
Bald/balding thread. Nothing like a freshly shaved head

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  1. 7 months ago

    i am going to find you and give you a kiss baldy

  2. 7 months ago

    >Nothing like a freshly shaved head
    Actually having hair is better
    t. Shredding (end me)

  3. 7 months ago

    Shaved my head last year after losing my hair since high school. Feels good so far but I would be a lot better looking if I wasn't so fricking obese. Makes me look a lot older, though, so the only time I wish I had hair is to look my age.

    • 7 months ago

      Just lose weight bro

    • 7 months ago

      Can confirm, it does make you look older. Best thing we can do is get lean. good luck brazza

      Are you black?

      Not black / not curly or coarse hair.

    • 7 months ago

      >Shaved my head last year after losing my hair since high school. Feels good so far but I would be a lot better looking if I wasn't so fricking obese. Makes me look a lot older, though, so the only time I wish I had hair is to look my age.
      do u have a goatee

  4. 7 months ago

    >father dies
    >long term relationship ends
    >start balding
    in that order, thank you Christ, for my challenges.

    • 7 months ago

      god doesn't exist you fricking brainlet

      • 7 months ago

        Lmao, you are a loser and a moron
        >inb4 muh sky daddy
        Post body.

      • 7 months ago

        STFU loser atheist. Go suck your rainbow dildo in penance to moloch.

      • 7 months ago

        >my life isn't shit, they're just challenges

        Lmao. Christcuck cope is hilarious.

        >guy's life is shit
        >he can find some cope to manage to move forward
        >proceed to insult him and troll him
        As an atheist, have a nice day.

    • 7 months ago

      >my life isn't shit, they're just challenges

      Lmao. Christcuck cope is hilarious.

    • 7 months ago

      Shit , this is the same for me except I started balding almost 10 years ago. I'm 27. It fuels the hate that gives the willpower to become rich

      • 7 months ago

        I think people need to understand it's a lot more common than they may think. Sure, it sucks, but honestly nobody gives a shit. Confidence is key.

    • 7 months ago

      Do christcucks really?

    • 7 months ago

      Lord be with you brother.

    • 7 months ago

      >father dies
      >long term relationship ends
      Women are evil

    • 7 months ago

      You can do all things through Christ, who strengthens you

  5. 7 months ago

    How do you get such a smooth shave without irritation?
    I've settled on a rotary shaver. Not a close shave, but foil shavers and safety razors always gave me ingrowns and breakouts.

    • 7 months ago

      Are you black?

    • 7 months ago

      Straight razor, a good shaving soap and a shave at least every second day. After that I just wash my scalp with a wash cloth and apply a homemade body butter .

  6. 7 months ago

    33yo. Recently bald. Had long hair my whole life women used to praise. Finally Accepted my fate. Bad beard which looks like ass hair.

    • 7 months ago

      Beard while being bald is pure cope and one of the worse

      • 7 months ago

        Based. Go Hitman mode, bald + bear is for low test r*dditors

      • 7 months ago

        a visible masculine jaw > beard

      • 7 months ago

        Based. Go Hitman mode, bald + bear is for low test r*dditors

        a visible masculine jaw > beard

        Only works if you got a chin and jawline you could cut iron on. At least it's a motivator for staying fit.

        • 7 months ago

          No, Even onions baldies look better without their beards, hair on the weong end looks wank as frick, even that gay god of war guy looks fricking stupid.

      • 7 months ago

        a stubble is the only good and acceptable “beard” for balds and non-balds

        • 7 months ago

          I dunno bro, a light beard can look pretty fricking good. Those big, unkempt cope beards are dogshit, but the small, May Payne beards are pretty neat.

          • 7 months ago

            That lush hair rectifies the beard. If he were totally bald, he'd look better clean shaven imo.

          • 7 months ago

            Shaved mogs always if u have a good jaw

            • 7 months ago

              Tbf those sorts of patchy as frick beards are dogshit, it basically denies the jaw its purpose while also not looking good enough to act as a replacement. I mean Jesus, look like pubes PVA'd to his face. You need that fullness to it.

              • 7 months ago

                That’s way above average for a white guy if you think that’s pubes lmao, just see some of the beards on avg white guys.

                Having middle easterner beard density is extremely rare on white guys

              • 7 months ago

                Really? I see white guys with proper beards relatively commonly, my brother has one and he got that in his mid 20s, mines filling in and I'm not even 25. Then again lmao, bald at 23, genetics a trick ain't it?

                put it this way. there are not nearly enough attractive men in this world for every woman, and most women don’t want to get into relationships with men more attractive than them. casual sex, that’s different, but there’s no security in being with a man who can pull more attractive women and has plenty of opportunities to cheat. they want to be the prize, the center of attention, not competing with other women for his attention. then there are the sanctimonious women who like to think they’re above it all and aren’t shallow and don’t care about looks and they’re a good person and better than other women for it. also the women who exclaim that attractive men have no personality so they won’t bother to date them. anyway there’s plenty of opportunity to get you a woman without being looksmax

                True to, but when you get to know someone, to love someone, they become more attractive to you. Their flaws, their quirks, their everything becomes romanticised, as love is blind/blinding, or at least obscuring. Also yeah a lot of women do want to be the pretty one in the relationship, never EVER outshine a women in that way, it's like almost their version of the breadwinner. Be brusque, be rough, do not be "pretty".

