at what stage do you move from full body 3x a week to something like PPL? or a UL split?

at what stage do you move from full body 3x a week to something like PPL? or a UL split? I'm currently still a beginner (lifting for about 6 months). i feel like im still progressing on lifts and gaining muscle but wondering if i leave some on the table for maybe not using another split (seems like a full body is the least popular option)

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  1. 9 months ago

    >i feel like im still progressing on lifts and gaining muscle
    Then do not change anything. What kind of routine are you doing?

    • 9 months ago

      this is my workout routine, so it's A B A the first week and B A B the second.

      • 9 months ago

        on rest days i do abs and some forearm training and sometimes i also add some extra accessory excercises on those workout days (for example i'd add lateral raises and face pulls)

        • 9 months ago

          the weight in the routine is the amount of weight on one side of tbe barbell (easier to keep track)

      • 9 months ago

        on rest days i do abs and some forearm training and sometimes i also add some extra accessory excercises on those workout days (for example i'd add lateral raises and face pulls)

        Well you are doing more then enough volume(on some things). Probably even more then you need. The reason why people split things up like PPL is to distribute the training amount over the course of the week to cut down on how long training sessions last but also to not get to tired on a single workout. When as a beginner you say you are doing 3 day full body i assume you where doing less then this. You could very easily take what you are doing here and split it up differently then a 3 day full body.

        Like this anon says

        Don't fall for the push pull meme, it's terrible.

        ppl is overrated so idk why you want to do that. Probably cus its popular and sounds like the most hardcore split. But really its kind of overrated and as a newbie there is no reason to be in the gym that many days because you don't actually need to do so much that you need to spread it out over 6 days.

        You can turn that in to a upper/lower easy. Cut some of the quad work, add in like 3 set of chest like a cable fly or something.

        • 9 months ago

          thank you for the advice

      • 9 months ago

        I dont understand your routine. Do you actually do around 30x sets per workout? You will never progress with that amount of volume. There is no way you lift with proper intensity to muscle failure. This looks more like a cardio/crossfit routine.

        • 9 months ago

          i do, a workout usually takes about an hour and a half. and i do the compound lifts first. and i sometimes rotate which one of the compounds i start with.

          • 9 months ago

            you are pretty much wasting your time. you could literally do 1/3 of your volume, do each set to failure and spend the remaining time doing cardio because thats what you do. you have a lot of junk volume that does nothing other than just burning calories.

            • 9 months ago

              how do you know its junk volume?

              • 9 months ago

                because he is doing 30 fricking sets per work out. no way he is capable of going to proper failure on each set let alone as a beginner. he is pretty much just going through the motions and you can tell by the amount of weight he lifts. he even said his routine lasts 90 minutes. he could easily increase all lifts by 50% and only do 1/3 of his volume and he would be better off.

              • 9 months ago

                i feel like i am. its not like im doing 30 sets for chest.

              • 9 months ago

                no you are not going to failure otherwise you wouldnt be able to do that many sets its quite simple.

              • 9 months ago

                so when you say do 1/3 of the volume what would a routine like that look like?

              • 9 months ago

                t. cardiolet

      • 9 months ago

        >5sets 40kg dl
        just do SS lmao

        • 9 months ago

          what is SS

          • 9 months ago

            Starting strength

      • 9 months ago

        Okay lets fix this shit up a bit
        -Less back volume
        -Less quad volume
        -Little more chest volume
        -Better set up and exercise order

        Upper 1
        Db Incline bench press 3 sets
        Wide lat pull downs 3 sets
        Shoulder press 3 sets
        Bent over rows 3 sets
        Tricep extenstion of some sort 3 sets
        Hammer curls 3 sets

        Lower 1
        Squats 3-4 sets 6-8 reps
        Romanian deadlifts 3 sets 8-12 reps
        Leg extensions 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps
        Ab execise 3 sets
        Calf raises if you want need

        Upper 2
        Military press 3 sets
        T bar rows 3 sets
        Bench press 3 sets
        Reverse pull downs 2-3 sets
        Cables or machine or db fly's 3 sets
        Preacher curls 3 sets
        Cable push downs 3 sets

