Atrazine in the drinking water is making everyone trans

Pic related is me, after drinking purified water my entire life when I moved out to go to college I had to start drinking normal tap water. This is my body after drinking normal tap water for 1 year, prior to this I had no gyno or estrogen problems. I eat healthy and dont drink alcohol or do drugs. Frick big pharma for making me trans

How do I remove atrazine from my body and how do I reverse this gyno it has caused?

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  1. 11 months ago

    genuine suicide fuel. Imagine posting this and not buying a shotgun and ending it before the afternoon

  2. 11 months ago

    nah it wasn't the water...I drank tap all my life and have an Arnold chest. Its just normal white genetics to end up with chick nipples in white "males"

    • 11 months ago

      Shitskin cope.

  3. 11 months ago

    I have mild gyno and have just started working out, if I look like this in 2 years im gonna kms

    • 11 months ago

      I have gyno from puberty.

      It does not go away from exercise. You are stuck with it. It needs surgery if you want it gone.

  4. 11 months ago

    trans rights

  5. 11 months ago

    I assume this is a troll because no timestamp but the moment I started getting gyno from my cycle I messaged a meathead who knew right off the bat. Honestly you should have brita-maxed, but leterozole asap. Last out is surgery and more lifting.
    Also I'd get a water sample and get it tested as this seems intentional on the colleges behalf to not have drinkable water. Having a before pic would also help your claim. Sorry anon.

    • 11 months ago

      why would a college screw its students

      • 11 months ago

        I think society, by that I mean young men
        Are either victim of a secret cabal of manhating female supremacist matriarchy, like south Korea, or what's more likely the most powerful people and families trying to destroy and castrate men because women will never change the system.

        Women are always the biggest bootlicking fanatics during every regime.

      • 11 months ago

        Came back to the thread later. Lmao come on now dude, they're indoctrination centers flat out and dry. I can say this because I attend one, but I didn't go to live on campus and I loathe the woke horse shit. They willingly put students in a debt trap and make monsters off their programs sponsored by the government.

        Here is a before pic. I might get a sample and send it off for independent testing

        Would highly suggest a sample test to prove its the water. Being that you have a true before and after, I'd honestly consider legal ramifications, this surgery Is considered cosmetic, not covered by insurance, but seems to be a direct fault of the college. Buy bottled water from here on out or get bottled water gallons and fill them at a small water dispenser. They usually have them outside nicer gas stations. They're pretty pure.

    • 11 months ago

      Here is a before pic. I might get a sample and send it off for independent testing

      • 11 months ago

        Also, before this gets taken down, I'm going to do you a solid. It's going to frick you up, you're going to feel like shit, but it might fix your issue if you order it quick enough. Read between the lines.

        And ayy, * I * recommend you find a pct shop * source on reddit though, you can usually find a recommendation on there for sources out of India basically, just make sure you're doing some in-between the lines reading on there and vet your sources.

        • 11 months ago

          what the frick are you talking about
          will pct reverse gyno tho?

          Verification not required.

          • 11 months ago

            No I'm not recommending a PCT. Leterozole is used as an aromatace inhibitor. You'll need a doctor's prescription, of corse as you shouldn't do anything not legal in your country. Ehem. AIs can reduce gyno up to 85% I'll attest to it. Because I about ran into the issue myself. The problem is it will TANK your estrogen and make you feel like shit for 4 to 6 weeks that you take it. You suffer that shit out and eventually you won't need surgery to do it.

  6. 11 months ago

    You need raloxifene. 120mg for 10 days, 60 for 4 weeks, 30mg until it goes away.

  7. 11 months ago

    i am white and have drank faucet water and tap my whole life and have no such issues. back to the chalkboard with you
    go the gym you mong

  8. 11 months ago

    drinking purified water is also a psyop, probably drinking out of plastic too lol

  9. 11 months ago

    It's also the birth control, teflon, etc. in the recycled water that doesn't get filtered out.

  10. 11 months ago

    I got gyno, had surgery, but it came back because he didn't remove all the tissue (told me it would become concave if it did). Now I need to find someone to do a revision who will remove everything and graft fat under the nipple. Frick my life.

  11. 11 months ago

    Put test and and tren and anavar in the water to equal it out. We need more test. Not more gays. Up testosterone levels for men across the board. We need men. Not more bottoms and woman

  12. 11 months ago

    Anon how does what you're saying make any sense? Yes water bottle companies do have questionable purification standards but why would you think unfiltered tap is better? Why wouldn't you just use a reverse osmosis filter?

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