      • 7 months ago

        To me, it's stubble + moustache
        >got a large jaw so fully shaved looks bad
        >full beard genetics makes my stubble looks very nice
        >moustache because I am going for the 80s synthwave guts aesthetics

        I don't even care if it looks reddit or whatever, it's easy to maintain

  7. 7 months ago

    ive been buzzing it with an electric clipper and no guard.....i feel like shaving would be easier but i know the first time i try is going to be shitty and irritating so ive been putting it off

    • 7 months ago

      keep that beard nice and even. use trimmer with setting 1 or 2. good luck

  8. 7 months ago

    takes forever I can't wet shave without cutting myself or getting a bunch shitty looking bumps. every time I cut myself shaving I can't wet shave again for around a month. electric makes my skin all red looking.

    • 7 months ago

      is that why my jaw always looks a but red in spots?
      t. never used normal shave razor, only rotary electric once or twice a day

    • 7 months ago

      Fellow bald bro who’s been on this journey and had similar problems:

      >Electric razor/Skull shaver won’t cut enough or irritates the FRICK out of my skin
      >Cut myself with double edge razor

      I found the easiest way was using a cartridge razor (Gillette Mach 5) with shaving cream. Map your head out so you know which direction each hair grows. And go once with grain and once against grain, for me it’s:
      >Top of head once with grain, forward , once agajnst grain backwards
      >Sides after, same as above
      >Back last, same as above

      Use a alcohol,moisturiser and sunscreen if applicable. Shave once every 2-3 days to maintain look (I look like Krusty the clown after a week of no shaving).

      Only downside to cartridge razors is they israelite you, they’ll sell you the initial pack for a few bucks but frick yoi over with refills.

      • 7 months ago

        >get an actually sharp straight razor and use a new one every time
        >find a shaving cream that suits you
        >apply cold water after shaving (rinsing off with hot water first is ok)
        >use an alcohol based aftershave, preferably with some chilling element
        >shave often (2-3 days) as cutting shorter hair causes less irritation
        That said, if you never used a straight razor before, try it out on your face first a few times to get the hang of it or you will cut your shit up badly, but you'll internalize the movements pretty quickly.
        Also, care for your scalp skin (eg. moisturizer or sth, this part is extremely individual), and when in intense sunlight use sunscreen and apply aloe in the evening.

        Overcomplicating shaving your head my dude. Just get a nice safety razor handle and buy feather brand safety razors (a single much sharper blade is better than 5 moron blades) also only costs like 10cents a pop...

        >shaving since 19

    • 7 months ago

      How do you get such a smooth shave without irritation?
      I've settled on a rotary shaver. Not a close shave, but foil shavers and safety razors always gave me ingrowns and breakouts.

      ive been buzzing it with an electric clipper and no guard.....i feel like shaving would be easier but i know the first time i try is going to be shitty and irritating so ive been putting it off

      >get an actually sharp straight razor and use a new one every time
      >find a shaving cream that suits you
      >apply cold water after shaving (rinsing off with hot water first is ok)
      >use an alcohol based aftershave, preferably with some chilling element
      >shave often (2-3 days) as cutting shorter hair causes less irritation
      That said, if you never used a straight razor before, try it out on your face first a few times to get the hang of it or you will cut your shit up badly, but you'll internalize the movements pretty quickly.
      Also, care for your scalp skin (eg. moisturizer or sth, this part is extremely individual), and when in intense sunlight use sunscreen and apply aloe in the evening.

      • 7 months ago

        Sunscreen is a meme just dont eat seed oils

        • 7 months ago

          I rarely do and yet I am not immune to sunburns.
          It's just that people are morons and put on a half-inch layer of the cheapest SPF50+ they can find daily, and then wonder why their skin is fricked and why they still turn red if they miss a spot. Use a minimum amount (which could in the end be zero) and minimal SPF based on how much you are exposed to the sun and how tanned you already are, and don't use some cheapo oily crap that clogs up your pores and suffocates your skin.

  9. 7 months ago

    sup /bald/. baldgay here, been shaving/buzzing for probably 7 years. into buzzing right now. how often do you guys buzz? I buzz once a week but only because I can't find the sweet spot of the hair being just long enough to be able to discern the difference between shaved and unshaved. I'd love to keep it the freshly buzzed length but don't know how to do it reliably.
    also I've been using this curved remington which makes buzzing a breeze.

    • 7 months ago

      I’m cursed with hairy genetics but also have the worst case of MPB so I shave every 2-3 days otherwise I end up with a full stubble on sides and back and no hair on top lol

    • 7 months ago

      i buzz every day using a Braun. as close as i can get to the skin without using a razor. having a fresh cut at all times just does something for me

    • 7 months ago

      I do once a week with regular barber clippers, 0.5 guard at sides and back fading to 1 guard on top. Have experimented a lot and it's what works best for my head shape. I do it once a week but ideal interval if I didn't care about convenience would probably be every 4-5 days.

    • 7 months ago

      I use one of these twice a week, any longer between shaves and it struggles to cut through the hair

    • 7 months ago

      Sup bald bro, I buzzed for years, tried shaving in and off for a couple, and have come back to buzz, I like the look better anyway, head and face, my optimal is to buzz every 3 days, only then is the difference noticeable enough to make it easy, and 4 days I'm looking a bit scruffy, 5 days is too much for me, but then again that's probably just cos of my face more than head.

    • 7 months ago

      based, love this lil guy. Use it in the shower no problem

    • 7 months ago

      I buzz once every two weeks because I still have some hair up top and my hair is light so it doesn't look too bad. I probably can even start taking fin and have it regrow but I'm too lazy to get the pills.

