At what age is trying to bulk naturally pointless?

I am turning 29 this year, 6'1", 170 pounds basically zero muscle. I have test levels around 400, so fairly low, no muscular men in my family. I've tried going to the gym and it's embarrassing how weak I am, I have good form though. Low energy, low sex drive, never had a girlfriend. Hair loss being managed with dutasteride/finasteride, but definitely some recession.

I KNOW bulking naturally would take 5-10 years, with perfect training and even then I probably wouldn't get far due to poor genetics. So basically steroids are the only way for someone like me to look good and get girls in 1-2 years, right?

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  1. 3 months ago

    It's never too early to start.
    Literally no one has ever looked good or been strong on their first day.
    Failing once doesn't mean you shouldn't try again.
    Bulking doesn't take 10 years lmao, you'll be making decent gains within a year and might even look great in 2.
    Poor genetics is no excuse for giving up.
    Girls don't care about muscles unless you're at a club. Dating is about emotional attraction, unless you just want a superficial relationship that ends as soon as the next hot thing arrives.

    • 3 months ago

      >you MIGHT look great in 2 years

      Probably not though. Best case scenario, you can gain around 20 pounds in 2 years, that's with perfect training, diet, sleep (not easy due to my hard job), and genetics. At my age, nearly 30, I don't even think it's possible. I would probably gain more like 10 pounds in 2 years AT BEST and look completely the same.

      >Girls don't care about muscles unless you're at a club.

      Absolute bullshit. Girls care about height and muscles more than anything else. my height is decent but my muscles are shit. Dating apps and social media are how most dates start and physical appearance is paramount.

      >Dating is about emotional attraction, unless you just want a superficial relationship that ends as soon as the next hot thing arrives.

      I'd rather have superficial hot women than no one, which is what I have now.

      • 3 months ago

        >Dating apps and social media are how most dates start

        Getting numbers is way easier in person if you aren't an insecure loser with a shit personality, but I wouldn't expect you to know that lmao

        • 3 months ago

          I've gotten plenty of numbers in person, they don't text back because there's hotter guys than me hitting them up on social media and dating apps. If you aren't one of the hottest men a girl knows, you will probably not get texted back

          I can already tell youre a bum mentally which is your first hangup. if you truly really want it and strive to get there you can get a good physique in 2 years no problem. especially if you give a frick and dont only do it for vain shallow purposes thatll stop your improvement the second you get a crumb of pussy. 29 isnt that old, just stop being defeatist and be confident. mental state affects test and how your body works too

          I have a good high paying job (over 200k) and I work hard. I can't help that I have naturally shit test levels, I'm weak and can't build muscle easily.

          >you can get a good physique in 2 years no problem

          You can look better, sure but you won't look impressive, especially at age 31 without top tier genetics.

          >29 isnt that old

          Except it is. Contrary to popular belief, women don't want guys 10 years older than them and most women my age are already taken, getting married, having kids, the only ones left are ugly and crazy. So really the only hope for me is getting a girl around 25 (already quite old for a woman) who is decent looking and my best chance is running gear for 1-2 years and getting huge, so that I can actually attract a decent woman.

          >At my age, nearly 30, I don't even think it's possible.
          I'm 31. It's not impossible. Stop being so self-pitying and demoralizing.
          >Girls care about height and muscles more than anything else
          That's what incels care about and if you spent 10 minutes actually speaking to women you'd know the difference.
          >I'd rather have superficial hot women than no one
          you're going to continue to have no one if you don't work on your charisma which is what actually gets women.

          What age were those pictures taken at? You don't really look that great dude, you could probably score with some fat or old chicks but not hot 25 year old women. There's just far, far hotter guys than you on dating apps and instagram.

          > if you spent 10 minutes actually speaking to women you'd know the difference.
          Women aren't gonna talk to you if you aren't hot, do you seriously not get how apps work?

          >work on your charisma which is what actually gets women
          Horseshit. Women match with men who are hot, hot guys don't even have dating app bios

          • 3 months ago

            They don't text back because you're boring and have a shit personality as evidenced by your whole attitude. Many such cases. Sad!

            • 3 months ago

              I know boring, uninteresting hot guys who get pussy all the time from hot younger women. So again, clearly not a big factor to women.

          • 3 months ago

            >You don't really look that great dude,
            I look better than you and pull 10x as much pussy. We try to help you and you pull this self-pity crab bucket game. Your problem isn't your muscles, your brain is a gains goblin and your attitude is the opposite of attractive.

            >Women aren't gonna talk to you if you aren't hot, do you seriously not get how apps work?
            I'm in my fourth year of a long-term relationship I started from Tinder. I get how the apps work dipshit. You clearly don't.

            I love how you morons will come here for help, get genuinely constructive and encouraging advice, and then reject it immediately insisting you know more about the thing you're continually failing at.

            Get fricked incel.

            • 3 months ago

              >I look better than you and pull 10x as much pussy
              No disagreement, you obviously look better and get more women than I do but I look like shit and get zero women, you only get fat and old chicks. You ARE NOT hot enough to get a hot 25 year old woman.

              >Your problem isn't your muscles,

              >I'm in my fourth year of a long-term relationship I started from Tinder.
              The apps got WAY worse in the past 3 years due to covid, you don't understand because you havent use them in 4-5 years. You also refused to say what ages you were in the two photos.

              Getting ONE girl off an app to date you is also not that impressive, she probably isn't that hot and is completely ran through and wants beta bucks from you I'm guessing.

              Getting giant from roids and running through hot 25 year olds is far better and basically the only thing a man can aspire for these days, there are no good women left.

              • 3 months ago

                Black person 2020 was 4 years ago. I started dating in October of 2020, the height of the pandemic.
                > she probably isn't that hot and is completely ran through and wants beta bucks from you I'm guessing.
                if you did a pushup for every single excuse you have you'd be in better shape.

                why even bother asking for advice when you've already made up your mind? kys

              • 3 months ago

                4 years ago was February 2020, which was BEFORE the pandemic dumbass. You can't even do numbers lmao

                >if you did a pushup for every single excuse you have you'd be in better shape.

                Sure I'd be in better shape but I wouldn't be hot enough to get a hot girl, just like you

                You still won't admit your girl aint hot, you can't get a hot one, or what ages you were in those before and after pics.

              • 3 months ago

                im about the same as him, average looking, and i have no problem getting young attractive women. last year i was with a gorgeous 20 year old and gorgeous 25 year old (not at the same time) alongside a bunch of other younger women, and im 37

                you have the mind of an incel, dumbdumb, and people can smell that on you. you arent interesting, you arent as smart as you think you are, and until you address and understand these facts youll continue being a miserable dipshit

          • 3 months ago

            >Contrary to popular belief, women don't want
            You have no idea what women want. You are genetic waste, remember?