        Lower 2
        Deadlifts 3-4 sets x 5-6 reps
        Leg press or front squats 3 sets 8-12
        Leg curls 3 sets of 10-20
        Ab exercise 3 sets
        Calfs if you want to

        chest volume 9 sets
        back volume 10-12
        Shoulders 6 sets
        Biceps 6 sets
        triceps 6 sets
        Quad volume 9 sets
        posterior chain volume 6 sets

        • 9 months ago

          And here is how to make a ppl out of that

          Barbell bench press 3 x 6-8
          Shoulder press 3x812
          Triceps extension 3 x 10-20

          Barbell Rows 3x 6-8
          Wide grip lat pull down 3x 8-20
          Bicep curl 3 x 10-20

          Squats 3-4 sets 6-8 reps
          Romanian deadlifts 3 sets 8-12 reps
          Leg extensions 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps
          Ab execise 3 sets
          Calf raises if you want need

          Probably take a rest day here

          Push 2
          Military press 3x6-8
          Db incline bench 3x8-12
          Tricep ext 3 sets

          Pull 2
          T-bar rows 3x6-12
          Reverse pull downs 3x
          Bicep Curls 3 sets

          Lower 2
          Deadlifts 3-4 sets x 5-6 reps
          Leg press or front squats 3 sets 8-12
          Ab exercise 3 sets
          Calfs if you want to

          Rest or repeat

          • 9 months ago

            Forgot the chest flies

            Barbell bench press 3 x 6-8
            Shoulder press 3x812
            Chest Fly's 3x8-20
            Triceps extension 3 x 10-20

            Barbell Rows 3x 6-8
            Wide grip lat pull down 3x 8-20
            Bicep curl 3 x 10-20

            Squats 3-4 sets 6-8 reps
            Romanian deadlifts 3 sets 8-12 reps
            Leg extensions 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps
            Ab execise 3 sets
            Calf raises if you want need

            Probably take a rest day here

            Push 2
            Military press 3x6-8
            Db incline bench 3x8-12
            Tricep ext 3 sets

            Pull 2
            T-bar rows 3x6-12
            Reverse pull downs 3x
            Bicep Curls 3 sets

            Lower 2
            Deadlifts 3-4 sets x 5-6 reps
            Leg press or front squats 3 sets 8-12
            Ab exercise 3 sets
            Calfs if you want to

            Rest and repeat
            This is the same volume as you did in your original routine, less actually except for 3 more chest sets. Remember take deloads at week 4,5 or 6.

            You could also do

            and so on as you are new and the fatigue builds up quickly from training every day. Anyways this is just a suggestion and a sketch, do whatever rep ranges and changes you want. Happy liftan

        • 9 months ago

          >he doesnt train mouth ass and dick


        • 9 months ago

          damn, that looks good. thank you, I might try this

      • 9 months ago

        That’s way too much volume. Deadlifts don’t really belong in a full body split because of how tiring they get ar heavier weights. Apart from the main compound which should be 5*3-6, all other exercises should be in the range of 3*8-12 or 3*8-20 for isolations

        • 9 months ago

          >Deadlifts don’t really belong in a full body split

  2. 9 months ago

    Don't fall for the push pull meme, it's terrible.

  3. 9 months ago

    6 months is fine, keep doing what you're doing. Eventually you will reach a volume where full-body will be too exhausting to complete effectively, at that point switch to ppl and more isolation exercises.

    • 9 months ago

      >-body will be too exhausting
      I hit that point 2 months in. Makes me think OP is not working hard enough.

  4. 9 months ago

    The routine doesn't matter that much. Do what you enjoy and make sure to put the proper effort and I guarantee you there are no gains being missed

  5. 9 months ago

    PPL is literally the biggest beginner bait. If you take sarm goblins out of the equation I have never seen a program that has yielded worse results. 99% of people under age 25 are doing PPL and I have never in my 9 years of lifting seen a gym so weak with no results. These guys are doing junk volume 6 days a week and nobody lifts 1/2/3/4.

    I don't like full body either. I like 3 day split, chest/tri, back/bi, shoulder/legs. Every muscle group once a week.

  6. 9 months ago

    The program doesn't matter much. When you can enter the gym and train with the heat it a samurai rushing wildly to their death you will succeed.

    • 9 months ago


  7. 9 months ago

    if you want to go to the gym more, try adding another day.
    or if you want to mix legs in with your torso work
    >full body push
    >full body pull

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