    • 7 months ago

      i buzz once a week or so with no guard but i find it to be kind of a pain in the ass so im thinking about shaving it

  10. 7 months ago

    I finally had to accept my hair was past the point of no return at 23 and shaved it off, and I've not been on a date or had any romantic interaction with women in the years since. it was fricking humiliating being a bald man in college surrounded by people your own age with full heads of hair, and knowing women automatically counted you out of the race because of it

    • 7 months ago

      Nobody cares my dude

    • 7 months ago

      I've slayes while being shaved
      not an excuse homie

    • 7 months ago

      have you tried lifting, being tall, and having a square jaw?

      • 7 months ago

        >have you tried lifting
        >being tall
        I'm short
        >having a square jaw
        yes but offset by a natural 5head even with hair and gay alien skull

        • 7 months ago

          >bald and short
          over, even if you have an iota of a chance with 1 in 1000 women, its not worth the constant effort to probably be alone anyway. Find fullfillment outside of women

    • 7 months ago

      I've also had zero sex in the last three years since I started shaving
      It is what it is, thankfully my life is in the shitter so I have other things to worry about

    • 7 months ago

      Frick bro what happened, I'm same age as you and my hairline hasn't changed since I was a kid

      • 7 months ago

        just bad luck, I looked like vegeta by the end of high school. there's a photo of my great grandfather with a full donut whilst still in his teens

    • 7 months ago

      Get swole, then shredded. It's your only choice now.
      t. bald at 19.

    • 7 months ago
      Anonymous least I made it to 40. I saw this poor fellow @ planet fitness recently who's probably mid 20s and the poor guy is thinning very badly... holy shit.

      My hairline is in recession but my hair is still thick.

    • 7 months ago

      >start balding at 15 and very fast
      >got decent amount of female attention in teenage years
      >completely vanishes as hairline becomes worse
      >have to cope shave it at 22
      >can't grow beard, still have a babyface despite low bf%
      >confidence completely fricked
      >women don't even look at me
      >friends and random people frequently make fun of me for being bald, which is completely baffling as somebody who used to be popular and never got bullied
      >go self improooov mode for a few years
      >get life in order
      >get super IST
      >face and rest of my appearance catches up with baldness
      >beard comes in
      >turns out I got incredibly lucky with my head shape and face as I can actually wear a bald head very well
      >within a few years women stare at me where ever I go, lose their spaghetti talking to me, get hit on often, have been straight up approached in public multiple times
      >mentally completely fricked
      >cannot engage with women
      >every time a women shows interest my mind reverts back to my former self
      >autism reject every advance
      >now 28, had sex a few times from women literally throwing themselves at me, but I'll likely never have a relationship because my mind is completely fricked from my experience as a teen
      life is comedy

      • 7 months ago

        Frick bro what happened, I'm same age as you and my hairline hasn't changed since I was a kid

        I finally had to accept my hair was past the point of no return at 23 and shaved it off, and I've not been on a date or had any romantic interaction with women in the years since. it was fricking humiliating being a bald man in college surrounded by people your own age with full heads of hair, and knowing women automatically counted you out of the race because of it

        I started balding at 14 and it was so crazy to me because you don't think you'll go bald that young and maybe it's just stress or something or maybe different shampoos
        I had to start shaving at 16 because of how bad it was and found out I had gay alien skull with a 6Head and random stranger girls would come up to me and make fun of me too
        as I started aging more I found out I have Babyface too
        so at 27 years old, I'm still shaving my head, I can't grow facial hair, and my baby face makes girls in high school think I'm their age and they roast me in public
        I find people are nicer to me when I wear a hat but then I feel disingenuous
        don't know how girls don't feel like a fraud with makeup on if that's how I feel when I wear a hat

        I still lift though and try to eat right
        currently on a 4 days a week exercise with rest days alternating in there
        after about a year of the stereotypical arms, chest, legs, and abs routines I'm trying to target smaller and less obvious muscles like the sides of my body or shrugs and lower back exercises as well as neck

        • 7 months ago

          fin stopped the itchy scalp so it was worth it to me. Stopped shedding so I am happy. I have shitty facial hair so I stay pretty shaved down there if I am going outside.

          hats/beanies are cool dude.
          Baseball caps make you look like a dad, and beanies are nice when it's cold.

          • 7 months ago

            unfortunately everyone sees through hatfishing nowadays, especially women. if you're wearing one indoors you're presumed balding until proof otherwise

            • 7 months ago

              One of my friends has started wearing hats and every time he meets a girl he hasn't seen for a while, she asks him to lift his hat.

            • 7 months ago

              Is it hat fishing if you'd take off the hat instantly if someone asked? Head is cold as frick so I wear one a lot now, I'm not trying to act like I'm not bald.

              • 7 months ago

                if you don't take it off as soon as you go indoors, and if most photos of you you're wearing a hat in then yea, that's hatfishing. a lot of people aren't going to ask you to take it off because they don't want to embarrass you but they're thinking it

              • 7 months ago

                Let em think then I guess. No skin off my nose. I don't do photos with it on though because that's moronic, I actually think I look pretty good skinhead mode.

        • 7 months ago

          Neck unironically is the GOAT for bald. Makes your head look less top heavy, destroys the egg shape mostly and just looks cool. Every single bald guy here should have a thick neck, if you don't you're fricking yourself super hard. The instant I figured out I was balding, I started doing neck curls and shit, up to 15kg now and my neck is thick but still not enough, still isn't equal length to my jawline.

          • 7 months ago

            fin stopped the itchy scalp so it was worth it to me. Stopped shedding so I am happy. I have shitty facial hair so I stay pretty shaved down there if I am going outside.

            hats/beanies are cool dude.
            Baseball caps make you look like a dad, and beanies are nice when it's cold.

            if you don't take it off as soon as you go indoors, and if most photos of you you're wearing a hat in then yea, that's hatfishing. a lot of people aren't going to ask you to take it off because they don't want to embarrass you but they're thinking it

            what do you do if a girl hits on you but you're wearing a hat? do you just turn them down because you know how they're gonna react when the hat comes off?