          • 3 months ago

            >they don't text back because there's hotter guys than me hitting them up on social media and dating apps.
            maybe they actually don't text back because you're something of an unlikable homosexual?

            • 3 months ago

              I'm not hot enough, they know hotter guys. Women don't really care about personality at all, every girl has dated some guy who treated her horribly and cheated on her but she didn't care because he was hot.

          • 3 months ago

            >I've gotten plenty of numbers in person,

            The goal isn’t to get their numbers, anon

      • 3 months ago

        >At my age, nearly 30, I don't even think it's possible.
        I'm 31. It's not impossible. Stop being so self-pitying and demoralizing.
        >Girls care about height and muscles more than anything else
        That's what incels care about and if you spent 10 minutes actually speaking to women you'd know the difference.
        >I'd rather have superficial hot women than no one
        you're going to continue to have no one if you don't work on your charisma which is what actually gets women.

      • 3 months ago

        >Redditor is a defeated subhuman
        No suprise here. No go back.

      • 3 months ago

        I started at 32. Still made big gains

        • 3 months ago

          Lemme see before and after pics with ages. Natty? Seems unrealistic

          Before you go roid try natty for 2 years. And give your best.
          Roids don’t work well for many. Don’t think you will respond well automatically.
          I am 43 and lifted for 27 years natty but only maybe 10-15 years consistently. I get mires from women except when bf is at 20%+ and cloth doesn’t cover it.

          Gl anon

          Mires aint shit if you aint fricking them. My view is why risk wasting 2 years? I'm already almost 30 for christ's sake, I don't have much more time. TRT isn't normal roids, it's just getting me up to normal levels, or slightly above

          That is your brain on lookism, you can excuse the 18 year olds whose only frame of reference is the internet but 29?
          Here is some rage bait for OP:
          I'm 5'10", tallest woman I slept with was a skinny 6'1". She was the one that initiated. Height matters but unless you're midget sized there are dozens of more important factors, and different girls have different preferences.

          Lookism is just objectively correct. Lmao you slept with a MtF 6 foot trans woman.

      • 3 months ago

        Before you go roid try natty for 2 years. And give your best.
        Roids don’t work well for many. Don’t think you will respond well automatically.
        I am 43 and lifted for 27 years natty but only maybe 10-15 years consistently. I get mires from women except when bf is at 20%+ and cloth doesn’t cover it.

        Gl anon

  2. 3 months ago

    I can already tell youre a bum mentally which is your first hangup. if you truly really want it and strive to get there you can get a good physique in 2 years no problem. especially if you give a frick and dont only do it for vain shallow purposes thatll stop your improvement the second you get a crumb of pussy. 29 isnt that old, just stop being defeatist and be confident. mental state affects test and how your body works too

  3. 3 months ago

    At age 30, around 170lbs, natty, I began training seriously for two years. I’ve gained an insane amount of strength in that time, and gone up two whole shirt sizes. Curiously, I have barely gained any weight. It fluctuates up and down, but has mostly remained the same. I’m 180lbs now, sometimes more or less.

    Go for strength. It will help with your other problems. If you go for “looks” or “size,” you’ll gain nothing and lose everything.

    • 3 months ago

      Again, dumb advice. You probably look exactly the same as when you started and get no more chicks than you ever did. You made my point for me, even two years of hard lifting naturally accomplished nothing for you. If I did the same on steroids I would look hot and get women after two years.

      • 3 months ago

        No, I look much better now than before, probably in part because I strictly managed my eating that first year… My biceps are now 17” natty, and I am curling 5pl8 preachers on a Hoist machine. I can also get 120 using a strict curl and a straight bar, for reps. I also have a woman that I’ve been together with for 3 years, and I often get hit on by other women— even in front of her, much to her immense chagrin. That said, I’ve never wanted to look like a Ken doll, and I do not look like one now. I *may* do my first cut this year.

        Here’s the brutal pill: “Looks” is much more than how well you emulate an Insta roider. It’s your face, hairline, how well you carry yourself, your manner of dress and speech, etc… Even little things like body language, tone of voice, or the smell of your pheromones can matter. If you are autistic, it’s over for you regardless of looks. “Good health” is something that going for strength can give you, and good health is something that will noticeably improve your attractiveness to others. Maybe you can’t totally fix your testosterone problems with strength lifting alone, but it can help get some of those wayward elements back into alignment. Let what you perceive to be “looks” come as a secondary yield of your efforts, and you will get more girls than the insecure juiceheads at my local gyms.

        What would also be a crying shame is if you did go on roids, and ended up like 90% of the other TRT juiceheads at my gyms… Envying my arms. Maybe you can deadlift my 3RM for 2x as many reps, but maybe you’ll also feel bad about how you look once you see that I hardly look any different than you. Maybe even better, in some ways. A lot of roided dudes can’t even touch my curl weight, and I get complimented on my arms at least once a week. They even confide to me that they feel small. When one of my friends told me he was on TRT, I literally did not believe him until he started going on about the science.

        • 3 months ago

          Anyways, enough anecdotes about my life. If you have already been sold the lie that taking drugs will keep you from hitting the wall, go ahead. I can’t stop you. But, if you are willing to take your dick out of your hand for one minute, you will see that lifting **exclusively** for looks is fricking moronic. It’s something that only people who are insecure about themselves will do, and unfortunately that group consists of many people. They also fail to realize that insecurity breeds unattractiveness, and thus the cycle continues. With women, it’s always one more lip filler, one more tit job… With men, you’ll simply never be “big enough” to be satisfied with your existence. 15 cycles later, and you’re either “tfw roided for this” material or bogged to hell and back. That is all I have to say. No response is required; I will read it but I won’t respond. You will either see the point I’m trying to make an accept it, or you won’t, but at least I tried to help either way.

        • 3 months ago

          Lmao even if you have above average genetics you are clearly full of shit, guys who use roids destroy you in looks and strength, you're just coping. Also unlike men who use roids, your test levels will DROP every year.

          Anyways, enough anecdotes about my life. If you have already been sold the lie that taking drugs will keep you from hitting the wall, go ahead. I can’t stop you. But, if you are willing to take your dick out of your hand for one minute, you will see that lifting **exclusively** for looks is fricking moronic. It’s something that only people who are insecure about themselves will do, and unfortunately that group consists of many people. They also fail to realize that insecurity breeds unattractiveness, and thus the cycle continues. With women, it’s always one more lip filler, one more tit job… With men, you’ll simply never be “big enough” to be satisfied with your existence. 15 cycles later, and you’re either “tfw roided for this” material or bogged to hell and back. That is all I have to say. No response is required; I will read it but I won’t respond. You will either see the point I’m trying to make an accept it, or you won’t, but at least I tried to help either way.

          You can very easily be big enough with just TRT for the rest of your life to get tons of hot women, especially when you are over 6 feet tall like I am.

