>be me. > junior drone in an office

>be me
> junior drone in an office
>read fit advice that you're valued as much for being an amicable office mate that knows everyone's life than for your work
>notice fat hag is getting slimmer
>overhear her talking about it with other hags how she has a color system (it's CICO)
>one day she's walking down my aisle (I have the desk right at the end that no one wants because everyone can see your screen)
>remember fit advice and say "hey Lindy, you're looking great looks you did a great job losing all this fat"

She looked at me like I just said I liked to eat babies for breakfast, she turned her head away and didn't even reply. What the frick?? What's this shitty advice fit they don't want you to notice their lives, they just want you to shut the frick up. Frick you.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Start looksmaxxing

  2. 5 months ago

    haha, made me laugh OP. bless you and your little autistic heart

  3. 5 months ago

    Woof. Today you learned that women don't like when you "compliment" that they lost weight. Because you are implying they were fat and ugly earlier. Just tell her she is looking good next time. No worries dude

    • 5 months ago

      I don't know I think I'll just give up trying to fit in. It's like when I told her that her colour scheme was just counting calories and that she'd be better actually counting them and that the seeds she was eating right now we're actually high calorie. She didn't appreciate my advice and just gave me a polite disgust-smile and I could see she was making the office Jim eyes with other hags in the pantry.

      • 5 months ago

        Kek. You've been marked as the office b***h anon, you basically didn't pass the first impressions check. Nothing you will say or do will win them back now.

      • 5 months ago

        Frick the office world man. Go find a remote job then go form a friend group from your local gym or crossfit

      • 5 months ago

        Women do not want to know the truth, they just want to have good feelings

      • 5 months ago

        This is called mansplaining. They don’t want you to tell you how it is, they want you to be like oh man you’ve been doing great etc

    • 5 months ago

      I read the number one phrase women most want to hear is 'have you lost weight'

      • 5 months ago

        In the mind of a woman, asking if she lost weight is different than saying good job on losing that weight.

  4. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago



      >be me
      > junior drone in an office
      >read fit advice that you're valued as much for being an amicable office mate that knows everyone's life than for your work
      >notice fat hag is getting slimmer
      >overhear her talking about it with other hags how she has a color system (it's CICO)
      >one day she's walking down my aisle (I have the desk right at the end that no one wants because everyone can see your screen)
      >remember fit advice and say "hey Lindy, you're looking great looks you did a great job losing all this fat"

      She looked at me like I just said I liked to eat babies for breakfast, she turned her head away and didn't even reply. What the frick?? What's this shitty advice fit they don't want you to notice their lives, they just want you to shut the frick up. Frick you.

      post body

    • 5 months ago

      I want to be top guy but I have been cursed with eternal chudface

    • 5 months ago

      haha, made me laugh OP. bless you and your little autistic heart


      >be me
      > junior drone in an office
      >read fit advice that you're valued as much for being an amicable office mate that knows everyone's life than for your work
      >notice fat hag is getting slimmer
      >overhear her talking about it with other hags how she has a color system (it's CICO)
      >one day she's walking down my aisle (I have the desk right at the end that no one wants because everyone can see your screen)
      >remember fit advice and say "hey Lindy, you're looking great looks you did a great job losing all this fat"

      She looked at me like I just said I liked to eat babies for breakfast, she turned her head away and didn't even reply. What the frick?? What's this shitty advice fit they don't want you to notice their lives, they just want you to shut the frick up. Frick you.

      I mean the image is true but the way you worded it was autistic and then you came here to make a thread, it's laughable and made me chuckle too.
      Only a god tier chad would've gotten away with that comment


      This is why autists are superior. We can actually use our minds to figure out new inventions and ideas that revolutionize society. Meanwhile normiecattle are stuck thinking about all these pointless stupid social rules so they can suck up to old hags.

      What have you done lil bro, the great inventors are mostly obsessed with something and reject b***hes without needing anyone to explain them social rules. Autist frauds like musk have sex and are carried by their parent's money and stealing from others

  5. 5 months ago

    You said fat that killed you. Just say you look great did you lose weight?

  6. 5 months ago

    >he took advice from fit

    • 5 months ago

      >I was listening to your conversations Lindy
      >About the fat
      >You are less fat now but I want you to know CICO was a israeli scam created by sugar companies

      • 5 months ago

        why do people post ai images like this everywhere as reaction pics .etc. do you seriously not see how dystopian the ai art trend is? why not just post a frog instead...

        • 5 months ago

          because it's funny, stupid and absurd

  7. 5 months ago

    You can't compliment women in a direct way, especially if you don't know them or aren't part of communication, especially if you are ugly, especially if you don't have a gf already and she knows that you don't have one

    She was creeped out because she never told you that she is working out. You looked like a creep. Also you said "losing all this fat" which has negative connotations in of itself". You should have said
    >Hey Linda, you are looking fit lately. Are you training or something?
    Not only is it a positive comment (not relating to the negative aspect) but also it leaves the door open for her to converse and divulge. If she gives a quick easy response like:
    >"Oh yea? Thank you, I am training."
    Then she took your compliment and doesn't want to discuss anything more with you. Don't push further for more info. Just finish the conversation and move forward. If she divulges and creates a discussion then go further and ask a couple more honest questions and maybe open up about your IST experience. See where conversation leads you.