            • 7 months ago

              watch seinfeld

    • 7 months ago

      have you tried not being a b***h about it

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      thanks for being honest. i'm serious. frick all the copers out there lying
      >i get soo much p00sy after becoming bald

      • 7 months ago

        I mean, it's possible

    • 7 months ago

      It is 100% because of your mindset on the matter and how you handled yourself post bald.

    • 7 months ago

      >the point of no return

  11. 7 months ago

    hi Igor

  12. 7 months ago

    Let me slap it, please

  13. 7 months ago

    Maintaining bald fricking sucks.
    >have to shave every 2 to 3 days
    >need a hat at all times outdoors to prevent sun burn
    >need a hat indoors during the winter because it's so fricking cold
    Why did no one ever tell me about this?

    • 7 months ago

      Balding is a death sentence

    • 7 months ago

      Bro I get acne on my head its much worse, so over

    • 7 months ago

      Dont worry dude being bald is low maintenance! Dont take finasteride! Shaving your head 2 times a week is better than cutting your hair once per month!

      • 7 months ago

        >once per month
        I used to do it twice a year, bald being low maintenance is THE BIGGEST FRICKING LIE ever told holy shit
        >but dude you save 100 bucks a year on shampoo and haircuts bro totally worth it

      • 7 months ago

        troony drug

        • 7 months ago

          >actually increases testosterone
          you have a severe gender dismorphia. it's a matter of time you're on test blockers, if not already

  14. 7 months ago

    >millions of men could have saved their hair if there was better education and discussion about medical intervention but instead we have fear mongering by a bunch of mentally ill schizos

    • 7 months ago

      fin shills are really curious, its like a covid vaccine level astroturf

      • 7 months ago

        Shills as in anti or pro fin?

  15. 7 months ago

    what a slave

  16. 7 months ago

    This shit unironically helped me hair look fuller. I stopped shaving my head to cover my receding hairline after switching to it

  17. 7 months ago

    damn I want to slap that head

  18. 7 months ago

    does Finasteride steal your gains?

  19. 7 months ago

    I'm NW2 and I have some mild diffuse thinning on top at 32. At this point only I notice it, but it bothers me. I tried shaving it off for a few months just to see what it's like, and while I still look decent thanks to a good skull shape and facial hair, it's just not the same. Stocked up on fin, min etc to try to prolong the inevitable. Wish me luck.

  20. 7 months ago

    yeaa...i'm just gonna take dutasteride. dont feel like being an incel monk just yet

  21. 7 months ago

    i have to get on fin or dut, i don’t give a shit anymore

    • 7 months ago

      No balding just widow's peak from not being a teenager anymore

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, that's called balding.

      • 7 months ago

        i got gaslit into thinking my frontal recession was just a "widows peak" until one day I noticed I look like vegeta.

  22. 7 months ago

    balding is what got me to trying to get IST
    if i'm bald, at least i can be muscular baldy

  23. 7 months ago

    Does minox by itself suffice if the balding is not too advanced?

    • 7 months ago

      no, it just artificially prolongs the growth phase of hair growth and its effect disappears once you stop. you're still balding in the background, which will eventually catch up with you even if you never get off minox

  24. 7 months ago

    NGL, every fellow baldy in my circle (except the one that's fat and short (and full of himself)) are in relationships or in and out of them. Sure there are hair queens just like there are size queens. We will never get them. But there are girls who don't mind. Tough truth to relationships is you have to be good on your own to get in a correct one.

    • 7 months ago

      Yup. As much I would love for morons to be correct when they say that balding is some kind of suicidal gene that is used to ensure those people won't reproduce, that's just not true and I kinda wish it was because it would mean that less people would be bald (including me)

    • 7 months ago

      it really is as simple as owning the look. plus at work other bald dudes integrate you into their social circles, blacks mexicans whites it's a club of elite men that are focused and driven on their goals - no longer impeded by the "growth" of hair.

  25. 7 months ago

    Baldness is a disease of the symptom of one. How come nobody knows which disease should we be treating when a dude is balding, is so fricking obvious. My scalp literally hurts in the top part

  26. 7 months ago

    I will always look better with a head full of hair, but losing mine made me cope enough to get shredded, so it somewhat balances out now.

  27. 7 months ago

    How do you control sweat in the gym? My face is absolutely drenched.

    • 7 months ago

      You should sweat in hell, satan

  28. 7 months ago

    How are we feeling this morning bald sisters?

    • 7 months ago

      feelan bald

  29. 7 months ago

    Have any of you tried waxing your head instead of shaving? Or using hair removal cream?

    • 7 months ago

      That sounds awful

    • 7 months ago

      Fricking hell

  30. 7 months ago

    >full and very thick hair, 0 beard
    >full and very thick beard, 0 hair

    • 7 months ago

      full hair. easy

    • 7 months ago

      Is that supposed to be a hard choice? Hair and no beard easily

    • 7 months ago

      Beards are a meme and have been destroyed by sois and slobs.

      Literally every man child sports one. Im bald as frick and can grow a beard but its a way bigger flex to go clean shaven a show my existing chin and defined jaw from being able to moderate what goes in my mouth and doing physical activity

    • 7 months ago


  31. 7 months ago

    Foil shavers or actual razors? Recently took a razor to it no guard, last week used a Braun Series I think 3, had a foil shaver attachment and it worked pretty shit, took like 3 or 4 passes to actually fully shave. Feels strangely nice though, honestly feels nicer than hair ever did. Dedicated foil razors seem pretty cool and quicker than razor, worth investing?