          Again, your point makes no sense. If you accomplished something lifting naturally, good for you. But you could have done FAR MORE with TRT and many guys like myself with poor genetics can't accomplish anything, especially old guys like me who are nearly 30.

          Women do not give a frick about a man other than how hot he looks in pictures. End of story, anyone who claims otherwise is coping and lying, trying to convince themselves a hotter guy couldn't steal their girl (and one obviously could).

          The best thing a man can hope for is to TRT bulk until he's hot enough to frick random hot women these days. No woman is worth committing to anymore.

          • 3 months ago

            You know, I said I wouldn’t respond, but here I am anyway. To your credit (and there is little to give,) I do have very good genetics. My father was a bodybuilder, his father before him ran a meat business and was hauling carcasses all day, etc… Even my mother comes from a good pedigree. Thank you for acknowledging that I am your superior. Yes, I could’ve done “more” with drugs, and I did not need to, because I already have what you desperately want: Self-approval.

            Now, since you are so convinced of yourself, and I am clearly ignorant to the plight of you common folk, then why don’t you just jump on roids already? Are you afraid or something? Seriously, why are you even posting here? You already know what you want, now go and take it. I won’t even climb on a pedestal to look down on you… You clearly need to take drugs, because you’re worthless without them. It’s a shame, but it’s true. So, why are you here? You’re already blackpilled.

  4. 3 months ago

    I go lifting with my 63 year old grandpa and even he's making decent gains. At this rate he'll be a fricking beast in a few years. You're less than half his age and all you do is cry.

    Stay weak, you simply don't want to put in the effort.

    • 3 months ago

      No, he won't. He will still look like a frail old man even with years of training and dedication. If you actually care about him you would get him on TRT

      I want to put in the effort but I also want it to be worthwhile

  5. 3 months ago

    >I KNOW
    you dont. Frick off.

    • 3 months ago

      Yes I do, I've done tons of research.

      >Contrary to popular belief, women don't want
      You have no idea what women want. You are genetic waste, remember?

      I know what women want because I've done dating app experiments. Tall, big muscles, very roided out looking guys. No bio is necessary, women just want hot looking enhanced men. Thats it.

      I am genetically shit but with TRT I could be worthwhile

      • 3 months ago

        Just go back to Plebit, everyone will agree with you there. Here people will call you out for who you are. You are clueless, unable to reflect and miserable. I recommend ropehangs till failure.

        • 3 months ago

          Why would I not just use steroids until I'm good looking? Again, you seem like a sour grapes idiot. You are mad someone could just use roids for a year and getting better looking than you ever could natural.

          • 3 months ago

            >Asks for advice
            >Gets advice
            >Discards adivce
            >Calls other people stupid
            Kek, like I said, unable to reflect. No matter what you do, you will be a failure. Not because of your genes or luck or anything, just because of your attitude.

  6. 3 months ago
    Cecil "CHAD BALDWIN" Drake

    >low sex drive
    >Hair loss being managed with dutasteride/finasteride

    Which could be the cause of it.

    >So basically steroids are the only way for someone like me to look good

    Which will cause hairloss.

    >and get girls in 1-2 years

    Please FFS, do not put all your eggs in one basket, that if you have muscles, you will have girls chasing you.

    Bulking can be EASIER the older you are.

    >I've tried going to the gym and it's embarrassing how weak I am

    Then do it without failure for 3 months with a good high protein calorie surplus diet. Then take it from there.

    You are looking for quick cheats, and excuses like "my family are not big" when they likely do not work out.

    • 3 months ago

      Sex drive didn't change before or after fin/dut, it was already very low, gradual decline since age 19. My thought is it just keeps going down when you can't get laid, like me. If anything it's gone slightly up since starting fin/dut, they slightly increase test production by blocking DHT conversion.

      As far as I can tell, getting my test to around 1200 wouldn't cause hairloss while on dut, Derek from MPMD didn't notice hairloss on dut until he was at over 2000 test levels.

      >that if you have muscles, you will have girls chasing you.

      Why? It's objectively true, I know musuclar, boring guys who get women, I've done dating app experiments with pics of roided out guys, they 100% get tons of guys

      >Bulking can be EASIER the older you are.

      Bullshit. Test drops as you age, bulking and recovery are correlated with test levels. I have like 400ug test levels, I'm not building shit natrually.

      >Then do it without failure for 3 months with a good high protein calorie surplus diet. Then take it from there.

      I've tried, my recovery is shit, I don't get stronger, even with a perfect diet and sleep, I just gain fat. And that was 2-3 years ago, my test has probably gotten even worse now that I'm almost 30.

      >You are looking for quick cheats

      Why wouldn't I want a quick cheat? I'm almost 30 and never had a girlfriend. I can't get pussy, I need muscles and to get that I need roids.

      >Asks for advice
      >Gets advice
      >Discards adivce
      >Calls other people stupid
      Kek, like I said, unable to reflect. No matter what you do, you will be a failure. Not because of your genes or luck or anything, just because of your attitude.

      Bullshit. Hot guys with horrible attitudes get pussy. You sour grapes

      And this highlights how bad shit has got. We have almost 30 year old men, who sound like 14 year olds online. Noe experience with women. Or life probably.

      None of this shit was on my mind at age 29. Nor other guys around me. The future really is going to be masses of 50 year old men with the experience of a 14 year old and mindset going postal.

      Womens standards are a lot higher these days due to apps, you need steroids just to compete with other fake nattys

      You know, I said I wouldn’t respond, but here I am anyway. To your credit (and there is little to give,) I do have very good genetics. My father was a bodybuilder, his father before him ran a meat business and was hauling carcasses all day, etc… Even my mother comes from a good pedigree. Thank you for acknowledging that I am your superior. Yes, I could’ve done “more” with drugs, and I did not need to, because I already have what you desperately want: Self-approval.

      Now, since you are so convinced of yourself, and I am clearly ignorant to the plight of you common folk, then why don’t you just jump on roids already? Are you afraid or something? Seriously, why are you even posting here? You already know what you want, now go and take it. I won’t even climb on a pedestal to look down on you… You clearly need to take drugs, because you’re worthless without them. It’s a shame, but it’s true. So, why are you here? You’re already blackpilled.

      Right you admit you had good genetics. I don't. I need steroids. You aren't superior though because I can artificially give myself far higher test levels and yours will keep dropping lol.

      I'm not afraid, I used to be but I am 100% getting on steroids. I'm here to discuss if anyone else has done the same and potentially convince other guys in my situation to not waste time

      • 3 months ago

        >Bullshit. Hot guys with horrible attitudes get pussy. You sour grapes
        Nice projection there, buddy. I am one of those guys you are describing being jelous about. Got the wife, the house, the kids, the money. What do you have?
        >You aren't superior though because I can artificially give myself far higher test levels and yours will keep dropping lol.
        Did not know this was a YLYL thread.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't want a wife or kids and you're probably like 45 and have no clue what dating is like today. I just wanna frick hot women and steroids would probably let me

          • 3 months ago

            >you're probably like 45 and have no clue what dating is like today
            I am 29. See, clueless. Just admit your stupidity. You are mentally 10 and have to ground to stand on. Frick off from here, there is nothing here but mockery for you.

