >cutie big cheekbone allah in hijab walks in gym
    >locks eyes with me
    >mires my 300lbs frame doing 80lbs triceps extensions
    >mires my gallons of sweat from 10 minute level 2 stairmaster
    >keeps eyes locked for 40 of next 60 minutes
    >steps over my legs as I do end of workout stretch
    >turns back and locks eyes with me, smiles
    Was she trying to recruit me into something? no way she was actually interested

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, the whole time she was staring at you, she was fantasizing about you wringing the necks of infidels with your muscular arms.

  12. 10 months ago

    My gym doesn't allow anyone under 18 without adult supervision. Is this not the norm?

  13. 10 months ago

    > at the gym
    > on exercise bike
    > chubby girl sits next to me and smiles at me
    > immediately stop workout and leave the gym

    Women are demonic creatures that just want attention. They should have male only gyms.

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