  32. 7 months ago

    I genuinely wanna rock a skullet. how did the great men in the past have the balls to do it?

    • 7 months ago

      MPB looks good on older in-shape people. A neat horseshoe and mustache on a 55 year old man is aesthetic as frick; assuming he's not a fat slob. It's only when you start balding in your 20s/30s that it's a problem.

      I've got a patchy 6head and it looks absolutely terrible when it starts to grow out, so I buzz it to 0 at least once per week. I can't fricking wait until I'm fully smooth on top.

  33. 7 months ago

    I'm not messing around. I recently fricking accepted the fact that I'm a balding frick, used to have long "hair". So now I shave my head, and, I am being dead serious, I keep noticing females looking at me. And it definitely doesn't look like they are disgusted or anything.
    I feel so strange, I definitely can't say I don't like it, but I most definitely can't say I view myself as a looker.
    Anyway, accepting it and shaving my head has been the best decision I made in 10 FRICKING YEARS.
    I had long hair for most of my life, so this shit affected me up to a neurosis, I almost killed myself.
    Just accept this stupid shit and get on with your life. Anyone saying anything else is just pathetic.

    • 7 months ago

      Being bald looks better than having shitty wispy bullshit feebly clinging to your skull

      • 7 months ago

        >Being bald looks better than having shitty wispy bullshit feebly clinging to your skull
        agreed TMDWU

  34. 7 months ago

    Iam still not sure if this is recessing. Took photos monthly for three months and it looks pretty much the same. Even on older photos it kinda looks like that. What do you say? On TRT for about 7 months now.

    • 7 months ago

      lel that's a perfect nw0 with zero signs of thinning, get your brainwormed ass off IST or stop humblebragging

      • 7 months ago

        Iam not humblebragging. But iam a pretty good hypochondriac…and since trt iam constantly worried. But thanks, bro. WAGMI

    • 7 months ago

      It’s over

  35. 7 months ago

    Lack of hair is nature's sign to the opposite sex that you are sick, weak and infertile. The fact that bald men are found much less attractive is because women know on a subconscious level that you are a deadend genetic failure. Anything else is cope. I hope you managed to reproduce before going bald.

    • 7 months ago

      I dunno bro, I think you're overthinking it. I've seen some truly dysgenic ogres reproduce, women are not biological robots that follow parameters rigidly, if you're cool enough you can bend the rules a little.

      That lush hair rectifies the beard. If he were totally bald, he'd look better clean shaven imo.

      Really? I feel like it brings focus to his face massively, makes him look older sure but much better. Beards should really exist to act as essentially a form of highlight to the face and Rikers feels like it's the best example.

      • 7 months ago

        >not you're

        lol what a low IQ moron

        • 7 months ago

're not doing so good?

          • 7 months ago

            My girlfriend is pregant and I don't really want to be with her so yes, it's a hard time.

            • 7 months ago

              just pull a homie moment

            • 7 months ago

              Keep the baby and ditch her.
              Leaving a kid with a single mother is like murder

              • 7 months ago

                lmao it's like he's got any say in that matter in the current cucked society

    • 7 months ago

      basically tbh

      It's the reason why you see 30-40 yo attractive milfs go for younger guys

      yeah they probably frick worse and are far more inexperienced but they look good and can be shown off in public unlike the balding subhuman who watches tutorials by Sterling Cooper at 40 years of age

  36. 7 months ago

    By 23 I was NW3.5+, it looked so shit I had to shave it off. I used to be the pretty boy in hs, I have a nice jaw and I'm tall, I've been working out since I was 17 too but when I lost my hair it was like a roastie hit the wall at full speed, even my mother told me I looked like shit. All the attention vanished, I couldn't even stand looking at my dome in the mirror. Started wearing caps everywhere to cope. Shaved my head for a year and during that time I did my research on hair transplants, took out a loan, got 3200 grafts FUE (not in turkey, don't really recommend it). Now 1 year later (25), my hair has grown and holy shit I look basically the same as when I was 20-21. I can finally go hatless to the gym and not look like a coping clown and the mires are back too. In fact, today I approached this redhead chick that was doing an exercise next to me, got her contacts, she couldn't be older than 20. She probably would instantly reject me if it happened last year when I was bald.
    Hats off to all the baldbros who managed to make it despite the hair loss, it truly is debilitating if it happens to you in your early 20s

    • 7 months ago

      What was the skull shape like, I'm guessing not good? Shaved it like 4 weeks ago funnily enough also at Norwood 3.5 and also at 23, honestly I feel sort of fine with it, never was a slayer or anything, I'm a shy, socially stunted moron who lifts and plays Warhammer 40k but I'm content. I'm guessing it hits harder the higher up you are. Apparently blacks girl love a bald white guy and they're my type so honestly, don't mind it.

      • 7 months ago

        >What was the skull shape like, I'm guessing not good?
        just shave it bro! advice does not fricking work if you don't have a good skull shape. if you don't what are you supposed to do just die? nobody wants to be alone because of things out of their control

        • 7 months ago

          I mean realistically 90% of people have serviceable skull shape and along with a big neck that's enough, big neck is fricking so key for bald.
          Honestly despite being bald, I wouldn't hold it against a guy for wearing those wig things if their skull shape truly is unserviceable. Women fraud 4x as hard for shit they can control all the time, I see nothing wrong with a guy wearing a wig if his skull shape truly is abominable as long as all else is in check. Better than blasting hormone blockers that's for damn sure.