          • 3 months ago
            Cecil "CHAD BALDWIN" Drake

            And really, if your goal is just to get laid with hot girls, just pay $150 or so an hour for an escort. You're not too good for it.

            I have slept with 18 year old model tier Eastern European escorts for that price.

            Pic related level and look.

            Will you get a chick like this after roiding?

            In your dreams...

            • 3 months ago

              >slept with 18 year old male tier Eastern European escorts
              >low price for a reason

      • 3 months ago
        Cecil "CHAD BALDWIN" Drake

        Roids are like puberty times 5 or whatever. If you are prone to hairloss (as you are) you will really struggle to keep it.

        And you'll need to jeep cycling roids to keep the muscle up. So you might end up bald, and lose all the gains. Or a life of being bald and roid cycling.

        Or natty see gains, look better than you ever have, keep it, and have hair.

        Everyone has thought to cheat in this way, to speed things up. But it will not work like that, and in return, there are consequences.

        >Why? It's objectively true, I know musuclar, boring guys who get women, I've done dating app experiments with pics of roided out guys, they 100% get tons of guys

        I know a lot about this. But they rely on a guy being model tier (in muscle does not matter) or muscles and reasonably attractive, with also height.

        The thing is, there are masses of guys in your position, and they are all doing the same thing. Muscle guys are not that rare. Sure if you walk around your neighborhood they might be. But online, dating apps, you are still competing.

        If you're a virgin at almost 30 and have never had a girlfriend, chances are, muscles are not your only issue.

        And I get it, I get how fricking hard it is for guys today. I am 40, short and ugly. But I spent my early years before social media, dating apps, cell phones, and got laid tons of times.

        It's impossible for most guys today.

        • 3 months ago

          >If you are prone to hairloss (as you are) you will really struggle to keep it.
          ...unless you'e on the strongest 5AR inhibitor in the world, dutasteride, which I am. Dut has been proven to stop and reverse hair loss, even in men on TRT, and doesn't inhibit muscle growth, it actually increases it because it slightly ups your test, it's basically a mild steroid.

          I wouldn't cycle, just get my test up to like 1200ug with TRT and keep it there forever. This would not cause hair loss on dutasteride, it's been proven. I won't see gains naturally, my genetics suck, I'm too old, and I don't have years of my life to waste, I've already wasted my 20s, I'm not wasting my 30s.

          I have a close to model tier face. My upper jaw is recessed and I'm getting that fixed. My hairline is a bit recessed and I'm getting that fixed too. But my body is far too skinny and I would never get big enough without steroids, let alone in 1-2 years which is what I need to turn my life around.

          Muscular roided out dudes are well under 1/100, they do fantastic on dating apps. Sure they're still competing but they're actually in the running, unlike normal average guys like me who aren't even considered.

          I'm not a virgin, I got laid a few times in high school and college but yeah it was like 10 years ago. You're right, it's impossible for most guys today, this was before dating apps


          >Bullshit. Test drops as you age, bulking and recovery are correlated with test levels

          And metabolism slows down. Older guys put on weight with 2k calories, 20 year olds would lose weight at that figure.

          >I've tried, my recovery is shit, I don't get stronger, even with a perfect diet and sleep, I just gain fat. And that was 2-3 years ago, my test has probably gotten even worse now that I'm almost 30.

          Test has minimal affect at that age. You are like you are 70.

          4 1 hour heavy workouts per week, 8 hours plus sleep, 200g protein, and yes creatine, I fail to see how you would not gain unless you have something seriously wrong.

          >Why wouldn't I want a quick cheat? I'm almost 30 and never had a girlfriend. I can't get pussy, I need muscles and to get that I need roids.

          Because you fail to understand everyone would, there is always something to pay for it. And you're going to be seriously depressed when one day if you get big muscles, it doesn't end up the paradise you believe it to with women all over you.

          There are plenty of in shape guys here, impressive physiques, are they swimming in pussy? NO.

          And even muscle guys if they are not handsome as frick will turn girls off if they are super inexperienced and weird around women.

          But you have a shitty attitude. You seem like you are just asking for permission to roid. Then go ahead, your mind is made up.

          But don't say we didn't warn you.

          My test is 400ug, I am not gonna look good natty. It's just not gonna happen, I don't have years of my life to waste.

          >there is always something to pay for it.
          Yes I will potentially become infertile. I don't care, I don't want kids.

          >There are plenty of in shape guys here, impressive physiques, are they swimming in pussy? NO.

          Maybe if they're under 6 foot and bald but I'm neither. Good hair, over 6 foot, and muscular (and white) and you will be swimming in pussy. And I can get there in 1-2 years.

          >i wanna get big and lean natty even with average genetics
          >in 1-2 years because im a lazy Black person
          lmao ok pajeet
          do you dumb curryBlack folk not understand that if you hop on your results at best will be mediocre, not because roids arent effective but because you lack the willpower and patience to actually utilize them
          is this the reason 90% of morons on fit who claim to be on the sauce look worse than i do?
          >post body
          you wish gayboy

          I'm white and TRT will give me willpower.

          >you're probably like 45 and have no clue what dating is like today
          I am 29. See, clueless. Just admit your stupidity. You are mentally 10 and have to ground to stand on. Frick off from here, there is nothing here but mockery for you.

          Lol imagine getting married

          • 3 months ago
            Cecil "CHAD BALDWIN" Drake

            Jeez man, you sound looksmaxxed demoralized to be true.

            I just think you need to work on other aspects of life. Pussy isn't all there is. And if it is, it should be in the pursuit of family and offspring.

            Well do it then, report back on your results.

          • 3 months ago

            man why do you care so much about all this superfluous nonsense?
            none of these things you're stressing about are important
            that's why girls don't like you, you're mentally ill and they can sense it
            stop caring

            • 3 months ago

              Because appearance matters more than ever before to women. It's literally the only thing they care about, do you look hot, do you have hot photos of yourself, can she take photos with you looking hot for her instagram. That's it, that's all women want, they will frick you if you look hot enough. That is 100% why women don't like me, women date and frick mentally ill men all the time as long as they're hot

              • 3 months ago

                Alright then just get on a cycle dude. Do roids, get big, and report back with before and after pics, and proof of women chasing you.

                Spoiler alert: they won't, because you have zero game, are insane, probably deep into the spectrum, are NEGATIVE, and generally insufferable to be around lmfao

                >Verification not required.

