
Hey guys, does anyone here have a good skincare routine for bacne? and acne on arms?
I've been on a cycle for 12 weeks now and now cruising low dose test. But the hormone fluctuations messed up my acne and now it's not looking so good. It's not extreme but want to get rid of it.

I use a low PH soap on my back and arms and scrub once a week, I drink lots of water and change my sheets.
Should I use a more stronger soap or an oil cleanser ? any help pls

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  1. 2 years ago

    try : stop injecting drug

  2. 2 years ago

    For some dudes zinc helps, 50mg ed for 3 - 5 weeks. Just make sure you also take copper along with that.
    Also do a peeling routine every day or every other day.
    If that doesn't help, do bloodwork and get your estrogen, estradiol, fsh and lh in order because if your bacne is out of control, then it's most likely caused by those.

    • 2 years ago

      pick one

  3. 2 years ago



    If you are past the age of puberty, not a disgusting fricking slob, and still breakout


    anyone who says anything else is a fricking moron

    • 2 years ago

      i've tried everything. special soaps (scrubbing everywhere), cold showers, zinc, etc... nothing has worked

      i would try accutane but i've heard it can make you suicidal so i am too spooked

      • 2 years ago

        oh and forgot to mention i am not taking test or anything like that. total natty DYEL with acne pretty much everywhere

      • 2 years ago

        then enjoy having acne for the rest of your life while you waste hundreds of hours looking for the perfect cream to rub all over your back every night to not break out (it wont work)

        quit being a fricking pussy, do some actual research and take accutane, i took it in 2016 for 6 months and have had maybe 5 actual pimples since i got off of it

        Accutane does not cause depression

        • 2 years ago

          i will look into it then. this is the second time i've heard about it getting rid of acne permanently (as in you don't get acne even after you stop taking it) which seems like a good deal

      • 2 years ago

        If nothing else works, accutane is your only option.
        IMO I would suffer through feeling suicidal for a few weeks just to get rid of that shit.

        • 2 years ago

          i will look into it then. this is the second time i've heard about it getting rid of acne permanently (as in you don't get acne even after you stop taking it) which seems like a good deal

          then enjoy having acne for the rest of your life while you waste hundreds of hours looking for the perfect cream to rub all over your back every night to not break out (it wont work)

          quit being a fricking pussy, do some actual research and take accutane, i took it in 2016 for 6 months and have had maybe 5 actual pimples since i got off of it

          Accutane does not cause depression

          oh and forgot to mention i am not taking test or anything like that. total natty DYEL with acne pretty much everywhere

          Wear a different shirt every day
          Shower every day before bed
          Do elimination diet
          Do fasting
          It's a diet problem 100% of the time every time

          • 2 years ago

            you are moronic

      • 2 years ago

        accutane DOES NOT cause depresion. if anything, you will be happier once youre done with it and your bacne has cleared. Daily reminder that a congressmans son offed himself and then daddy had to pin the embarassment of his sonn aneroeing on a drug. I had DISGUSTING, massive cysts all over my back, shoulders and chest and the ONLY thing that helped was accutane, not retina, not some bs peroxide wash or doxycycline.

        • 2 years ago

          i'm in eastern europe and i found an accutane gel. i have acne just on my arms and shoulders (from cycle). can i just use this gel instead of ingesting the pills and stressing my liver?

          • 2 years ago

            im not sure tbh. i never tried the cream. i took the pills and they helped over my freshman year of college summer. I would assume that they will still be a stress on your liver if the cream is isotretinoin-based (vitamin A basically). That is probably the worst part about accutane, not the depression but liver damage. I didnt drink much back then, but i went to visit a college friend nd i was on accutane and got the most drunk of my entire llife and i definitely did some damage. im 29 now and got a blood screening last year nd was fine, but im also a raging alcoholic now.

  4. 2 years ago

    Go outside you frickin nerd lmao
    Sunlight nukes acne

  5. 2 years ago

    I use this non parrifin natural barsoap that comes in a blue wrap. They're sold individually though but work super well

  6. 2 years ago

    Tanning salon 1x per week.

  7. 2 years ago

    How are you people so stupid? Drugs have side effects, you fricking homosexual. What - you're going to rub petrochemicals all over your back, now, to fix the aesthetic issue that YOU yourself created? How's the "bodybuilding" going, by the way? LMAO! Bacne! What a dumb homosexual.

  8. 2 years ago

    Not sure about back, but I get horrible face acne if I drink sugars. If I have a soda, it gets bad the next day. Basically learned to sub it with unsweetened tea for the caffeine fix.

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