          Not good although I had a gf at the time and she told me she preferred it that way, but she was also insanely jealous and I figured it was not true, just a way for her to feel safe that I'll stay hers.
          Also don't racemix, especially with blacks. You'll dishonor all your ancestors if you do

          Frick you! Someone has to make the Vin Diesels of the world, and if not me, then who else?

          • 7 months ago

            >I wouldn't hold it against a guy for wearing those wig things if their skull shape truly is unserviceable
            I know a dude that's 19 and wears one, wouldn't have known if he didn't tell me because he has a fringe, honestly if my shit was NW4+ at that age I'd probably just have killed myself, I'm genuinely sympathetic to men that have to go through that

            • 7 months ago

              I was Norwood 3 at 19, but it just sort of stayed there until recently and then it started to thin out. I never actually noticed it much UNTIL the thinning. The wig, I think they're called hair systems now, is a last resort because for a guy, it truly is instant social death which is fricked because no guy shaves his full head of hair to wear one, it's forced.
              But oh well, with perspective for most men it's not that bad honestly, for some it's truly terrible but for most it's sort of a inconvenience after a long period of painful change.


              >Someone has to make the Vin Diesels of the world, and if not me, then who else?
              *soma time stops*

              Quadroons will inherit the Earth.

              • 7 months ago

                i think there is a certain threshold of looks (which consist of face (hair + skin + facial bones + eye color and shape) and body (height, frame, muscles, leanness) ), you know, the sum total, and if you pass that threshold, women select you based only on that, the rest is depending on the circumstances. Basically if you're attractive, you're attractive.

                Most men (80-90%) fall below that threshold and have to compensate with other things by creating value for the women in other ways, such as handling her emotions, providing, etc.
                For such men, it doesn't matter as much if they lost their hair because they're below the threshold anyway.
                Let me put it this way, for me if I don't see even from a distant silhouette that a girl has a nice face, hair and a slim body, she basically doesn't exist to me and I would never even think of approaching her. But if, hypothetically, by being with her I'll be able to become a billionaire somehow, well, let's just say I'd find a way to make it work

              • 7 months ago

                I think that 80% - 90% figure is way overshot. I know it's from that OkCupid study but I always saw that as semi self selecting, prostitutes gonna prostitute sort of thing and not representing the majority, maybe optimistic, maybe not. I'd like to hope most women aren't all scheming, conniving prostitutes and I like to think that through knowing some, they mostly aren't because if they are, why bother interacting with such a vile counterpart?
                Breaking down attraction to purely measurements and checklists I do feel like have a deleterious effect upon the soul, even if to a degree are correct. It's corrosive and I know it, Looksmax becoming semi mainstream is disgusting, it makes you see people as pieces of meat and bone, have or have nots and even if you don't browse it actively, it still effects us all, like ambient radiation from a fuel cell.

                feels even better on a freshly shaved head

                Razor head feels so fricking soft it's unreal, first time I went to razor, I couldn't stop touching it.

              • 7 months ago

                >I'd like to hope most women aren't all scheming, conniving prostitutes and I like to think that through knowing some, they mostly aren't because if they are, why bother interacting with such a vile counterpart?
                Benis in bagina + children + company. They aren't consciously like that though, but it amounts to that.

                >Breaking down attraction to purely measurements and checklists I do feel like have a deleterious effect upon the soul, even if to a degree are correct. It's corrosive and I know it, Looksmax becoming semi mainstream is disgusting, it makes you see people as pieces of meat and bone, have or have nots and even if you don't browse it actively, it still effects us all, like ambient radiation from a fuel cell.
                Why not develop your body, mind and soul to their limits?

              • 7 months ago

                Looksmaxing in essence I can agree with, be the best you that you can be is a good message, seems like though in reality it's morphed, maybe raped rather, into esoteric, harmful cantrips like smashing your face with a hammer or shattering your femurs. Instead of it being "Embrace you but better" it's now become "Reject you, embrace someone else, tear your face off, shatter your bones, destroy yourself in body and soul for prostitutes". Pic rel is better for 90% of people, Looksmaxing has its place, but achieving that sort of true self esteem and self consistency will do more for the majority of humans.

              • 7 months ago

                put it this way. there are not nearly enough attractive men in this world for every woman, and most women don’t want to get into relationships with men more attractive than them. casual sex, that’s different, but there’s no security in being with a man who can pull more attractive women and has plenty of opportunities to cheat. they want to be the prize, the center of attention, not competing with other women for his attention. then there are the sanctimonious women who like to think they’re above it all and aren’t shallow and don’t care about looks and they’re a good person and better than other women for it. also the women who exclaim that attractive men have no personality so they won’t bother to date them. anyway there’s plenty of opportunity to get you a woman without being looksmax

              • 7 months ago

                >then there are the sanctimonious women who like to think they’re above it all and aren’t shallow and don’t care about looks and they’re a good person and better than other women for it.
                Well put, it's true

              • 7 months ago

                >there are not nearly enough attractive men in this world for every woman, and most women don’t want to get into relationships with men more attractive than them. casual sex, that’s different, but there’s no security in being with a man who can pull more attractive women and has plenty of opportunities to cheat
                they consider the vast majority of men as completely unattractive, though, and feel no pressure to settle down, because the state will shield them from their bad decisions and absolve them of any responsibility. they'll more likely end up alone than settle for an average guy. she'll behave just as you described, but when she's way too old.