      • 3 months ago
        Cecil "CHAD BALDWIN" Drake


        >Bullshit. Test drops as you age, bulking and recovery are correlated with test levels

        And metabolism slows down. Older guys put on weight with 2k calories, 20 year olds would lose weight at that figure.

        >I've tried, my recovery is shit, I don't get stronger, even with a perfect diet and sleep, I just gain fat. And that was 2-3 years ago, my test has probably gotten even worse now that I'm almost 30.

        Test has minimal affect at that age. You are like you are 70.

        4 1 hour heavy workouts per week, 8 hours plus sleep, 200g protein, and yes creatine, I fail to see how you would not gain unless you have something seriously wrong.

        >Why wouldn't I want a quick cheat? I'm almost 30 and never had a girlfriend. I can't get pussy, I need muscles and to get that I need roids.

        Because you fail to understand everyone would, there is always something to pay for it. And you're going to be seriously depressed when one day if you get big muscles, it doesn't end up the paradise you believe it to with women all over you.

        There are plenty of in shape guys here, impressive physiques, are they swimming in pussy? NO.

        And even muscle guys if they are not handsome as frick will turn girls off if they are super inexperienced and weird around women.

        But you have a shitty attitude. You seem like you are just asking for permission to roid. Then go ahead, your mind is made up.

        But don't say we didn't warn you.

      • 3 months ago

        I am your superior not because of my genetics, but because, unlike you, I will mostly keep feeling happy with wherever I’m at in life, until I am finally dead. You are chasing a mirage, and you will die with your mouth full of sand. Not only that, but you are a liar. You did not come to discuss anything, or you’d be posting in /fraud/. You came here to fulfill your confirmation bias. It’s clear by your OP.

        >So basically steroids are the only way for someone like me to look good and get girls in 1-2 years, right?

        I answered that you were wrong, and the whole thread called you out— so now, you’re getting belligerent. This is why I often say that autistic people should not be allowed near a computer. You are willing victims of a raging social media-pharmaceutical complex, and you are beyond help. Go take your little roids, big guy.

        • 3 months ago

          Lmao you're just sour grapes that guys with average and poor genetics can get more musuclar than you with roids. Cry more


          Not fat, not a gamer. Obviously god isn't real

          As pointed out, if you have terrible genetics, roids will make you like a slightly muscles guy. Nothing really impressive. Plenty of guys who naturally weigh 140lbs and sit at 170lbs use roids, you just don't know it.

          You picture the huge guys, who without roids can still build a strong looking physique.

          Steroids do not take a low test boney wrist guy to Arnie levels. And this failure of understanding, is what makes them dangerous for you. And if you can't built anything natty, and rely solely on roids, well, you are going to be using them for the rest of your life then.

          You'll be losing lbs and size daily a week after you come off them.

          >all for some pussy


          Not to mention:

          >i have low sex drive

          So why are you obsessed?

          You'll likely need to popping Viagra too.

          Bullshit. Roids can make you huge even with shit genetics. I won't look like Arnold but I will look good enough to get pussy from random 25 year old women. And I am 100% fine using them to rest of my life. I make tons of money, I can afford it

          Fine with using Cialis as well. I wanna frick women, I just have lower drive because my test is 400ug, I wanna triple it.

          Jeez man, you sound looksmaxxed demoralized to be true.

          I just think you need to work on other aspects of life. Pussy isn't all there is. And if it is, it should be in the pursuit of family and offspring.

          Well do it then, report back on your results.

          Looksmaxxing is objective reality and a life without hot pussy is not worth living to me. I'm an antinatalist, I don't want a family or kids.

          • 3 months ago

            Why would I be upset about that? It’s a fact of life, and facts are immutable. There will always be someone better than us. You are the one who is coping with your poor genetics by taking roids. That said, you’re obviously either extremely autistic or a supplement salesman. At this point, I am leaning towards the latter.

            • 3 months ago

              Some people naturally produce more test, sure. But you DEFINITELY don't produce the kind of test I can get to with TRT and never will. Enjoy being a natty b***h the rest of your life lol

          • 3 months ago
            Cecil "CHAD BALDWIN" Drake

            >Bullshit. Roids can make you huge even with shit genetics.

            Lol. You do know there are people here with years of experience on them?

            >Looksmaxxing is objective reality and a life without hot pussy is not worth living to me. I'm an antinatalist, I don't want a family or kids.

            Lol. This dudes issue is his attitude.

            >I make tons of money

            Which is also a factor for female attraction, and that hasn't helped you...

            Well good luck. GOD loves you.

            • 3 months ago

              Money doesn't help unless you've got millions, and even then the girls aren't actually attracted to you

              >wealthy 6'1" incel
              And THERE IT IS, FOLKS. We have confirmed the man to be mentally moronic, show's over, everyone go home.

              What's wrong with antinatalism?

              Go to the gym to exercise. You'll start to feel better, perform better and eventually look better. Literally nobody gives a frick and an attitude of "I've more muscles now, therefore I am entitled to the women" literally isn't going to work unless that was already working for you. I nope'd out of a LTR at 28. I was dating university students until I was 32. Yes, plenty of women have kids by age 28, but I moved to a decent city. As a transplant I kinda never really got exposed to all that shit from school, locals, family etc stuff. Mainly women I met had also moved to the city and were basically acting like teenagers and would do so up until about 35.

              Exercise won't make you feel better when you're old and have naturally low T like I do. You need TRT to look better if you don't produce enough naturally. I'm already in a decent city, I don't get dates because I'm too skinny, I need muscles and for that I need roids

              im about the same as him, average looking, and i have no problem getting young attractive women. last year i was with a gorgeous 20 year old and gorgeous 25 year old (not at the same time) alongside a bunch of other younger women, and im 37

              you have the mind of an incel, dumbdumb, and people can smell that on you. you arent interesting, you arent as smart as you think you are, and until you address and understand these facts youll continue being a miserable dipshit

              There is 0 chance you are average looking and getting young attractive women, that simply is not happening

              • 3 months ago

                thanks for the compliment but i am most assuredly average looking. i also make women laugh and offer genuine conversation and actually care about them. you offer none of these things, so why the frick would you be chosen?

                >Because appearance matters more than ever before to women. It's literally the only thing they care about, do you look hot, do you have hot photos of yourself, can she take photos with you looking hot for her instagram. That's it, that's all women want, they will frick you if you look hot enough. That is 100% why women don't like me, women date and frick mentally ill men all the time as long as they're hot

                you need to stop mainlining incel pages, that toxic cherry-picking shit has tricked you into thinking that you can think. you cant.

              • 3 months ago

                " i also make women laugh and offer genuine conversation and actually care about them. you offer none of these things, so why the frick would you be chosen?"

                I don't care about them because they aren't worth caring about. They're random women who frick guys just because they're hot, no one that isn't a total simp cares about them, I just wanna frick them so I need to look like the guys they wanna frick

              • 3 months ago

                You aren't worth caring about. You've demonstrated that you're a c**t without any kind of redeeming value.