    Next time, remember that 80% of conversation is nonverbal. Context, body language, facial gestures and general social hierarchy and status matter in any given conversation. Your compliments mean little to others if you are a nobody. Also they mean nothing if they aren't delivered correctly. Also they mean nothing if you appear scammy or fake.

    • 5 months ago

      Why are women so complicated?

      • 5 months ago

        They're not. This board is full of incels don't listen to them

    • 5 months ago

      >social hierarchy and status matter
      damn, people actually think about shit like this ?

      • 5 months ago

        It's unconscious, you don't need to think about it.
        But if you do, that gives you an edge, because that's how it works whether you want it or not, and know it or not.

        • 5 months ago

          In spirituality, there is a paradox that whst the practitioner is seeking os that which is doing the seeking. The quest itself is what is preventing the fruition of the path. The moment one sits, exhausted from practice, and lets go of all effort, is the moment one achieves realisation.

          This is similar to being cool. One's attempt to be cool is what is preventing one from being cool; the knowledge of social hierarchy and so on is a step up from just blindly stumbling around without any awareness of the situation, but ultimately thinking about it is unnessecary - the first time anyone tells you "you really are tha alpha male", you realise that you haven't thought about it for a long time and it's almost emarrassing that you would get put in that context again, because you actually have risen above it and value yourself too highly to stratify yourself among others. The moment you relax out of the system is the moment you become cool.

          I think.

          • 5 months ago

            >just be urself bro don't think about it
            jk; just create flow states. There's papers about it

      • 5 months ago

        Yes, complimenting your boss or someone who is seriously above you in power structure seems rude.
        Would you come up to Ronnie Coleman and say to him "hey bud, great job squatting 500lbs, you did great"? No you wouldn't.

      • 5 months ago

        yes women actually think about that. it’s the basis for 50% of their attraction towards men

    • 5 months ago


      >I was listening to your conversations Lindy
      >About the fat
      >You are less fat now but I want you to know CICO was a israeli scam created by sugar companies

      You shouldnt have said it like that, mentioning "fat". Made her self conscious

      Women do not want to know the truth, they just want to have good feelings

      You should have instead said "Damn shawty you thicc af"


      You are supposed to say "you look great today!" Nothing else you cretin.

      This is why autists are superior. We can actually use our minds to figure out new inventions and ideas that revolutionize society. Meanwhile normiecattle are stuck thinking about all these pointless stupid social rules so they can suck up to old hags.

      • 5 months ago

        Get a job you bum

  8. 5 months ago

    Why haven't we banned frog posting yet

    • 5 months ago

      should ban you instead for almost stealing those quads

  9. 5 months ago

    Have you tried being more attractive?

  10. 5 months ago

    You shouldnt have said it like that, mentioning "fat". Made her self conscious

  11. 5 months ago

    You should have instead said "Damn shawty you thicc af"

  12. 5 months ago

    Your an autist

  13. 5 months ago

    are you brown?

  14. 5 months ago

    You are supposed to say "you look great today!" Nothing else you cretin.

  15. 5 months ago

    You're a moron

  16. 5 months ago

    >hey Lindy, you're looking great looks you did a great job losing all this fat

  17. 5 months ago

    Next time when you see her ash her if she started bulking and what is her 1rep max on dl.
    But seriously, that sounded stupid and reminded her that she is still fat. Besides, she now know that you have noticed her being overweight before.
    You should never give direct compliment. Not like "you have nice shoes", but "where did you get those shoes".
    Ask tyem about their hobbies. If they tell everyone about their vocation, just ask question as if you are really interested. Ask them tell you more. If they tell you about yheir hobbies, act as if you are interested and ask more about it.

  18. 5 months ago

    Good for you OP. You're human.
    Only a soulless gay that doesn't value himself would start walking on egg shells to fit in a social circle. But you didn't do that; you made an honest, human attempt at socialising, which didn't include any mind tricks, just the compliment.
    Frick that fat prostitute. Who the frick reacts like that because a compliment wasn't worded "properly"?

  19. 5 months ago

    >hey Lindy, you're looking great looks you did a great job losing all this fat

  20. 5 months ago

    >all that fat
    this was your mistake. fatties, especially women fatties, do want to hear positive input on their weight loss but don't want to hear about how fat they were before
    you may as well have called her a former whale

  21. 5 months ago

    Are you Swedish per chance? I'm getting big Swede vibes

  22. 5 months ago

    >hey Lindy, I noticed you’re no longer a fat sack of shit, great job reducing the degree of repulsive appearance your disgusting fat sack of shit body created! I once threw up when i saw you
    >i don’t get why im being reported to HR?

  23. 5 months ago

    I know what OP said was moronic but if you told me to explain it to an autistic person why it's wrong I couldn't do it

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