              • 7 months ago

                not my problem. i’m in the top 7% of desired. i also live in the real world and understand these b***hes can either wait on their mythical knight and shining Chad that’ll never save them while their looks waste away, or settle with the average joe to avoid a lonely sexless life

          • 7 months ago

            >Someone has to make the Vin Diesels of the world, and if not me, then who else?
            *soma time stops*

      • 7 months ago

        Not good although I had a gf at the time and she told me she preferred it that way, but she was also insanely jealous and I figured it was not true, just a way for her to feel safe that I'll stay hers.
        Also don't racemix, especially with blacks. You'll dishonor all your ancestors if you do

    • 7 months ago

      Redpillers always go on about the female wall and shit

      balding is that exact equivalent for men but it can start as early as your fricking teens
      if you're bald as male from teens to your 30's your prime never even started

      Balding signals age and subhumanity to women

    • 7 months ago

      >even my mother told me I looked like shit

    • 7 months ago

      UPDATE: I met up with the girl after talking to her on snapchat, turns out she is jailbait so sadly nothing could happen further. But I asked her how old she thought I was and she said like 21-22, whereas just 1 year ago people saw me as 30+. Trust me bros, a good hair transplant (assuming you have good donor hair) could potentially save your dating life

      • 7 months ago

        Post pics gay

  37. 7 months ago

    I wish my hair was just receding instead of balding on the crown

  38. 7 months ago

    It feels great when women run their hands through my hair and pet me after we frick.

    • 7 months ago

      feels even better on a freshly shaved head

  39. 7 months ago

    I've been doing scalp massages for a couple of months now and I'm seeing small new hairs on my temples, WAGMI.

  40. 7 months ago

    > be me
    > high T
    > sharp widow's peak at 26

    starting fin today. pray for me(ga gains)

  41. 7 months ago

    If I go bald I will get one of those hair systems. They look better than my natty hair anyway

  42. 7 months ago

    ruined my life, didn't even make it until halfway though college, feels bad knowing no matter what I do in life I'll never have true companionship (those that say just marry a thirdie I have no idea how you live with yourselves knowing they're only with you for money/passport and not for you as a person)

  43. 7 months ago

    >ITT idiots think they know better than a doctor and refuse to take fin and min
    >proceed to go bald, look like shit and complain about their circumstances

    You're all fools. If you took the medications you'd be fine, but no, you all know better. I bet most of you are anti-vax too so you get what you deserve.

    • 7 months ago

      My homosexual doctor is the one who told me not to take fin

    • 7 months ago

      I've been on fin for a year and it hasn't helped. No sides, but also no gains, still shedding hair

      • 7 months ago

        I took fin and min and got b***h breasts now I gotta cut 10 lb and be underweight to have them not be noticeable and wear pocket tees for the rest of my life. Gfys.

        try topical. it works much better and and affects the systemic DHT levels to a much lesser extent. everyone uses oral fin and topical min when it should be the other way around

    • 7 months ago

      I took fin and min and got b***h breasts now I gotta cut 10 lb and be underweight to have them not be noticeable and wear pocket tees for the rest of my life. Gfys.

    • 7 months ago

      Lol nice falseflag, anti-fin vaxxoid baldie. I can see right through you.
      I'd inject fin into my balls and min into my chest before ever taking the vax bro. I bet it's less riskier even-

  44. 7 months ago

    Been shaving my head for the last 6 years at least. I love it

    Bald plus beard is gay as
    Bald and clean shaven or bald plus stubble is way better

    • 7 months ago

      >Been shaving my head for the last 6 years at least
      >I love it

      Holly cope batman!

      >Bald plus beard is gay as
      Can't grow a beard either by the looks of things. It's ogre

      • 7 months ago

        >Been shaving my head for the last 6 years at least. I love it
        >Holly cope batman!
        Not really a cope. My options are let it grow out and look like shit, take meds which won't do shit because my baldness is that far progressed, or shave and keep my head looking clean.
        Out of all options its by far the best one. Also I always hated my thin curly hair growing up and I think bald suits me better

        >Bald plus beard is gay as
        >Can't grow a beard either by the looks of things. It's ogre
        I can, but no managers at work wear a beard. None of the managers of customer companies wear beards. There is definitely a grooming standard for higher management in my industry, which is where I am headed
        It's definitely a better look professionally to be clean shaven, or a short groomed stubble beard

        • 7 months ago

          >won't do shit because my baldness is that far progressed
          you never know until you try. there are people going from norwood 4-5 to norwood 1 after a few months. it should at least be enough to get to eligible for a transplant

  45. 7 months ago

    Can't be arsed doing it daily but yeah, shave tomorrow for the weekend, looking forward to it

    • 7 months ago

      I used to shave almost everyday to be clean shaven. These days I can't be fricked, and shave 1 to 2 times a week

  46. 7 months ago

    >be a man
    >know that men are predisposed to androgenic alopecia
    >6 month supply of foam minoxidil is 40 dollars
    >Ru, pyrilutamide, topical finasteride, ketoconazole, bpc157, all vialable options to bolster scalp hair and protect from balding
    >heh just shave it once a week like it's a beard bro it's way easier
    So you homosexuals can shave your head every 2 days but you couldnt be arsed to spend 30 seconds in the morning and night taking care of your hair?

    • 7 months ago

      pharma shill troony, you vaxxed too?

      • 7 months ago

        >troon is afraid of 10% testosterone increase on fin
        go back to your testosterone blockers

  47. 7 months ago

    News flash
    No one cares about your fricking hair

    • 7 months ago

      I care + I asked + smile about it + stay glad + W + not basic + skill + touched grass check mark + rational + you rose up + no hate + awesome sauce + cool beans + not cringe + nice job + based + grammar good thumbs up + you're good + GG + have a good day

    • 7 months ago

      People do care but the truth is most men place too much importance on it and think their hair makes them more attractive than it does. They are deathly afraid of losing it although it actually only makes them a tiny bit more attractive than if they were bald. Of course, there are exceptions, but most people I see that say shit like "I'd kill myself if I was bald" don't even have nice hair.