                Luckily you're incapable of introspection, so you'll never take the right steps to improving yourself to a level where shallow women or women just after a quick frick will be into you.

                At this rate you'll die miserable and alone, you've brought it on yourself, and you deserve it.


              • 3 months ago

                you don’t feel like shit because of your fricking T, you feel like shit because you’re using your autistic rigid thinking-style to rationalise your way out of actually doing anything to improve your depression and self-loathing lol

                nobody becomes happier or finds a relationship by asking “is there any point in doing X?” on IST. your are asking because you’re looking for someone to validate your moronic self-blackpilling

              • 3 months ago

                But I AM thinking of doing something, I'm thinking of getting on TRT

              • 3 months ago

                Then do it, find out how much people are repulsed by your personality and then have a nice day.

          • 3 months ago

            >wealthy 6'1" incel
            And THERE IT IS, FOLKS. We have confirmed the man to be mentally moronic, show's over, everyone go home.

  7. 3 months ago
    Cecil "CHAD BALDWIN" Drake

    And this highlights how bad shit has got. We have almost 30 year old men, who sound like 14 year olds online. Noe experience with women. Or life probably.

    None of this shit was on my mind at age 29. Nor other guys around me. The future really is going to be masses of 50 year old men with the experience of a 14 year old and mindset going postal.

  8. 3 months ago

    >i wanna get big and lean natty even with average genetics
    >in 1-2 years because im a lazy Black person
    lmao ok pajeet
    do you dumb curryBlack folk not understand that if you hop on your results at best will be mediocre, not because roids arent effective but because you lack the willpower and patience to actually utilize them
    is this the reason 90% of morons on fit who claim to be on the sauce look worse than i do?
    >post body
    you wish gayboy

  9. 3 months ago

    On second thought…

    > I'm here to discuss if anyone else has done the same and potentially convince other guys in my situation to not waste time

    I think somebody should see if this guy’s IP can be traced to a supplements company. He might be here to shill a product.

  10. 3 months ago
    Cecil "CHAD BALDWIN" Drake

    As pointed out, if you have terrible genetics, roids will make you like a slightly muscles guy. Nothing really impressive. Plenty of guys who naturally weigh 140lbs and sit at 170lbs use roids, you just don't know it.

    You picture the huge guys, who without roids can still build a strong looking physique.

    Steroids do not take a low test boney wrist guy to Arnie levels. And this failure of understanding, is what makes them dangerous for you. And if you can't built anything natty, and rely solely on roids, well, you are going to be using them for the rest of your life then.

    You'll be losing lbs and size daily a week after you come off them.

    >all for some pussy


    Not to mention:

    >i have low sex drive

    So why are you obsessed?

    You'll likely need to popping Viagra too.

  11. 3 months ago

    Time is an extremely valuable resource. Why would you want to do something less efficiently when you could roid relatively safely and get twice the gains in half the time? I think since you have zero muscle now it tells me you've wasted your 20s. You don't have time to get fit in 5-10 years. Get fit now. Get on gear

    • 3 months ago

      Yup my thoughts exactly. If I was 19, I wouldn't consider roids but I'm running out of time and I don't have other options. The idea that a 29 year old with muscle can naturally look good working out is pure delusion, it does not happen.

      Do you think using TRT to get above 1200ug is enough for me or should I run a cycle?

    • 3 months ago

      Yup my thoughts exactly. If I was 19, I wouldn't consider roids but I'm running out of time and I don't have other options. The idea that a 29 year old with muscle can naturally look good working out is pure delusion, it does not happen.

      Do you think using TRT to get above 1200ug is enough for me or should I run a cycle?

      Two paid posters, running a sales gimmick. This same thing happens in threads where people try to convince others to become gay/ trans.

  12. 3 months ago

    sad c**ts don't make it.

  13. 3 months ago

    Go to the gym to exercise. You'll start to feel better, perform better and eventually look better. Literally nobody gives a frick and an attitude of "I've more muscles now, therefore I am entitled to the women" literally isn't going to work unless that was already working for you. I nope'd out of a LTR at 28. I was dating university students until I was 32. Yes, plenty of women have kids by age 28, but I moved to a decent city. As a transplant I kinda never really got exposed to all that shit from school, locals, family etc stuff. Mainly women I met had also moved to the city and were basically acting like teenagers and would do so up until about 35.

  14. 3 months ago

    I started just over 1.5 years ago, couldn't do a single pushup and I was fat. get your diet in order and start lifting weights. also, stop being a b***h. you will see great improvements very quickly if you make gymcelling your lifestyle.

    • 3 months ago

      That's the thing, I'm not fat, I'm skinny. Even with perfect diet and exercise I don't gain muscle. Even if I had decent genetics (and I don't) the amount of muscle you can build naturally in two years is pitiful, no woman will think you look big because big guys to her are roided out dudes. Normal women have no clue what men on TRT look like

  15. 3 months ago

    Just roid dude. Natty's are fricking fricked

    • 3 months ago

      I completely agree. I should get to 1200ug and just ride that until I die.

      Alright then just get on a cycle dude. Do roids, get big, and report back with before and after pics, and proof of women chasing you.

      Spoiler alert: they won't, because you have zero game, are insane, probably deep into the spectrum, are NEGATIVE, and generally insufferable to be around lmfao

      >Verification not required.

      Why do a cycle? Why not just TRT to get to 1200ug and ride that forever? Of course I'm autistic, point is you don't need social skills if you're hot, women frick weird muscular guys all the fricking time.

      thanks for the compliment but i am most assuredly average looking. i also make women laugh and offer genuine conversation and actually care about them. you offer none of these things, so why the frick would you be chosen?

      >Because appearance matters more than ever before to women. It's literally the only thing they care about, do you look hot, do you have hot photos of yourself, can she take photos with you looking hot for her instagram. That's it, that's all women want, they will frick you if you look hot enough. That is 100% why women don't like me, women date and frick mentally ill men all the time as long as they're hot

      you need to stop mainlining incel pages, that toxic cherry-picking shit has tricked you into thinking that you can think. you cant.

      Women don't match with average looking guys on apps, so no you aren't getting any women.

      Nothing is toxic or cherrypicked, this is how the world works due to apps, make a fake profile with pics of a hot guy if you wanna see yourself.

      • 3 months ago

        >Women don't match with average looking guys on apps, so no you aren't getting any women.

        I've literally seen firsthand that they do. You've seen cherry-picked incel garbage takes that you accept because you are incapable of thinking critically.

        > Nothing is toxic or cherrypicked, this is how the world works due to apps, make a fake profile with pics of a hot guy if you wanna see yourself.

        You say it's not cherry-picked while talking about how effective it is to cherry-pick with a fake profile.
        You are a fricking idiot.
        How many times in this thread have you ever even thought about questioning yourself? Be honest.

        • 3 months ago

          >I've literally seen firsthand that they do
          Except they literally don't, unless they want a free meal or beta bucks. Hot women aren't fricking normal guys. Quit it with this cucked bluepill bullshit

          You aren't worth caring about. You've demonstrated that you're a c**t without any kind of redeeming value.

          Luckily you're incapable of introspection, so you'll never take the right steps to improving yourself to a level where shallow women or women just after a quick frick will be into you.

          At this rate you'll die miserable and alone, you've brought it on yourself, and you deserve it.


          Of course I'm not worth caring about, I still want shallow women pussy and I can get it with steroids and then yes I can die.

          • 3 months ago

            > Except they literally don't, unless they want a free meal or beta bucks. Hot women aren't fricking normal guys. Quit it with this cucked bluepill bullshit

            ahahaha you dumb frick i have seen it. in person. with my own eyes.
            i. have. literally. seen. it. happen.
            you have nothing but cherry-picked incel garbage
            you fricking moron. you absolute braindead dipshit.

            let me ask again, dont dodge the question like a pussy this time:
            >How many times in this thread have you ever even thought about questioning yourself? Be honest.

            • 3 months ago

              >ahahaha you dumb frick i have seen it. in person. with my own eyes.
              Dude the amount of likes normal guys get from hot girls is essentially zero. Like I have no clue what point you're trying to make but it's a dumb one

              Just say what you think. If you SERIOUSLY think hot guys on steroids don't get pussy then say it so I can laugh at you

              • 3 months ago

                >Dude the amount of likes normal guys get from hot girls is essentially zero. Like I have no clue what point you're trying to make but it's a dumb one

                you said it was zero. i know it is not. you doubled down. i pointed out the truth, now you say its 'essentially zero'. its not.
                you. dont. know. shit. but it contradicts your incel garbage, so it must be dumb.

                >Just say what you think. If you SERIOUSLY think hot guys on steroids don't get pussy then say it so I can laugh at you

                i have been saying what i think, you fricking moron. i never said hot guys on steroids dont get pussy, but its great that you try to put words in my mouth because you cant form a coherent argument.

                let me ask again, again, dont dodge the question like the enormous braindead pussy you are this time:
                >How many times in this thread have you ever even thought about questioning yourself? Be honest.

              • 3 months ago

                It is a number close enough to zero it is essentially zero. You will NEVER frick a hot girl as an average looking man.

                You don't get pussy

              • 3 months ago

                >it is a number close enough to zero it is essentially zero

                wrong. i have seen it. literally seen it. i have witnessed the light bouncing off the events pass into my eyeballs.
                but incel garbage says otherwise and helps you pity your pathetic ego so you believe differently.

                >you will NEVER frick a hot girl as an average looking man

                wrong. i have done it. i have seen (not directly watched) other average men do it.
                but incel garbage says otherwise and helps you pity your pathetic ego so you believe differently.

                >You don't get pussy
                wrong, again, but then...
                incel garbage makes you believe otherwise and helps you pity your pathetic ego so you believe differently.

                also, for third time, and stop dodging the question like the biggest pussy in the world:
                >How many times in this thread have you ever even thought about questioning yourself? Be honest.

              • 3 months ago

                Do you think your autism has anything to do with your complete detachment from social realities? I'm 5'8" natty, 160, and I have been with a ton of women that are physically 10's, some of them for months and two of them for over a year. They will not make you happy. You are just fundamentally malcontent and the only cure for your illness is the rope.

  16. 3 months ago

    Lift, eat more protein, and eat a 200-300 calorie surplus above maintenance.

    • 3 months ago

      Tried this for two years, didn't gain muscle, just fat. My test seems too low to build naturally, even if it was average it would take me like 5 years to even look decent, I don't have that kind of time.

      >it is a number close enough to zero it is essentially zero

      wrong. i have seen it. literally seen it. i have witnessed the light bouncing off the events pass into my eyeballs.
      but incel garbage says otherwise and helps you pity your pathetic ego so you believe differently.

      >you will NEVER frick a hot girl as an average looking man

      wrong. i have done it. i have seen (not directly watched) other average men do it.
      but incel garbage says otherwise and helps you pity your pathetic ego so you believe differently.

      >You don't get pussy
      wrong, again, but then...
      incel garbage makes you believe otherwise and helps you pity your pathetic ego so you believe differently.

      also, for third time, and stop dodging the question like the biggest pussy in the world:
      >How many times in this thread have you ever even thought about questioning yourself? Be honest.

      This is just gibberish

      Do you think your autism has anything to do with your complete detachment from social realities? I'm 5'8" natty, 160, and I have been with a ton of women that are physically 10's, some of them for months and two of them for over a year. They will not make you happy. You are just fundamentally malcontent and the only cure for your illness is the rope.

      Sure but I know autistic guys who are hot with big muscles and they still get pussy. I seriously doubt you have ever fricked a 10, you're just a lil manlet full of shit. I could step on you like a pile of dog shit

      i gained 43 lbs in 6 years, same age. 5'8. started as literal auschwitz come from a long line of literal famine stricken skeletons. no idea my exact hormonal numbers but if i had to guess, low estrogen mid tier test, super high DHT. insane sex drive every day was fapping multiple times a day still into my late 20s. never had any fat, thyroid and insulin sensitivity were most likely supercharged so it made gaining anything muscle fat or otherwise nearly impossible. went from 100lbs to 125 in the first 4 years, decided to say frick natty bodybuliding in my 5th year and gained another 22lbs. came off everything and got my natural production back in action, been hovering in the mid 140s.

      steroids are pointless if you cant eat, you are better off staying natural and making 0 progress. rather than fricking up your endocrine system for 0 progress. you can make progress naturally at this age though, its gonna be slow going and youre gonna have to enjoy lifting and eating honestly. i love lifting weights and have since i picked up my first 5 lb dumbbells lol. i dont even think about eating anymore, i used to get deathly sick and want to vomit from force feeding. now it doesnt even cross my mind i can cram food down and not even think about it

      Right but I don't have 6 years dude, I'm already almost 30. And I doubt I could even build that much natrually. Of course I can eat, I can 100% gain a pound of muscle a week and eat enough protein if I take steroids.

      Like honestly if you were 29 and had ZERO muscle would you REALLY waste time being natty? I get zero pussy dude, I'm gonna die if I don't get on roids

      • 3 months ago

        to be honest with you i wont say one way is better than the other. i always try to support people staying natural but if someone wants to hop on the juice i support that as well. i mean hell i did both lol. but i would recommend you try some less invasive methods first, like enclomiphene or tamoxifen to see what your natural test production is like when you give it a little extra help. same with growth hormone secretagogues, sermorelin CJC etc.

        i always tell people to try those "/fraud/ lite" protocols first, just to see how they respond. you never know you could be a hyper responder to those and your natural hormones could skyrocket. which is the most ideal IMO. if not then hey, at least you tried and can check out more long term solutions. if its just something you want in the short term then honestly a blast isnt a terrible choice. but if you think you want to commit to this shit for the next 5-10-15 etc years just keep in mind sticking yourself with a needle multiple times a week and having to eat pills gets old after a while. not to mention the bullshit you have to deal with if you go the black market route, never knowing if what you buy is real. buying shit that could be contaminated, getting ripped off. shit getting lost in the post. i would at the bare minimum advise you get a legit TRT doc thats been around for a while so you know your supply is gonna be stable.