      • 7 months ago

        But it is true, my friend. Hair detracts from the face. It’s what people look at first. Chop it off and your facial features are accentuated. For that, long hair benefits average looking guys. Shaved heads have a remarkable ability to accentuate facial features. With no hair to distract from the face, the focus shifts to strong jawlines, prominent cheekbones, and captivating eyes. If you’re not a looker, a lack of hair will only be a disadvantage.

  48. 7 months ago

    95% of people shaving their head are like this IRL. you aren't Jason Statham, even Costanza hair is better

  49. 7 months ago

    What's is called when hair is thinning on the top my head (not the crown) but my hairline is intact?

  50. 7 months ago

    I think 90% of all of you that fell for the shave-it Reddit meme would be 10x better off leaving at least an inch of hair on top, and maybe #2 guard remaining in the sides, no matter how thin your hair is. Very few people look good totally shaved even at a #1 guard or especially razor level. There’s a sweet spot between longish thin hair that looks like you’re trying to hide something vs 1” and rocking that with confidence. Think of it as a slight beard to hide your ugly skull shape. Same as how some of you grow a beard to hide your weak chin yet remove all hair from your skull thinking you look good. Cover some of that up. Most of you resemble that redhead with the shaved head and beard that worked out a lot that everyone always posts. Trust me I buzzed my hair to a stubble and the pictures in hindsight are awful. Now I’m in my 40s and let it grow a bit and looks much better.

    • 7 months ago

      >I think 90% of all of you that fell for the shave-it Reddit meme would be 10x better off leaving at least an inch of hair on top, and maybe #2 guard remaining in the sides, no matter how thin your hair is. Very few people look good totally shaved even at a #1 guard or especially razor level
      this. 3mm is the shortest anyone should go for

  51. 7 months ago

    No one gives a frick about your hair holy shit just wear a hat if it bothers you that much. Your hair isn't the problem, your insecurity about it is the problem.

  52. 7 months ago

    Does not cooming for a long period really helps thicken your hair?

    • 7 months ago

      No, its mostly genetics. You can be an extreme coomer and have hair thicker than rope, or a complete celibate and be bald at 20. It was all determined before you were even born

  53. 7 months ago

    I shaved my head in my 20s and got a lot of pussy

    • 7 months ago

      I shaved my head as an 18 year old virgin and continue to get lots of pussy

  54. 7 months ago

    Couple mm stubble on a square jaw butt chin. Wet shave head every couple days. Thick as frick neck from neck harness work twice weekly.
    Lots of female attention. I'm short too.

  55. 7 months ago

    Baldbros, how do I prevent shave bumps?

    I use one of those circular razors to clean my head but it leaves some shave bumps. So I end up using a small electric razor but it takes longer to shave my head.

  56. 7 months ago

    Been taking fin for a year with mixed results. Positively it stopped my itchy scalp and dry skin. I’ve had no sexual or other side effects. In terms of my hair, I notice it seems to have continued thinning up front. If my hair gets wet I can notice it. Aside from that I have the same NW2 hairline and pretty thick. It may be cope on my end but I’m pretty sure most people don’t think I’m balding, unless they’re a dude that’s already self conscious about it themselves.

    I’ve read that the regrowth can really kick in around 18-24 months in so I guess I have that to look forward to. The stupid thing is I waited until 26 before starting even though I knew about fin as a 20 year old when it started. Not hating on you baldies, I think I will probably join you eventually. Just adding a perspective.

  57. 7 months ago

    Hair is something I'd actually fight for

    Been on propecia for 2 years, 0 side effects, and hair fuller, the widows peak still a problem

  58. 7 months ago

    >Still get acne
    Go on without me

    • 7 months ago

      same. what worked for me is micellair water every morning and evening before bed + bamboo pillow case. hopefully it works for you bro.

      sadly my face is acne scarred out of the ass already

  59. 7 months ago

    I embraced it, honestly.

    Used to wear one of those glued-on "hair systems" (aka toupee), but maintaning it was too much work and it was making me neurotic about people noticing it.

    • 7 months ago

      good for you, i can imagine a hair system would just exacerbate the focus on it

    • 7 months ago

      based. I just keep it short (no. 2) and let it do its thing

    • 7 months ago

      I heard it's basically impossible for someone to notice it, but yeah, I'd never go for it because of all the hassle involved

  60. 7 months ago

    Not balding but any tips to keep hair as long as possible?

  61. 7 months ago

    Is it just a widows peak or am I balding, bros?

    • 7 months ago

      looks like a normal hairline. mine was worse when I was like 11, but could be balding if your temple hair used to be much lower, depends on what it looked like before

      • 7 months ago

        I'm 32 for reference. It hasn't changed since I was 25. At 16, my straight hairline began receding very slowly until becoming like that at 25.

        • 7 months ago

          looks like it's a "mature hairline" i.e. early stages of balding which happens to most guys, even those who never go bald and could or could not progress further. probably a good idea to monitor it closely and start using a topical antiandrogen or fin the moment you notice some further recession or a shed.

          • 7 months ago

            Alright thanks man. If I can keep my hairline until 50, I'm happy.

    • 7 months ago

      Very similar to my hairline. I've been told mine looks fine, just mature, so I'll say the same thing to you

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