        • 3 months ago

          >i always tell people to try those "/fraud/ lite" protocols first, just to see how they respond. you never know you could be a hyper responder to those and your natural hormones could skyrocket. which is the most ideal IMO
          Ok but where are the clinical studies? What are the exact odds I'm gonna be a hyperresponder to that stuff? Because if there isn't any objective data, I'm not gonna waste more time. And no I don't want anything short term and IDAF about injecting test for the rest of my life, that sounds fun as shit.

          Wouldn't go black market, I'm rich I can afford an online test clinic.

          • 3 months ago

            i have no idea, look them up. if you want to go the pharma fraud route then by all means man go for it lol. best part of that is you can literally do whatever you want, and dont have to worry about getting shut down. can take deca, tren, halo all that shit that people wont touch. i honestly wouldnt mind going the TRT route just for that fact, if i could get literal free TRT through insurance then i could take all the sketchy research chems i want lol. i literally would jump for joy if i knew of a place covered by insurance that would just give me whatever i wanted, dbol test deca masteron anavar HGH lol. that would be fricking awesome

            • 3 months ago

              Again, I'm rich, I don't need anything covered by insurance and I just wanna be slightly over natty, so I'm gonna contact Defy Medical and get TRT through them next week.

              • 3 months ago

                i dont care if you are rich, i never asked if you didnt need anything covered by insurance lol. im telling you thats what i want you monkey. this is bait anyway, but if its not good on ya. you do you and enjoy the gains friend.

      • 3 months ago

        >also, for the 4th time, and stop dodging the question like the biggest pussy in the world:
        >>How many times in this thread have you ever even thought about questioning yourself? Be honest.

        • 3 months ago

          Why would a 29 year old man without muscle and excess income waste any more time trying to build muscle naturally? Seems pointless.

      • 3 months ago

        >I doubt the 5'8 fricked a 10
        >because I'm 6'1 and get zero pussy
        LMAO the cope with this guy

        • 3 months ago

          That is your brain on lookism, you can excuse the 18 year olds whose only frame of reference is the internet but 29?
          Here is some rage bait for OP:
          I'm 5'10", tallest woman I slept with was a skinny 6'1". She was the one that initiated. Height matters but unless you're midget sized there are dozens of more important factors, and different girls have different preferences.

  17. 3 months ago

    i gained 43 lbs in 6 years, same age. 5'8. started as literal auschwitz come from a long line of literal famine stricken skeletons. no idea my exact hormonal numbers but if i had to guess, low estrogen mid tier test, super high DHT. insane sex drive every day was fapping multiple times a day still into my late 20s. never had any fat, thyroid and insulin sensitivity were most likely supercharged so it made gaining anything muscle fat or otherwise nearly impossible. went from 100lbs to 125 in the first 4 years, decided to say frick natty bodybuliding in my 5th year and gained another 22lbs. came off everything and got my natural production back in action, been hovering in the mid 140s.

    steroids are pointless if you cant eat, you are better off staying natural and making 0 progress. rather than fricking up your endocrine system for 0 progress. you can make progress naturally at this age though, its gonna be slow going and youre gonna have to enjoy lifting and eating honestly. i love lifting weights and have since i picked up my first 5 lb dumbbells lol. i dont even think about eating anymore, i used to get deathly sick and want to vomit from force feeding. now it doesnt even cross my mind i can cram food down and not even think about it

  18. 3 months ago

    ahahaha holy frick this 'guy'
    enjoy your life, but i know you wont
    remember: you did this to yourself and you deserve it

  19. 3 months ago

    >So basically steroids are the only way for someone like me to look good and get girls in 1-2 years, right
    Muscles won't magically make you stop being a incel

  20. 3 months ago

    OP posted a question, got answers and immediately said "no you're wrong i'm right" about everything. Why even ask the question in the first place?

    • 3 months ago

      incels like to think theyre honest and that they try
      they are legitimately incapable of introspection

  21. 3 months ago

    >I have good form
    No anon, you probably dont.

  22. 3 months ago

    You could easily make it in 1-2 years no roids required. Start lifting 3 times a week and just follow any decent plan online. Beginner gains are far more impressive than you think. You could put on easily 30lbs of muscle in your first 2 years.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't think at 29 I could. Maybe at 19, it's too late for me. Why is 3 days a week better than 5 or 6?

      • 3 months ago

        The next 4 years are going to be your physical peak. The reason 3 days is better than 5-6 is you need to recover. Your muscles aren't growing while you are lifting the weights. They grow when you are resting. Proper resting is just as important as exercising. Unless you are on a lot of gear you are not going to make any gains working out 5-6 days a week and you are probably going to loose muscle as you destroy them with overwork.

        • 3 months ago

          There's zero scientific consensus on 3 days a week being better for muscle growth than 5-6 days a week. Like where are you getting this information from?

          • 3 months ago

            If you are such a fricking expert on workout science why are you asking for fitness advice on a deer fetish forum? 3 days a week as a natty. I guarantee better results than whatever the hell you are doing now.

  23. 3 months ago

    If you can't get girls at 6'1 white rich untrained then you're probably too far gone anyway. you're already at the level of attractiveness and being a scarce quantity that the numbers are very much in your favour. Something has to be seriously messed up for you to not be getting laid.

    Leave roids to the guys 5'6 and under who actually need them and maybe go to therapy or something instead.

    • 3 months ago

      I could get mid girls, like weird looking asian or black girls, but I'd rather just be sexless until I'm attractive enough to get hot ones

      >you're already at the level of attractiveness and being a scarce quantity that the numbers are very much in your favour. Something has to be seriously messed up for you to not be getting laid

      I'm not THAT rich, i make like 250k, I don't have rich guy stuff like yachts and sports cars, I don't think I'm that physically attractive (too skinny, bad hairline that hopefully I can get fixed this year, already on dutasteride).

      I've been to therapy, it didn't help. Why can't I just start TRT? I have all the symptoms, I would gain muscle and probably look good enough to get a decent looking girl.

      • 3 months ago

        >I get zero pussy
        >I could get mid girls

        • 3 months ago

          I could get fat and ugly women for sure. We may have different definitions of mid, I consider any woman that isn't hot mid, because I don't wanna frick any of em.

  24. 3 months ago

    that age is 40

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